Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package itemsetmining.itemset;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;


import itemsetmining.util.MemoryLogger;

 * This is a modified implementation of the Memory Efficient Itemset-tree as
 * proposed in:
 * Fournier-Viger, P., Mwamikazi, E., Gueniche, T., Faghihi, U. (2013). Memory
 * Efficient Itemset Tree for Targeted Association Rule Mining. Proc. 9th
 * International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2013)
 * Part II, Springer LNAI 8347, pp. 95-106.
 * This file is adapted from the SPMF DATA MINING SOFTWARE
 * ( Copyright (c) 2013 Philippe
 * Fournier-Viger
 * SPMF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * SPMF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * SPMF. If not, see <>.
public class ItemsetTree {

    // root of the itemset tree
    private ItemsetTreeNode root = null;

    // items with their supports (for ordering items in the tree)
    private final Multiset<Integer> items;

    // number of transactions in database used to build this tree
    private int noTransactions = -1;

    // / Comparator for ordering items by descending order of support
    private final Comparator<Integer> itemComparator = new Comparator<Integer>() {
        public int compare(final Integer item1, final Integer item2) {
            // compare the frequency
            final int compare = items.count(item2) - items.count(item1);
            // if the same frequency, we check the lexical ordering!
            if (compare == 0) {
                return (item1 - item2);
            // otherwise, just use the frequency
            return compare;

    // statistics about tree construction
    int nodeCount; // number of nodes in the tree (recalculated by
                   // printStatistics() )
    long totalItemCountInNodes; // total number of items stored in nodes
    // (recalculated by printStatistics()
    long startTimestamp; // start time of tree construction (buildTree())
    long endTimestamp; // end time of tree contruction (buildTree())
    long sumBranchesLength; // sum of branches length
    int totalNumberOfBranches; // total number of branches

     * Default constructor
    public ItemsetTree(final Multiset<Integer> singletons) {
        items = singletons;

     * Random walk on tree. Uses support-weighted random walk.
    public Itemset randomWalk() {

        final Itemset set = new Itemset();
        traverse(root, set);

        return set;

     * Traverse this tree in a random walk
    public void traverse(final ItemsetTreeNode node, final Itemset itemset) {

        // Add node's itemset elements with probability 0.5
        if (!node.equals(root)) { // root node is empty
            for (final int item : node.itemset) {
                if (Math.random() < 0.5)

        // Stop if leaf node
        if (node.children.isEmpty())

        // Get support of all children
        double sumSupport = 0;
        final HashMap<ItemsetTreeNode, Integer> supports = new HashMap<>();
        for (final ItemsetTreeNode child : node.children) {
            sumSupport +=;

        // Stop with probability dependent on total support of children
        final double pStop = ( - sumSupport) /;
        if (Math.random() < pStop)

        // Randomly pick child to traverse proportional to its itemset support
        double p = Math.random();
        ItemsetTreeNode child = null;
        for (final Map.Entry<ItemsetTreeNode, Integer> entry : supports.entrySet()) {

            // final double childProb = 1. / node.children.size();
            final double childProb = entry.getValue() / sumSupport;
            if (p < childProb) {
                child = entry.getKey();
            } else {
                p -= childProb;
        assert child != null;

        traverse(child, itemset);

     * Build the itemset-tree based on an input file containing transactions
     * @param input
     *            an input file
     * @return
    public void buildTree(final File inputFile) throws IOException {
        // record start time
        startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // reset memory usage statistics

        // create an empty root for the tree
        root = new ItemsetTreeNode(null, 0);

        // Scan the database to read the transactions
        int count = 0;
        final LineIterator it = FileUtils.lineIterator(inputFile, "UTF-8");
        while (it.hasNext()) {

            final String line = it.nextLine();
            // if the line is a comment, is empty or is a
            // kind of metadata
            if (line.isEmpty() == true || line.charAt(0) == '#' || line.charAt(0) == '%' || line.charAt(0) == '@') {

            // add transaction to the tree
        // close the input file

        // set the number of transactions
        noTransactions = count;

        // check the memory usage
        endTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

