Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package Java_BWS_Sample;

 * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 BlackBerry.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * It is a best practice to use Apache CXF 3.1.7 or later

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Client;
import org.apache.cxf.frontend.ClientProxy;
import org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPConduit;
import org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPException;
import org.apache.cxf.transports.http.configuration.HTTPClientPolicy;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.StringUtils;

* A program that demonstrates BlackBerry Web Services (BWS) for Enterprise Administration APIs.
* This sample program demonstrates how to get system information to make an authenticated API call. If successful, the
* program then optionally creates a user and optionally displays the user's details. If the authenticated API is not
* successful, the program displays a message indicating that the failure has occurred.
* This program was tested against the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 version 10.2.0.
* This program was tested against the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 12 version 12.0.0 - 12.5.0.
* This program was tested against the BlackBerry Unified Endpoint Management version 12.6.0

public class SampleBwsClient {
    // Values used in log messages.
    final private static long NANOSECONDS_IN_A_MILLISECOND = 1000000L;
    private static long startTime = System.nanoTime();

    // Web service stubs.
    private static BWSService _bwsService;
    private static BWS _bws;
    private static BWSUtilService _bwsUtilService;
    private static BWSUtil _bwsUtil;

    // The request Metadata information.
    // This is the version of the WSDL used to generate the proxy, not the version of the server.
    private final static String CLIENT_VERSION = "12.6.0";

     * To use a different locale, call getLocales() in the BWSUtilService web service
     * to see which locales are supported.
    private final static String LOCALE = "en_US";
    private final static String ORG_UID = "0";
    private final static RequestMetadata REQUEST_METADATA = new RequestMetadata();

    // Authentication type name.
    private final static String AUTHENTICATOR_NAME = "BlackBerry Administration Service";

    // Hostname to use when connecting to web service. Includes port
    private static String BWS_HOST_NAME = null; // e.g. BWS_HOST_NAME = "".
    private static String USERNAME = null; // e.g. USERNAME = "admin".
    private static String PASSWORD = null; // e.g. PASSWORD = "password".

    // Email address used to create a new user with the createUsers() API call.
    private static String CREATE_NEW_USER_EMAIL = null;

    // Email address used to identify the user to find with the getUsersDetail() API call.
    private static String DISPLAY_USER_DETAIL_EMAIL = null;

     * Initialize the BWS and BWSUtil services.
     * @return Returns true when the setup is successful, and false otherwise.
    private static boolean setup() {
        final String METHOD_NAME = "setup()";
        logMessage("Entering %s", METHOD_NAME);
        boolean returnValue = false;

        URL bwsServiceUrl = null;
        URL bwsUtilServiceUrl = null;

        try {
            // These are the URLs that point to the web services used for all calls.
            bwsServiceUrl = new URL("https://" + BWS_HOST_NAME + "/enterprise/admin/ws");
            bwsUtilServiceUrl = new URL("https://" + BWS_HOST_NAME + "/enterprise/admin/util/ws");
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {

            logMessage("Cannot initialize web service URLs");
            logMessage("Exiting %s with value \"%s\"", METHOD_NAME, returnValue);
            return returnValue;

        // Initialize the BWS web service stubs that will be used for all calls.
        logMessage("Initializing BWS web service stub");
        QName serviceBWS = new QName("", "BWSService");
        QName portBWS = new QName("", "BWS");
        _bwsService = new BWSService(null, serviceBWS);
        _bwsService.addPort(portBWS, "", bwsServiceUrl.toString());
        _bws = _bwsService.getPort(portBWS, BWS.class);
        logMessage("BWS web service stub initialized");

        logMessage("Initializing BWSUtil web service stub");
        QName serviceUtil = new QName("", "BWSUtilService");
        QName portUtil = new QName("", "BWSUtil");
        _bwsUtilService = new BWSUtilService(null, serviceUtil);
        _bwsUtilService.addPort(portUtil, "", bwsUtilServiceUrl.toString());
        _bwsUtil = _bwsUtilService.getPort(portUtil, BWSUtil.class);
        logMessage("BWSUtil web service stub initialized");
        // Set the connection timeout to 60 seconds.
        HTTPClientPolicy httpClientPolicy = new HTTPClientPolicy();


