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 * Copyright 2014 Simone Filice and Giuseppe Castellucci and Danilo Croce and Roberto Basili
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package it.uniroma2.sag.kelp.learningalgorithm.classification.passiveaggressive;

import it.uniroma2.sag.kelp.kernel.Kernel;
import it.uniroma2.sag.kelp.learningalgorithm.LearningAlgorithm;
import it.uniroma2.sag.kelp.learningalgorithm.budgetedAlgorithm.BudgetedLearningAlgorithm;
import it.uniroma2.sag.kelp.predictionfunction.classifier.BinaryKernelMachineClassifier;
import it.uniroma2.sag.kelp.predictionfunction.classifier.BinaryMarginClassifierOutput;
import it.uniroma2.sag.kelp.predictionfunction.model.BinaryKernelMachineModel;
import it.uniroma2.sag.kelp.predictionfunction.model.SupportVector;

import java.util.List;

import org.ejml.alg.dense.mult.VectorVectorMult;
import org.ejml.ops.CommonOps;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeName;

 * Online Passive-Aggressive on a budget 
 * reference: Zhuang Wang and Slobodan Vucetic
 * Online Passive-Aggressive Algorithms on a Budget
 * @author      Simone Filice
public class BudgetedPassiveAggressiveClassification extends BudgetedLearningAlgorithm {

     * It is the updating policy applied when the budget is full.
     * @author Simone Filice
    public enum DeletingPolicy {

         * Budgeted Passive Aggressive Simple: when a new support vector must be added, one is removed and the weight
         * of the other support vectors is kept unchanged

         * Budgeted Passive Aggressive Nearest Neighbor: when a new support vector must be added, one is removed and the weight
         * of its nearest neighbor is adjusted

    private DeletingPolicy deletingPolicy = DeletingPolicy.BPA_S;
    private Kernel kernel;
    private BinaryKernelMachineClassifier classifier;
    private boolean fairness = false;
    private float cp = 1;
    private float cn = 1;

    private boolean areNnComputed = false;
    private int[] nearestNeighbors = null;//used only with BPA_1NN_DELETING_POLICY 
    private float[] nearestNeighborsSimilarity = null;//used only with BPA_1NN_DELETING_POLICY

     * The following DenseMatrix64F are used during the 1NN updating policy. 
     * They are pre-allocated in order to avoid waste of memory resouces
    private DenseMatrix64F krVector = new DenseMatrix64F(2, 1);//krVector = k_r
    private DenseMatrix64F beta = new DenseMatrix64F(2, 1);
    private DenseMatrix64F kMatrix = new DenseMatrix64F(2, 2);
    private DenseMatrix64F ktVector = new DenseMatrix64F(2, 1); //ktVector = k_t
    private DenseMatrix64F Kkr = new DenseMatrix64F(2, 1);//Kkr = K^1 * k_r  
    private DenseMatrix64F Kkt = new DenseMatrix64F(2, 1);//Kkt = K^1 * k_t

    public BudgetedPassiveAggressiveClassification() {
        this.classifier = new BinaryKernelMachineClassifier();
        this.classifier.setModel(new BinaryKernelMachineModel());

    public BudgetedPassiveAggressiveClassification(int budget, Kernel kernel, float cp, float cn,
            DeletingPolicy deletingPolicy, Label label) {

    public BudgetedPassiveAggressiveClassification(int budget, Kernel kernel, float c, boolean fairness,
            DeletingPolicy deletingPolicy, Label label) {

     * @return the fairness
    public boolean isFairness() {
        return fairness;

     * @param fairness the fairness to set
    public void setFairness(boolean fairness) {
        this.fairness = fairness;

     * @return the aggressiveness parameter for positive examples
    public float getCp() {
        return cp;

     * @param cp the aggressiveness parameter for positive examples
    public void setCp(float cp) {
        this.cp = cp;

     * @return the aggressiveness parameter for negative examples
    public float getCn() {
        return cn;

     * @param cn the aggressiveness parameter for negative examples
    public void setCn(float cn) { = cn;

     * @param c the aggressiveness parameter
    public void setC(float c) { = c;
        this.cp = c;

     * @return the deletingPolicy
    public DeletingPolicy getDeletingPolicy() {
        return deletingPolicy;

