Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010 - 2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jetbrains.exodus.env; import jetbrains.exodus.ByteIterable; import jetbrains.exodus.ExodusException; import jetbrains.exodus.TestUtil; import jetbrains.exodus.bindings.StringBinding; import jetbrains.exodus.core.dataStructures.Pair; import jetbrains.exodus.core.execution.Job; import jetbrains.exodus.core.execution.JobProcessor; import jetbrains.exodus.core.execution.ThreadJobProcessor; import jetbrains.exodus.core.execution.locks.Latch; import; import; import; import; import jetbrains.exodus.log.Log; import jetbrains.exodus.log.LogConfig; import jetbrains.exodus.log.LoggableFactory; import jetbrains.exodus.log.RandomAccessLoggable; import jetbrains.exodus.util.CompressBackupUtil; import jetbrains.exodus.util.IOUtil; import jetbrains.exodus.util.TeamCityMessenger; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveOutputStream; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import; @SuppressWarnings({ "ProtectedField", "UnusedDeclaration", "CallToPrintStackTrace" }) public class EnvironmentTestsBase { private static final String TEAMCITY_MESSAGES = "teamcity.messages"; protected EnvironmentImpl env; private JobProcessor processor; private File envDirectory = null; protected DataReader reader; protected DataWriter writer; protected TeamCityMessenger myMessenger = null; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Log.invalidateSharedCache(); final Pair<DataReader, DataWriter> readerWriterPair = createRW(); reader = readerWriterPair.getFirst(); writer = readerWriterPair.getSecond(); LoggableFactory.clear(); createEnvironment(); processor = new ThreadJobProcessor("EnvironmentTestsBase processor"); processor.start(); String tcMsgFileName = System.getProperty(TEAMCITY_MESSAGES); if (tcMsgFileName != null) { try { myMessenger = new TeamCityMessenger(tcMsgFileName); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { System.out.println("TeamCity messages disabled : no file to write messages in"); } } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { try { if (env != null) { env.close(); } } catch (final ExodusException e) { archiveDB(env.getLocation(), getClass().getName() + '.' + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".tar.gz"); throw e; } finally { Log.invalidateSharedCache(); deleteRW(); processor.finish(); if (myMessenger != null) { myMessenger.close(); } } } public static void archiveDB(final String location, final String target) { try { System.out.println("Dumping " + location + " to " + target); final File root = new File(location); final File targetFile = new File(target); TarArchiveOutputStream tarGz = new TarArchiveOutputStream( new GZIPOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(targetFile)), 0x1000)); for (final File file : IOUtil.listFiles(root)) { final long fileSize = file.length(); if (file.isFile() && fileSize != 0) { CompressBackupUtil.archiveFile(tarGz, "", file, fileSize); } } tarGz.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("Can't create backup"); } } protected EnvironmentImpl getEnvironment() { return env; } protected EnvironmentImpl newEnvironmentInstance(final LogConfig config) { return (EnvironmentImpl) Environments.newInstance(config); } protected EnvironmentImpl newEnvironmentInstance(final LogConfig config, final EnvironmentConfig ec) { return (EnvironmentImpl) Environments.newInstance(config, ec); } protected EnvironmentImpl newContextualEnvironmentInstance(final LogConfig config) { return newContextualEnvironmentInstance(config, new EnvironmentConfig()); } protected EnvironmentImpl newContextualEnvironmentInstance(final LogConfig config, final EnvironmentConfig ec) { return (EnvironmentImpl) Environments.newContextualInstance(config, ec); } protected void createEnvironment() { env = newEnvironmentInstance(LogConfig.create(reader, writer)); } protected Log getLog() { return env.getLog(); } protected Pair<DataReader, DataWriter> createRW() throws IOException { final File testsDirectory = getEnvDirectory(); if (testsDirectory.exists()) { IOUtil.deleteRecursively(testsDirectory); } else if (!testsDirectory.mkdir()) { throw new IOException("Failed to create directory for tests."); } return new Pair<DataReader, DataWriter>(new FileDataReader(testsDirectory, 16), new FileDataWriter(testsDirectory)); } protected void deleteRW() { final File testsDirectory = getEnvDirectory(); IOUtil.deleteRecursively(testsDirectory); IOUtil.deleteFile(testsDirectory); envDirectory = null; reader = null; writer = null; } protected File getEnvDirectory() { if (envDirectory == null) { envDirectory = TestUtil.createTempDir(); } return envDirectory; } protected