        Client client = ClientProxy.getClient(_bws);
        HTTPConduit http = (HTTPConduit) client.getConduit();

        client = ClientProxy.getClient(_bwsUtil);
        http = (HTTPConduit) client.getConduit();

        Authenticator authenticator = getAuthenticator(AUTHENTICATOR_NAME);
        if (authenticator != null) {
            String encodedUsername = getEncodedUserName(USERNAME, authenticator);
            if (encodedUsername != null && !encodedUsername.isEmpty()) {
                 * Set the HTTP basic authentication on the BWS service.
                 * BWSUtilService is a utility web service that does not require
                 * authentication.
                BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider) _bws;
                bp.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, encodedUsername);
                bp.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, PASSWORD);

                returnValue = true;
            } else {
                logMessage("'encodedUsername' is null or empty");
        } else {
            logMessage("'authenticator' is null");

        logMessage("Exiting %s with value \"%s\"", METHOD_NAME, returnValue);
        return returnValue;

     * Get the authenticator object for the authenticator name.
     * @param authenticatorName
     *            A string containing the name of the desired authenticator.
     * @return Returns the requested authenticator if it is found, null otherwise.
    public static Authenticator getAuthenticator(String authenticatorName) {
        final String METHOD_NAME = "getAuthenticator()";
        final String BWS_API_NAME = "_bwsUtil.getAuthenticators()";
        logMessage("Entering %s", METHOD_NAME);
        Authenticator returnValue = null;

        GetAuthenticatorsRequest request = new GetAuthenticatorsRequest();

        GetAuthenticatorsResponse response = null;
        try {
            response = _bwsUtil.getAuthenticators(request);
            logResponse(BWS_API_NAME, response.getReturnStatus().getCode(), response.getMetadata());
        } catch (WebServiceException e) {
            // Log and re-throw exception.
            logMessage("Exiting %s with exception \"%s\"", METHOD_NAME, e.getMessage());
            throw e;

        if (response.getReturnStatus().getCode().equals("SUCCESS")) {
            if (response.getAuthenticators() != null && !response.getAuthenticators().isEmpty()) {
                for (Authenticator authenticator : response.getAuthenticators()) {
                    if (authenticator.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(authenticatorName)) {
                        returnValue = authenticator;

                if (returnValue == null) {
                    logMessage("Could not find \"%s\" in GetAuthenticatorsResponse", authenticatorName);
            } else {
                logMessage("No authenticators in GetAuthenticatorsResponse");
        } else {
            logMessage("Error Message: \"%s\"", response.getReturnStatus().getMessage());

        logMessage("Exiting %s with %s", METHOD_NAME,
                returnValue == null ? "\"null\"" : "Authenticator object (Name \"" + returnValue.getName() + "\")");
        return returnValue;

     * Get the encoded username required to authenticate user to BWS.
     * @param username
     *            A string containing the username to encode.
     * @param authenticator
     *            The authenticator.
     * @return Returns a string containing the encoded username if successful, and a null message string otherwise.
    public static String getEncodedUserName(String username, Authenticator authenticator) {
        final String METHOD_NAME = "getEncodedUserName()";
        final String BWS_API_NAME = "_bwsUtil.getEncodedUsername()";
        logMessage("Entering %s", METHOD_NAME);
        String returnValue = null;

        GetEncodedUsernameRequest request = new GetEncodedUsernameRequest();

        CredentialType credentialType = new CredentialType();

