Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004-2007 by Itensil, Inc., * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information * of Itensil, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You * shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement * you entered into with Itensil. */ package itensil.workflow.activities; import; import itensil.workflow.state.SubState; import itensil.workflow.state.StateException; import itensil.workflow.activities.signals.AlertSignalImpl; import itensil.workflow.activities.signals.SignalManager; import itensil.workflow.activities.state.ActivityCurrentPlan; import itensil.workflow.activities.state.ActivityPlan; import itensil.workflow.activities.state.ActivityStepState; import itensil.workflow.activities.state.FlowRole; import itensil.workflow.activities.state.FlowState; import itensil.workflow.activities.state.Activity; import itensil.workflow.activities.state.ActivityRole; import itensil.workflow.activities.state.ActivityStateStore; import itensil.workflow.activities.timer.ActivityTimer; import itensil.workflow.activities.rules.CustValDataContentListener; import itensil.workflow.activities.rules.XPathConditionEval; import itensil.workflow.activities.rules.WFActivityStepInvoker; import itensil.workflow.model.FlowModel; import itensil.workflow.model.FlowSAXHandler; import itensil.workflow.model.element.Path; import itensil.workflow.model.element.Start; import itensil.workflow.model.element.Step; import itensil.workflow.model.element.Timer; import itensil.workflow.Runner; import itensil.workflow.FlowEvent; import itensil.workflow.RunException; import itensil.workflow.rules.EvalException; import itensil.workflow.rules.ActivityStepException; import itensil.repository.*; import; import; import; import; import itensil.util.UriHelper; import itensil.util.Check; import java.util.*; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * @author * */ public class UserActivities { private User user; private Session session; private int pageSize = 10; private FlowModel lastModel; static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(UserActivities.class); public UserActivities(User user, Session session) { this.user = user; this.session = session; } public Session getSession() { return session; } public void setSession(Session session) { this.session = session; } public String getUserId() { return user.getUserId(); } public int getPageSize() { return pageSize; } public void setPageSize(int pageSize) { this.pageSize = pageSize; } /** * * @param pageNum * @param includeEnded * @return * @throws DAOException */ public List getAssignActivities(int pageNum, boolean includeEnded) throws DAOException { Query qry = getSession().getNamedQuery("Activity.getAssignActivities"); qry.setString("assignId", getUserId()); qry.setString("userSpaceId", user.getUserSpaceId()); qry.setInteger("filtSubState", includeEnded ? -1 : SubState.ENTER_END.ordinal()); qry.setMaxResults(getPageSize() + 1); qry.setFirstResult(getPageSize() * pageNum); return qry.list(); } /** * * @param pageNum * @param includeEnded * @return * @throws DAOException */ public List getSubmitActivities(int pageNum, boolean includeEnded) throws DAOException { Query qry = getSession().getNamedQuery("Activity.getSubmitActivities"); qry.setString("submitId", getUserId()); qry.setString("userSpaceId", user.getUserSpaceId()); qry.setInteger("filtSubState", includeEnded ? -1 : SubState.ENTER_END.ordinal()); qry.setMaxResults(getPageSize() + 1); qry.setFirstResult(getPageSize() * pageNum); return qry.list(); } /** * * @param flow * @param pageNum * @param includeEnded * @return * @throws DAOException */ public List<Activity> getFlowAssignActivities(FlowState flow, int pageNum, boolean includeEnded) throws DAOException { Query qry = getSession().getNamedQuery("Activity.getFlowAssignActivities"); qry.setString("assignId", getUserId()); qry.setString("userSpaceId", user.getUserSpaceId()); qry.setEntity("flow", flow); qry.setInteger("filtSubState", includeEnded ? -1 : SubState.ENTER_END.ordinal()); qry.setMaxResults(getPageSize() + 1); qry.setFirstResult(getPageSize() * pageNum); return