Source code

Java tutorial


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package javax.xml.registry.infomodel;

import java.util.*;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import javax.xml.registry.*;

 * AuditableEvent instances provide a long term record of events that effect a 
 * change of state in a RegistryObject. Such events are usually a result of a 
 * client initiated request. AuditableEvent instances are generated by the 
 * registry service to log such events.
 * <p>
 * Often such events effect a change in the life cycle of a RegistryObject. 
 * For example a client request could Create, Update, Deprecate or Delete a 
 * RegistryObject. No AuditableEvent is created for requests that do not alter
 * the state of a RegistryObject. Specifically, read-only requests do not generate 
 * an AuditableEvent.  
 * No AuditableEvent is generated for a RegistryObject when it is classified, 
 * assigned to a Package or associated with another Object.
 * <p>
 * A RegistryObject is associated with an ordered Collection of AuditableEvent 
 * instances that provide a complete audit trail for that Object.
 * @see RegistryObject
 * @author Farrukh S. Najmi
public interface AuditableEvent extends RegistryObject {

    /** Gets the User associated with this object.
     * <p><DL><DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B></DL>     
    * @return the User that sent the request that generated this this AuditableEvent. Must not be null
     * @throws JAXRException   If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error
     * @label requestor
     * @supplierCardinality 1
     * @directed
     * @associates <{User}>
    User getUser() throws JAXRException;

    * Gets the Timestamp for when this event occurred. 
    * <p><DL><DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B></DL>     
    * @return the timestamp that records the time the event occured
    * @throws JAXRException   If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error
    Timestamp getTimestamp() throws JAXRException;

    * Gets the type of this event.
    * <p><DL><DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B></DL>     
    * @see AuditableEvent#EVENT_TYPE_CREATED
    * @return the type of this event
    * @throws JAXRException   If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error
    int getEventType() throws JAXRException;

    * Gets the RegistryObject associated with this AuditableEvent. 
    * <p><DL><DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B></DL>     
    * @return the RegistryObject that was the focus of this event
    * @throws JAXRException   If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error
    RegistryObject getRegistryObject() throws JAXRException;

    /** An event where a RegistryObject is created. */
    public static final int EVENT_TYPE_CREATED = 0;

    /** An event where a RegistryObject is deleted. */
    public static final int EVENT_TYPE_DELETED = 1;

    /** An event where a RegistryObject is deprecated. */
    public static final int EVENT_TYPE_DEPRECATED = 2;

    /** An event where a RegistryObject is updated. */
    public static final int EVENT_TYPE_UPDATED = 3;

    /** An event where a RegistryObject is versioned. */
    public static final int EVENT_TYPE_VERSIONED = 4;

    /** An event where a RegistryObject is undeprecated. */
    public static final int EVENT_TYPE_UNDEPRECATED = 5;
