Java tutorial
/* * Skin. * * JavaZOOM : * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ package; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.PixelGrabber; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JSlider; import javazoom.jlgui.player.amp.PlayerActionEvent; import javazoom.jlgui.player.amp.equalizer.ui.SplinePanel; import javazoom.jlgui.player.amp.util.Config; import javazoom.jlgui.player.amp.visual.ui.SpectrumTimeAnalyzer; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * This class allows to load all skin (2.0 compliant) features. */ public class Skin { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Skin.class); public static final String TITLETEXT = "jlGui 3.0 "; private Config config = null; private String skinVersion = "1"; // 1, 2, for different Volume.bmp private String path = null; private boolean dspEnabled = true; /*-- Window Parameters --*/ private int WinWidth, WinHeight; private String theMain = "main.bmp"; private Image imMain = null; /*-- Text Members --*/ private int fontWidth = 5; private int fontHeight = 6; private String theText = "text.bmp"; private Image imText; private String fontIndex = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\"@a " + "0123456789 :()-'!_+ /[]^&%.=$#" + " ?*"; private ActiveFont acFont = null; private ActiveJLabel acTitleLabel = null; private ActiveJLabel acSampleRateLabel = null; private ActiveJLabel acBitRateLabel = null; private String sampleRateClearText = " "; private int[] sampleRateLocation = { 156, 43 }; private String bitsRateClearText = " "; private int[] bitsRateLocation = { 110, 43 }; private int[] titleLocation = { 111, 27 }; /*-- Numbers Members --*/ private int numberWidth = 9; private int numberHeight = 13; private String theNumbers = "numbers.bmp"; private String theNumEx = "nums_ex.bmp"; private Image imNumbers; private String numberIndex = "0123456789 "; private int[] minuteHLocation = { 48, 26 }; private int[] minuteLLocation = { 60, 26 }; private int[] secondHLocation = { 78, 26 }; private int[] secondLLocation = { 90, 26 }; private ActiveJNumberLabel acMinuteH = null; private ActiveJNumberLabel acMinuteL = null; private ActiveJNumberLabel acSecondH = null; private ActiveJNumberLabel acSecondL = null; /*-- Buttons Panel members --*/ private String theButtons = "cbuttons.bmp"; private Image imButtons; private ActiveJButton acPrevious, acPlay, acPause, acStop, acNext, acEject; private Image imPrevious, imPlay, imPause, imStop, imNext, imEject; private Image[] releasedImage = { imPrevious, imPlay, imPause, imStop, imNext, imEject }; private Image[] pressedImage = { imPrevious, imPlay, imPause, imStop, imNext, imEject }; private int[] releasedPanel = { 0, 0, 23, 18, 23, 0, 23, 18, 46, 0, 23, 18, 69, 0, 23, 18, 92, 0, 22, 18, 114, 0, 22, 16 }; private int[] pressedPanel = { 0, 18, 23, 18, 23, 18, 23, 18, 46, 18, 23, 18, 69, 18, 23, 18, 92, 18, 22, 18, 114, 16, 22, 16 }; private int[] panelLocation = { 16, 88, 39, 88, 62, 88, 85, 88, 108, 88, 136, 89 }; /*-- EqualizerUI/Playlist/Shuffle/Repeat --*/ private String theEPSRButtons = "shufrep.bmp"; private Image imEPSRButtons; private ActiveJToggleButton acEqualizer, acPlaylist, acShuffle, acRepeat; private Image[] releasedEPSRImage = { null, null, null, null }; private Image[] pressedEPSRImage = { null, null, null, null }; private int[] releasedEPSRPanel = { 0, 61, 23, 12, 23, 61, 23, 12, 28, 0, 47, 15, 0, 0, 28, 15 }; private int[] pressedEPSRPanel = { 0, 73, 23, 12, 23, 73, 23, 12, 28, 30, 47, 15, 0, 30, 28, 15 }; private int[] panelEPSRLocation = { 219, 58, 242, 58, 164, 89, 212, 89 }; /*-- Volume Panel members --*/ public static final int VOLUMEMAX = 100; private String theVolume = "volume.bmp"; private Image imVolume; private ActiveJSlider acVolume = null;; private Image[] volumeImage = { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null }; private String fakeIndex = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01"; private int[] volumeBarLocation = { 107, 57 }; private Image[] releasedVolumeImage = { null }; private Image[] pressedVolumeImage = { null }; private int[] releasedVolumePanel0 = { 15, 422, 14, 11 }; private int[] pressedVolumePanel0 = { 0, 422, 14, 11 }; private int[] releasedVolumePanel1 = { 75, 376, 14, 11 }; private int[] pressedVolumePanel1 = { 90, 376, 14, 11 }; /*-- Balance Panel members --*/ public static final int BALANCEMAX = 5; private String theBalance = "balance.bmp"; private ActiveJSlider acBalance = null; private Image imBalance; private Image[] balanceImage = { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null }; private Image[] releasedBalanceImage = { null }; private Image[] pressedBalanceImage = { null }; private int[] releasedBalancePanel0 = { 15, 422, 14, 11 }; private int[] pressedBalancePanel0 = { 0, 422, 14, 11 }; private int[] releasedBalancePanel1 = { 75, 376, 14, 11 }; private int[] pressedBalancePanel1 = { 90, 376, 14, 11 }; private int[] balanceBarLocation = { 177, 57 }; /*-- Title members --*/ private String theTitleBar = "titlebar.bmp"; private Image imTitleBar; private ActiveJBar acTitleBar = null; private Image imTitleB; private Image[] releasedTitleIm = { imTitleB }; private Image[] pressedTitleIm = { imTitleB }; private int[] releasedTitlePanel = { 27, 0, 264 - 20, 14 }; // -20 for the two button add by me private int[] pressedTitlePanel = { 27, 15, 264 - 20, 14 };// -20 for the two button add by me private int[] titleBarLocation = { 0, 0 }; /*-- Exit member --*/ private ActiveJButton acExit = null; private int[] releasedExitPanel = { 18, 0, 9, 9 }; private int[] pressedExitPanel = { 18, 9, 9, 9 }; private Image[] releasedExitIm = { null }; private Image[] pressedExitIm = { null }; private int[] exitLocation = { 264, 3 }; /*-- Minimize member --*/ private ActiveJButton acMinimize = null; private int[] releasedMinimizePanel = { 9, 0, 9, 9 }; private int[] pressedMinimizePanel = { 9, 9, 9, 9 }; private Image[] releasedMinimizeIm = { null }; private Image[] pressedMinimizeIm = { null }; private int[] minimizeLocation = { 244, 3 }; /*-- Mono/Stereo Members --*/ private String theMode = "monoster.bmp"; private Image imMode; private int[] activeModePanel = { 0, 0, 28, 12, 29, 0, 27, 12 }; private int[] passiveModePanel = { 0, 12, 28, 12, 29, 12, 27, 12 }; private Image[] activeModeImage = { null, null }; private Image[] passiveModeImage = { null, null }; private int[] monoLocation = { 212, 41 }; private int[] stereoLocation = { 239, 41 }; private ActiveJIcon acMonoIcon = null; private ActiveJIcon acStereoIcon = null; /*-- PosBar members --*/ public static final int POSBARMAX = 1000; private String thePosBar = "posbar.bmp"; private Image imPosBar; private ActiveJSlider acPosBar = null; private Image[] releasedPosIm = { null }; private Image[] pressedPosIm = { null }; private int[] releasedPosPanel = { 248, 0, 28, 10 }; private int[] pressedPosPanel = { 278, 0, 28, 10 }; private