Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Database Group - Universita' della Basilicata Giansalvatore Mecca - Salvatore Raunich - Alessandro Pappalardo - Gianvito Summa - This file is part of ++Spicy - a Schema Mapping and Data Exchange Tool ++Spicy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. ++Spicy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ++Spicy. If not, see <>. */ package it.unibas.spicy.persistence.relational; import it.unibas.spicy.model.algebra.query.operators.sql.GenerateSQL; import it.unibas.spicy.utility.SpicyEngineConstants; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.DataSource; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.INode; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.KeyConstraint; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.nodes.AttributeNode; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.nodes.LeafNode; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.nodes.SetNode; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.nodes.TupleNode; import it.unibas.spicy.model.mapping.proxies.ConstantDataSourceProxy; import it.unibas.spicy.model.mapping.IDataSourceProxy; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.values.IOIDGeneratorStrategy; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.values.IntegerOIDGenerator; import it.unibas.spicy.model.datasource.values.OID; import it.unibas.spicy.model.paths.PathExpression; import it.unibas.spicy.persistence.AccessConfiguration; import it.unibas.spicy.persistence.DAOException; import it.unibas.spicy.persistence.Types; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; public class DAORelational { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DAORelational.class); private static IOIDGeneratorStrategy oidGenerator = new IntegerOIDGenerator(); private DBFragmentDescription dataDescription = null; private static int NUMBER_OF_SAMPLE = 100; private static int BATCH_SIZE = 500; private static final String TUPLE_SUFFIX = "Tuple"; private Map<String, String> changedColumnNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); private static OID getOID() { return oidGenerator.getNextOID(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////// SCHEMA ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public IDataSourceProxy loadSchema(int scenarioNo, AccessConfiguration accessConfiguration, DBFragmentDescription dataDescription, IConnectionFactory dataSourceDB, boolean source) throws DAOException { this.dataDescription = dataDescription; Connection connectionPostgres = null; INode root = null; String catalog = null; String schemaName = accessConfiguration.getSchemaName(); DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData = null; Connection connection = dataSourceDB.getConnection(accessConfiguration); IDataSourceProxy dataSource = null; AccessConfiguration accessConfigurationPostgres = new AccessConfiguration(); accessConfigurationPostgres.setDriver(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_DRIVER); accessConfigurationPostgres .setUri(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_URI + SpicyEngineConstants.MAPPING_TASK_DB_NAME); accessConfigurationPostgres.setLogin(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_LOGIN); accessConfigurationPostgres.setPassword(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_PASS); connectionPostgres = dataSourceDB.getConnection(accessConfigurationPostgres); try { Statement statement = connectionPostgres.createStatement(); databaseMetaData = connection.getMetaData(); catalog = connection.getCatalog(); if (catalog == null) { catalog = accessConfiguration.getUri(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Catalog is null. Catalog name will be: " + catalog); } root = this.createRootNode(catalog); //giannisk postgres create schemas if (source) { String createSchemasQuery = "create schema if not exists " + SpicyEngineConstants.SOURCE_SCHEMA_NAME + scenarioNo + ";\n"; //createSchemasQuery += "create schema if not exists " + GenerateSQL.WORK_SCHEMA_NAME + ";\n"; createSchemasQuery += "create schema if not exists " + SpicyEngineConstants.TARGET_SCHEMA_NAME + scenarioNo + ";"; statement.executeUpdate(createSchemasQuery); } String[] tableTypes = new String[] { "TABLE" }; ResultSet tableResultSet = databaseMetaData.getTables(catalog, schemaName, null, tableTypes); while ( { String tableName = tableResultSet.getString("TABLE_NAME"); if (!this.dataDescription.checkLoadTable(tableName)) { continue; } INode setTable = new SetNode(tableName); setTable.addChild( getTuple(databaseMetaData, catalog, schemaName, tableName, source, statement, scenarioNo)); setTable.setRequired(false); setTable.setNotNull(true); root.addChild(setTable); addNode(tableName, setTable); } dataSource = new ConstantDataSourceProxy(new DataSource(SpicyEngineConstants.TYPE_RELATIONAL, root)); dataSource.addAnnotation(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION, accessConfiguration); dataSource.addAnnotation(SpicyEngineConstants.LOADED_INSTANCES_FLAG, false); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : changedColumnNames.entrySet()) { dataSource.putChangedValue(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } loadPrimaryKeys(dataSource, databaseMetaData, catalog, schemaName, source, statement, scenarioNo, false); loadForeignKeys(dataSource, databaseMetaData, catalog, schemaName, source, scenarioNo); } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.error(ex); throw new DAOException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) dataSourceDB.close(connection); if (connectionPostgres != null) dataSourceDB.close(connectionPostgres); } return dataSource; } public IDataSourceProxy loadSchemaForWeb(int scenarioNo, AccessConfiguration accessConfiguration, DBFragmentDescription dataDescription, IConnectionFactory dataSourceDB, boolean source) throws DAOException { this.dataDescription = dataDescription; INode root = null; String catalog = null; String schemaName = accessConfiguration.getSchemaName(); DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData = null; Connection connection = dataSourceDB.getConnection(accessConfiguration); IDataSourceProxy dataSource = null; try { databaseMetaData = connection.getMetaData(); catalog = connection.getCatalog(); if (catalog == null) { catalog = accessConfiguration.getUri(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Catalog is null. Catalog name will be: " + catalog); } root = this.createRootNode(catalog); String[] tableTypes = new String[] { "TABLE" }; ResultSet tableResultSet = databaseMetaData.getTables(catalog, schemaName, null, tableTypes); while ( { String tableName = tableResultSet.getString("TABLE_NAME"); if (!this.dataDescription.checkLoadTable(tableName)) { continue; } INode setTable = new SetNode(tableName); setTable.addChild(getTuple(databaseMetaData, catalog, schemaName, tableName)); setTable.setRequired(false); setTable.setNotNull(true); root.addChild(setTable); addNode(tableName, setTable); } dataSource = new ConstantDataSourceProxy(new DataSource(SpicyEngineConstants.TYPE_RELATIONAL, root)); dataSource.addAnnotation(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION, accessConfiguration); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : changedColumnNames.entrySet()) { dataSource.putChangedValue(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } loadPrimaryKeys(dataSource, databaseMetaData, catalog, schemaName, source, null, scenarioNo, true); loadForeignKeys(dataSource, databaseMetaData, catalog, schemaName, source, scenarioNo); } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.error(ex); throw new DAOException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) dataSourceDB.close(connection); } return dataSource; } private INode createRootNode(String catalog) { INode root = new TupleNode(catalog); root.setNotNull(true); root.setRequired(true); root.setRoot(true); addNode(catalog, root); return root; } private TupleNode getTuple(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, boolean source, Statement statement, int scenarioNo) throws SQLException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("\nTable: " + tableName); TupleNode tupleNode = new TupleNode(tableName + TUPLE_SUFFIX); tupleNode.setRequired(false); tupleNode.setNotNull(true); tupleNode.setVirtual(true); addNode(tableName + TUPLE_SUFFIX, tupleNode); ResultSet columnsResultSet = databaseMetaData.getColumns(catalog, schemaName, tableName, null); String columns = ""; while ( { String columnName = columnsResultSet.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); //the "-" character is replaced since it cannot be accepted by JEP and MIMap if (columnName.contains("-")) { String oldColumnName = columnName; columnName = oldColumnName.replace("-", "_"); changedColumnNames.put(tableName + "." + columnName.replaceAll("\"", ""), oldColumnName.replaceAll("\"", "")); } columns += "\"" + columnName + "\""; String keyColumn = tableName + "." + columnName; String columnType = columnsResultSet.getString("TYPE_NAME"); /////String typeOfColumn = Types.POSTGRES_STRING; columns += " " + columnType + ","; String isNullable = columnsResultSet.getString("IS_NULLABLE"); if (!this.dataDescription.checkLoadAttribute(tableName, columnName)) { continue; } boolean