ivory.core.driver.PreprocessAquaint2.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for ivory.core.driver.PreprocessAquaint2.java


 * Ivory: A Hadoop toolkit for web-scale information retrieval
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
 * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
 * obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * permissions and limitations under the License.

package ivory.core.driver;

import ivory.core.Constants;
import ivory.core.RetrievalEnvironment;
import ivory.core.index.BuildIntPostingsForwardIndex;
import ivory.core.index.BuildIPInvertedIndexDocSorted;
import ivory.core.preprocess.BuildIntDocVectors;
import ivory.core.preprocess.BuildIntDocVectorsForwardIndex;
import ivory.core.preprocess.BuildTermDocVectors;
import ivory.core.preprocess.BuildTermDocVectorsForwardIndex;
import ivory.core.preprocess.ComputeGlobalTermStatistics;
import ivory.core.preprocess.BuildDictionary;
import ivory.core.preprocess.BuildWeightedIntDocVectors;
import ivory.core.tokenize.GalagoTokenizer;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import edu.umd.cloud9.collection.XMLInputFormat;
import edu.umd.cloud9.collection.aquaint2.Aquaint2DocnoMapping;
import edu.umd.cloud9.collection.aquaint2.Aquaint2Document;
import edu.umd.cloud9.collection.aquaint2.Aquaint2DocumentInputFormat2;
import edu.umd.cloud9.collection.aquaint2.BuildAquaint2ForwardIndex;
import edu.umd.cloud9.collection.aquaint2.NumberAquaint2Documents2;

public class PreprocessAquaint2 extends Configured implements Tool {
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PreprocessAquaint2.class);

    private static int printUsage() {
        System.out.println("usage: [input-path] [index-path]");
        return -1;

     * Runs this tool.
    public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
        if (args.length != 2) {
            return -1;

        String collection = args[0];
        String indexRootPath = args[1];

        LOG.info("Tool name: " + PreprocessAquaint2.class.getCanonicalName());
        LOG.info(" - Collection path: " + collection);
        LOG.info(" - Index path: " + indexRootPath);

        Configuration conf = getConf();
        FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);

        // Create the index directory if it doesn't already exist.
        Path p = new Path(indexRootPath);
        if (!fs.exists(p)) {
        } else {
            LOG.info("Index directory already exists, skipping!");

        RetrievalEnvironment env = new RetrievalEnvironment(indexRootPath, fs);
        conf.set(XMLInputFormat.START_TAG_KEY, Aquaint2Document.getXmlStartTag(fs, collection));
        conf.set(XMLInputFormat.END_TAG_KEY, Aquaint2Document.getXmlEndTag());

        // Look for the docno mapping, which maps from docid (String) to docno
        // (sequentially-number integer). If it doesn't exist create it.
        Path mappingFile = env.getDocnoMappingData();
        Path mappingDir = env.getDocnoMappingDirectory();

        if (!fs.exists(mappingFile)) {
            String[] arr = new String[] { collection, mappingDir.toString(), mappingFile.toString() };
            NumberAquaint2Documents2 tool = new NumberAquaint2Documents2();
            fs.delete(mappingDir, true);
        } else {
            LOG.info("DocnoMapping already exists, skipping!");
        Aquaint2DocnoMapping dm = new Aquaint2DocnoMapping();
        dm.loadMapping(mappingFile, fs);

