Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 Copyright (c) 2005, Dimitrios Kourtesis
 This file is part of MusicURI.
 MusicURI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.
 MusicURI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with MPEG7AudioEnc; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
 the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
 MA  02111-1307 USA

package it.univpm.deit.semedia.musicuri.core;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics;
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;
import com.wcohen.secondstring.JaroWinkler;
import com.wcohen.secondstring.StringWrapper;
import it.univpm.deit.database.datatypes.AudioLLDmeta;
import it.univpm.deit.database.datatypes.Mp7ACT;
import it.univpm.deit.semedia.musicuri.statistics.PerformanceStatistic;
import it.univpm.deit.semedia.musicuri.statistics.Stopwatch;

* @author Dimitrios Kourtesis
public class MusicURISearch {
     * The MusicURIDatabase instance serving as the db the search engine draws upon
    static private MusicURIDatabase db;

    private int numberOfComparisonsMade;
    private int totalReferenceSeconds;
    private long pruningTime;
    private long searchTime;

     * Constructs a MusicURISearch engine and assigns its db attibute to the MusicURIDatabase instance given
    public MusicURISearch(MusicURIDatabase externalDB) {
        //System.out.println("Loading the externally assigned Database");
        db = externalDB;

     * Constructs a MusicURISearch engine and assigns its db attibute to a new MusicURIDatabase instance 
    public MusicURISearch(String databasePath, String databaseFileName) {
        //System.out.println("Loading the Database");
        db = new MusicURIDatabase(databasePath, databaseFileName);

    * Performs a search in the MusicURIDatabase and returns a ranked list of Results corresponding to the 
    * MusicURIReference objects that most closely matched the given MusicURIQuery object
    * @param query the MusicURIQuery object to be compared agaist all MusicURIReference objects
    * @param usingPruningHeuristic the boolean flag to determine if the pruning heuristic should be used
    * @param usingCombinedDistance the boolean flag to determine if the distance metric should be a combined labelling + audio signature metric
    * @param maximumThreshold the maximum distance threshold above which a match is concidered unacceptable
    * @param finalResortIsCombinedDistance the boolean flag to determine if search should resort to a combined distancemetric in the final identification attempt
    * @return a ResultRankingList containing a sorted ranking list of the best Results objects encountered during search
    public ResultRankingList identify(MusicURIQuery query, boolean usingPruningHeuristic,
            boolean usingCombinedDistance, float maximumThreshold, boolean finalResortIsCombinedDistance) //throws Exception
        double lambda = 0.5;
        boolean usingKeywordHeuristic = false;
        boolean usingMetaphoneHeuristic = false;
        boolean runningAtVerboseMode = false;

        //      System.out.println("Method identify() called with maximumThreshold " + maximumThreshold + " and set to : ");
        //      if ( usingPruningHeuristic && !usingCombinedDistance) System.out.println(" Using text-based pruning, and audio signature matching");
        //      if ( usingPruningHeuristic &&  usingCombinedDistance) System.out.println(" Using text-based pruning, and combined metrics matching");
        //      if (!usingPruningHeuristic && !usingCombinedDistance) System.out.println(" Using exhaustive search, and audio signature matching");
        //      if (!usingPruningHeuristic &&  usingCombinedDistance) System.out.println(" Using exhaustive search, and combined metrics matching");
        //      if (finalResortIsCombinedDistance) System.out.println(" final resort is combined distance");
        //      else System.out.println(" Final resort is audio signature distance");

        //************   Q U E R Y   D A T A   P R E P A R A T I O N   ****************

        // get the act object encapsulated in the MusicURIQuery object
        Mp7ACT queryMp7 = query.getAudioCompactType();

        // if its null then there is some problem
        if (queryMp7 == null)
            System.out.println("Problem: queryMp7 is null");

        // read the required data from the AudioCompactType
        AudioLLDmeta queryMean = queryMp7.featureByName(Mp7ACT.FLATNESS, Mp7ACT.MEAN);
        AudioLLDmeta queryVariance = queryMp7.featureByName(Mp7ACT.FLATNESS, Mp7ACT.VARIANCE);

        // are audioSignatureType data included in the act file?
        if (queryMean == null || queryVariance == null) {
                    "Problem: AudioSignatureType is not included in ACT or cannot be extracted from audio file. Aborting.");
            return null;

        int vectorSize = queryMean.vectorSize; // internal! stay out! read the matrix size instead
        float[][] queryMeanMatrix = queryMean.__rawVectors;
        float[][] queryVarianceMatrix = queryVariance.__rawVectors;

        // instantiate and initialize query data
        int QueryNumOfVectors = queryMeanMatrix.length; // ==number of vectors, seconds
        int QueryVectorDim = vectorSize; // ==number of dimensions, subbands
        //      double [] QueryMean = new double[QueryNumOfVectors * QueryVectorDim];
        //      double [] QueryVar = new double[QueryNumOfVectors * QueryVectorDim];

        // Copy the query data from the 2-d matrix of floats to a 1-d array of doubles
        //      QueryMean = Toolset.copyFloatMatrixToDoubleArray(queryMeanMatrix, vectorSize);
        //      QueryVar = Toolset.copyFloatMatrixToDoubleArray(queryVarianceMatrix, vectorSize);

        ArrayList QueryMetaphones = query.getMetaphones();
        ArrayList QueryKeywords = query.getKeywords();

        //*********   R E F E R E N C E   D A T A   P R E P A R A T I O N   ***********

        // declare here, initialize inside the for loop
        int RefNumOfVectors = 0; // number of vectors, seconds
        int RefVectorDim = 0; // number of subbands, dimensions
        //      double[] RefMean;
        //      double[] RefVar;
        // something big
        double finalDistance;// = 9999.999;
        // flag used to skip entering the for loop
        boolean skipThis = false;
        // flag used to determine if an update in the ranking list has been made
        boolean dirty = false;
        // a counter used for display purposes
        int counter = 1;
        // counters used for statistics
        int numberOfComparisonsMade = 0;
        int totalReferenceSeconds = 0;

        // gets the set of keys from the db hashmap
        Set allMusicURIReferenceKeys = db.getSetOfMusicURIReferences();
        String queryLabelling = query.getLabel();

