Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016 IXA Taldea, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU This file is part of ixa-pipe-ned-ukb. ixa-pipe-ned-ukb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ixa-pipe-ned-ukb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ixa-pipe-ned-ukb. If not, see <>. */ package ixa.pipe.ned_ukb; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import ixa.kaflib.KAFDocument; import ixa.kaflib.WF; import ixa.kaflib.Term; import ixa.kaflib.ExternalRef; import ixa.kaflib.Entity; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; public class Annotate { boolean cross = false; DictManager crosslinkMappingIndex; String crosslinkMappingHashName; String language; String resourceMapping; public Annotate(String crosslinkMappingIndexFile, String language) throws Exception { this.language = language; this.crosslinkMappingHashName = language + "En"; if ((!language.equals("en")) && (crosslinkMappingIndexFile != null) && (!crosslinkMappingIndexFile.equals("none"))) { if (!new File(crosslinkMappingIndexFile).exists()) { throw new Exception("The following database specified by \"CrossWikipediaIndex\" not found: " + crosslinkMappingIndexFile); } crosslinkMappingIndex = new DictManager(crosslinkMappingIndexFile, this.crosslinkMappingHashName); this.cross = true; this.resourceMapping = crosslinkMappingIndexFile .substring(crosslinkMappingIndexFile.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } } public void disambiguateNEsToKAF(KAFDocument kaf, String scripts, String ukbExec, String ukbKb, String ukbDict, String wikiDb) throws Exception { String resourceExternalRef = ukbKb.substring(ukbKb.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); List<String> neIds = new ArrayList<String>(); String ukbContext = "naf\n"; List<Entity> entities = kaf.getEntities(); for (Entity entity : entities) { String entityId = entity.getId(); String entityLemma = ""; List<Term> entityTerms = entity.getTerms(); for (Term term : entityTerms) { String tId = term.getId(); neIds.add(tId); if (!entityLemma.equals("")) { entityLemma += "_"; } entityLemma += term.getLemma().toLowerCase(); } ukbContext += entityLemma + "##" + entityId + "#1 "; } String formsContext2Match = ""; String lemmasContext2Match = ""; List<Term> terms = kaf.getTerms(); for (Term term : terms) { if (!neIds.contains(term.getId())) { if (!(term.getForm().contains("@@")) && !(term.getForm().contains(" "))) { formsContext2Match += term.getForm().toLowerCase() + "@@" + term.getWFs().get(0).getOffset() + " "; lemmasContext2Match += term.getLemma().toLowerCase() + "@@" + term.getWFs().get(0).getOffset() + " "; } } } // create UKB context String[] cmdMatch = { "perl", scripts + "/", "-d", wikiDb, "--t1", formsContext2Match, "--t2", lemmasContext2Match }; Process pMatch = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdMatch); String matchedContext = ""; String outputLineContext = ""; BufferedReader outputContextStream = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(pMatch.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")); while ((outputLineContext = outputContextStream.readLine()) != null) { matchedContext += outputLineContext + "\n"; } outputContextStream.close(); String errorContext = ""; BufferedReader errorContextStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pMatch.getErrorStream())); while ((errorContext = errorContextStream.readLine()) != null) { System.err.println("MERGE_MATCH ERROR: " + errorContext); } errorContextStream.close(); pMatch.waitFor(); String[] contextStrings = matchedContext.split(" "); for (String contextString : contextStrings) { if (contextString.equals("")) continue; contextString = contextString.trim(); //ContextString = spot_string@@spot_offset String[] contextWordOffset = contextString.split("@@"); ukbContext += contextWordOffset[0] + "##" + contextWordOffset[1] + "#1 "; } File contextTmpFile = File.createTempFile("context", ".tmp"); contextTmpFile.deleteOnExit(); String contextTmpFileName = contextTmpFile.getAbsolutePath(); Writer contextFile = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(contextTmpFile), "UTF-8")); try { contextFile.write(ukbContext); } finally { contextFile.close(); } // run UKB String cmdUkb = ukbExec + " --prank_damping 0.90 --prank_iter 15 --allranks --minput --nopos --ppr_w2w --dict_weight -K " + ukbKb + " -D " + ukbDict + " " + contextTmpFileName; Process pUkb = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdUkb); String outputUkb = ""; String outputLineUkb = ""; BufferedReader outputUkbStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pUkb.