Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2000-2016 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import*; import*; import*; import; import; import*; import; import jetbrains.buildServer.clouds.CloudException; import jetbrains.buildServer.clouds.CloudInstanceUserData; import jetbrains.buildServer.clouds.InstanceStatus; import*; import; import; import; import; import jetbrains.buildServer.clouds.base.connector.AbstractInstance; import jetbrains.buildServer.clouds.base.errors.CheckedCloudException; import jetbrains.buildServer.clouds.base.errors.TypedCloudErrorInfo; import jetbrains.buildServer.serverSide.TeamCityProperties; import jetbrains.buildServer.util.CollectionsUtil; import jetbrains.buildServer.util.StringUtil; import jetbrains.buildServer.util.filters.Filter; import okhttp3.OkHttpClient; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.jdeferred.*; import org.jdeferred.impl.DefaultDeferredManager; import org.jdeferred.impl.DeferredObject; import org.jdeferred.multiple.MultipleResults; import org.jdeferred.multiple.OneReject; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import retrofit2.Retrofit; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Provides azure arm management capabilities. */ public class AzureApiConnectorImpl extends AzureApiConnectorBase<AzureCloudImage, AzureCloudInstance> implements AzureApiConnector { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(AzureApiConnectorImpl.class.getName()); private static final String FAILED_TO_GET_INSTANCE_STATUS_FORMAT = "Failed to get instance %s status: %s"; private static final Pattern RESOURCE_GROUP_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("resourceGroups/(.+)/providers/"); private static final String PUBLIC_IP_SUFFIX = "-pip"; private static final String PROVISIONING_STATE = "ProvisioningState/"; private static final String POWER_STATE = "PowerState/"; private static final String NOT_FOUND_ERROR = "Invalid status code 404"; private static final String HTTP_PROXY_HOST = "http.proxyHost"; private static final String HTTP_PROXY_PORT = "http.proxyPort"; private static final String HTTPS_PROXY_HOST = "https.proxyHost"; private static final String HTTPS_PROXY_PORT = "https.proxyPort"; private static final String HTTP_PROXY_USER = "http.proxyUser"; private static final String HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD = "http.proxyPassword"; private static final List<InstanceStatus> PROVISIONING_STATES = Arrays.asList(InstanceStatus.SCHEDULED_TO_START, InstanceStatus.SCHEDULED_TO_STOP); private final DefaultDeferredManager myManager; private final Azure.Authenticated myAzure; private String mySubscriptionId = null; private String myServerId = null; private String myProfileId = null; private String myLocation = null; public AzureApiConnectorImpl(@NotNull final String tenantId, @NotNull final String clientId, @NotNull final String secret) { final ApplicationTokenCredentials credentials = new ApplicationTokenCredentials(clientId, tenantId, secret, AzureEnvironment.AZURE); final OkHttpClient.Builder httpClientBuilder = new OkHttpClient.Builder(); credentials.applyCredentialsFilter(httpClientBuilder); final Retrofit.Builder retrofitBuilder = new Retrofit.Builder(); configureProxy(httpClientBuilder); final RestClient client = new RestClient.Builder(httpClientBuilder, retrofitBuilder) .withDefaultBaseUrl(credentials.getEnvironment()).build(); myAzure = Azure.authenticate(client, credentials.getDomain()); myManager = new DefaultDeferredManager(); } /** * Configures http proxy settings. * * @param builder is a http builder. */ private static void configureProxy(@NotNull final OkHttpClient.Builder builder) { // Set HTTP proxy final String httpProxyHost = TeamCityProperties.getProperty(HTTP_PROXY_HOST); final int httpProxyPort = TeamCityProperties.getInteger(HTTP_PROXY_PORT, 80); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(httpProxyHost)) { builder.proxy(new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(httpProxyHost, httpProxyPort))); } // Set HTTPS proxy final String httpsProxyHost = TeamCityProperties.getProperty(HTTPS_PROXY_HOST); final int httpsProxyPort = TeamCityProperties.getInteger(HTTPS_PROXY_PORT, 443); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(httpsProxyHost)) { builder.proxy(new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(httpsProxyHost, httpsProxyPort))); } // Set proxy authentication final String httpProxyUser = TeamCityProperties.getProperty(HTTP_PROXY_USER); final String httpProxyPassword = TeamCityProperties.getProperty(HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(httpProxyUser)) { builder.proxyAuthenticator(new CredentialsAuthenticator(httpProxyUser, httpProxyPassword)); } } @Override public void test() throws CloudException { try { myAzure.subscriptions().list(); } catch (Exception e) { final String message = "Failed to get list of groups: " + e.getMessage(); LOG.debug(message, e); throw new CloudException(message, e); } } @Nullable @Override public InstanceStatus getInstanceStatusIfExists(@NotNull final AzureCloudInstance instance) { final AzureInstance azureInstance = new AzureInstance(instance.getName()); final AzureCloudImageDetails details = instance.getImage().getImageDetails(); final InstanceStatus[] instanceStatus = { null }; try { myManager.when(getInstanceDataAsync(azureInstance, details)).fail(new FailCallback<Throwable>() { @Override public void onFail(Throwable result) { final Throwable cause = result.getCause(); final String message = String.format(FAILED_TO_GET_INSTANCE_STATUS_FORMAT, instance.getName(), result.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, result); if (cause != null && NOT_FOUND_ERROR.equals(cause.getMessage()) || PROVISIONING_STATES.contains(instance.getStatus())) { return; } instance.setStatus(InstanceStatus.ERROR); instance.updateErrors(TypedCloudErrorInfo.fromException(result)); } }).done(new DoneCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onDone(Void result) { final InstanceStatus status = azureInstance.getInstanceStatus(); LOG.debug(String.format("Instance %s status is %s", instance.getName(), status)); instance.setStatus(status); instance.updateErrors(); instanceStatus[0] = status; } }).waitSafely(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { final String message = String.format(FAILED_TO_GET_INSTANCE_STATUS_FORMAT, instance.getName(), e); LOG.debug(message, e); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, e); instance.updateErrors(TypedCloudErrorInfo.fromException(exception)); } return instanceStatus[0]; } @NotNull @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <R extends AbstractInstance> Map<AzureCloudImage, Map<String, R>> fetchInstances( @NotNull Collection<AzureCloudImage> images) throws CheckedCloudException { final Map<AzureCloudImage, Map<String, R>> imageMap = new HashMap<>(); final List<Promise<Void, Throwable, Void>> promises = new ArrayList<>(); for (final AzureCloudImage image : images) { final Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> promise = fetchInstancesAsync(image) .fail(new FailCallback<Throwable>() { @Override public void onFail(Throwable result) { LOG.warn(String.format("Failed to receive list of image %s instances: %s", image.getName(), result.getMessage()), result); image.updateErrors(TypedCloudErrorInfo.fromException(result)); } }).then(new DonePipe<Map<String, AbstractInstance>, Void, Throwable, Void>() { @Override public Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> pipeDone(Map<String, AbstractInstance> result) { LOG.debug(String.format("Received list of image %s instances", image.getName())); image.updateErrors(); imageMap.put(image, (Map<String, R>) result); return new DeferredObject<Void, Throwable, Void>().resolve(null); } }); promises.add(promise); } if (promises.size() != 0) { try { myManager.when(promises.toArray(new Promise[] {})).waitSafely(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { final String message = "Failed to get list of images: " + e.getMessage(); LOG.debug(message, e); throw new CloudException(message, e); } } return imageMap; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <R extends AbstractInstance> Promise<Map<String, R>, Throwable, Void> fetchInstancesAsync( final AzureCloudImage image) { final DeferredObject<Map<String, R>, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); final List<Promise<Void, Throwable, Void>> promises = new ArrayList<>(); final Map<String, R> instances = new HashMap<>(); final List<Throwable> exceptions = new ArrayList<>(); final AzureCloudImageDetails details = image.getImageDetails(); getVirtualMachinesAsync().fail(new FailCallback<Throwable>() { @Override public void onFail(Throwable t) { final String message = String.format("Failed to get list of instances for cloud image %s: %s", image.getName(), t.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, t); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); exceptions.add(exception); deferred.reject(exception); } }).then(new DoneCallback<List<VirtualMachine>>() { @Override public void onDone(List<VirtualMachine> machines) { for (VirtualMachine virtualMachine : machines) { final String name =; if (!name.startsWith(details.getVmNamePrefix())) { LOG.debug("Ignore vm with name " + name); continue; } final Map<String, String> tags = virtualMachine.tags(); if (tags == null) { LOG.debug("Ignore vm without tags"); continue; } final String serverId = tags.get(AzureConstants.TAG_SERVER); if (!StringUtil.areEqual(serverId, myServerId)) { LOG.debug("Ignore vm with invalid server tag " + serverId); continue; } final String