Java tutorial
/* * SpectrumTimeAnalyzer. * * JavaZOOM : * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ package javazoom.jlgui.player.amp.visual.ui; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine; import javax.swing.JPanel; import; import kj.dsp.KJDigitalSignalProcessingAudioDataConsumer; import kj.dsp.KJDigitalSignalProcessor; import kj.dsp.KJFFT; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; public class SpectrumTimeAnalyzer extends JPanel implements KJDigitalSignalProcessor { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SpectrumTimeAnalyzer.class); public static final int DISPLAY_MODE_SCOPE = 0; public static final int DISPLAY_MODE_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER = 1; public static final int DISPLAY_MODE_OFF = 2; public static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 256; public static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 128; public static final int DEFAULT_FPS = 50; public static final int DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_FFT_SAMPLE_SIZE = 512; public static final int DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_BAND_COUNT = 19; public static final float DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_DECAY = 0.05f; public static final int DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_PEAK_DELAY = 20; public static final float DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_PEAK_DELAY_FPS_RATIO = 0.4f; public static final float DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_PEAK_DELAY_FPS_RATIO_RANGE = 0.1f; public static final float MIN_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_DECAY = 0.02f; public static final float MAX_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_DECAY = 0.08f; public static final Color DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = new Color(0, 0, 128); public static final Color DEFAULT_SCOPE_COLOR = new Color(255, 192, 0); public static final float DEFAULT_VU_METER_DECAY = 0.02f; private Image bi; private int displayMode = DISPLAY_MODE_SCOPE; private Color scopeColor = DEFAULT_SCOPE_COLOR; private Color[] spectrumAnalyserColors = getDefaultSpectrumAnalyserColors(); private KJDigitalSignalProcessingAudioDataConsumer dsp = null; private boolean dspStarted = false; private Color peakColor = null; private int[] peaks = new int[DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_BAND_COUNT]; private int[] peaksDelay = new int[DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_BAND_COUNT]; private int peakDelay = DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_PEAK_DELAY; private boolean peaksEnabled = true; private List visColors = null; private int barOffset = 1; private int width; private int height; private int height_2; // -- Spectrum analyser variables. private KJFFT fft; private float[] old_FFT; private int saFFTSampleSize; private int saBands; private float saColorScale; private float saMultiplier; private float saDecay = DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_DECAY; private float sad; private SourceDataLine m_line = null; // -- VU Meter private float oldLeft; private float oldRight; // private float vuAverage; // private float vuSamples; private float vuDecay = DEFAULT_VU_METER_DECAY; private float vuColorScale; // -- FPS calulations. private long lfu = 0; private int fc = 0; private int fps = DEFAULT_FPS; private boolean showFPS = false; private AbsoluteConstraints constraints = null; // private Runnable PAINT_SYNCHRONIZER = new AWTPaintSynchronizer(); public SpectrumTimeAnalyzer() { setOpaque(false); initialize(); } public void setConstraints(AbsoluteConstraints cnts) { constraints = cnts; } public AbsoluteConstraints getConstraints() { return constraints; } public boolean isPeaksEnabled() { return peaksEnabled; } public void setPeaksEnabled(boolean peaksEnabled) { this.peaksEnabled = peaksEnabled; } public int getFps() { return fps; } public void setFps(int fps) { this.fps = fps; } /** * Starts DSP. * @param line */ public void startDSP(SourceDataLine line) { if (displayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_OFF) return; if (line != null) m_line = line; if (dsp == null) { dsp = new KJDigitalSignalProcessingAudioDataConsumer(2048, fps); dsp.add(this); } if ((dsp != null) && (m_line != null)) { if (dspStarted == true) { stopDSP(); } dsp.start(m_line); dspStarted = true; log.debug("DSP started"); } } /** * Stop DSP. */ public void stopDSP() { if (dsp != null) { dsp.stop(); dspStarted = false; log.debug("DSP