     * @param deletingPolicy the deletingPolicy to set
    public void setDeletingPolicy(DeletingPolicy deletingPolicy) {
        this.deletingPolicy = deletingPolicy;

    public LearningAlgorithm duplicate() {
        BudgetedPassiveAggressiveClassification copy = new BudgetedPassiveAggressiveClassification(budget, kernel,
                cp, cn, deletingPolicy, label);
        return copy;

    public void reset() {
        this.areNnComputed = false;

    public BinaryKernelMachineClassifier getPredictionFunction() {
        return this.classifier;

    public Kernel getKernel() {
        return kernel;

    public void setKernel(Kernel kernel) {
        this.kernel = kernel;

    protected BinaryMarginClassifierOutput predictAndLearnWithAvailableBudget(Example example) {
        BinaryMarginClassifierOutput prediction = this.classifier.predict(example);

        float lossValue = this.evaluateLoss(prediction.getScore(label), example);
        if (lossValue > 0) {
            float exampleAggressiveness =;
            if (example.isExampleOf(label)) {
                exampleAggressiveness = cp;
            float exampleSquaredNorm = this.classifier.getModel().getSquaredNorm(example);
            float weight = this.computeWeight(example, lossValue, exampleSquaredNorm, exampleAggressiveness);
            if (!example.isExampleOf(label)) {
                weight *= -1;
            this.getPredictionFunction().getModel().addExample(weight, example);

        return prediction;

    private float computeWeight(Example example, float lossValue, float exampleSquaredNorm, float aggressiveness) {
        float weight = lossValue / exampleSquaredNorm;
        if (weight > aggressiveness) {
            weight = aggressiveness;

        return weight;

    protected BinaryMarginClassifierOutput predictAndLearnWithFullBudget(Example example) {
        BinaryMarginClassifierOutput prediction = this.classifier.predict(example);

        float lossValue = evaluateLoss(prediction.getScore(label), example);

        if (lossValue > 0) {
            float exampleAggressiveness =;
            if (example.isExampleOf(label)) {
                exampleAggressiveness = cp;

            switch (this.deletingPolicy) {
            case BPA_S:
                this.bpaSDeletingPolicy(example, exampleAggressiveness, lossValue, prediction.getScore(label));

            case BPA_1NN:
                this.bpa1NnDeletingPolicy(example, exampleAggressiveness, lossValue, prediction.getScore(label));
        return prediction;

    private float evaluateLoss(float prediction, Example example) {
        float lossValue = 0;//it represents the distance from the correct semi-space
        if ((prediction > 0) != example.isExampleOf(label)) {
            lossValue = 1 + Math.abs(prediction);
        } else if (Math.abs(prediction) < 1) {
            lossValue = 1 - Math.abs(prediction);
        return lossValue;

    private void bpaSDeletingPolicy(Example example, float exampleAggressiveness, float loss, float prediction) {

        float exampleSquaredNorm = kernel.squaredNorm(example);
        float minimumObjectiveFuction = exampleAggressiveness * loss;
        float bestNewWeight = 0; //the weight associated to the new support vector when r* is removed 
        //      System.out.println("################################");
        //      System.out.println("prediction before update:" + prediction);
        //      System.out.println("NORM^2: " + this.getPredictionFunction().getModel().getSquaredNorm());
        //      System.out.println("Loss: " + loss);

        int rStarIndex = 0;
        SupportVector rStar = null;

        int svIndex = 0;
        for (SupportVector sv : classifier.getModel().getSupportVectors()) {

            float newWeight = sv.getWeight() * this.kernel.innerProduct(example, sv.getInstance())
                    / exampleSquaredNorm;
            float tau = loss / exampleSquaredNorm;
            if (tau > exampleAggressiveness) {
                tau = exampleAggressiveness;
            if (example.isExampleOf(label)) {
                newWeight += tau;
            } else {
                newWeight -= tau;

            float objectiveFunction = this.evaluateObjectiveFunctionInBpaS(example, newWeight, prediction, sv,
            //         System.out.println(svIndex + " objectiveFunction: " + objectiveFunction);
            if (objectiveFunction < minimumObjectiveFuction) {
                rStarIndex = svIndex;
                rStar = sv;
                bestNewWeight = newWeight;
                minimumObjectiveFuction = objectiveFunction;

        if (rStar != null) {

            //if it is convenient I substitute r* (the best SV to be removed) with the new example
            this.getPredictionFunction().getModel().substituteSupportVector(rStarIndex, example, bestNewWeight);
            //         System.out.println("MINIMUM OBJ: " + minimumObjectiveFuction);
            //         System.out.println("r* index: " + rStarIndex);
            //         System.out.println("NEW NORM^2: " + this.getPredictionFunction().getModel().getSquaredNorm());
            //         float pred = this.getPredictionFunction().predict(example).getScore(label);
            //         System.out.println("NEW PREDICTION: " + pred);
            //         System.out.println("LOSS: " + evaluateLoss(pred, example));

    private void bpa1NnDeletingPolicy(Example example, float exampleAggressiveness, float loss, float prediction) {

        float exampleSquaredNorm = kernel.squaredNorm(example);
        float minimumObjectiveFuction = exampleAggressiveness * loss;
        float bestNewWeight = 0; //the weight associated to the new support vector when r* is removed 
        int bestNnIndex = 0;
        float bestNnWeightVariation = 0;
        //      System.out.println("################################");
        //      System.out.println("prediction before update:" + prediction);
        //      System.out.println("NORM^2: " + this.getPredictionFunction().getModel().getSquaredNorm());
        //      System.out.println("Loss: " + loss);

        int rStarIndex = 0;
        SupportVector rStar = null;

