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package javax.servlet;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * Interface through which a {@link Servlet} or {@link Filter} may be
 * further configured.
 * <p>A Registration object whose {@link #getClassName} method returns null
 * is considered <i>preliminary</i>. Servlets and Filters whose implementation
 * class is container implementation specific may be declared without
 * any <tt>servlet-class</tt> or <tt>filter-class</tt> elements, respectively,
 * and will be represented as preliminary Registration objects. 
 * Preliminary registrations must be completed by calling one of the
 * <tt>addServlet</tt> or <tt>addFilter</tt> methods on
 * {@link ServletContext}, and passing in the Servlet or Filter name 
 * (obtained via {@link #getName}) along with the supporting Servlet or Filter
 * implementation class name, Class object, or instance, respectively.
 * In most cases, preliminary registrations will be completed by an
 * appropriate, container-provided {@link ServletContainerInitializer}.
 * @since Servlet 3.0
public interface Registration {

     * Gets the name of the Servlet or Filter that is represented by this
     * Registration.
     * @return the name of the Servlet or Filter that is represented by this
     * Registration
    public String getName();

     * Gets the fully qualified class name of the Servlet or Filter that
     * is represented by this Registration.
     * @return the fully qualified class name of the Servlet or Filter
     * that is represented by this Registration, or null if this
     * Registration is preliminary
    public String getClassName();

     * Sets the initialization parameter with the given name and value
     * on the Servlet or Filter that is represented by this Registration.
     * @param name the initialization parameter name
     * @param value the initialization parameter value
     * @return true if the update was successful, i.e., an initialization
     * parameter with the given name did not already exist for the Servlet
     * or Filter represented by this Registration, and false otherwise
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the ServletContext from which this
     * Registration was obtained has already been initialized
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given name or value is
     * <tt>null</tt>
    public boolean setInitParameter(String name, String value);

     * Gets the value of the initialization parameter with the given name
     * that will be used to initialize the Servlet or Filter represented
     * by this Registration object.
     * @param name the name of the initialization parameter whose value is
     * requested
     * @return the value of the initialization parameter with the given
     * name, or <tt>null</tt> if no initialization parameter with the given
     * name exists
    public String getInitParameter(String name);

     * Sets the given initialization parameters on the Servlet or Filter
     * that is represented by this Registration.
     * <p>The given map of initialization parameters is processed
     * <i>by-value</i>, i.e., for each initialization parameter contained
     * in the map, this method calls {@link #setInitParameter(String,String)}.
     * If that method would return false for any of the
     * initialization parameters in the given map, no updates will be
     * performed, and false will be returned. Likewise, if the map contains
     * an initialization parameter with a <tt>null</tt> name or value, no
     * updates will be performed, and an IllegalArgumentException will be
     * thrown.
     * <p>The returned set is not backed by the {@code Registration} object,
     * so changes in the returned set are not reflected in the
     * {@code Registration} object, and vice-versa.</p>
     * @param initParameters the initialization parameters
     * @return the (possibly empty) Set of initialization parameter names
     * that are in conflict
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the ServletContext from which this
     * Registration was obtained has already been initialized
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given map contains an
     * initialization parameter with a <tt>null</tt> name or value
    public Set<String> setInitParameters(Map<String, String> initParameters);

     * Gets an immutable (and possibly empty) Map containing the
     * currently available initialization parameters that will be used to
     * initialize the Servlet or Filter represented by this Registration
     * object.
     * @return Map containing the currently available initialization
     * parameters that will be used to initialize the Servlet or Filter
     * represented by this Registration object
    public Map<String, String> getInitParameters();

     * Interface through which a {@link Servlet} or {@link Filter} registered
     * via one of the <tt>addServlet</tt> or <tt>addFilter</tt> methods,
     * respectively, on {@link ServletContext} may be further configured.
    interface Dynamic extends Registration {

         * Configures the Servlet or Filter represented by this dynamic
         * Registration as supporting asynchronous operations or not.
         * <p>By default, servlet and filters do not support asynchronous
         * operations.
         * <p>A call to this method overrides any previous setting.
         * @param isAsyncSupported true if the Servlet or Filter represented
         * by this dynamic Registration supports asynchronous operations,
         * false otherwise
         * @throws IllegalStateException if the ServletContext from which
         * this dynamic Registration was obtained has already been
         * initialized
        public void setAsyncSupported(boolean isAsyncSupported);