Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Database Group - Universita' della Basilicata Giansalvatore Mecca - Salvatore Raunich - Alessandro Pappalardo - Gianvito Summa - This file is part of ++Spicy - a Schema Mapping and Data Exchange Tool ++Spicy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. ++Spicy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ++Spicy. If not, see <>. */ package it.unibas.spicy.persistence.xml.operators; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.INode; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.nodes.AttributeNode; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.nodes.LeafNode; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.nodes.MetadataNode; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.nodes.SequenceNode; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.nodes.SetNode; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.nodes.TupleNode; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.nodes.UnionNode; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.values.NullValueFactory; import it.unibas.spicy.model.mapping.IDataSourceProxy; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.values.IOIDGeneratorStrategy; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.values.IntegerOIDGenerator; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.values.OID; import it.unibas.spicy.persistence.DAOException; import it.unibas.spicy.persistence.Types; import it.unibas.spicy.persistence.xml.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jdom.Attribute; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; public class LoadXMLFile { protected static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(LoadXMLFile.class); private static IOIDGeneratorStrategy oidGenerator = new IntegerOIDGenerator(); private IDataSourceProxy dataSource; private boolean skipSetElement; private List<String> currentPathInDOM = new ArrayList<String>(); private Map<String, INode> nodeMap = new HashMap<String, INode>(); private INode instanceRoot; public INode loadInstance(IDataSourceProxy dataSource, String fileName) throws IllegalSchemaException, DAOException { return loadInstance(dataSource, false, fileName); } public INode loadInstance(IDataSourceProxy dataSource, boolean skipSetElement, String fileName) throws IllegalSchemaException, DAOException { this.dataSource = dataSource; this.skipSetElement = skipSetElement; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Data source schema: " + dataSource.getSchema()); DAOXmlUtility daoUtility = new DAOXmlUtility(); Document document = daoUtility.buildDOM(fileName); Element domRoot = document.getRootElement(); analyzeElement(domRoot, null); return instanceRoot; } private INode generateInstanceNode(INode schemaNode) { INode instanceNode = null; if (schemaNode instanceof SetNode) { instanceNode = new SetNode(schemaNode.getLabel(), getOID()); } else if (schemaNode instanceof UnionNode) { instanceNode = new UnionNode(schemaNode.getLabel(), getOID()); } else if (schemaNode instanceof SequenceNode) { instanceNode = new SequenceNode(schemaNode.getLabel(), getOID()); } else if (schemaNode instanceof TupleNode) { instanceNode = new TupleNode(schemaNode.getLabel(), getOID()); } else if (schemaNode instanceof MetadataNode) { instanceNode = new MetadataNode(schemaNode.getLabel(), getOID()); } else if (schemaNode instanceof AttributeNode) { instanceNode = new AttributeNode(schemaNode.getLabel(), getOID()); } instanceNode.setRoot(schemaNode.isRoot()); instanceNode.setVirtual(schemaNode.isVirtual()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Generated instance node: " + instanceNode.getLabel()); return instanceNode; } private void analyzeElement(Element element, INode fatherInInstance) throws DAOException { String elementLabel = element.getName(); if (skipSetElement && isSetElement(element)) { List listOfChildren = element.getChildren(); for (Iterator it = listOfChildren.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element child = (Element); analyzeElement(child, fatherInInstance); } return; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Visiting element: " + elementLabel + " - Current path in DOM: " + currentPathInDOM + " - Father in instance: " + fatherInInstance); currentPathInDOM.add(elementLabel); INode nodeInSchema = findNodeInSchema(currentPathInDOM); assert (nodeInSchema != null) : "Element must be present in schema: " + elementLabel; INode instanceNode = generateInstanceNodes(nodeInSchema, fatherInInstance); if (nodeInSchema instanceof AttributeNode) { assignValue(nodeInSchema, instanceNode, element); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Instance node: " + instanceNode.getLabel()); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Current instance: " + instanceRoot); List listOfChildren = element.getChildren(); List listOfAttributes = element.getAttributes(); for (Iterator it = listOfAttributes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Attribute attribute = (Attribute); analyzeAttribute(attribute, instanceNode); } for (Iterator it = listOfChildren.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element child = (Element); analyzeElement(child, instanceNode); } checkPCDATA(element, nodeInSchema, instanceNode); currentPathInDOM.remove(currentPathInDOM.size() - 1); } private boolean isSetElement(Element element) { if (element == null) { return false; } String elementLabel = element.getName(); if (!elementLabel.endsWith("Set")) { return false; } if (!element.getChildren().isEmpty()) { Element firstChild = (Element) element.getChildren().get(0); String firstChildLabel = firstChild.getName(); if (!elementLabel.equals(firstChildLabel + "Set")) { return false; } } return true; } private void analyzeAttribute(Attribute attribute, INode fatherInInstance) throws DAOException { String attributeLabel = attribute.getName(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Visiting attribute: " + attributeLabel + " - Current path in DOM: " + currentPathInDOM + " - Father