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 * Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
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package javax.jms;

 * A client using the simplified JMS API introduced for JMS 2.0 uses a
 * {@code JMSConsumer} object to receive messages from a queue or topic. A
 * {@code JMSConsumer} object may be created either created by passing a
 * {@code Queue} or {@code Topic} object to one of the {@code createConsumer}
 * methods on a {@code JMSContext}. or by passing a {@code Topic} object to one
 * of the {@code createSharedConsumer} or {@code createDurableConsumer} methods
 * on a {@code JMSContext}.
 * <P>
 * A {@code JMSConsumer} can be created with a message selector. A message
 * selector allows the client to restrict the messages delivered to the
 * {@code JMSConsumer} to those that match the selector.
 * <p>
 * A client may either synchronously receive a {@code JMSConsumer}'s messages or
 * have the {@code JMSConsumer} asynchronously deliver them as they arrive.
 * <p>
 * For synchronous receipt, a client can request the next message from a
 * {@code JMSConsumer} using one of its {@code receive} methods. There are
 * several variations of {@code receive} that allow a client to poll or wait for
 * the next message.
 * <p>
 * For asynchronous delivery, a client can register a {@code MessageListener}
 * object with a {@code JMSConsumer}. As messages arrive at the
 * {@code JMSConsumer}, it delivers them by calling the {@code MessageListener}
 * 's {@code onMessage} method.
 * <p>
 * It is a client programming error for a {@code MessageListener} to throw an
 * exception.
 * @see javax.jms.JMSContext
 * @version JMS 2.0
 * @since JMS 2.0

public interface JMSConsumer extends AutoCloseable {

    /** Gets this {@code JMSConsumer}'s message selector expression.
      * @return this {@code JMSConsumer}'s message selector, or null if no
      *         message selector exists for the {@code JMSConsumer} (that is, if 
      *         the message selector was not set or was set to null or the 
      *         empty string)
      * @exception JMSRuntimeException if the JMS provider fails to get the message
      *            selector due to some internal error.

    String getMessageSelector();

    /** Gets the {@code JMSConsumer}'s {@code MessageListener}. 
     * <p>
     * This method must not be used in a Java EE web or EJB application. 
     * Doing so may cause a {@code JMSRuntimeException} to be thrown though this is not guaranteed.
      * @return the {@code JMSConsumer}'s {@code MessageListener}, or null if one was not set
      * @exception JMSRuntimeException if the JMS provider fails to get the {@code MessageListener}
      *                         for one of the following reasons:
      *                         <ul>
      *                         <li>an internal error has occurred or
      *                         <li>this method has been called in a Java EE web or EJB application 
      *                         (though it is not guaranteed that an exception is thrown in this case)
      *                         </ul>                      
      * @see javax.jms.JMSConsumer#setMessageListener(javax.jms.MessageListener)
    MessageListener getMessageListener() throws JMSRuntimeException;

    /** Sets the {@code JMSConsumer}'s {@code MessageListener}.
      * <p>
      * Setting the {@code MessageListener} to null is the equivalent of 
      * unsetting the {@code MessageListener} for the {@code JMSConsumer}. 
      * <p>
      * The effect of calling this method
      * while messages are being consumed by an existing listener
      * or the {@code JMSConsumer} is being used to consume messages synchronously
      * is undefined.
      * <p>
      * This method must not be used in a Java EE web or EJB application. 
      * Doing so may cause a {@code JMSRuntimeException} to be thrown though this is not guaranteed.
      * @param listener the listener to which the messages are to be 
      *                 delivered
      * @exception JMSRuntimeException if the JMS provider fails to set the {@code JMSConsumer}'s {@code MessageListener}
      *                         for one of the following reasons:
      *                         <ul>
      *                         <li>an internal error has occurred or  
      *                         <li>this method has been called in a Java EE web or EJB application 
      *                         (though it is not guaranteed that an exception is thrown in this case)
      *                         </ul>    
      * @see javax.jms.JMSConsumer#getMessageListener()
    void setMessageListener(MessageListener listener) throws JMSRuntimeException;

    /** Receives the next message produced for this {@code JMSConsumer}.
      * <P>This call blocks indefinitely until a message is produced
      * or until this {@code JMSConsumer} is closed.
      * <P>If this {@code receive} is done within a transaction, the 
      * JMSConsumer retains the message until the transaction commits.
      * @return the next message produced for this {@code JMSConsumer}, or 
      * null if this {@code JMSConsumer} is concurrently closed
      * @exception JMSRuntimeException if the JMS provider fails to receive the next
      *            message due to some internal error.

