Java tutorial
package iTests.framework.utils; import com.gigaspaces.logger.GSLogConfigLoader; import com.gigaspaces.webuitf.LoginPage; import com.gigaspaces.webuitf.WebConstants; import com.j_spaces.kernel.PlatformVersion; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.webdriven.WebDriverBackedSelenium; import; import iTests.framework.utils.AssertUtils.RepetitiveConditionProvider; import iTests.framework.utils.ScriptUtils.RunScript; import; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException; import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType; import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxBinary; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver; import org.openspaces.admin.Admin; import org.openspaces.admin.gsa.GridServiceAgent; import org.openspaces.admin.gsm.GridServiceManager; import org.openspaces.admin.gsm.GridServiceManagers; import org.openspaces.admin.machine.Machine; import org.openspaces.admin.pu.DeploymentStatus; import org.openspaces.admin.pu.ProcessingUnit; import org.openspaces.admin.pu.ProcessingUnitDeployment; import; import org.testng.Assert; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static iTests.framework.utils.AdminUtils.loadGSM; import static iTests.framework.utils.LogUtils.log; /** * use this class to add webui testing capabilities to a test. * * <p> call close() when done. */ public class WebuiTestUtils { private final String scriptName = "../tools/gs-webui/gs-webui"; private final static String baseUrlApache = "http://localhost:" + System.getenv("apache.port") + "/gs-webui/"; private final static String apachelb = "../tools/apache/apache-lb-agent -apache " + '"' + System.getenv("apache.home") + '"'; public final static String LOCALHOST_PREFIX = "http://localhost:"; public final static int DEFAULT_PORT = 8099; public final static String baseUrl = LOCALHOST_PREFIX + DEFAULT_PORT; private final static String baseReverseProxyUrl = "http://localhost/reverse-proxy-testing/Gs_webui.html"; public final static String originalAlertXml = SGTestHelper.getSGTestRootDir() + "/src/main/resources/webui/alerts/alerts.xml"; public final static int FIREFOX = 0; public final static int CHROME = 1; public final static String SUB_TYPE_CONTEXT_PROPERTY = ""; public final static String APPLICATION_CONTEXT_PROPERY = ""; public final static String DEPENDS_ON_CONTEXT_PROPERTY = ""; private final static String LICENSE_PATH = SGTestHelper.getBuildDir() + "/gslicense.xml"; private Admin admin; private static long waitingTime = 30000; private RunScript scriptWebUI; private RunScript scriptLoadBalancer; private WebDriver driver; private Selenium selenium; private ProcessingUnit webSpace; private GridServiceManager webUIGSM; private ProcessingUnit gswebui; private final String browser = System.getProperty("selenium.browser"); private final String defaultBrowser = (browser != null) ? browser : "Firefox"; private List<Selenium> seleniumBrowsers = new ArrayList<Selenium>(); private ChromeDriverService chromeService; private int port; public WebuiTestUtils() throws Exception { startup(true); } public WebuiTestUtils(int port, boolean startWebBrowser) throws Exception { this.port = port; startup(startWebBrowser); } public WebuiTestUtils(String url) throws Exception { this(url, true); } public WebuiTestUtils(String url, boolean startWebBrowser) throws Exception { startup(url, startWebBrowser); } public WebuiTestUtils(String url, boolean startWebBrowser, boolean cleanup) throws Exception { startup(url, startWebBrowser, cleanup); } private void startup(boolean startWebBrowser) throws Exception { startup(null, startWebBrowser); } private void startup(String url, boolean startWebBrowser) throws Exception { startup(url, startWebBrowser, true); } private void startup(String url, boolean startWebBrowser, boolean cleanup) throws Exception { if (cleanup) { beforeSuite(); beforeTest(); } startWebServices(url, startWebBrowser); if (!startWebBrowser) { Thread.sleep(3000); } } public void close() throws Exception { killWebServices(); if (admin != null) { admin.close(); admin = null; } } public GridServiceManager getWebuiManagingGsm() { return webUIGSM; } public boolean