Java tutorial
//============================================================================= //=== Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Food and Agriculture Organization of the //=== United Nations (FAO-UN), United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) //=== and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) //=== //=== This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or //=== modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public //=== License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either //=== version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. //=== //=== This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //=== but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //=== MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU //=== Lesser General Public License for more details. //=== //=== You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public //=== License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software //=== Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA //=== //=== Contact: Jeroen Ticheler - FAO - Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 2, //=== Rome - Italy. email: //============================================================================== package jeeves.server.dispatchers; import com.yammer.metrics.core.TimerContext; import jeeves.constants.ConfigFile; import jeeves.constants.Jeeves; import jeeves.exceptions.JeevesException; import jeeves.exceptions.ServiceNotAllowedEx; import jeeves.exceptions.ServiceNotFoundEx; import jeeves.exceptions.ServiceNotMatchedEx; import jeeves.interfaces.Service; import jeeves.monitor.MonitorManager; import jeeves.monitor.timer.ServiceManagerGuiServicesTimer; import jeeves.monitor.timer.ServiceManagerServicesTimer; import jeeves.monitor.timer.ServiceManagerXslOutputTransformTimer; import jeeves.server.ProfileManager; import jeeves.server.ServiceConfig; import jeeves.server.UserSession; import jeeves.server.context.ServiceContext; import jeeves.server.dispatchers.guiservices.Call; import jeeves.server.dispatchers.guiservices.GuiService; import jeeves.server.dispatchers.guiservices.XmlFile; import jeeves.server.resources.ProviderManager; import jeeves.server.sources.ServiceRequest; import jeeves.server.sources.ServiceRequest.InputMethod; import jeeves.server.sources.ServiceRequest.OutputMethod; import jeeves.server.sources.http.HttpServiceRequest; import jeeves.server.sources.http.JeevesServlet; import jeeves.utils.BLOB; import jeeves.utils.BinaryFile; import jeeves.utils.Log; import jeeves.utils.SOAPUtil; import jeeves.utils.Util; import jeeves.utils.Xml; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; //============================================================================= public class ServiceManager { private Hashtable<String, ArrayList<ServiceInfo>> htServices = new Hashtable<String, ArrayList<ServiceInfo>>( 100); private Hashtable<String, Object> htContexts = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); private Vector<ErrorPage> vErrorPipe = new Vector<ErrorPage>(); private Vector<GuiService> vDefaultGui = new Vector<GuiService>(); private ProviderManager providMan; private ProfileManager profilMan; private MonitorManager monitorManager; private String appPath; private String baseUrl; private String uploadDir; private double maxUploadSize; private String defaultLang; private String defaultContType; private boolean defaultLocal; private JeevesServlet servlet; private boolean startupError = false; private Map<String, String> startupErrors; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- //--- API methods //--- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void setAppPath(String path) { appPath = path; } public void setDefaultLang(String lang) { defaultLang = lang; } public void setDefaultContType(String type) { defaultContType = type; } public void setUploadDir(String dir) { uploadDir = dir; } public void setMaxUploadSize(double size) { maxUploadSize = size; } public void setDefaultLocal(boolean yesno) { defaultLocal = yesno; } public void setProviderMan(ProviderManager p) { providMan = p; } public void setMonitorMan(MonitorManager mm) { monitorManager = mm; } public void setServlet(JeevesServlet serv) { servlet = serv; } public void setStartupErrors(Map<String, String> errors) { startupErrors = errors; startupError = true; } public boolean