     * Build the itemset-tree based on an HDFS input file containing
     * transactions
     * @param hdfsPath
     *            HDFS input path string
     * @param hdfs
     *            HDFS FileSystem
     * @return
    public void buildTree(final String hdfsPath, final FileSystem hdfs) throws IOException {
        // record start time
        startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // reset memory usage statistics

        // create an empty root for the tree
        root = new ItemsetTreeNode(null, 0);

        // Scan the database to read the transactions
        int count = 0;
        final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( Path(hdfsPath))));
        String line;
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {

            // if the line is a comment, is empty or is a
            // kind of metadata
            if (line.isEmpty() == true || line.charAt(0) == '#' || line.charAt(0) == '%' || line.charAt(0) == '@') {

            // add transaction to the tree
        // close the input file

        // set the number of transactions
        noTransactions = count;

        // check the memory usage
        endTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

     * Add transaction to tree
     * @param line
     *            the transaction as a string of items
    private void addTransaction(final String line) {

        // split the transaction into items
        final String[] lineSplit = line.split(" ");
        // create a structure for storing the transaction
        final Itemset itemset = new Itemset();
        // for each item in the transaction
        for (int i = 0; i < lineSplit.length; i++) {
            // convert the item to integer and add it to the structure

        // sort items in the itemset by descending order of support
        final int[] sortedItemset = -> i).toArray();

        // call the method "construct" to add the transaction to the tree
        construct(null, root, sortedItemset, null);

     * Given the root of a sub-tree, add an itemset at the proper position in
     * that tree
     * @param r
     *            the root of the sub-tree
     * @param s
     *            the itemset to be inserted
     * @param prefix
     *            the current item(s) explored in this branch of the tree until
     *            the current node r.
    private void construct(final ItemsetTreeNode parentOfR, final ItemsetTreeNode r, final int[] s,
            final int[] prefix) {

        // if the itemset in root node is the same as the one to be inserted,
        // we just increase the support, and return.
        if (same(s, prefix, r.itemset)) {

        final int[] rprefix = append(prefix, r.itemset);

        // if the node to be inserted is an ancestor of the itemset of the root
        // node
        // then insert the itemset between r and its parent
        // Before: parent_of_r --> r
        // After: parent_of_r --> s --> r
        // e.g. for a regular itemset tree
        // {2}:4 --> {2,3,4,5,6}:6
        // we insert {2,3}
        // {2}:4 --> {2,3}:7 --> {2,3,4,5,6}:6
        // e.g. for a compact itemset tree
        // r_parent r
        // {2}:4 --> {3,4,5,6}:6
        // we insert s={2,3}
        // r_parent s' r'
        // {2}:4 --> {3}:7 --> {4,5,6}:6
        if (ancestorOf(s, rprefix)) {
            // Calculate s' and r' by using the prefix
            final int[] sprime = copyItemsetWithoutItemsFrom(s, prefix);
            final int[] rprime = copyItemsetWithoutItemsFrom(rprefix, sprime);

            // create a new node for the itemset to be inserted with the support
            // of
            // the subtree root node + 1
            final ItemsetTreeNode newNodeS = new ItemsetTreeNode(sprime, + 1);
            // set the childs and parent pointers.
            // r.parent = newNodeS;
            r.itemset = rprime;
            return; // return

        // Otherwise, calculate the largest common ancestor
        // of the itemset to be inserted and the root of the sutree
        final int[] l = getLargestCommonAncestor(s, rprefix);
        if (l != null) { // if there is one largest common ancestor
            final int[] sprime = copyItemsetWithoutItemsFrom(s, l);
            final int[] rprime = copyItemsetWithoutItemsFrom(r.itemset, l);

            // create a new node with that ancestor and the support of
            // the root +1.
            final ItemsetTreeNode newNode = new ItemsetTreeNode(l, + 1);
            // set the node childs and parent pointers
            // parentOfR = newNode;
            r.itemset = rprime;
            // append second children which is the itemset to be added with a
            // support of 1
            final ItemsetTreeNode newNode2 = new ItemsetTreeNode(sprime, 1);
            // update pointers for the new node
            // newNode2.parent = newNode;