        int docno;
        int expectedDocno;
        String expectedDocid;
        String docid;
        boolean testAquaint2 = false;
        if (testAquaint2) {
            docno = 500;
            expectedDocid = "AFP_ENG_20041001.0500";
            docid = dm.getDocid(docno);
            System.out.println("dm.getDocid(" + docno + "): " + docid + ", should be: " + expectedDocid + ", "
                    + (expectedDocid.equals(docid)));
            docno = 600;
            expectedDocid = "AFP_ENG_20041001.0600";
            docid = dm.getDocid(docno);
            System.out.println("dm.getDocid(" + docno + "): " + docid + ", should be: " + expectedDocid + ", "
                    + (expectedDocid.equals(docid)));
            docno = 700;
            expectedDocid = "AFP_ENG_20041001.0701";
            docid = dm.getDocid(docno);
            System.out.println("dm.getDocid(" + docno + "): " + docid + ", should be: " + expectedDocid + ", "
                    + (expectedDocid.equals(docid)));
            docno = 800;
            expectedDocid = "AFP_ENG_20041003.0019";
            docid = dm.getDocid(docno);
            System.out.println("dm.getDocid(" + docno + "): " + docid + ", should be: " + expectedDocid + ", "
                    + (expectedDocid.equals(docid)));
            expectedDocno = 500;
            docid = "AFP_ENG_20041001.0500";
            docno = dm.getDocno(docid);
            System.out.println("dm.getDocno(" + docid + "): " + docno + ", should be: " + expectedDocno + ", "
                    + (expectedDocno == docno));
            expectedDocno = 600;
            docid = "AFP_ENG_20041001.0600";
            docno = dm.getDocno(docid);
            System.out.println("dm.getDocno(" + docid + "): " + docno + ", should be: " + expectedDocno + ", "
                    + (expectedDocno == docno));
            expectedDocno = 700;
            docid = "AFP_ENG_20041001.0701";
            docno = dm.getDocno(docid);
            System.out.println("dm.getDocno(" + docid + "): " + docno + ", should be: " + expectedDocno + ", "
                    + (expectedDocno == docno));
            expectedDocno = 800;
            docid = "AFP_ENG_20041003.0019";
            docno = dm.getDocno(docid);
            System.out.println("dm.getDocno(" + docid + "): " + docno + ", should be: " + expectedDocno + ", "
                    + (expectedDocno == docno));
            System.out.println("finished testing, now exiting");
            return 0;
        boolean testGigaword = false;
        if (testGigaword) {
            for (int i = 1; i < 301; i++) {
                docno = i * 1000;
                docid = dm.getDocid(docno);
                System.out.println("dm.getDocid(" + docno + "): " + docid);
            System.out.println("finished testing, now exiting");
            return 0;

        conf.set(Constants.CollectionName, "Aquaint2");
        conf.set(Constants.CollectionPath, collection);
        conf.set(Constants.IndexPath, indexRootPath);
        conf.set(Constants.InputFormat, Aquaint2DocumentInputFormat2.class.getCanonicalName());
        conf.set(Constants.Tokenizer, GalagoTokenizer.class.getCanonicalName());
        conf.set(Constants.DocnoMappingClass, Aquaint2DocnoMapping.class.getCanonicalName());
        conf.set(Constants.DocnoMappingFile, env.getDocnoMappingData().toString());

        conf.setInt(Constants.DocnoOffset, 0); // docnos start at 1
        conf.setInt(Constants.MinDf, 2); // toss away singleton terms
        conf.setInt(Constants.MaxDf, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        conf.setInt(Constants.TermIndexWindow, 8);

        new BuildTermDocVectors(conf).run();

        new ComputeGlobalTermStatistics(conf).run();
        new BuildDictionary(conf).run();
        new BuildIntDocVectors(conf).run();

        new BuildIntDocVectorsForwardIndex(conf).run();
        //new BuildTermDocVectorsForwardIndex(conf).run();

        new BuildIPInvertedIndexDocSorted(conf).run();

        conf.set(Constants.ScoringModel, "ivory.pwsim.score.TfIdf");
        conf.setBoolean(Constants.Normalize, true);

        new BuildIntPostingsForwardIndex(conf).run();

        boolean buildingVectors = true;
        //boolean buildingVectors = false;
        if (buildingVectors) {
            //new BuildWeightedIntDocVectors(conf).run();

            //conf.setBoolean(Constants.BuildWeighted, true);
            //new BuildIntDocVectorsForwardIndex(conf).run();

            String findexDirPath = indexRootPath + "/findex";
            String findexFilePath = indexRootPath + "/findex.dat";
            if (fs.exists(new Path(findexDirPath))) {
                LOG.info("ForwardIndex already exists: Skipping!");
            } else {
                new BuildAquaint2ForwardIndex().runTool(conf, collection, findexDirPath, findexFilePath,

        return 0;

     * Dispatches command-line arguments to the tool via the {@code ToolRunner}.
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ToolRunner.run(new Configuration(), new PreprocessAquaint2(), args);