isStartupError() { return startupError; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void setBaseUrl(String name) { baseUrl = name; if (!baseUrl.startsWith("/") && baseUrl.length() != 0) baseUrl = "/" + baseUrl; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void loadProfiles(ServletContext servletContext, String file) throws Exception { profilMan = new ProfileManager(servletContext, appPath, appPath + Jeeves.Path.WEBINF + file); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void registerContext(String name, Object context) { htContexts.put(name, context); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void addDefaultGui(Element gui) throws Exception { vDefaultGui.add(getGuiService("", gui)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- //--- Registering methods (service) //--- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void addService(String pack, Element srv) throws Exception { String name = srv.getAttributeValue(ConfigFile.Service.Attr.NAME); String match = srv.getAttributeValue(ConfigFile.Service.Attr.MATCH); String sheet = srv.getAttributeValue(ConfigFile.Service.Attr.SHEET); String cache = srv.getAttributeValue(ConfigFile.Service.Attr.CACHE); ServiceInfo si = new ServiceInfo(appPath); si.setMatch(match); si.setSheet(sheet); si.setCache(cache); ArrayList<ServiceInfo> al = htServices.get(name); if (al == null) { al = new ArrayList<ServiceInfo>(); htServices.put(name, al); } al.add(si); //--- parse classes elements List<Element> classes = srv.getChildren(ConfigFile.Service.Child.CLASS); for (Element classe : classes) { si.addService(buildService(pack, classe)); } //--- parse output pages List<Element> outputs = srv.getChildren(ConfigFile.Service.Child.OUTPUT); for (Element output : outputs) { si.addOutputPage(buildOutputPage(pack, output)); } //--- parse error pages List<Element> errors = srv.getChildren(ConfigFile.Service.Child.ERROR); for (Element error : errors) { si.addErrorPage(buildErrorPage(error)); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Service buildService(String pack, Element clas) throws Exception { //--- get class name String name = clas.getAttributeValue(ConfigFile.Class.Attr.NAME); if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing 'name' attrib in 'class' element"); if (name.startsWith(".")) name = pack + name; //--- create instance Service service = (Service) Class.forName(name).newInstance(); service.init(appPath, new ServiceConfig(clas.getChildren(ConfigFile.Class.Child.PARAM))); return service; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private OutputPage buildOutputPage(String pack, Element output) throws Exception { OutputPage outPage = new OutputPage(); outPage.setStyleSheet(output.getAttributeValue(ConfigFile.Output.Attr.SHEET)); outPage.setForward(output.getAttributeValue(ConfigFile.Output.Attr.FORWARD)); outPage.setTestCondition(output.getAttributeValue(ConfigFile.Output.Attr.TEST)); outPage.setFile(output.getAttributeValue(ConfigFile.Output.Attr.FILE) != null); outPage.setBLOB(output.getAttributeValue(ConfigFile.Output.Attr.BLOB) != null); //--- set content type String contType = output.getAttributeValue(ConfigFile.Output.Attr.CONTENT_TYPE); if (contType == null) contType = defaultContType; outPage.setContentType(contType); //--- handle children List<Element> guiList = output.getChildren(); for (Element gui : guiList) { outPage.addGuiService(getGuiService(pack, gui)); } return outPage; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- private GuiService getGuiService(String pack, Element elem) throws Exception { if (ConfigFile.Output.Child.XML.equals(elem.getName())) return new XmlFile(elem, defaultLang, defaultLocal); if (ConfigFile.Output.Child.CALL.equals(elem.getName())) return new Call(elem, pack, appPath); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown GUI element : " + Xml.getString(elem)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ErrorPage buildErrorPage(Element err) throws Exception { ErrorPage errPage = new ErrorPage(); errPage.setStyleSheet(err.getAttributeValue(ConfigFile.Error.Attr.SHEET)); errPage.setTestCondition(err.getAttributeValue(ConfigFile.Error.Attr.ID)); //--- set content type String contType = err.getAttributeValue(ConfigFile.Error.Attr.CONTENT_TYPE); if (contType == null) contType = defaultContType; errPage.setContentType(contType); // -- set status code int statusCode; String strStatusCode = err.getAttributeValue(ConfigFile.Error.Attr.STATUS_CODE); try { statusCode = Integer.parseInt(strStatusCode); } catch (Exception e) { // Default value for an error page where status code is not defined. statusCode = 500; } errPage.setStatusCode(statusCode); //--- handle children List<Element> guiList = err.getChildren(); for (Element gui : guiList) { errPage.addGuiService(getGuiService("?", gui)); } return errPage; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- //--- Registering methods (error) //--- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void addErrorPage(Element err) throws Exception { vErrorPipe.add(buildErrorPage(err)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- public ServiceContext createServiceContext(String name) { ServiceContext context = new ServiceContext(name, monitorManager, providMan, profilMan, htContexts); context.setBaseUrl(baseUrl); context.setLanguage("?"); context.setUserSession(null); context.setIpAddress("?"); context.setAppPath(appPath); context.setUploadDir(uploadDir); context.setMaxUploadSize(maxUploadSize); context.setServlet(servlet); return context; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- //--- Dispatching methods //--- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void dispatch(ServiceRequest req, UserSession session) { ServiceContext context = new ServiceContext(req.getService(), monitorManager, providMan, profilMan, htContexts); context.setBaseUrl(baseUrl); context.setLanguage(req.getLanguage()); context.setUserSession(session); context.setIpAddress(req.getAddress()); context.setAppPath(appPath); context.setUploadDir(uploadDir); context.setMaxUploadSize(maxUploadSize); context.setInputMethod(req.getInputMethod()); context.setOutputMethod(req.getOutputMethod()); context.setHeaders(req.getHeaders()); context.setServlet(servlet); if (startupError) context.setStartupErrors(startupErrors); context.setAsThreadLocal(); //--- invoke service and build result Element response = null; ServiceInfo srvInfo = null; try { while (true) { String srvName = req.getService(); info("Dispatching : " + srvName); logParameters(req.getParams()); ArrayList<ServiceInfo> al = htServices.get(srvName); if (al == null) { error("Service not found : " + srvName); throw new ServiceNotFoundEx(srvName); } for (ServiceInfo si : al) { if (si.matches(req.getParams())) { srvInfo = si; break; } } if (srvInfo == null) { error("Service not matched in list : " + srvName); throw new ServiceNotMatchedEx(srvName); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- check access String profile = ProfileManager.GUEST; if (session.isAuthenticated()) profile = session.getProfile(); if (!profilMan.hasAccessTo(profile, srvName)) { error("Service not allowed : " + srvName); throw new ServiceNotAllowedEx(srvName); } TimerContext timerContext = monitorManager.getTimer(ServiceManagerServicesTimer.class).time(); try { // System.out.println(context.getResourceManager().hashCode() + "-THREAD-" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "-" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "-Start executing service:" + context.getService()); response = srvInfo.execServices(req.getParams(), context); // System.out.println(context.getResourceManager().hashCode() + "-THREAD-" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "-" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "-End executing service:" + context.getService()); } finally { timerContext.stop(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- handle forward OutputPage outPage = srvInfo.findOutputPage(response); String forward = dispatchOutput(req, context, response, outPage, srvInfo.isCacheSet()); if (forward == null) { info(" -> dispatch ended for : " + srvName); return; } else { info(" -> forwarding to : " + forward); // Use servlet redirect for user.login and user.logout services. // TODO: Make redirect configurable for services in jeeves if (srvName.equals("metadata.quiet.delete") || srvName.equals("user.login") || srvName.equals("user.logout")) { HttpServiceRequest req2 = (HttpServiceRequest) req; req2.getHttpServletResponse().setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY); req2.getHttpServletResponse().setHeader("Location", baseUrl + "/srv/" + req.getLanguage() + "/" + forward); return; } else { Element elForward = new Element(Jeeves.Elem.FORWARD); elForward.setAttribute(Jeeves.Attr.SERVICE, srvName); // --- send response to