isNull = false; if (isNullable.equalsIgnoreCase("YES")) { isNull = true; } else { //take out the last ',' character columns = columns.substring(0, columns.length() - 1); columns += " NOT NULL,"; } INode columnNode = new AttributeNode(columnName); addNode(keyColumn, columnNode); columnNode.setNotNull(!isNull); String typeOfColumn = DAORelationalUtility.convertDBTypeToDataSourceType(columnType); columnNode.addChild(new LeafNode(typeOfColumn)); tupleNode.addChild(columnNode); // if(tableName.contains("encounter_mapping")) System.out.println("\n\tColumn Name: " + columnName + "(" + columnType + ") " + " type of column= " + typeOfColumn + "[IS_Nullable: " + isNullable + "]"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("\n\tColumn Name: " + columnName + "(" + columnType + ") " + " type of column= " + typeOfColumn + "[IS_Nullable: " + isNullable + "]"); } //take out the last ',' character columns = columns.substring(0, columns.length() - 1); //postgres create table String table; if (source) { table = SpicyEngineConstants.SOURCE_SCHEMA_NAME + scenarioNo + ".\"" + tableName + "\""; } else { table = SpicyEngineConstants.TARGET_SCHEMA_NAME + scenarioNo + ".\"" + tableName + "\""; } statement.executeUpdate("drop table if exists " + table); statement.executeUpdate("create table " + table + " (" + columns + ")"); // if(tableName.contains("encounter_mapping")) { // System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------\n" // + "create table "+ table +" ("+ columns+ ")" // + "\n-----------------------------------------------"); // // System.out.println("Running query"); // // ResultSet queryResult = statement.executeQuery("SELECT column_name, data_type, is_nullable FROM information_schema.columns WHERE " // + "table_name = '"+ tableName + "' ORDER BY ordinal_position;"); // // System.out.println("Query run, waiting for results"); // while ( { // System.out.println(queryResult.getString("column_name") + "\t" + // queryResult.getString("data_type") + "\t" + queryResult.getString("is_nullable")); // } // // System.out.println("END of results"); // } // return tupleNode; } //only used by web private TupleNode getTuple(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName) throws SQLException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("\nTable: " + tableName); TupleNode tupleNode = new TupleNode(tableName + TUPLE_SUFFIX); tupleNode.setRequired(false); tupleNode.setNotNull(true); tupleNode.setVirtual(true); addNode(tableName + TUPLE_SUFFIX, tupleNode); ResultSet columnsResultSet = databaseMetaData.getColumns(catalog, schemaName, tableName, null); String columns = ""; while ( { String columnName = columnsResultSet.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); //the "-" character is replaced since it cannot be accepted by JEP and MIMap if (columnName.contains("-")) { String oldColumnName = columnName; columnName = oldColumnName.replace("-", "_"); changedColumnNames.put(tableName + "." + columnName.replaceAll("\"", ""), oldColumnName.replaceAll("\"", "")); } columns += "\"" + columnName + "\""; String keyColumn = tableName + "." + columnName; String columnType = columnsResultSet.getString("TYPE_NAME"); /////String typeOfColumn = Types.POSTGRES_STRING; columns += " " + columnType + ","; String isNullable = columnsResultSet.getString("IS_NULLABLE"); if (!this.dataDescription.checkLoadAttribute(tableName, columnName)) { continue; } boolean isNull = false; if (isNullable.equalsIgnoreCase("YES")) { isNull = true; } else { //take out the last ',' character columns = columns.substring(0, columns.length() - 1); columns += " NOT NULL,"; } INode columnNode = new AttributeNode(columnName); addNode(keyColumn, columnNode); columnNode.setNotNull(!isNull); String typeOfColumn = DAORelationalUtility.convertDBTypeToDataSourceType(columnType); columnNode.addChild(new LeafNode(typeOfColumn)); tupleNode.addChild(columnNode); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("\n\tColumn Name: " + columnName + "(" + columnType + ") " + " type of column= " + typeOfColumn + "[IS_Nullable: " + isNullable + "]"); } //take out the last ',' character columns = columns.substring(0, columns.length() - 1); return tupleNode; } private void loadPrimaryKeys(IDataSourceProxy dataSource, DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData, String catalog, String schemaName, boolean source, Statement statement, int scenarioNo, boolean web) throws SQLException { String[] tableTypes = new String[] { "TABLE" }; ResultSet tableResultSet = databaseMetaData.getTables(catalog, schemaName, null, tableTypes); while ( { String tableName = tableResultSet.getString("TABLE_NAME"); if (!this.dataDescription.checkLoadTable(tableName)) { logger.debug("Excluding table: " + tableName); continue; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Searching primary keys. ANALYZING TABLE = " + tableName); ResultSet resultSet = databaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys(catalog, null, tableName); List<PathExpression> listOfPath = new ArrayList<PathExpression>(); List<String> PKcolumnNames = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { String columnName = resultSet.