profileId = tags.get(AzureConstants.TAG_PROFILE); if (!StringUtil.areEqual(profileId, myProfileId)) { LOG.debug("Ignore vm with invalid profile tag " + profileId); continue; } final String sourceName = tags.get(AzureConstants.TAG_SOURCE); if (!StringUtil.areEqual(sourceName, details.getSourceName())) { LOG.debug("Ignore vm with invalid source tag " + sourceName); continue; } final AzureInstance instance = new AzureInstance(name); final Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> promise = getInstanceDataAsync(instance, details); FailCallback<Throwable>() { @Override public void onFail(Throwable result) { LOG.debug(String.format("Failed to receive vm %s data: %s", name, result.getMessage()), result); exceptions.add(result); } }); promises.add(promise); instances.put(name, (R) instance); } if (promises.size() == 0) { deferred.resolve(instances); } else { myManager.when(promises.toArray(new Promise[] {})) .always(new AlwaysCallback<MultipleResults, OneReject>() { @Override public void onAlways(Promise.State state, MultipleResults resolved, OneReject rejected) { final TypedCloudErrorInfo[] errors = new TypedCloudErrorInfo[exceptions.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.size(); i++) { errors[i] = TypedCloudErrorInfo.fromException(exceptions.get(i)); } image.updateErrors(errors); deferred.resolve(instances); } }); } } }); return deferred.promise(); } private Promise<List<VirtualMachine>, Throwable, Void> getVirtualMachinesAsync() { final Deferred<List<VirtualMachine>, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); try { PagedList<VirtualMachine> list = myAzure.withSubscription(mySubscriptionId).virtualMachines().list(); LOG.debug("Received list of virtual machines"); deferred.resolve(list); } catch (Throwable t) { final String message = "Failed to get list of virtual machines: " + t.getMessage(); LOG.debug(message, t); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); deferred.reject(exception); } return deferred.promise(); } private Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> getInstanceDataAsync(final AzureInstance instance, final AzureCloudImageDetails details) { final String name = instance.getName(); final Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> instanceViewPromise = getVirtualMachineAsync(name, name) .then(new DonePipe<VirtualMachine, Void, Throwable, Void>() { @Override public Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> pipeDone(VirtualMachine machine) { LOG.debug(String.format("Received virtual machine %s info", name)); for (InstanceViewStatus status : machine.instanceView().statuses()) { final String code = status.code(); if (code.startsWith(PROVISIONING_STATE)) { instance.setProvisioningState(code.substring(PROVISIONING_STATE.length())); final DateTime dateTime = status.time(); if (dateTime != null) { instance.setStartDate(dateTime.toDate()); } } if (code.startsWith(POWER_STATE)) { instance.setPowerState(code.substring(POWER_STATE.length())); } } return new DeferredObject<Void, Throwable, Void>().resolve(null); } }); final Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> publicIpPromise; if (details.getVmPublicIp() && instance.getIpAddress() == null) { final String pipName = name + PUBLIC_IP_SUFFIX; publicIpPromise = getPublicIpAsync(name, pipName).then(new DonePipe<String, Void, Throwable, Void>() { @Override public Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> pipeDone(String result) { LOG.debug(String.format("Received public ip %s for virtual machine %s", result, name)); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(result)) { instance.setIpAddress(result); } return new DeferredObject<Void, Throwable, Void>().resolve(null); } }); } else { publicIpPromise = new DeferredObject<Void, Throwable, Void>().resolve(null); } final DeferredObject<Void, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); myManager.when(instanceViewPromise, publicIpPromise).done(new DoneCallback<MultipleResults>() { @Override public void onDone(MultipleResults result) { deferred.resolve(null); } }).fail(new FailCallback<OneReject>() { @Override public void onFail(OneReject result) { deferred.reject((Throwable) result.getReject()); } }); return deferred.promise(); } private Promise<VirtualMachine, Throwable, Void> getVirtualMachineAsync(final String groupId, final String name) { final DeferredObject<VirtualMachine, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); try { VirtualMachine machine = myAzure.withSubscription(mySubscriptionId).virtualMachines() .getByGroup(groupId, name); machine.refreshInstanceView(); LOG.debug(String.format("Received virtual machine %s info", name)); deferred.resolve(machine); } catch (Throwable t) { final String message = "Failed to get virtual machine info: " + t.getMessage(); LOG.debug(message, t); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); deferred.reject(exception); } return deferred.promise(); } private Promise<String, Throwable, Void> getPublicIpAsync(final String groupId, final String name) { final DeferredObject<String, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); try { PublicIpAddress ipAddress = myAzure.withSubscription(mySubscriptionId).publicIpAddresses() .getByGroup(groupId, name); LOG.debug(String.format("Received public ip %s for %s", ipAddress, name)); deferred.resolve(ipAddress.ipAddress()); } catch (Throwable t) { final String message = String.format("Failed to get public ip address %s info: %s", name, t.