Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2015 Artificial Intelligence
 * Laboratory @ University of Udine.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
package it.uniud.ailab.dcore.annotation.annotators;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;
import it.uniud.ailab.dcore.persistence.DocumentComponent;
import it.uniud.ailab.dcore.Blackboard;
import it.uniud.ailab.dcore.annotation.annotations.FeatureAnnotation;
import it.uniud.ailab.dcore.persistence.Keyphrase;
import it.uniud.ailab.dcore.persistence.Sentence;
import it.uniud.ailab.dcore.persistence.Token;
import it.uniud.ailab.dcore.utils.FileSystem;
import java.util.Map;

 * The default n-gram generator algorithm. This class generates relevant n-grams
 * checking, for every group of words, if their POS pattern can be found in a
 * database of pre-made sequences. For example, "Software Engineering" should be
 * tagged with "Noun Noun", so if the POS pattern "Noun Noun" is in the database
 * the n-gram "Software Engineering" will be selected.
 * The database is a simple JSON file which is embedded with the project but, if
 * the user wants, is possible to let the algorithm use a custom database by
 * specifying it in the constructor. This may be useful to test other POS
 * patterns or to add support for new languages.
 * Contextual to the generation, the algorithm assigns the first feature to the
 * n-gram, which is the "Noun Value", which is proportional to the number of
 * nouns in the gram.
 * @author Dario De Nart
 * @author Marco Basaldella
public class SimpleNGramGeneratorAnnotator implements GenericNGramGeneratorAnnotator {

    // <editor-fold desc="private fields">
     * The languages that the n-gram generator will process and their POS
     * pattern database paths.
    private Map<Locale, String> posDatabasePaths;

     * The POS patterns found.
    private HashMap<String, Integer> validPOSPatterns;

     * The maximum size of n-grams to detect.
    private int maxGramSize;

     * The default maximum size of n-grams.
    private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_NGRAM_SIZE = 3;

    // </editor-fold>
    // <editor-fold desc="constructor">
     * Initializes the nGram generator.
    public SimpleNGramGeneratorAnnotator() {

        validPOSPatterns = new HashMap<>();
        posDatabasePaths = new HashMap<>();
        maxGramSize = DEFAULT_MAX_NGRAM_SIZE;

    // </editor-fold>

     * Sets the database paths of the POS patterns.
     * @param posDatabasePaths the database paths
    public void setPosDatabasePaths(Map<Locale, String> posDatabasePaths) {
        this.posDatabasePaths = posDatabasePaths;

     * Adds to the database paths of the POS patterns a file path for a
     * specified language..
     * @param locale the language of the new path
     * @param path the path of the POS pattern file for the language
    public void addPosDatabasePaths(Locale locale, String path) {
        posDatabasePaths.put(locale, path);

     * Sets the maximum size of an n-gram. If the size is not specified, the
     * maximum n-gram size is initialized to DEFAULT_MAX_NGRAM_SIZE.
     * @param maxNgramSize the maximum size of an n-gram
    public void setMaxGramSize(int maxNgramSize) {
        this.maxGramSize = maxNgramSize;

    // <editor-fold desc="worker methods">
     * Generates the n-grams of a
     * {@link it.uniud.ailab.dcore.persistence.DocumentComponent} by using the
     * POS patterns and other annotations produced by the Annotators. A NGram
     * generator should offer support for a set of languages, so the Engine can
     * decide what generator should use if there are more than one.
     * @param component the component to analyze.
    public void annotate(Blackboard blackboard, DocumentComponent component) {

        // load the database, then
        // TODO: handle exceptions better
        try {
        } catch (IOException | ParseException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(SimpleNGramGeneratorAnnotator.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

        // do the actual nGram generation.
        spotNGrams(blackboard, component);


     * Performs the actual work, by checking in a document if there are valid
     * nGram sequences that can be used as keyphrase.
     * @param component the DocumentComponent to analyze.
    private void spotNGrams(Blackboard blackboard, DocumentComponent component) {

        // are we a sentence? if yes, spot the nGrams
        if (component.hasComponents()) {
            List<DocumentComponent> children = component.getComponents();

            // if not and we're a section, traverse the document tree recursively
            for (DocumentComponent child : children) {
                spotNGrams(blackboard, child);

        } else {

            String sentenceText = component.getText();
            Sentence sent = (Sentence) component;
            List<Token> allWords = sent.getTokens();

            // build the token start and end substring indexes in the input string
            int startIndexes[] = new int[allWords.size()];
            int endIndexes[] = new int[allWords.size()];