prepareActivities(qry.list()); } protected List<Activity> prepareActivities(List res) { ArrayList<Activity> acts = new ArrayList<Activity>(res.size()); HashSet<String> subActs = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> loadedActs = new HashSet<String>(); for (Object oAct : res) { Activity act = (Activity) oAct; acts.add(act); loadedActs.add(act.getId()); for (ActivityStepState state : act.getStates().values()) { if (!Check.isEmpty(state.getSubActivityId())) { subActs.add(state.getSubActivityId()); } } } if (!subActs.isEmpty()) { subActs.removeAll(loadedActs); for (String subActId : subActs) { acts.add(getActivity(subActId)); } } return sortActs(acts); } // TODO create comparator for activity class - mineful of all cases for rules - see grant public static List<Activity> sortActs(List<Activity> acts) { if (acts == null) return null; ArrayList<Activity> actSorted = new ArrayList<Activity>(acts.size()); ArrayList<Activity> actAppend = new ArrayList<Activity>(acts.size()); Map<Activity, Date> actToInsert = new HashMap<Activity, Date>(); for (Activity act : acts) { String actId = act.getId(); Date actDueDate = act.getDueDate(); // activities with dates are already sorted properly by query order if (actDueDate != null) { actSorted.add(act); continue; } // get due date from states in activity actDueDate = getLastStateDueDate(act); // if due date found in states put activity in hash to sort later if (actDueDate != null) { actToInsert.put(act, actDueDate); continue; } // if no due date in states save activity to append after sort actAppend.add(act); } insertByDate(actSorted, actToInsert); actSorted.addAll(actAppend); return actSorted; } public static Date getLastStateDueDate(Activity act) { Date lastStateDueDate = null; for (ActivityStepState state : act.getStates().values()) { ActivityCurrentPlan plan = state.getCurrentPlan(); if (plan != null) { Date currStateDueDate = plan.getDueDate(); if (currStateDueDate == null) continue; if (lastStateDueDate == null || currStateDueDate.compareTo(lastStateDueDate) > 0) { lastStateDueDate = currStateDueDate; } } } return lastStateDueDate; } public static void insertByDate(List<Activity> sortedActs, Map<Activity, Date> actToInsert) { if (actToInsert == null || actToInsert.size() < 1) return; if (sortedActs == null) { sortedActs = new ArrayList<Activity>(); } Set set = actToInsert.keySet(); Iterator it = set.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Activity act = (Activity); Date date = actToInsert.get(act); //temporarily put date in act so that sorting is easier // remove it before exiting act.setDueDate(date); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0, sortedLen = sortedActs.size(); i < sortedLen; i++) { // insert before item with later due date if (date.before(sortedActs.get(i).getDueDate())) { sortedActs.add(i, act); found = true; break; } } // insert last if latest due date if (!found) { sortedActs.add(act); } } // remove rolled-up added due dates from activities it = set.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Activity act = (Activity); int index = sortedActs.indexOf(act); sortedActs.get(index).setDueDate(null); } } /** * * @param flow * @param pageNum * @param includeEnded * @return * @throws DAOException */ public List<Activity> getFlowSubmitActivities(FlowState flow, int pageNum, boolean includeEnded) throws DAOException { Query qry = getSession().getNamedQuery("Activity.getFlowSubmitActivities"); qry.setString("submitId", getUserId()); qry.setString("userSpaceId", user.getUserSpaceId()); qry.setEntity("flow", flow); qry.setInteger("filtSubState", includeEnded ? -1 : SubState.ENTER_END.ordinal()); qry.setMaxResults(getPageSize() + 1); qry.setFirstResult(getPageSize() * pageNum); return prepareActivities(qry.list()); } /** * * @param id * @return */ public Activity getActivity(String id) { // TODO security check... Activity activity = (Activity) getSession().get(Activity.class, id); return activity; } /** * * @param act * @throws AccessDeniedException */ public void delete(Activity act) throws AccessDeniedException { try { MutableRepositoryNode node = (MutableRepositoryNode) act.getNode(); node.remove(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { // not fatal } catch (LockException e) { // not fatal } Query qry = getSession().getNamedQuery("Activity.clearSubActStates"); qry.setString("subActId", act.getId()); qry.executeUpdate(); session.delete(act); } /** * Launch an activity * * @param name * @param description * @param flowUri * @param mastUri * @param roles * @throws UserSpaceException */ public Activity launch(String name, String description, String flowUri, String mastUri, String parentId, String projectId, String contextGroupId, Date dueDate, HashMap<String, String> roles) throws AccessDeniedException, IOException, SAXException, LockException, NotFoundException, DuplicateException, StateException, EvalException, RunException, ActivityStepException, UserSpaceException { RepositoryNode flowNode; FlowState flowState = null; try { flowNode = RepositoryHelper.getNode(flowUri, false); flowState = (FlowState) getSession().get(FlowState.class, flowNode.getNodeId()); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { // not-found, check for master-flow if (Check.isEmpty(mastUri)) throw nfe; MutableRepositoryNode mastNode = RepositoryHelper.getNode(mastUri, false); // copy master-flow // in the future this may do `crazy' inheritance stuff flowNode = mastNode.copy(flowUri, true); } FlowModel flowMod = new FlowModel(); FlowSAXHandler hand = new FlowSAXHandler(flowMod); hand.parse(RepositoryHelper.loadContent(UriHelper.absoluteUri(flowUri, "chart.flow"))); // cache this this.lastModel = flowMod; // verify flowstate if (flowState == null) { flowState = new FlowState(flowNode.getNodeId()); flowState.setActive(true); CustValDataContentListener.modelStateSync(flowState, flowMod); getSession().persist(flowState); } MutableRepositoryNode activityNode = createActivityFolder(flowUri, name, null); if (!Check.isEmpty(contextGroupId)) { activityNode.setContextGroup(new DefaultGroup(contextGroupId)); } name =; // create activity entity Activity activityEnt = new Activity(activityNode.getNodeId()); activityEnt.setUserSpaceId(user.getUserSpaceId()); activityEnt.setName(name); if (!Check.isEmpty(parentId)) { Activity parActivity = (Activity) session.get(Activity.class, parentId); activityEnt.changeParent(parActivity); } if (!Check.isEmpty(projectId)) { // try to get this (permission and existance check RepositoryHelper.getNodeById(projectId, false); activityEnt.getProjects().add(projectId); } activityEnt.setDescription(description); activityEnt.setContextGroupId(contextGroupId); activityEnt.setDueDate(dueDate); activityEnt.setSubmitId(user.getUserId()); session.persist(activityEnt); // assign roles for (Map.Entry<String, String> ent : roles.entrySet()) { String role = ent.getKey(); String assignId = ent.getValue(); User assignUsr = user.getUserSpace().resolve(new DefaultUser(assignId)); if (assignUsr != null) setActivityRole(activityEnt, role, assignUsr, false); } // start the activity in the process ActivityStateStore store = new ActivityStateStore(flowState); Runner<Activity, String> run = new Runner<Activity, String>(flowMod, store, store, new XPathConditionEval<String>(flowMod), new WFActivityStepInvoker<String>()); run.handleEvent(new FlowEvent<Activity, String>(activityEnt, run.startToken(null, activityEnt))); return activityEnt; } /** * Send an activity from one process to another * * @param activityEnt * @param flowUri * @param mastUri when not empty/null, this will force process creation and uniquify the flowUri * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws LockException * @throws DuplicateException * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException * @throws StateException * @throws EvalException * @throws ActivityStepException * @throws RunException */ public Activity sendToFlow(Activity activityEnt, String flowUri, String mastUri) throws NotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, DuplicateException, LockException, IOException, SAXException, RunException, ActivityStepException, EvalException, StateException { // check if same process boolean create = !Check.isEmpty(mastUri); try { if (!create && activityEnt.getFlow().getNode().getUri().equals(flowUri)) return