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, t); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); deferred.reject(exception); } return deferred.promise(); } @NotNull @Override public TypedCloudErrorInfo[] checkImage(@NotNull AzureCloudImage image) { final List<Throwable> exceptions = new ArrayList<>(); final String imageUrl = image.getImageDetails().getImageUrl(); final Promise<String, Throwable, Void> promise = getVhdOsTypeAsync(imageUrl) .fail(new FailCallback<Throwable>() { @Override public void onFail(Throwable result) { LOG.debug("Failed to get os type for vhd " + imageUrl, result); exceptions.add(result); } }); try { promise.waitSafely(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.debug("Failed to wait for receiving vhd type " + imageUrl, e); exceptions.add(e); } if (exceptions.size() == 0) { return new TypedCloudErrorInfo[0]; } final TypedCloudErrorInfo[] errors = new TypedCloudErrorInfo[exceptions.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.size(); i++) { errors[i] = TypedCloudErrorInfo.fromException(exceptions.get(i)); } return errors; } @NotNull @Override public TypedCloudErrorInfo[] checkInstance(@NotNull AzureCloudInstance instance) { return new TypedCloudErrorInfo[0]; } /** * Gets a list of VM sizes. * * @return list of sizes. */ @NotNull @Override public Promise<List<String>, Throwable, Void> getVmSizesAsync() { final DeferredObject<List<String>, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); try { PagedList<VirtualMachineSize> vmSizes = myAzure.withSubscription(mySubscriptionId).virtualMachines() .sizes().listByRegion(myLocation); LOG.debug("Received list of vm sizes in location " + myLocation); final Comparator<String> comparator = new AlphaNumericStringComparator(); Collections.sort(vmSizes, new Comparator<VirtualMachineSize>() { @Override public int compare(VirtualMachineSize o1, VirtualMachineSize o2) { final String size1 =; final String size2 =; return, size2); } }); final List<String> sizes = new ArrayList<>(vmSizes.size()); for (VirtualMachineSize vmSize : vmSizes) { sizes.add(; } deferred.resolve(sizes); } catch (Throwable t) { final String message = String.format("Failed to get list of vm sizes in location %s: %s", myLocation, t.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, t); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); deferred.reject(exception); } return deferred.promise(); } /** * Creates a new cloud instance. * * @param instance is a cloud instance. * @param userData is a custom data. * @return promise. */ @NotNull @Override public Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> createVmAsync(@NotNull final AzureCloudInstance instance, @NotNull final CloudInstanceUserData userData) { final String name = instance.getName(); final String customData; try { customData = Base64.encodeBase64String(userData.serialize().getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (Exception e) { final String message = String.format("Failed to encode custom data for instance %s: %s", name, e.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, e); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, e); return new DeferredObject<Void, Throwable, Void>().reject(exception); } final AzureCloudImageDetails details = instance.getImage().getImageDetails(); return createResourceGroupAsync(name, myLocation).then(new DonePipe<Void, Void, Throwable, Void>() { @Override public Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> pipeDone(Void result) { LOG.debug(String.format("Created resource group %s in location %s", name, myLocation)); final boolean publicIp = details.getVmPublicIp(); final String templateName = publicIp ? "/templates/vm-template-pip.json" : "/templates/vm-template.json"; final String templateValue = AzureUtils.getResourceAsString(templateName); final Map<String, JsonValue> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("imageUrl", new JsonValue(details.getImageUrl())); params.put("vmName", new JsonValue(name)); params.put("networkId", new JsonValue(details.getNetworkId())); params.put("subnetName", new JsonValue(details.getSubnetId())); params.put("adminUserName", new