            // track how much text we've already scanned
            int searchWordFrom = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < allWords.size(); i++) {
                startIndexes[i] = sentenceText.indexOf(allWords.get(i).getText(), searchWordFrom);
                endIndexes[i] = startIndexes[i] + allWords.get(i).getText().length();

                searchWordFrom = endIndexes[i];

            // we keep n buffers of the last n words scanned 
            // (where n = maxngramsize ). The first buffer is of size 1, 
            // the second of size 2, ... and so on.
            // then, we compare these buffers with the valid known PoS patterns
            // and save the ngram if it matches.
            ArrayList<Token>[] lastReadBuffers = new ArrayList[maxGramSize];
            for (int size = 0; size < maxGramSize; size++) {
                lastReadBuffers[size] = new ArrayList<>();

            for (int i = 0; i < allWords.size(); i++) {
                Token word = allWords.get(i);
                for (int size = 0; size < maxGramSize; size++) {
                    // if the buffer is not full, fill it
                    if (lastReadBuffers[size].size() < size + 1) {
                    } else {
                        // else, cut the head and put the new word at the tail
                    if (i >= size) {
                        // if the pattern is in the database AND contains a noun, then
                        // it's a nGram that could be a keyphrase.  
                        int nounValue = checkGramNounValue(lastReadBuffers[size]);
                        if (nounValue > 0) {

                            // the identifier is the stem of the words
                            String identifier = lastReadBuffers[size].get(0).getStem();
                            for (int k = 1; k < lastReadBuffers[size].size(); k++) {
                                identifier = identifier + " " + lastReadBuffers[size].get(k).getStem();

                            identifier = identifier.toLowerCase();
                            int startIndex = startIndexes[i - (lastReadBuffers[size].size() - 1)];
                            int endIndex = endIndexes[i];

                            Keyphrase g = new Keyphrase(identifier, lastReadBuffers[size],
                                    sentenceText.substring(startIndex, endIndex));

                            g.putFeature(new FeatureAnnotation(NOUNVALUE,
                                    ((float) nounValue) / (float) g.getTokens().size()));
                            blackboard.addGram(component, g);
                } // for
            } // for
        } // if 

    // </editor-fold>
    // <editor-fold desc="support methods">
     * Checks if a list of POS-tagged tokens contains a n-gram that could be a
     * valid keyphrase and returns their noun value.
     * @param candidate the list of tokens candidate to be a keyphrase
     * @return the noun value of the n-gram if it's in the database, -1 else.
    private int checkGramNounValue(List<Token> candidate) {
        // building the tagged String by merging the positions of the array
        String taggedString = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < candidate.size(); i++) {
            taggedString += candidate.get(i).getPoS();
            if (i < candidate.size() - 1) {
                taggedString += "/";

        // check if the pattern is contained in the database
        Integer nounValue;
        if (validPOSPatterns.containsKey(taggedString)) {
            nounValue = validPOSPatterns.get(taggedString);
        } else {
            nounValue = -1;

        return nounValue;

     * Loads the nGram database according to the path and language specified in
     * the constructor.
     * @param lang the language to search in the database
     * @throws IOException if the database file is nonexistent or non accessible
     * @throws ParseException if the database file is malformed
     * @throws NullPointerException if the language requested is not in the
     * database
    private void loadDatabase(Locale lang) throws IOException, ParseException {
        // Get the POS pattern file and parse it.

        InputStreamReader is = FileSystem.getInputStreamReaderFromPath(posDatabasePaths.get(lang));

        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(is);
        Object obj = (new JSONParser()).parse(reader);
        JSONObject fileblock = (JSONObject) obj;
        JSONArray pagesBlock = (JSONArray) fileblock.get("languages");

        // Find the required language in the specified file
        Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = pagesBlock.iterator();
        JSONObject languageBlock = null;
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            languageBlock = (;
            String currLanguage = (String) languageBlock.get("language");
            if (currLanguage.equals(lang.getLanguage())) {

        // If the language is not supported by the database, stop the execution.
        if (languageBlock == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException(
                    "Language " + lang.getLanguage() + " not found in file " + posDatabasePaths.get(lang));

        JSONArray patternBlock = (JSONArray) languageBlock.get("patterns");

        try {
            maxGramSize = Integer.parseInt(languageBlock.get("maxGramSize").toString());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // the field is badly formatted or non-existent: set to default
            maxGramSize = DEFAULT_MAX_NGRAM_SIZE;

        Iterator<JSONObject> patternIterator = patternBlock.iterator();

        // put the patterns in the hashmap
        while (patternIterator.hasNext()) {
            JSONObject pattern = (;
            String POSpattern = (String) pattern.get("pattern");
            Long nounCount = (Long) pattern.get("nounCount");
            validPOSPatterns.put(POSpattern, nounCount.intValue());
    // </editor-fold>