Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010 - 2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jetbrains.exodus.env; import jetbrains.exodus.ArrayByteIterable; import jetbrains.exodus.ByteIterable; import jetbrains.exodus.ExodusException; import jetbrains.exodus.bindings.LongBinding; import jetbrains.exodus.core.dataStructures.hash.*; import jetbrains.exodus.core.dataStructures.hash.LinkedHashSet; import jetbrains.exodus.gc.GarbageCollector; import; import; import; import; import jetbrains.exodus.log.*; import jetbrains.exodus.log.iterate.CompressedUnsignedLongByteIterable; import jetbrains.exodus.tree.ITree; import jetbrains.exodus.tree.ITreeCursor; import jetbrains.exodus.tree.LongIterator; import jetbrains.exodus.tree.TreeMetaInfo; import jetbrains.exodus.tree.btree.AddressIterator; import jetbrains.exodus.tree.btree.BTree; import jetbrains.exodus.tree.btree.BTreeBalancePolicy; import jetbrains.exodus.tree.patricia.PatriciaTreeBase; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import; import java.util.*; public class Reflect { private static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log logging = LogFactory.getLog(Reflect.class); private static final int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = LogUtil.LOG_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT * 16; private static final int MAX_VALID_LOGGABLE_TYPE = PatriciaTreeBase.MAX_VALID_LOGGABLE_TYPE; private final EnvironmentImpl env; private final Log log; public Reflect(@NotNull final File directory) { final File[] files = LogUtil.listFiles(directory); Arrays.sort(files, new Comparator<File>() { @Override public int compare(File o1, File o2) { long cmp = LogUtil.getAddress(o1.getName()) - LogUtil.getAddress(o2.getName()); if (cmp > 0) return 1; if (cmp < 0) return -1; return 0; } }); final int filesLength = files.length; if (filesLength == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No files found"); } System.out.println("Files found: " + filesLength); int i = 0; long fileSize = 0; for (final File f : files) { ++i; final long length = f.length(); if (fileSize % LogUtil.LOG_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT != 0 && i != filesLength) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Length of non-last file " + f.getName() + " is badly aligned: " + length); } fileSize = Math.max(fileSize, length); } System.out.println("Max file length: " + fileSize); final int pageSize; if (fileSize % DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE == 0 || filesLength == 1) { pageSize = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; } else { pageSize = LogUtil.LOG_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT; } System.out.println("Computed page size: " + pageSize); final DataReader reader = new FileDataReader(directory, 16); final DataWriter writer = new FileDataWriter(directory); LogConfig logConfig = new LogConfig(); logConfig.setReader(reader); logConfig.setWriter(writer); final EnvironmentConfig environmentConfig = new EnvironmentConfig(); environmentConfig .setLogFileSize(((fileSize + pageSize - 1) / pageSize) * pageSize / LogUtil.LOG_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT); environmentConfig.setLogCachePageSize(pageSize); environmentConfig.setGcEnabled(false); env = (EnvironmentImpl) Environments.newInstance(logConfig, environmentConfig); log = env.getLog(); } public List<DatabaseRoot> roots() { final List<DatabaseRoot> roots = new LinkedList<>(); final long[] fileAddresses = log.getAllFileAddresses(); for (int i = fileAddresses.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final long address = fileAddresses[i]; final long endAddress = address + log.getFileSize(address); final Iterator<RandomAccessLoggable> itr = log.getLoggableIterator(address); while (itr.hasNext()) { final Loggable loggable =; if (loggable.getType() == DatabaseRoot.DATABASE_ROOT_TYPE) { DatabaseRoot root = (DatabaseRoot) loggable; if (root.isValid()) { roots.add(root); } else { logging.error("Invalid root at address: " + loggable.getAddress()); } } if (loggable.getAddress() + loggable.length() >= endAddress) break; } } System.out.println("Roots found: " + roots.size()); return roots; } public void traverseAll(List<DatabaseRoot> roots) { final LongSet traversed = new LongHashSet(); final BTreeBalancePolicy strategy = env.getBTreeBalancePolicy(); final MetaTree fallbackMetaTree = env.getMetaTree(null); final AbstractMap<Integer, Long> storeRoots = new IntHashMap<>(); final int[] ids = new int[roots.size()]; // whatever int processed = 0; long totalLength = 0; for (final DatabaseRoot root : roots) { processed++; System.out.println( String.format("Processing root: %d, %d addresses traversed", processed, traversed.size())); int size = 0; final LongHashMap<TreeMetaInfo> meta = new LongHashMap<>(); final BTree metaTree = new BTree(log, strategy, root.getRootAddress(), false, EnvironmentImpl.META_TREE_ID); try (ITreeCursor cursor = metaTree.openCursor()) { while (cursor.getNext()) { try { cursor.getNext(); } catch (ExodusException e) { logging.error("Can't traverse meta tree"); break; } final ArrayByteIterable key = new ArrayByteIterable(cursor.getKey()); if (MetaTree.isStringKey(key)) { final TreeMetaInfo metaInfo = TreeMetaInfo.load(env, cursor.getValue()); meta.put(metaInfo.getStructureId(), metaInfo); } else { final long address = CompressedUnsignedLongByteIterable.getLong(cursor.getValue()); final int structureId = (int) LongBinding.compressedEntryToLong(key); final Long currentAddress = storeRoots.get(structureId); if (currentAddress == null || currentAddress != address) { ids[size++] = structureId; storeRoots.put(structureId, address); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { final int id = ids[i]; final Long currentRoot = storeRoots.get(id); TreeMetaInfo currentInfo = meta.get(id); if (currentInfo == null) { // try falling back to up-to-date meta-info final String name = fallbackMetaTree.getStoreNameByStructureId(id, env); if (name != null) { currentInfo = fallbackMetaTree.getMetaInfo(name, env); } if (currentInfo == null) { logging.error("No meta info for id: " + id); continue; } } try { final BTree tree = new BTree(log, currentRoot, currentInfo.hasDuplicates(), id); final AddressIterator itr = tree.addressIterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { final long address =; if (traversed.contains(address)) { itr.skipSubTree(); } else { final RandomAccessLoggable loggable =; final int length = loggable.length(); totalLength += length; traversed.add(address); } } } catch (BlockNotFoundException ignored) { } } System.out.println(String.format("Total data processed: %10.2fk", (double) totalLength / 1024)); } } public void gatherLogStats() { final long[] fileAddresses = log.getAllFileAddresses(); final IntHashMap<Integer> dataLengths = new IntHashMap<>(); final IntHashMap<Integer> structureIds = new IntHashMap<>(); final IntHashMap<Integer> types = new IntHashMap<>(); int nullLoggables = 0; for (int i = fileAddresses.length - 1; i >= 0;) { echoProgress("Gathering log statistics, reading file", fileAddresses.length, fileAddresses.length - i); final long address = fileAddresses[i--]; final Iterator<RandomAccessLoggable> it = log.getLoggableIterator(address); while (it.hasNext()) { final Loggable loggable =; final long la = loggable.getAddress(); if (i >= 0 && la >= fileAddresses[i]) { echoProgress("Gathering log statistics, reading file", fileAddresses.length, fileAddresses.length - i); --i; } if (NullLoggable.isNullLoggable(loggable)) { ++nullLoggables; } else { inc(dataLengths, loggable.getDataLength()); inc(structureIds, (int) loggable.getStructureId()); inc(types, loggable.getType()); } } } System.out.println(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Null loggables: " + nullLoggables); dumpCounts("Data lengths:", dataLengths); dumpCounts("Structure ids:", structureIds); dumpCounts("Loggable types:", types); } private static void echoProgress(@NotNull final String message, final int total, final int current) { System.out.print( "\r" + message + ' ' + current + " of " + total + ", " + ((current * 100) / total) + "% complete"); } @SuppressWarnings("UnnecessaryBoxing") private static void inc(@NotNull final IntHashMap<Integer> counts, final int key) { final Integer count = counts.get(key); if (count == null) { counts.put(key, Integer.valueOf(1)); } else { counts.put(key, Integer.valueOf(count + 1)); } } private static void dumpCounts(@NotNull final String message, @NotNull final IntHashMap<Integer> counts) { System.out.println(); System.out.println(message); final TreeSet<Integer> sortedKeys = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<Integer>() { @Override public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) { final Integer count1 = counts.get(o1); final Integer count2 = counts.get(o2); if (count1 < count2) { return 1; } if (count2 < count1) { return -1; } return 0; } }); sortedKeys.addAll(counts.keySet()); for (final Integer key : sortedKeys) { System.out.print(key + ":" + counts.get(key) + ' '); } System.out.println(); } public void traverse() { final TreeMap<Long, Long> usedSpace = new TreeMap<>(); System.out.print("Analysing meta tree loggables... "); fetchUsedSpace(env.getMetaTree(null).addressIterator(), usedSpace); final