    Message receive();

    /** Receives the next message that arrives within the specified
      * timeout interval.
      * <P>This call blocks until a message arrives, the
      * timeout expires, or this {@code JMSConsumer} is closed.
      * A {@code timeout} of zero never expires, and the call blocks 
      * indefinitely.
      * @param timeout the timeout value (in milliseconds)
      * @return the next message produced for this {@code JMSConsumer}, or 
      * null if the timeout expires or this {@code JMSConsumer} is concurrently 
      * closed
      * @exception JMSRuntimeException if the JMS provider fails to receive the next
      *            message due to some internal error.

    Message receive(long timeout);

    /** Receives the next message if one is immediately available.
      * @return the next message produced for this {@code JMSConsumer}, or 
      * null if one is not available
      * @exception JMSRuntimeException if the JMS provider fails to receive the next
      *            message due to some internal error.

    Message receiveNoWait();

     * Closes the {@code JMSConsumer}.
     * <p>
     * Since a provider may allocate some resources on behalf of a
     * {@code JMSConsumer} outside the Java virtual machine, clients should
     * close them when they are not needed. Relying on garbage collection to
     * eventually reclaim these resources may not be timely enough.
     * <P>
     * This call will block until a {@code receive} call in progress on this
     * consumer has completed. A blocked {@code receive} call returns null when
     * this consumer is closed.
     * <p>
     * If this method is called whilst a message listener is in progress in
     * another thread then it will block until the message listener has
     * completed.
     * <p>
     * This method may be called from a message listener's {@code onMessage}
     * method on its own consumer. After this method returns the
     * {@code onMessage} method will be allowed to complete normally.
     * <p>
     * This method is the only {@code JMSConsumer} method that can be called
     * concurrently.
     * @exception JMSRuntimeException
     *                if the JMS provider fails to close the consumer due to
     *                some internal error.

    void close();

     * Receives the next message produced for this {@code JMSConsumer} and
     * returns its body as an object of the specified type. 
     * This method may be used to receive any type of message except 
     * for {@code StreamMessage} and {@code Message}, so long as the message
     * has a body which is capable of being assigned to the specified type.
     * This means that the specified class or interface must either be the same
     * as, or a superclass or superinterface of, the class of the message body. 
     * If the message is not one of the supported types, 
     * or its body cannot be assigned to the specified type, or it has no body, 
     * then a {@code MessageFormatRuntimeException} is thrown.
     * <p>
     * This method does not give access to the message headers or properties
     * (such as the {@code JMSRedelivered} message header field or the
     * {@code JMSXDeliveryCount} message property) and should only be used if
     * the application has no need to access them.
     * <P>
     * This call blocks indefinitely until a message is produced or until this
     * {@code JMSConsumer} is closed.
     * <p>
     * If this method is called within a transaction, the
     * {@code JMSConsumer} retains the message until the transaction commits.
     * <p>
     * The result of this method throwing a
     * {@code MessageFormatRuntimeException} depends on the session mode:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@code AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE} or {@code DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE}: The JMS
     * provider will behave as if the unsuccessful call to {@code receiveBody} had
     * not occurred. The message will be delivered again before any subsequent
     * messages.
     * <p>
     * This is not considered to be redelivery and does not cause the
     * {@code JMSRedelivered} message header field to be set or the
     * {@code JMSXDeliveryCount} message property to be incremented.</li>
     * <li>{@code CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE}: The JMS provider will behave as if the
     * call to {@code receiveBody} had been successful and will not deliver the
     * message again.
     * <p>
     * As with any message that is delivered with a session mode of
     * {@code CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE}, the message will not be acknowledged until
     * {@code acknowledge} is called on the {@code JMSContext}. If an
     * application wishes to have the failed message redelivered, it must call
     * {@code recover} on the {@code JMSContext}. The redelivered message's
     * {@code JMSRedelivered} message header field will be set and its
     * {@code JMSXDeliveryCount} message property will be incremented.</li>
     * <li>Transacted session: The JMS provider will behave as if the call to
     * {@code receiveBody} had been successful and will not deliver the message
     * again.
     * <p>
     * As with any message that is delivered in a transacted session, the
     * transaction will remain uncommitted until the transaction is committed or
     * rolled back by the application. If an application wishes to have the
     * failed message redelivered, it must roll back the transaction. The
     * redelivered message's {@code JMSRedelivered} message header field will be
     * set and its {@code JMSXDeliveryCount} message property will be
     * incremented.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param c
     *            The type to which the body of the next message should be
     *            assigned.<br/>
     *            If the next message is expected to be a {@code TextMessage}
     *            then this should be set to {@code String.class} or another
     *            class to which a {@code String} is assignable.<br/>
     *            If the next message is expected to be a {@code ObjectMessage}
     *            then this should be set to {@code}
     *            or another class to which the body is assignable. <br/>
     *            If the next message is expected to be a {@code MapMessage}
     *            then this should be set to {@code java.util.Map.class}
     *            (or {@code java.lang.Object.class}).<br/>
     *            If the next message is expected to be a {@code BytesMessage}
     *            then this should be set to {@code byte[].class}
     *            (or {@code java.lang.Object.class}).<br/>
     * @return the body of the next message produced for this
     *         {@code JMSConsumer}, or null if this {@code JMSConsumer} is
     *         concurrently closed
     * @throws MessageFormatRuntimeException
     *             <ul>
     *             <li>if the message is not one of the supported types listed above
     *             <li>if the message body cannot be assigned to the specified type
     *             <li>if the message has no body
     *             <li>if the message is an {@code ObjectMessage} and object deserialization fails.
     *             </ul>
     * @throws JMSRuntimeException
     *             if the JMS provider fails to receive the next message due to
     *             some internal error
    <T> T receiveBody(Class<T> c);