        // the ranking lists
        ResultRankingList labelRankingList = null;
        ResultRankingList signatureRankingList = null;
        ArrayList goodKeys = null;

        double currentLabelDistance = 0.0;
        double currentSignatureDistance = 0.0;
        double normalizedSignatureDistance = 0.0;
        double normalizedLabelDistance = 0.0;
        double score = 0.0;

        int numOfClosestMatchesInArray = 0;
        Result theBestResult = null;
        Result theSecondBestResult = null;
        Result theWorstResultYet = null;
        Result theNewResult = null;
        Mp7ACT mp7;
        boolean goodCandidate = false;
        ArrayList keywords;
        String currentMD5;
        MusicURIReference currentReference;
        String currentKeyword;
        ArrayList metaphones;
        String currentMetaphone;
        AudioLLDmeta refMean;
        AudioLLDmeta refVariance;
        float[][] refMeanMatrix;
        float[][] refVarianceMatrix;
        Result tmpResult;
        ResultRankingList finalDistanceRankingList = null;
        JaroWinkler test = null;
        StringWrapper queryWrapper = null;
        StringWrapper refWrapper = null;
        float editDistance;

        long pruningStartTime;
        long pruningStopTime;
        long pruningTime = 0;

        if (usingPruningHeuristic) {
            pruningStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            labelRankingList = pruneDatabase(allMusicURIReferenceKeys, queryLabelling);
            goodKeys = labelRankingList.getRankListMd5Keys();
            System.out.println("Pruning completed in: " + stopwatch);
            pruningStopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            pruningTime = pruningStopTime - pruningStartTime;

            finalDistanceRankingList = new ResultRankingList(labelRankingList.getSize());
            signatureRankingList = new ResultRankingList(labelRankingList.getSize());
        } else {
            test = new JaroWinkler();
            queryLabelling = Toolset.removeTestCaseIdentifier(queryLabelling);
            queryWrapper = test.prepare(queryLabelling);
            editDistance = 777.777f;

            finalDistanceRankingList = new ResultRankingList(db.getDbSize());
            signatureRankingList = new ResultRankingList(db.getDbSize());

        // start the monitors
        long startTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

        // beam me up scotty
        for (Iterator iter = allMusicURIReferenceKeys.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            // get the next md5 key
            currentMD5 = (String);

            // retrieve the MusicURIReference object corresponding to this key
            currentReference = db.getMusicURIReference(currentMD5);

            // retrieve the mp7act encapsulated in the MusicURIReference object
            mp7 = currentReference.getAudioCompactType();

            // if it's null it shouldn't be
            if (mp7 == null)
                System.out.println("Problem: No mpeg7 exists for given uri");

            // read the required data from the ACT
            refMean = mp7.featureByName(Mp7ACT.FLATNESS, Mp7ACT.MEAN);
            refVariance = mp7.featureByName(Mp7ACT.FLATNESS, Mp7ACT.VARIANCE);

            // if any of these are null there was some problem when extracting them, so skip them
            if ((refMean == null) || (refVariance == null)) {
                System.out.println("Skipping: problematic mpeg7 description!!! - " + mp7.getLabel() + ")");
                skipThis = true;

            //************************   H E U R I S T I C S   ****************************

            if (usingPruningHeuristic) {
                if (!goodKeys.contains(currentMD5))
                    skipThis = true;

            if (usingKeywordHeuristic) {
                keywords = currentReference.getKeywords();
                currentKeyword = "";

                if (QueryKeywords.size() == 0) {
                    //System.out.println("Query keywords list is empty");
                    goodCandidate = true;

                if (keywords.size() == 0) {
                    //System.out.println("Reference keywords list is empty");
                    goodCandidate = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < keywords.size(); i++) {
                    currentKeyword = (String) keywords.get(i);
                    if (QueryKeywords.contains(currentKeyword)) {
                        goodCandidate = true;
                        //System.out.println("QueryKeywords.contains: " + currentKeyword);
                if (!goodCandidate)
                    skipThis = true;

            if (usingMetaphoneHeuristic) {
                metaphones = currentReference.getMetaphones();
                currentMetaphone = "";

                if (QueryMetaphones.size() == 0) {
                    //System.out.println("Query metaphones list is empty");
                    goodCandidate = true;

                if (metaphones.size() == 0) {
                    //System.out.println("Reference metaphones list is empty");
                    goodCandidate = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < metaphones.size(); i++) {
                    currentMetaphone = (String) metaphones.get(i);
                    if (QueryMetaphones.contains(currentMetaphone)) {
                        goodCandidate = true;
                        //System.out.println("QueryMetaphones.contains: " + currentMetaphone);
                if (!goodCandidate)
                    skipThis = true;

            //********************   D I S T A N C E    S E A R C H   *********************
            if (!skipThis) {

                // instantiate and initialize reference data
                refMeanMatrix = refMean.__rawVectors;
                refVarianceMatrix = refVariance.__rawVectors;
                RefNumOfVectors = refMeanMatrix.length; // number of vectors-seconds

                RefVectorDim = vectorSize; // number of subbands

                // Copy the reference data from the 2-d matrix of floats to a 1-d array of doubles & get the distance from query to reference
                //RefMean = new double[RefNumOfVectors * RefVectorDim];
                //RefVar = new double[RefNumOfVectors * RefVectorDim];
                //RefMean = Toolset.copyFloatMatrixToDoubleArray(refMeanMatrix, vectorSize);
                //RefVar = Toolset.copyFloatMatrixToDoubleArray(refVarianceMatrix, vectorSize);
                //distance = Toolset.getWeightedEuclidianDistance(RefMean, RefVar, RefNumOfVectors, QueryMean, QueryVar, QueryNumOfVectors, QueryVectorDim);

                currentSignatureDistance = Toolset.getEuclidianDistance(refMeanMatrix, refVarianceMatrix,
                        queryMeanMatrix, queryVarianceMatrix, QueryVectorDim, false);
                double theoreticalMaximum = (RefVectorDim * Math.sqrt(1)) * queryMeanMatrix.length;
                normalizedSignatureDistance = currentSignatureDistance / theoreticalMaximum; //eg (16 * sqrootof(1) ) * 10 --to scale at 0-1
                signatureRankingList.RankThis(new Result(normalizedSignatureDistance, currentMD5));

                float labelRankingPosition;
                float labelRankingListSize;
                float rankingHint;

