Java tutorial
/** * author: Monofuel * website: * this file is distributed under the modified BSD license * that should have been included with it. */ package japura.Tribes; import com.mongodb.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; //TODO this class, and emeralds and tribes should probably extend DBObject public class TeleportData { String name; Tribe owner; Block spot; private BasicDBObject myTeleport; private BasicDBList allowed; //for making a new teleport (or getting an existing once if you know the name) public TeleportData(Block spot, String name, Tribe owner) { = name; this.owner = owner; = spot; BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("tribe", owner.getName()); query.put("name", name); myTeleport = (BasicDBObject) Tribes.getDiamondTable().findOne(query); if (myTeleport != null) { allowed = (BasicDBList) myTeleport.get("allowed"); long x = myTeleport.getLong("X"); long y = myTeleport.getLong("Y"); long z = myTeleport.getLong("Z"); World myWorld = Bukkit.getWorld((String) myTeleport.get("world")); Location loc1 = new Location(myWorld, x, y, z); if (!spot.equals(loc1.getBlock())) { Tribes.log("invalid diamond in DB"); } return; } //else, create this teleport myTeleport = new BasicDBObject(); myTeleport.put("tribe", owner.getName()); myTeleport.put("name", name); myTeleport.put("X", spot.getLocation().getBlockX()); myTeleport.put("Y", spot.getLocation().getBlockY()); myTeleport.put("Z", spot.getLocation().getBlockZ()); myTeleport.put("world", spot.getLocation().getWorld().getName()); allowed = new BasicDBList(); allowed.add(owner.getName()); myTeleport.put("allowed", allowed); Tribes.getDiamondTable().insert(myTeleport); } //for making a new teleport (or getting an existing once if you know the name) public TeleportData(Block spot) { // = name; //this.owner = owner; = spot; long x = spot.getX(); long y = spot.getY(); long z = spot.getZ(); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("X", x); query.put("Y", y); query.put("Z", z); query.put("world", spot.getWorld().getName()); myTeleport = (BasicDBObject) Tribes.getDiamondTable().findOne(query); if (myTeleport != null) { allowed = (BasicDBList) myTeleport.get("allowed"); this.owner = Tribes.getTribe(myTeleport.getString("tribe")); = myTeleport.getString("name"); World myWorld = Bukkit.getWorld(myTeleport.getString("world")); } else { = "invalid teleport"; this.owner = new Tribe("invalid owner"); Tribes.log("invalid teleport"); } } public Tribe getOwner() { return owner; } public String getName() { return name; } public Block getSpot() { return spot; } /*public boolean equals(Tribe other) { return name.equals(other.getName()); }*/ public void rename(String name) { = name; myTeleport.put("name", name); Tribes.getDiamondTable().save(myTeleport); } public void addAllowed(Tribe group) { //TODO should this also be in the constructor? if (!allowed.contains(group.getName())) allowed.add(group.getName()); myTeleport.put("allowed", allowed); //TODO: is this required? Tribes.getDiamondTable().save(myTeleport); } public void rmAllowed(Tribe group) { allowed.remove(group.getName()); myTeleport.put("allowed", allowed); Tribes.getDiamondTable().save(myTeleport); } public boolean isAllowed(Tribe group) { if ("safezone".equals(owner.getName())) return true; if (allowed.contains("safezone")) return true; return allowed.contains(group.getName()); } public String[] getAllowed() { return allowed.toArray(new String[allowed.size()]); } public void teleportPlayer(Player user) { //check if the block is obscured Location myloc = spot.getLocation(); if (spot.getType() != Material.DIAMOND_BLOCK && spot.getChunk().isLoaded()) { user.sendMessage("teleporter was destroyed"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { myloc = myloc.add(0, 1, 0); if (myloc.getBlock().getType() != Material.AIR) { user.sendMessage("teleporter is covered"); return; } } //else we know it is not obscured myloc = spot.getLocation().add(0, 1, 0); user.teleport(myloc); user.sendMessage("You teleported to " + name); } }