Java tutorial
/****************************************************************************** * Vige, Home of Professional Open Source Copyright 2010, Vige, and * * individual contributors by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the * * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * * a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ package it.vige.greenarea.file; import static java.lang.System.getenv; import static org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat.newFormat; import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger; import it.vige.greenarea.dto.Filtro; import it.vige.greenarea.dto.OperatoreLogistico; import it.vige.greenarea.dto.Richiesta; import it.vige.greenarea.vo.RichiestaXML; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord; import org.slf4j.Logger; public class ImportaCSVFile implements ImportaFile { private final static String IMPORT_FOLDER = getenv("HOME") + "/greenarea"; private List<Filtro> acceptedRoundCodes = new ArrayList<Filtro>(); private Logger logger = getLogger(getClass()); private DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); private OperatoreLogistico operatoreLogistico; private Date date; public ImportaCSVFile(OperatoreLogistico operatoreLogistico, Date date) { this.operatoreLogistico = operatoreLogistico; = date; } @Override public File recuperaFile() { File importFolder = getDirectory(); FileFilter filter = new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File pathname) { long today = 0; String todayStr = dateFormat.format(new Date()); try { today = dateFormat.parse(todayStr).getTime(); } catch (ParseException e) { logger.error("greenarea common", e); } return pathname.lastModified() >= today; } }; File[] elencoFile = importFolder.listFiles(filter); if (elencoFile != null && elencoFile.length > 0) return elencoFile[0]; else return null; } @Override public List<Richiesta> convertiARichieste(List<RichiestaXML> richiesteXML, OperatoreLogistico operatoreLogistico) { List<Richiesta> richieste = new ArrayList<Richiesta>(); for (RichiestaXML richiestaXML : richiesteXML) { Richiesta richiesta = new Richiesta(richiestaXML); richiesta.setOperatoreLogistico(operatoreLogistico); richieste.add(richiesta); } return richieste; } @Override public List<RichiestaXML> prelevaDati(InputStream inputStream, List<Filtro> filtri) throws Exception { if (filtri != null) acceptedRoundCodes.addAll(filtri); Iterable<CSVRecord> records = newFormat(';').withNullString("").withIgnoreSurroundingSpaces(true) .parse(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); List<RichiestaXML> richiesteXML = new ArrayList<RichiestaXML>(); int i = 0; for (CSVRecord cell : records) { RichiestaXML richiestaXML = new RichiestaXML(); logger.debug("richiestaXML n: " + i++); aggiungiCampiARichiestaXML(richiestaXML, cell); String roundCode = richiestaXML.getRoundCode(); if (acceptRoundCode(roundCode)) richiesteXML.add(richiestaXML); } return richiesteXML; } @Override public boolean acceptRoundCode(String roundCode) { boolean result = false; if (acceptedRoundCodes.size() == 0) return true; else if (roundCode != null) for (Filtro filtro : acceptedRoundCodes) { String roundCodeByFilter = filtro.getRoundCode(); if (roundCodeByFilter.equals(roundCode)) result = true; else if (roundCodeByFilter.startsWith("0") && roundCodeByFilter.substring(1, roundCodeByFilter.length()).equals(roundCode)) result = true; } return result; } @Override public OperatoreLogistico getOperatoreLogistico() { return operatoreLogistico; } @Override public void setOperatoreLogistico(OperatoreLogistico operatoreLogistico) { this.operatoreLogistico = operatoreLogistico; } @Override public File getDirectory() { File importDirectory = new File(IMPORT_FOLDER + "/" + operatoreLogistico.getId()); if (!importDirectory.exists()) importDirectory.mkdir(); return importDirectory; } private void aggiungiCampiARichiestaXML(RichiestaXML richiestaXML, CSVRecord cell) throws Exception { richiestaXML.setShipmentId(cell.get(0)); richiestaXML.setIdStop(cell.get(1)); richiestaXML.setDepot(cell.get(2)); richiestaXML.setPieces(new Integer(cell.get(3))); richiestaXML.setWeight(new Double(splitPoint(cell.get(4).replace(",", ".")))); richiestaXML.setVolume(new Double(splitPoint(cell.get(5).replace(",", ".")))); long data = new Long(cell.get(6)); if (date != null) data = new Long(dateFormat.format(date.getTime())); Date dataFormattata = dateFormat.parse(data + ""); richiestaXML.setDataEarlestPu(dataFormattata); data = new Integer(cell.get(7)); if (date != null) data = new Long(dateFormat.format(date.getTime())); dataFormattata = dateFormat.parse(data + ""); richiestaXML.setDataLatestPu(dataFormattata); data = new Integer(cell.get(8)); if (date != null) data = new Long(dateFormat.format(date.getTime())); dataFormattata = dateFormat.parse(data + ""); richiestaXML.setDataEarlestDelivery(dataFormattata); data = new Integer(cell.get(9)); if (date != null) data = new Long(dateFormat.format(date.getTime())); dataFormattata = dateFormat.parse(data + ""); richiestaXML.setDataLatestDelivery(dataFormattata); richiestaXML.setTimeFromPu(new Double(cell.get(10).substring(0, 5))); richiestaXML.setTimeToPu(new Double(cell.get(11).substring(0, 5))); richiestaXML.setTimeFromDelivery(new Double(cell.get(12).substring(0, 5))); richiestaXML.setTimeToDelivery(new Double(cell.get(13).substring(0, 5))); richiestaXML.setHandlingType(cell.get(14)); String packageType = cell.get(15); if (packageType != null) richiestaXML.setPackageType(packageType != null ? packageType.charAt(0) : null); richiestaXML.setCustomer(cell.get(16)); richiestaXML.setAddress(cell.get(17)); String zipCode = cell.get(18); richiestaXML.setZipCode(zipCode != null ? new Integer(zipCode) : null); richiestaXML.setProvince(cell.get(19)); richiestaXML.setCity(cell.get(20)); richiestaXML.setCountry(cell.get(21)); richiestaXML.setShoppingCentre(new Integer(cell.get(22))); richiestaXML.setRoundCode(cell.get(23)); richiestaXML.setTntType(cell.get(24)); richiestaXML.setFlagInternational(cell.get(25)); richiestaXML.setDomesticLdv(cell.get(26)); richiestaXML.setTaskField(cell.get(27)); richiestaXML.setTel(cell.get(28)); richiestaXML.setEmail(cell.get(29)); richiestaXML.setHandlingClass(new Integer(cell.get(30))); richiestaXML.setLocExtId(cell.get(31)); richiestaXML.setStatus(new Integer(cell.get(32))); String latitude = splitPoint(cell.get(33).replace(",", ".")); String longitude = splitPoint(cell.get(34).replace(",", ".")); richiestaXML.setLatitude(new Double(latitude)); richiestaXML.setLongitude(new Double(longitude)); } private String splitPoint(String value) { String newValue = ""; String[] lonArray = value.split("\\."); if (lonArray.length > 2) { for (int i = 0; i < lonArray.length; i++) { newValue = newValue + lonArray[i]; if (i == 0) newValue = newValue + "."; } } else newValue = value; return newValue; } public Date getDate() { return date; } public void setDate(Date date) { = date; } }