                if (usingPruningHeuristic) //ie using the ranking list produced during pruning
                    currentLabelDistance = labelRankingList.getResultDistance(currentMD5); //0-1
                    labelRankingPosition = (float) labelRankingList.getRankingPositionOf(currentMD5);
                    labelRankingListSize = (float) labelRankingList.getSize();
                    rankingHint = labelRankingPosition / labelRankingListSize; //eg 13/115 = 0.113
                } else //no ranking list exists (no pruning took place to create it)
                    String refname = currentReference.getLabel();
                    refname = Toolset.removeTestCaseIdentifier(refname);
                    refWrapper = test.prepare(refname);
                    editDistance = 1 - (float) test.score(queryWrapper, refWrapper);
                    currentLabelDistance = editDistance;

                    rankingHint = 0;

                if (usingCombinedDistance) //using the linear metric combination
                    //finalDistance = (0.5 * currentLabelDistance) + (0.5 * normalizedSignatureDistance);
                    //finalDistance = lambda * currentLabelDistance + (1-lambda) * normalizedSignatureDistance;
                    //finalDistance = currentLabelDistance * normalizedSignatureDistance;
                    //finalDistance = currentLabelDistance + normalizedSignatureDistance;
                    finalDistance = currentLabelDistance + normalizedSignatureDistance + rankingHint;
                    theNewResult = new Result(finalDistance, currentMD5);
                } else //not using the linear metric combination, but only audio signature
                    finalDistance = normalizedSignatureDistance;
                    theNewResult = new Result(finalDistance, currentMD5);

                score = 100 - (100 * finalDistance);

                if (runningAtVerboseMode) {
                    //print every reference in loop
                    System.out.println("\tReference               : " + currentReference.getLabel());
                    System.out.println("\tLabel Distance          : " + currentLabelDistance);
                    System.out.println("\tSignature Distance      : " + currentSignatureDistance);
                    System.out.println("\tNorm Signature Distance : " + normalizedSignatureDistance);
                    System.out.println("\tFinal Distance          : " + finalDistance);
                    System.out.println("\tScore                   : " + score + " %\n");
            skipThis = false;
            totalReferenceSeconds += RefNumOfVectors;

        } //endfor every key in keyset

        // stop the monitors
        long stopTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long searchTime = stopTimeMillis - startTimeMillis;
        System.out.print("Search completed in : " + stopwatch);

        if (usingKeywordHeuristic)
            System.out.println(" (Using the keyword heuristic)");
        if (usingMetaphoneHeuristic)
            System.out.println(" (Using the metaphone heuristic)");
        if (!usingKeywordHeuristic && !usingMetaphoneHeuristic) {
            if (usingPruningHeuristic && !usingCombinedDistance)
                System.out.println(" (Using text-based pruning, and audio signature matching)");
            if (usingPruningHeuristic && usingCombinedDistance)
                System.out.println(" (Using text-based pruning, and combined metrics matching)");
            if (!usingPruningHeuristic && !usingCombinedDistance)
                System.out.println(" (Using exhaustive search, and audio signature matching)");
            if (!usingPruningHeuristic && usingCombinedDistance)
                System.out.println(" (Using exhaustive search, and combined metrics matching)");

        //System.out.println("Monitor: " + mon.toString());

        return finalDistanceRankingList;

     * Calls the identify() method to perform a search in the MusicURIDatabase and returns a 
     * PerformanceStatistic object that can be used to extract useful statistics about the system's performance
     * @param query the MusicURIQuery object to be compared agaist all MusicURIReference objects
     * @param usingPruningHeuristic the boolean flag to determine if the pruning heuristic should be used
     * @param usingCombinedDistance the boolean flag to determine if the distance metric should be a combined labelling + audio signature metric
     * @param maximumThreshold the maximum distance threshold above which a match is concidered unacceptable
     * @param finalResortIsCombinedDistance the boolean flag to determine if search should resort to a combined distancemetric in the final identification attempt
     * @return a PerformanceStatistic containing aggregated performance stats on speed and accuracy
    public PerformanceStatistic getIdentificationPerformance(MusicURIQuery query, boolean usingPruningHeuristic,
            boolean usingCombinedDistance, float maximumThreshold, boolean finalResortIsCombinedDistance)
            throws Exception {

        PerformanceStatistic tempStat = null;
        ResultRankingList finalDistanceRankingList = null;
        Result theBestResult = null;
        Result theSecondBestResult = null;
        Result theWorstResultYet = null;
        //      float maximumThreshold = 0.09f;
        //      boolean finalResortIsCombinedDistance = true;
        //      boolean usingPruningHeuristic = true;
        try {

            finalDistanceRankingList = identify(query, usingPruningHeuristic, usingCombinedDistance,
                    maximumThreshold, finalResortIsCombinedDistance);

            if (finalDistanceRankingList.getSize() >= 2) {

                theBestResult = finalDistanceRankingList.getResultAtIndex(0);
                theSecondBestResult = finalDistanceRankingList.getResultAtIndex(1);

            //String queryName = query.getLabel();
            String queryName = "";
            int queryIdentifier = Toolset.getTestCaseIdentifier(queryName);
            // Print ranking list results

            // if not a single result exists (which means that no comparison has been made,
            // which means that you probably have a text-matching enabled but no query tokens
            // match any of the reference tokens in any of the references) execution shouldn't 
            // go through the following block of code
            //if (theBestResult != null)
            if (theBestResult != null && theBestResult.distance <= maximumThreshold) //the system made some match

                //*************************   S T A T I S T I C S   ***************************

                double bestMatchDistance = theBestResult.distance;
                double secondBestMatchDistance = theSecondBestResult.distance;
                String bestMatchName = db.getMusicURIReference(theBestResult.md5).getLabel();

                int indexOfLastResult = finalDistanceRankingList.getSize() - 1; //index strarts at 0
                theWorstResultYet = finalDistanceRankingList.getResultAtIndex(indexOfLastResult);

                double worstMatchDistance = theWorstResultYet.distance;

                //System.out.println("\n\nQuery               : "   + query.getLabel());
                        "Matched with        : " + (db.getMusicURIReference(theBestResult.md5)).getLabel());
                System.out.println("Distance            : " + theBestResult.distance);
                        .println("Score               : " + (float) (100 - (100 * (theBestResult.distance))) + "%");