        // else get the length of the root itemset
        final int indexLastItemOfR = (rprefix == null) ? 0 : rprefix.length;
        // increase the support of the root;
        // for each child of the root
        for (final ItemsetTreeNode ci : r.children) {
            final int[] ciprefix = append(rprefix, ci.itemset);

            // if one children of the root is the itemset to be inserted s,
            // then increase its support and stop
            if (same(s, ciprefix)) { // case 2

            // if the itemset to be inserted is an ancestor of the child ci
            if (ancestorOf(s, ciprefix)) { // case 3
                final int[] sprime = copyItemsetWithoutItemsFrom(s, rprefix);
                final int[] ciprime = copyItemsetWithoutItemsFrom(ci.itemset, s);

                // create a new node between ci and r in the tree
                // and update child /parents pointers
                final ItemsetTreeNode newNode = new ItemsetTreeNode(sprime, + 1);
                // newNode.parent = r;
                // ci.parent = newNode;
                ci.itemset = ciprime;

            // if the child ci is an ancestor of s
            if (ancestorOf(ciprefix, s)) { // case 4

                // then make a recursive call to construct to handle this case.
                construct(r, ci, s, rprefix);

            // case 5
            // if ci and s have a common ancestor that is larger than r:
            if (ciprefix[indexLastItemOfR] == s[indexLastItemOfR]) {
                // find the largest common ancestor
                final int[] ancestor = getLargestCommonAncestor(s, ciprefix);
                // create a new node for the ancestor itemset just found with
                // the support
                // of ci + 1

                final int[] ancestorprime = copyItemsetWithoutItemsFrom(ancestor, rprefix);

                final ItemsetTreeNode newNode = new ItemsetTreeNode(ancestorprime, + 1);
                // set r as parent
                // newNode.parent = r;
                // add ci as a children of the new node
                ci.itemset = copyItemsetWithoutItemsFrom(ci.itemset, ancestorprime);
                // ci.parent = newNode;
                // create another new node for s with a support of 1, which
                // will be the child of the first new node
                final int[] sprime = copyItemsetWithoutItemsFromArrays(s, ancestorprime, rprefix);
                final ItemsetTreeNode newNode2 = new ItemsetTreeNode(sprime, 1);
                // newNode2.parent = newNode;
                // end


        // Otherwise, case 1:
        // A new node is created for s with a support of 1 and is added
        // below the node r.
        final int[] sprime = copyItemsetWithoutItemsFrom(s, rprefix);
        final ItemsetTreeNode newNode = new ItemsetTreeNode(sprime, 1);
        // newNode.parent = r;


     * Make a copy of an itemset while removing items that appears in two
     * itemsets named "prefix" and "s".
     * @param r
     *            the itemset
     * @param prefix
     *            the other itemset named "prefix"
     * @param s
     *            the other itemset named "s"
     * @return the itemset
    private int[] copyItemsetWithoutItemsFromArrays(final int[] r, final int[] prefix, final int[] s) {

        // create an empty itemset
        final List<Integer> rprime = new ArrayList<Integer>(r.length);

        // for each item in r
        loop1: for (final Integer rvalue : r) {
            // if the other itemset prefix is not null
            if (prefix != null) {
                // for each item from the prefix
                for (final int pvalue : prefix) {
                    // if it is the current item in r
                    if (pvalue == rvalue) {
                        // skip this item from r
                        continue loop1;
                        // if the current item from prefix is larger than (wrt
                        // descending support ordering) the current item from r,
                        // then break because itemsets are ordered so there will
                        // be no match.
                    } else if (, rvalue) > 0) {

            // if s is not null
            if (s != null) {
                // for each item in s
                for (final int svalue : s) {
                    // if this item in s is the current item in r
                    if (rvalue == svalue) {
                        // skip it (don't add it to the new itemset)
                        continue loop1;
                        // if the current item from prefix is larger than (wrt
                        // descending support ordering) the current item from r,
                        // then break because itemsets are ordered so there will
                        // be no match.
                    } else if (, rvalue) > 0) {
        // transform the new itemset "rprime" from ArrayList
        // to an array.
        final int[] rprimeArray = new int[rprime.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < rprime.size(); i++) {
            rprimeArray[i] = rprime.get(i);
        // return the array
        return rprimeArray;

