Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Database Group - Universita' della Basilicata Giansalvatore Mecca - Salvatore Raunich - This file is part of ++Spicy - a Schema Mapping and Data Exchange Tool ++Spicy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. ++Spicy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ++Spicy. If not, see <>. */ package it.unibas.spicy.model.paths; import it.unibas.spicy.model.correspondence.ISourceValue; import it.unibas.spicy.model.expressions.Expression; import it.unibas.spicy.utility.SpicyEngineUtility; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.nfunk.jep.JEP; import org.nfunk.jep.SymbolTable; public class VariableCorrespondence implements Cloneable { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(VariableCorrespondence.class); private List<VariablePathExpression> sourcePaths; private ISourceValue sourceValue; private VariablePathExpression targetPath; private Expression transformationFunction; public VariableCorrespondence(List<VariablePathExpression> sourcePaths, ISourceValue sourceValue, VariablePathExpression targetPath, Expression transformationFunction) { this.sourcePaths = sourcePaths; this.sourceValue = sourceValue; this.targetPath = targetPath; this.transformationFunction = transformationFunction; } public VariableCorrespondence(VariablePathExpression sourcePath, VariablePathExpression targetPath) { this(generateList(sourcePath), null, targetPath, generateTranformationFunction(sourcePath)); } public VariableCorrespondence(VariableCorrespondence oldCorrespondence, VariablePathExpression targetPath) { this.sourcePaths = oldCorrespondence.sourcePaths; this.sourceValue = oldCorrespondence.sourceValue; this.targetPath = targetPath; this.transformationFunction = oldCorrespondence.transformationFunction; } public boolean isConstant() { return this.sourceValue != null; } public boolean isValueCopy() { return (this.sourcePaths != null && this.sourcePaths.size() == 1 && this.transformationFunction.toString().equals(sourcePaths.get(0).toString())); } public List<VariablePathExpression> getSourcePaths() { return (List<VariablePathExpression>) sourcePaths; } public void setSourcePaths(List<VariablePathExpression> sourcePaths) { this.sourcePaths = sourcePaths; } public VariablePathExpression getFirstSourcePath() { return sourcePaths.get(0); } public VariablePathExpression getTargetPath() { return (VariablePathExpression) targetPath; } public void setTargetPath(VariablePathExpression targetPath) { this.targetPath = targetPath; } public Expression getTransformationFunction() { return transformationFunction; } public ISourceValue getSourceValue() { return sourceValue; } public VariableCorrespondence clone() { try { VariableCorrespondence clone = (VariableCorrespondence) super.clone(); if (sourcePaths != null) { clone.sourcePaths = new ArrayList<VariablePathExpression>(); for (VariablePathExpression sourcePath : sourcePaths) { clone.sourcePaths.add(sourcePath.clone()); } } if (sourceValue != null) { clone.sourceValue = sourceValue.clone(); } clone.targetPath = targetPath.clone(); return clone; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { return null; } } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof VariableCorrespondence)) { return false; } VariableCorrespondence correspondence = (VariableCorrespondence) obj; boolean equalTarget = this.targetPath.equals(correspondence.targetPath); boolean equalSource = false; if (this.sourcePaths != null && correspondence.getSourcePaths() != null) { equalSource = SpicyEngineUtility.equalLists(this.sourcePaths, correspondence.getSourcePaths()); } else if (this.sourceValue != null && correspondence.getSourceValue() != null) { equalSource = this.sourceValue.equals(correspondence.sourceValue); } boolean equalExpression = true; if (!correspondence.isValueCopy()) { equalExpression = this.transformationFunction.equals(correspondence.getTransformationFunction()); } return equalTarget && equalSource && equalExpression; } public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("["); if (this.sourcePaths != null && this.sourcePaths.size() == 1) { result.append(this.sourcePaths.get(0).toStringWithSet()); } else { result.append(this.transformationFunction); } result.append(" --> ").append(this.targetPath.toStringWithSet()); result.append("]"); return result.toString(); } protected static List<VariablePathExpression> generateList(VariablePathExpression path) { List<VariablePathExpression> result = new ArrayList<VariablePathExpression>(); result.add(path); return result; } protected static Expression generateTranformationFunction(VariablePathExpression sourcePath) { Expression expression = new Expression(sourcePath.toString()); JEP jepExpression = expression.getJepExpression(); SymbolTable symbolTable = jepExpression.getSymbolTable(); for (org.nfunk.jep.Variable variable : symbolTable.getVariables()) { variable.setDescription(sourcePath); variable.setOriginalDescription(sourcePath.getAbsolutePath()); } return expression; } }