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package javax.resource.spi;

import javax.transaction.xa.XAResource;
import javax.resource.ResourceException;

/** ManagedConnection instance represents a physical connection
 *  to the underlying EIS.
 *  <p>A ManagedConnection instance provides access to a pair of 
 *  interfaces: <code>javax.transaction.xa.XAResource</code> and 
 *  <code>javax.resource.spi.LocalTransaction</code>.
 *  <p><code> XAResource</code> interface is used by the transaction 
 *  manager to associate and dissociate a transaction with the underlying 
 *  EIS resource manager instance and to perform two-phase commit 
 *  protocol. The ManagedConnection interface is not directly used 
 *  by the transaction manager. More details on the XAResource 
 *  interface are described in the JTA specification.
 *  <p>The LocalTransaction interface is used by the application server
 *  to manage local transactions.
 *  @version     0.5
 *  @author      Rahul Sharma
 *  @see         javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory
 *  @see         javax.transaction.xa.XAResource
 *  @see         javax.resource.spi.LocalTransaction

public interface ManagedConnection {

    /** Creates a new connection handle for the underlying physical connection 
     *  represented by the ManagedConnection instance. This connection handle
     *  is used by the application code to refer to the underlying physical 
     *  connection. This connection handle is associated with its 
     *  ManagedConnection instance in a resource adapter implementation 
     *  specific way.</P>
     *  <P>The ManagedConnection uses the Subject and additional ConnectionRequest
     *  Info (which is specific to resource adapter and opaque to application
     *  server) to set the state of the physical connection.</p>
     *  @param        subject        security context as JAAS subject
     *  @param        cxRequestInfo  ConnectionRequestInfo instance
     *  @return       generic Object instance representing the connection 
     *                handle. For CCI, the connection handle created by a 
     *                ManagedConnection instance is of the type 
     *                javax.resource.cci.Connection.
     *  @throws  ResourceException     generic exception if operation fails
     *  @throws  ResourceAdapterInternalException
     *                                 resource adapter internal error condition
     *  @throws  SecurityException     security related error condition
     *  @throws  CommException         failed communication with EIS instance
     *  @throws  EISSystemException    internal error condition in EIS instance
     *                                 - used if EIS instance is involved in
     *                                   setting state of ManagedConnection
    public Object getConnection(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cxRequestInfo) throws ResourceException;

    /** Destroys the physical connection to the underlying resource manager.
     *  <p>To manage the size of the connection pool, an application server can 
     *  explictly call ManagedConnection.destroy to destroy a  
     *  physical connection. A resource adapter should destroy all allocated 
     *  system resources for this ManagedConnection instance when the method 
     *  destroy is called.
     *  @throws    ResourceException     generic exception if operation failed
     *  @throws    IllegalStateException illegal state for destroying connection

    public void destroy() throws ResourceException;

    /** Application server calls this method to force any cleanup on the 
     *  ManagedConnection instance.
     *  <p>The method ManagedConnection.cleanup initiates a cleanup of the
     *  any client-specific state as maintained by a ManagedConnection instance.
     *  The cleanup should invalidate all connection handles that had been 
     *  created using this ManagedConnection instance. Any attempt by an application 
     *  component to use the connection handle after cleanup of the underlying
     *  ManagedConnection should result in an exception.
     *  <p>The cleanup of ManagedConnection is always driven by an application
     *  server. An application server should not invoke ManagedConnection.cleanup
     *  when there is an uncompleted transaction (associated with a 
     *  ManagedConnection instance) in progress. 
     *  <p>The invocation of ManagedConnection.cleanup method on an already 
     *  cleaned-up connection should not throw an exception.
     *  <p>The cleanup of ManagedConnection instance resets its client specific
     *  state and prepares the connection to be put back in to a connection
     *  pool. The cleanup method should not cause resource adapter to close
     *  the physical pipe and reclaim system resources associated with the
     *  physical connection.
     *  @throws    ResourceException     generic exception if operation fails
     *  @throws    ResourceAdapterInternalException
     *                                   resource adapter internal error condition
     *  @throws    IllegalStateException Illegal state for calling connection
     *                                   cleanup. Example - if a localtransaction 
     *                                   is in progress that doesn't allow 
     *                                   connection cleanup
    public void cleanup() throws ResourceException;

