Java tutorial
/*************************************************************************** * jEPlus - EnergyPlus shell for parametric studies * * Copyright (C) 2010 Yi Zhang <> * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * ***************************************************************************/ package jeplus; import*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import javax.script.ScriptEngine; import javax.script.ScriptException; import jeplus.util.PythonTools; import jeplus.util.RelativeDirUtil; import; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * EPlusTask class encapsulates the details of an EnergyPlus job to be run. * @author Yi Zhang * @version 0.5c * @since 0.1 */ public class EPlusTask extends Thread implements EPlusJobItem, Serializable { /** Logger */ final static private org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EPlusTask.class); static final long serialVersionUID = 1587629823039332802L; public static class PythonFunc { String PyVersion = null; String ScriptFile = null; ArrayList<String> Args = null; public PythonFunc(String ver, String script, ArrayList<String> args) { PyVersion = ver; ScriptFile = script; Args = args; } public String getPyVersion() { return PyVersion; } public void setPyVersion(String PyVersion) { this.PyVersion = PyVersion; } public String getScriptFile() { return ScriptFile; } public void setScriptFile(String ScriptFile) { this.ScriptFile = ScriptFile; } public ArrayList<String> getArgs() { return Args; } public void setArgs(ArrayList<String> Args) { this.Args = Args; } /** * String that has been trimmed off "call(" and ")" * @param entry * @return A new PythonFunc instance */ public static PythonFunc fromString(String entry) { String[] fields = entry.split("\\s*,\\s*"); ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 2; i < fields.length; i++) { args.add(fields[i]); } return new PythonFunc(fields[0], fields[1], args); } /** * * @return */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("call("); buf.append(PyVersion); buf.append(", ").append(ScriptFile); for (String Arg : Args) { buf.append(", ").append(Arg); } buf.append(")"); return buf.toString(); } } /** ID of this task */ protected String TaskID = null; /** EnergyPlus working environment */ protected EPlusWorkEnv WorkEnv = null; /** Search strings ArrayList */ protected ArrayList<String> SearchStringList; /** Alt values ArrayList */ protected ArrayList<String> AltValueList; /** List of Python scripts to execute before calling E+ binary */ protected ArrayList<PythonFunc> Scripts; /** Results can be attached to this Task */ protected ArrayList<String> AttachedResults = new ArrayList<>(); /** Flag for execution status of this task */ protected boolean Executed = false; /** Flag for the availability of the result */ protected boolean ResultAvailable = false; /** * Create an instance of the EnergyPlus task * @param env Data packet including template and weather files * @param label Label of the task * @param id ID of the task * @param prevkey Search string list * @param prevval Alt value list */ public EPlusTask(EPlusWorkEnv env, String label, int id, ArrayList<String> prevkey, ArrayList<String> prevval) { //TaskNumber = id; TaskID = label + "_" + id; WorkEnv = env; //WorkingDir = WorkEnv.ParentDir + TaskID + "/"; //ParameterMap = params; parseTagsAndVals(prevkey, prevval); } /** * Create an instance of the EnergyPlus task * @param env Data packet including template and weather files * @param job_id Externally defined job_ID string of this task * @param prevkey Search string list * @param prevval Alt value list */ public EPlusTask(EPlusWorkEnv env, String job_id, ArrayList<String> prevkey, ArrayList<String> prevval) { TaskID = job_id; WorkEnv = env; //WorkingDir = WorkEnv.ParentDir + TaskID + "/"; //ParameterMap = params; parseTagsAndVals(prevkey, prevval); } protected final void parseTagsAndVals(ArrayList<String> prevkey, ArrayList<String> prevval) { // Parse search strings for hybrid parameters "@@a@@|@@b@@" SearchStringList = new ArrayList<>(); AltValueList = new ArrayList<>(); Scripts = new ArrayList<>(); // Initialize Jython script engine ScriptEngine engine = JEPlusProject.getScript_Engine(); // size of keys and vals must be the same for (int i = 0; i < prevkey.size(); i++) { String[] sstrs = prevkey.get(i).split("\\s*\\|\\s*"); SearchStringList.addAll(Arrays.asList(sstrs)); String[] vstrs = prevval.get(i).split("\\s*\\|\\s*"); for (int j = 0; j < Math.min(vstrs.length, sstrs.length); j++) { // for each val string, perform calculations if it starts with "?=" String formula = vstrs[j]; if (formula.startsWith("?