Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 Santhosh Kumar Tekuri * * The JLibs authors license this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package jlibs.wamp4j.netty; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.*; import jlibs.wamp4j.spi.Listener; import jlibs.wamp4j.spi.MessageType; import jlibs.wamp4j.spi.WAMPOutputStream; import jlibs.wamp4j.spi.WAMPSocket; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; /** * @author Santhosh Kumar Tekuri */ public class NettyWebSocket extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter implements WAMPSocket { private final WebSocketServerHandshaker handshaker; private final String subProtocol; protected ChannelHandlerContext ctx; private ChannelPromise voidPromise; public NettyWebSocket(WebSocketServerHandshaker handshaker, String subProtocol) { this.handshaker = handshaker; this.subProtocol = subProtocol; } @Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { this.ctx = ctx; voidPromise =; if (listener != null) listener.readyToWrite(this); super.channelActive(ctx); } @Override public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { if (listener != null) listener.onClose(this); super.channelInactive(ctx); } private final NettyInputStream is = new NettyInputStream(); @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception { if (msg instanceof WebSocketFrame) { WebSocketFrame frame = (WebSocketFrame) msg; try { if (frame instanceof TextWebSocketFrame || frame instanceof BinaryWebSocketFrame) { if (listener != null) { MessageType type = frame instanceof TextWebSocketFrame ? MessageType.text : MessageType.binary; is.reset(frame.content()); listener.onMessage(this, type, is); } } else if (frame instanceof PingWebSocketFrame) ctx.write(new PongWebSocketFrame(frame.content().retain())); else if (frame instanceof CloseWebSocketFrame) handshaker.close(, (CloseWebSocketFrame) frame.retain()); } finally { frame.release(); } } else ctx.fireChannelRead(msg); } @Override public void channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { if (listener != null) listener.onReadComplete(this); ctx.fireChannelReadComplete(); } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception { if (listener != null) listener.onError(this, cause); } @Override public String subProtocol() { return subProtocol; } protected Listener listener; @Override public void setListener(Listener listener) { this.listener = listener; } @Override public void send(MessageType type, WAMPOutputStream out) { ByteBuf buffer = ((NettyOutputStream) out).buffer; WebSocketFrame frame = type == MessageType.text ? new TextWebSocketFrame(buffer) : new BinaryWebSocketFrame(buffer); ctx.write(frame, voidPromise); } @Override public boolean isAutoRead() { return; } @Override public void setAutoRead(boolean autoRead) {; } @Override public boolean isWritable() { return; } @Override public void flush() { ctx.flush(); } @Override public boolean isOpen() { return; } @Override public void channelWritabilityChanged(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { if ( && listener != null) listener.readyToWrite(this); } @Override public void close() { ctx.writeAndFlush(new CloseWebSocketFrame()).addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); } @Override public void kill() { try { Method method = AbstractNioChannel.class.getDeclaredMethod("javaChannel"); method.setAccessible(true); SocketChannel channel = (SocketChannel) method.invoke(; channel.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); ctx.close(); } } }