int[] posBarLocation = { 16, 72 }; /*-- Play/Pause Icons --*/ private String theIcons = "playpaus.bmp"; private Image imIcons; private Image[] iconsImage = { null, null, null, null, null }; private int[] iconsPanel = { 0, 0, 9, 9, 9, 0, 9, 9, 18, 0, 9, 9, 36, 0, 3, 9, 27, 0, 2, 9 }; private int[] iconsLocation = { 26, 28, 24, 28 }; private ActiveJIcon acPlayIcon = null; private ActiveJIcon acTimeIcon = null; /*-- Readme --*/ private String theReadme = "readme.txt"; private String readme = null; /*-- DSP and viscolor --*/ private String theViscolor = "viscolor.txt"; private String viscolor = null; private int[] visualLocation = { 24, 44 }; private int[] visualSize = { 76, 15 }; private SpectrumTimeAnalyzer analyzer = null; /*-- EqualizerUI --*/ private Image imFullEqualizer = null; private Image imEqualizer = null; private Image imSliders = null; private ActiveJSlider[] acSlider = { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null }; private Image[] sliderImage = { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null }; private int[][] sliderBarLocation = { { 21, 38 }, { 78, 38 }, { 96, 38 }, { 114, 38 }, { 132, 38 }, { 150, 38 }, { 168, 38 }, { 186, 38 }, { 204, 38 }, { 222, 38 }, { 240, 38 } }; private Image[] releasedSliderImage = { null }; private Image[] pressedSliderImage = { null }; private int[][] sliderLocation = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }; private Image[] releasedPresetsImage = { null }; private Image[] pressedPresetsImage = { null }; private int[] panelPresetsLocation = { 217, 18 }; private ActiveJButton acPresets = null; private ActiveJToggleButton acOnOff, acAuto; private Image[] releasedOAImage = { null, null }; private Image[] pressedOAImage = { null, null }; private int[] panelOALocation = { 15, 18, 39, 18 }; private SplinePanel spline = null; private int[] panelSplineLocation = { 88, 17, 113, 19 }; private Image splineImage = null; private Image splineBarImage = null; private ResourceBundle bundle = null; /*-- Playlist --*/ private PlaylistUIDelegate playlist = null; private Image imPlaylist = null; private String plEdit = null; private ActiveJSlider acPlSlider = null; private int[] plSliderLocation = { 255, 20 }; private ActiveJButton acPlUp, acPlDown; private ActiveJButton acPlAdd, acPlRemove, acPlSelect, acPlMisc, acPlList; private int[] plAddLocation = { 14, 86 }; private int[] plRemoveLocation = { 14 + 30, 86 }; private int[] plSelectLocation = { 14 + 60, 86 }; private int[] plMiscLocation = { 14 + 89, 86 }; private int[] plListLocation = { 14 + 214, 86 }; private ActiveJPopup acPlAddPopup, acPlRemovePopup, acPlSelectPopup, acPlMiscPopup, acPlListPopup; private int[] plAddPopupArea = { 14, 50, 22, 18 * 3 }; private int[] plRemovePopupArea = { 14 + 29, 32, 22, 18 * 4 }; private int[] plSelectPopupArea = { 14 + 58, 50, 22, 18 * 3 }; private int[] plMiscPopupArea = { 14 + 87, 50, 22, 18 * 3 }; private int[] plListPopupArea = { 14 + 217, 50, 22, 18 * 3 }; public Skin() { super(); String i18n = "javazoom/jlgui/player/amp/skin/skin"; bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(i18n); } /** * Return I18N value of a given key. * @param key * @return */ public String getResource(String key) { String value = null; try { value = bundle.getString(key); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { log.debug(e); } return value; } /** * Return skin path. * @return */ public String getPath() { return path; } public void setPath(String path) { this.path = path; } public boolean isDspEnabled() { return dspEnabled; } public void setDspEnabled(boolean dspEnabled) { this.dspEnabled = dspEnabled; } /** * Loads a new skin from local file system. * @param skinName */ public void loadSkin(String skinName) { SkinLoader skl = new SkinLoader(skinName); try { loadSkin(skl); path = skinName; } catch (Exception e) {"Can't load skin : ", e); InputStream sis = this.getClass().getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream("javazoom/jlgui/player/amp/metrix.wsz");"Load default skin for JAR"); loadSkin(sis); } } /** * Loads a new skin from any input stream. * @param skinStream */ public void loadSkin(InputStream skinStream) { SkinLoader skl = new SkinLoader(skinStream); try { loadSkin(skl); } catch (Exception e) {"Can't load skin : ", e); InputStream sis = this.getClass().getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream("javazoom/jlgui/player/amp/metrix.wsz");"Load default skin for JAR"); loadSkin(sis); } } /** * Loads a skin from a SkinLoader. * @param skl * @throws Exception */ public void loadSkin(SkinLoader skl) throws Exception { skl.loadImages(); imMain = skl.getImage(theMain); imButtons = skl.getImage(theButtons); imTitleBar = skl.getImage(theTitleBar); imText = skl.getImage(theText); imMode = skl.getImage(theMode); imNumbers = skl.getImage(theNumbers); // add by John Yang if (imNumbers == null) { log.debug("Try load nums_ex.bmp !"); imNumbers = skl.getImage(theNumEx); } imVolume = skl.getImage(theVolume); imBalance = skl.getImage(theBalance); imIcons = skl.getImage(theIcons); imPosBar = skl.getImage(thePosBar); imEPSRButtons = skl.getImage(theEPSRButtons); viscolor = (String) skl.getContent(theViscolor); String readmeStr = theReadme; readme = (String) skl.getContent(readmeStr); if (readme == null) { readmeStr = readmeStr.toUpperCase(); readme = (String) skl.getContent(readmeStr); } if (readme == null) { readmeStr = readmeStr.substring(0, 1) + theReadme.substring(1, theReadme.length()); readme = (String) skl.getContent(readmeStr); } // Computes volume slider height : int vh = (imVolume.getHeight(null) - 422); if (vh > 0) { releasedVolumePanel0[3] = vh; pressedVolumePanel0[3] = vh; releasedVolumePanel1[3] = vh; pressedVolumePanel1[3] = vh; } // Computes balance slider height : if (imBalance == null) imBalance = imVolume; int bh = (imBalance.getHeight(null) - 422); if (bh > 0) { releasedBalancePanel0[3] = bh; pressedBalancePanel0[3] = bh; releasedBalancePanel1[3] = bh; pressedBalancePanel1[3] = bh; } // Compute posbar height. int ph = imPosBar.getHeight(null); if (ph > 0) { releasedPosPanel[3] = ph; pressedPosPanel[3] = ph; } WinHeight = imMain.getHeight(null); // 116 WinWidth = imMain.getWidth(null); // 275 /*-- Text --*/ acFont = new ActiveFont(imText, fontIndex, fontWidth, fontHeight); acTitleLabel = new ActiveJLabel(); acTitleLabel.setAcFont(acFont); acTitleLabel.setCropRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 0, 155, 6)); acTitleLabel.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(titleLocation[0], titleLocation[1], 155, 6)); acTitleLabel.setAcText(TITLETEXT.toUpperCase()); acSampleRateLabel = new ActiveJLabel(); acSampleRateLabel.setAcFont(acFont); acSampleRateLabel.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(sampleRateLocation[0], sampleRateLocation[1])); acSampleRateLabel.setAcText(sampleRateClearText); acBitRateLabel = new ActiveJLabel(); acBitRateLabel.setAcFont(acFont); acBitRateLabel.