Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010 - 2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jetbrains.exodus.env; import jetbrains.exodus.AbstractConfig; import jetbrains.exodus.BackupStrategy; import jetbrains.exodus.ExodusException; import jetbrains.exodus.core.dataStructures.ConcurrentLongObjectCache; import jetbrains.exodus.core.dataStructures.LongObjectCacheBase; import jetbrains.exodus.core.dataStructures.ObjectCacheBase; import jetbrains.exodus.core.dataStructures.Pair; import jetbrains.exodus.gc.GarbageCollector; import jetbrains.exodus.log.Log; import jetbrains.exodus.log.LogUtil; import jetbrains.exodus.log.Loggable; import jetbrains.exodus.tree.TreeMetaInfo; import jetbrains.exodus.tree.btree.BTree; import jetbrains.exodus.tree.btree.BTreeBalancePolicy; import jetbrains.exodus.util.DeferredIO; import jetbrains.exodus.util.IOUtil; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; public class EnvironmentImpl implements Environment { public static final int META_TREE_ID = 1; private static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log logging = LogFactory.getLog(EnvironmentImpl.class); private static final String ENVIRONMENT_PROPERTIES_FILE = ""; @NotNull private final Log log; @NotNull private final EnvironmentConfig ec; private BTreeBalancePolicy balancePolicy; private MetaTree metaTree; private final AtomicInteger structureId; private final TransactionSet txns; private final LinkedList<RunnableWithTxnRoot> txnSafeTasks; @Nullable private StoreGetCache storeGetCache; @Nullable private SoftReference<LongObjectCacheBase> treeNodesCache; private final EnvironmentSettingsListener envSettingsListener; private final GarbageCollector gc; private final Object commitLock = new Object(); private final Object metaLock = new Object(); @Nullable private final configMBean; /** * Throwable caught during commit after which rollback of highAddress failed. * Generally, it should ne null, otherwise environment is inoperative: * no transaction can be started or committed in that state. Once environment became inoperative, * it will remain inoperative forever. */ private volatile Throwable throwableOnCommit; private Throwable throwableOnClose; @SuppressWarnings({ "ThisEscapedInObjectConstruction" }) EnvironmentImpl(@NotNull final Log log, @NotNull final EnvironmentConfig ec) { this.log = log; = ec; applyEnvironmentSettings(log.getLocation(), ec); final Pair<MetaTree, Integer> meta = MetaTree.create(this); metaTree = meta.getFirst(); structureId = new AtomicInteger(meta.getSecond()); txns = new TransactionSet(); txnSafeTasks = new LinkedList<>(); invalidateStoreGetCache(); invalidateTreeNodesCache(); envSettingsListener = new EnvironmentSettingsListener(); ec.addChangedSettingsListener(envSettingsListener); gc = new GarbageCollector(this); throwableOnCommit = null; throwableOnClose = null; if (transactionTimeout() > 0) { new StuckTransactionMonitor(this); } configMBean = ec.isManagementEnabled() ? new : null; if (logging.isInfoEnabled()) {"Exodus environment created: " + log.getLocation()); } } @Override public long getCreated() { return log.getCreated(); } @Override @NotNull public String getLocation() { return log.getLocation(); } @Override public EnvironmentConfig getEnvironmentConfig() { return ec; } public GarbageCollector getGC() { return gc; } @Override @NotNull public StoreImpl openStore(@NotNull final String name, @NotNull final StoreConfig config, @NotNull final Transaction transaction) { final TransactionImpl txn = (TransactionImpl) transaction; return openStoreImpl(name, config, txn, getCurrentMetaInfo(name, txn)); } @Override @Nullable public StoreImpl openStore(@NotNull final String name, @NotNull final StoreConfig config, @NotNull final Transaction transaction, final boolean creationRequired) { final TransactionImpl txn = (TransactionImpl) transaction; final TreeMetaInfo metaInfo = getCurrentMetaInfo(name, txn); if (metaInfo == null && !creationRequired) { return null; } return openStoreImpl(name, config, txn, metaInfo); } @Override @NotNull public TransactionImpl beginTransaction() { return beginTransaction(false, null); } @Override @NotNull public TransactionImpl beginTransaction(final Runnable beginHook) { return beginTransaction(false, beginHook); } @NotNull @Override public Transaction beginReadonlyTransaction() { return beginReadonlyTransaction(null); } @NotNull @Override public TransactionImpl beginReadonlyTransaction(final Runnable beginHook) { checkIsOperative(); return new ReadonlyTransaction(this, getCreatingThread(), beginHook); } @NotNull public TransactionImpl beginTransactionWithClonedMetaTree() { return beginTransaction(true, null); } @Override public void executeInTransaction(@NotNull final TransactionalExecutable executable) { final Transaction txn = beginTransaction(); try { while (true) { executable.execute(txn); if (txn.flush()) { break; } txn.revert(); } } finally { txn.abort(); } } @Override public void executeInReadonlyTransaction(@NotNull TransactionalExecutable executable) { final Transaction txn = beginReadonlyTransaction(); try { executable.execute(txn); } finally { txn.abort(); } } @Override public <T> T computeInTransaction(@NotNull TransactionalComputable<T> computable) { final Transaction txn = beginTransaction(); try { while (true) { final T result = computable.compute(txn); if (txn.flush()) { return result; } txn.revert(); } } finally { txn.abort(); } } @Override public <T> T computeInReadonlyTransaction(@NotNull TransactionalComputable<T> computable) { final Transaction txn = beginReadonlyTransaction(); try { return computable.compute(txn); } finally { txn.abort(); } } @Override public void executeTransactionSafeTask(@NotNull final Runnable task) { final long newestTxnRoot = getNewestTxnRootAddress(); if (newestTxnRoot == Long.MIN_VALUE) {; } else { synchronized (txnSafeTasks) { txnSafeTasks.addLast(new RunnableWithTxnRoot(task, newestTxnRoot)); } } } @Override public void clear() { suspendGC(); try { synchronized (commitLock) { synchronized (metaLock) { checkInactive(false); log.clear(); runAllTransactionSafeTasks(); final Pair<MetaTree, Integer> meta = MetaTree.create(this); metaTree = meta.getFirst(); structureId.set(meta.getSecond()); } } } finally { resumeGC(); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "AccessToStaticFieldLockedOnInstance" }) @Override public void close() { if (configMBean != null) { configMBean.unregister(); } // in order to avoid deadlock, do not finish gc inside lock // it is safe to invoke gc.finish() several times gc.finish(); final double logCacheHitRate; final double storeGetCacheHitRate; final double treeNodesCacheHitRate; synchronized (commitLock) { if (!isOpen()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already closed, see cause for previous close stack trace", throwableOnClose); } checkInactive(ec.getEnvCloseForcedly()); try { if (!ec.getEnvIsReadonly()) { gc.saveUtilizationProfile(); } ec.removeChangedSettingsListener(envSettingsListener); logCacheHitRate = log.getCacheHitRate(); log.close(); } finally { log.release(); } storeGetCacheHitRate = storeGetCache == null ? 0 : storeGetCache.hitRate(); final LongObjectCacheBase treeNodesCache = this.treeNodesCache == null ? null : this.treeNodesCache.get(); treeNodesCacheHitRate = treeNodesCache == null ? 0 : treeNodesCache.hitRate(); throwableOnClose = new Throwable(); throwableOnCommit = EnvironmentClosedException.INSTANCE; } runAllTransactionSafeTasks(); if (logging.isInfoEnabled()) {"Store get cache hit rate: " + ObjectCacheBase.formatHitRate(storeGetCacheHitRate));"Tree nodes cache hit rate: " + ObjectCacheBase.formatHitRate(treeNodesCacheHitRate));"Exodus log cache hit rate: " + ObjectCacheBase.formatHitRate(logCacheHitRate)); } } @Override public boolean isOpen() { return throwableOnClose == null; } @Override public BackupStrategy getBackupStrategy() { return new EnvironmentBackupStrategyImpl(this); } @Override public void truncateStore(@NotNull final String storeName, @NotNull final Transaction transaction) { truncateStoreImpl(storeName, (TransactionImpl) transaction); } @Override public void removeStore(@NotNull final String storeName, @NotNull final Transaction transaction) { final TransactionImpl txn = (TransactionImpl) transaction; final StoreImpl store = openStore(storeName, StoreConfig.USE_EXISTING, txn, false); if (store == null) { throw new ExodusException("Attempt to remove unknown store '" + storeName + '\''); } txn.storeRemoved(store); } @Override public long getDiskUsage() { return IOUtil.getDirectorySize(new