Java tutorial
/* * Notice: This is a modified version of a libgdx file. See for the original work. * * Copyright 2011 See libgdx AUTHORS file. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ivorius.ivtoolkit.models.loaders; import; import; import ivorius.ivtoolkit.models.*; import ivorius.ivtoolkit.models.attributes.BlendingAttribute; import ivorius.ivtoolkit.models.attributes.ColorAttribute; import ivorius.ivtoolkit.models.attributes.FloatAttribute; import ivorius.ivtoolkit.models.attributes.TextureAttribute; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ivorius.ivtoolkit.models.loaders.g3d.*; import ivorius.ivtoolkit.models.textures.Texture; import ivorius.ivtoolkit.models.textures.TextureProvider; import ivorius.ivtoolkit.models.textures.TextureSub; import ivorius.ivtoolkit.models.utils.ArrayMap; import ivorius.ivtoolkit.models.utils.BufferUtils; import ivorius.ivtoolkit.models.utils.MatrixMathUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Matrix4f; import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Quaternion; import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector2f; import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector3f; import java.awt.*; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; /** * Created by lukas on 21.09.14. */ public class G3DModelLoader implements ModelLoader { public static final short VERSION_HI = 0; public static final short VERSION_LO = 1; private Logger logger; private Gson gson; public G3DModelLoader(Logger logger) { this.logger = logger; GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(Color.class, new ColorDeserializer()); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(Quaternion.class, new QuaternionDeserializer()); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(Vector2f.class, new Vector2fDeserializer()); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(Vector3f.class, new Vector3fDeserializer()); gson = gsonBuilder.create(); } @Override public Model createModel(Reader reader, TextureProvider textureProvider) { G3DModel g3DModel = gson.fromJson(reader, G3DModel.class); return modelFromRawModel(g3DModel, textureProvider, logger); } public static Model modelFromRawModel(G3DModel g3DModel, TextureProvider textureProvider, Logger logger) { if (g3DModel.version == null) g3DModel.version = new short[] { VERSION_HI, VERSION_LO }; if (g3DModel.version[0] != VERSION_HI || g3DModel.version[1] != VERSION_LO) { logger.error("Version number of g3d file unknown"); return null; } Map<String, Node> nodeMap = new HashMap<>(); Model model = new Model(); loadMeshes(model, Arrays.asList(g3DModel.meshes)); loadMaterials(model, Arrays.asList(g3DModel.materials), textureProvider, logger); loadNodes(model, Arrays.asList(g3DModel.nodes), nodeMap); loadAnimations(model, Arrays.asList(g3DModel.animations), nodeMap); return model; } private static void loadMeshes(Model model, Iterable<G3DMesh> meshes) { for (G3DMesh g3DMesh : meshes) { Mesh mesh = convertMesh(g3DMesh, model.meshParts); model.meshes.add(mesh); model.disposables.add(mesh); } } public static Mesh convertMesh(G3DMesh g3DMesh, List<MeshPart> meshParts) { int numIndices = 0; for (G3DMeshPart part : { numIndices += part.indices.length; } VertexAttributes attributes = new VertexAttributes(parseVertexAttributes(g3DMesh.attributes)); int numVertices = g3DMesh.vertices.length / (attributes.vertexSize / 4); Mesh mesh = new Mesh(true, numVertices, numIndices, attributes); BufferUtils.copy(g3DMesh.vertices, mesh.getVerticesBuffer(), g3DMesh.vertices.length, 0); int offset = 0; mesh.getIndicesBuffer().clear(); for (G3DMeshPart part : { MeshPart meshPart = new MeshPart(); =; meshPart.primitiveType = parseGLDrawMode(part.type); meshPart.indexOffset = offset; meshPart.numVertices = part.indices.length; meshPart.mesh = mesh; mesh.getIndicesBuffer().put(part.indices); offset += meshPart.numVertices; meshParts.add(meshPart); } mesh.getIndicesBuffer().position(0); return mesh; } private static void loadNodes(Model model, List<G3DNode> g3DNodes, Map<String, Node> nodeMap) { Map<String, Material> materials = new HashMap<>(); for (Material material : model.materials) materials.put(, material); Map<String, MeshPart> meshParts = new HashMap<>(); for (MeshPart meshPart : model.meshParts) meshParts.put(, meshPart); for (G3DNode g3DNode : g3DNodes) model.nodes.add(convertNodeWithoutParts(g3DNode, nodeMap)); for (int i = 0; i < g3DNodes.size(); i++) convertNodeParts(model.nodes.get(i), g3DNodes.get(i), nodeMap, materials, meshParts); } public static Node convertNodeWithoutParts(G3DNode g3DNode, Map<String, Node> nodeMap) { Node node = new Node(); =; nodeMap.put(, node); if (g3DNode.translation != null) node.translation.set(g3DNode.translation); if (g3DNode.rotation != null) node.rotation.set(g3DNode.rotation); if (g3DNode.scale != null) node.scale.set(g3DNode.scale); if (g3DNode.children != null) for (G3DNode g3dChild : g3DNode.children) { Node child = convertNodeWithoutParts(g3dChild, nodeMap); node.children.add(child); child.parent = node; } return node; } public static void convertNodeParts(Node node, G3DNode g3DNode, Map<String, Node> nodes, Map<String, Material> materials, Map<String, MeshPart> meshParts) { if ( != null) for (G3DNodePart g3DNodePart :, nodes, materials, meshParts)); } public static NodePart convertNodePart(G3DNodePart g3DNodePart, Map<String, Node> nodes, Map<String, Material> materials, Map<String, MeshPart> meshParts) { NodePart nodePart = new NodePart(); nodePart.meshPart = meshParts.get(g3DNodePart.meshpartid); nodePart.material = materials.get(g3DNodePart.materialid); if (nodePart.material == null) nodePart.material = new Material(); nodePart.bones = new Matrix4f[g3DNodePart.bones.length]; nodePart.invBoneBindTransforms = new ArrayMap<>(Node.class, Matrix4f.class); for (int i = 0; i < g3DNodePart.bones.length; i++) { G3DBone bone = g3DNodePart.bones[i]; nodePart.bones[i] = new Matrix4f(); Matrix4f matrix = new Matrix4f(); MatrixMathUtils.setTRS(matrix, bone.translation, bone.rotation, bone.scale); Matrix4f.invert(matrix, matrix); nodePart.invBoneBindTransforms.put(nodes.get(bone.node), matrix, i); } return nodePart; } private static void loadMaterials(Model model, List<G3DMaterial> g3DMaterials, TextureProvider textureProvider, Logger logger) { for (G3DMaterial g3DMaterial : g3DMaterials) model.materials.add(convertMaterial(g3DMaterial, textureProvider, logger)); } public static Material convertMaterial(G3DMaterial g3DMaterial, TextureProvider textureProvider, Logger logger) { Material material = new Material(); =; if (g3DMaterial.ambient != null) material.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.Ambient, g3DMaterial.ambient)); if (g3DMaterial.diffuse != null) material.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.Diffuse, g3DMaterial.diffuse)); if (g3DMaterial.specular != null) material.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.Specular, g3DMaterial.specular)); if (g3DMaterial.emissive != null) material.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.Emissive, g3DMaterial.emissive)); if (g3DMaterial.reflection != null) material.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.Reflection, g3DMaterial.reflection)); if (g3DMaterial.shininess > 0f) material.set(new FloatAttribute(FloatAttribute.Shininess, g3DMaterial.shininess)); if (g3DMaterial.opacity != 1.f) material.set( new BlendingAttribute(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, g3DMaterial.opacity)); if (g3DMaterial.textures != null) { for (G3DTexture tex : g3DMaterial.textures) { Texture texture = textureProvider.provideTexture(tex.filename); if ((tex.uvScaling != null && (tex.uvScaling.getX() != 1.0f || tex.uvScaling.getY() != 1.0f)) || (tex.uvTranslation != null && (tex.uvTranslation.getX() != 0.0f || tex.uvTranslation.getY() != 0.0f))) { Vector2f scale = tex.uvScaling != null ? tex.uvScaling : new Vector2f(1, 1); Vector2f trans = tex.uvTranslation != null ? tex.uvTranslation : new Vector2f(0, 0); texture = new TextureSub(texture, trans.getX(), trans.getY(), trans.getX() + scale.getX(), trans.getY() + scale.getY()); } switch (tex.type) { case "DIFFUSE": material.set(new TextureAttribute(TextureAttribute.Diffuse, texture)); break; case "SPECULAR": material.set(new TextureAttribute(TextureAttribute.Specular, texture)); break; case "BUMP": material.set(new TextureAttribute(TextureAttribute.Bump, texture)); break; case "NORMAL": material.set(new TextureAttribute(TextureAttribute.Normal, texture)); break; default: if (logger != null) logger.warn("Unknown texture type: '" + tex.type + "'"); } } } return material; } private static void loadAnimations(Model model, List<G3DAnimation> animations, Map<String, Node> nodes) { for (G3DAnimation animation : animations) model.animations.add(convertAnimation(animation, nodes)); } public static Animation convertAnimation(G3DAnimation g3DAnimation, Map<String, Node> nodes) { Animation animation = new Animation(); =; for (G3DNodeAnimation nodeAnimation : g3DAnimation.bones) animation.nodeAnimations.add(convertNodeAnimation(nodeAnimation, nodes)); float highestKeytime = 0.0f; for (NodeAnimation nodeAnimation : animation.nodeAnimations) { for (NodeKeyframe nodeKeyframe : nodeAnimation.keyframes) { if (nodeKeyframe.keytime > highestKeytime) highestKeytime = nodeKeyframe.keytime; } } animation.duration = highestKeytime; return animation; } public static NodeAnimation convertNodeAnimation(G3DNodeAnimation g3DNodeAnimation, Map<String, Node> nodes) { NodeAnimation nodeAnimation = new NodeAnimation(); nodeAnimation.node = nodes.get(g3DNodeAnimation.boneId); for (G3DKeyframe keyframe : g3DNodeAnimation.keyframes) nodeAnimation.addKeyframe(convertKeyframe(keyframe)); return nodeAnimation; } public static NodeKeyframe convertKeyframe(G3DKeyframe g3DKeyframe) { NodeKeyframe keyframe = new NodeKeyframe(); keyframe.keytime = g3DKeyframe.keytime; keyframe.rotation = g3DKeyframe.rotation; keyframe.translation = g3DKeyframe.translation; keyframe.scale = g3DKeyframe.scale; return keyframe; } private static int parseGLDrawMode(String type) { switch (type) { case "TRIANGLES": return GL11.GL_TRIANGLES; case "LINES": return GL11.GL_LINES; case "POINTS": return GL11.GL_POINTS; case "TRIANGLE_STRIP": return GL11.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP; case "LINE_STRIP": return GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown primitive type '" + type + "', should be one of triangle, trianglestrip, line, linestrip, lineloop or point"); } } public static VertexAttribute[] parseVertexAttributes(String[] attributes) { List<VertexAttribute> vertexAttributes = new ArrayList<>(); int unit = 0; int blendWeightCount = 0; for (String attribute : attributes) { if (attribute.equals("POSITION")) vertexAttributes.add(VertexAttribute.Position()); else if (attribute.equals("NORMAL")) vertexAttributes.add(VertexAttribute.Normal()); else if (attribute.equals("COLOR")) vertexAttributes.add(VertexAttribute.ColorUnpacked()); else if (attribute.equals("COLORPACKED")) vertexAttributes.add(VertexAttribute.ColorPacked()); else if (attribute.equals("TANGENT")) vertexAttributes.add(VertexAttribute.Tangent()); else if (attribute.equals("BINORMAL")) vertexAttributes.add(VertexAttribute.Binormal()); else if (attribute.startsWith("TEXCOORD")) vertexAttributes.add(VertexAttribute.TexCoords(unit++)); else if (attribute.startsWith("BLENDWEIGHT")) vertexAttributes.add(VertexAttribute.BoneWeight(blendWeightCount++)); else throw new RuntimeException("Unknown vertex attribute '" + attribute + "', should be one of position, normal, uv, tangent or binormal"); } return vertexAttributes.toArray(new VertexAttribute[vertexAttributes.size()]); } }