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Analyzing primary key: " + columnName); if (!this.dataDescription.checkLoadAttribute(tableName, columnName)) { continue; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Found a Primary Key: " + columnName); String keyPrimary = tableName + "." + columnName; listOfPath.add(DAORelationalUtility.generatePath(keyPrimary)); //giannisk alter table, add primary key ////un-comment the following if Primary Key Constraints are to be considered PKcolumnNames.add("\"" + columnName + "\""); } if (!web && !PKcolumnNames.isEmpty()) { String table; if (source) { table = SpicyEngineConstants.SOURCE_SCHEMA_NAME + scenarioNo + ".\"" + tableName + "\""; } else { String newSchemaName = SpicyEngineConstants.TARGET_SCHEMA_NAME + scenarioNo; table = newSchemaName + ".\"" + tableName + "\""; statement.execute( GenerateSQL.createTriggerFunction(table, newSchemaName, tableName, PKcolumnNames)); statement.execute(GenerateSQL.createTriggerBeforeInsert(table, newSchemaName, tableName)); } String primaryKeys = String.join(",", PKcolumnNames); statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE " + table + " ADD PRIMARY KEY (" + primaryKeys + ");"); } //// //} if (!listOfPath.isEmpty()) { KeyConstraint keyConstraint = new KeyConstraint(listOfPath, true); dataSource.addKeyConstraint(keyConstraint); } } } private Connection getConnectionToPostgres(IConnectionFactory connectionFactory) throws DAOException { AccessConfiguration accessConfiguration = new AccessConfiguration(); accessConfiguration.setDriver(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_DRIVER); accessConfiguration .setUri(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_URI + SpicyEngineConstants.MAPPING_TASK_DB_NAME); accessConfiguration.setLogin(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_LOGIN); accessConfiguration.setPassword(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_PASS); return connectionFactory.getConnection(accessConfiguration); } private void loadForeignKeys(IDataSourceProxy dataSource, DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData, String catalog, String schemaName, boolean source, int scenarioNo) throws DAOException { IConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new SimpleDbConnectionFactory(); Connection connection = getConnectionToPostgres(connectionFactory); try { Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); String[] tableTypes = new String[] { "TABLE" }; ResultSet tableResultSet = databaseMetaData.getTables(catalog, schemaName, null, tableTypes); while ( { String tableName = tableResultSet.getString("TABLE_NAME"); if (!this.dataDescription.checkLoadTable(tableName)) { continue; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Searching foreign keys. ANALYZING TABLE = " + tableName); ResultSet resultSet = databaseMetaData.getImportedKeys(catalog, null, tableName); List<String> listOfPrimaryKey = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> listOfForeignKey = new ArrayList<String>(); String previousTableName = ""; while ( { String pkTableName = resultSet.getString("PKTABLE_NAME"); String pkColumnName = resultSet.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME"); String keyPrimaryKey = pkTableName + "." + pkColumnName; //AttributeNode primaryKey = (AttributeNode)DataSourceFactory.getNode(keyPrimary); String fkTableName = resultSet.getString("FKTABLE_NAME"); String fkColumnName = resultSet.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME"); String keyForeignKey = fkTableName + "." + fkColumnName; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Analyzing foreign key: " + keyForeignKey + " references " + keyPrimaryKey); if (!this.dataDescription.checkLoadTable(pkTableName) || !this.dataDescription.checkLoadTable(fkTableName)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Check load tables. Foreign key discarded: " + keyForeignKey + " references " + keyPrimaryKey); continue; } if (!this.dataDescription.checkLoadAttribute(pkTableName, pkColumnName) || !this.dataDescription.checkLoadAttribute(fkTableName, fkColumnName)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Check load attributes. Foreign key discarded: " + keyForeignKey + " references " + keyPrimaryKey); continue; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Analyzing Primary Key: " + keyPrimaryKey + " Found a Foreign Key: " + fkColumnName + " in table " + fkTableName); //giannisk alter table, add foreign key String fkTable, pkTable; if (source) { fkTable = SpicyEngineConstants.SOURCE_SCHEMA_NAME + String.valueOf(scenarioNo) + ".