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")); while ((outputLineUkb = outputUkbStream.readLine()) != null) { outputUkb += outputLineUkb + "\n"; } outputUkbStream.close(); String errorUkb = ""; BufferedReader errorUkbStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pUkb.getErrorStream())); while ((errorUkb = errorUkbStream.readLine()) != null) { System.err.println("UKB ERROR: " + errorUkb); } errorUkbStream.close(); pUkb.waitFor(); // UKB output (one line): context_id word_id (concept_id(/weight)?)+ !! lemma (there are 2 spaces after word_id) // UKB output example: naf e12 Norvegia/0.999998 Norvegiako_bandera/2.25207e-06 !! norvegia Map<String, String> entityLinks = new HashMap<String, String>(); // e12 --> Norvegia/0.999998 String ukbDisambiguations[] = outputUkb.split("\n"); for (String ukbDisambiguation : ukbDisambiguations) { if (ukbDisambiguation.startsWith("!! -v")) continue; String ukbLine[] = ukbDisambiguation.split(" "); entityLinks.put(ukbLine[1], ukbLine[3]); } // UKB links to KAF for (Entity entity : entities) { String entityId = entity.getId(); if (entityLinks.containsKey(entityId)) { String reference = entityLinks.get(entityId).split("/")[0]; String confidence = entityLinks.get(entityId).split("/")[1]; String ref2 = reference; reference = "http://" + language + "" + reference; ExternalRef externalRef = kaf.newExternalRef(resourceExternalRef, reference); externalRef.setConfidence(Float.parseFloat(confidence)); externalRef.setSource(language); externalRef.setReftype(language); entity.addExternalRef(externalRef); if (cross) { String mappingRef = getMappingRef(reference); if (mappingRef != null) { ExternalRef enRef = kaf.newExternalRef(this.resourceMapping, mappingRef); enRef.setConfidence(Float.parseFloat(confidence)); enRef.setSource(language); enRef.setReftype("en"); entity.addExternalRef(enRef); } } } else { // UKB didn't assign any link to this entity. Try with MFS String cmdMfs = "perl " + scripts + "/ -d " + wikiDb; Process pMfs = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdMfs); String entityLemma = ""; List<Term> entityTerms = entity.getTerms(); for (Term term : entityTerms) { if (!entityLemma.equals("")) { entityLemma += "_"; } entityLemma += term.getLemma().toLowerCase(); } OutputStream stdinMfs = pMfs.getOutputStream(); stdinMfs.write(entityLemma.getBytes()); stdinMfs.flush(); stdinMfs.close(); String outputMfs = ""; BufferedReader outputMfsStream = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(pMfs.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")); outputMfs = outputMfsStream.readLine(); outputMfsStream.close(); String errorMfs = ""; BufferedReader errorMfsStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pMfs.getErrorStream())); while ((errorMfs = errorMfsStream.readLine()) != null) { System.err.println("MFS ERROR: " + errorMfs); } errorMfsStream.close(); pMfs.waitFor(); if (!outputMfs.equals("NILL")) { String reference = outputMfs; String confidence = "1"; reference = "http://" + language + "" + reference; ExternalRef externalRef = kaf.newExternalRef("MFS_" + resourceExternalRef, reference); externalRef.setConfidence(Float.parseFloat(confidence)); externalRef.setSource(language); externalRef.setReftype(language); entity.addExternalRef(externalRef); if (cross) { String mappingRef = getMappingRef(reference); if (mappingRef != null) { ExternalRef enRef = kaf.newExternalRef(this.resourceMapping, mappingRef); enRef.setConfidence(Float.parseFloat(confidence)); enRef.setSource(language); enRef.setReftype("en"); entity.addExternalRef(enRef); } } } } } } private String getMappingRef(String ref) { String[] info = ref.split("/"); int pos = info.length - 1; String entry = info[pos]; String url = ""; String value = crosslinkMappingIndex.getValue(entry); if (value != null) { value = value.replace(" ", "_"); return url + value; } return null; } }