     * Make a copy of an itemset without items from a second itemset.
     * @param itemset1
     *            the first itemset
     * @param itemset2
     *            the second itemset
     * @return the new itemset
    private int[] copyItemsetWithoutItemsFrom(final int[] itemset1, final int[] itemset2) {
        // if the second itemset is null, just return the first itemset
        if (itemset2 == null) {
            return itemset1;

        // create a new itemset
        final List<Integer> itemset1prime = new ArrayList<Integer>(itemset1.length);
        // for each item in the first itemset
        loop1: for (final int i1value : itemset1) {
            // for each it in the second itemset
            for (final int i2value : itemset2) {
                // if the items match, don't add the current item
                // from itemset1 to the new itemset
                if (i2value == i1value) {
                    continue loop1;
                    // otherwise, if the current item from "itemset2"
                    // is larger than (wrt descending support ordering) the
                    // current item from "itemset1" there will be no match
                    // because itemsets are ordered .
                } else if (, i1value) > 0) {
            // if the current item from itemset1 was not in itemset2,
            // then add it to the new itemset
        // convert the new itemset from an ArrayList to an array
        final int[] itemset1primeArray = new int[itemset1prime.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < itemset1prime.size(); i++) {
            itemset1primeArray[i] = itemset1prime.get(i);
        // return the array
        return itemset1primeArray;

     * Method to calculate the largest common ancestor of two given itemsets (as
     * defined in the paper).
     * @param itemset1
     *            the first itemset
     * @param itemset2
     *            the second itemset
     * @return a new itemset which is the largest common ancestor or null if it
     *         is the empty set
    private int[] getLargestCommonAncestor(final int[] itemset1, final int[] itemset2) {
        // if one of the itemsets is null,
        // return null.
        if (itemset2 == null || itemset1 == null) {
            return null;

        // find the minimum length of the itemsets
        final int minI = itemset1.length < itemset2.length ? itemset1.length : itemset2.length;

        int count = 0; // to count the size of the common ancestor

        // for each position in the itemsets from 0 to the maximum length -1
        // Note that we use maxI-1 because we don't want that
        // the maximum ancestor to be equal to itemset1 or itemset2
        for (int i = 0; i < minI; i++) {
            // if the two items are different, we stop because
            // of the ordering
            if (itemset1[i] != itemset2[i]) {
            } else {
                // otherwise we increase the counter indicating the number of
                // common items in the prefix
        // if there is a common ancestor of size >0
        // (we don,t want the empty set!)
        if (count > 0 && count < minI) {
            // create the itemset by copying the first "count" elements of
            // itemset1 and return it
            final int[] common = new int[count];
            System.arraycopy(itemset1, 0, common, 0, count);
            return common;
        } else {
            // otherwise, return null because the common ancestor is the empty
            // set
            return null;

     * Check if a first itemset is the ancestor of the second itemset. Itemset1
     * is an ancestor of itemset2 if: - itemset1 is null - size(itemset1) <
     * size(itemset2) && if itemset1 has k items, then the first k items of
     * itemset2 are equals to the first k items of itemset1.
     * @param itemset1
     *            the first itemset
     * @param itemset2
     *            the second itemset
     * @return true, if yes, otherwise, false.
    private boolean ancestorOf(final int[] itemset1, final int[] itemset2) {
        // if the second itemset is null (empty set), return false
        if (itemset2 == null) {
            return false;
        // if the first itemset is null (empty set), return true
        if (itemset1 == null) {
            return true;
        // if the length of itemset 1 is greater than the one of
        // itemset2, it cannot be the ancestor, so return false
        if (itemset1.length >= itemset2.length) {
            return false;
        // otherwise, loop on items from itemset1
        // and check if they are the same as itemset 2
        for (int i = 0; i < itemset1.length; i++) {
            // if one item is different, itemset1 is not the ancestor
            if (itemset1[i] != itemset2[i]) {
                return false;
        // otherwise itemset1 is an ancestor of itemset2
        return true;

