Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004-2007 by Itensil, Inc., * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information * of Itensil, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You * shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement * you entered into with Itensil. */ package itensil.workflow.activities.timer; import; import itensil.repository.AccessDeniedException; import itensil.repository.LockException; import itensil.repository.NotFoundException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import itensil.util.Check; import itensil.workflow.FlowEvent; import itensil.workflow.RunException; import itensil.workflow.Runner; import itensil.workflow.activities.UserActivities; import itensil.workflow.activities.signals.SignalImpl; import itensil.workflow.activities.state.Activity; import itensil.workflow.activities.state.ActivityStateStore; import itensil.workflow.model.FlowModel; import itensil.workflow.model.element.Condition; import itensil.workflow.model.element.Path; import itensil.workflow.model.element.Step; import itensil.workflow.model.element.Timer; import itensil.workflow.model.element.Until; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public class TimerDaemon implements Runnable { Thread _thread; boolean keepRunning; Date nextTimer; Runner<Activity, String> lastRun; Activity lastAct; long sleepTime; static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TimerDaemon.class); public final static long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME = 37 * 1000; // 37 sec // singleton private static TimerDaemon instance; private TimerDaemon() { sleepTime = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME; keepRunning = false; } /** * should only be called by environmental inits * @return */ public static TimerDaemon initInstance() { if (instance == null) instance = new TimerDaemon(); if (!instance.isAlive()) instance.start(); return instance; } /** * * @return might be null for this VM */ public static TimerDaemon getInstance() { return instance; } public void start() { keepRunning = true; _thread = new Thread(this); _thread.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); _thread.start(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void run() {"Started"); try { // query for next timer HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); HibernateUtil.readOnlySession(); Query qry = HibernateUtil.getSession().getNamedQuery("Timer.getNextTimer"); qry.setMaxResults(1); Iterator<ActivityTimer> atItr = qry.iterate(); ActivityTimer nxtActTimer = atItr.hasNext() ? : null; nextTimer = nxtActTimer != null ? nxtActTimer.getAtTime() : null; HibernateUtil.commitTransaction(); HibernateUtil.closeSession(); // super user thread SecurityAssociation.setUser(SysAdmin.getUser()); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex); // try attmept in 3 minutes, DB is probably down nextTimer = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 3 * 60000); } // main loop while (keepRunning) { try { // check on next timer if (nextTimer != null && nextTimer.getTime() <= System.currentTimeMillis()) { // query all timers ready at this moment, ordered by flow HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); HibernateUtil.readOnlySession(); Query qry = HibernateUtil.getSession().getNamedQuery("Timer.getReadyTimers"); qry.setTimestamp("fromTime", new Date()); List<ActivityTimer> timers = qry.list(); HibernateUtil.commitTransaction(); HibernateUtil.closeSession(); // for each timer for (ActivityTimer att : timers) { try { Activity act = att.getActivity(); String timerId = att.getTimerId(); HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); // if activity not dead if (act != null && act.getSubmitId() != null && act.getStates().containsKey(timerId)) { HibernateUtil.getSession().refresh(act); AuthenticatedUser aUser = UserSpaceAdmin.getAuthUser(act.getSubmitId()); UserSpace uspace = aUser != null ? UserSpaceAdmin.getUserSpace(act.getUserSpaceId()) : null; if (aUser == null || uspace == null) { HibernateUtil.getSession().delete(att); continue; } aUser.setActiveUserSpace(uspace); // switch user SecurityAssociation.setUser(aUser); // get runner try { Runner<Activity, String> run = getRunner(act); // fire! try { run.handleEvent(new FlowEvent<Activity, String>(act, timerId)); } catch (RunException re) { // TODO - alert the activity owner log.warn(re); FlowModel mod = run.getModel(); Step stp = mod.getStep(timerId); boolean killTimer = false; if (stp == null) { killTimer = true; } else { Collection<Path> paths = stp.getPaths(); if (paths.isEmpty()) killTimer = true; else for (Path pth : paths) { if (pth.getToStep() == null) { killTimer = true; break; } } } if (killTimer) HibernateUtil.getSession().delete(att); } } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { log.warn(nfe); HibernateUtil.getSession().delete(att); } } else { HibernateUtil.getSession().delete(att); } // update checkTime HibernateUtil.