        GetEncodedUsernameResponse response = null;
        try {
            response = _bwsUtil.getEncodedUsername(request);
            logResponse(BWS_API_NAME, response.getReturnStatus().getCode(), response.getMetadata());
        } catch (WebServiceException e) {
            // Log and re-throw exception.
            logMessage("Exiting %s with exception \"%s\"", METHOD_NAME, e.getMessage());
            throw e;

        if (response.getReturnStatus().getCode().equals("SUCCESS")) {
            returnValue = response.getEncodedUsername();
        } else {
            logMessage("Error Message: \"%s\"", response.getReturnStatus().getMessage());

        if (Base64.isBase64(returnValue)) {
            logMessage("Decoded value of encoded username \"%s\"",
        } else {
            logMessage("Value of encoded username \"%s\"", returnValue);
        logMessage("Exiting %s", METHOD_NAME);
        return returnValue;

     * Retrieves a single user using an email address. If more or less than one result is found, that is treated as an
     * error.
     * @return Returns a User object if user is found, and null otherwise.
    public static User getUser() {
        final String METHOD_NAME = "getUser()";
        final String BWS_API_NAME = "_bws.getUsers()";
        logMessage("Entering %s", METHOD_NAME);
        User returnValue = null;

        GetUsersRequest request = new GetUsersRequest();

        GetUsersSearchCriteria searchCriteria = new GetUsersSearchCriteria();

        // Search for a user by emailAddress

         * The pageSize value of 2 is used to help determine if exactly 1 user was found. Using a pageSize value
         * of 2 avoids the overhead of retrieving more than 2 search results.

        GetUsersSortBy sortBy = new GetUsersSortBy();

        GetUsersResponse response = null;
        try {
            response = _bws.getUsers(request);
            logResponse(BWS_API_NAME, response.getReturnStatus().getCode(), response.getMetadata());
        } catch (WebServiceException e) {
            // Log and re-throw exception.
            logMessage("Exiting %s with exception \"%s\"", METHOD_NAME, e.getMessage());
            throw e;

        if (response.getReturnStatus().getCode().equals("SUCCESS")) {
            if (response.getUsers() != null && response.getUsers().size() == 1) {
                // Returns the first user object in the users list.
                returnValue = response.getUsers().get(0);
            } else if (response.getUsers() != null && response.getUsers().size() > 1) {
                // Returns the first user object in the users list.
                returnValue = response.getUsers().get(0);
                        "More than one user was found with email address search criteria \"%s\", first user result"
                                + " will be used.",
            } else {
                logMessage("No user was found with email address \"%s\"", DISPLAY_USER_DETAIL_EMAIL);
        } else {
            logMessage("Error Message: \"%s\"", response.getReturnStatus().getMessage());

        logMessage("Exiting %s with %s", METHOD_NAME,
                returnValue == null ? "\"null\"" : "User object (UID \"" + returnValue.getUid() + "\")");
        return returnValue;

     * Retrieve and display some user details.
     * @return Returns true if getUsersDetail is successful, and false otherwise.
    public static boolean displayUserDetails() {
        final String METHOD_NAME = "displayUserDetails()";
        final String BWS_API_NAME = "_bws.getUsersDetail()";
        logMessage("Entering %s", METHOD_NAME);
        boolean returnValue = false;

        logMessage("Displaying details for user with email address \"%s\"", DISPLAY_USER_DETAIL_EMAIL);

        // Getting the user object.
        User user = getUser();

        if (user == null) {
            logMessage("'user' is null");
            logMessage("Exiting %s with value \"%s\"", METHOD_NAME, returnValue);
            return returnValue;

        GetUsersDetailRequest request = new GetUsersDetailRequest();

         * To help improve API performance, load only the required details.
         * By default all load flags are set to false.