                        "Second best match   : " + (db.getMusicURIReference(theSecondBestResult.md5)).getLabel());
                System.out.println("Distance            : " + theSecondBestResult.distance);
                        "Score               : " + (float) (100 - (100 * (theSecondBestResult.distance))) + "%");

                int referenceIdentifier = Toolset.getTestCaseIdentifier(bestMatchName);
                int identificationValidity = 0;
                //1: TP correctly matched
                //2: FP falsely matched, the correct match is some other known song
                //3: TN correctly unmatched, the song is indeed unknown
                //4: FN falsely unmatched, the song is known

                // id < 9000 means the song is registered with the db
                if (queryIdentifier < 9000) {
                    if (queryIdentifier == referenceIdentifier)
                        identificationValidity = 1; //true positive
                    if (queryIdentifier != referenceIdentifier) {
                        identificationValidity = 2; //false positive
                        ArrayList hack = getResultByTestCaseIdentifier(finalDistanceRankingList, queryIdentifier);

                        if (hack != null) {
                            Integer actualPosition = (Integer) hack.get(0);
                            Result actualResult = (Result) hack.get(1);
                            int pos = actualPosition.intValue() + 1;
                            System.out.println("Actual match was    : "
                                    + db.getMusicURIReference(actualResult.md5).getLabel());
                            System.out.println("Actual distance was : " + actualResult.distance);
                            System.out.println("Found at position   : " + pos);
                            System.out.println("Score               : " + (100 - (100 * (actualResult.distance))));
                } else // id > 9000 means the song is not registered with the db
                    if (queryIdentifier != referenceIdentifier)
                        identificationValidity = 2; //false positive

                return new PerformanceStatistic(db.getDbSize(), numberOfComparisonsMade, totalReferenceSeconds,
                        pruningTime, searchTime, identificationValidity, bestMatchDistance, secondBestMatchDistance,
            } else //its null or yields larger distance than maximum allowed threshold --no results
                // if not a single result exists (no comparison has been made), or the distance of the 
                // closest match is unacceptably big, the text-based pruning might be responsible.
                // therefore recursivelly call identify() with pruning turned off

                if (usingPruningHeuristic) {
                    usingPruningHeuristic = false;

                    if (theBestResult == null)
                                "                    : No comparison has been made, now trying exhaustive search with pruning turned off");
                        System.out.println("                    : No match at a distance below " + maximumThreshold
                                + ". Now trying exhaustive search with pruning turned off");
                    if (finalResortIsCombinedDistance) {
                        return getIdentificationPerformance(query, usingPruningHeuristic, true, maximumThreshold,
                    } else
                        return getIdentificationPerformance(query, usingPruningHeuristic, false, maximumThreshold,
                } else //this is the end
                            "                    : Search completed without finding any match at an acceptable distance ("
                                    + maximumThreshold + ")");

                    double bestMatchDistance = theBestResult.distance;
                    double secondBestMatchDistance = theSecondBestResult.distance;
                    String bestMatchName = db.getMusicURIReference(theBestResult.md5).getLabel();
                    int indexOfLastResult = finalDistanceRankingList.getSize() - 1; //index strarts at 0
                    theWorstResultYet = finalDistanceRankingList.getResultAtIndex(indexOfLastResult);
                    double worstMatchDistance = theWorstResultYet.distance;

                    //System.out.println("\n\nQuery               : "   + query.getLabel());
                            "Matched with        : " + (db.getMusicURIReference(theBestResult.md5)).getLabel());
                    System.out.println("Distance            : " + theBestResult.distance);
                            "Score               : " + (float) (100 - (100 * (theBestResult.distance))) + "%");

                    System.out.println("Second best match   : "
                            + (db.getMusicURIReference(theSecondBestResult.md5)).getLabel());
                    System.out.println("Distance            : " + theSecondBestResult.distance);
                    System.out.println("Score               : "
                            + (float) (100 - (100 * (theSecondBestResult.distance))) + "%");

                    int referenceIdentifier = Toolset.getTestCaseIdentifier(bestMatchName);
                    int identificationValidity = 0;
                    //1: TP correctly matched
                    //2: FP falsely matched, the correct match is some other known song
                    //3: TN correctly unmatched, the song is indeed unknown
                    //4: FN falsely unmatched, the song is known

                    // id < 9000 means the song is registered with the db
                    if (queryIdentifier < 9000) {
                        if (queryIdentifier == referenceIdentifier)
                            identificationValidity = 1; //true positive
                        if (queryIdentifier != referenceIdentifier) {
                            identificationValidity = 2; //false positive
                            ArrayList hack = getResultByTestCaseIdentifier(finalDistanceRankingList,

                            if (hack != null) {
                                Integer actualPosition = (Integer) hack.get(0);
                                Result actualResult = (Result) hack.get(1);
                                int pos = actualPosition.intValue() + 1;
                                System.out.println("Actual match was    : "
                                        + db.getMusicURIReference(actualResult.md5).getLabel());
                                System.out.println("Actual distance was : " + actualResult.distance);
                                System.out.println("Found at position   : " + pos);
                                        "Score               : " + (100 - (100 * (actualResult.distance))));
                    } else // id > 9000 means the song is not registered with the db
                        if (queryIdentifier != referenceIdentifier)
                            identificationValidity = 2; //false positive

                    return new PerformanceStatistic(db.getDbSize(), numberOfComparisonsMade, totalReferenceSeconds,
                            pruningTime, searchTime, identificationValidity, bestMatchDistance,
                            secondBestMatchDistance, worstMatchDistance);


            } //end else
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return tempStat;

     * Performs a search in the MusicURIDatabase specified, and returns the MD5 key of the 
     * MusicURIReference object that most closely matches the given query data
     * @param queryMeanMatrix the 2-d array of floats containing the mean vectors of the query's AudioSignatureDS instantiation
     * @param queryVarianceMatrix the 2-d array of floats containing the variance vectors of the query's AudioSignatureDS instantiation
     * @param QueryVectorDim the number of dimensions that the mean and variance query vectors have
     * @param queryLabelling the informative label describing the auery audio file (currently it is the filename)
     * @param usingPruningHeuristic the boolean flag to determine if the pruning heuristic should be used
     * @param usingCombinedDistance the boolean flag to determine if the distance metric should be a combined labelling + audio signature metric
     * @param maximumThreshold the maximum distance threshold above which a match is concidered unacceptable
     * @param finalResortIsCombinedDistance the boolean flag to determine if search should resort to a combined distancemetric in the final identification attempt
     * @return a String containing the MD5 hash key of the closest matching MusicURIReference
    public String identifyFromWebInput(MusicURIDatabase database, float[][] queryMeanMatrix,
            float[][] queryVarianceMatrix, int QueryVectorDim, String queryLabelling, boolean usingPruningHeuristic,
            boolean usingCombinedDistance, float maximumThreshold, boolean finalResortIsCombinedDistance)
            throws Exception {
        double lambda = 0.5;
        boolean usingKeywordHeuristic = false;
        boolean usingMetaphoneHeuristic = false;
        boolean runningAtVerboseMode = false;

        db = database;
        //************   Q U E R Y   D A T A   P R E P A R A T I O N   ****************
        ArrayList QueryMetaphones = null;
        ArrayList QueryKeywords = null;