        List<SupportVector> svs = this.getPredictionFunction().getModel().getSupportVectors();

        int svIndex = 0;
        for (SupportVector sv : svs) {

            int nn = this.getNearestNeighborIndex(svIndex);

            Example nearestSv = svs.get(nn).getInstance();

            float kNNrT = kernel.innerProduct(nearestSv, example);
            float kNNrNNr = kernel.squaredNorm(nearestSv);
            float ktt = exampleSquaredNorm;

            kMatrix.set(0, 0, kNNrNNr);
            kMatrix.set(0, 1, kNNrT);
            kMatrix.set(1, 0, kNNrT);
            kMatrix.set(1, 1, ktt);

            float krNNr = kernel.innerProduct(sv.getInstance(), nearestSv);
            float krt = kernel.innerProduct(sv.getInstance(), example);

            krVector.set(0, 0, krNNr);
            krVector.set(1, 0, krt);

            ktVector.set(0, 0, kNNrT);
            ktVector.set(1, 0, ktt);

            CommonOps.invert(kMatrix); //now kMatrix is equal to K^-1

            CommonOps.mult(kMatrix, krVector, Kkr);

            CommonOps.mult(kMatrix, ktVector, Kkt);

            float yt = -1;
            if (example.isExampleOf(label)) {
                yt = 1;
            //starting tau computation:
            float Kkrkt = (float) VectorVectorMult.innerProd(Kkr, ktVector); // Kkrkt= (K^-1 * k_r)T * k_t
            float Kktkt = (float) VectorVectorMult.innerProd(Kkt, ktVector); // Kktkt= (K^-1 * k_t)T * k_t

            float tau = (1 - yt * (prediction - sv.getWeight() * krt + sv.getWeight() * Kkrkt)) / (Kktkt);
            if (tau < 0) {
                tau = 0;
            } else if (tau > exampleAggressiveness) {
                tau = exampleAggressiveness;

            //starting beta computation:

            CommonOps.add(sv.getWeight(), Kkr, tau * yt, Kkt, beta);

            float nnWeightVariation = (float) beta.get(0, 0);

            float newWeight = (float) beta.get(1, 0);

            float objectiveFunction = this.evaluateObjectiveFunctionInBpa1nn(example, newWeight, prediction, sv,
                    nearestSv, nnWeightVariation, exampleAggressiveness);
            //         System.out.println(svIndex + " objectiveFunction: " + objectiveFunction);
            if (objectiveFunction < minimumObjectiveFuction) {
                rStarIndex = svIndex;
                rStar = sv;
                bestNewWeight = newWeight;
                minimumObjectiveFuction = objectiveFunction;
                bestNnWeightVariation = nnWeightVariation;
                bestNnIndex = nn;

        if (rStar != null) {

            //if it is convenient I substitute r* (the best SV to be removed) with the new example
            this.getPredictionFunction().getModel().substituteSupportVector(rStarIndex, example, bestNewWeight);
            svs.get(bestNnIndex).setWeight(bestNnWeightVariation + svs.get(bestNnIndex).getWeight());//NN Weight modification
            //         System.out.println("MINIMUM OBJ: " + minimumObjectiveFuction);
            //         System.out.println("r* index: " + rStarIndex);
            //         System.out.println("NEW NORM^2: " + this.getPredictionFunction().getModel().getSquaredNorm());
            //         float pred = this.getPredictionFunction().predict(example).getScore(label);
            //         System.out.println("NEW PREDICTION: " + pred);
            //         System.out.println("LOSS: " + evaluateLoss(pred, example));

    private float evaluateObjectiveFunctionInBpaS(Example newInstance, float newInstanceWeight, float prediction,
            SupportVector svToDelete, float exampleAggressiveness) {
        float normVariation = svToDelete.getWeight() * svToDelete.getWeight()
                * kernel.squaredNorm(svToDelete.getInstance());
        normVariation += newInstanceWeight * newInstanceWeight * kernel.squaredNorm(newInstance);
        normVariation -= 2 * svToDelete.getWeight() * newInstanceWeight
                * kernel.innerProduct(newInstance, svToDelete.getInstance());
        float newPrediction = prediction + newInstanceWeight * kernel.squaredNorm(newInstance)
                - svToDelete.getWeight() * kernel.innerProduct(newInstance, svToDelete.getInstance());
        float loss = evaluateLoss(newPrediction, newInstance);
        //float normVariation = evaluateNormVariation(weightVariation, weightVariationIndex, example, exampleWeight);
        return 0.5f * normVariation + exampleAggressiveness * loss;