stopped"); } } /** * Close DSP */ public void closeDSP() { if (dsp != null) { stopDSP(); dsp = null; log.debug("DSP closed"); } } /** * Setup DSP. * @param line */ public void setupDSP(SourceDataLine line) { if (dsp != null) { int channels = line.getFormat().getChannels(); if (channels == 1) dsp.setChannelMode(KJDigitalSignalProcessingAudioDataConsumer.CHANNEL_MODE_MONO); else dsp.setChannelMode(KJDigitalSignalProcessingAudioDataConsumer.CHANNEL_MODE_STEREO); int bits = line.getFormat().getSampleSizeInBits(); if (bits == 8) dsp.setSampleType(KJDigitalSignalProcessingAudioDataConsumer.SAMPLE_TYPE_EIGHT_BIT); else dsp.setSampleType(KJDigitalSignalProcessingAudioDataConsumer.SAMPLE_TYPE_SIXTEEN_BIT); } } /** * Write PCM data to DSP. * @param pcmdata */ public void writeDSP(byte[] pcmdata) { if ((dsp != null) && (dspStarted == true)) dsp.writeAudioData(pcmdata); } /** * Return DSP. * @return */ public KJDigitalSignalProcessingAudioDataConsumer getDSP() { return dsp; } /** * Set visual colors from skin. * @param viscolor */ public void setVisColor(String viscolor) { ArrayList visColors = new ArrayList(); viscolor = viscolor.toLowerCase(); ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(viscolor.getBytes()); BufferedReader bin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); try { String line = null; while ((line = bin.readLine()) != null) { visColors.add(getColor(line)); } Color[] colors = new Color[visColors.size()]; visColors.toArray(colors); Color[] specColors = new Color[15]; System.arraycopy(colors, 2, specColors, 0, 15); List specList = Arrays.asList(specColors); Collections.reverse(specList); specColors = (Color[]) specList.toArray(specColors); setSpectrumAnalyserColors(specColors); setBackground((Color) visColors.get(0)); if (visColors.size() > 23) setPeakColor((Color) visColors.get(23)); if (visColors.size() > 18) setScopeColor((Color) visColors.get(18)); } catch (IOException ex) { log.warn("Cannot parse viscolors", ex); } finally { try { if (bin != null) bin.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } /** * Set visual peak color. * @param c */ public void setPeakColor(Color c) { peakColor = c; } /** * Set peak falloff delay. * @param framestowait */ public void setPeakDelay(int framestowait) { int min = (int) Math.round((DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_PEAK_DELAY_FPS_RATIO - DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_PEAK_DELAY_FPS_RATIO_RANGE) * fps); int max = (int) Math.round((DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_PEAK_DELAY_FPS_RATIO + DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_PEAK_DELAY_FPS_RATIO_RANGE) * fps); if ((framestowait >= min) && (framestowait <= max)) { peakDelay = framestowait; } else { peakDelay = (int) Math.round(DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_PEAK_DELAY_FPS_RATIO * fps); } } /** * Return peak falloff delay * @return int framestowait */ public int getPeakDelay() { return peakDelay; } /** * Convert string to color. * @param linecolor * @return */ public Color getColor(String linecolor) { Color color = Color.BLACK; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(linecolor, ","); int red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0; try { if (st.hasMoreTokens()) red = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim()); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) green = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim()); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String blueStr = st.nextToken().trim(); if (blueStr.length() > 3) blueStr = (blueStr.substring(0, 3)).trim(); blue = Integer.parseInt(blueStr); } color = new Color(red, green, blue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.debug("Cannot parse viscolor : " + e.getMessage()); } return color; } private void computeColorScale() { saColorScale = ((float) spectrumAnalyserColors.length / height) * barOffset * 1.0f; vuColorScale = ((float) spectrumAnalyserColors.length / (width - 32)) * 2.0f; } private void computeSAMultiplier() { saMultiplier = (saFFTSampleSize / 2) / saBands; } private void drawScope(Graphics pGrp, float[] pSample) { pGrp.setColor(scopeColor); int wLas = (int) (pSample[0] * (float) height_2) + height_2; int wSt = 2; for (int a = wSt, c = 0; c < width; a += wSt, c++) { int wAs = (int) (pSample[a] * (float) height_2) + height_2; pGrp.drawLine(c, wLas, c + 1, wAs); wLas = wAs; } } private void drawSpectrumAnalyser(Graphics pGrp, float[] pSample, float pFrrh) { float c = 0; float[] wFFT = fft.calculate(pSample); float wSadfrr = (saDecay * pFrrh); float wBw = ((float) width / (float) saBands); for (int a = 0, bd = 0; bd < saBands; a += saMultiplier, bd++) { float wFs = 0; // -- Average out nearest bands. for (int b = 0; b < saMultiplier; b++) { wFs += wFFT[a + b]; } // -- Log filter. wFs = (wFs * (float) Math.log(bd + 2)); if (wFs > 1.0f) { wFs = 1.0f; } // -- Compute SA decay... if (wFs >= (old_FFT[a] - wSadfrr)) { old_FFT[a] = wFs; } else { old_FFT[a] -= wSadfrr; if (old_FFT[a] < 0) { old_FFT[a] = 0; } wFs = old_FFT[a]; } drawSpectrumAnalyserBar(pGrp, (int) c, height, (int) wBw - 1, (int) (wFs * height), bd); c += wBw; } } private void drawVUMeter(Graphics pGrp, float[] pLeft, float[] pRight, float pFrrh) { if (displayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_OFF) return; float wLeft = 0.0f; float wRight = 0.0f; float wSadfrr = (vuDecay * pFrrh); for (int a = 0; a < pLeft.length; a++) { wLeft += Math.abs(pLeft[a]); wRight += Math.abs(pRight[a]); } wLeft = ((wLeft * 2.0f) / (float) pLeft.length); wRight = ((wRight * 2.0f) / (float) pRight.length); if (wLeft > 1.0f) { wLeft = 1.0f; } if (wRight > 1.0f) { wRight = 1.0f; } // vuAverage += ( ( wLeft + wRight ) / 2.0f ); // vuSamples++; // // if ( vuSamples > 128 ) { // vuSamples /= 2.0f; // vuAverage /= 2.0f; // } if (wLeft >= (oldLeft - wSadfrr)) { oldLeft = wLeft; } else { oldLeft -= wSadfrr; if (oldLeft < 0) { oldLeft = 0; } } if (wRight >= (oldRight - wSadfrr)) { oldRight = wRight; } else { oldRight -= wSadfrr; if (oldRight < 0) { oldRight = 0; } } int wHeight = (height >> 1) - 24; drawVolumeMeterBar(pGrp, 16, 16, (int) (oldLeft * (float) (width - 32)), wHeight); // drawVolumeMeterBar( pGrp, 16, wHeight + 22, (int)( ( vuAverage / vuSamples ) * (float)( width - 32 ) ), 4 ); drawVolumeMeterBar(pGrp, 16, wHeight + 32, (int) (oldRight * (float) (width - 32)), wHeight); // pGrp.fillRect( 16, 16, (int)( oldLeft * (float)( width - 32 ) ), wHeight ); // pGrp.fillRect( 16, 64, (int)( oldRight * (float)( width - 32 ) ), wHeight ); } private void drawSpectrumAnalyserBar(Graphics pGraphics, int pX, int pY, int pWidth, int pHeight, int band) { float c = 0; for (int a = pY; a >= pY - pHeight; a -= barOffset) { c += saColorScale; if (c < spectrumAnalyserColors.length) { pGraphics.setColor(spectrumAnalyserColors[(int) c]); } pGraphics.fillRect(pX, a, pWidth, 1); } if ((peakColor != null) && (peaksEnabled == true)) { pGraphics.setColor(peakColor); if (pHeight > peaks[band]) { peaks[band] = pHeight; peaksDelay[band] = peakDelay; } else { peaksDelay[band]--; if (peaksDelay[band] < 0) peaks[band]--; if (peaks[band] < 0) peaks[band] = 0; } pGraphics.fillRect(pX, pY - peaks[band], pWidth, 1); } } private void drawVolumeMeterBar(Graphics pGraphics, int pX, int pY, int pWidth, int pHeight) { float c = 0; for (int a = pX; a <= pX + pWidth; a += 2) { c += vuColorScale; if (c < 256.0f) { pGraphics.setColor(spectrumAnalyserColors[(int) c]); } pGraphics.fillRect(a, pY, 1, pHeight); } } private synchronized Image getDoubleBuffer() { if (bi == null || (bi.getWidth(null) != getSize().width || bi.getHeight(null) != getSize().height)) { width = getSize().width; height = getSize().height; height_2 = height >> 1; computeColorScale(); bi = getGraphicsConfiguration().createCompatibleVolatileImage(width, height); } return bi; } public static Color[] getDefaultSpectrumAnalyserColors() { Color[] wColors = new Color[256]; for (int a = 0; a < 128; a++) { wColors[a] = new Color(0, (a >> 1) + 192, 0); } for (int a = 0; a < 64; a++) { wColors[a + 128] = new Color(a << 2, 255, 0); } for (int a = 0; a < 64; a++) { wColors[a + 192] = new Color(255, 255 - (a << 2), 0); } return wColors; } /** * @return Returns the current display mode, DISPLAY_MODE_SCOPE or DISPLAY_MODE_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER. */ public int getDisplayMode() { return displayMode; } /** * @return Returns the current number of bands displayed by the spectrum analyser. */ public int getSpectrumAnalyserBandCount() { return saBands; } /** * @return Returns the decay rate of the spectrum analyser's bands. */ public float getSpectrumAnalyserDecay() { return saDecay; } /** * @return Returns the color the scope is rendered in. */ public Color getScopeColor() { return scopeColor; } /** * @return Returns the color scale used to render the spectrum analyser bars. */ public Color[] getSpectrumAnalyserColors() { return spectrumAnalyserColors; } private void