JsonValue(details.getUsername())); params.put("adminPassword", new JsonValue(details.getPassword())); params.put("osType", new JsonValue(details.getOsType())); params.put("vmSize", new JsonValue(details.getVmSize())); params.put("customData", new JsonValue(customData)); params.put("serverId", new JsonValue(myServerId)); params.put("profileId", new JsonValue(userData.getProfileId())); params.put("sourceId", new JsonValue(details.getSourceName())); final String parameters = AzureUtils.serializeObject(params); LOG.debug("Deployment template: \n" + templateValue); String message = "Deployment parameters:"; for (Map.Entry<String, JsonValue> param : params.entrySet()) { if (param.getKey().equals("adminPassword")) { message += String.format("\n - '%s' = '**********'", param.getKey()); } else { message += String.format("\n - '%s' = '%s'", param.getKey(), param.getValue().getValue()); } } LOG.debug(message); return createDeploymentAsync(name, name, templateValue, parameters); } }); } private Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> createResourceGroupAsync(final String groupId, String location) { final DeferredObject<Void, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); myAzure.withSubscription(mySubscriptionId).resourceGroups().define(groupId).withRegion(location) .createAsync(new ServiceCallback<ResourceGroup>() { @Override public void failure(Throwable t) { final String message = String.format("Failed to create resource group %s: %s", groupId, t.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, t); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); deferred.reject(exception); } @Override public void success(ResourceGroup result) { deferred.resolve(null); } }); return deferred.promise(); } private Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> createDeploymentAsync(final String groupId, String deploymentId, String template, String params) { final DeferredObject<Void, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); try { myAzure.withSubscription(mySubscriptionId).deployments().define(deploymentId) .withExistingResourceGroup(groupId).withTemplate(template).withParameters(params) .withMode(DeploymentMode.INCREMENTAL).createAsync(new ServiceCallback<Deployment>() { @Override public void failure(Throwable t) { String message = String.format("Failed to create deployment in resource group %s: %s", groupId, t.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, t); if (t instanceof { cloudException = ( t; cloudError = cloudException.getBody(); List<> details = cloudError.getDetails(); for ( ce : details) { message += "\n" + ce.getMessage(); } } final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); deferred.reject(exception); } @Override public void success(Deployment result) { deferred.resolve(null); } }); } catch (IOException e) { String message = String.format("Failed to specify deployment template: %s", e.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, e); deferred.reject(e); } return deferred.promise(); } /** * Deletes a cloud instance. * * @param instance is a cloud instance. * @return promise. */ @NotNull @Override public Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> deleteVmAsync(@NotNull final AzureCloudInstance instance) { final String name = instance.getName(); return deleteResourceGroupAsync(instance.getName()) .then(new DonePipe<Void, List<CloudBlob>, Throwable, Void>() { @Override public Promise<List<CloudBlob>, Throwable, Void> pipeDone(Void result) { final String url = instance.getImage().getImageDetails().getImageUrl(); final URI storageBlobs; try { final URI imageUrl = new URI(url); storageBlobs = new URI(imageUrl.getScheme(), imageUrl.getHost(), "/vhds/" + name, null); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { final String message = String.format( "Failed to parse VHD image URL %s for instance %s: %s", url, name, e.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, e); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, e); return new DeferredObject<List<CloudBlob>, Throwable, Void>().reject(exception); } return getBlobsAsync(storageBlobs); } }).then(new DonePipe<List<CloudBlob>, Void, Throwable, Void>() { @Override public Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> pipeDone(List<CloudBlob> blobs) { for (CloudBlob blob : blobs) { try { blob.deleteIfExists(); } catch (Exception e) { final String message = String.format("Failed to delete blob %s for instance %s: %s", blob.getUri(), name, e.getMessage()); LOG.warnAndDebugDetails(message, e); } } return new DeferredObject<Void, Throwable, Void>().resolve(null); } }); } private Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> deleteResourceGroupAsync(final String groupId) { final DeferredObject<Void, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); myAzure.withSubscription(mySubscriptionId).resourceGroups().deleteAsync(groupId, new ServiceCallback<Void>() { @Override public void failure(Throwable t) { final String message = String.format("Failed to delete resource group %s: %s", groupId, t.