Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package it.unimi.dsi.sux4j.mph;

 * Sux4J: Succinct data structures for Java
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Sebastiano Vigna 
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 *  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
 *  Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 *  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 *  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *  for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, see <>.

import static it.unimi.dsi.bits.Fast.log2;
import static java.lang.Math.E;
import static java.lang.Math.log;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.BitVector;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.Fast;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.HuTuckerTransformationStrategy;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.TransformationStrategies;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.TransformationStrategy;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.AbstractLongBigList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongBigList;
import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString;
import it.unimi.dsi.logging.ProgressLogger;
import it.unimi.dsi.util.XorShift1024StarRandomGenerator;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Collection;

import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.martiansoftware.jsap.FlaggedOption;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAP;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPResult;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.Parameter;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.SimpleJSAP;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.Switch;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.UnflaggedOption;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.stringparsers.FileStringParser;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.stringparsers.ForNameStringParser;

/** A monotone minimal perfect hash implementation based on fixed-size bucketing that uses 
 * a {@linkplain ZFastTrieDistributor z-fast trie} as a distributor.
 * <p>See the {@linkplain it.unimi.dsi.sux4j.mph package overview} for a comparison with other implementations.
 * Similarly to a {@link GOV3Function}, an instance of this class may be <em>{@linkplain Builder#signed(int) signed}</em>.

public class ZFastTrieDistributorMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction<T> extends AbstractHashFunction<T>
        implements Serializable {
    public static final long serialVersionUID = 4L;
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory

    /** The number of elements. */
    private final long size;
    /** The logarithm of the bucket size. */
    private final int log2BucketSize;
    /** The transformation strategy. */
    private final TransformationStrategy<? super T> transform;
    /** A hollow trie distributor assigning keys to buckets. */
    private final ZFastTrieDistributor<BitVector> distributor;
    /** The offset of each element into his bucket. */
    private final GOV3Function<BitVector> offset;
    /** The seed returned by the {@link ChunkedHashStore}. */
    private long seed;
    /** The mask to compare signatures, or zero for no signatures. */
    protected final long signatureMask;
    /** The signatures. */
    protected final LongBigList signatures;

    /** A builder class for {@link ZFastTrieDistributorMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction}. */
    public static class Builder<T> {
        protected Iterable<? extends T> keys;
        protected TransformationStrategy<? super T> transform;
        protected long numKeys = -1;
        protected int signatureWidth;
        protected File tempDir;
        /** Whether {@link #build()} has already been called. */
        protected boolean built;

        /** Specifies the keys to hash.
         * @param keys the keys to hash.
         * @return this builder.
        public Builder<T> keys(final Iterable<? extends T> keys) {
            this.keys = keys;
            return this;

        /** Specifies the transformation strategy for the {@linkplain #keys(Iterable) keys to hash}.
         * @param transform a transformation strategy for the {@linkplain #keys(Iterable) keys to hash}.
         * @return this builder.
        public Builder<T> transform(final TransformationStrategy<? super T> transform) {
            this.transform = transform;
            return this;

        /** Specifies that the resulting {@link LcpMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction} should be signed using a given number of bits per key.
         * @param signatureWidth a signature width, or 0 for no signature.
         * @return this builder.
        public Builder<T> signed(final int signatureWidth) {
            this.signatureWidth = signatureWidth;
            return this;

        /** Specifies a temporary directory for the {@link ChunkedHashStore}.
         * @param tempDir a temporary directory for the {@link ChunkedHashStore}. files, or {@code null} for the standard temporary directory.
         * @return this builder.
        public Builder<T> tempDir(final File tempDir) {
            this.tempDir = tempDir;
            return this;

        /** Builds a monotone minimal perfect hash function based on a z-fast trie distributor.
         * @return a {@link ZFastTrieDistributorMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction} instance with the specified parameters.
         * @throws IllegalStateException if called more than once.
        public ZFastTrieDistributorMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction<T> build() throws IOException {
            if (built)
                throw new IllegalStateException("This builder has been already used");
            built = true;
            return new ZFastTrieDistributorMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction<T>(keys, transform, -1,
                    signatureWidth, tempDir);