isStartWebServerFromBatch() { return true; } /** * temporary workaround because of GS-10075. * this bug manifests only on a windows machine for some reason and frequently makes all the test fail on assertCleanSetup. */ public void beforeTest() { LogUtils.log("Test Configuration Started: " + this.getClass()); LogUtils.log("Creating new Admin"); admin = AdminUtils.createAdmin(); try { LogUtils.log("Waiting for cleanup to finish"); SetupUtils.assertCleanSetup(admin); } catch (AssertionError e) { int gridServiceManagersSize = admin.getGridServiceManagers().getSize(); if (gridServiceManagersSize > 0) { // there is a leaked GSM LogUtils.log("Detected a leaked GSM that was not properly killed"); GridServiceManagers gridServiceManagers = admin.getGridServiceManagers(); GridServiceManager gridServiceManager = gridServiceManagers.getManagers()[0]; Machine[] machines = admin.getMachines().getMachines(); String gsmMachineHostAddress = gridServiceManager.getMachine().getHostAddress(); long gsmPID = gridServiceManager.getVirtualMachine().getDetails().getPid(); LogUtils.log("trying to forcefully kill GSM with PID " + gsmPID + " using native OS command"); try { if (gsmMachineHostAddress.equals(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress())) { killLocalProcessByPID(gsmPID, 5000); } else { for (Machine machine : machines) { if (gsmMachineHostAddress.equals(machine.getHostAddress())) { killRemoteProcessByPID(machine.getHostAddress(), gsmPID, 10 * 1000); LogUtils.log("Succesfully killed process with pid " + gsmMachineHostAddress); break; } } } } catch (UnknownHostException e1) { LogUtils.log("caugh an exception", e1); } } else { // if no leak was found, propogate the exception out., e); } } } public void killRemoteProcessByPID(String hostAddress, long pid, long timeoutInMillis) { String pathToPsExec = SGTestHelper.getSGTestRootDir() + "\\src\\test\\webui\\resources\\psexec.exe"; String host = "\\\\" + hostAddress; String credentials = "-u GSPACES\\ca -p password -c -f"; String pathToKillByIdScript = SGTestHelper.getSGTestRootDir() + "\\deploy\\bin\\windows\\kill_by_pid.bat"; String fullCommand = pathToPsExec + " " + host + " " + credentials + " " + pathToKillByIdScript + " " + pid; try { String runScriptWithAbsolutePath = ScriptUtils.runScriptWithAbsolutePath(fullCommand, timeoutInMillis); LogUtils.log(runScriptWithAbsolutePath); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.log("Failed killing Process with pid " + pid + " on host " + hostAddress, e); } } public void killLocalProcessByPID(long pid, long timeoutInMillis) { try { String pathToKillByIdScript = SGTestHelper.getSGTestRootDir() + "\\deploy\\bin\\windows\\kill_by_pid.bat"; String fullCommand = pathToKillByIdScript + " " + pid; String runScriptWithAbsolutePath = ScriptUtils.runScriptWithAbsolutePath(fullCommand, timeoutInMillis); LogUtils.log(runScriptWithAbsolutePath); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.log("Failed killing Process with pid " + pid + " on localhost", e); } } public void beforeSuite() throws IOException { GSLogConfigLoader.getLoader("webuitf"); LogUtils.log("default browser is : " + defaultBrowser); } /** * starts the web-ui browser from the batch file in gigaspaces * also opens a browser and connect to the server * @throws Exception */ public void startWebServices(boolean startWebBrowser) throws Exception { startWebServices(null, startWebBrowser); } /** * starts the web-ui browser from the batch file in gigaspaces * also opens a browser and connect to the server * @throws Exception */ public void startWebServices(String url, boolean startWebBrowser) throws Exception { if (isStartWebServerFromBatch()) { startWebServer(); if (startWebBrowser) { if (url == null) { String isReverseProxy = System.getProperty("reverse.proxy"); url = baseUrl; if (isReverseProxy != null && isReverseProxy.equals("true")) { url = baseReverseProxyUrl; } } LogUtils.log("starting web browser with url " + url); startWebBrowser(url); } } else { replaceBalancerTemplate(); startLoadBalancerWebServer(); if (startWebBrowser) { startWebBrowser(baseUrlApache); } } } /** * stops the server and kills all open browsers * @throws InterruptedException * @throws */ public void killWebServices() throws IOException, InterruptedException { try { if (isStartWebServerFromBatch()) { stopWebServer(); } else { stopLoadBalancerWebServer(); } stopWebBrowser(); } finally { restorePreviousBrowser(); } } public void startWebServer() throws Exception { final String sysProperty = ""; String webuiWorkDir = System.getProperty(sysProperty); LogUtils.log("Web work system property [" + sysProperty + "] =" + webuiWorkDir); String workDirArgs = ""; if (webuiWorkDir != null && webuiWorkDir.trim().length() > 0) { workDirArgs = " -work " + webuiWorkDir; } String portArgs = ((port > 0) ? " -port " + String.valueOf(port) : ""); String args = scriptName + portArgs + workDirArgs; LogUtils.log("Starting webui server with following args [" + args + "]"); scriptWebUI = ScriptUtils.runScriptRelativeToGigaspacesBinDir(args); } public void stopWebServer() throws IOException, InterruptedException { LogUtils.log("writing webui logs file to test folder"); File testFolder = DumpUtils.getTestFolder(); if (testFolder != null) { FileUtils.write(new File(testFolder.getAbsolutePath() + "/webui.log"), scriptWebUI.getScriptOutput()); } LogUtils.log("Killing web server..."); if (scriptWebUI != null) { scriptWebUI.kill(); } } private WebDriver initializeWebDriver() { LogUtils.log("Launching browser..."); WebDriver driver = null; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { try { if (browser == null) { driver = createFirefoxDriver(); } else { if (browser.equals("Firefox")) { driver = createFirefoxDriver(); } else { if (browser.equals("IE")) { if (System.getProperty("") == null) { System.setProperty("", DefaultValues.get().getIEDriverPath()); } DesiredCapabilities desired = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer(); desired.setCapability( InternetExplorerDriver.INTRODUCE_FLAKINESS_BY_IGNORING_SECURITY_DOMAINS, true); driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(desired); } else { DesiredCapabilities desired =; desired.setCapability("chrome.switches", Arrays.asList("--start-maximized")); String chromeDriverBinaryPath = DefaultValues.get().getChromeDriverPath(); chromeService = new ChromeDriverService.Builder().usingAnyFreePort() .usingDriverExecutable(new File(chromeDriverBinaryPath)).build(); LogUtils.log("Starting Chrome Driver Server..."); chromeService.start(); driver = new RemoteWebDriver(chromeService.getUrl(), desired); } } } LogUtils.log("Current browser is " + browser); break; } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.log("Failed to lanch browser, retyring...Attempt number " + (i + 1), e); } } if (driver == null) { LogUtils.log("unable to lauch browser, test will fail on NPE"); } return driver; } public static FirefoxDriver createFirefoxDriver() { String newmanSystemProperty = System.getProperty(""); LogUtils.log("WebuiTestsUtils, passed newmanSystemProperty=" + newmanSystemProperty); boolean useNewman = Boolean .parseBoolean(System.getProperty("", Boolean.FALSE.toString())); LogUtils.log("useNewman=" + useNewman); if (useNewman) { LogUtils.log("--- createFirefoxDriver ---"); String Xport = System.getProperty("", ":1"); LogUtils.log("Xport=" + Xport); //final File firefoxPath = new File( System.getProperty( "lmportal.deploy.firefox.path", "/usr/bin/firefox" ) ); FirefoxBinary firefoxBinary = new FirefoxBinary(/*firefoxPath*/); LogUtils.log("FirefoxBinary initialized"); firefoxBinary.setEnvironmentProperty("DISPLAY", Xport); LogUtils.log("After set DISPLAY port"); return new FirefoxDriver(firefoxBinary, null); } return new FirefoxDriver(); } private void startWebBrowser(String uRL) throws InterruptedException { String browser = this.browser; driver = initializeWebDriver(); if (driver != null) { driver.get(uRL); if ((browser == null) || browser.equals("Firefox")) { maximize(); // this method is supported only on Firefox } selenium = new WebDriverBackedSelenium(driver, uRL); seleniumBrowsers.add(selenium); Thread.sleep(3000); if (uRL.contains(":" + DEFAULT_PORT)) { waitForServerConnection(driver); } } else {"Failed to launch Browser"); } } public void openBrowser(String url) throws InterruptedException { if (selenium != null) {; Thread.sleep(3000); } else {"Failed to open Browser with url [" + url + "]"); } } private void waitForServerConnection(WebDriver driver) throws InterruptedException { int seconds = 0; while (seconds < 40) { try { driver.findElement(By.xpath(WebConstants.Xpath.loginButton)); LogUtils.log("Web server connection established"); break; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { LogUtils.log("Unable to connect to Web server, retrying...Attempt number " + (seconds + 1)); driver.navigate().refresh(); Thread.sleep(1000); seconds++; } } if (seconds == 30) { LogUtils.log("Could not establish a connection to webui server, Test will fail"); } } private void maximize() { driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(1280, 1024)); } public void stopWebBrowser() throws InterruptedException { LogUtils.log("Killing browser..."); for (Selenium selenium : seleniumBrowsers) { selenium.stop(); selenium = null; Thread.sleep(1000); } if (chromeService != null && chromeService.isRunning()) { LogUtils.log("Chrome Driver Server is still running, shutting it down..."); chromeService.stop(); chromeService = null; } } private void startLoadBalancerWebServer() throws Exception { log("launching web server"); log("waiting for 1 GSA"); admin.getGridServiceAgents().waitFor(1); GridServiceAgent[] agents = admin.getGridServiceAgents().getAgents(); GridServiceAgent gsaA = agents[0]; Machine machineA = gsaA.getMachine(); log("loading GSM"); webUIGSM = loadGSM(machineA); log("loading 2 gsc's on one machine"); AdminUtils.loadGSCWithSystemProperty(machineA, "-Dorg.eclipse.jetty.level=ALL"); AdminUtils.loadGSCWithSystemProperty(machineA, "-Dorg.eclipse.jetty.level=ALL"); log("deploying the space"); webSpace = webUIGSM.deploy(new SpaceDeployment("webSpace").numberOfInstances(1).numberOfBackups(1) .maxInstancesPerVM(1).setContextProperty("", "gs-webui")); ProcessingUnitUtils.waitForDeploymentStatus(webSpace, DeploymentStatus.INTACT); log("launching web-ui server"); final Pattern gsWebUIpattern = Pattern.compile("gs-webui.*\\.war"); String gswebuiWarFileName = findJarFilenameByRegexPattern(ScriptUtils.getBuildPath() + "/tools/gs-webui", gsWebUIpattern); String gswebuiWar = ScriptUtils.getBuildPath() + "/tools/gs-webui/" + gswebuiWarFileName; ProcessingUnitDeployment webuiDeployment = new ProcessingUnitDeployment(new File(gswebuiWar)) .numberOfInstances(2).numberOfBackups(0).maxInstancesPerVM(1) .setContextProperty("jetty.sessions.spaceUrl", "jini://*/*/webSpace") .setContextProperty("", "gs-webui"); gswebui = webUIGSM.deploy(webuiDeployment); ProcessingUnitUtils.waitForDeploymentStatus(gswebui, DeploymentStatus.INTACT); log("starting gigaspaces apache load balancer client with command : " + apachelb); scriptLoadBalancer = ScriptUtils.runScriptRelativeToGigaspacesBinDir(apachelb); Thread.sleep(5000); log(scriptLoadBalancer.getScriptOutput()); log("apache load balancer now running"); log("web-ui clients should connect to : " + baseUrlApache); } private void stopLoadBalancerWebServer() throws IOException, InterruptedException { log("undeploying webui"); gswebui.undeploy(); ProcessingUnitUtils.waitForDeploymentStatus(gswebui, DeploymentStatus.UNDEPLOYED); log("undeploying webSpace"); webSpace.undeploy(); ProcessingUnitUtils.waitForDeploymentStatus(webSpace, DeploymentStatus.UNDEPLOYED); scriptLoadBalancer.kill(); Thread.sleep(2000); File gsconf = new File(System.getenv("apache.home") + "/conf/gigaspaces/gs-webui.conf"); gsconf.delete(); } private void replaceBalancerTemplate() throws IOException { String oldFile = ScriptUtils.getBuildPath() + "/tools/apache/balancer-template.vm"; String newFile = SGTestHelper.getSGTestRootDir() + "/src/main/resources/webui/balancer-template.vm"; IOUtils.replaceFile(oldFile, newFile); } public LoginPage getLoginPage() { return getLoginPage(this.selenium, this.driver); } public WebDriver getDriver() { return driver; } public Selenium getSelenium() { return selenium; } private LoginPage getLoginPage(Selenium selenium, WebDriver driver) { return new LoginPage(selenium, driver); } public boolean verifyAlertThrown() { return selenium.isElementPresent(WebConstants.Xpath.okAlert); } /** * use AbstractSeleniumTest static browser fields * @return * @throws InterruptedException */ public LoginPage openAndSwitchToNewBrowser() throws InterruptedException { WebDriver drv = initializeWebDriver(); if (drv != null) { drv.get(baseUrl); Selenium selenium_temp = new WebDriverBackedSelenium(drv, baseUrl); seleniumBrowsers.add(selenium_temp); waitForServerConnection(drv); return getLoginPage(selenium_temp, drv); } else {"Failed to start a new browser"); } return null; } public void takeScreenShot(Class<?