activityEnt; } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { // eat it } MutableRepositoryNode flowNode; FlowState flowState = null; Session sess = getSession(); if (create) { flowUri = RepositoryHelper.getAvailableUri(flowUri); MutableRepositoryNode mastNode = RepositoryHelper.getNode(mastUri, false); // copy master-flow // in the future this may do `crazy' inheritance stuff flowNode = (MutableRepositoryNode) mastNode.copy(flowUri, true); } else { flowNode = RepositoryHelper.getNode(flowUri, false); flowState = (FlowState) sess.get(FlowState.class, flowNode.getNodeId()); } FlowModel flowMod = new FlowModel(); FlowSAXHandler hand = new FlowSAXHandler(flowMod); hand.parse(RepositoryHelper.loadContent(UriHelper.absoluteUri(flowUri, "chart.flow"))); // verify flowstate if (flowState == null) { flowState = new FlowState(flowNode.getNodeId()); flowState.setActive(true); CustValDataContentListener.modelStateSync(flowState, flowMod); sess.persist(flowState); } MutableRepositoryNode activityNode; boolean needReId = false; try { activityNode = (MutableRepositoryNode) activityEnt.getNode(); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { activityNode = null; needReId = true; } activityNode = createActivityFolder(flowUri, activityEnt.getName(), activityNode); activityEnt.setName(; activityEnt.setFlow(flowState); // reset the states for (ActivityStepState actState : activityEnt.getStates().values()) { sess.delete(actState); } activityEnt.getStates().clear(); activityEnt.setVariationId(null); // TODO - decide to clear plans? if (needReId) { activityEnt = activityEnt.changeActivityId(activityNode.getNodeId()); } /* * some kind of bug here, I suspect hibernate... * need to flush to ensure delete */ getSession().flush(); // start the activity in the process ActivityStateStore store = new ActivityStateStore(flowState); Runner<Activity, String> run = new Runner<Activity, String>(flowMod, store, store, new XPathConditionEval<String>(flowMod), new WFActivityStepInvoker<String>()); run.handleEvent(new FlowEvent<Activity, String>(activityEnt, run.startToken(null, activityEnt))); return activityEnt; } /** * Warning: activity will end up with a new id * * @param activityEnt * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws DuplicateException * @throws LockException */ public Activity rebuildActivityFolder(Activity activityEnt) throws AccessDeniedException, NotFoundException, DuplicateException, LockException { MutableRepositoryNode node = createActivityFolder(activityEnt.getFlow().getNode().getUri(), activityEnt.getName(), null); activityEnt.setVariationId(null); return activityEnt.changeActivityId(node.getNodeId()); } protected MutableRepositoryNode createActivityFolder(String flowUri, String name, MutableRepositoryNode activityNode) throws AccessDeniedException, NotFoundException, DuplicateException, LockException { // verify "activities" folder String activitiesUri = UriHelper.absoluteUri(flowUri, "activities"); try { RepositoryHelper.getNode(activitiesUri, false); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { RepositoryHelper.getRepository(flowUri).createNode(activitiesUri, true, user); } name = UriHelper.filterName(name); String iNameUri = RepositoryHelper.getAvailableUri(UriHelper.absoluteUri(activitiesUri, name)); if (activityNode != null) { activityNode.move(iNameUri); try { MutableRepositoryNode templFold = RepositoryHelper .getNode(UriHelper.absoluteUri(flowUri, "template"), false); for (RepositoryNode kid : templFold.getChildren()) { try { String kidDstUri = UriHelper.absoluteUri(iNameUri,; ((MutableRepositoryNode) kid).copy(kidDstUri, true); } catch (DuplicateException de) { // eat it // TODO - merge duplicate xml files } } } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { // eat it } return activityNode; } // find activity template folder try { MutableRepositoryNode templFold = RepositoryHelper.getNode(UriHelper.absoluteUri(flowUri, "template"), false); // copy to unique activity folder activityNode = (MutableRepositoryNode) templFold.copy(iNameUri, true); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { // no template, create unique