Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014, Danilo Pianini and contributors * listed in the project's pom.xml file. * * This file is part of Alchemist, and is distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License, with a linking exception, as described * in the file LICENSE in the Alchemist distribution's top directory. */ package it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.monitors; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import javax.swing.JComponent; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import; import org.danilopianini.lang.RangedInteger; import org.danilopianini.view.ExportForGUI; import org.jfree.graphics2d.svg.SVGGraphics2D; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.gui.effects.DrawShape; import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.gui.effects.Effect; import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.interfaces.Graphical2DOutputMonitor; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.implementations.positions.Continuous2DEuclidean; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.implementations.times.DoubleTime; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.Environment; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.Position; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.Reaction; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.Time; /** * @param <T> */ @ExportInspector public class RecordingMonitor<T> extends EnvironmentInspector<T> { /** * The source reactivity. * */ protected enum ReactivityMode { /** * */ REALTIME, MAX } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger L = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RecordingMonitor.class); private final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss-SSS", Locale.getDefault()); private Graphical2DOutputMonitor<T> source; private JComponent sourceComponent; private final Semaphore mutex; private String fpCache; private String efCache; private final String defaultFilePath = System.getProperty("user.home") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + sdf.format(new Date()) + "-alchemist_screenshots"; private final String defaultEffectsFile = System.getProperty("user.home") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "???"; private transient PrintStream writer; private int screenCounter; private final List<Effect> defEffects = new ArrayList<Effect>(Collections.singletonList(new DrawShape())); private transient SVGGraphics2D svgGraphicator; private long lastStep = Long.MIN_VALUE; private double lastUpdate = Long.MIN_VALUE; private static final String DEFAULT_MONITOR_CLASS = Generic2DDisplay.class.getName(); private static final String DEFAULT_MONITOR_PACKAGE = "it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.monitors."; private static final int MIN_WIDTH = 800; private static final int DEF_WIDTH = 1000; private static final int MAX_WIDTH = 2000; private static final int MIN_HEIGHT = 800; private static final int DEF_HEIGHT = 1000; private static final int MAX_HEIGHT = 2000; private static final int MAX_ZOOM = 255; private static final int MINIMUM_INT = -100; private static final int MAXIMUM_INT = 100; @ExportForGUI(nameToExport = "Zoom rate (leave 0 for optimal)") private RangedInteger zoom = new RangedInteger(0, MAX_ZOOM, 0); @ExportForGUI(nameToExport = "Reactivity") private ReactivityMode reactMode = ReactivityMode.MAX; @ExportForGUI(nameToExport = "Width") private RangedInteger width = new RangedInteger(MIN_WIDTH, MAX_WIDTH, DEF_WIDTH); @ExportForGUI(nameToExport = "Height") private RangedInteger height = new RangedInteger(MIN_HEIGHT, MAX_HEIGHT, DEF_HEIGHT); @ExportForGUI(nameToExport = "Draw links") private boolean drawLinks; @ExportForGUI(nameToExport = "Effects file") private String effectsFile = defaultEffectsFile; @ExportForGUI(nameToExport = "POV dx (%)") private RangedInteger povX = new RangedInteger(MINIMUM_INT, MAXIMUM_INT, 0); @ExportForGUI(nameToExport = "POV dy (%)") private RangedInteger povY = new RangedInteger(MINIMUM_INT, MAXIMUM_INT, 0); /** * @return the current zoom. */ public RangedInteger getZoom() { return zoom; } /** * @param zoom the zoom to be set. */ public void setZoom(final RangedInteger zoom) { this.zoom = zoom; } /** * @return the current ReactivityMode. */ public ReactivityMode getReactMode() { return reactMode; } /** * @param reactMode the ReactivityMode to be set. */ public void setReactMode(final ReactivityMode reactMode) { this.reactMode = reactMode; } /** * @return the current width. */ public RangedInteger getWidth() { return width; } /** * @param width the width to be set. */ public void setWidth(final RangedInteger width) { this.width = width; } /** * @return the current heigth. */ public RangedInteger getHeight() { return height; } /** * @param height the heigth to be set. */ public void setHeight(final RangedInteger height) { this.height = height; } /** * @return povX */ public RangedInteger getPovX() { return povX; } /** * @param povX */ public void setPovX(final RangedInteger povX) { this.povX = povX; } /** * @return povX */ public RangedInteger getPovY() { return povY; } /** * @param povY */ public void setPovY(final RangedInteger povY) { this.povY = povY; } /** * RecordingMonitor<T> empty constructor. */ public RecordingMonitor() { super(); setFilePath(defaultFilePath); mutex = new Semaphore(1); } private void createMonitor(final Environment<T> env) { String monitorClassName = Optional.ofNullable(env.getPreferredMonitor()).orElse(DEFAULT_MONITOR_CLASS); if (!monitorClassName.contains(".")) { monitorClassName = DEFAULT_MONITOR_PACKAGE + monitorClassName; } try { final Class<?