forwarded service request response.setName(Jeeves.Elem.REQUEST); response.addContent(elForward); context.setService(forward); req.setService(forward); req.setParams(response); } } } } catch (Throwable e) { handleError(req, response, context, srvInfo, e); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- Handle error //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void handleError(ServiceRequest req, Element response, ServiceContext context, ServiceInfo srvInfo, Throwable e) { Element error = getError(req, e, response); String id = error.getAttributeValue("id"); int code = getErrorCode(e); boolean cache = (srvInfo == null) ? false : srvInfo.isCacheSet(); if (isDebug()) debug("Raised exception while executing service\n" + Xml.getString(error)); try { InputMethod input = req.getInputMethod(); OutputMethod output = req.getOutputMethod(); if (input == InputMethod.SOAP || output == OutputMethod.SOAP) { req.setStatusCode(code); req.beginStream("application/soap+xml; charset=UTF-8", cache); error.setAttribute("encodingStyle", "", SOAPUtil.NAMESPACE_ENV); boolean sender = (code < 500); String message = error.getChildText("class") + " : " + error.getChildText("message"); req.write(SOAPUtil.embedExc(error, sender, id, message)); } else if (input == InputMethod.XML || output == OutputMethod.XML || srvInfo == null) { req.setStatusCode(code); req.beginStream("application/xml; charset=UTF-8", cache); req.write(error); } else { //--- try to dispatch to the error output ErrorPage errPage = (srvInfo != null) ? srvInfo.findErrorPage(id) : null; if (errPage == null) errPage = findErrorPage(id); try { dispatchError(req, context, error, errPage, cache); } catch (Exception ex) { //--- ok, if we are here there is no error page //--- so we display plain xml data req.setStatusCode(code); req.beginStream("application/xml; charset=UTF-8", cache); req.write(error); } } } catch (Exception ex) { error("Raised exception while writing response to exception"); error(" Exception : " + ex); error(" Message : " + ex.getMessage()); error(" Stack : " + Util.getStackTrace(ex)); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- Dispatch output //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Takes a service's response and builds the output */ private String dispatchOutput(ServiceRequest req, ServiceContext context, Element response, OutputPage outPage, boolean cache) throws Exception { info(" -> dispatching to output for : " + req.getService()); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //--- check if the output page is a foward if (outPage != null) { String sForward = outPage.getForward(); if (sForward != null) return sForward; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //--- write result to output page if (outPage == null) { //--- if there is no output page we output the xml result (if any) if (response == null) warning("Response is null and there is no output page for : " + req.getService()); else { info(" -> writing xml for : " + req.getService()); //--- this logging is usefull for xml services that are called by javascript code if (isDebug()) debug("Service xml is :\n" + Xml.getString(response)); InputMethod in = req.getInputMethod(); OutputMethod out = req.getOutputMethod(); if (in == InputMethod.SOAP || out == OutputMethod.SOAP) { req.beginStream("application/soap+xml; charset=UTF-8", cache); if (!SOAPUtil.isEnvelope(response)) response = SOAPUtil.embed(response); } else req.beginStream("application/xml; charset=UTF-8", cache); req.write(response); } } //--- FILE output else if (outPage.isFile()) { // PDF Output if (outPage.getContentType().equals("application/pdf") && !outPage.getStyleSheet().equals("")) { //--- build the xml data for the XSL/FO translation String styleSheet = outPage.getStyleSheet(); Element guiElem; TimerContext guiServicesTimerContext = context.getMonitorManager() .getTimer(ServiceManagerGuiServicesTimer.class).time(); try { guiElem = outPage.invokeGuiServices(context, response, vDefaultGui); } finally { guiServicesTimerContext.stop(); } addPrefixes(guiElem, context.getLanguage(), req.getService()); Element rootElem = new Element(Jeeves.Elem.ROOT).addContent(guiElem).addContent(response); Element reqElem = (Element) req.getParams().clone(); reqElem.setName(Jeeves.Elem.REQUEST); rootElem.addContent(reqElem); //--- do an XSL transformation styleSheet = appPath + Jeeves.Path.XSL + styleSheet; if (!new