activity folder activityNode = RepositoryHelper.getRepository(flowUri).createNode(iNameUri, true, user); } return activityNode; } /** * * @param activityEnt * @throws StateException */ public void undo(Activity activityEnt, String txId) throws StateException { FlowState flowState = activityEnt.getFlow(); ActivityStateStore store = new ActivityStateStore(flowState); store.rollbackTx(activityEnt, txId); } /** * * @param activityEnt * @param step * @param expr - set rule expression * @param submitValues - additional rule sets * @throws LockException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws SAXException */ public String submit(Activity activityEnt, String step, Map<String, String> submitValues, String expr) throws LockException, NotFoundException, IOException, AccessDeniedException, SAXException, EvalException, StateException, RunException, ActivityStepException { Runner<Activity, String> run = getRunner(activityEnt); XPathConditionEval<String> xpathEval = (XPathConditionEval<String>) run.getEvals(); if (submitValues != null || !Check.isEmpty(expr)) { if (submitValues != null) xpathEval.setDataValues(activityEnt, xpathEval.getDefaultData(activityEnt), submitValues); if (!Check.isEmpty(expr)) { int pos = expr.indexOf('='); if (pos > 0) { String pathExpr = expr.substring(0, pos).trim(); String valExpr = expr.substring(pos + 1).trim(); xpathEval.setDataValueExpr(activityEnt, pathExpr, valExpr); } } } // dispatch flow event String resTx = run.handleEvent(new FlowEvent<Activity, String>(activityEnt, step)); // handle saves of data updates // not very accurate, but if the cache is not empty, the doc may be dirty if (activityEnt.getDataCache() != null) { xpathEval.saveDefaultData(activityEnt, activityEnt.getDataCache()); } activityEnt.clearCache(); return resTx; } /** * * @param activityEnt * @return * @throws NotFoundException * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException * @throws LockException */ public Runner<Activity, String> getRunner(Activity activityEnt) throws NotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, IOException, SAXException, LockException { // resolve the flow model FlowState flowState = activityEnt.getFlow(); FlowModel flowMod = getModel(flowState, activityEnt); // cache this this.lastModel = flowMod; // evaluate submit expression XPathConditionEval<String> xpathEval = new XPathConditionEval<String>(flowMod); ActivityStateStore store = new ActivityStateStore(flowState); return new Runner<Activity, String>(flowMod, store, store, xpathEval, new WFActivityStepInvoker<String>()); } public XPathConditionEval<String> getConditionEval(Activity activityEnt) throws NotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, IOException, SAXException, LockException { // resolve the flow model FlowState flowState = activityEnt.getFlow(); FlowModel flowMod = getModel(flowState, activityEnt); return new XPathConditionEval<String>(flowMod); } public FlowModel getModel(FlowState flowState, Activity activityEnt) throws NotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, IOException, SAXException, LockException { RepositoryNode vNod = activityEnt == null ? null : activityEnt.getVariationNode(); InputStream in; if (vNod != null) { in = RepositoryHelper.loadContent((MutableRepositoryNode) vNod); } else { String modelUri = UriHelper.absoluteUri(flowState.getNode().getUri(), "chart.flow"); in = RepositoryHelper.loadContent(modelUri); } FlowModel flowMod = new FlowModel(); FlowSAXHandler hand = new FlowSAXHandler(flowMod); hand.parse(in); return flowMod; } /** * * @param fState * @param role * @param assignUsr * @return * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws LockException * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public FlowRole setFlowRole(FlowState fState, String role, User assignUsr) throws AccessDeniedException, NotFoundException, IOException, SAXException, LockException { MutableRepositoryNode flowNode = (MutableRepositoryNode) fState.getNode(); // grant file access if (!flowNode.hasPermission(DefaultNodePermission.writePermission(assignUsr))) { try { flowNode.grantPermission(new