    private float evaluateObjectiveFunctionInBpa1nn(Example newInstance, float newInstanceWeight, float prediction,
            SupportVector svToDelete, Example svToModify, float weightVariation, float exampleAggressiveness) {
        float normVariation = svToDelete.getWeight() * svToDelete.getWeight()
                * kernel.squaredNorm(svToDelete.getInstance());
        normVariation += newInstanceWeight * newInstanceWeight * kernel.squaredNorm(newInstance);
        normVariation += weightVariation * weightVariation * kernel.squaredNorm(svToModify);
        normVariation -= 2 * svToDelete.getWeight() * newInstanceWeight
                * kernel.innerProduct(newInstance, svToDelete.getInstance());
        normVariation -= 2 * svToDelete.getWeight() * weightVariation
                * kernel.innerProduct(svToDelete.getInstance(), svToModify);
        normVariation += 2 * newInstanceWeight * weightVariation * kernel.innerProduct(newInstance, svToModify);

        float newPrediction = prediction + newInstanceWeight * kernel.squaredNorm(newInstance)
                - svToDelete.getWeight() * kernel.innerProduct(newInstance, svToDelete.getInstance())
                + weightVariation * kernel.innerProduct(newInstance, svToModify);
        float loss = evaluateLoss(newPrediction, newInstance);
        //float normVariation = evaluateNormVariation(weightVariation, weightVariationIndex, example, exampleWeight);
        return 0.5f * normVariation + exampleAggressiveness * loss;

    public void learn(Dataset dataset) {
        if (this.fairness) {
            float positiveExample = dataset.getNumberOfPositiveExamples(label);
            float negativeExample = dataset.getNumberOfNegativeExamples(label);
            cp = cn * negativeExample / positiveExample;
        //System.out.println("cn: " + c + " cp: " + cp);

    public BinaryMarginClassifierOutput learn(Example example) {

        return (BinaryMarginClassifierOutput) super.learn(example);


    private void computeNearestNeighbors() {
        if (this.nearestNeighbors == null) {
            this.nearestNeighbors = new int[budget];
            this.nearestNeighborsSimilarity = new float[budget];
        int svIndex = 0;
        for (SupportVector sv : this.getPredictionFunction().getModel().getSupportVectors()) {
            int nn = -1;
            float maxSimilarity = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            int svIndex2 = 0;
            for (SupportVector sv2 : this.getPredictionFunction().getModel().getSupportVectors()) {
                if (sv != sv2) {
                    float currentSimilarity = kernel.innerProduct(sv.getInstance(), sv2.getInstance());
                    if (currentSimilarity > maxSimilarity) {
                        maxSimilarity = currentSimilarity;
                        nn = svIndex2;

            this.nearestNeighbors[svIndex] = nn;
            this.nearestNeighborsSimilarity[svIndex] = maxSimilarity;
        this.areNnComputed = true;


    private int getNearestNeighborIndex(int svIndex) {
        if (!this.areNnComputed) {
        return this.nearestNeighbors[svIndex];

    private void updateNearestNeighbors(int changedSvIndex) {

        List<SupportVector> svs = this.getPredictionFunction().getModel().getSupportVectors();

        Example newSv = svs.get(changedSvIndex).getInstance();
        float currentSimilarity;
        int changedSvNN = -1;
        float maxSimilarityChangedSv = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        for (int i = 0; i < this.budget; i++) {
            if (i == changedSvIndex) {

            Example currentExample = svs.get(i).getInstance();
            currentSimilarity = kernel.innerProduct(newSv, currentExample);
            if (currentSimilarity > maxSimilarityChangedSv) {
                maxSimilarityChangedSv = currentSimilarity;
                changedSvNN = i;
            if (this.nearestNeighbors[i] == changedSvIndex) {//the nearest neighbor of the current one has been removed
                int nn2 = -1;
                float maxSimilarity2 = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
                for (int j = 0; j < this.budget; j++) {
                    if (j == i) {
                    float currentSimilarity2 = kernel.innerProduct(svs.get(j).getInstance(), currentExample);
                    if (currentSimilarity2 > maxSimilarity2) {
                        maxSimilarity2 = currentSimilarity2;
                        nn2 = j;
                this.nearestNeighbors[i] = nn2;
                this.nearestNeighborsSimilarity[i] = maxSimilarity2;
            } else if (currentSimilarity > this.nearestNeighborsSimilarity[i]) {//checking whether the new Sv is closer to the old NN
                this.nearestNeighborsSimilarity[i] = currentSimilarity;
                this.nearestNeighbors[i] = changedSvIndex;


        this.nearestNeighbors[changedSvIndex] = changedSvNN;
        this.nearestNeighborsSimilarity[changedSvIndex] = maxSimilarityChangedSv;