    /** Creates a new monotone minimal perfect hash function based on a z-fast trie distributor using the given
     * keys, transformation strategy and bucket size. 
     * @param keys the keys among which the trie must be able to rank.
     * @param transform a transformation strategy that must turn the keys into a list of
     * distinct, prefix-free, lexicographically increasing (in iteration order) bit vectors.
     * @param log2BucketSize the logarithm of the bucket size, or -1 for the default value.
     * @param signatureWidth a signature width, or 0 for no signature.
     * @param tempDir a temporary directory for the store files, or {@code null} for the standard temporary directory.
    protected ZFastTrieDistributorMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction(final Iterable<? extends T> keys,
            final TransformationStrategy<? super T> transform, final int log2BucketSize, final int signatureWidth,
            final File tempDir) throws IOException {

        this.transform = transform;
        defRetValue = -1; // For the very few cases in which we can decide

        long maxLength = 0;
        long totalLength = 0;
        RandomGenerator r = new XorShift1024StarRandomGenerator();
        final ChunkedHashStore<BitVector> chunkedHashStore = new ChunkedHashStore<BitVector>(
                TransformationStrategies.identity(), tempDir);
        final Iterable<BitVector> bitVectors = TransformationStrategies.wrap(keys, transform);
        final ProgressLogger pl = new ProgressLogger(LOGGER);
        pl.displayLocalSpeed = true;
        pl.displayFreeMemory = true;
        pl.itemsName = "keys";
        pl.start("Scanning collection...");
        for (BitVector bv : bitVectors) {
            maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, bv.length());
            totalLength += bv.length();


        size = chunkedHashStore.size();

        if (size == 0) {
            this.log2BucketSize = -1;
            distributor = null;
            offset = null;
            signatureMask = 0;
            signatures = null;

        final long averageLength = (totalLength + size - 1) / size;

        final long forecastBucketSize = (long) Math.ceil(
                10.5 + 4.05 * log(averageLength) + 2.43 * log(log(size) + 1) + 2.43 * log(log(averageLength) + 1));
        this.log2BucketSize = log2BucketSize == -1 ? Fast.mostSignificantBit(forecastBucketSize) : log2BucketSize;

        LOGGER.debug("Average length: " + averageLength);
        LOGGER.debug("Max length: " + maxLength);
        LOGGER.debug("Bucket size: " + (1L << this.log2BucketSize));"Computing z-fast trie distributor...");
        distributor = new ZFastTrieDistributor<BitVector>(bitVectors, this.log2BucketSize,
                TransformationStrategies.identity(), chunkedHashStore);"Computing offsets...");
        offset = new GOV3Function.Builder<BitVector>().store(chunkedHashStore).values(new AbstractLongBigList() {
            final long bucketSizeMask = (1L << ZFastTrieDistributorMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction.this.log2BucketSize)
                    - 1;

            public long getLong(long index) {
                return index & bucketSizeMask;

            public long size64() {
                return size;
        }, this.log2BucketSize).indirect().build();

        seed = chunkedHashStore.seed();
        double logU = averageLength * log(2);"Forecast bit cost per element: " + 1.0 / forecastBucketSize
                * (-6 * log2(log(2)) + 5 * log2(logU) + 2 * log2(forecastBucketSize) + log2(log(logU) - log(log(2)))
                        + 6 * GOV3Function.C + 3 * log2(E) + 3 * log2(log(3.0 * size)) + 3
                        + GOV3Function.C * forecastBucketSize
                        + GOV3Function.C * forecastBucketSize * log2(forecastBucketSize)));"Actual bit cost per element: " + (double) numBits() / size);

        if (signatureWidth != 0) {
            signatureMask = -1L >>> Long.SIZE - signatureWidth;
            signatures = chunkedHashStore.signatures(signatureWidth, pl);
        } else {
            signatureMask = 0;
            signatures = null;



    public long getLong(final Object o) {
        if (size == 0)
            return defRetValue;
        final BitVector bv = transform.toBitVector((T) o).fast();
        final long state[] = Hashes.preprocessSpooky4(bv, seed);
        final long[] triple = new long[3];
        Hashes.spooky4(bv, bv.length(), seed, state, triple);