void executeParallelTransaction(@NotNull final TransactionalExecutable runnable) { try { final Latch sync = Latch.create(); sync.acquire(); processor.queue(new Job() { @Override protected void execute() throws Throwable { env.executeInTransaction(runnable); sync.release(); } }); sync.acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } } protected void runParallelRunnable(@NotNull final Runnable runnable) { processor.queue(new Job() { @Override protected void execute() throws Throwable {; } }); } protected Store openStoreAutoCommit(final String name, final StoreConfig config) { return env.computeInTransaction(new TransactionalComputable<Store>() { @Override public Store compute(@NotNull Transaction txn) { return env.openStore(name, config, txn); } }); } protected void putAutoCommit(@NotNull final Store store, @NotNull final ByteIterable key, @NotNull final ByteIterable value) { env.executeInTransaction(new TransactionalExecutable() { @Override public void execute(@NotNull final Transaction txn) { store.put(txn, key, value); } }); } protected ByteIterable getAutoCommit(@NotNull final Store store, @NotNull final ByteIterable key) { return env.computeInReadonlyTransaction(new TransactionalComputable<ByteIterable>() { @Override public ByteIterable compute(@NotNull Transaction txn) { return store.get(txn, key); } }); } protected boolean deleteAutoCommit(@NotNull final Store store, @NotNull final ByteIterable key) { return env.computeInTransaction(new TransactionalComputable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean compute(@NotNull Transaction txn) { return store.delete(txn, key); } }); } protected long countAutoCommit(@NotNull final Store store) { return env.computeInTransaction(new TransactionalComputable<Long>() { @Override public Long compute(@NotNull Transaction txn) { return store.count(txn); } }); } protected static void assertLoggableTypes(final Iterator<RandomAccessLoggable> it, final int... types) { assertLoggableTypes(Integer.MAX_VALUE, it, types); } protected static void assertLoggableTypes(final Log log, final int address, final int... types) { assertLoggableTypes(Integer.MAX_VALUE, log.getLoggableIterator(address), types); } protected static void assertLoggableTypes(final int max, final Iterator<RandomAccessLoggable> it, final int... types) { int i = 0; for (int type : types) { if (++i > max) { break; } Assert.assertTrue(it.hasNext()); Assert.assertEquals(type,; } Assert.assertFalse(it.hasNext()); } protected void assertNotNullStringValue(final Store store, final ByteIterable keyEntry, final String value) { env.executeInTransaction(new TransactionalExecutable() { @Override public void execute(@NotNull Transaction txn) { assertNotNullStringValue(txn, store, keyEntry, value); } }); } protected void assertNotNullStringValue(final Transaction txn, final Store store, final ByteIterable keyEntry, final String value) { final ByteIterable valueEntry = store.get(txn, keyEntry); Assert.assertNotNull(valueEntry); Assert.assertEquals(value, StringBinding.entryToString(valueEntry)); } protected void assertEmptyValue(final Store store, final ByteIterable keyEntry) { env.executeInTransaction(new TransactionalExecutable() { @Override public void execute(@NotNull Transaction txn) { assertEmptyValue(txn, store, keyEntry); } }); } protected void assertEmptyValue(final Transaction txn, final Store store, final ByteIterable keyEntry) { final ByteIterable valueEntry = store.get(txn, keyEntry); Assert.assertNull(valueEntry); } protected void assertNotNullStringValues(final Store store, final String... values) { env.executeInTransaction(new TransactionalExecutable() { @Override public void execute(@NotNull Transaction txn) { try (Cursor cursor = store.openCursor(txn)) { int i = 0; while (cursor.getNext()) { final ByteIterable valueEntry = cursor.getValue(); Assert.assertNotNull(valueEntry); final String value = values[i++]; Assert.assertEquals(value, StringBinding.entryToString(valueEntry)); } } } }); } protected void reopenEnvironment() { final EnvironmentConfig envConfig = env.getEnvironmentConfig(); env.close(); env = newEnvironmentInstance(LogConfig.create(reader, writer), envConfig); } protected void setLogFileSize(int kilobytes) { final EnvironmentConfig envConfig = env.getEnvironmentConfig(); if (envConfig.getLogCachePageSize() > kilobytes * 1024) { envConfig.setLogCachePageSize(kilobytes * 1024); } envConfig.setLogFileSize(kilobytes); Log.invalidateSharedCache(); reopenEnvironment(); } protected void set1KbFileWithoutGC() { setLogFileSize(1); env.getEnvironmentConfig().setGcEnabled(false); } protected void set2KbFileWithoutGC() { setLogFileSize(2); env.getEnvironmentConfig().setGcEnabled(false); } }