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import org.w3c.dom.Element;

 *  A {@code WebServiceContext} makes it possible for
 *  a web service endpoint implementation class to access
 *  message context and security information relative to
 *  a request being served.
 *  Typically a {@code WebServiceContext} is injected
 *  into an endpoint implementation class using the
 *  {@code Resource} annotation.
 *  @since 1.6, JAX-WS 2.0
 *  @see javax.annotation.Resource
public interface WebServiceContext {

     * Returns the {@code MessageContext} for the request being served
     * at the time this method is called. Only properties with
     * APPLICATION scope will be visible to the application.
     * @return MessageContext The message context.
     * @throws IllegalStateException This exception is thrown
     *         if the method is called while no request is
     *         being serviced.
     * @see
     * @see
     * @see java.lang.IllegalStateException
    public MessageContext getMessageContext();

     * Returns the Principal that identifies the sender
     * of the request currently being serviced. If the
     * sender has not been authenticated, the method
     * returns {@code null}.
     * @return Principal The principal object.
     * @throws IllegalStateException This exception is thrown
     *         if the method is called while no request is
     *         being serviced.
     * @see
     * @see java.lang.IllegalStateException
    public Principal getUserPrincipal();

     * Returns a boolean indicating whether the
     * authenticated user is included in the specified
     * logical role. If the user has not been
     * authenticated, the method returns {@code false}.
     * @param role  A {@code String} specifying the name of the role
     * @return a {@code boolean} indicating whether
     * the sender of the request belongs to a given role
     * @throws IllegalStateException This exception is thrown
     *         if the method is called while no request is
     *         being serviced.
    public boolean isUserInRole(String role);

     * Returns the {@code EndpointReference} for this
     * endpoint.
     * <p>
     * If the {@link Binding} for this {@code bindingProvider} is
     * either SOAP1.1/HTTP or SOAP1.2/HTTP, then a
     * {@code W3CEndpointReference} MUST be returned.
     * @param referenceParameters Reference parameters to be associated with the
     * returned {@code EndpointReference} instance.
     * @return EndpointReference of the endpoint associated with this
     * {@code WebServiceContext}.
     * If the returned {@code EndpointReference} is of type
     * {@code W3CEndpointReference} then it MUST contain the
     * the specified {@code referenceParameters}.
     * @throws IllegalStateException This exception is thrown
     *         if the method is called while no request is
     *         being serviced.
     * @see W3CEndpointReference
     * @since 1.6, JAX-WS 2.1
    public EndpointReference getEndpointReference(Element... referenceParameters);

     * Returns the {@code EndpointReference} associated with
     * this endpoint.
     * @param <T> The type of {@code EndpointReference}.
     * @param clazz The type of {@code EndpointReference} that
     * MUST be returned.
     * @param referenceParameters Reference parameters to be associated with the
     * returned {@code EndpointReference} instance.
     * @return EndpointReference of type {@code clazz} of the endpoint
     * associated with this {@code WebServiceContext} instance.
     * If the returned {@code EndpointReference} is of type
     * {@code W3CEndpointReference} then it MUST contain the
     * the specified {@code referenceParameters}.
     * @throws IllegalStateException This exception is thrown
     *         if the method is called while no request is
     *         being serviced.
     * @throws WebServiceException If the {@code clazz} type of
     * {@code EndpointReference} is not supported.
     * @since 1.6, JAX-WS 2.1
    public <T extends EndpointReference> T getEndpointReference(Class<T> clazz, Element... referenceParameters);