        final long bucket = distributor.getLongByBitVectorTripleAndState(bv, triple, state);
        final long result = (bucket << log2BucketSize) + offset.getLongByTriple(triple);
        if (signatureMask != 0)
            return result < 0 || result >= size || signatures.getLong(result) != (triple[0] & signatureMask)
                    ? defRetValue
                    : result;
        // Out-of-set strings can generate bizarre 3-hyperedges.
        return result < 0 || result >= size ? defRetValue : result;

    public long size64() {
        return size;

    public long numBits() {
        if (size == 0)
            return 0;
        return distributor.numBits() + offset.numBits() + transform.numBits();

    public static void main(final String[] arg) throws NoSuchMethodException, IOException, JSAPException {

        final SimpleJSAP jsap = new SimpleJSAP(
                "Builds a monotone minimal perfect hash using a probabilistic z-fast trie as a distributor reading a newline-separated list of strings.",
                new Parameter[] {
                        new FlaggedOption("encoding", ForNameStringParser.getParser(Charset.class), "UTF-8",
                                JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'e', "encoding", "The string file encoding."),
                        new FlaggedOption("tempDir", FileStringParser.getParser(), JSAP.NO_DEFAULT,
                                JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'T', "temp-dir", "A directory for temporary files."),
                        new Switch("huTucker", 'h', "hu-tucker", "Use Hu-Tucker coding to reduce string length."),
                        new Switch("iso", 'i', "iso",
                                "Use ISO-8859-1 coding internally (i.e., just use the lower eight bits of each character)."),
                        new Switch("utf32", JSAP.NO_SHORTFLAG, "utf-32",
                                "Use UTF-32 internally (handles surrogate pairs)."),
                        new FlaggedOption("signatureWidth", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED,
                                's', "signature-width",
                                "If specified, the signature width in bits; if negative, the generated function will be a dictionary."),
                        new Switch("zipped", 'z', "zipped", "The string list is compressed in gzip format."),
                        new FlaggedOption("log2bucket", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, "-1", JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'b',
                                "log2bucket", "The base 2 logarithm of the bucket size (mainly for testing)."),
                        new UnflaggedOption("function", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED,
                                "The filename for the serialised monotone minimal perfect hash function."),
                        new UnflaggedOption("stringFile", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, "-", JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED,
                                "The name of a file containing a newline-separated list of strings, or - for standard input; in the first case, strings will not be loaded into core memory."), });

        JSAPResult jsapResult = jsap.parse(arg);
        if (jsap.messagePrinted())

        final String functionName = jsapResult.getString("function");
        final String stringFile = jsapResult.getString("stringFile");
        final int log2BucketSize = jsapResult.getInt("log2bucket");
        final Charset encoding = (Charset) jsapResult.getObject("encoding");
        final File tempDir = jsapResult.getFile("tempDir");
        final boolean zipped = jsapResult.getBoolean("zipped");
        final boolean iso = jsapResult.getBoolean("iso");
        final boolean utf32 = jsapResult.getBoolean("utf32");
        final boolean huTucker = jsapResult.getBoolean("huTucker");
        final int signatureWidth = jsapResult.getInt("signatureWidth", 0);

        final Collection<MutableString> collection;
        if ("-".equals(stringFile)) {
            final ProgressLogger pl = new ProgressLogger(LOGGER);
            pl.displayLocalSpeed = true;
            pl.displayFreeMemory = true;
            pl.start("Loading strings...");
            collection = new LineIterator(
                    new FastBufferedReader(
                            new InputStreamReader(zipped ? new GZIPInputStream( :, encoding)),
        } else
            collection = new FileLinesCollection(stringFile, encoding.toString(), zipped);
        final TransformationStrategy<CharSequence> transformationStrategy = huTucker
                ? new HuTuckerTransformationStrategy(collection, true)
                : iso ? TransformationStrategies.prefixFreeIso()
                        : utf32 ? TransformationStrategies.prefixFreeUtf32()
                                : TransformationStrategies.prefixFreeUtf16();

        BinIO.storeObject(new ZFastTrieDistributorMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction<CharSequence>(collection,
                transformationStrategy, log2BucketSize, signatureWidth, tempDir), functionName);"Completed.");