     * Method to check if two itemsets are equals
     * @param itemset1
     *            the first itemset
     * @param itemset2
     *            the second itemset
     * @param prefix
     * @return true if they are the same or false otherwise
    private boolean same(final int[] itemset1, final int[] itemset2) {
        // if one is null, then returns false
        if (itemset2 == null || itemset1 == null) {
            return false;
        // if they don't have the same size, then they cannot
        // be equal
        if (itemset1.length != itemset2.length) {
            return false;
        // otherwise, loop on items from itemset1
        // and check if they are the same as itemset 2
        for (int i = 0; i < itemset1.length; i++) {
            if (itemset1[i] != itemset2[i]) {
                // if one is different then they are not the same
                return false;
        // otherwise they are the same
        return true;

     * Check if itemset1 is the same as the concatenation of prefix and itemset2
     * @param itemset1
     *            the first itemset
     * @param prefix
     *            a prefix
     * @param itemset2
     *            another itemset
     * @return true if the same otherwise false
    private boolean same(final int[] itemset1, final int[] prefix, final int[] itemset2) {
        if (prefix == null) {
            return same(itemset1, itemset2);
        // if one is null, then returns false
        if (itemset2 == null || itemset1 == null) {
            return false;
        // if they don't have the same size, then they cannot
        // be equal
        if (itemset1.length != itemset2.length + prefix.length) {
            return false;
        // otherwise, loop on items from itemset1
        // and check if they are the same as itemset 2
        int i = 0;
        while (i < prefix.length) {
            if (itemset1[i] != prefix[i]) {
                // if one is different then they are not the same
                return false;
        int j = 0;
        while (j < itemset2.length) {
            if (itemset1[j++] != itemset2[i++]) {
                // if one is different then they are not the same
                return false;

        // otherwise they are the same
        return true;

     * Method that append two itemsets to create a larger one
     * @param a1
     *            the first itemset
     * @param a2
     *            the second itemset
     * @return the new itemset
    public int[] append(final int[] a1, final int[] a2) {
        // if the first itemset is null, return the second one
        if (a1 == null) {
            return a2;
        // if the second itemset is null, return the first one
        if (a2 == null) {
            return a1;
        // create the new itemset
        final int[] newArray = new int[a1.length + a2.length];

        // copy the first itemset in the new itemset
        int i = 0;
        for (; i < a1.length; i++) {
            newArray[i] = a1[i];
        // copy the second itemset in the new itemset
        for (int j = 0; j < a2.length; j++) {
            newArray[i++] = a2[j];
        // return the new itemset
        return newArray;

     * Print statistics about the time and maximum memory usage for the
     * construction of the itemset tree.
    public void printStatistics(final Logger logger) {
        System.gc();"========== MEMORY EFFICIENT ITEMSET TREE CONSTRUCTION - STATS ============\n");" Tree construction time ~: " + (endTimestamp - startTimestamp) + " ms\n");" Max memory: " + MemoryLogger.getInstance().getMaxMemory() + " MB\n");
        nodeCount = 0;
        totalItemCountInNodes = 0;
        sumBranchesLength = 0;
        totalNumberOfBranches = 0;
        recursiveStats(root, 1);" Node count: " + nodeCount + "\n");" No. items: " + totalItemCountInNodes + ", avg items per node: "
                + totalItemCountInNodes / ((double) nodeCount) + "\n");"=====================================\n");

     * Recursive method to calculate statistics about the itemset tree
     * @param root
     *            the root node of the current subtree
     * @param length
     *            the cummulative sum of length of itemsets
    private void recursiveStats(final ItemsetTreeNode root, int length) {
        // if the root is not null or the empty set
        if (root != null && root.itemset != null) {
            // increase node count
            // increase the total number of items
            totalItemCountInNodes += root.itemset.length;
        // for each child node, make a recursive call
        for (final ItemsetTreeNode node : root.children) {
            recursiveStats(node, ++length);
        // if no child, this node is a leaf, so
        // add the cummulative length of this branch to the sum
        // and add 1 to the total number of branches.
        if (root.children.size() == 0) {
            sumBranchesLength += length;
            totalNumberOfBranches += 1;