        //*********   R E F E R E N C E   D A T A   P R E P A R A T I O N   ***********

        // declare here, initialize inside the for loop
        int RefNumOfVectors = 0; // number of vectors, seconds
        int RefVectorDim = 0; // number of subbands, dimensions
        //      double[] RefMean;
        //      double[] RefVar;
        // something big
        double finalDistance;// = 9999.999;
        // flag used to skip entering the for loop
        boolean skipThis = false;
        // flag used to determine if an update in the ranking list has been made
        boolean dirty = false;
        // a counter used for display purposes
        int counter = 1;
        // counters used for statistics
        int numberOfComparisonsMade = 0;
        int totalReferenceSeconds = 0;

        // gets the set of keys from the db hashmap
        Set allMusicURIReferenceKeys = db.getSetOfMusicURIReferences();

        // the ranking lists
        ResultRankingList labelRankingList = null;
        ResultRankingList signatureRankingList = null;
        ArrayList goodKeys = null;

        double currentLabelDistance = 0.0;
        double currentSignatureDistance = 0.0;
        double normalizedSignatureDistance = 0.0;
        double normalizedLabelDistance = 0.0;
        double score = 0.0;

        int numOfClosestMatchesInArray = 0;
        Result theBestResult = null;
        Result theSecondBestResult = null;
        Result theWorstResultYet = null;
        Result theNewResult = null;
        Mp7ACT mp7;
        boolean goodCandidate = false;
        ArrayList keywords;
        String currentMD5;
        MusicURIReference currentReference;
        String currentKeyword;
        ArrayList metaphones;
        String currentMetaphone;
        AudioLLDmeta refMean;
        AudioLLDmeta refVariance;
        float[][] refMeanMatrix;
        float[][] refVarianceMatrix;
        Result tmpResult;
        ResultRankingList finalDistanceRankingList = null;
        JaroWinkler test = null;
        StringWrapper queryWrapper = null;
        StringWrapper refWrapper = null;
        float editDistance;

        long pruningStartTime;
        long pruningStopTime;
        long pruningTime = 0;

        if (usingPruningHeuristic) {
            pruningStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            labelRankingList = pruneDatabase(allMusicURIReferenceKeys, queryLabelling);
            goodKeys = labelRankingList.getRankListMd5Keys();
            System.out.println("Pruning completed in: " + stopwatch);
            pruningStopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            pruningTime = pruningStopTime - pruningStartTime;

            finalDistanceRankingList = new ResultRankingList(labelRankingList.getSize());
            signatureRankingList = new ResultRankingList(labelRankingList.getSize());
        } else {
            test = new JaroWinkler();
            queryLabelling = Toolset.removeTestCaseIdentifier(queryLabelling);
            queryWrapper = test.prepare(queryLabelling);
            editDistance = 777.777f;

            finalDistanceRankingList = new ResultRankingList(db.getDbSize());
            signatureRankingList = new ResultRankingList(db.getDbSize());

        // start the monitors
        long startTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

        // beam me up scotty
        for (Iterator iter = allMusicURIReferenceKeys.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            // get the next md5 key
            currentMD5 = (String);

            // retrieve the MusicURIReference object corresponding to this key
            currentReference = db.getMusicURIReference(currentMD5);

            // retrieve the mp7act encapsulated in the MusicURIReference object
            mp7 = currentReference.getAudioCompactType();

            // if it's null it shouldn't be
            if (mp7 == null)
                System.out.println("Problem: No mpeg7 exists for given uri");

            // read the required data from the ACT
            refMean = mp7.featureByName(Mp7ACT.FLATNESS, Mp7ACT.MEAN);
            refVariance = mp7.featureByName(Mp7ACT.FLATNESS, Mp7ACT.VARIANCE);

            // if any of these are null there was some problem when extracting them, so skip them
            if ((refMean == null) || (refVariance == null)) {
                System.out.println("Skipping: problematic mpeg7 description!!! - " + mp7.getLabel() + ")");
                skipThis = true;

            //************************   H E U R I S T I C S   ****************************

            if (usingPruningHeuristic) {
                if (!goodKeys.contains(currentMD5))
                    skipThis = true;

            if (usingKeywordHeuristic) {
                keywords = currentReference.getKeywords();
                currentKeyword = "";

                if (QueryKeywords.size() == 0) {
                    //System.out.println("Query keywords list is empty");
                    goodCandidate = true;

                if (keywords.size() == 0) {
                    //System.out.println("Reference keywords list is empty");
                    goodCandidate = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < keywords.size(); i++) {
                    currentKeyword = (String) keywords.get(i);
                    if (QueryKeywords.contains(currentKeyword)) {
                        goodCandidate = true;
                        //System.out.println("QueryKeywords.contains: " + currentKeyword);
                if (!goodCandidate)
                    skipThis = true;

            if (usingMetaphoneHeuristic) {
                metaphones = currentReference.getMetaphones();
                currentMetaphone = "";

                if (QueryMetaphones.size() == 0) {
                    //System.out.println("Query metaphones list is empty");
                    goodCandidate = true;

                if (metaphones.size() == 0) {
                    //System.out.println("Reference metaphones list is empty");
                    goodCandidate = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < metaphones.size(); i++) {
                    currentMetaphone = (String) metaphones.get(i);
                    if (QueryMetaphones.contains(currentMetaphone)) {
                        goodCandidate = true;
                        //System.out.println("QueryMetaphones.contains: " + currentMetaphone);
                if (!goodCandidate)
                    skipThis = true;

            //********************   D I S T A N C E    S E A R C H   *********************
            if (!skipThis) {

                // instantiate and initialize reference data
                refMeanMatrix = refMean.__rawVectors;
                refVarianceMatrix = refVariance.__rawVectors;
                RefNumOfVectors = refMeanMatrix.length; // number of vectors-seconds