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(bitsRateLocation[0], bitsRateLocation[1])); acBitRateLabel.setAcText(bitsRateClearText); /*-- Buttons --*/ readPanel(releasedImage, releasedPanel, pressedImage, pressedPanel, imButtons); setButtonsPanel(); /*-- Volume/Balance --*/ if (skinVersion.equals("1")) { readPanel(releasedVolumeImage, releasedVolumePanel0, pressedVolumeImage, pressedVolumePanel0, imVolume); readPanel(releasedBalanceImage, releasedBalancePanel0, pressedBalanceImage, pressedBalancePanel0, imBalance); } else { readPanel(releasedVolumeImage, releasedVolumePanel1, pressedVolumeImage, pressedVolumePanel1, imVolume); readPanel(releasedBalanceImage, releasedBalancePanel1, pressedBalanceImage, pressedBalancePanel1, imBalance); } setVolumeBalancePanel(vh, bh); /*-- Title Bar --*/ readPanel(releasedTitleIm, releasedTitlePanel, pressedTitleIm, pressedTitlePanel, imTitleBar); setTitleBarPanel(); /*-- Exit --*/ readPanel(releasedExitIm, releasedExitPanel, pressedExitIm, pressedExitPanel, imTitleBar); setExitPanel(); /*-- Minimize --*/ readPanel(releasedMinimizeIm, releasedMinimizePanel, pressedMinimizeIm, pressedMinimizePanel, imTitleBar); setMinimizePanel(); /*-- Mode --*/ readPanel(activeModeImage, activeModePanel, passiveModeImage, passiveModePanel, imMode); setMonoStereoPanel(); /*-- Numbers --*/ ImageIcon[] numbers = new ImageIcon[numberIndex.length()]; for (int h = 0; h < numberIndex.length(); h++) { numbers[h] = new ImageIcon( (new Taftb(numberIndex, imNumbers, numberWidth, numberHeight, 0, "" + numberIndex.charAt(h))) .getBanner()); } acMinuteH = new ActiveJNumberLabel(); acMinuteH.setNumbers(numbers); acMinuteH.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(minuteHLocation[0], minuteHLocation[1])); acMinuteH.setAcText(" "); acMinuteL = new ActiveJNumberLabel(); acMinuteL.setNumbers(numbers); acMinuteL.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(minuteLLocation[0], minuteLLocation[1])); acMinuteL.setAcText(" "); acSecondH = new ActiveJNumberLabel(); acSecondH.setNumbers(numbers); acSecondH.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(secondHLocation[0], secondHLocation[1])); acSecondH.setAcText(" "); acSecondL = new ActiveJNumberLabel(); acSecondL.setNumbers(numbers); acSecondL.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(secondLLocation[0], secondLLocation[1])); acSecondL.setAcText(" "); /*-- Icons --*/ readPanel(iconsImage, iconsPanel, null, null, imIcons); acPlayIcon = new ActiveJIcon(); ImageIcon[] playIcons = { new ImageIcon(iconsImage[0]), new ImageIcon(iconsImage[1]), new ImageIcon(iconsImage[2]) }; acPlayIcon.setIcons(playIcons); acPlayIcon.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(iconsLocation[0], iconsLocation[1])); acPlayIcon.setIcon(2); acTimeIcon = new ActiveJIcon(); ImageIcon[] timeIcons = { new ImageIcon(iconsImage[3]), new ImageIcon(iconsImage[4]) }; acTimeIcon.setIcons(timeIcons); acTimeIcon.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(iconsLocation[2], iconsLocation[3])); /*-- DSP --*/ setAnalyzerPanel(); /*-- Pos Bar --*/ readPanel(releasedPosIm, releasedPosPanel, pressedPosIm, pressedPosPanel, imPosBar); setPosBarPanel(); /*-- EqualizerUI/Playlist/Shuffle/Repeat --*/ readPanel(releasedEPSRImage, releasedEPSRPanel, pressedEPSRImage, pressedEPSRPanel, imEPSRButtons); setEPSRButtonsPanel(); /*-- EqualizerUI --*/ imFullEqualizer = skl.getImage("eqmain.bmp"); imEqualizer = new BufferedImage(WinWidth, WinHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); imEqualizer.getGraphics().drawImage(imFullEqualizer, 0, 0, null); imSliders = new BufferedImage(208, 128, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); imSliders.getGraphics().drawImage(imFullEqualizer, 0, 0, 208, 128, 13, 164, 13 + 208, 164 + 128, null); setSliderPanel(); setOnOffAutoPanel(); setPresetsPanel(); setSplinePanel(); /*-- Playlist --*/ imPlaylist = skl.getImage("pledit.bmp"); plEdit = (String) skl.getContent("pledit.txt"); setPlaylistPanel(); } /** * Instantiate Buttons Panel with ActiveComponent. */ private void setButtonsPanel() { int l = 0; acPrevious = new ActiveJButton(); acPrevious.setIcon(new ImageIcon(releasedImage[0])); acPrevious.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedImage[0])); acPrevious.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(panelLocation[l++], panelLocation[l++], releasedImage[0].getWidth(null), releasedImage[0].getHeight(null))); acPrevious.setToolTipText(getResource("button.previous")); acPrevious.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPREVIOUS); acPlay = new ActiveJButton(); acPlay.setIcon(new ImageIcon(releasedImage[1])); acPlay.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedImage[1])); acPlay.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(panelLocation[l++], panelLocation[l++], releasedImage[1].getWidth(null), releasedImage[1].getHeight(null))); acPlay.setToolTipText(getResource("")); acPlay.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLAY); acPause = new ActiveJButton(); acPause.setIcon(new ImageIcon(releasedImage[2])); acPause.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedImage[2])); acPause.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(panelLocation[l++], panelLocation[l++], releasedImage[2].getWidth(null), releasedImage[2].getHeight(null))); acPause.setToolTipText(getResource("button.pause")); acPause.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPAUSE); acStop = new ActiveJButton(); acStop.setIcon(new ImageIcon(releasedImage[3])); acStop.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedImage[3])); acStop.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(panelLocation[l++], panelLocation[l++], releasedImage[3].getWidth(null), releasedImage[3].getHeight(null))); acStop.setToolTipText(getResource("button.stop")); acStop.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACSTOP); acNext = new ActiveJButton(); acNext.setIcon(new ImageIcon(releasedImage[4])); acNext.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedImage[4])); acNext.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(panelLocation[l++], panelLocation[l++], releasedImage[4].getWidth(null), releasedImage[4].getHeight(null))); acNext.setToolTipText(getResource("")); acNext.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACNEXT); acEject = new ActiveJButton(); acEject.setIcon(new ImageIcon(releasedImage[5])); acEject.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedImage[5])); acEject.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(panelLocation[l++], panelLocation[l++], releasedImage[5].getWidth(null), releasedImage[5].getHeight(null))); acEject.setToolTipText(getResource("button.eject")); acEject.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACEJECT); } /** * Instantiate EPSR Buttons Panel with ActiveComponent. * imEqualizer, imPlaylist, imShuffle, imRepeat */ private void setEPSRButtonsPanel() { int l = 0; acEqualizer = new ActiveJToggleButton(); acEqualizer.setIcon(new ImageIcon(releasedEPSRImage[0])); acEqualizer.