File(styleSheet).exists()) error(" -> stylesheet not found on disk, aborting : " + styleSheet); else { info(" -> transforming with stylesheet : " + styleSheet); try { TimerContext timerContext = context.getMonitorManager() .getTimer(ServiceManagerXslOutputTransformTimer.class).time(); String file; try { //--- first we do the transformation file = Xml.transformFOP(uploadDir, rootElem, styleSheet); } finally { timerContext.stop(); } String uuid = rootElem.getChild("request").getChildText("uuid"); response = BinaryFile.encode(200, file, (StringUtils.isNotBlank(uuid) ? uuid : ("export-summary-" + String.valueOf(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()))) + ".pdf", true); } catch (Exception e) { error(" -> exception during XSL/FO transformation for : " + req.getService()); error(" -> (C) stylesheet : " + styleSheet); error(" -> (C) message : " + e.getMessage()); error(" -> (C) exception : " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); throw e; } info(" -> end transformation for : " + req.getService()); } } String contentType = BinaryFile.getContentType(response); if (contentType == null) contentType = "application/octet-stream"; String contentDisposition = BinaryFile.getContentDisposition(response); String contentLength = BinaryFile.getContentLength(response); if (contentLength == null) { //This means the response is not a pointer to the file, but the file itself to download XMLOutputter outp = new XMLOutputter(); String s = outp.outputString(response); byte[] bytes = s.getBytes("UTF-8"); req.beginStream(contentType, bytes.length, contentDisposition, cache); outp.output(response, req.getOutputStream()); req.endStream(); } else { int cl = (contentLength == null) ? -1 : Integer.parseInt(contentLength); req.beginStream(contentType, cl, context.getService().equals("resources.get") ? null : contentDisposition, cache); BinaryFile.write(response, req.getOutputStream()); req.endStream(); BinaryFile.removeIfTheCase(response); } } //--- BLOB output else if (outPage.isBLOB()) { String contentType = BLOB.getContentType(response); if (contentType == null) contentType = "application/octet-stream"; String contentDisposition = BLOB.getContentDisposition(response); String contentLength = BLOB.getContentLength(response); int cl = (contentLength == null) ? -1 : Integer.parseInt(contentLength); req.beginStream(contentType, cl, contentDisposition, cache); BLOB.write(response, req.getOutputStream()); req.endStream(); } //--- HTML/XML output else { //--- build the xml data for the XSL translation String styleSheet = outPage.getStyleSheet(); Element guiElem; TimerContext guiServicesTimerContext = monitorManager.getTimer(ServiceManagerGuiServicesTimer.class) .time(); try { guiElem = outPage.invokeGuiServices(context, response, vDefaultGui); } finally { guiServicesTimerContext.stop(); } addPrefixes(guiElem, context.getLanguage(), req.getService()); Element rootElem = new Element(Jeeves.Elem.ROOT).addContent(guiElem).addContent(response); Element reqElem = (Element) req.getParams().clone(); reqElem.setName(Jeeves.Elem.REQUEST); rootElem.addContent(reqElem); //--- do an XSL translation or send xml data to a debug routine if (req.hasDebug()) { req.beginStream("application/xml; charset=UTF-8", cache); req.write(rootElem); } else { //--- do an XSL transformation styleSheet = appPath + Jeeves.Path.XSL + styleSheet; if (!new File(styleSheet).exists()) error(" -> stylesheet not found on disk, aborting : " + styleSheet); else { info(" -> transforming with stylesheet : " + styleSheet); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { TimerContext timerContext = context.getMonitorManager() .getTimer(ServiceManagerXslOutputTransformTimer.class).time(); try { //--- first we do the transformation Xml.transform(rootElem, styleSheet, baos); } finally { timerContext.stop(); } //--- then we set the content-type and output the result if (context.getService().equals("csv.present")) { req.beginStream(outPage.getContentType(), -1, "attachment; filename=" + "export-summary-" + String.valueOf(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()) + ".txt", cache); } else if (context.getService().equals("xml_iso19139_save") || context.getService().equals("xml_iso19110_save")) { String uuid = rootElem.getChild("request").getChildText("uuid"); req.beginStream(outPage.getContentType(), -1, "attachment; filename=" + (StringUtils.isNotBlank(uuid) ? uuid : "metadata") + ".xml", cache); } else { req.beginStream(outPage.getContentType(), cache); } req.getOutputStream().write(baos.toByteArray()); req.endStream(); } catch (Exception e) { error(" -> exception during transformation for : " + req.getService()); error(" -> (C) stylesheet : " + styleSheet); error(" -> (C) message : " + e.getMessage()); error(" -> (C) exception : " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); throw e; } info(" -> end transformation for : " + req.getService()); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //--- end data stream info(" -> output ended for : " + req.getService()); return null; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- Dispatch error //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Takes a service's response and builds the output */ private void dispatchError(ServiceRequest req, ServiceContext context, Element response, ErrorPage outPage, boolean cache) throws Exception { info(" -> dispatching to error for : " + req.getService()); //--- build the xml data for the XSL translation String styleSheet = outPage.getStyleSheet(); Element guiElem = outPage.invokeGuiServices(context, response, vDefaultGui); // Dispatch HTTP status code req.setStatusCode(outPage.getStatusCode()); addPrefixes(guiElem, context.getLanguage(), req.getService()); Element rootElem = new Element(Jeeves.Elem.ROOT).addContent(guiElem).addContent(response); if (req.hasDebug()) { req.beginStream("application/xml; charset=UTF-8", cache); req.write(rootElem); } else { //--- do an XSL transformation styleSheet = appPath + Jeeves.Path.XSL + styleSheet; info(" -> transforming with stylesheet : " + styleSheet); try { req.beginStream(outPage.getContentType(), cache); Xml.transform(rootElem, styleSheet, req.getOutputStream()); req.endStream(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } info(" -> end error transformation for : " + req.getService()); info(" -> error ended for : " + req.getService()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- private ErrorPage findErrorPage(String id) { for (int i = 0; i < vErrorPipe.size(); i++) { ErrorPage p = (ErrorPage) vErrorPipe.get(i); if (p.matches(id)) return p; } error("No default error found for id : " + id); throw new NullPointerException("No default error found for id : " + id); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- //--- Private methods //--- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- private Element getError(ServiceRequest req, Throwable t, Element response) { Element params = new Element(Jeeves.Elem.REQUEST) .addContent(new Element("language").setText(req.getLanguage())) .addContent(new Element("service").setText(req.getService())); Element error = JeevesException.toElement(t).addContent(params); //--- add response (if any) if (response != null) error.addContent((Element) response.clone()); return error; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- private int getErrorCode(Throwable t) { int code = 500; if (t instanceof JeevesException) code = ((JeevesException) t).getCode(); return code; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void addPrefixes(Element root, String lang, String service) { root.addContent(new Element(Jeeves.Elem.LANGUAGE).setText(lang)); root.addContent(new Element(Jeeves.Elem.REQ_SERVICE).setText(service)); root.addContent(new Element(Jeeves.Elem.BASE_URL).setText(baseUrl)); root.addContent(new Element(Jeeves.Elem.LOC_URL).setText(baseUrl + "/loc/" + lang)); root.addContent(new Element(Jeeves.Elem.BASE_SERVICE).setText(baseUrl + "/" + Jeeves.Prefix.SERVICE)); root.addContent( new Element(Jeeves.Elem.LOC_SERVICE).setText(baseUrl + "/" + Jeeves.Prefix.SERVICE + "/" + lang)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void logParameters(Element params) { List<Element> paramsList = params.getChildren(); if (paramsList.size() == 0) if (isDebug()) debug(" -> no input parameters"); else if (isDebug()) debug(" -> parameters are : \n" + Xml.getString(params)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- private boolean isDebug() { return Log.isDebugEnabled(Log.SERVICE); } private void debug(String message) { Log.debug(Log.SERVICE, message); } static void info(String message) {, message); } private void warning(String message) { Log.warning(Log.SERVICE, message); } static void error(String message) { Log.error(Log.SERVICE, message); } } //=============================================================================