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package javax.mail.event;

import java.util.*;
import javax.mail.*;

 * This class notifies changes in the number of messages in a folder. <p>
 * Note that some folder types may only deliver MessageCountEvents at
 * certain times or after certain operations.  IMAP in particular will
 * only notify the client of MessageCountEvents when a client issues a
 * new command.  Refer to
 * <A HREF="" TARGET="_top">RFC 3501</A>
 * for details.
 * A client may want to "poll" the folder by occasionally calling the
 * {@link javax.mail.Folder#getMessageCount getMessageCount} or
 * {@link javax.mail.Folder#isOpen isOpen} methods
 * to solicit any such notifications.
 * @author John Mani

public class MessageCountEvent extends MailEvent {

    /** The messages were added to their folder */
    public static final int ADDED = 1;
    /** The messages were removed from their folder */
    public static final int REMOVED = 2;

     * The event type.
     * @serial
    protected int type;

     * If true, this event is the result of an explicit
     * expunge by this client, and the messages in this 
     * folder have been renumbered to account for this.
     * If false, this event is the result of an expunge
     * by external sources.
     * @serial
    protected boolean removed;

     * The messages.
    transient protected Message[] msgs;

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7447022340837897369L;

     * Constructor.
     * @param folder     The containing folder
     * @param type   The event type
     * @param removed   If true, this event is the result of an explicit
     *         expunge by this client, and the messages in this 
     *         folder have been renumbered to account for this.
     *         If false, this event is the result of an expunge
     *         by external sources.
     * @param msgs   The messages added/removed
    public MessageCountEvent(Folder folder, int type, boolean removed, Message[] msgs) {
        this.type = type;
        this.removed = removed;
        this.msgs = msgs;

     * Return the type of this event.
     * @return  type
    public int getType() {
        return type;

     * Indicates whether this event is the result of an explicit
     * expunge by this client, or due to an expunge from external
     * sources. If <code>true</code>, this event is due to an
     * explicit expunge and hence all remaining messages in this
     * folder have been renumbered. If <code>false</code>, this event
     * is due to an external expunge. <p>
     * Note that this method is valid only if the type of this event
     * is <code>REMOVED</code>
     * @return   true if the message has been removed
    public boolean isRemoved() {
        return removed;

     * Return the array of messages added or removed.
     * @return array of messages
    public Message[] getMessages() {
        return msgs;

     * Invokes the appropriate MessageCountListener method.
    public void dispatch(Object listener) {
        if (type == ADDED)
            ((MessageCountListener) listener).messagesAdded(this);
        else // REMOVED
            ((MessageCountListener) listener).messagesRemoved(this);