DefaultNodePermission(assignUsr, DefaultNodePermission.WRITE, true)); } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) { // TODO figure out what to do when assigner can't manage } } String prevAssignId = null; FlowRole roleEnt = fState.getRoles().get(role); if (roleEnt == null) { roleEnt = new FlowRole(); roleEnt.setFlow(fState); roleEnt.setRole(role); fState.getRoles().put(role, roleEnt); } else { prevAssignId = roleEnt.getAssignId(); } roleEnt.setAssignId(assignUsr.getUserId()); Session sess = getSession(); sess.saveOrUpdate(roleEnt); if (!Check.isEmpty(prevAssignId)) { // load up current activities assigned to previous user Query qry = sess.getNamedQuery("Activity.getFlowAssignActivities"); qry.setEntity("flow", fState); qry.setString("assignId", prevAssignId); qry.setString("userSpaceId", user.getUserSpaceId()); qry.setInteger("filtSubState", SubState.ENTER_END.ordinal()); List<Activity> actList = (List<Activity>) qry.list(); if (!actList.isEmpty()) { FlowModel flowMod = getModel(fState, null); for (Activity act : actList) { FlowModel actFlowMod = flowMod; // check for activity variation try { if (act.getVariationNode() != null) actFlowMod = getModel(fState, act); if (!act.getRoles().containsKey(role)) { reAssignActivityRoles(actFlowMod, act, role, prevAssignId, assignUsr.getUserId()); } } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) { log.warn("Activity Role assignment", ade); } } } } return roleEnt; } /** * * @param flowMod * @param activity * @param role * @param assignUsr */ protected void reAssignActivityRoles(FlowModel flowMod, Activity activity, String role, String prevAssignId, String assignId) { Session sess = getSession(); for (ActivityStepState state : activity.getStates().values()) { if (Check.isEmpty(prevAssignId) || prevAssignId.equals(state.getAssignId())) { Step step = flowMod.getStep(state.getStepId()); if (step == null) continue; String sRol = step.getAttribute("role"); if (role.equals(sRol)) { state.setAssignId(assignId); sess.update(state); AlertSignalImpl sig = new AlertSignalImpl(); sig.setActivity(activity); sig.setStepId(step.getId()); sig.setAssignId(assignId); // don't resend if the person is already online sig.setMailed(getUserId().equals(assignId) ? SignalManager.SIGNAL_STATUS_ACTIVE_SENT : SignalManager.SIGNAL_STATUS_ACTIVE_PENDING); sig.setTimeStamp(new Date()); sig.setRole(role); SignalManager.saveOrUpdateSignal(sig); } } } } /** * * @param activity * @param role * @param assignUsr * @param reAssign * @return * @throws NotFoundException * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws LockException * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException */ public ActivityRole setActivityRole(Activity activity, String role, User assignUsr, boolean reAssign) throws NotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, IOException, SAXException, LockException { MutableRepositoryNode activityNode = (MutableRepositoryNode) activity.getNode(); MutableRepositoryNode parNode = (MutableRepositoryNode) activityNode.getParent(); // grant file access to parent for activity.kb writing if (!parNode.hasPermission(DefaultNodePermission.writePermission(assignUsr))) { try { parNode.grantPermission(new DefaultNodePermission(assignUsr, DefaultNodePermission.WRITE, true)); } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) { // TODO figure out what to do when assigner can't manage } } ActivityRole roleEnt = activity.getRoles().get(role); if (roleEnt == null) { roleEnt = new ActivityRole(); roleEnt.setActivity(activity); roleEnt.setRole(role); activity.getRoles().put(role, roleEnt); } roleEnt.setAssignId(assignUsr.getUserId()); getSession().saveOrUpdate(roleEnt); if (reAssign) { reAssignActivityRoles(getModel(activity.getFlow(), activity), activity, role, null, assignUsr.getUserId()); } return roleEnt; } /** * * @param activity * @param timerId * @return */ public ActivityTimer getActivityTimer(Activity activity, String timerId) { Query qry = getSession().getNamedQuery("Timer.getTimer"); qry.setString("tid", timerId); qry.setEntity("act", activity); return (ActivityTimer) qry.uniqueResult(); } /** * * @return */ public List<MutableRepositoryNode> getActiveFlows(int