=")) { formula = formula.substring(2); // Create a new parser // Parser parser = new Parser(); // Map search tags to variables and then assign values to variables HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); for (int k = 0; k < SearchStringList.size() - sstrs.length; k++) { String var = "p" + k; map.put(SearchStringList.get(k), var); String statement = var + " = " + AltValueList.get(k); try { engine.eval(statement); } catch (ScriptException spe) { logger.error("Error evaluating expression " + statement + "."); } } for (String tag : map.keySet()) { formula = formula.replaceAll(tag, map.get(tag)); } try { vstrs[j] = engine.eval(formula).toString(); } catch (ScriptException spe) { logger.error("Error evaluating expression " + formula + "."); } // If starts with "call(", create a script record and add "script" to vstrs } else if (formula.startsWith("call(")) { formula = formula.substring(5, formula.length() - 1); Scripts.add(PythonFunc.fromString(formula)); vstrs[j] = "script"; } // Add the result string to the list AltValueList.add(vstrs[j]); } // If val strings set is shorter than search strings set, repeating the last val string for (int j = vstrs.length; j < sstrs.length; j++) { AltValueList.add(vstrs[vstrs.length - 1]); } } } @Override public String getJobID() { return TaskID; } public EPlusWorkEnv getWorkEnv() { return this.WorkEnv; } @Override public void setJobID(String id) { TaskID = id; } public ArrayList<String> getAltValueList() { return AltValueList; } public ArrayList<String> getAttachedResults() { return AttachedResults; } public ArrayList<String> getSearchStringList() { return SearchStringList; } /** * Working Directory of this job is created on the fly, to save memory * @return A directory name comprises of the parent dir and the job id */ public String getWorkingDir() { return WorkEnv.ParentDir + TaskID + "/"; } /** * Extract results from the meter file in the output of E+. Records are * searched using the given id string. Results are stored in a HashMap. * @param MeterID * @return Results found in E+ output file */ public HashMap<String, double[][]> getResults(String[] MeterID) { HashMap<String, double[][]> map = new HashMap<>(); for (String MeterID1 : MeterID) { map.put(MeterID1, EPlusWinTools.getMeter(getWorkingDir(), MeterID1)); } return map; } /** * Read result file and put the contents in a string * @return Results from output file */ public String getResults() { if (Executed && WorkEnv.UseReadVars) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); File csv = new File(this.getWorkingDir() + EPlusConfig.getEPDefOutCSV()); if (csv.exists()) { try (BufferedReader fr = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(csv))) { String line = fr.readLine(); while (line != null) { buf.append(line).append("\n"); line = fr.readLine(); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("", ex); } return buf.toString(); } } return null; } /** * Read result info file ("eplusout.end") and put the contents in a string * @return Result information from "eplusout.end" */ public String getResultInfo() { return getResultInfo(null); } /** * Read result info file ("eplusout.end") and put the contents in a string * @param parentdir The parent directory where all results are located; use default dir if 'null' is provided * @return Result information from "eplusout.end" */ public String getResultInfo(String parentdir) { return getResultInfo(parentdir, this, false); } /** * Read result info file ("eplusout.end") and put the contents in a string * @param parentdir The parent directory where all results are located; use default dir if 'null' is provided * @param job The EPlus job whose id is used to locate the report file * @param removefile Remove the file after reads * @return Result information from "eplusout.end" */ public static String getResultInfo(String parentdir, EPlusTask job, boolean removefile) { String fulldir = (parentdir == null) ? job.getWorkingDir() : parentdir + job.getJobID() + "/"; File end = new File(fulldir + EPlusConfig.getEPDefOutEND()); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (end.exists()) { try (BufferedReader fr = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(end))) { String line = fr.readLine(); while (line != null && line.trim().length() > 0) { buf.append(line).append("\n"); line = fr.readLine(); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("", ex); } if (removefile) end.delete(); return buf.toString(); } return "! " + end.getPath() + " is not available"; } /** * TODO: the purpose of this method is to be cleared * @param result */ public void attachResult(String result) { AttachedResults.add(result); } /** * Attach collected results to this task object * @param results The collected results in a string vector */ public void attachResults(List<String> results) { AttachedResults.clear(); AttachedResults.addAll(results); AttachedResults.trimToSize(); } /** * Has the task been executed or not * @return true if executed */ public boolean isExecuted() { return Executed; } /** * Retrieve flag showing whether simulation has been completed successfully or not * @return ResultAvailable flag */ public boolean isResultAvailable() { return ResultAvailable; } public void setExecuted(boolean Executed) { this.Executed = Executed; } public void setResultAvailable(boolean ResultAvailable) { this.ResultAvailable = ResultAvailable; } /** * Preprocess the input file (.imf/.idf), including calling EP-Macro * @param config * @return Operation successful or not */ public boolean preprocessInputFile(JEPlusConfig config) { boolean ok = true; String[] SearchStrings = SearchStringList.toArray(new String[0]); String[] Newvals = AltValueList.toArray(new String[0]); if (WorkEnv.isIMF()) { // If the input template file is for EP-Macro (.imf) // Check if #fileprefix is available String fprefixstr = IDFmodel.getIncludeFilePrefix(WorkEnv.IDFDir + WorkEnv.IDFTemplate); if (fprefixstr != null) { File fprefix = new File(fprefixstr); if (!fprefix.isAbsolute()) { fprefix = new File(WorkEnv.IDFDir.concat(fprefixstr)); } if (!