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedEPSRImage[0])); acEqualizer.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedEPSRImage[0])); acEqualizer.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(panelEPSRLocation[l++], panelEPSRLocation[l++], releasedEPSRImage[0].getWidth(null), releasedEPSRImage[0].getHeight(null))); acEqualizer.setToolTipText(getResource("toggle.equalizer")); acEqualizer.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACEQUALIZER); acEqualizer.setSelected(config.isEqualizerEnabled()); acPlaylist = new ActiveJToggleButton(); acPlaylist.setIcon(new ImageIcon(releasedEPSRImage[1])); acPlaylist.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedEPSRImage[1])); acPlaylist.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedEPSRImage[1])); acPlaylist.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(panelEPSRLocation[l++], panelEPSRLocation[l++], releasedEPSRImage[1].getWidth(null), releasedEPSRImage[1].getHeight(null))); acPlaylist.setToolTipText(getResource("toggle.playlist")); acPlaylist.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLAYLIST); acPlaylist.setSelected(config.isPlaylistEnabled()); acShuffle = new ActiveJToggleButton(); acShuffle.setIcon(new ImageIcon(releasedEPSRImage[2])); acShuffle.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedEPSRImage[2])); acShuffle.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedEPSRImage[2])); acShuffle.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(panelEPSRLocation[l++], panelEPSRLocation[l++], releasedEPSRImage[2].getWidth(null), releasedEPSRImage[2].getHeight(null))); acShuffle.setToolTipText(getResource("toggle.shuffle")); acShuffle.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACSHUFFLE); acShuffle.setSelected(config.isShuffleEnabled()); acRepeat = new ActiveJToggleButton(); acRepeat.setIcon(new ImageIcon(releasedEPSRImage[3])); acRepeat.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedEPSRImage[3])); acRepeat.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedEPSRImage[3])); acRepeat.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(panelEPSRLocation[l++], panelEPSRLocation[l++], releasedEPSRImage[3].getWidth(null), releasedEPSRImage[3].getHeight(null))); acRepeat.setToolTipText(getResource("toggle.repeat")); acRepeat.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACREPEAT); acRepeat.setSelected(config.isRepeatEnabled()); } /** * Instantiate Volume/Balance Panel with ActiveComponent. * @param vheight * @param bheight */ private void setVolumeBalancePanel(int vheight, int bheight) { // Volume. acVolume = new ActiveJSlider(); acVolume.setMinimum(0); acVolume.setMaximum(VOLUMEMAX); int volumeValue = config.getVolume(); if (volumeValue < 0) volumeValue = (int) VOLUMEMAX / 2; acVolume.setValue(volumeValue); acVolume.setToolTipText(getResource("slider.volume")); int l = 0; for (int k = 0; k < volumeImage.length; k++) { //volumeImage[k] = (new Taftb(fakeIndex, imVolume, 68, 13, 2, "" + fakeIndex.charAt(k))).getBanner(); volumeImage[k] = (new Taftb(fakeIndex, imVolume, imVolume.getWidth(null), 13, 2, "" + fakeIndex.charAt(k))).getBanner(); } if (volumeImage[0].getHeight(null) > releasedVolumeImage[0].getHeight(null)) { acVolume.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(volumeBarLocation[l++], volumeBarLocation[l++], volumeImage[0].getWidth(null), volumeImage[0].getHeight(null))); } else { acVolume.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(volumeBarLocation[l++], volumeBarLocation[l++], volumeImage[0].getWidth(null), releasedVolumeImage[0].getHeight(null))); } ActiveSliderUI sUI = new ActiveSliderUI(acVolume); sUI.setThumbImage(releasedVolumeImage[0]); sUI.setThumbPressedImage(pressedVolumeImage[0]); sUI.setBackgroundImages(volumeImage); if (vheight < 0) vheight = 0; sUI.forceThumbHeight(vheight); sUI.setThumbXOffset(0); sUI.setThumbYOffset(1); acVolume.setUI(sUI); // Balance acBalance = new ActiveJSlider(); acBalance.setMinimum(-BALANCEMAX); acBalance.setMaximum(BALANCEMAX); acBalance.setValue(0); acBalance.setToolTipText(getResource("slider.balance")); Image cropBalance = new BufferedImage(38, 418, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics g = cropBalance.getGraphics(); g.drawImage(imBalance, 0, 0, 38, 418, 9, 0, 9 + 38, 0 + 418, null); for (int k = 0; k < balanceImage.length; k++) { balanceImage[k] = (new Taftb(fakeIndex, cropBalance, 38, 13, 2, "" + fakeIndex.charAt(k))).getBanner(); } l = 0; if (balanceImage[0].getHeight(null) > releasedBalanceImage[0].getHeight(null)) { acBalance.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(balanceBarLocation[l++], balanceBarLocation[l++], balanceImage[0].getWidth(null), balanceImage[0].getHeight(null))); } else { acBalance.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(balanceBarLocation[l++], balanceBarLocation[l++], balanceImage[0].getWidth(null), releasedBalanceImage[0].getHeight(null))); } sUI = new ActiveSliderUI(acBalance); sUI.setThumbImage(releasedBalanceImage[0]); sUI.setThumbPressedImage(pressedBalanceImage[0]); sUI.setBackgroundImages(balanceImage); if (bheight < 0) bheight = 0; sUI.forceThumbHeight(bheight); sUI.setThumbXOffset(1); sUI.setThumbYOffset(1); acBalance.setUI(sUI); } /** * Instantiate Title Panel with ActiveComponent. */ protected void setTitleBarPanel() { int l = 0; acTitleBar = new ActiveJBar(); ImageBorder border = new ImageBorder(); border.setImage(releasedTitleIm[0]); acTitleBar.setBorder(border); acTitleBar.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(titleBarLocation[l++], titleBarLocation[l++], releasedTitleIm[0].getWidth(null), releasedTitleIm[0].getHeight(null))); } /** * Instantiate Exit Panel with ActiveComponent. */ protected void setExitPanel() { int l = 0; acExit = new ActiveJButton(); acExit.setIcon(new ImageIcon(releasedExitIm[0])); acExit.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedExitIm[0])); acExit.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(exitLocation[l++], exitLocation[l++], releasedExitIm[0].getWidth(null), releasedExitIm[0].getHeight(null))); acExit.setToolTipText(getResource("button.exit")); acExit.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACEXIT); } /** * Instantiate Minimize Panel with ActiveComponent. */ protected void setMinimizePanel() { int l = 0; acMinimize = new ActiveJButton(); acMinimize.setIcon(new ImageIcon(releasedMinimizeIm[0])); acMinimize.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedMinimizeIm[0])); acMinimize.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(minimizeLocation[l++], minimizeLocation[l++], releasedMinimizeIm[0].getWidth(null), releasedMinimizeIm[0].getHeight(null))); acMinimize.setToolTipText(getResource("button.minimize")); acMinimize.