File(getLocation()), LogUtil.LOG_FILE_EXTENSION, false); } @Override @NotNull public List<String> getAllStoreNames(@NotNull final Transaction transaction) { return ((TransactionImpl) transaction).getAllStoreNames(); } public boolean storeExists(@NotNull final String storeName, @NotNull final Transaction transaction) { return getCurrentMetaInfo(storeName, (TransactionImpl) transaction) != null; } @NotNull public Log getLog() { return log; } @Override public void gc() { gc.wake(); } @Override public void suspendGC() { gc.suspend(); } @Override public void resumeGC() { gc.resume(); } public BTreeBalancePolicy getBTreeBalancePolicy() { // we don't care of possible race condition here if (balancePolicy == null) { balancePolicy = new BTreeBalancePolicy(ec.getTreeMaxPageSize()); } return balancePolicy; } protected StoreImpl createStore(@NotNull final String name, @NotNull final TreeMetaInfo metaInfo) { return new StoreImpl(this, name, metaInfo); } protected void finishTransaction(@NotNull final TransactionImpl txn) { txns.remove(txn); runTransactionSafeTasks(); } @NotNull protected TransactionImpl beginTransaction(boolean cloneMeta, Runnable beginHook) { checkIsOperative(); final Thread creatingThread = getCreatingThread(); return ec.getEnvIsReadonly() ? new ReadonlyTransaction(this, creatingThread, beginHook) : new TransactionImpl(this, creatingThread, beginHook, cloneMeta); } protected Thread getCreatingThread() { return transactionTimeout() > 0 ? Thread.currentThread() : null; } /** * @return timeout for a transaction in milliseconds, or 0 if no timeout is configured */ int transactionTimeout() { return ec.getEnvMonitorTxnsTimeout(); } /** * Tries to load meta tree located at specified rootAddress. * * @param rootAddress tree root address. * @return tree instance or null if the address is not valid. */ @Nullable BTree loadMetaTree(final long rootAddress) { if (rootAddress < 0 || rootAddress >= log.getHighAddress()) return null; return new BTree(log, getBTreeBalancePolicy(), rootAddress, false, META_TREE_ID); } @SuppressWarnings("OverlyNestedMethod") boolean commitTransaction(@NotNull final TransactionImpl txn, final boolean forceCommit) { if (flushTransaction(txn, forceCommit)) { // don't finish if flushTransaction throws exception finishTransaction(txn); return true; } else { return false; } } boolean flushTransaction(@NotNull final TransactionImpl txn, final boolean forceCommit) { if (!forceCommit && txn.isIdempotent()) { return true; } final Iterable<Loggable>[] expiredLoggables; synchronized (commitLock) { if (ec.getEnvIsReadonly()) { throw new ReadonlyTransactionException(); } checkIsOperative(); if (!txn.checkVersion(metaTree.root)) { // meta lock not needed 'cause write can only occur in another commit lock return false; } final long highAddress = log.getHighAddress(); try { final MetaTree[] tree = new MetaTree[1]; expiredLoggables = txn.doCommit(tree); synchronized (metaLock) { txn.setMetaTree(metaTree = tree[0]); txn.executeCommitHook(); } } catch (Throwable t) { // pokmon exception handling to decrease try/catch block overhead logging.error("Failed to flush transaction", t); try { log.setHighAddress(highAddress); } catch (Throwable th) { throwableOnCommit = t; // inoperative on failing to update high address too throw ExodusException.toExodusException(th, "Failed to rollback high address"); } throw ExodusException.toExodusException(t, "Failed to flush transaction"); } } gc.fetchExpiredLoggables(new ExpiredLoggableIterable(expiredLoggables)); return true; } MetaTree getMetaTree(@Nullable final Runnable beginHook) { synchronized (metaLock) { if (beginHook != null) {; } return metaTree; } } MetaTree getMetaTreeUnsafe() { return metaTree; } TreeMetaInfo getCurrentMetaInfo(final String name, @NotNull final TransactionImpl txn) { final TreeMetaInfo newlyCreated = txn.getNewStoreMetaInfo(name); return newlyCreated != null ? newlyCreated : txn.getMetaTree().getMetaInfo(name, this); } /** * Opens or creates store just like openStore() with the same parameters does, but gets parameters * that are not annotated. This allows to pass, e.g., nullable transaction. * * @param name store name * @param config store configuration * @param txn transaction, should not null if store doesn't exists * @param metaInfo target