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, t); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); deferred.reject(exception); } @Override public void success(Void result) { LOG.debug(String.format("Resource group %s has been successfully deleted", groupId)); deferred.resolve(result); } }); return deferred.promise(); } /** * Restarts an instance. * * @param instance is a cloud instance. * @return promise. */ @NotNull @Override public Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> restartVmAsync(@NotNull final AzureCloudInstance instance) { final DeferredObject<Void, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); final String name = instance.getName(); try { myAzure.withSubscription(mySubscriptionId).virtualMachines().getByGroup(name, name).restart(); LOG.debug(String.format("Virtual machine %s has been successfully restarted", name)); deferred.resolve(null); } catch (Throwable t) { final String message = String.format("Failed to restart virtual machine %s: %s", name, t.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, t); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); deferred.reject(exception); } return deferred.promise(); } @Override public Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> startVmAsync(@NotNull AzureCloudInstance instance) { final DeferredObject<Void, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); final String name = instance.getName(); try { myAzure.withSubscription(mySubscriptionId).virtualMachines().getByGroup(name, name).start(); LOG.debug(String.format("Virtual machine %s has been successfully started", name)); deferred.resolve(null); } catch (Throwable t) { final String message = String.format("Failed to start virtual machine %s: %s", name, t.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, t); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); deferred.reject(exception); } return deferred.promise(); } @Override public Promise<Void, Throwable, Void> stopVmAsync(@NotNull AzureCloudInstance instance) { final DeferredObject<Void, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); final String name = instance.getName(); try { myAzure.withSubscription(mySubscriptionId).virtualMachines().getByGroup(name, name).deallocate(); LOG.debug(String.format("Virtual machine %s has been successfully stopped", name)); deferred.resolve(null); } catch (Throwable t) { final String message = String.format("Failed to stop virtual machine %s: %s", name, t.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, t); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); deferred.reject(exception); } return deferred.promise(); } /** * Gets an OS type of VHD image. * * @param imageUrl is image URL. * @return OS type (Linux, Windows). */ @NotNull @Override public Promise<String, Throwable, Void> getVhdOsTypeAsync(@NotNull final String imageUrl) { final DeferredObject<String, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); final URI uri; try { uri = URI.create(imageUrl); } catch (Exception e) { final String message = String.format("Invalid image URL %s: %s", imageUrl, e.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, e); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, e); return new DeferredObject<String, Throwable, Void>().reject(exception); } getBlobsAsync(uri).then(new DoneCallback<List<CloudBlob>>() { @Override public void onDone(List<CloudBlob> blobs) { if (blobs.size() == 0) { final String message = String.format("VHD file %s not found in storage account", imageUrl); LOG.debug(message); deferred.reject(new CloudException(message)); return; } if (blobs.size() > 1) { LOG.debug("Found more than one blobs for url " + imageUrl); deferred.resolve(null); return; } final CloudBlob blob = blobs.get(0); try { if (!StringUtil.endsWithIgnoreCase(imageUrl, blob.getName())) { LOG.debug(String.format("For url %s found blob with invalid name %s", imageUrl, blob.getName())); deferred.resolve(null); return; } blob.downloadAttributes(); } catch (Exception e) { final String message = "Failed to access storage blob: " + e.getMessage(); LOG.debug(message, e); deferred.reject(new CloudException(message, e)); return; } final Map<String, String> metadata = blob.getMetadata(); if (!"OSDisk".equals(metadata.get("MicrosoftAzureCompute_ImageType"))) { LOG.debug(String.format("Found blob %s with invalid OSDisk metadata", blob.getUri())); deferred.resolve(null); return; } if (!"Generalized".equals(metadata.get("MicrosoftAzureCompute_OSState"))) { LOG.debug(String.format("Found blob %s with invalid Generalized metadata", blob.getUri())); deferred.reject(new CloudException("VHD