> monitorClass = Class.forName(monitorClassName); if (Component.class.isAssignableFrom(monitorClass)) { initSource(monitorClass); } else { initSource(Class.forName(DEFAULT_MONITOR_CLASS)); } } catch (final ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) { L.error("Cannot create monitor", e); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void initSource(final Class<?> monitorClass) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { source = (Graphical2DOutputMonitor<T>) monitorClass.getConstructor().newInstance(); sourceComponent = (JComponent) source; } @Override public void finished(final Environment<T> env, final Time time, final long step) { saveScreenshot(env, null, time, step); source.finished(env, time, step); } /** * @return current effects stack file. */ public String getEffectsFile() { return effectsFile; } @Override public void initialized(final Environment<T> env) { assert source == sourceComponent; // NOPMD createMonitor(env); sourceComponent.setVisible(true); sourceComponent.setEnabled(true); sourceComponent.setSize(width.getVal(), height.getVal()); source.setRealTime(reactMode.equals(ReactivityMode.REALTIME)); source.initialized(env); for (final MouseListener listener : sourceComponent.getMouseListeners()) { sourceComponent.removeMouseListener(listener); } // avoid nearest node circle source.setMarkCloserNode(false); saveScreenshot(env, null, new DoubleTime(), 0); } /** * Set the effects file path. * * @param ef * new file path */ public void setEffectsFile(final String ef) { effectsFile = ef; } @Override public void stepDone(final Environment<T> env, final Reaction<T> r, final Time time, final long step) { mutex.acquireUninterruptibly(); final double sample = getInterval().getVal() * FastMath.pow(10, getIntervalOrderOfMagnitude().getVal()); final boolean log = getMode().equals(Mode.TIME) ? time.toDouble() - lastUpdate >= sample : step - lastStep >= sample; if (log) { lastUpdate = time.toDouble(); lastStep = step; saveScreenshot(env, r, time, step); } mutex.release(); } /** * Save in a svg file a screenshot of the current source. * * @param env * unused * @param r * unused * @param time * the current time of the simulation that could be added to the * file name * @param step * the current step of the simulation that could be added to the * file name */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void saveScreenshot(final Environment<T> env, final Reaction<T> r, final Time time, final long step) { assert source == sourceComponent; // NOPMD if (source != null) { source.stepDone(env, r, time, step); if (System.identityHashCode(fpCache) != System.identityHashCode(getFilePath())) { fpCache = getFilePath(); } if (System.identityHashCode(efCache) != System.identityHashCode(getEffectsFile())) { efCache = getEffectsFile(); List<Effect> effects = null; try { effects = (List<Effect>) FileUtilities.fileToObject(getEffectsFile()); } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e1) { effects = defEffects; } finally { source.setEffectStack(effects); sourceComponent.revalidate(); } } final int zoomVal = zoom.getVal(); final double[] offset = env.getOffset(); final double[] size = env.getSize(); offset[0] += size[0] / 2; offset[1] += size[1] / 2; final Position center = new Continuous2DEuclidean(offset); source.zoomTo(center, zoomVal); sourceComponent.revalidate(); // source.getWormhole().setViewPosition(new Point(width.getVal() * povX.getVal() / 100, // (height.getVal() * povY.getVal() / 100) + height.getVal())); lastStep = step; lastUpdate = time.toDouble(); final String currentStep = isLoggingStep() ? getSeparator() + step : ""; final String currentTime = isLoggingTime() ? getSeparator() + time : ""; try { final boolean dir = new File(fpCache).mkdirs(); writer = new PrintStream(new File(fpCache + System.getProperty("file.separator") + screenCounter++ + currentStep + currentTime + ".svg"),; if (!dir) { L.error("Cannot create monitor"); } } catch (FileNotFoundException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) { L.error("Cannot create monitor", e); } svgGraphicator = new SVGGraphics2D(width.getVal(), height.getVal()); source.setDrawLinks(drawLinks); // final Method paintComponent = sourceComponent.getClass().getMethod("paintComponent", Graphics.class); // paintComponent.setAccessible(true); // paintComponent.invoke(sourceComponent, svgGraphicator); sourceComponent.paint(svgGraphicator); writer.print(svgGraphicator.getSVGDocument()); writer.close(); } } @Override protected double[] extractValues(final Environment<T> env, final Reaction<T> r, final Time time, final long step) { /** * Unused. */ return new double[0]; } }