meta information * @return store object */ @SuppressWarnings({ "AssignmentToMethodParameter" }) @NotNull StoreImpl openStoreImpl(@NotNull final String name, @NotNull StoreConfig config, @NotNull final TransactionImpl txn, @Nullable TreeMetaInfo metaInfo) { if (config.useExisting) { // this parameter requires to recalculate if (metaInfo == null) { throw new ExodusException("Can't restore meta information for store " + name); } else { config = TreeMetaInfo.toConfig(metaInfo); } } final StoreImpl result; if (metaInfo == null) { if (ec.getEnvIsReadonly() && ec.getEnvReadonlyEmptyStores()) { return new TemporaryEmptyStore(this, name); } final int structureId = allocateStructureId(); metaInfo = TreeMetaInfo.load(this, config.duplicates, config.prefixing, structureId); result = createStore(name, metaInfo); txn.getMutableTree(result); txn.storeCreated(result); } else { final boolean hasDuplicates = metaInfo.hasDuplicates(); if (hasDuplicates != config.duplicates) { throw new ExodusException("Attempt to open store '" + name + "' with duplicates = " + config.duplicates + " while it was created with duplicates =" + hasDuplicates); } if (metaInfo.isKeyPrefixing() != config.prefixing) { if (!config.prefixing) { throw new ExodusException("Attempt to open store '" + name + "' with prefixing = false while it was created with prefixing = true"); } // if we're trying to open existing store with prefixing which actually wasn't created as store // with prefixing due to lack of the PatriciaTree feature, then open store with existing config metaInfo = TreeMetaInfo.load(this, hasDuplicates, false, metaInfo.getStructureId()); } result = createStore(name, metaInfo); } return result; } int getLastStructureId() { return structureId.get(); } void registerTransaction(@NotNull final TransactionImpl txn) { // N.B! due to TransactionImpl.revert(), there can appear a txn which is already in the transaction set // any implementation of transaction set should process this well txns.add(txn); } boolean isRegistered(@NotNull final TransactionImpl txn) { return txns.contains(txn); } void runTransactionSafeTasks() { List<Runnable> tasksToRun = null; final long oldestTxnRoot = getOldestTxnRootAddress(); synchronized (txnSafeTasks) { while (true) { if (!txnSafeTasks.isEmpty()) { final RunnableWithTxnRoot r = txnSafeTasks.getFirst(); if (r.txnRoot < oldestTxnRoot) { txnSafeTasks.removeFirst(); if (tasksToRun == null) { tasksToRun = new ArrayList<>(4); } tasksToRun.add(r.runnable); continue; } } break; } } if (tasksToRun != null) { for (final Runnable task : tasksToRun) {; } } } @Nullable TransactionImpl getOldestTransaction() { return txns.getOldestTransaction(); } @Nullable TransactionImpl getNewestTransaction() { return txns.getNewestTransaction(); } @Nullable StoreGetCache getStoreGetCache() { return storeGetCache; } @Nullable LongObjectCacheBase getTreeNodesCache() { final SoftReference<LongObjectCacheBase> cacheRef = treeNodesCache; if (cacheRef != null) { final LongObjectCacheBase cache = cacheRef.get(); return cache != null ? cache : invalidateTreeNodesCache(); } return null; } static boolean isUtilizationProfile(@NotNull final String storeName) { return GarbageCollector.isUtilizationProfile(storeName); } private long getOldestTxnRootAddress() { final TransactionImpl oldestTxn = getOldestTransaction(); return oldestTxn == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : oldestTxn.getRoot(); } private long getNewestTxnRootAddress() { final TransactionImpl newestTxn = getNewestTransaction(); return newestTxn == null ? Long.MIN_VALUE : newestTxn.getRoot(); } private void runAllTransactionSafeTasks() { synchronized (txnSafeTasks) { for (final RunnableWithTxnRoot r : txnSafeTasks) {; } } DeferredIO.getJobProcessor().waitForJobs(100); } private void checkInactive(boolean exceptionSafe) { final int txnCount = txns.size(); if (txnCount > 0) { final String errorString = "Environment[" + getLocation() + "] is active: " + txnCount + " transaction(s) not finished"; if (!exceptionSafe) { logging.error(errorString); } else if (logging.isInfoEnabled()) {; } if (logging.isDebugEnabled()) { for (TransactionImpl transaction : txns) { logging.debug("Alive transaction: ", transaction.getTrace()); } } } if (!exceptionSafe) { if (txnCount > 0) { throw