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package javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.factories;

import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DeploymentManager;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.DeploymentManagerCreationException;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.factories.DeploymentFactory;

 * The DeploymentFactoryManager class is a central registry for
 * Java EE DeploymentFactory objects.  The DeploymentFactoryManager
 * retains references to DeploymentFactory objects loaded by
 * a tool.  A DeploymentFactory object provides a reference to 
 * a DeploymentManager.
 * The DeploymentFactoryManager has been implemented as a singleton.
 * A tool gets a reference to the DeploymentFactoryManager via the 
 * getInstance method.
 * The DeploymentFactoryManager can return two types of 
 * DeploymentManagers, a connected DeploymentManager and a 
 * disconnected DeploymentManager.  The connected DeploymentManager
 * provides access to any product resources that may be required
 * for configurations and deployment.  The method to retrieve a
 * connected DeploymentManager is getDeploymentManager. This method
 * provides parameters for user name and password that the  product 
 * may require for user authentication.  A disconnected DeploymentManager
 * does not provide access to a running Java EE product. The method
 * to retrieve a disconnected DeploymentManager is 
 * getDisconnectedDeploymentManager.  A disconnected DeploymentManager
 * does not need user authentication information.
public final class DeploymentFactoryManager {

    private Vector deploymentFactories = null;

    // Singleton instance
    private static DeploymentFactoryManager deploymentFactoryManager = new DeploymentFactoryManager();

    /** Creates new RIDeploymentFactoryManager */
    private DeploymentFactoryManager() {
        deploymentFactories = new Vector();

     * Retrieve the Singleton DeploymentFactoryManager
     * @return DeploymentFactoryManager instance
    public static DeploymentFactoryManager getInstance() {
        return deploymentFactoryManager;

     * Retrieve the lists of currently registered DeploymentFactories.
     * @return the list of DeploymentFactory objects or an empty array 
     *       if there are none.
    public DeploymentFactory[] getDeploymentFactories() {
        Vector deploymentFactoriesSnapShot = null;
        synchronized (this) {
            deploymentFactoriesSnapShot = (Vector) this.deploymentFactories.clone();
        DeploymentFactory[] factoriesArray = new DeploymentFactory[deploymentFactoriesSnapShot.size()];
        return factoriesArray;

     * Retrieves a DeploymentManager instance to use for deployment.
     * The caller provides a URI and optional username and password,
     * and all registered DeploymentFactories will be checked.  The
     * first one to understand the URI provided will attempt to
     * initiate a server connection and return a ready DeploymentManager
     * instance.
     * @param uri The uri to check
     * @param username An optional username (may be <tt>null</tt> if
     *        no authentication is required for this platform).
     * @param password An optional password (may be <tt>null</yy> if
     *        no authentication is required for this platform).
     * @return A ready DeploymentManager instance.
     * @throws DeploymentManagerCreationException
     *         Occurs when the factory appropriate to the specified URI
     *         was unable to initialize a DeploymentManager instance
     *         (server down, unable to authenticate, etc.).
    public DeploymentManager getDeploymentManager(String uri, String username, String password)
            throws DeploymentManagerCreationException {
        try {
            DeploymentFactory[] factories = this.getDeploymentFactories();
            for (int factoryIndex = 0; factoryIndex < factories.length; factoryIndex++) {
                if (factories[factoryIndex].handlesURI(uri)) {
                    return factories[factoryIndex].getDeploymentManager(uri, username, password);
            // No available factory supports the provided url.
            throw new DeploymentManagerCreationException(
                    "URL [" + uri + "] not supported by any available factories");
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw new DeploymentManagerCreationException("Could not get DeploymentManager");

     * Registers a DeploymentFactory so it will be able to handle
     * requests.
    public void registerDeploymentFactory(DeploymentFactory factory) {

     * Return a <tt>disconnected</tt> DeploymentManager instance.
     * @param uri identifier of the disconnected DeploymentManager to
     *             return.
     * @return A DeploymentManager instance.
     * @throws DeploymentDriverException  occurs if the DeploymentManager
     *         could not be created.
    public DeploymentManager getDisconnectedDeploymentManager(String uri)
            throws DeploymentManagerCreationException {
        try {
            DeploymentFactory[] factories = this.getDeploymentFactories();
            for (int factoryIndex = 0; factoryIndex < factories.length; factoryIndex++) {
                if (factories[factoryIndex].handlesURI(uri)) {
                    return factories[factoryIndex].getDisconnectedDeploymentManager(uri);
            // No available factory supports the provided url.
            throw new DeploymentManagerCreationException(
                    "URL [" + uri + "] not supported by any available factories");
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw new DeploymentManagerCreationException("Could not get DeploymentManager");