\"" + fkTableName + "\""; pkTable = SpicyEngineConstants.SOURCE_SCHEMA_NAME + String.valueOf(scenarioNo) + ".\"" + pkTableName + "\""; } else { fkTable = SpicyEngineConstants.TARGET_SCHEMA_NAME + String.valueOf(scenarioNo) + ".\"" + fkTableName + "\""; pkTable = SpicyEngineConstants.TARGET_SCHEMA_NAME + String.valueOf(scenarioNo) + ".\"" + pkTableName + "\""; } statement.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE " + fkTable + " ADD FOREIGN KEY (" + fkColumnName + ") REFERENCES " + pkTable + " (" + pkColumnName + ");"); if (!listOfPrimaryKey.contains(keyPrimaryKey) && (previousTableName.equals("") || previousTableName.equals(pkTableName))) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Adding nodes to collection: " + keyPrimaryKey + " - " + keyForeignKey); listOfPrimaryKey.add(keyPrimaryKey); listOfForeignKey.add(keyForeignKey); } else if (!listOfPrimaryKey.isEmpty() && !listOfForeignKey.isEmpty()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Generating constraint: " + listOfForeignKey + " reference " + listOfPrimaryKey); DAORelationalUtility.generateConstraint(listOfForeignKey.toArray(), listOfPrimaryKey.toArray(), dataSource); listOfPrimaryKey.clear(); listOfForeignKey.clear(); listOfPrimaryKey.add(keyPrimaryKey); listOfForeignKey.add(keyForeignKey); } previousTableName = pkTableName; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Main loop: " + listOfForeignKey + " reference " + listOfPrimaryKey); if (!listOfPrimaryKey.isEmpty() && !listOfForeignKey.isEmpty()) { DAORelationalUtility.generateConstraint(listOfForeignKey.toArray(), listOfPrimaryKey.toArray(), dataSource); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Foreign keys loaded. Exiting"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error(ex); } finally { //close connection if (connection != null) connectionFactory.close(connection); } } private void addNode(String key, INode node) { DAORelationalUtility.addNode(key, node); } private INode getNode(String label) { return DAORelationalUtility.getNode(label); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////// INSTANCE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void loadInstance(int scenarioNo, AccessConfiguration accessConfiguration, IDataSourceProxy dataSource, DBFragmentDescription dataDescription, IConnectionFactory dataSourceDB, boolean source) throws DAOException, SQLException { Connection connection = dataSourceDB.getConnection(accessConfiguration); DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData = null; String catalog = null; String schemaName = accessConfiguration.getSchemaName(); Connection connectionPostgres = null; this.dataDescription = dataDescription; AccessConfiguration accessConfigurationPostgres = new AccessConfiguration(); accessConfigurationPostgres.setDriver(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_DRIVER); accessConfigurationPostgres .setUri(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_URI + SpicyEngineConstants.MAPPING_TASK_DB_NAME); accessConfigurationPostgres.setLogin(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_LOGIN); accessConfigurationPostgres.setPassword(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_PASS); connectionPostgres = dataSourceDB.getConnection(accessConfigurationPostgres); try { databaseMetaData = connection.getMetaData(); catalog = connection.getCatalog(); String[] tableTypes = new String[] { "TABLE" }; ResultSet tableResultSet = databaseMetaData.getTables(catalog, schemaName, null, tableTypes); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); Statement statementPostgres = connectionPostgres.createStatement(); while ( { String tableName = tableResultSet.getString("TABLE_NAME"); if (!this.dataDescription.checkLoadTable(tableName)) { continue; } String tablePath = tableName; if (!schemaName.equals("")) { tablePath = schemaName + ".\"" + tableName + "\""; } String newTablePath = tableName; if (source) { newTablePath = SpicyEngineConstants.SOURCE_SCHEMA_NAME + scenarioNo + ".\"" + tableName + "\""; } else { newTablePath = SpicyEngineConstants.TARGET_SCHEMA_NAME + scenarioNo + ".