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package javax.xml.bind.helpers;

import org.w3c.dom.Node;

import javax.xml.bind.ValidationEvent;
import javax.xml.bind.ValidationEventHandler;
import javax.xml.bind.ValidationEventLocator;

 * <p>
 * JAXB 1.0 only default validation event handler. This is the default 
 * handler for all objects created from a JAXBContext that is managing
 * schema-derived code generated by a JAXB 1.0 binding compiler. 
 * <p>
 * This handler causes the unmarshal and validate operations to fail on the first
 * error or fatal error.
 * <p>
 * This handler is not the default handler for JAXB mapped classes following 
 * JAXB 2.0 or later versions. Default validation event handling has changed 
 * and is specified in  {@link javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller} and 
 * {@link javax.xml.bind.Marshaller}.
 * @author <ul><li>Ryan Shoemaker, Sun Microsystems, Inc.</li></ul>
 * @see javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller
 * @see javax.xml.bind.Validator
 * @see javax.xml.bind.ValidationEventHandler
 * @since 1.6, JAXB 1.0
public class DefaultValidationEventHandler implements ValidationEventHandler {

    public boolean handleEvent(ValidationEvent event) {

        if (event == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        // calculate the severity prefix and return value        
        String severity = null;
        boolean retVal = false;
        switch (event.getSeverity()) {
        case ValidationEvent.WARNING:
            severity = Messages.format(Messages.WARNING);
            retVal = true; // continue after warnings
        case ValidationEvent.ERROR:
            severity = Messages.format(Messages.ERROR);
            retVal = false; // terminate after errors
        case ValidationEvent.FATAL_ERROR:
            severity = Messages.format(Messages.FATAL_ERROR);
            retVal = false; // terminate after fatal errors
            assert false : Messages.format(Messages.UNRECOGNIZED_SEVERITY, event.getSeverity());

        // calculate the location message
        String location = getLocation(event);

        System.out.println(Messages.format(Messages.SEVERITY_MESSAGE, severity, event.getMessage(), location));

        // fail on the first error or fatal error
        return retVal;

     * Calculate a location message for the event
    private String getLocation(ValidationEvent event) {
        StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();

        ValidationEventLocator locator = event.getLocator();

        if (locator != null) {

            URL url = locator.getURL();
            Object obj = locator.getObject();
            Node node = locator.getNode();
            int line = locator.getLineNumber();

            if (url != null || line != -1) {
                msg.append("line " + line);
                if (url != null)
                    msg.append(" of " + url);
            } else if (obj != null) {
                msg.append(" obj: " + obj.toString());
            } else if (node != null) {
                msg.append(" node: " + node.toString());
        } else {

        return msg.toString();