                // TODO: assuming number of subbands in query is equal to reference
                RefVectorDim = QueryVectorDim; // number of subbands

                // Copy the reference data from the 2-d matrix of floats to a 1-d array of doubles & get the distance from query to reference
                //RefMean = new double[RefNumOfVectors * RefVectorDim];
                //RefVar = new double[RefNumOfVectors * RefVectorDim];
                //RefMean = Toolset.copyFloatMatrixToDoubleArray(refMeanMatrix, vectorSize);
                //RefVar = Toolset.copyFloatMatrixToDoubleArray(refVarianceMatrix, vectorSize);
                //distance = Toolset.getWeightedEuclidianDistance(RefMean, RefVar, RefNumOfVectors, QueryMean, QueryVar, QueryNumOfVectors, QueryVectorDim);

                currentSignatureDistance = Toolset.getEuclidianDistance(refMeanMatrix, refVarianceMatrix,
                        queryMeanMatrix, queryVarianceMatrix, QueryVectorDim, false);
                double theoreticalMaximum = (RefVectorDim * Math.sqrt(1)) * queryMeanMatrix.length;
                normalizedSignatureDistance = currentSignatureDistance / theoreticalMaximum; //eg (16 * sqrootof(1) ) * 10 --to scale at 0-1
                signatureRankingList.RankThis(new Result(normalizedSignatureDistance, currentMD5));

                float labelRankingPosition;
                float labelRankingListSize;
                float rankingHint;

                if (usingPruningHeuristic) //ie using the ranking list produced during pruning
                    currentLabelDistance = labelRankingList.getResultDistance(currentMD5); //0-1
                    labelRankingPosition = (float) labelRankingList.getRankingPositionOf(currentMD5);
                    labelRankingListSize = (float) labelRankingList.getSize();
                    rankingHint = labelRankingPosition / labelRankingListSize; //eg 13/115 = 0.113
                } else //no ranking list exists (no pruning took place to create it)
                    String refname = currentReference.getLabel();
                    refname = Toolset.removeTestCaseIdentifier(refname);
                    refWrapper = test.prepare(refname);
                    editDistance = 1 - (float) test.score(queryWrapper, refWrapper);
                    currentLabelDistance = editDistance;

                    rankingHint = 0;

                if (usingCombinedDistance) //using the linear metric combination
                    //finalDistance = (0.5 * currentLabelDistance) + (0.5 * normalizedSignatureDistance);
                    //finalDistance = lambda * currentLabelDistance + (1-lambda) * normalizedSignatureDistance;
                    //finalDistance = currentLabelDistance * normalizedSignatureDistance;
                    //finalDistance = currentLabelDistance + normalizedSignatureDistance;
                    finalDistance = currentLabelDistance + normalizedSignatureDistance + rankingHint;
                    theNewResult = new Result(finalDistance, currentMD5);
                } else //not using the linear metric combination, but only audio signature
                    finalDistance = normalizedSignatureDistance;
                    theNewResult = new Result(finalDistance, currentMD5);

                score = 100 - (100 * finalDistance);

                if (runningAtVerboseMode) {
                    //print every reference in loop
                    System.out.println("\tReference               : " + currentReference.getLabel());
                    System.out.println("\tLabel Distance          : " + currentLabelDistance);
                    System.out.println("\tSignature Distance      : " + currentSignatureDistance);
                    System.out.println("\tNorm Signature Distance : " + normalizedSignatureDistance);
                    System.out.println("\tFinal Distance          : " + finalDistance);
                    System.out.println("\tScore                   : " + score + " %\n");
            skipThis = false;
            totalReferenceSeconds += RefNumOfVectors;

        } //endfor every key in keyset

        // stop the monitors
        long stopTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long searchTime = stopTimeMillis - startTimeMillis;
        System.out.print("Search completed in : " + stopwatch);

        if (usingKeywordHeuristic)
            System.out.println(" (Using the keyword heuristic)");
        if (usingMetaphoneHeuristic)
            System.out.println(" (Using the metaphone heuristic)");
        if (!usingKeywordHeuristic && !usingMetaphoneHeuristic) {
            if (usingPruningHeuristic && !usingCombinedDistance)
                System.out.println(" (Using text-based pruning, and audio signature matching)");
            if (usingPruningHeuristic && usingCombinedDistance)
                System.out.println(" (Using text-based pruning, and combined metrics matching)");
            if (!usingPruningHeuristic && !usingCombinedDistance)
                System.out.println(" (Using exhaustive search, and audio signature matching)");
            if (!usingPruningHeuristic && usingCombinedDistance)
                System.out.println(" (Using exhaustive search, and combined metrics matching)");

        //System.out.println("Monitor: " + mon.toString());

        if (finalDistanceRankingList.getSize() >= 2) {
            theBestResult = finalDistanceRankingList.getResultAtIndex(0);
            theSecondBestResult = finalDistanceRankingList.getResultAtIndex(1);

        return theBestResult.md5;

     * Returns an ArrayList containing two objects: the value of the distance attribute in the Result object 
     * created for the MusicURIReference that matches the given TestCaseIdentifier, and its position in the ranking list
     * @param results the ResultRankingList object containing Result objects ranked according to distance
     * @param queryIdentifier the integer identifier used to denote the specific test case
     * @return an ArrayList containing the ranking position and distance of the desired MusicURIReference
    public ArrayList getResultByTestCaseIdentifier(ResultRankingList results, int queryIdentifier) {
        ArrayList returnList = null;

        Result tmpResult;
        String tmpLabel;
        int tmpIdentifier;

        for (int i = 0; i < results.getSize(); i++) {
            tmpResult = ((Result) results.rankList[i]);
            tmpLabel = db.getMusicURIReference(tmpResult.md5).getLabel();
            tmpIdentifier = Toolset.getTestCaseIdentifier(tmpLabel);

            if (tmpIdentifier == queryIdentifier) {
                Integer position = new Integer(i);
                returnList = new ArrayList(2);
                return returnList;

        return returnList;