     * Print the tree to System.out.
    public void printTree() {
        System.out.println(root.toString(new StringBuffer(), ""));

     * Return a string representation of the tree.
    public String toString() {
        return root.toString(new StringBuffer(), "");

     * Get the chi-squared of the two itemsets
     * <p>
     * N.B. the chi-squared distribution has one degree of freedom.
    public double getChiSquared(final Itemset set1, final Itemset set2, final Itemset set1And2) {
        // sort by descending support
        final int[] sortedItems1 = -> i).toArray();
        final int[] sortedItems2 = -> i).toArray();
        final int[] sortedItems1And2 = -> i).toArray();

        // contingency table
        final int supp1And2 = countEmpirical(sortedItems1And2, new int[0], root, new int[0]);
        final int supp1Not2 = countEmpirical(sortedItems1, sortedItems2, root, new int[0]);
        final int supp2Not1 = countEmpirical(sortedItems2, sortedItems1, root, new int[0]);
        final int supp1Nor2 = countEmpirical(new int[0], sortedItems1And2, root, new int[0]);

        // row & column sums
        final int supp1 = supp1And2 + supp1Not2;
        final int suppNot1 = supp2Not1 + supp1Nor2;
        final int supp2 = supp1And2 + supp2Not1;
        final int suppNot2 = supp1Not2 + supp1Nor2;
        final double total = supp1 + suppNot1; // avoid integer division

        // calculate chi-squared
        final double pInd1And2 = supp1 * supp2 / total;
        final double chi1And2 = (supp1And2 - pInd1And2) * (supp1And2 - pInd1And2) / pInd1And2;
        final double pInd1Not2 = supp1 * suppNot2 / total;
        final double chi1Not2 = (supp1Not2 - pInd1Not2) * (supp1Not2 - pInd1Not2) / pInd1Not2;
        final double pInd2Not1 = suppNot1 * supp2 / total;
        final double chi2Not1 = (supp2Not1 - pInd2Not1) * (supp2Not1 - pInd2Not1) / pInd2Not1;
        final double pInd1Nor2 = suppNot1 * suppNot2 / total;
        final double chi1Nor2 = (supp1Nor2 - pInd1Nor2) * (supp1Nor2 - pInd1Nor2) / pInd1Nor2;

        // cache support of itemset
        cachedItemsetSupport = supp1And2;

        return chi1And2 + chi1Not2 + chi2Not1 + chi1Nor2;

    /** Support of last itemset tested by {@link #getChiSquared} */
    private int cachedItemsetSupport;

    /** Get support of last itemset tested by {@link #getChiSquared} */
    public int getCachedItemsetSupport() {
        return cachedItemsetSupport;

     * Get the chi-squared of the given itemset.
     * @param set
     *            the itemset
     * @return the chi-squared statistic.
    public double getChiSquaredOfItemset(final Itemset set, final Multiset<Integer> singletons) {
        // sort by descending support
        final int[] sortedItems = -> i).toArray();
        return recursiveChiSquared(0, new BitSet(set.size()), sortedItems, singletons);

     * Pearson's chi-squared test for itemset independence. This tests the
     * empirical itemset distribution against the independence model.
     * <p>
     * N.B. the chi-squared distribution has one degree of freedom.
     * @see S. Brin et al. Beyond Market Baskets: Generalizing Association Rules
     *      to Correlations
    private double recursiveChiSquared(final int n, final BitSet cell, final int[] sortedItems,
            final Multiset<Integer> singletons) {
        double chiSquared = 0.;
        if (n == sortedItems.length) {
            double pInd = noTransactions;
            final int[] inItems = new int[cell.cardinality()];
            final int[] outItems = new int[n - cell.cardinality()];
            int i = 0, j = 0;
            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
                if (cell.get(k)) {
                    inItems[i] = sortedItems[k];
                    pInd *= singletons.count(sortedItems[k]) / (double) noTransactions;
                } else {
                    outItems[j] = sortedItems[k];
                    pInd *= (noTransactions - singletons.count(sortedItems[k])) / (double) noTransactions;
            final double pEmp = countEmpirical(inItems, outItems, root, new int[0]);
            chiSquared = ((pEmp - pInd) * (pEmp - pInd)) / pInd;
        } else {
            final BitSet celln = (BitSet) cell.clone();
            chiSquared += recursiveChiSquared(n + 1, celln, sortedItems, singletons);
            chiSquared += recursiveChiSquared(n + 1, cell, sortedItems, singletons);
        return chiSquared;