initialize() { setSize(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); setBackground(DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR); prepareDisplayToggleListener(); setSpectrumAnalyserBandCount(DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_BAND_COUNT); setSpectrumAnalyserFFTSampleSize(DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_FFT_SAMPLE_SIZE); } /** * @return Returns 'true' if "Frames Per Second" are being calculated and displayed. */ public boolean isShowingFPS() { return showFPS; } public void paintComponent(Graphics pGraphics) { if (displayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_OFF) return; if (dspStarted) { pGraphics.drawImage(getDoubleBuffer(), 0, 0, null); } else { super.paintComponent(pGraphics); } } private void prepareDisplayToggleListener() { setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent pEvent) { if (pEvent.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { if (displayMode + 1 > 1) { displayMode = 0; } else { displayMode++; } } } }); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see kj.dsp.KJDigitalSignalProcessor#process(float[], float[], float) */ public synchronized void process(float[] pLeft, float[] pRight, float pFrameRateRatioHint) { if (displayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_OFF) return; Graphics wGrp = getDoubleBuffer().getGraphics(); wGrp.setColor(getBackground()); wGrp.fillRect(0, 0, getSize().width, getSize().height); switch (displayMode) { case DISPLAY_MODE_SCOPE: drawScope(wGrp, stereoMerge(pLeft, pRight)); break; case DISPLAY_MODE_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER: drawSpectrumAnalyser(wGrp, stereoMerge(pLeft, pRight), pFrameRateRatioHint); break; case DISPLAY_MODE_OFF: drawVUMeter(wGrp, pLeft, pRight, pFrameRateRatioHint); break; } // -- Show FPS if necessary. if (showFPS) { // -- Calculate FPS. if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= lfu + 1000) { lfu = System.currentTimeMillis(); fps = fc; fc = 0; } fc++; wGrp.setColor(Color.yellow); wGrp.drawString("FPS: " + fps + " (FRRH: " + pFrameRateRatioHint + ")", 0, height - 1); } if (getGraphics() != null) getGraphics().drawImage(getDoubleBuffer(), 0, 0, null); // repaint(); // try { // EventQueue.invokeLater( new AWTPaintSynchronizer() ); // } catch ( Exception pEx ) { // // -- Ignore exception. // pEx.printStackTrace(); // } } /** * Sets the current display mode. * * @param pMode Must be either DISPLAY_MODE_SCOPE or DISPLAY_MODE_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER. */ public synchronized void setDisplayMode(int pMode) { displayMode = pMode; } /** * Sets the color of the scope. * * @param pColor */ public synchronized void setScopeColor(Color pColor) { scopeColor = pColor; } /** * When 'true' is passed as a parameter, will overlay the "Frames Per Seconds" * achieved by the component. * * @param pState */ public synchronized void setShowFPS(boolean pState) { showFPS = pState; } /** * Sets the numbers of bands rendered by the spectrum analyser. * * @param pCount Cannot be more than half the "FFT sample size". */ public synchronized void setSpectrumAnalyserBandCount(int pCount) { saBands = pCount; peaks = new int[saBands]; peaksDelay = new int[saBands]; computeSAMultiplier(); } /** * Sets the spectrum analyser band decay rate. * * @param pDecay Must be a number between 0.0 and 1.0 exclusive. */ public synchronized void setSpectrumAnalyserDecay(float pDecay) { if ((pDecay >= MIN_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_DECAY) && (pDecay <= MAX_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_DECAY)) { saDecay = pDecay; } else saDecay = DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_DECAY; } /** * Sets the spectrum analyser color scale. * * @param pColors Any amount of colors may be used. Must not be null. */ public synchronized void setSpectrumAnalyserColors(Color[] pColors) { spectrumAnalyserColors = pColors; computeColorScale(); } /** * Sets the FFT sample size to be just for calculating the spectrum analyser * values. The default is 512. * * @param pSize Cannot be more than the size of the sample provided by the DSP. */ public synchronized void setSpectrumAnalyserFFTSampleSize(int pSize) { saFFTSampleSize = pSize; fft = new KJFFT(saFFTSampleSize); old_FFT = new float[saFFTSampleSize]; computeSAMultiplier(); } private float[] stereoMerge(float[] pLeft, float[] pRight) { for (int a = 0; a < pLeft.length; a++) { pLeft[a] = (pLeft[a] + pRight[a]) / 2.0f; } return pLeft; } /*public void update(Graphics pGraphics) { // -- Prevent AWT from clearing background. paint(pGraphics); }*/ }