     *  Used typically by the container to change the association of an 
     *  application-level connection handle with a ManagedConnection 
     *  instance. The container should find the right ManagedConnection 
     *  instance and call the associateConnection method.
     *  In order to set a Connection Handle as the active connection 
     *  handle, the container may also use the <code>associateConnection</code> 
     *  method to set the same <code>ManagedConnection</code> associated 
     *  with the Connection handle.
     *  <p>The resource adapter is required to implement the associateConnection
     *  method. The method implementation for a ManagedConnection should 
     *  dissociate the connection handle (passed as a parameter) from its 
     *  currently associated ManagedConnection and associate the new 
     *  connection handle with itself. 
     *  @param   connection  Application-level connection handle
     *  @throws  ResourceException     Failed to associate the connection
     *                                 handle with this ManagedConnection
     *                                 instance
     *  @throws  IllegalStateException Illegal state for invoking this
     *                                 method
     *  @throws  ResourceAdapterInternalException
     *                                 Resource adapter internal error 
     *                                 condition
    public void associateConnection(Object connection) throws ResourceException;

    /** Adds a connection event listener to the ManagedConnection 
     *  instance.
     *  <p>The registered ConnectionEventListener instances are notified of
     *  connection close and error events, also of local transaction related
     *  events on the Managed Connection.
     *  @param  listener   a new ConnectionEventListener to be registered
    public void addConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener listener);

    /** Removes an already registered connection event listener from the 
     *  ManagedConnection instance.
     *  @param  listener   already registered connection event listener to be 
     *                     removed
    public void removeConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener listener);

    /** Returns an <code>javax.transaction.xa.XAresource</code> instance. 
     *  An application server enlists this XAResource instance with the
     *  Transaction Manager if the ManagedConnection instance is being used
     *  in a JTA transaction that is being coordinated by the Transaction 
     *  Manager.
     *  @return     XAResource instance
     *  @throws     ResourceException     generic exception if operation fails
     *  @throws     NotSupportedException if the operation is not supported
     *  @throws     ResourceAdapterInternalException
     *                                    resource adapter internal error condition
    public XAResource getXAResource() throws ResourceException;

    /** Returns an <code>javax.resource.spi.LocalTransaction</code> instance. 
     *  The LocalTransaction interface is used by the container to manage
     *  local transactions for a RM instance.
     *  @return     LocalTransaction instance
     *  @throws     ResourceException     generic exception if operation fails
     *  @throws     NotSupportedException if the operation is not supported
     *  @throws     ResourceAdapterInternalException
     *                                    resource adapter internal error condition
    public LocalTransaction getLocalTransaction() throws ResourceException;

    /** <p>Gets the metadata information for this connection's underlying 
     *  EIS resource manager instance. The ManagedConnectionMetaData 
     *  interface provides information about the underlying EIS instance 
     *  associated with the ManagedConenction instance.
     *  @return     ManagedConnectionMetaData instance
     *  @throws     ResourceException     generic exception if operation fails
     *  @throws     NotSupportedException if the operation is not supported
    public ManagedConnectionMetaData getMetaData() throws ResourceException;

    /** Sets the log writer for this ManagedConnection instance.
     *  <p>The log writer is a character output stream to which all logging and
     *  tracing messages for this ManagedConnection instance will be printed.
     *  Application Server manages the association of output stream with the
     *  ManagedConnection instance based on the connection pooling 
     *  requirements.</p>
     *  <p>When a ManagedConnection object is initially created, the default
     *  log writer associated with this instance is obtained from the 
     *  ManagedConnectionFactory. An application server can set a log writer
     *  specific to this ManagedConnection to log/trace this instance using
     *  setLogWriter method.</p>
     *  @param      out        Character Output stream to be associated
     *  @throws     ResourceException  generic exception if operation fails
     *  @throws     ResourceAdapterInternalException
     *                                 resource adapter related error condition
    public void setLogWriter( out) throws ResourceException;

    /** Gets the log writer for this ManagedConnection instance.
     *  <p>The log writer is a character output stream to which all logging and
     *  tracing messages for this ManagedConnection instance will be printed.
     *  ConnectionManager manages the association of output stream with the
     *  ManagedConnection instance based on the connection pooling 
     *  requirements.</p>
     *  <p>The Log writer associated with a ManagedConnection instance can be
     *  one set as default from the ManagedConnectionFactory (that created
     *  this connection) or one set specifically for this instance by the 
     *  application server.</p>
     *  @return   Character ourput stream associated with this Managed-
     *            Connection instance
     *  @throws     ResourceException     generic exception if operation fails
    public getLogWriter() throws ResourceException;