> cls, String testMethod, String picName) { String browser = System.getProperty("selenium.browser", "Firefox"); if (!isDevMode() && browser.equals("Firefox")) { String suiteName = "webui-" + this.browser; File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); String buildDir = SGTestHelper.getSGTestRootDir() + "/deploy/local-builds/build_" + PlatformVersion.getBuildNumber(); String testLogsDir = cls.getName() + "." + testMethod + "()"; String to = buildDir + "/" + suiteName + "/" + testLogsDir + "/" + picName + ".png"; try { FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File(to)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void setBrowser(String browser) { System.setProperty("selenium.browser", browser); } public void restorePreviousBrowser() { LogUtils.log("restoring browser setting to " + defaultBrowser); setBrowser(defaultBrowser); } /** * retrieves the license key from gigaspaces installation license key * @throws * @throws * @throws */ public String getLicenseKey() throws XMLStreamException, FactoryConfigurationError, IOException { String licensekey = LICENSE_PATH.replace("lib/required/../../", ""); InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File(licensekey)); XMLStreamReader parser = XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(is); int element; while (true) { element =; if (element == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) { if (parser.getName().toString().equals("licensekey")) { return parser.getElementText(); } } if (element == XMLStreamReader.END_DOCUMENT) { break; } } return null; } public void repetitiveAssertTrueWithScreenshot(String message, RepetitiveConditionProvider condition, Class<?> cls, String methodName, String picName) { repetitiveAssertTrueWithScreenshot(message, condition, waitingTime, cls, methodName, picName); } public void repetitiveAssertTrueWithScreenshot(String message, RepetitiveConditionProvider condition, long timeoutMilliseconds, Class<?> cls, String methodName, String picName) { try { AssertUtils.repetitiveAssertTrue(null, condition, timeoutMilliseconds); } catch (AssertionError err) { takeScreenShot(cls, methodName, picName); LogUtils.log(message, err); AssertUtils.assertFail(message); } } public void assertTrueWithScreenshot(boolean condition, String message, Class<?> cls, String methodName, String picName) { try { AssertUtils.assertTrue(condition); } catch (AssertionError err) { takeScreenShot(cls, methodName, picName); AssertUtils.assertFail(message); } } public void assertTrueWithScreenshot(boolean condition, Class<?> cls, String methodName, String picName) { assertTrueWithScreenshot(condition, "Test Failed", cls, methodName, picName); } public void assertTrueWithScreenshot(String message, boolean condition, Class<?> cls, String methodName, String picName) { try { AssertUtils.assertTrue(condition); } catch (AssertionError err) { takeScreenShot(cls, methodName, picName); LogUtils.log("Stacktrace: ", err); AssertUtils.assertFail(message); } } private static String findJarFilenameByRegexPattern(final String folderPath, final Pattern pattern) throws FileNotFoundException { final File folder = new File(folderPath); if (!folder.isDirectory()) { throw new FileNotFoundException(folder + " is not a directory."); } final File[] files = folder.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File file) { return pattern.matcher(file.getName()).matches(); } }); if (files.length != 1) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Folder " + folderPath + " should contain exactly one jar that satisfies the pattern " + pattern.toString()); } return files[0].getName(); } public boolean isDevMode() { return SGTestHelper.isDevMode(); } }