     * This method calculates the no. of transactions which support the itemset
     * 's' but do *not* support the itemset 'exc' by using a subtree defined by
     * its root.
     * @param s
     *            the itemset that should be supported
     * @param exc
     *            the itemset that should *not* be supported
     * @param root
     *            the root of the subtree
     * @param prefix
     *            the prefix of the subtree
     * @return the support as an integer
    private int countEmpirical(final int[] s, final int[] exc, final ItemsetTreeNode root, final int[] prefix) {
        if (s.length == 0)
            return countNotAny(exc, root);
        if (exc.length == 0)
            return count(s, root, prefix);
        // the variable count will be used to count the support
        int count = 0;
        // for each child of the root
        for (final ItemsetTreeNode ci : root.children) {
            // if the first item of the itemset that we are looking for
            // is greater than (wrt descending support ordering) the first item
            // of the child, we need to look further in that tree. Also,
            // we can stop if any elements from exc are contained in the child.
            final int[] ciprefix = append(prefix, ci.itemset);
            if ([0], s[0]) <= 0 && !containsAny(ci.itemset, exc)) {

                // if s is included in ci, add the support of ci to the current
                // count.
                if (includedIn(s, ciprefix)) {
                    count +=;
                    // remove the support of any subtree paths that contain
                    // elements from exc
                    count -= countSubtree(exc, ci);
                } else if ([ciprefix.length - 1], s[s.length - 1]) < 0) {
                    // otherwise, if the last item of ci is smaller than (wrt
                    // descending support ordering) the last item of s,
                    // then make a recursive call to explore
                    // the subtree where ci is the root
                    count += countEmpirical(s, exc, ci, ciprefix);
        // return the total count
        return count;

     * Count the support of subtrees containing any element from the given set
    private int countSubtree(final int[] exc, final ItemsetTreeNode root) {
        // the variable count will be used to count the support
        int count = 0;
        // for each child of the root
        for (final ItemsetTreeNode ci : root.children) {
            if (containsAny(ci.itemset, exc)) {
                count +=;
            } else if (!([exc.length - 1], ci.itemset[0]) < 0)) {
                // otherwise, if the last item of exc is *not* smaller than (wrt
                // descending support ordering) the first item of the child,
                // make a recursive call to explore the subtree with ci as root
                count += countSubtree(exc, ci);
        // return the total count
        return count;

     * This method calculates the no. transactions not containing any items from
     * an itemset by using a subtree defined by its root.
     * @param s
     *            the itemset
     * @param root
     *            the root of the subtree
     * @return the no. transactions not containing any items from the itemset
    private int countNotAny(final int[] s, final ItemsetTreeNode root) {
        // the variable count will be used to count the support
        int count = 0;
        // for each child of the root
        for (final ItemsetTreeNode ci : root.children) {
            // If the child does not contain any items from the itemset
            if (!containsAny(ci.itemset, s)) {
                // If the last item of the itemset is smaller than (wrt
                // descending support ordering) the first item of the child,
                // the child cannot contain any items from the itemset
                if ([s.length - 1], ci.itemset[0]) < 0)
                    count +=;
                else {
                    // otherwise, add the support of ci to the current count
                    count +=;
                    // and remove the support of any subtree paths that
                    // contain elements from exc
                    count -= countSubtree(s, ci);
        // return the total count
        return count;