image should be generalized.")); return; } deferred.resolve(metadata.get("MicrosoftAzureCompute_OSType")); } }, new FailCallback<Throwable>() { @Override public void onFail(Throwable result) { LOG.debug(String.format("Failed to receive blobs for url %s: %s", imageUrl, result.getMessage())); deferred.reject(result); } }); return deferred.promise(); } private Promise<List<CloudBlob>, Throwable, Void> getBlobsAsync(final URI uri) { if (uri.getHost() == null || uri.getPath() == null) { return new DeferredObject<List<CloudBlob>, Throwable, Void>().reject(new CloudException("Invalid URL")); } final int hostSuffix = uri.getHost().indexOf(""); if (hostSuffix <= 0) { return new DeferredObject<List<CloudBlob>, Throwable, Void>() .reject(new CloudException("Invalid host name")); } final String storage = uri.getHost().substring(0, hostSuffix); final String filesPrefix = uri.getPath(); final int slash = filesPrefix.indexOf("/", 1); if (slash <= 0) { return new DeferredObject<List<CloudBlob>, Throwable, Void>() .reject(new CloudException("File path must include container name")); } return getStorageAccountAsync(storage) .then(new DonePipe<CloudStorageAccount, List<CloudBlob>, Throwable, Void>() { @Override public Promise<List<CloudBlob>, Throwable, Void> pipeDone(CloudStorageAccount account) { final String containerName = filesPrefix.substring(1, slash); final CloudBlobContainer container; try { container = account.createCloudBlobClient().getContainerReference(containerName); } catch (Throwable e) { final String message = String.format("Failed to connect to storage account %s: %s", storage, e.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, e); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, e); return new DeferredObject<List<CloudBlob>, Throwable, Void>().reject(exception); } final String blobName = filesPrefix.substring(slash + 1); final List<CloudBlob> blobs = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (ListBlobItem item : container.listBlobs(blobName)) { blobs.add((CloudBlob) item); } } catch (Exception e) { final String message = String.format("Failed to list container's %s blobs: %s", containerName, e.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, e); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, e); return new DeferredObject<List<CloudBlob>, Throwable, Void>().reject(exception); } return new DeferredObject<List<CloudBlob>, Throwable, Void>().resolve(blobs); } }); } private Promise<CloudStorageAccount, Throwable, Void> getStorageAccountAsync(final String storage) { return getStorageAccountsAsync() .then(new DonePipe<List<StorageAccount>, List<StorageAccountKey>, Throwable, Void>() { @Override public Promise<List<StorageAccountKey>, Throwable, Void> pipeDone( List<StorageAccount> accounts) { final StorageAccount account = CollectionsUtil.findFirst(accounts, new Filter<StorageAccount>() { @Override public boolean accept(@NotNull StorageAccount account) { return; } }); if (account == null) { final String message = String.format("Storage account %s not found", storage); LOG.debug(message); return new DeferredObject<List<StorageAccountKey>, Throwable, Void>() .reject(new CloudException(message)); } if (!account.regionName().equalsIgnoreCase(myLocation)) { final String message = String.format( "VHD image should be located in storage account in the %s region", myLocation); LOG.debug(message); return new DeferredObject<List<StorageAccountKey>, Throwable, Void>() .reject(new CloudException(message)); } final Matcher groupMatcher = RESOURCE_GROUP_PATTERN.matcher(; if (!groupMatcher.find()) { final String message = String.format("Invalid storage account identifier %s",; LOG.debug(message); return new DeferredObject<List<StorageAccountKey>, Throwable, Void>() .reject(new CloudException(message)); } return getStorageAccountKeysAsync(, storage); } }).then(new DonePipe<List<StorageAccountKey>, CloudStorageAccount, Throwable, Void>() { @Override public Promise<CloudStorageAccount, Throwable, Void> pipeDone(List<StorageAccountKey> keys) { final DeferredObject<CloudStorageAccount, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); try { deferred.resolve(new CloudStorageAccount( new StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey(storage, keys.get(0).value()))); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { final String message = String.format("Invalid storage account %s credentials: %s", storage, e.