limit) { Query qry = getSession().getNamedQuery("FlowState.recentlyActiveFlows"); qry.setString("userSpaceId", user.getUserSpaceId()); qry.setMaxResults(limit * 2); ArrayList<MutableRepositoryNode> nodes = new ArrayList<MutableRepositoryNode>(limit); int qualified = 0; NodePermission creatPerm = DefaultNodePermission.createPermission(user); for (Object obj : qry.list()) { MutableRepositoryNode nod = (MutableRepositoryNode) obj; try { if (nod.hasPermission(creatPerm)) { nodes.add(nod); qualified++; if (qualified >= limit) break; } } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { // eat it } } return nodes; } /** * * @param activity * @param timerId * @param atTime * @throws StateException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException * @throws LockException */ public void setManualTimer(Activity activity, String timerId, Date atTime) throws StateException, NotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, IOException, SAXException, LockException { Runner<Activity, String> run = getRunner(activity); Step step = run.getModel().getStep(timerId); if (step instanceof Timer) { run.getTimers().setManualTimer((Timer) step, activity, atTime); } } /** * * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<MutableRepositoryNode> getAssignedProjectNodes() { Query qry = getSession().getNamedQuery("Activity.getAssignedProjects"); qry.setString("userId", user.getUserId()); qry.setString("userSpaceId", user.getUserSpaceId()); return (List<MutableRepositoryNode>) qry.list(); } /** * * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<MutableRepositoryNode> getAssignedMeetingNodes() { Query qry = getSession().getNamedQuery("Activity.getAssignedMeetings"); qry.setString("userId", user.getUserId()); qry.setString("userSpaceId", user.getUserSpaceId()); return (List<MutableRepositoryNode>) qry.list(); } /** * * @param projectId * @param limit * @return */ public List<Activity> getActiveProjectActivities(String projectId, int limit) { Query qry = getSession().getNamedQuery("Activity.activeProjectActivities"); qry.setString("projId", projectId); qry.setMaxResults(limit); ArrayList<Activity> acts = new ArrayList<Activity>(limit); for (Object obj : qry.list()) { acts.add((Activity) obj); } return prepareActivities(acts); } /** * * @param activity * @param switchId * @param returnId * @return resulting txId * @throws NotFoundException * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException * @throws LockException * @throws RunException * @throws ActivityStepException * @throws EvalException * @throws StateException */ public String exitSwitch(Activity activity, String switchId, String returnId) throws NotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, IOException, SAXException, LockException, RunException, ActivityStepException, EvalException, StateException { Runner<Activity, String> run = getRunner(activity); return run.handleEventCondition(new FlowEvent<Activity, String>(activity, switchId), new String[] { returnId }); } /** * * @param fstate * @return */ public Activity getFirstFlowActivity(FlowState fstate) { Query qry = getSession().getNamedQuery("Activity.getFlowActivity"); qry.setEntity("flow", fstate); Iterator itr = qry.iterate(); return itr.hasNext() ? (Activity) : null; } /** * * @param flow * @param variation * @param includeEnded * @return * @throws DAOException */ public Collection<Activity> getFlowActivities(FlowState flow, String variation, boolean includeEnded) throws DAOException { Query qry; if (Check.isEmpty(variation)) { qry = getSession().getNamedQuery("Activity.getFlowActivities"); } else { qry = getSession().getNamedQuery("Activity.getFlowActivitiesVar"); qry.setString("variation", variation); } qry.setString("userSpaceId", user.getUserSpaceId()); qry.setEntity("flow", flow); qry.setInteger("filtSubState", includeEnded ? -1 : SubState.ENTER_END.ordinal()); List res = qry.list(); ArrayList<Activity> acts = new ArrayList<Activity>(res.size()); for (Object oAct : res) { Activity act = (Activity) oAct; if (includeEnded || !act.getStates().isEmpty()) { acts.add(act); } } return acts; } /** * * @param activities * @param flowState * @param flowMod * @param newIds * @throws RunException * @throws ActivityStepException * @throws EvalException * @throws StateException */ public void enterNewStarts(Collection<Activity> activities, FlowState flowState, FlowModel flowMod, ArrayList<String> newIds) throws RunException, ActivityStepException, EvalException, StateException { XPathConditionEval<String> xpathEval = new XPathConditionEval<String>(flowMod); ActivityStateStore store = new ActivityStateStore(flowState); Runner<Activity, String> runner = new Runner<Activity, String>(flowMod, store, store, xpathEval, new WFActivityStepInvoker<String>()); for (Start strt : flowMod.getStartSteps()) { for (Path pth : strt.getPaths()) { if (newIds.contains(pth.getTo())) { for (Activity activityEnt : activities) { runner.forceEnter(new FlowEvent<Activity, String>(activityEnt, pth.getTo())); } } } } } /** * Assign a user (outside of roles) also, send alert if qualified * * @param activity * @param stepId * @param userId * @param permNode * @throws UserSpaceException * @throws AccessDeniedException */ public void assignStep(Activity activity, String stepId, String userId, MutableRepositoryNode permNode) throws UserSpaceException, AccessDeniedException { User assignee = this.user.getUserSpace().resolve(new DefaultUser(userId)); if (assignee != null) { ActivityStepState state = activity.getStates().get(stepId); if (state != null && !assignee.getUserId().equals(state.getAssignId())) { state.setAssignId(assignee.getUserId()); getSession().update(state); AlertSignalImpl sig = new AlertSignalImpl(); sig.setActivity(activity); sig.setStepId(stepId); sig.setAssignId(assignee.getUserId()); // don't resend if the person is already online sig.setMailed(getUserId().equals(assignee.getUserId()) ? SignalManager.SIGNAL_STATUS_ACTIVE_SENT : SignalManager.SIGNAL_STATUS_ACTIVE_PENDING); sig.setTimeStamp(new Date()); SignalManager.saveOrUpdateSignal(sig); } ActivityPlan plan = activity.getPlans().get(stepId); if (plan != null && !assignee.getUserId().equals(plan.getAssignId())) { plan.setAssignId(assignee.getUserId()); getSession().update(plan); } else if (plan == null && state == null) { plan = new ActivityPlan(); plan.setActivity(activity); plan.setStepId(stepId); activity.getPlans().put(stepId, plan); plan.setAssignId(assignee.getUserId()); getSession().save(plan); } if (permNode != null) { // grant file access to parent for activity.kb writing if (!permNode.hasPermission(DefaultNodePermission.writePermission(assignee))) { try { permNode.grantPermission( new DefaultNodePermission(assignee, DefaultNodePermission.WRITE, true)); } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) { // TODO figure out what to do when assigner can't manage } } } } } /** * * @param activity * @param stepId * @param date * @return true if activity needs to be saved */ public boolean setStepDates(Activity activity, String stepId, Date startDate, Date dueDate) { ActivityStepState state = activity.getStates().get(stepId); if (state != null) { ActivityCurrentPlan cp = state.getCurrentPlan(); if (cp == null) { cp = new ActivityCurrentPlan(); cp.setState(state); state.setCurrentPlan(cp); } startDate = null; // its already started... if (dueDate != null) cp.setDueDate(dueDate); getSession().update(state); } ActivityPlan plan = activity.getPlans().get(stepId); if (plan != null) { if (startDate != null) plan.setStartDate(startDate); if (dueDate != null) plan.setDueDate(dueDate); getSession().update(plan); } else if (state == null) { plan = new ActivityPlan(); plan.setActivity(activity); plan.setStepId(stepId); activity.getPlans().put(stepId, plan); plan.setStartDate(startDate); plan.setDueDate(dueDate); getSession().save(plan); } // move out the activity date to encapsulate Date actDue = activity.getDueDate(); boolean dateMoved = false; if (dueDate != null && actDue != null && actDue.before(dueDate)) { activity.setDueDate(dueDate); dateMoved = true; } Date actStart = activity.getStartDate(); if (startDate != null && (actStart == null || actStart.after(startDate))) { activity.setStartDate(startDate); dateMoved = true; } return dateMoved; } public FlowModel getLastModel() { return lastModel; } }