        GetUsersDetailResponse response = null;
        try {
            response = _bws.getUsersDetail(request);
            logResponse(BWS_API_NAME, response.getReturnStatus().getCode(), response.getMetadata());
        } catch (WebServiceException e) {
            // Log and re-throw exception.
            logMessage("Exiting %s with exception \"%s\"", METHOD_NAME, e.getMessage());
            throw e;

        if (response.getReturnStatus().getCode().equals("SUCCESS")) {
            if (response.getIndividualResponses() != null && response.getIndividualResponses().size() == 1) {
                for (GetUsersDetailIndividualResponse individualResponse : response.getIndividualResponses()) {
                    UserDetail userDetail = individualResponse.getUserDetail();

                    displayResult("User details:");
                    // The values of the fields, and whether they will be populated or not, depends on the device type.
                    displayResult("Display Name: %s", userDetail.getDisplayName());
                    displayResult("User UID: %s", individualResponse.getUserUid());
                    // Displays time in UTC format.
                    displayResult("Last Login Time: %s", userDetail.getLastLoginTime());
                    if (userDetail.getIndirectITPolicies() != null
                            && !userDetail.getIndirectITPolicies().isEmpty()) {
                        StringBuilder policyString = new StringBuilder();
                        for (IndirectITPolicy indirectITPolicy : userDetail.getIndirectITPolicies()) {
                            if (policyString.length() > 0) {
                                policyString.append(", ");
                        displayResult("Indirect IT policy names: %s", policyString);

                    if (userDetail.getDirectITPolicy() != null
                            && userDetail.getDirectITPolicy().getPolicy() != null) {
                        displayResult("Direct IT policy name: %s",

                     * The BWS object model supports multiple accounts and devices. However, BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0.x
                     * will only return at most one object in the userDetail.getDevices() list, and at most one object in the
                     * userDetail.getAccounts() list.
                    if (userDetail.getDevices() != null && !userDetail.getDevices().isEmpty()) {
                        displayResult("User's device details:");

                        int deviceIndex = 1;
                        for (Device device : userDetail.getDevices()) {
                            displayResult("Device %d data", (deviceIndex++));
                            displayResult("PIN: %s", device.getPin());
                            displayResult("Model: %s", device.getModel());
                            displayResult("Phone Number: %s", device.getPhoneNumber());

                            displayResult("Active Carrier: %s", device.getActiveCarrier());
                            displayResult("Serial Number: %s", device.getSerialNumber());

                            displayResult("State: %s", device.getState().getValue());
                            displayResult("IT Policy Name: %s", device.getItPolicyName());

                            displayResult("Platform Version: %s", device.getPlatformVersion());


                    if (userDetail.getAccounts() != null && !userDetail.getAccounts().isEmpty()) {
                        displayResult("User's account details:");

                        int accountIndex = 1;
                        for (Account account : userDetail.getAccounts()) {
                            displayResult("Account %d data", (accountIndex++));
                            displayResult("Email Address: %s", account.getEmailAddress());

                returnValue = true;
            } else if (response.getIndividualResponses() != null && response.getIndividualResponses().size() > 1) {
                logMessage("More than one user was found with userUid \"%s\"", user.getUid());
            } else {
                logMessage("No user was found with userUid \"%s\"", user.getUid());
        } else {
            logMessage("Error Message: \"%s\"", response.getReturnStatus().getMessage());
            if (response.getIndividualResponses() != null) {
                for (GetUsersDetailIndividualResponse individualResponse : response.getIndividualResponses()) {
                    logMessage("User UID: \"%s\"", individualResponse.getUserUid());
                    logMessage("Individual Response - Code: \"%s\", Message: \"%s\"",

        logMessage("Exiting %s with value \"%s\"", METHOD_NAME, returnValue);
        return returnValue;

     * Creates a user using an email address.
     * @return Returns true if createUsers is successful, and false otherwise.
    public static boolean createUser() {
        final String METHOD_NAME = "createUser()";
        final String BWS_API_NAME = "_bws.createUsers()";
        logMessage("Entering %s", METHOD_NAME);
        boolean returnValue = false;

        // Create the request object.
        CreateUsersRequest createUsersRequest = new CreateUsersRequest();

        NewUser newUser = new NewUser();

        // To create an administrator user, create and set the "UserAttributes" and the roleUid field.
        AccountAttributes accountAttributes = new AccountAttributes();

        logMessage("Email address set to \"%s\"", CREATE_NEW_USER_EMAIL);

        // Value of the variable "CREATE_NEW_USER_EMAIL" is used to create a device-enabled user.