     * Prunes the database keeping only the 10% of all MusicURIReference objects in it. 
     * The criterion for keeping or rejecting a MusicURIReference object is the distance its 
     * labelling yields when compared to the query labelling. Using an approximate string matching 
     * technique, the best MusicURiReference objects are chosen and returned.
     * @param allMusicURIReferenceKeys a set view of the keys contained in the MusicURIDatabase table (HashMap)
     * @param queryLabelling a String containing an informative label for the MusicURIQuery (currently it is the filename)
     * @return a ResultRankingList containing the best MusicURIReference candidates, with respect to labelling distance
    public ResultRankingList pruneDatabase(Set allMusicURIReferenceKeys, String queryLabelling) {
        if (allMusicURIReferenceKeys == null)
            System.out.println("allMusicURIReferenceKeys null");
        if (queryLabelling == null)
            System.out.println("queryLabelling null");
        int numberOfGoodCandidates = allMusicURIReferenceKeys.size() / 10; //10%

        // the ranking list
        ResultRankingList rankingList = new ResultRankingList(numberOfGoodCandidates);
        Result theNewResult = null;

        /*Definition: A measure of similarity between two strings. 
         * The Jaro measure is the weighted sum of percentage of matched characters 
         * from each file and transposed characters. Winkler increased this measure 
         * for matching initial characters, then rescaled it by a piecewise function, 
         * whose intervals and weights depend on the type of string (first name, last 
         * name, street, etc.). (
         * */
        JaroWinkler test = new JaroWinkler();
        StringWrapper queryWrapper;
        StringWrapper refWrapper;

        queryLabelling = Toolset.removeTestCaseIdentifier(queryLabelling);
        queryWrapper = test.prepare(queryLabelling);

        float unit = 1.0f;
        float editDistance = 777.777f;

        String currentMD5;
        MusicURIReference currentReference;

        for (Iterator iter = allMusicURIReferenceKeys.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            currentMD5 = (String);
            currentReference = db.getMusicURIReference(currentMD5);
            if (currentReference == null)
            String refname = currentReference.getLabel();
            refname = Toolset.removeTestCaseIdentifier(refname);
            refWrapper = test.prepare(refname);

            editDistance = unit - (float) test.score(queryWrapper, refWrapper);
            theNewResult = new Result(editDistance, currentMD5);

        } //endfor every key in keyset

        return rankingList;

     * Returns the number of True Positive identifications that have taken place during a certain batch of tests. 
     * @param allStats an ArrayList containing PerformanceStatistic objects
     * @return the number of True Positive identifications
    public int getNumOfTruePositives(ArrayList allStats) {
        PerformanceStatistic tempStat;
        int truePositives = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < allStats.size(); i++) {
            tempStat = (PerformanceStatistic) allStats.get(i);
            if (tempStat.isTruePositive())
        return truePositives;

     * Returns the average separation (distance) between the best and second-best matches for a certain batch of tests. 
     * @param allStats an ArrayList containing PerformanceStatistic objects
     * @return average separation (distance) between the best and second-best matches
    public double getAvgSeparationOfBestFromSecondBestMatch(ArrayList allStats) {

        PerformanceStatistic tempStat;

        SummaryStatistics TPBestMatchSummary = SummaryStatistics.newInstance();
        SummaryStatistics TPSecondBestSummary = SummaryStatistics.newInstance();

        for (int i = 0; i < allStats.size(); i++) {
            tempStat = (PerformanceStatistic) allStats.get(i);

            if (tempStat.isTruePositive()) {

        double separation = TPSecondBestSummary.getMean() - TPBestMatchSummary.getMean();

        return separation;

     * Accumulates and prints performance statistics regarding speed and accuracy for a certain batch of tests. 
     * @param allStats an ArrayList containing PerformanceStatistic objects
    public void mergeStatistics(ArrayList allStats) {
        PerformanceStatistic tempStat;

        int truePositives = 0;
        int falsePositives = 0;
        int trueNegatives = 0;
        int falseNegatives = 0;

        SummaryStatistics TPBestMatchSummary = SummaryStatistics.newInstance();
        SummaryStatistics SecondBestSummary = SummaryStatistics.newInstance();
        SummaryStatistics WorstMatchSummary = SummaryStatistics.newInstance();

        SummaryStatistics FPBestMatchSummary = SummaryStatistics.newInstance();

        SummaryStatistics BothTP_FPBestMatchSummary = SummaryStatistics.newInstance();

        SummaryStatistics TNSummary = SummaryStatistics.newInstance();
        SummaryStatistics FNSummary = SummaryStatistics.newInstance();

        SummaryStatistics pruningSpeedSummary = SummaryStatistics.newInstance();
        SummaryStatistics matchingSpeedSummary = SummaryStatistics.newInstance();
        SummaryStatistics totalSpeedSummary = SummaryStatistics.newInstance();

        for (int i = 0; i < allStats.size(); i++) {
            tempStat = (PerformanceStatistic) allStats.get(i);

            if (tempStat.isTruePositive())
            if (tempStat.isFalsePositive())
            if (tempStat.isTrueNegative())
            if (tempStat.isFalseNegative())

            // accurate results only
            //if (tempStat.isTruePositive() || tempStat.isTrueNegative())

            totalSpeedSummary.addValue(tempStat.getPruningTime() + tempStat.getMatchingTime());

            if (tempStat.isTruePositive()) {

            if (tempStat.isFalsePositive()) {



        System.out.println("\nTrue Positives      : " + truePositives + "/" + allStats.size());
        System.out.println("False Positives     : " + falsePositives + "/" + allStats.size());
        System.out.println("True Negatives      : " + trueNegatives + "/" + allStats.size());
        System.out.println("False Negatives     : " + falseNegatives + "/" + allStats.size());

        System.out.println("\nTrue Positive Best Match Statistics");
        System.out.println("Distance Min        : " + TPBestMatchSummary.getMin());
        System.out.println("Distance Max        : " + TPBestMatchSummary.getMax());
        System.out.println("Distance Mean       : " + TPBestMatchSummary.getMean());
        System.out.println("Distance Variance   : " + TPBestMatchSummary.getVariance());
        System.out.println("Distance StdDev     : " + TPBestMatchSummary.getStandardDeviation());
        System.out.println("Score Mean          : " + (100 - (100 * (TPBestMatchSummary.getMean()))) + " %");

        System.out.println("\n2nd Match Statistics");
        System.out.println("Distance Min        : " + SecondBestSummary.getMin());
        System.out.println("Distance Max        : " + SecondBestSummary.getMax());
        System.out.println("Distance Mean       : " + SecondBestSummary.getMean());
        System.out.println("Score Mean          : " + (100 - (100 * (SecondBestSummary.getMean()))) + " %");