     * Check if an itemset contains any of the items. Assumes both arrays are
     * ordered.
     * @param itemset
     *            the itemset
     * @param items
     *            the items
     * @return true if any of the items appear in the itemset, false otherwise
    private boolean containsAny(final int[] itemset, final int items[]) {
        // If the last item in items is smaller than (wrt descending support
        // ordering) the first item in the itemset then this is false, and
        // similarly when the first item in items is greater than the last item
        // in the itemset
        if ([items.length - 1], itemset[0]) < 0
                ||[0], itemset[itemset.length - 1]) > 0)
            return false;
        // Otherwise we have to check each item individually
        for (final int item : items) {
            if (contains(itemset, item))
                return true;
        return false;

     * Check if an itemset contains an item.
     * @param itemset
     *            the itemset
     * @param item
     *            the item
     * @return true if the item appears in the itemset, false otherwise
    private boolean contains(final int[] itemset, final int item) {
        // for each item in the itemset
        for (int i = 0; i < itemset.length; i++) {
            // if the item is found, return true
            if (itemset[i] == item) {
                return true;
                // if the current item is larger than (wrt descending support
                // ordering) the item that is searched,
                // then return false because of the ordering.
            } else if ([i], item) > 0) {
                return false;
        // not found, return false
        return false;

     * Get the support of the given itemset.
     * @param set
     *            the itemset
     * @return the support as an integer.
    public int getSupportOfItemset(final Itemset set) {
        // sort by descending support
        final int[] sortedItems = -> i).toArray();
        return count(sortedItems, root, new int[0]); // call count method

     * Get the relative support of the given itemset.
     * @param set
     *            the itemset
     * @return the relative support as a double.
    public double getRelativeSupportOfItemset(final Itemset set) {
        // sort by descending support
        final int[] sortedItems = -> i).toArray();
        // call count method
        return (double) count(sortedItems, root, new int[0]) / noTransactions;

     * Get the number of transactions in the database used to build this tree
     * @return the number of transactions
    public int getNoTransactions() {
        return noTransactions;

     * This method calculates the support of an itemset by using a subtree
     * defined by its root.
     * Note: this is implemented based on the algorithm "count" of Table 2 in
     * the paper by Kubat et al.
     * <p>
     * Note that there was a problem with the algorithm in the paper. I had to
     * change > to < in : ci.itemset[ci.itemset.length -1] < s[s.length -1]).
     * @param s
     *            the itemset
     * @param root
     *            the root of the subtree
     * @param prefix
     *            the prefix of the subtree
     * @return the support as an integer
    private int count(final int[] s, final ItemsetTreeNode root, final int[] prefix) {
        // the variable count will be used to count the support
        int count = 0;
        // for each child of the root
        for (final ItemsetTreeNode ci : root.children) {
            // if the first item of the itemset that we are looking for
            // is greater than (wrt descending support ordering) the first item
            // of the child, we need to look further in that tree.
            final int[] ciprefix = append(prefix, ci.itemset);

            if ([0], s[0]) <= 0) {

                // if s is included in ci, add the support of ci to the current
                // count.
                if (includedIn(s, ciprefix)) {
                    count +=;
                } else if ([ciprefix.length - 1], s[s.length - 1]) < 0) {
                    // otherwise, if the last item of ci is smaller than (wrt
                    // descending support ordering) the last item of s,
                    // then make a recursive call to explore
                    // the subtree where ci is the root
                    count += count(s, ci, ciprefix);
        // return the total count
        return count;

     * Check if an itemset is contained in another
     * @param itemset1
     *            the first itemset
     * @param itemset2
     *            the second itemset
     * @return true if yes, otherwise false
    private boolean includedIn(final int[] itemset1, final int[] itemset2) {
        int count = 0; // the current position of itemset1 that we want to find
                       // in itemset2

        // for each item in itemset2
        for (int i = 0; i < itemset2.length; i++) {
            // if we found the item
            if (itemset2[i] == itemset1[count]) {
                // we will look for the next item of itemset1
                // if we have found all items already, return true
                if (count == itemset1.length) {
                    return true;
        // it is not included, so return false!
        return false;