List<String> names = env.computeInReadonlyTransaction(new TransactionalComputable<List<String>>() { @Override public List<String> compute(@NotNull Transaction txn) { return env.getAllStoreNames(txn); } }); env.executeInReadonlyTransaction(new TransactionalExecutable() { @Override public void execute(@NotNull final Transaction txn) { if (env.storeExists(GarbageCollector.UTILIZATION_PROFILE_STORE_NAME, txn)) { names.add(GarbageCollector.UTILIZATION_PROFILE_STORE_NAME); } } }); final int size = names.size(); System.out.println("Done. Stores found: " + size); int i = 0; for (final String name : names) { System.out.println("Traversing store " + name + " (" + ++i + " of " + size + ')'); try { env.executeInTransaction(new TransactionalExecutable() { @Override public void execute(@NotNull final Transaction txn) { final StoreImpl store = env.openStore(name, StoreConfig.USE_EXISTING, txn); int storeSize = 0; try (Cursor cursor = store.openCursor(txn)) { while (cursor.getNext()) { ++storeSize; } } final ITree tree = ((TransactionImpl) txn).getTree(store); fetchUsedSpace(tree.addressIterator(), usedSpace); if (tree.getSize() != storeSize) { logging.error("Stored size (" + tree.getSize() + ") isn't equal to actual size (" + storeSize + ')'); } } }); } catch (Throwable t) { System.out.println(); logging.error("Can't fetch used space for store " + name, t); } } System.out.println(); spaceInfo(usedSpace.entrySet()); } public void copy(@NotNull final File there) { final Environment target = Environments.newInstance(there, env.getEnvironmentConfig()); try { System.out.println("Copying environment to " + target.getLocation()); final List<String> names = env .computeInReadonlyTransaction(new TransactionalComputable<List<String>>() { @Override public List<String> compute(@NotNull Transaction txn) { return env.getAllStoreNames(txn); } }); final int size = names.size(); System.out.println("Stores found: " + size); int i = 0; for (final String name : names) { System.out.print("Copying store " + name + " (" + ++i + " of " + size + ')'); final StoreConfig[] config = new StoreConfig[] { null }; final long[] storeSize = new long[1]; final Map<ByteIterable, Set<ByteIterable>> pairs = new TreeMap<>(); final int[] totalPairs = { 0 }; Throwable storeIsBroken = null; try { env.executeInReadonlyTransaction(new TransactionalExecutable() { @Override public void execute(@NotNull final Transaction txn) { final Store store = env.openStore(name, StoreConfig.USE_EXISTING, txn); config[0] = store.getConfig(); storeSize[0] = store.count(txn); try (Cursor cursor = store.openCursor(txn)) { while (cursor.getNext()) { final ArrayByteIterable key = new ArrayByteIterable(cursor.getKey()); Set<ByteIterable> valuesSet = pairs.get(key); if (valuesSet == null) { valuesSet = new TreeSet<>(); pairs.put(key, valuesSet); } if (valuesSet.add(new ArrayByteIterable(cursor.getValue()))) { ++totalPairs[0]; } } } } }); } catch (Throwable t) { storeIsBroken = t; } if (storeIsBroken != null) { try { env.executeInReadonlyTransaction(new TransactionalExecutable() { @Override public void execute(@NotNull final Transaction txn) { final Store store = env.openStore(name, StoreConfig.USE_EXISTING, txn); config[0] = store.getConfig(); storeSize[0] = store.count(txn); try (Cursor cursor = store.openCursor(txn)) { while (cursor.getPrev()) { final ArrayByteIterable key = new ArrayByteIterable(cursor.getKey()); Set<ByteIterable> valuesSet = pairs.get(key); if (valuesSet == null) { valuesSet = new TreeSet<>(); pairs.put(key, valuesSet); } if (valuesSet.add(new ArrayByteIterable(cursor.getValue()))) { ++totalPairs[0]; } } } } }); } catch (Throwable ignore) { } } if (storeIsBroken != null) { System.out.println(); logging.error("Failed to completely copy store " + name, storeIsBroken); } System.out.println( ". Saved store size = " + storeSize[0] + ", actual number of pairs = " + totalPairs[0]); target.executeInTransaction(new TransactionalExecutable() { @Override public void execute(@NotNull final Transaction txn) { final Store store = target.openStore(name, config[0], txn); for (final Map.Entry<ByteIterable, Set<ByteIterable>> pair : pairs.entrySet()) { final ByteIterable key = pair.getKey(); final Set<ByteIterable> valueSet = pair.getValue(); for (final ByteIterable value : valueSet) { store.putRight(txn, key, value); } } } }); } } finally { target.close(); } } private void fetchUsedSpace(LongIterator itr, TreeMap<Long, Long> usedSpace) { while (itr.hasNext()) { try { final long address =; final RandomAccessLoggable loggable =; final Long fileAddress = log.getFileAddress(address); Long usedBytes = usedSpace.get(fileAddress); if (usedBytes == null) { usedBytes = 0L; } usedBytes += loggable.length(); usedSpace.put(fileAddress, usedBytes); final int type = loggable.getType(); if (type > MAX_VALID_LOGGABLE_TYPE) { logging.error("Wrong loggable type: " + type); } } catch (ExodusException e) { logging.error("Can't enumerate loggable: " + e); } } } public void spaceInfo(Iterable<Map.Entry<Long, Long>> usedSpace) { for (final Map.Entry<Long, Long> pair : usedSpace) { long address = pair.getKey(); final long size = log.getFileSize(address); if (size <= 0) { logging.error("Empty file unexpected"); } else { final String msg; final Long usedBytes = pair.getValue(); if (usedBytes == null) { msg = ": unknown"; } else { msg = String.format(" %8.2fKB, %4.1f%%", (double) usedBytes / 1024, ((double) usedBytes / size) * 100); } System.out.println("Used bytes in file " + LogUtil.getLogFilename(address) + msg); } } } public void spaceInfoFromUtilization() { spaceInfo(new Iterable<Map.Entry<Long, Long>>() { private final long[] addresses = env.getLog().getAllFileAddresses(); @Override public Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Long>> iterator() { return new Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Long>>() { private int i = addresses.length - 1; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return i >= 0; } @Override public Map.Entry<Long, Long> next() { final long key = addresses[i--]; final long fileFreeBytes = env.getGC().getFileFreeBytes(key); final Long value = fileFreeBytes == Long.MAX_VALUE ? null : log.getFileSize(key) - fileFreeBytes; return new Map.Entry<Long, Long>() { @Override public Long getKey() { return key; } @Override public Long getValue() { return value; } @Override public Long setValue(Long value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } }); } public void cleanFile(@NotNull final String file) { env.suspendGC(); try { env.getGC().doCleanFile(LogUtil.getAddress(file)); } finally { env.resumeGC(); } } public static void main(@NotNull final String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length == 0) { printUsage(); return; } String envPath = null; String envPath2 = null; boolean hasOptions = false; boolean gatherLogStats = false; boolean validateRoots = false; boolean traverse = false; boolean copy = false; boolean traverseAll = false; boolean utilizationInfo = false; final Set<String> files2Clean = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (final String arg : args) { if (arg.startsWith("-")) { hasOptions = true; if ("-ls".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { gatherLogStats = true; } else if ("-r".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { validateRoots = true; } else if ("-t".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { traverse = true; } else if ("-c".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { copy = true; } else if ("-ta".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { traverseAll = true; } else if ("-u".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { utilizationInfo = true; } else if (arg.toLowerCase().startsWith("-cl")) { files2Clean.add(arg.substring(2)); } else { printUsage(); return; } } else { if (envPath == null) { envPath = arg; } else { envPath2 = arg; break; } } } if (envPath == null || (copy && envPath2 == null)) { printUsage(); return; } System.out.println("Started investigation of " + envPath); final Reflect reflect = new Reflect(new File(envPath)); if (files2Clean.size() > 0) { for (final String file : files2Clean) { reflect.cleanFile(file); } } if (!hasOptions) { reflect.gatherLogStats(); reflect.traverse(); } else { List<DatabaseRoot> roots = null; if (validateRoots || traverseAll) { roots = reflect.roots(); } if (gatherLogStats) { reflect.gatherLogStats(); } if (traverse) { reflect.traverse(); } if (copy) { reflect.copy(new File(envPath2)); } if (utilizationInfo) { reflect.spaceInfoFromUtilization(); } if (traverseAll) { reflect.traverseAll(roots); } } } private static void printUsage() { System.out.println("Usage: Reflect [-options] <environment path> [environment path 2]"); System.out.println("Options:"); System.out.println(" -ls gather Log Stats"); System.out.println(" -r validate Roots"); System.out.println(" -t Traverse actual root"); System.out.println( " -c Copy actual root to a new environment (environment path 2 is mandatory)"); System.out.println( " -ta Traverse All roots, actual and expired (typically, would fail on environments created with GC)"); System.out.println(" -u display stored Utilization"); System.out.println(" -cl<file name> CLean particular file before any reflection"); } }