     * Receives the next message produced for this {@code JMSConsumer} 
     * that arrives within the specified timeout period and
     * returns its body as an object of the specified type. 
     * This method may be used to receive any type of message except 
     * for {@code StreamMessage} and {@code Message}, so long as the message
     * has a body which is capable of being assigned to the specified type.
     * This means that the specified class or interface must either be the same
     * as, or a superclass or superinterface of, the class of the message body. 
     * If the message is not one of the supported types, 
     * or its body cannot be assigned to the specified type, or it has no body, 
     * then a {@code MessageFormatRuntimeException} is thrown.
     * <p>
     * This method does not give access to the message headers or properties
     * (such as the {@code JMSRedelivered} message header field or the
     * {@code JMSXDeliveryCount} message property) and should only be used if
     * the application has no need to access them.
     * <P>
     * This call blocks until a message arrives, the timeout expires, or this
     * {@code JMSConsumer} is closed. A timeout of zero never expires, and the
     * call blocks indefinitely.
     * <p>
     * If this method is called within a transaction, the
     * {@code JMSConsumer} retains the message until the transaction commits.
     * <p>
     * The result of this method throwing a
     * {@code MessageFormatRuntimeException} depends on the session mode:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@code AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE} or {@code DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE}: The JMS
     * provider will behave as if the unsuccessful call to {@code receiveBody} had
     * not occurred. The message will be delivered again before any subsequent
     * messages.
     * <p>
     * This is not considered to be redelivery and does not cause the
     * {@code JMSRedelivered} message header field to be set or the
     * {@code JMSXDeliveryCount} message property to be incremented.</li>
     * <li>{@code CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE}: The JMS provider will behave as if the
     * call to {@code receiveBody} had been successful and will not deliver the
     * message again.
     * <p>
     * As with any message that is delivered with a session mode of
     * {@code CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE}, the message will not be acknowledged until
     * {@code acknowledge} is called on the {@code JMSContext}. If an
     * application wishes to have the failed message redelivered, it must call
     * {@code recover} on the {@code JMSContext}. The redelivered message's
     * {@code JMSRedelivered} message header field will be set and its
     * {@code JMSXDeliveryCount} message property will be incremented.</li>
     * <li>Transacted session: The JMS provider will behave as if the call to
     * {@code receiveBody} had been successful and will not deliver the message
     * again.
     * <p>
     * As with any message that is delivered in a transacted session, the
     * transaction will remain uncommitted until the transaction is committed or
     * rolled back by the application. If an application wishes to have the
     * failed message redelivered, it must roll back the transaction. The
     * redelivered message's {@code JMSRedelivered} message header field will be
     * set and its {@code JMSXDeliveryCount} message property will be
     * incremented.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param c
     *            The type to which the body of the next message should be
     *            assigned.<br/>
     *            If the next message is expected to be a {@code TextMessage}
     *            then this should be set to {@code String.class} or another
     *            class to which a {@code String} is assignable.<br/>
     *            If the next message is expected to be a {@code ObjectMessage}
     *            then this should be set to {@code}
     *            or another class to which the body is assignable. <br/>
     *            If the next message is expected to be a {@code MapMessage}
     *            then this should be set to {@code java.util.Map.class}
     *            (or {@code java.lang.Object.class}).<br/>
     *            If the next message is expected to be a {@code BytesMessage}
     *            then this should be set to {@code byte[].class}
     *            (or {@code java.lang.Object.class}).<br/>
     * @return the body of the next message produced for this {@code JMSConsumer},
     *         or null if the timeout expires or this {@code JMSConsumer} is concurrently closed
     * @throws MessageFormatRuntimeException
     *             <ul>
     *             <li>if the message is not one of the supported types listed above
     *             <li>if the message body cannot be assigned to the specified type
     *             <li>if the message has no body
     *             <li>if the message is an {@code ObjectMessage} and object deserialization fails.
     *             </ul>
     * @throws JMSRuntimeException
     *             if the JMS provider fails to receive the next message due
     *             to some internal error
    <T> T receiveBody(Class<T> c, long timeout);