in instance: " + fatherInInstance); currentPathInDOM.add(attributeLabel); INode nodeInSchema = findNodeInSchema(currentPathInDOM); if (nodeInSchema != null) { INode metadataNode = generateInstanceNode(nodeInSchema); assignMetadataValue(attribute, nodeInSchema, metadataNode); fatherInInstance.addChild(metadataNode); } currentPathInDOM.remove(currentPathInDOM.size() - 1); } private INode findNodeInSchema(List<String> pathSteps) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.debug("Searching schema node: " + pathSteps); //TODO: check efficiency of caching INode node = nodeMap.get(pathSteps.toString()); if (node == null) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.debug("Node not found in cache. Searching..."); FindNodeFromPathWithVirtualNodes nodeFinder = new FindNodeFromPathWithVirtualNodes(); node = nodeFinder.findNodeInSchema(dataSource.getIntermediateSchema(), pathSteps); } if (node != null) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.debug("Result: " + node.getLabel()); nodeMap.put(pathSteps.toString(), node); } return node; } private INode generateInstanceNodes(INode nodeInSchema, INode fatherInInstance) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Generating new nodes for node: " + nodeInSchema.getLabel()); List<String> pathSteps = generatePathStepsInSchema(nodeInSchema, fatherInInstance); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Path steps: " + pathSteps); if (fatherInInstance != null) { fatherInInstance = removeStepsForExistingNodes(nodeInSchema, fatherInInstance, pathSteps); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Path steps after removal: " + pathSteps); } List<INode> ancestorsInSchema = generateAncestors(nodeInSchema, pathSteps); INode currentFather = fatherInInstance; INode instanceNode = null; for (INode ancestorInSchema : ancestorsInSchema) { instanceNode = generateInstanceNode(ancestorInSchema); if (fatherInInstance == null) { this.instanceRoot = instanceNode; } else { currentFather.addChild(instanceNode); } currentFather = instanceNode; } return instanceNode; } private List<String> generatePathStepsInSchema(INode nodeInSchema, INode fatherInInstance) { List<String> pathSteps = new ArrayList<String>(); INode node = nodeInSchema; while (node != null && (fatherInInstance == null || !node.getLabel().equals(fatherInInstance.getLabel()))) { pathSteps.add(0, node.getLabel()); node = node.getFather(); } return pathSteps; } private INode removeStepsForExistingNodes(INode nodeInSchema, INode fatherInInstance, List<String> pathSteps) { INode father = fatherInInstance; for (Iterator<String> it = pathSteps.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String step =; if (step.equals(nodeInSchema.getLabel())) { break; } INode existingNode = findChild(father, step); if (existingNode == null) { break; } if (isVirtualTupleForSingleAttribute(existingNode)) { break; } father = existingNode; it.remove(); } return father; } private INode findChild(INode father, String label) { for (INode child : father.getChildren()) { if (child.getLabel().equals(label)) { return child; } } return null; } private boolean isVirtualTupleForSingleAttribute(INode existingNode) { if ((existingNode instanceof TupleNode) && existingNode.isVirtual() && (existingNode.getFather() instanceof SetNode) && existingNode.getChildren().size() == 1) { return true; } return false; } private List<INode> generateAncestors(INode nodeInSchema, List<String> pathSteps) { List<INode> result = new ArrayList<INode>(); INode node = nodeInSchema; while (node != null && pathSteps.contains(node.getLabel())) { result.add(0, node); node = node.getFather(); } return result; } private void assignValue(INode schemaNode, INode instanceNode, Element element) throws DAOException { String type = schemaNode.getChild(0).getLabel(); String value = element.getValue(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Found an attribute node: " + instanceNode.getLabel() + " - Value: " + value); if (!value.trim().isEmpty()) { instanceNode.addChild(new LeafNode(type, Types.getTypedValue(type, value.trim()))); } else { instanceNode.addChild(new LeafNode(schemaNode.getChild(0).getLabel(), NullValueFactory.getNullValue())); } } private void assignMetadataValue(final Attribute attribute, final INode nodeInSchema, final INode metadataNode) throws DAOException { String value = attribute.getValue(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Found a metadata node: " + metadataNode.getLabel() + " - Value: " + value); INode leafInSchema = nodeInSchema.getChild(0); String type = leafInSchema.getLabel(); if (!value.trim().isEmpty()) { metadataNode.addChild(new LeafNode(type, Types.getTypedValue(type, value.trim()))); } else { metadataNode.addChild(new LeafNode(type, NullValueFactory.getNullValue())); } } private void checkPCDATA(Element element, INode nodeInSchema, INode fatherInInstance) throws DAOException { if (nodeInSchema instanceof TupleNode && !(nodeInSchema instanceof SequenceNode)) { for (INode child : nodeInSchema.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof SequenceNode && child.getChildren().size() == 1) { INode descendant = child.getChild(0); if (descendant.isVirtual() && descendant.getLabel().contains(GenerateSchemaFromXSDTree.PCDATA_SUFFIX)) { INode sequence = child; INode PCDATA = descendant; INode PCDATAInstance = generateInstanceNode(PCDATA); assignValue(PCDATA, PCDATAInstance, element); INode sequenceInInstance = generateInstanceNode(sequence); sequenceInInstance.addChild(PCDATAInstance); fatherInInstance.addChild(sequenceInInstance); } } } } else if (nodeInSchema instanceof SequenceNode) { for (INode child : nodeInSchema.getChildren()) { if (child.isVirtual() && child.getLabel().contains(GenerateSchemaFromXSDTree.PCDATA_SUFFIX)) { INode sequence = nodeInSchema; INode PCDATA = child; INode PCDATAInstance = generateInstanceNode(PCDATA); assignValue(PCDATA, PCDATAInstance, element); fatherInInstance.addChild(PCDATAInstance); } } } } private static OID getOID() { return oidGenerator.getNextOID(); } }