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACMINIMIZE); } /** * Instantiate Mono/Stereo panel. */ private void setMonoStereoPanel() { acMonoIcon = new ActiveJIcon(); ImageIcon[] mono = { new ImageIcon(passiveModeImage[1]), new ImageIcon(activeModeImage[1]) }; acMonoIcon.setIcons(mono); acMonoIcon.setIcon(0); acMonoIcon.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(monoLocation[0], monoLocation[1], passiveModeImage[1].getWidth(null), passiveModeImage[1].getHeight(null))); acStereoIcon = new ActiveJIcon(); ImageIcon[] stereo = { new ImageIcon(passiveModeImage[0]), new ImageIcon(activeModeImage[0]) }; acStereoIcon.setIcons(stereo); acStereoIcon.setIcon(0); acStereoIcon.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(stereoLocation[0], stereoLocation[1], passiveModeImage[0].getWidth(null), passiveModeImage[0].getHeight(null))); } /** * Initialize Spectrum/Time analyzer. */ private void setAnalyzerPanel() { String javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version"); if ((javaVersion != null) && ((javaVersion.startsWith("1.3"))) || (javaVersion.startsWith("1.4"))) {"DSP disabled for JRE " + javaVersion); } else if (!dspEnabled) {"DSP disabled"); } else { if (analyzer == null) analyzer = new SpectrumTimeAnalyzer(); String visualMode = config.getVisualMode(); if ((visualMode != null) && (visualMode.length() > 0)) { if (visualMode.equalsIgnoreCase("off")) analyzer.setDisplayMode(SpectrumTimeAnalyzer.DISPLAY_MODE_OFF); else if (visualMode.equalsIgnoreCase("oscillo")) analyzer.setDisplayMode(SpectrumTimeAnalyzer.DISPLAY_MODE_SCOPE); else analyzer.setDisplayMode(SpectrumTimeAnalyzer.DISPLAY_MODE_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER); } else analyzer.setDisplayMode(SpectrumTimeAnalyzer.DISPLAY_MODE_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER); analyzer.setSpectrumAnalyserBandCount(19); analyzer.setVisColor(viscolor); analyzer.setLocation(visualLocation[0], visualLocation[1]); analyzer.setSize(visualSize[0], visualSize[1]); analyzer.setSpectrumAnalyserDecay(0.05f); int fps = SpectrumTimeAnalyzer.DEFAULT_FPS; analyzer.setFps(fps); analyzer.setPeakDelay( (int) (fps * SpectrumTimeAnalyzer.DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_ANALYSER_PEAK_DELAY_FPS_RATIO)); analyzer.setConstraints( new AbsoluteConstraints(visualLocation[0], visualLocation[1], visualSize[0], visualSize[1])); analyzer.setToolTipText(getResource("panel.analyzer")); } } /** * Instantiate PosBar Panel with ActiveComponent. */ protected void setPosBarPanel() { int l = 0; Image posBackground = new BufferedImage(248, 10, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); posBackground.getGraphics().drawImage(imPosBar, 0, 0, 248, 10, 0, 0, 248, 10, null); acPosBar = new ActiveJSlider(); acPosBar.setMinimum(0); acPosBar.setMaximum(POSBARMAX); acPosBar.setValue(0); acPosBar.setOrientation(JSlider.HORIZONTAL); acPosBar.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(posBarLocation[l++], posBarLocation[l++], 248, releasedPosIm[0].getHeight(null))); ActiveSliderUI sUI = new ActiveSliderUI(acPosBar); Image[] back = { posBackground }; sUI.setBackgroundImages(back); sUI.setThumbXOffset(0); sUI.setThumbYOffset(0); sUI.setThumbImage(releasedPosIm[0]); sUI.setThumbPressedImage(pressedPosIm[0]); acPosBar.setUI(sUI); acPosBar.setToolTipText(getResource("")); } /** * Set sliders for equalizer. */ private void setSliderPanel() { releasedSliderImage[0] = new BufferedImage(12, 11, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics g = releasedSliderImage[0].getGraphics(); g.drawImage(imFullEqualizer, 0, 0, 12, 11, 0, 164, 0 + 12, 164 + 11, null); pressedSliderImage[0] = new BufferedImage(10, 11, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); g = pressedSliderImage[0].getGraphics(); g.drawImage(imFullEqualizer, 0, 0, 11, 11, 0, 176, 0 + 11, 176 + 11, null); for (int k = 0; k < sliderImage.length / 2; k++) { sliderImage[k] = new BufferedImage(13, 63, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); g = sliderImage[k].getGraphics(); g.drawImage(imSliders, 0, 0, 13, 63, k * 15, 0, k * 15 + 13, 0 + 63, null); } for (int k = 0; k < sliderImage.length / 2; k++) { sliderImage[k + (sliderImage.length / 2)] = new BufferedImage(13, 63, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); g = sliderImage[k + (sliderImage.length / 2)].getGraphics(); g.drawImage(imSliders, 0, 0, 13, 63, k * 15, 65, k * 15 + 13, 65 + 63, null); } // Setup sliders for (int i = 0; i < acSlider.length; i++) { sliderLocation[i][0] = sliderBarLocation[i][0] + 1; sliderLocation[i][1] = sliderBarLocation[i][1] + 1;// + deltaSlider * gainEqValue[i] / maxEqGain; acSlider[i] = new ActiveJSlider(); acSlider[i].setMinimum(0); acSlider[i].setMaximum(100); acSlider[i].setValue(50); acSlider[i].setOrientation(JSlider.VERTICAL); ActiveSliderUI sUI = new ActiveSliderUI(acSlider[i]); sUI.setThumbImage(releasedSliderImage[0]); sUI.setThumbPressedImage(pressedSliderImage[0]); sUI.setBackgroundImages(sliderImage); sUI.setThumbXOffset(1); sUI.setThumbYOffset(-1); acSlider[i].setUI(sUI); acSlider[i].setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(sliderLocation[i][0], sliderLocation[i][1], releasedSliderImage[0].getWidth(null), sliderImage[0].getHeight(null))); } acSlider[0].setEnabled(false); } /** * Set On/Off and Auto checkbox. */ public void setOnOffAutoPanel() { // On/Off int w = 24, h = 12; releasedOAImage[0] = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics g = releasedOAImage[0].getGraphics(); g.drawImage(imFullEqualizer, 0, 0, w, h, 10, 119, 10 + w, 119 + h, null); pressedOAImage[0] = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); g = pressedOAImage[0].getGraphics(); g.drawImage(imFullEqualizer, 0, 0, w, h, 69, 119, 69 + w, 119 + h, null); acOnOff = new ActiveJToggleButton(); acOnOff.setIcon(new ImageIcon(releasedOAImage[0])); acOnOff.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedOAImage[0])); acOnOff.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedOAImage[0])); acOnOff.setSelected(config.isEqualizerOn()); acOnOff.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(panelOALocation[0], panelOALocation[1], releasedOAImage[0].getWidth(null), releasedOAImage[0].getHeight(null))); acOnOff.setToolTipText(getResource("equalizer.toggle.onoff")); acOnOff.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACEQONOFF); // Auto w = 34; h = 12; releasedOAImage[1] = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); g = releasedOAImage[1].getGraphics(); g.drawImage(imFullEqualizer, 0, 0, w, h, 34, 119, 34 + w, 119 + h, null); pressedOAImage[1] = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); g = pressedOAImage[1].getGraphics(); g.drawImage(imFullEqualizer, 0, 0, w, h, 93, 119, 93 + w, 119 + h, null); acAuto = new ActiveJToggleButton(); acAuto.setIcon(new ImageIcon(releasedOAImage[1])); acAuto.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedOAImage[1])); acAuto.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedOAImage[1])); acAuto.