Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010 - 2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jetbrains.exodus.gc; import jetbrains.exodus.ExodusException; import jetbrains.exodus.core.dataStructures.hash.IntHashMap; import jetbrains.exodus.core.dataStructures.hash.LongHashSet; import jetbrains.exodus.core.dataStructures.hash.LongSet; import jetbrains.exodus.core.execution.JobProcessorAdapter; import jetbrains.exodus.env.EnvironmentConfig; import jetbrains.exodus.env.EnvironmentImpl; import jetbrains.exodus.env.StoreImpl; import jetbrains.exodus.env.TransactionImpl; import; import jetbrains.exodus.log.*; import jetbrains.exodus.tree.IExpirationChecker; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; @SuppressWarnings({ "ThisEscapedInObjectConstruction" }) public final class GarbageCollector { public static final String UTILIZATION_PROFILE_STORE_NAME = "exodus.gc.up"; private static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log logging = LogFactory.getLog(GarbageCollector.class); @NotNull private final EnvironmentImpl env; @NotNull private final EnvironmentConfig ec; @NotNull private final UtilizationProfile utilizationProfile; @NotNull private final LongSet pendingFilesToDelete; @NotNull private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Long> deletionQueue; @NotNull private final BackgroundCleaner cleaner; private volatile int newFiles; // number of new files appeared after last cleaning job @NotNull private final IExpirationChecker expirationChecker; @NotNull private final IntHashMap<StoreImpl> openStoresCache; public GarbageCollector(@NotNull final EnvironmentImpl env) { this.env = env; ec = env.getEnvironmentConfig(); pendingFilesToDelete = new LongHashSet(); deletionQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); utilizationProfile = new UtilizationProfile(env, this); cleaner = new BackgroundCleaner(this); newFiles = ec.getGcFilesInterval() + 1; if (!ec.getGcUseExpirationChecker()) { expirationChecker = IExpirationChecker.NONE; } else { expirationChecker = new IExpirationChecker() { @Override public boolean expired(@NotNull final Loggable loggable) { return utilizationProfile.isExpired(loggable); } @Override public boolean expired(long startAddress, int length) { return utilizationProfile.isExpired(startAddress, length); } }; } openStoresCache = new IntHashMap<>(); env.getLog().addNewFileListener(new NewFileListener() { @Override public void fileCreated(long fileAddress) { ++newFiles; if (!cleaner.isCleaning() && newFiles > ec.getGcFilesInterval() && isTooMuchFreeSpace()) { wake(); } } }); } public void setCleanerJobProcessor(@NotNull final JobProcessorAdapter processor) { cleaner.setJobProcessor(processor); } public void wake() { if (ec.isGcEnabled()) { env.executeTransactionSafeTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { cleaner.queueCleaningJob(); } }); } } public void wakeAt(final long millis) { if (ec.isGcEnabled()) { cleaner.queueCleaningJobAt(millis); } } public int getMaximumFreeSpacePercent() { return 100 - ec.getGcMinUtilization(); } public void fetchExpiredLoggables(@NotNull final Iterable<Loggable> loggables) { utilizationProfile.fetchExpiredLoggables(loggables); } public long getFileFreeBytes(final long fileAddress) { return utilizationProfile.getFileFreeBytes(fileAddress); } public boolean isExpired(final long startAddress, final int length) { return utilizationProfile.isExpired(startAddress, length); } public void suspend() { cleaner.suspend(); } public void resume() { cleaner.resume(); } public void finish() { cleaner.finish(); } @NotNull public UtilizationProfile getUtilizationProfile() { return utilizationProfile; } public void saveUtilizationProfile() { // this condition is necessary for LogRecoveryTest if (ec.isGcEnabled()) {; } } @SuppressWarnings("OverlyLongMethod") public /* public access is necessary to invoke the method from the Reflect class */ boolean doCleanFile(final long fileAddress) { // the file may be already cleaned if (isFileToBeDeleted(fileAddress)) { return false; } loggingInfo("start cleanFile(" + env.getLocation() + File.separatorChar + LogUtil.getLogFilename(fileAddress) + ')'); // At first, we clone whole meta tree inside of 'begin transaction' // in order to save it completely on commit of transaction. // Thus we can ignore all loggables belonging to the meta tree. final TransactionImpl txn = env.beginTransactionWithClonedMetaTree(); try { final Log log = getLog(); if (logging.isDebugEnabled()) { final long high = log.getHighAddress(); final long highFile = log.getHighFileAddress(); logging.debug(String.format( "Cleaner acquired txn when log high address was: %d (%s@%d) when cleaning file %s", high, LogUtil.getLogFilename(highFile), high - highFile, LogUtil.getLogFilename(fileAddress))); } final long nextFileAddress = log.getNextFileAddress(fileAddress); final Iterator<RandomAccessLoggable> loggables = log.getLoggableIterator(fileAddress); while (loggables.hasNext()) { final RandomAccessLoggable loggable =; if (nextFileAddress != Loggable.NULL_ADDRESS && loggable.getAddress() >= nextFileAddress) { break; } final int structureId = loggable.getStructureId(); if (structureId != Loggable.NO_STRUCTURE_ID && structureId != EnvironmentImpl.META_TREE_ID) { StoreImpl store = openStoresCache.get(structureId); if (store == null) { // TODO: remove openStoresCache when txn.openStoreByStructureId() is fast enough (XD-381) store = txn.openStoreByStructureId(structureId); openStoresCache.put(structureId, store); } store.reclaim(txn, loggable, loggables, expirationChecker); } } if (!txn.forceFlush()) { Thread.yield(); return false; } } catch (Throwable e) { logging.error("cleanFile(" + LogUtil.getLogFilename(fileAddress) + ')', e); throw ExodusException.toExodusException(e); } finally { txn.abort(); } pendingFilesToDelete.add(fileAddress); env.executeTransactionSafeTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { deletionQueue.offer(fileAddress); } }); return true; } public static boolean isUtilizationProfile(@NotNull final String storeName) { return UTILIZATION_PROFILE_STORE_NAME.equals(storeName); } @NotNull BackgroundCleaner getCleaner() { return cleaner; } int getMinFileAge() { return ec.getGcFileMinAge(); } boolean isTooMuchFreeSpace() { return utilizationProfile.totalFreeSpacePercent() > getMaximumFreeSpacePercent(); } void deletePendingFiles() { cleaner.checkThread(); Long fileAddress; boolean aFileWasDeleted = false; while ((fileAddress = deletionQueue.poll()) != null) { if (doDeletePendingFile(fileAddress)) { aFileWasDeleted = true; } } if (aFileWasDeleted) { utilizationProfile.estimateTotalBytes();; } } @NotNull EnvironmentImpl getEnvironment() { return env; } Log getLog() { return env.getLog(); } /** * Cleans a file by address. In order to avoid race conditions and synchronization issues, * this method should be called from the thread of background cleaner. * * @param fileAddress address of file. * @return true if the file was actually cleaned */ boolean cleanFile(final long fileAddress) { cleaner.checkThread(); return doCleanFile(fileAddress); } /** * Is file already cleaned and is to be deleted soon. * * @param fileAddress address of file. * @return true if file is pending to be deleted soon. */ boolean isFileToBeDeleted(long fileAddress) { return pendingFilesToDelete.contains(fileAddress); } int getNewFiles() { return newFiles; } void resetNewFiles() { newFiles = 0; } /** * For tests only!!! */ void cleanWholeLog() { cleaner.cleanWholeLog(); } /** * For tests only!!! */ void testDeletePendingFiles() { final long[] files = pendingFilesToDelete.toLongArray(); boolean wasDelete = false; for (final long fileAddress : files) { if (doDeletePendingFile(fileAddress)) { wasDelete = true; } } if (wasDelete) { utilizationProfile.estimateTotalBytes(); } } static void loggingInfo(@NotNull final String message) { if (logging.isInfoEnabled()) {; } } private boolean doDeletePendingFile(long fileAddress) { if (pendingFilesToDelete.remove(fileAddress)) { utilizationProfile.removeFile(fileAddress); getLog().removeFile(fileAddress, ec.getGcRenameFiles() ? RemoveBlockType.Rename : RemoveBlockType.Delete); return true; } return false; } }