Source code

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package javax.resource.cci;

import javax.resource.ResourceException;
import javax.resource.NotSupportedException;

/** The <code>javax.resource.cci.Interaction</code> enables a component to 
 *  execute EIS functions. An Interaction instance supports the following ways 
 *  of interacting with an EIS instance:
 *  <UL>
 *     <LI><code>execute</code> method that takes an input Record, output
 *         Record and an InteractionSpec. This method executes the EIS 
 *         function represented by the InteractionSpec and updates the 
 *         output Record
 *     <LI><code>execute</code> method that takes an input Record and an 
 *         InteractionSpec. This method implementation executes the EIS 
 *         function represented by the InteractionSpec and produces the 
 *         output Record as a return value.
 *  </UL>
 *  <p>An Interaction instance is created from a Connection and is required
 *  to maintain its association with the Connection instance. The close method
 *  releases all resources maintained by the resource adapter for the 
 *  Interaction. The close of an Interaction instance should not close the 
 *  associated Connection instance.
 *  @author  Rahul Sharma
 *  @version 0.8
 *  @since   0.8
 *  @see     java.sql.ResultSet

public interface Interaction {

    /** Closes the current Interaction and release all the resources
     *  held for this instance by the resource adapter. The close of an 
     *  Interaction instance does not close the associated Connection 
     *  instance. It is recommended that Interaction instances be
     *  closed explicitly to free any held resources.
     *  @throws  ResourceException Failed to close the Interaction
     *                             instance. Invoking close on an 
     *                             already closed Interaction should 
     *                             also throw this exception. 
    public void close() throws ResourceException;

    /** Gets the Connection associated with the Interaction.
     *  @return   Connection instance associated with the Interaction
    public Connection getConnection();

    /** Executes an interaction represented by the InteractionSpec.
     *  This form of invocation takes an input Record and updates
     *  the output Record. 
     *  @param   ispec   InteractionSpec representing a target EIS 
     *                   data/function module   
     *  @param   input   Input Record
     *  @param   output  Output Record
     *  @return  true if execution of the EIS function has been 
     *           successful and output Record has been updated; false
     *           otherwise
     *  @throws  ResourceException   Exception if execute operation
     *                               fails. Examples of error cases
     *                               are:
     *         <UL>
     *           <LI> Resource adapter internal, EIS-specific or 
     *                communication error 
     *           <LI> Invalid specification of an InteractionSpec, 
     *                input or output record structure
     *           <LI> Errors in use of input or output Record
     *           <LI> Invalid connection associated with this 
     *                Interaction
     *        </UL>
     *  @throws NotSupportedException Operation not supported 
    public boolean execute(InteractionSpec ispec, Record input, Record output) throws ResourceException;

    /** Executes an interaction represented by the InteractionSpec.
     *  This form of invocation takes an input Record and returns an 
     *  output Record if the execution of the Interaction has been
     *  successfull.
     *  @param   ispec   InteractionSpec representing a target EIS 
     *                   data/function module   
     *  @param   input   Input Record
     *  @return  output Record if execution of the EIS function has been 
     *           successful; null otherwise
     *  @throws  ResourceException   Exception if execute operation
     *                               fails. Examples of error cases
     *                               are:
     *         <UL>
     *           <LI> Resource adapter internal, EIS-specific or 
     *                communication error 
     *           <LI> Invalid specification of an InteractionSpec 
     *                or input record structure
     *           <LI> Errors in use of input Record or creation
     *                of an output Record
     *           <LI> Invalid connection associated with this 
     *                Interaction
     *        </UL>
     *  @throws NotSupportedException Operation not supported 
    public Record execute(InteractionSpec ispec, Record input) throws ResourceException;

    /** Gets the first ResourceWarning from the chain of warnings
     *  associated with this Interaction instance.
     *  @return   ResourceWarning at top of the warning chain
     *  @throws   ResourceException  Failed to get ResourceWarnings
     *                               associated with Interaction  
    public ResourceWarning getWarnings() throws ResourceException;

    /** Clears all the warning reported by this Interaction instance. After 
     *  a call to this method, the method getWarnings will return null 
     *  until a new warning is reported for this Interaction.
     *  @throws   ResourceException  Failed to clear ResourceWarnings
     *                               associated with Interaction  
    public void clearWarnings() throws ResourceException;