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, e); deferred.reject(exception); } return deferred; } }); } private Promise<List<StorageAccount>, Throwable, Void> getStorageAccountsAsync() { final DeferredObject<List<StorageAccount>, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); try { PagedList<StorageAccount> accounts = myAzure.withSubscription(mySubscriptionId).storageAccounts() .list(); LOG.debug("Received list of storage accounts"); deferred.resolve(accounts); } catch (Throwable t) { final String message = "Failed to get list of storage accounts: " + t.getMessage(); LOG.debug(message, t); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); deferred.reject(exception); } return deferred.promise(); } private Promise<List<StorageAccountKey>, Throwable, Void> getStorageAccountKeysAsync(final String groupName, final String storageName) { final DeferredObject<List<StorageAccountKey>, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); try { StorageAccount account = myAzure.withSubscription(mySubscriptionId).storageAccounts() .getByGroup(groupName, storageName); LOG.debug("Received keys for storage account " + storageName); deferred.resolve(account.getKeys()); } catch (Throwable t) { final String message = String.format("Failed to get storage account %s key: %s", storageName, t.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, t); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); deferred.reject(exception); } return deferred.promise(); } /** * Gets a list of subscriptions. * * @return subscriptions. */ @NotNull @Override public Promise<Map<String, String>, Throwable, Void> getSubscriptionsAsync() { final DeferredObject<Map<String, String>, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); try { PagedList<Subscription> list = myAzure.subscriptions().list(); LOG.debug("Received list of subscriptions"); final Map<String, String> subscriptions = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Subscription>() { @Override public int compare(Subscription o1, Subscription o2) { return o1.displayName().compareTo(o2.displayName()); } }); for (Subscription subscription : list) { subscriptions.put(subscription.subscriptionId(), subscription.displayName()); } deferred.resolve(subscriptions); } catch (Throwable t) { final String message = "Failed to get list of subscriptions " + t.getMessage(); LOG.debug(message, t); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); deferred.reject(exception); } return deferred.promise(); } /** * Gets a list of locations. * * @return locations. */ @NotNull @Override public Promise<Map<String, String>, Throwable, Void> getLocationsAsync(@NotNull final String subscription) { final DeferredObject<Map<String, String>, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); try { PagedList<Location> list = myAzure.subscriptions().getByName(mySubscriptionId).listLocations(); LOG.debug("Received list of locations in subscription " + subscription); final Map<String, String> locations = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Location>() { @Override public int compare(Location o1, Location o2) { return o1.displayName().compareTo(o2.displayName()); } }); for (Location location : list) { locations.put(, location.displayName()); } deferred.resolve(locations); } catch (Throwable t) { final String message = String.format("Failed to get list of locations in subscription %s: %s", subscription, t.getMessage()); LOG.debug(message, t); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); deferred.reject(exception); } return deferred.promise(); } /** * Gets a list of networks. * * @return list of networks. */ @NotNull @Override public Promise<Map<String, List<String>>, Throwable, Void> getNetworksAsync() { final DeferredObject<Map<String, List<String>>, Throwable, Void> deferred = new DeferredObject<>(); try { PagedList<Network> list = myAzure.withSubscription(mySubscriptionId).networks().list(); LOG.debug("Received list of networks"); final Map<String, List<String>> networks = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Network network : list) { if (!network.regionName().equalsIgnoreCase(myLocation)) continue; final List<String> subNetworks = new ArrayList<>(network.subnets().keySet()); networks.put(, subNetworks); } deferred.resolve(networks); } catch (Throwable t) { final String message = "Failed to get list of networks: " + t.getMessage(); LOG.debug(message, t); final CloudException exception = new CloudException(message, t); deferred.reject(exception); } return deferred.promise(); } /** * Sets a server identifier. * * @param serverId identifier. */ public void setServerId(@Nullable final String serverId) { myServerId = serverId; } /** * Sets a profile identifier. * * @param profileId identifier. */ public void setProfileId(@Nullable final String profileId) { myProfileId = profileId; } /** * Sets subscription identifier for ARM clients. * * @param subscriptionId is a an identifier. */ public void setSubscriptionId(@NotNull String subscriptionId) { mySubscriptionId = subscriptionId; } /** * Sets a target location for resources. * * @param location is a location. */ public void setLocation(@NotNull String location) { myLocation = location; } }