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(panelOALocation[2], panelOALocation[3], releasedOAImage[1].getWidth(null), releasedOAImage[1].getHeight(null))); acAuto.setToolTipText(getResource("")); acAuto.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACEQAUTO); } /** * Set presets button. */ public void setPresetsPanel() { int w = 44, h = 12; releasedPresetsImage[0] = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics g = releasedPresetsImage[0].getGraphics(); g.drawImage(imFullEqualizer, 0, 0, w, h, 224, 164, 224 + w, 164 + h, null); pressedPresetsImage[0] = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); g = pressedPresetsImage[0].getGraphics(); g.drawImage(imFullEqualizer, 0, 0, w, h, 224, 176, 224 + w, 176 + h, null); acPresets = new ActiveJButton(); acPresets.setIcon(new ImageIcon(releasedPresetsImage[0])); acPresets.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pressedPresetsImage[0])); acPresets.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(panelPresetsLocation[0], panelPresetsLocation[1], releasedPresetsImage[0].getWidth(null), releasedPresetsImage[0].getHeight(null))); acPresets.setToolTipText(getResource("equalizer.button.presets")); acPresets.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACEQPRESETS); } /** * Instantiate equalizer spline panel. */ public void setSplinePanel() { int w = panelSplineLocation[2]; int h = panelSplineLocation[3]; splineImage = null; splineBarImage = null; spline = null; if (imFullEqualizer.getHeight(null) > 294) { splineImage = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); splineBarImage = new BufferedImage(w, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); splineImage.getGraphics().drawImage(imFullEqualizer, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 294, 0 + w, 294 + h, null); splineBarImage.getGraphics().drawImage(imFullEqualizer, 0, 0, w, 1, 0, 294 + h + 1, 0 + w, 294 + h + 1 + 1, null); spline = new SplinePanel(); spline.setBackgroundImage(splineImage); spline.setBarImage(splineBarImage); int[] pixels = new int[1 * h]; PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber(imFullEqualizer, 115, 294, 1, h, pixels, 0, 1); try { pg.grabPixels(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.debug(e); } Color[] colors = new Color[h]; for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) { int c = pixels[i]; int red = (c & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; int green = (c & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; int blue = c & 0x000000ff; colors[i] = new Color(red, green, blue); } spline.setGradient(colors); spline.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(panelSplineLocation[0], panelSplineLocation[1], panelSplineLocation[2], panelSplineLocation[3])); } } /** * Instantiate playlist panel. */ public void setPlaylistPanel() { playlist = new PlaylistUIDelegate(); Image titleCenter = new BufferedImage(100, 20, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); titleCenter.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, 100, 20, 26, 0, 126, 20, null); playlist.setTitleCenterImage(titleCenter); Image titleLeft = new BufferedImage(25, 20, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); titleLeft.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, 25, 20, 0, 0, 25, 20, null); playlist.setTitleLeftImage(titleLeft); Image titleStretch = new BufferedImage(25, 20, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); titleStretch.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, 25, 20, 127, 0, 152, 20, null); playlist.setTitleStretchImage(titleStretch); Image titleRight = new BufferedImage(25, 20, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); titleRight.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, 25, 20, 153, 0, 178, 20, null); playlist.setTitleRightImage(titleRight); Image btmLeft = new BufferedImage(125, 38, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); btmLeft.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, 125, 38, 0, 72, 125, 110, null); playlist.setBottomLeftImage(btmLeft); Image btmRight = new BufferedImage(150, 38, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); btmRight.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, 150, 38, 126, 72, 276, 110, null); playlist.setBottomRightImage(btmRight); Image bodyLeft = new BufferedImage(12, 28, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); bodyLeft.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, 12, 28, 0, 42, 12, 70, null); playlist.setLeftImage(bodyLeft); Image bodyRight = new BufferedImage(20, 28, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); bodyRight.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, 20, 28, 31, 42, 51, 70, null); playlist.setRightImage(bodyRight); // Parse color plEdit = plEdit.toLowerCase(); ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(plEdit.getBytes()); BufferedReader lin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); try { for (;;) { String line = lin.readLine(); if (line == null) break; if ((line.toLowerCase()).startsWith("normalbg")) playlist.setBackgroundColor(parsePlEditColor(line)); else if ((line.toLowerCase()).startsWith("normal")) playlist.setNormalColor(parsePlEditColor(line)); else if ((line.toLowerCase()).startsWith("current")) playlist.setCurrentColor(parsePlEditColor(line)); else if ((line.toLowerCase()).startsWith("selectedbg")) playlist.setSelectedBackgroundColor(parsePlEditColor(line)); } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e); } finally { try { if (in != null) in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } // Playlist slider. acPlSlider = new ActiveJSlider(); acPlSlider.setOrientation(JSlider.VERTICAL); acPlSlider.setMinimum(0); acPlSlider.setMaximum(100); acPlSlider.setValue(100); ActiveSliderUI sUI = new ActiveSliderUI(acPlSlider); Image scrollBarReleased = new BufferedImage(8, 18, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); scrollBarReleased.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, 8, 18, 52, 53, 52 + 8, 53 + 18, null); sUI.setThumbImage(scrollBarReleased); Image scrollBarClicked = new BufferedImage(8, 18, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); scrollBarClicked.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, 8, 18, 61, 53, 61 + 8, 53 + 18, null); sUI.setThumbPressedImage(scrollBarClicked); Image sliderBackground = new BufferedImage(20, 58, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); sliderBackground.getGraphics().drawImage(bodyRight, 0, 0, null); sliderBackground.getGraphics().drawImage(bodyRight, 0, 28, null); sliderBackground.getGraphics().drawImage(bodyRight, 0, 30, null); Image[] background = { sliderBackground }; sUI.setBackgroundImages(background); sUI.setThumbXOffset(5); acPlSlider.setUI(sUI); acPlSlider.