        // Server value is validated and then ignored.

        CreateUsersResponse response = null;
        try {
            response = _bws.createUsers(createUsersRequest);
            logResponse(BWS_API_NAME, response.getReturnStatus().getCode(), response.getMetadata());
        } catch (WebServiceException e) {
            // Log and re-throw exception.
            logMessage("Exiting %s with exception \"%s\"", METHOD_NAME, e.getMessage());
            throw e;

        if (response.getReturnStatus().getCode().equals("SUCCESS")) {
            if (response.getIndividualResponses() != null) {
                for (IndividualResponse individualResponse : response.getIndividualResponses()) {
                    displayResult("User created with UID \"%s\"", individualResponse.getUid());
                    displayResult("Email address used in creation is \"%s\"", accountAttributes.getEmailAddress());

                returnValue = true;
        } else {
            logMessage("Error Message: \"%s\"", response.getReturnStatus().getMessage());
            if (response.getIndividualResponses() != null) {
                for (IndividualResponse individualResponse : response.getIndividualResponses()) {
                    logMessage("Individual Response - Code: \"%s\", Message: \"%s\"",

        logMessage("Exiting %s with value \"%s\"", METHOD_NAME, returnValue);
        return returnValue;

     * Call _bwsService.getSystemInfo() and display the returned properties.
     * @return Returns true if getSystemInfo is successful, and false otherwise.
    public static boolean getSystemInfo() {
        final String METHOD_NAME = "getSystemInfo()";
        final String BWS_API_NAME = "_bws.getSystemInfo()";

        logMessage("Entering %s", METHOD_NAME);
        boolean returnValue = false;

        GetSystemInfoRequest request = new GetSystemInfoRequest();

         * Setting the value of loadAuthenticatedUserProperties to true will cause the API to return additional
         * properties about the current user, like the Authenticated User Uid property. The Authenticated User Uid
         * property is often used to make calls to APIs like getUsersDetail(), assignSWConfigsToGroup() and
         * others.
         * Valid for BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0.3 MR5 or later

        GetSystemInfoResponse response = null;

         * The try catch block here is used to illustrate how to handle a specific type of exception.
         * For example, in this case we check to see if the error was caused by invalid credentials.
        try {
            response = _bws.getSystemInfo(request);
            logResponse(BWS_API_NAME, response.getReturnStatus().getCode(), response.getMetadata());
        } catch (WebServiceException e) {
            if (e.getCause() instanceof HTTPException) {
                HTTPException httpException = (HTTPException) e.getCause();
                // Handle authentication failure.
                if (httpException != null
                        && httpException.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) {
                    logMessage("Failed to authenticate with the BWS web service");
                    logMessage("Exiting %s with value \"%s\"", METHOD_NAME, returnValue);
                    return returnValue;

            // Log and re-throw exception.
            logMessage("Exiting %s with exception \"%s\"", METHOD_NAME, e.getMessage());
            throw e;


        if (response.getReturnStatus().getCode().equals("SUCCESS")) {
            if (response.getProperties() != null && !response.getProperties().isEmpty()) {
                logMessage("%s returned the following properties:", BWS_API_NAME);
                for (Property property : response.getProperties()) {
                    displayResult("%s: %s", property.getName(), property.getValue());

                returnValue = true;
            } else {
                logMessage("No properties in response");
        } else {
            System.err.format("Error: Code: \"%s\", Message: \"%s\"%n", response.getReturnStatus().getCode(),

        logMessage("Exiting %s with value \"%s\"", METHOD_NAME, returnValue);
        return returnValue;

     * Creates a string containing the elapsed time since the program started.
     * The execution time will be reset to 00:00.000 if the execution time exceeds an hour.
     * @return Returns the elapsed time from start of program.
    public static String logTime() {
        DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("mm:ss.SSS");
        long timeDifference = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
        long dateTime = (timeDifference / NANOSECONDS_IN_A_MILLISECOND);
        String time = dateFormat.format(dateTime);
        return time;