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex); HibernateUtil.rollbackTransaction(); } // switch user back to super SecurityAssociation.setUser(SysAdmin.getUser()); } // end for loop HibernateUtil.closeSession(); clearRunner(); // query for next timer HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); HibernateUtil.readOnlySession(); qry = HibernateUtil.getSession().getNamedQuery("Timer.getNextTimer"); qry.setMaxResults(1); Iterator<ActivityTimer> atItr = qry.iterate(); ActivityTimer nxtActTimer = atItr.hasNext() ? : null; nextTimer = nxtActTimer != null ? nxtActTimer.getAtTime() : null; HibernateUtil.commitTransaction(); HibernateUtil.closeSession(); Thread.yield(); } // query a batch conditionals with older checkTimes, ordered by flow HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); HibernateUtil.readOnlySession(); Query qry = HibernateUtil.getSession().getNamedQuery("Timer.getCondTimers"); qry.setMaxResults(53); List<ActivityTimer> timers = qry.list(); HibernateUtil.commitTransaction(); HibernateUtil.closeSession(); // for each conditional timer for (ActivityTimer att : timers) { try { Activity act = att.getActivity(); String timerId = att.getTimerId(); HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); // if activity not dead if (act != null && act.getSubmitId() != null && act.getStates().containsKey(timerId)) { HibernateUtil.getSession().refresh(act); AuthenticatedUser aUser = UserSpaceAdmin.getAuthUser(act.getSubmitId()); UserSpace uspace = aUser != null ? UserSpaceAdmin.getUserSpace(act.getUserSpaceId()) : null; if (aUser == null || uspace == null) { HibernateUtil.getSession().delete(att); continue; } aUser.setActiveUserSpace(uspace); // switch user SecurityAssociation.setUser(aUser); // get runner Runner<Activity, String> run; try { run = getRunner(act); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { log.warn(nfe); HibernateUtil.getSession().delete(att); HibernateUtil.commitTransaction(); continue; } // get the condition from the model Step step = run.getModel().getStep(timerId); if (step != null && step instanceof Timer) { Timer timerDef = (Timer) step; Until ud = timerDef.selectOneChild(Until.class); Condition cond = ud != null ? ud.selectOneChild(Condition.class) : null; if (cond != null) { // test condition FlowEvent<Activity, String> evt = new FlowEvent<Activity, String>(act, timerId); Condition conds[] = new Condition[] { cond, null }; String ret = run.getEvals().evalExclusive(act.getFlow().getId(), conds, evt); if (ret != null) { run.handleEvent(evt); } else { att.setCheckTime(new Date()); HibernateUtil.getSession().update(att); } } else { log.warn("Condition missing: " + act.getFlow().getNode().getUri() + "#" + timerId); HibernateUtil.getSession().delete(att); } } else { log.warn("Timer missing: " + act.getFlow().getNode().getUri() + "#" + timerId); HibernateUtil.getSession().delete(att); } } else { HibernateUtil.getSession().delete(att); } act.clearCache(); // update checkTime HibernateUtil.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex); HibernateUtil.rollbackTransaction(); } // switch user back to super SecurityAssociation.setUser(SysAdmin.getUser()); Thread.yield(); } // end for loop HibernateUtil.closeSession(); clearRunner(); synchronized (ActivityStateStore.timerSync) { ActivityStateStore.timerSync.notifyAll(); } // schedule some sleep try { if (nextTimer != null && (nextTimer.getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis()) < sleepTime) { long slp = nextTimer.getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis(); Thread.sleep(slp > 50 ? slp : 50); } else { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } } catch (InterruptedException e) {; keepRunning = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex); // probably DB offline, keep trying Thread.yield(); } } } public void scheduledTimer(Date atTime) { if (nextTimer == null || atTime.before(nextTimer)) { nextTimer = atTime; } } public void setSleepTime(long millis) { sleepTime = millis; } protected void clearRunner() { lastRun = null; } protected Runner<Activity, String> getRunner(Activity activityEnt) throws NotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, IOException, SAXException, LockException { if (lastRun != null) { if (activityEnt.getFlow().getId().equals(lastRun.getStates().getFlowId()) && Check.isEmpty(activityEnt.getVariationId()) && Check.isEmpty(lastAct.getVariationId())) return lastRun; } UserActivities ua = new UserActivities(SecurityAssociation.getUser(), HibernateUtil.getSession()); lastRun = ua.getRunner(activityEnt); lastAct = activityEnt; return lastRun; } public boolean isAlive() { return keepRunning && _thread.isAlive(); } public void die() { die(false); } public void die(boolean join) { keepRunning = false; try { if (_thread != null) { _thread.interrupt(); if (join) _thread.join(); } _thread = null; } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error(e); } } }