     * Receives the next message produced for this {@code JMSConsumer} 
     * if one is immediately available and
     * returns its body as an object of the specified type. 
     * This method may be used to receive any type of message except 
     * for {@code StreamMessage} and {@code Message}, so long as the message
     * has a body which is capable of being assigned to the specified type.
     * This means that the specified class or interface must either be the same
     * as, or a superclass or superinterface of, the class of the message body. 
     * If the message is not one of the supported types, 
     * or its body cannot be assigned to the specified type, or it has no body, 
     * then a {@code MessageFormatRuntimeException} is thrown.
     * <p>
     * This method does not give access to the message headers or properties
     * (such as the {@code JMSRedelivered} message header field or the
     * {@code JMSXDeliveryCount} message property) and should only be used if
     * the application has no need to access them.
     * <P>
     * If a message is not immediately available null is returned. 
     * <p>
     * If this method is called within a transaction, the
     * {@code JMSConsumer} retains the message until the transaction commits.
     * <p>
     * The result of this method throwing a
     * {@code MessageFormatRuntimeException} depends on the session mode:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@code AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE} or {@code DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE}: The JMS
     * provider will behave as if the unsuccessful call to {@code receiveBodyNoWait} had
     * not occurred. The message will be delivered again before any subsequent
     * messages.
     * <p>
     * This is not considered to be redelivery and does not cause the
     * {@code JMSRedelivered} message header field to be set or the
     * {@code JMSXDeliveryCount} message property to be incremented.</li>
     * <li>{@code CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE}: The JMS provider will behave as if the
     * call to {@code receiveBodyNoWait} had been successful and will not deliver the
     * message again.
     * <p>
     * As with any message that is delivered with a session mode of
     * {@code CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE}, the message will not be acknowledged until
     * {@code acknowledge} is called on the {@code JMSContext}. If an
     * application wishes to have the failed message redelivered, it must call
     * {@code recover} on the {@code JMSContext}. The redelivered message's
     * {@code JMSRedelivered} message header field will be set and its
     * {@code JMSXDeliveryCount} message property will be incremented.</li>
     * <li>Transacted session: The JMS provider will behave as if the call to
     * {@code receiveBodyNoWait} had been successful and will not deliver the message
     * again.
     * <p>
     * As with any message that is delivered in a transacted session, the
     * transaction will remain uncommitted until the transaction is committed or
     * rolled back by the application. If an application wishes to have the
     * failed message redelivered, it must roll back the transaction. The
     * redelivered message's {@code JMSRedelivered} message header field will be
     * set and its {@code JMSXDeliveryCount} message property will be
     * incremented.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param c
     *            The type to which the body of the next message should be
     *            assigned.<br/>
     *            If the next message is expected to be a {@code TextMessage}
     *            then this should be set to {@code String.class} or another
     *            class to which a {@code String} is assignable.<br/>
     *            If the next message is expected to be a {@code ObjectMessage}
     *            then this should be set to {@code}
     *            or another class to which the body is assignable. <br/>
     *            If the next message is expected to be a {@code MapMessage}
     *            then this should be set to {@code java.util.Map.class}
     *            (or {@code java.lang.Object.class}).<br/>
     *            If the next message is expected to be a {@code BytesMessage}
     *            then this should be set to {@code byte[].class}
     *            (or {@code java.lang.Object.class}).<br/>
     * @return the body of the next message produced for this {@code JMSConsumer},
     *         or null if one is not immediately available or this {@code JMSConsumer} is concurrently closed
     * @throws MessageFormatRuntimeException
     *             <ul>
     *             <li>if the message is not one of the supported types listed above
     *             <li>if the message body cannot be assigned to the specified type
     *             <li>if the message has no body
     *             <li>if the message is an {@code ObjectMessage} and object deserialization fails.
     *             </ul>
     * @throws JMSRuntimeException
     *             if the JMS provider fails to receive the next message due
     *             to some internal error
    <T> T receiveBodyNoWait(Class<T> c);