new ExodusException("Finish all transactions before closing database environment"); } } } private void checkIsOperative() { final Throwable t = throwableOnCommit; if (t != null) { throw ExodusException.toExodusException(t, "Environment is inoperative"); } } private int allocateStructureId() { /** * <TRICK> * Allocates structure id so that 256 doesn't factor it. This ensures that corresponding byte iterable * will never end with zero byte, and any such id can be used as a key in meta tree without collision * with a string key (store name). String keys (according to StringBinding) do always end with zero byte. * </TRICK> */ while (true) { final int result = structureId.incrementAndGet(); if ((result & 0xff) != 0) { return result; } } } private void truncateStoreImpl(@NotNull final String storeName, @NotNull final TransactionImpl txn) { StoreImpl store = openStore(storeName, StoreConfig.USE_EXISTING, txn, false); if (store == null) { throw new ExodusException("Attempt to truncate unknown store '" + storeName + '\''); } txn.storeRemoved(store); final TreeMetaInfo metaInfoCloned = store.getMetaInfo().clone(allocateStructureId()); store = new StoreImpl(this, storeName, metaInfoCloned); txn.storeCreated(store); } private void invalidateStoreGetCache() { final int storeGetCacheSize = ec.getEnvStoreGetCacheSize(); storeGetCache = storeGetCacheSize == 0 ? null : new StoreGetCache(storeGetCacheSize); } private LongObjectCacheBase invalidateTreeNodesCache() { final int treeNodesCacheSize = ec.getTreeNodesCacheSize(); final LongObjectCacheBase result = treeNodesCacheSize == 0 ? null : new ConcurrentLongObjectCache(treeNodesCacheSize, 2); treeNodesCache = result == null ? null : new SoftReference<>(result); return result; } private static void applyEnvironmentSettings(@NotNull final String location, @NotNull final EnvironmentConfig ec) { final File propsFile = new File(location, ENVIRONMENT_PROPERTIES_FILE); if (propsFile.exists() && propsFile.isFile()) { try { try (InputStream propsStream = new FileInputStream(propsFile)) { final Properties envProps = new Properties(); envProps.load(propsStream); for (final Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : envProps.entrySet()) { ec.setSetting(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue()); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw ExodusException.toExodusException(e); } } } private class EnvironmentSettingsListener implements AbstractConfig.ChangedSettingsListener { @Override public void settingChanged(@NotNull final String settingName) { if (settingName.equals(EnvironmentConfig.ENV_STOREGET_CACHE_SIZE)) { invalidateStoreGetCache(); } else if (settingName.equals(EnvironmentConfig.TREE_NODES_CACHE_SIZE)) { invalidateTreeNodesCache(); } else if (settingName.equals(EnvironmentConfig.LOG_SYNC_PERIOD)) { log.getConfig().setSyncPeriod(ec.getLogSyncPeriod()); } else if (settingName.equals(EnvironmentConfig.LOG_DURABLE_WRITE)) { log.getConfig().setDurableWrite(ec.getLogDurableWrite()); } else if (settingName.equals(EnvironmentConfig.ENV_IS_READONLY)) { if (ec.getEnvIsReadonly()) { suspendGC(); } else { resumeGC(); } } } } @SuppressWarnings({ "AssignmentToCollectionOrArrayFieldFromParameter" }) private static class ExpiredLoggableIterable implements Iterable<Loggable> { private final Iterable<Loggable>[] expiredLoggables; private ExpiredLoggableIterable(Iterable<Loggable>[] expiredLoggables) { this.expiredLoggables = expiredLoggables; } @Override public Iterator<Loggable> iterator() { return new Iterator<Loggable>() { private Iterator<Loggable> current = expiredLoggables[0].iterator(); private int index = 0; @Override public boolean hasNext() { //noinspection LoopConditionNotUpdatedInsideLoop while (!current.hasNext()) { if (++index == expiredLoggables.length) { return false; } current = expiredLoggables[index].iterator(); } return true; } @Override public Loggable next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException("No more loggables available"); } return; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } } private static class RunnableWithTxnRoot { private final Runnable runnable; private final long txnRoot; private RunnableWithTxnRoot(Runnable runnable, long txnRoot) { this.runnable = runnable; this.txnRoot = txnRoot; } } }