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(plSliderLocation[0], plSliderLocation[1], 20, 58)); // Up/Down scroll buttons acPlUp = new ActiveJButton(); Image upScrollButton = new BufferedImage(8, 4, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); upScrollButton.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, 8, 4, 261, 75, 269, 79, null); acPlUp.setIcon(new ImageIcon(upScrollButton)); acPlUp.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(upScrollButton)); acPlUp.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(WinWidth - 15, WinHeight - 35, 8, 4)); acPlUp.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLUP); acPlDown = new ActiveJButton(); Image downScrollButton = new BufferedImage(8, 4, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); downScrollButton.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, 8, 4, 261, 80, 269, 84, null); acPlDown.setIcon(new ImageIcon(downScrollButton)); acPlDown.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(downScrollButton)); acPlDown.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(WinWidth - 15, WinHeight - 30, 8, 4)); acPlDown.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLDOWN); // Playlist AddFile/AddDir/AddURL buttons int w = 22; int h = 18; Image addButtonImage = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); addButtonImage.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, w, h, 14, 80, 14 + w, 80 + h, null); acPlAdd = new ActiveJButton(); acPlAdd.setIcon(new ImageIcon(addButtonImage)); acPlAdd.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(addButtonImage)); acPlAdd.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLADDPOPUP); acPlAdd.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(plAddLocation[0], plAddLocation[1], w, h)); ActiveJButton acPlAddFile = createPLButton(0, 149); acPlAddFile.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLADDFILE); ActiveJButton acPlAddDir = createPLButton(0, 130); acPlAddDir.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLADDDIR); ActiveJButton acPlAddURL = createPLButton(0, 111); acPlAddURL.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLADDURL); acPlAddPopup = new ActiveJPopup(); ActiveJButton[] addbuttons = { acPlAddURL, acPlAddDir, acPlAddFile }; acPlAddPopup.setItems(addbuttons); acPlAddPopup.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(plAddPopupArea[0], plAddPopupArea[1], plAddPopupArea[2], plAddPopupArea[3])); // Playlist RemoveMisc/RemoveSelection/Crop/RemoveAll buttons Image removeButtonImage = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); removeButtonImage.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, w, h, 14 + 30, 80, 14 + 30 + w, 80 + h, null); acPlRemove = new ActiveJButton(); acPlRemove.setIcon(new ImageIcon(removeButtonImage)); acPlRemove.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(removeButtonImage)); acPlRemove.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLREMOVEPOPUP); acPlRemove.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(plRemoveLocation[0], plRemoveLocation[1], w, h)); ActiveJButton acPlRemoveMisc = createPLButton(54, 168); acPlRemoveMisc.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLREMOVEMISC); ActiveJButton acPlRemoveSel = createPLButton(54, 149); acPlRemoveSel.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLREMOVESEL); ActiveJButton acPlRemoveCrop = createPLButton(54, 130); acPlRemoveCrop.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLREMOVECROP); ActiveJButton acPlRemoveAll = createPLButton(54, 111); acPlRemoveAll.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLREMOVEALL); acPlRemovePopup = new ActiveJPopup(); ActiveJButton[] rembuttons = { acPlRemoveMisc, acPlRemoveAll, acPlRemoveCrop, acPlRemoveSel }; acPlRemovePopup.setItems(rembuttons); acPlRemovePopup.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(plRemovePopupArea[0], plRemovePopupArea[1], plRemovePopupArea[2], plRemovePopupArea[3])); // Playlist SelAll/SelZero/SelInv buttons Image selButtonImage = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); selButtonImage.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, w, h, 14 + 60, 80, 14 + 60 + w, 80 + h, null); acPlSelect = new ActiveJButton(); acPlSelect.setIcon(new ImageIcon(selButtonImage)); acPlSelect.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(selButtonImage)); acPlSelect.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLSELPOPUP); acPlSelect.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(plSelectLocation[0], plSelectLocation[1], w, h)); ActiveJButton acPlSelectAll = createPLButton(104, 149); acPlSelectAll.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLSELALL); ActiveJButton acPlSelectZero = createPLButton(104, 130); acPlSelectZero.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLSELZERO); ActiveJButton acPlSelectInv = createPLButton(104, 111); acPlSelectInv.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLSELINV); acPlSelectPopup = new ActiveJPopup(); ActiveJButton[] selbuttons = { acPlSelectInv, acPlSelectZero, acPlSelectAll }; acPlSelectPopup.setItems(selbuttons); acPlSelectPopup.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(plSelectPopupArea[0], plSelectPopupArea[1], plSelectPopupArea[2], plSelectPopupArea[3])); // Playlist MiscOpts/MiscFile/MiscSort buttons Image miscButtonImage = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); miscButtonImage.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, w, h, 14 + 89, 80, 14 + 89 + w, 80 + h, null); acPlMisc = new ActiveJButton(); acPlMisc.setIcon(new ImageIcon(miscButtonImage)); acPlMisc.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(miscButtonImage)); acPlMisc.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLMISCPOPUP); acPlMisc.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(plMiscLocation[0], plMiscLocation[1], w, h)); ActiveJButton acPlMiscOpts = createPLButton(154, 149); acPlMiscOpts.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLMISCOPTS); ActiveJButton acPlMiscFile = createPLButton(154, 130); acPlMiscFile.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLMISCFILE); ActiveJButton acPlMiscSort = createPLButton(154, 111); acPlMiscSort.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLMISCSORT); acPlMiscPopup = new ActiveJPopup(); ActiveJButton[] miscbuttons = { acPlMiscSort, acPlMiscFile, acPlMiscOpts }; acPlMiscPopup.setItems(miscbuttons); acPlMiscPopup.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(plMiscPopupArea[0], plMiscPopupArea[1], plMiscPopupArea[2], plMiscPopupArea[3])); // Playlist ListLoad/ListSave/ListNew buttons Image listButtonImage = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); listButtonImage.getGraphics().drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, w, h, 14 + 215, 80, 14 + 215 + w, 80 + h, null); acPlList = new ActiveJButton(); acPlList.setIcon(new ImageIcon(listButtonImage)); acPlList.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(listButtonImage)); acPlList.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLLISTPOPUP); acPlList.