(fprefix.isDirectory() && fprefix.exists())) { System.err.println("IMF processing error: ##fileprefix (" + fprefix.getAbsolutePath() + ") is not a folder or does not exist. Current folder is assumed."); fprefix = new File(WorkEnv.IDFDir); } try { fprefixstr = fprefix.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("", ex); ok = false; } } // Update the imf template ok = ok && EPlusWinTools.updateIMFFile(WorkEnv.IDFDir + WorkEnv.IDFTemplate, fprefixstr, SearchStrings, Newvals, getWorkingDir()); if (ok) { // If imf template was successfully updated ("in.imf" is created), run EP-Macro EPlusWinTools.runEPMacro(config, getWorkingDir()); // Test EP-Macro was successful or not by checking the presence of "out.idf" ok = EPlusWinTools.isFileAvailable("out.idf", getWorkingDir()); // If ok, update the out.idf with the search strings and values again. ok = (ok && EPlusWinTools.updateIDFFile(getWorkingDir() + "out.idf", SearchStrings, Newvals, getWorkingDir())); } } else { // Otherwise it is for EPlus (.idf) ok = EPlusWinTools.updateIDFFile(WorkEnv.IDFDir + WorkEnv.IDFTemplate, SearchStrings, Newvals, getWorkingDir()); } if (ok) { // Collect E+ include files (e.g. in Schedule:File objects) ArrayList<String> incfiles = IDFmodel.getScheduleFiles(getWorkingDir() + EPlusConfig.getEPDefIDF()); if (!incfiles.isEmpty()) { try (PrintWriter outs = (config.getScreenFile() == null) ? null : new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(getWorkingDir() + config.getScreenFile(), true));) { if (outs != null) { outs.println("# Copying dependant files - " + (new SimpleDateFormat()).format(new Date())); outs.flush(); } // Copy them to working dir for (String incfile : incfiles) { File ori = new File(RelativeDirUtil.checkAbsolutePath(incfile, WorkEnv.IDFDir)); File dest = new File(getWorkingDir() + ori.getName()); try { // Log to console.log if (outs != null) { outs.println(incfile); outs.flush(); } FileUtils.copyFile(ori, dest); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("", ex); // Log to console.log if (outs != null) { outs.println(ex.getMessage()); outs.flush(); } ok = false; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("", ex); } } // Update idf if (ok && incfiles.size() > 0) { ok = IDFmodel.replaceScheduleFiles(getWorkingDir() + EPlusConfig.getEPDefIDF(), incfiles); } } return ok; } protected boolean runPythonScriptOnIDF() { boolean ok = true; // Get path to job folder String job_dir = getWorkingDir(); // Run Python script JEPlusConfig config = JEPlusConfig.getDefaultInstance(); // Create an inverted index HashMap<String, Integer> index = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < SearchStringList.size(); i++) { index.put(SearchStringList.get(i), i); } // Run scripts for (PythonFunc script : Scripts) { // Get args StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < script.getArgs().size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { buf.append(","); } if (index.containsKey(script.getArgs().get(i))) { buf.append(AltValueList.get(index.get(script.getArgs().get(i)))); } else { buf.append(script.getArgs().get(i)); } } String args = buf.toString(); // Call Python try (PrintStream outs = (config.getScreenFile() == null) ? System.err : new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(job_dir + config.getScreenFile(), true));) { PythonTools.runPython(config, RelativeDirUtil.checkAbsolutePath(script.getScriptFile(), WorkEnv.getProjectBaseDir()), script.getPyVersion(), WorkEnv.getProjectBaseDir(), job_dir, JEPlusConfig.getDefaultInstance().getEPlusBinDir(), args, outs); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.error("Error writing to log steam.", ioe); } } return ok; } /** * Execute this task in local machine */ @Override public void run() { Executed = true; // Prepare work directory boolean ok = EPlusWinTools.prepareWorkDir(JEPlusConfig.getDefaultInstance(), getWorkingDir()); // Copy weather and rvi files ok = ok && EPlusWinTools.copyWorkFiles(getWorkingDir(), WorkEnv.WeatherDir + WorkEnv.WeatherFile, WorkEnv.isRVX() ? null : WorkEnv.RVIDir + WorkEnv.RVIFile); // Write IDF file ok = ok && this.preprocessInputFile(JEPlusConfig.getDefaultInstance()); // Run Python script ok = ok && this.runPythonScriptOnIDF(); // Ready to run EPlus if (ok) { int code = EPlusWinTools.runEPlus(JEPlusConfig.getDefaultInstance(), getWorkingDir(), false); ok = (code >= 0) && EPlusWinTools.isEsoAvailable(getWorkingDir()); } // Remove temperory files/dir if required if (ok) { ok = ok && EPlusWinTools.cleanupWorkDir(getWorkingDir(), WorkEnv.KeepEPlusFiles, WorkEnv.KeepJEPlusFiles, WorkEnv.KeepJobDir, WorkEnv.SelectedFiles); } ResultAvailable = ok; } /** * Execute this task in specific dir rather than the one specify in the WorkEnv. * A new instance of WorkEnv is created and associated with this job. * The ParentDir in the new WorkEnv will then be updated with the new dir * @param parentdir New directory in which this task to be executed */ public void run(String parentdir) { WorkEnv = new EPlusWorkEnv(WorkEnv); WorkEnv.ParentDir = parentdir; //this.WorkingDir = WorkEnv.ParentDir + TaskID + "/";; } /** * * @return */ @Override public String toString() { return this.TaskID; } }