     * Prints a log message to stderr.
     * Appends the message to a string containing the elapsed time of the program.
     * @param format - A string which formats how args will be displayed in the message.
     * @param args - List of objects to be displayed in the message.
    public static void logMessage(String format, Object... args) {
        //Change output stream if desired
        PrintStream logStream = System.err;
        logStream.format(logTime() + " " + format + "%n", args);

     * Prints results to stderr.
     * @param format - A string which formats how args will be displayed in the message.
     * @param args - List of objects to be displayed in the message.
    public static void displayResult(String format, Object... args) {
        //Change output stream if desired
        PrintStream resultStream = System.err;
        for (Object arg : args) {
            //Do not display null values
            if (arg == null) {
        resultStream.format(format + "%n", args);

     * Logs the calling of an API.
     * @param BWS_API_NAME - A string of the API called.
    public static void logRequest(String BWS_API_NAME) {
        logMessage("Calling %s...", BWS_API_NAME);

     * Logs various information about an API response.
     * @param BWS_API_NAME - A string of the API called.
     * @param code - The return code from the API called.
     * @param metadata - The metadata contained in the response object returned from the API called.
    public static void logResponse(String BWS_API_NAME, String code, ResponseMetadata metadata) {
        logMessage("...%s returned \"%s\"", BWS_API_NAME, code);
        if (metadata != null) {
                * Converting metadata.getExecutionTime() (which is in nano-seconds) into seconds by
                * multiplying it by 10^-9.
            logMessage("Execution Time: %.4f seconds", (metadata.getExecutionTime() * Math.pow(10, -9)));
            logMessage("Request UID: %s", metadata.getRequestUid());

     * The main method.
     * @param args
     *            not used.
     * @throws IOException
     *             if it fails to create log files.
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        // Return codes
        final int SUCCESS = 0;
        final int FAILURE = 1;
        int returnCode = SUCCESS;

         * Flags that are used to determine whether or not
         * createUser() and displayUserDetails() get called.
        boolean createNewUser = false;
        boolean displayUserDetails = true;

        // Hostname to use when connecting to web service.  Includes port
        BWS_HOST_NAME = "<BWSHostName>"; // e.g. BWS_HOST_NAME = "".
        USERNAME = "<username>"; // e.g. USERNAME = "admin".
        PASSWORD = "<password>"; // e.g. PASSWORD = "password".

         *  Email address used to create a new user with the createUsers() API call.
         *  This value must exactly match the full string value in the directory for successful user creation.

        // Email address used to identify the user to find with the getUsersDetail() API call.

           * BWS Host certificate must be installed on the client machine before running this sample code, otherwise
           * a SSL/TLS secure channel error will be thrown. For more information, see the BlackBerry Web Services for
           * Enterprise Administration For Java Developers Getting Started Guide.
        try {
            logMessage("Initializing web services...");
            if (setup()) {
                 * Demonstrate call to _bws.getSystemInfo() API.
                 * This is also the first authenticated call in the client application.
                logMessage("Getting system information...");
                if (getSystemInfo()) {
                    if (createNewUser) {
                        // Demonstrate call to _bws.createUsers() API.
                        logMessage("Creating a user...");
                        if (!createUser()) {
                            logMessage("Error: createUser() failed");
                            returnCode = FAILURE;

                    if (displayUserDetails) {
                        // Demonstrate call to _bws.getUsers() and _bws.getUsersDetail() APIs.
                        logMessage("Displaying a user's details...");
                        if (!displayUserDetails()) {
                            logMessage("Error: displayUserDetails() failed");
                            returnCode = FAILURE;
                } else {
                    logMessage("Error: getSystemInfo() failed");
                    returnCode = FAILURE;
            } else {
                logMessage("Error: setup() failed");
                returnCode = FAILURE;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.format("Exception: \"%s\"\n", e.getMessage());
            returnCode = FAILURE;

        System.err.format("Press Enter to exit\n");;