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(plListLocation[0], plListLocation[1], w, h)); ActiveJButton acPlListLoad = createPLButton(204, 149); acPlListLoad.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLLISTLOAD); ActiveJButton acPlListSave = createPLButton(204, 130); acPlListSave.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLLISTSAVE); ActiveJButton acPlListNew = createPLButton(204, 111); acPlListNew.setActionCommand(PlayerActionEvent.ACPLLISTNEW); acPlListPopup = new ActiveJPopup(); ActiveJButton[] listbuttons = { acPlListNew, acPlListSave, acPlListLoad }; acPlListPopup.setItems(listbuttons); acPlListPopup.setConstraints(new AbsoluteConstraints(plListPopupArea[0], plListPopupArea[1], plListPopupArea[2], plListPopupArea[3])); } /** * Create Playlist buttons. * @param sx * @param sy * @return */ private ActiveJButton createPLButton(int sx, int sy) { Image normal = new BufferedImage(22, 18, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Image clicked = new BufferedImage(22, 18, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics g = normal.getGraphics(); g.drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, 22, 18, sx, sy, sx + 22, sy + 18, null); sx += 23; g = clicked.getGraphics(); g.drawImage(imPlaylist, 0, 0, 22, 18, sx, sy, sx + 22, sy + 18, null); ActiveJButton comp = new ActiveJButton(); comp.setIcon(new ImageIcon(normal)); comp.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(clicked)); comp.setRolloverIcon(new ImageIcon(clicked)); comp.setRolloverEnabled(true); return comp; } /** * Parse playlist colors. * @param line * @return * @throws Exception */ private Color parsePlEditColor(String line) throws Exception { int pos = line.indexOf("#"); if (pos == -1) { pos = line.indexOf("="); if (pos == -1) throw new Exception("Can not parse color!"); } line = line.substring(pos + 1); int r = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(0, 2), 16); int g = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(2, 4), 16); int b = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(4), 16); return new Color(r, g, b); } /** * Crop Panel Features from image file. * @param releasedImage * @param releasedPanel * @param pressedImage * @param pressedPanel * @param imPanel */ public void readPanel(Image[] releasedImage, int[] releasedPanel, Image[] pressedImage, int[] pressedPanel, Image imPanel) { int xul, yul, xld, yld; int j = 0; if (releasedImage != null) { for (int i = 0; i < releasedImage.length; i++) { releasedImage[i] = new BufferedImage(releasedPanel[j + 2], releasedPanel[j + 3], BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); xul = releasedPanel[j]; yul = releasedPanel[j + 1]; xld = releasedPanel[j] + releasedPanel[j + 2]; yld = releasedPanel[j + 1] + releasedPanel[j + 3]; (releasedImage[i].getGraphics()).drawImage(imPanel, 0, 0, releasedPanel[j + 2], releasedPanel[j + 3], xul, yul, xld, yld, null); j = j + 4; } } j = 0; if (pressedImage != null) { for (int i = 0; i < pressedImage.length; i++) { pressedImage[i] = new BufferedImage(pressedPanel[j + 2], pressedPanel[j + 3], BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); xul = pressedPanel[j]; yul = pressedPanel[j + 1]; xld = pressedPanel[j] + pressedPanel[j + 2]; yld = pressedPanel[j + 1] + pressedPanel[j + 3]; (pressedImage[i].getGraphics()).drawImage(imPanel, 0, 0, pressedPanel[j + 2], pressedPanel[j + 3], xul, yul, xld, yld, null); j = j + 4; } } } public ActiveJButton getAcEject() { return acEject; } public ActiveJButton getAcNext() { return acNext; } public ActiveJButton getAcPause() { return acPause; } public ActiveJButton getAcPlay() { return acPlay; } public ActiveJButton getAcPrevious() { return acPrevious; } public ActiveJButton getAcStop() { return acStop; } public ActiveJButton getAcExit() { return acExit; } public ActiveJButton getAcMinimize() { return acMinimize; } public ActiveJBar getAcTitleBar() { return acTitleBar; } public ActiveJLabel getAcTitleLabel() { return acTitleLabel; } public ActiveJLabel getAcSampleRateLabel() { return acSampleRateLabel; } public ActiveJLabel getAcBitRateLabel() { return acBitRateLabel; } public String getSkinVersion() { return skinVersion; } public void setSkinVersion(String skinVersion) { this.skinVersion = skinVersion; } public ActiveJToggleButton getAcEqualizer() { return acEqualizer; } public ActiveJToggleButton getAcPlaylist() { return acPlaylist; } public ActiveJToggleButton getAcRepeat() { return acRepeat; } public ActiveJToggleButton getAcShuffle() { return acShuffle; } public ActiveJSlider getAcVolume() { return acVolume; } public ActiveJSlider getAcBalance() { return acBalance; } public ActiveJIcon getAcMonoIcon() { return acMonoIcon; } public ActiveJIcon getAcStereoIcon() { return acStereoIcon; } public ActiveJSlider getAcPosBar() { return acPosBar; } public ActiveJIcon getAcPlayIcon() { return acPlayIcon; } public ActiveJIcon getAcTimeIcon() { return acTimeIcon; } public ActiveJNumberLabel getAcMinuteH() { return acMinuteH; } public ActiveJNumberLabel getAcMinuteL() { return acMinuteL; } public ActiveJNumberLabel getAcSecondH() { return acSecondH; } public ActiveJNumberLabel getAcSecondL() { return acSecondL; } public SpectrumTimeAnalyzer getAcAnalyzer() { return analyzer; } public ActiveJButton getAcEqPresets() { return acPresets; } public ActiveJToggleButton getAcEqOnOff() { return acOnOff; } public ActiveJToggleButton getAcEqAuto() { return acAuto; } public ActiveJSlider[] getAcEqSliders() { return acSlider; } public ActiveJSlider getAcPlSlider() { return acPlSlider; } public ActiveJButton getAcPlUp() { return acPlUp; } public ActiveJButton getAcPlDown() { return acPlDown; } public ActiveJButton getAcPlAdd() { return acPlAdd; } public ActiveJPopup getAcPlAddPopup() { return acPlAddPopup; } public ActiveJButton getAcPlRemove() { return acPlRemove; } public ActiveJPopup getAcPlRemovePopup() { return acPlRemovePopup; } public ActiveJButton getAcPlSelect() { return acPlSelect; } public ActiveJPopup getAcPlSelectPopup() { return acPlSelectPopup; } public ActiveJButton getAcPlMisc() { return acPlMisc; } public ActiveJPopup getAcPlMiscPopup() { return acPlMiscPopup; } public ActiveJButton getAcPlList() { return acPlList; } public ActiveJPopup getAcPlListPopup() { return acPlListPopup; } public SplinePanel getSpline() { return spline; } public PlaylistUIDelegate getPlaylistPanel() { return playlist; } /** * Return readme content from skin. * @return */ public String getReadme() { return readme; } public int getMainWidth() { return WinWidth; } public int getMainHeight() { return WinHeight; } public Image getMainImage() { return imMain; } public Image getEqualizerImage() { return imEqualizer; } /** * Return visual colors from skin. * @return */ public String getVisColors() { return viscolor; } public Config getConfig() { return config; } public void setConfig(Config config) { this.config = config; } }