\"" + tableName + "\""; } ResultSet countResult = statement .executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS instancesCount FROM " + tablePath + ";"); int instancesCount = 1; while ( { instancesCount = countResult.getInt("instancesCount"); } ResultSet pKList = null; pKList = databaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys(null, null, tableName); // ResultSet pKList = statement.executeQuery("SELECT c.column_name as keyname\n" + "FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS c\n" + // "LEFT JOIN information_schema.table_constraints AS t\n" + // "ON t.constraint_name = c.constraint_name\n" + // "WHERE t.table_name = '" + tablePath + "' AND t.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY';"); String pKListString = ""; while ( { pKListString += pKList.getString("COLUMN_NAME") + ","; } if (pKListString != "") pKListString = pKListString.substring(0, pKListString.length() - 1); int inCount = 0; String viewName = tableName + "_MIPMapView"; String orderByClause = ""; if (pKListString != "") orderByClause = " ORDER BY " + pKListString; statement.executeUpdate("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS " + viewName + ";"); statement.executeUpdate( "CREATE VIEW " + viewName + " AS SELECT * FROM " + tablePath + orderByClause + ";"); for (int i = 0; i <= ((instancesCount - 1) / BATCH_SIZE); i++) { ResultSet instancesSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + viewName + " LIMIT " + BATCH_SIZE + " OFFSET " + (BATCH_SIZE * i) + ";"); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = instancesSet.getMetaData(); int columnsNumber = rsmd.getColumnCount(); String sql_insert_stmnt = ""; while ( { String tmp_sql_insert_stmnt = "("; for (int j = 1; j <= columnsNumber; j++) { String columnValue = instancesSet.getString(j); if (columnValue == null) { tmp_sql_insert_stmnt += " null,"; } else { if (isTextColumn(rsmd.getColumnTypeName(j))) { tmp_sql_insert_stmnt += "'" + columnValue.replaceAll("'", "''") + "',"; } else { tmp_sql_insert_stmnt += "" + columnValue + ","; } } } //take out the last ',' character tmp_sql_insert_stmnt = tmp_sql_insert_stmnt.substring(0, tmp_sql_insert_stmnt.length() - 1); tmp_sql_insert_stmnt += "),"; // if (!inserted.contains(tmp_sql_insert_stmnt)) { sql_insert_stmnt += tmp_sql_insert_stmnt; // inserted.add(tmp_sql_insert_stmnt); // } } if (!sql_insert_stmnt.equals("")) { //take out the last ',' character sql_insert_stmnt = sql_insert_stmnt.substring(0, sql_insert_stmnt.length() - 1); inCount += statementPostgres .executeUpdate("insert into " + newTablePath + " values " + sql_insert_stmnt + ";"); } } statement.executeUpdate("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS " + viewName + ";"); } dataSource.addAnnotation(SpicyEngineConstants.LOADED_INSTANCES_FLAG, true); } finally { if (connection != null) dataSourceDB.close(connection); if (connectionPostgres != null) dataSourceDB.close(connectionPostgres); } } //checks if a column requires string format private boolean isTextColumn(String column) { return column.toLowerCase().startsWith("varchar") || column.toLowerCase().startsWith("char") || column.toLowerCase().startsWith("text") || column.toLowerCase().startsWith("bpchar") || column.toLowerCase().startsWith("bit") || column.toLowerCase().startsWith("mediumtext") || column.toLowerCase().startsWith("longtext") || column.toLowerCase().startsWith("datetime") || column.toLowerCase().startsWith("timestamp") || column.toLowerCase().startsWith("enum") || column.toLowerCase().startsWith("time") || column.toLowerCase().startsWith("date"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void loadTranslatedInstanceSample(int scenarioNo, IDataSourceProxy dataSource, DBFragmentDescription dataDescription, IConnectionFactory dataSourceDB, String rootLabel) throws DAOException { AccessConfiguration accessConfiguration = new AccessConfiguration(); accessConfiguration.setDriver(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_DRIVER); accessConfiguration .setUri(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_URI + SpicyEngineConstants.MAPPING_TASK_DB_NAME); accessConfiguration.setLogin(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_LOGIN); accessConfiguration.setPassword(SpicyEngineConstants.ACCESS_CONFIGURATION_PASS); accessConfiguration.setSchemaName(SpicyEngineConstants.TARGET_SCHEMA_NAME + scenarioNo); loadInstanceSample(accessConfiguration, dataSource, dataDescription, dataSourceDB, rootLabel, true); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void loadInstanceSample(AccessConfiguration accessConfiguration, IDataSourceProxy dataSource, DBFragmentDescription dataDescription, IConnectionFactory dataSourceDB, String rootLabel, boolean translated) throws DAOException { String catalog = null; INode root = null; String schemaName = accessConfiguration.getSchemaName(); DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData = null; Connection connection = dataSourceDB.getConnection(accessConfiguration); try { databaseMetaData = connection.getMetaData(); catalog = connection.getCatalog(); if (catalog == null) { catalog = accessConfiguration.getUri(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Catalog is null. Catalog name will be: " + catalog); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Catalog: " + catalog); if (rootLabel == null) { root = new TupleNode(DAORelationalUtility.getNode(catalog).getLabel(), getOID()); } else { this.dataDescription = dataDescription; root = new TupleNode(rootLabel, getOID()); } root.setRoot(true); String[] tableTypes = new String[] { "TABLE" }; ResultSet tableResultSet = databaseMetaData.getTables(catalog, schemaName, null, tableTypes); while ( { String tableName = tableResultSet.getString("TABLE_NAME"); if (!this.dataDescription.checkLoadTable(tableName)) { continue; } SetNode setTable = new SetNode(DAORelationalUtility.getNode(tableName).getLabel(), getOID()); ////INode setTable = new SetNode(tableName, getOID()); //keep the number of instances as information on the Set node String tablePath; //mysql driver if (accessConfiguration.getDriver().equalsIgnoreCase(SpicyEngineConstants.MYSQL_DRIVER)) { tablePath = catalog + "." + tableName; } else { tablePath = "\"" + schemaName + "\".\"" + tableName + "\""; } Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet countResult = statement .executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS instancesCount FROM " + tablePath + ";"); int noOfRows = 0; while ( { noOfRows = countResult.getInt("instancesCount"); } setTable.setFullSize(noOfRows); countResult.close(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("extracting value for table " + tableName + " ...."); getInstanceByTable(dataSourceDB, connection, schemaName, tableName, setTable, dataSource, translated); root.addChild(setTable); } int childrenNo = 0; for (INode setnode : root.getChildren()) { childrenNo = childrenNo + setnode.getChildren().size(); } //if there are any instances if (childrenNo > 0) { //load only a sample of the instances to memory to show on MIPMap interface dataSource.addInstanceWithCheck(root); } } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { logger.error(ex); throw new DAOException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) dataSourceDB.close(connection); } } private void getInstanceByTable(IConnectionFactory dataSourceDB, Connection connection, String schemaName, String tableName, INode setTable, IDataSourceProxy dataSource, boolean translated) throws DAOException { PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { String tablePath = tableName; //mysql jdbc driver if (connection.getMetaData().getDriverName().equalsIgnoreCase(SpicyEngineConstants.MYSQL_DRIVER_NAME)) { tablePath = connection.getCatalog() + "." + tableName; } else if (!schemaName.equals("")) { tablePath = schemaName + ".\"" + tableName + "\""; } statement = connection.prepareStatement("select * from " + tablePath + " order by 1"); statement.setMaxRows(NUMBER_OF_SAMPLE); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); if (resultSet == null) { throw new DAOException("ResultSet is NULL!"); } int sampleCounter = 0; while ( && sampleCounter < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLE) { sampleCounter++; TupleNode tupleNode = new TupleNode(getNode(tableName + TUPLE_SUFFIX).getLabel(), getOID()); setTable.addChild(tupleNode); for (INode attributeNodeSchema : getNode(tableName + TUPLE_SUFFIX).getChildren()) { AttributeNode attributeNode = new AttributeNode(attributeNodeSchema.getLabel(), getOID()); String columnName = attributeNodeSchema.getLabel(); String oldName = dataSource.getChangedValue(tableName + "." + columnName); if (oldName != null && !translated) { columnName = oldName; } Object columnValue = resultSet.getObject(columnName); LeafNode leafNode = createLeafNode(attributeNodeSchema, columnValue); attributeNode.addChild(leafNode); tupleNode.addChild(attributeNode); } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new DAOException(sqle.getMessage()); } finally { dataSourceDB.close(resultSet); dataSourceDB.close(statement); } } private LeafNode createLeafNode(INode attributeNode, Object untypedValue) throws DAOException { LeafNode leafNodeInSchema = (LeafNode) attributeNode.getChild(0); String type = leafNodeInSchema.getLabel(); Object typedValue = Types.getTypedValue(type, untypedValue); return new LeafNode(type, typedValue); } }