        System.out.println("\nNth Match Statistics");
        System.out.println("Distance Min        : " + WorstMatchSummary.getMin());
        System.out.println("Distance Max        : " + WorstMatchSummary.getMax());
        System.out.println("Distance Mean       : " + WorstMatchSummary.getMean());
        System.out.println("Score Mean          : " + (100 - (100 * (WorstMatchSummary.getMean()))) + " %");

        System.out.println("\nFalse Positive Best Match Statistics");
        System.out.println("Distance Min        : " + FPBestMatchSummary.getMin());
        System.out.println("Distance Max        : " + FPBestMatchSummary.getMax());
        System.out.println("Distance Mean       : " + FPBestMatchSummary.getMean());
        System.out.println("Distance Variance   : " + FPBestMatchSummary.getVariance());
        System.out.println("Distance StdDev     : " + FPBestMatchSummary.getStandardDeviation());
        System.out.println("Score Mean          : " + (100 - (100 * (FPBestMatchSummary.getMean()))) + " %");

        System.out.println("\nBest Match Statistics (Regardless being False or True Positive) ");
        System.out.println("Distance Min        : " + BothTP_FPBestMatchSummary.getMin());
        System.out.println("Distance Max        : " + BothTP_FPBestMatchSummary.getMax());
        System.out.println("Distance Mean       : " + BothTP_FPBestMatchSummary.getMean());
        System.out.println("Distance Variance   : " + BothTP_FPBestMatchSummary.getVariance());
        System.out.println("Distance StdDev     : " + BothTP_FPBestMatchSummary.getStandardDeviation());
        System.out.println("Score Mean          : " + (100 - (100 * (BothTP_FPBestMatchSummary.getMean()))) + " %");

        System.out.println("\n\nPruning Speed Statistics");
        System.out.println("Speed Min           : " + (pruningSpeedSummary.getMin() / 1000) + " sec");
        System.out.println("Speed Max           : " + (pruningSpeedSummary.getMax() / 1000) + " sec");
        System.out.println("Speed Mean          : " + (pruningSpeedSummary.getMean() / 1000) + " sec");

        System.out.println("\nMatching Speed Statistics");
        System.out.println("Speed Min           : " + (matchingSpeedSummary.getMin() / 1000) + " sec");
        System.out.println("Speed Max           : " + (matchingSpeedSummary.getMax() / 1000) + " sec");
        System.out.println("Speed Mean          : " + (matchingSpeedSummary.getMean() / 1000) + " sec");

        System.out.println("\nOverall Speed Statistics");
        System.out.println("Speed Min           : " + (totalSpeedSummary.getMin() / 1000) + " sec");
        System.out.println("Speed Max           : " + (totalSpeedSummary.getMax() / 1000) + " sec");
        System.out.println("Speed Mean          : " + (totalSpeedSummary.getMean() / 1000) + " sec");


     * Identifies the MusicURIReference that most closely matches the given audio file
     * @param args the audio file to identify
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        MusicURISearch engine = new MusicURISearch((Toolset.getCWD() + "db\\"), "MusicURIReferences.db");
        //      MusicURIDatabase db = new MusicURIDatabase ("C:/Eclipse/workspace/MusicURI/db/", "MusicURIReferences.db");
        //      MusicURISearch engine = new MusicURISearch (db);

        //MusicURISearch engine = new MusicURISearch ("D:/10References/", "MusicURIReferences.db");

        //*************************   F I L E   I N P U T   ***************************

        if ((args.length == 1) && (new File(args[0]).exists())) {

            // get the file's canonical path
            File givenHandle = new File(args[0]);

            boolean finalResortIsCombinedDistance = true;

            String queryAudioCanonicalPath = givenHandle.getCanonicalPath();
            System.out.println("Input: " + queryAudioCanonicalPath);

            PerformanceStatistic tempStat;

            if (givenHandle.isDirectory()) {
                File[] list = givenHandle.listFiles();
                if (list.length == 0) {
                    System.out.println("Directory is empty");
                } else {
                    ArrayList allStats = new ArrayList();
                    File currentFile;
                    int truePositives = 0;
                    int falsePositives = 0;
                    int trueNegatives = 0;
                    int falseNegatives = 0;

                    if (finalResortIsCombinedDistance)
                        System.out.println(" Final resort is combined distance");
                        System.out.println(" Final resort is audio signature distance");

                    for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                        currentFile = list[i];
                        try {
                            if (Toolset.isSupportedAudioFile(currentFile)) {
                                System.out.println("\nIdentifying         : " + currentFile.getName());
                                tempStat = engine.getIdentificationPerformance(new MusicURIQuery(givenHandle), true,
                                        true, 0.09f, finalResortIsCombinedDistance);
                                //identify (new MusicURIQuery(currentFile), true, true, 0.09f, finalResortIsCombinedDistance, 1);
                                if (tempStat != null)

                                if (tempStat.isTruePositive())
                                if (tempStat.isFalsePositive())
                                if (tempStat.isTrueNegative())
                                if (tempStat.isFalseNegative())

                                        "\nTrue Positives      : " + truePositives + "/" + allStats.size());
                                        .println("False Positives     : " + falsePositives + "/" + allStats.size());
                                        .println("True Negatives      : " + trueNegatives + "/" + allStats.size());
                                        .println("False Negatives     : " + falseNegatives + "/" + allStats.size());
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                    System.out.println("\n\nStatistics for Test Case: " + queryAudioCanonicalPath);
            } //end if givenHandle is Directory
            if (givenHandle.isFile()) {
                if (Toolset.isSupportedAudioFile(givenHandle)) {
                    //tempStat = engine.getIdentificationPerformance (new MusicURIQuery(givenHandle), true, true, 0.09f, finalResortIsCombinedDistance);
                    tempStat = engine.getIdentificationPerformance(new MusicURIQuery(givenHandle), false, false,
                            0.09f, false);
                    //identify (new MusicURIQuery(givenHandle), true, true, 0.09f, finalResortIsCombinedDistance, 1);

                    if (tempStat != null) {
                        System.out.println("\nIdentification completed");
                        ArrayList allStats = new ArrayList();
                    } else
                        System.out.println("Error in identification ");
        } //end if
        else {
            System.err.println("Usage: java it.univpm.deit.semedia.musicuri.core.MusicURISearch {unknown.mp3}");

    }//end main method

}//end class