Java tutorial
package it.reply.orchestrator.service.deployment.providers; /* * Copyright 2015-2017 Santer Reply S.p.A. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import alien4cloud.model.topology.NodeTemplate; import alien4cloud.tosca.model.ArchiveRoot; import alien4cloud.tosca.parser.ParsingException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import it.reply.orchestrator.dal.entity.Deployment; import it.reply.orchestrator.dal.entity.Resource; import it.reply.orchestrator.dal.repository.DeploymentRepository; import it.reply.orchestrator.dal.repository.ResourceRepository; import it.reply.orchestrator.dto.CloudProviderEndpoint.IaaSType; import it.reply.orchestrator.dto.deployment.DeploymentMessage; import it.reply.orchestrator.enums.DeploymentProvider; import it.reply.orchestrator.enums.NodeStates; import it.reply.orchestrator.enums.Status; import it.reply.orchestrator.enums.Task; import it.reply.orchestrator.exception.OrchestratorException; import it.reply.orchestrator.exception.service.DeploymentException; import it.reply.orchestrator.exception.service.ToscaException; import it.reply.orchestrator.service.ToscaService; import it.reply.utils.json.JsonUtility; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.annotation.PropertySource; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; @Service @Qualifier("IM") @PropertySource("classpath:im-config/") public class ImServiceImpl extends AbstractDeploymentProviderService { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ImServiceImpl.class); @Autowired private ApplicationContext ctx; @Value("${url}") private String imUrl; @Value("${auth.file.path}") private String authFilePath; @Value("${openstack.auth.file.path}") private String openstackAuthFilePath; @Value("${opennebula.auth.file.path}") private String opennebulaAuthFilePath; private static final Pattern VM_ID_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\w+)$"); private static final Pattern OS_ENDPOINT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(https?:\\/\\/[^\\/]*)\\/?([^\\/]*)"); @Autowired private ToscaService toscaService; @Autowired private DeploymentRepository deploymentRepository; @Autowired private ResourceRepository resourceRepository; @Autowired private OidcProperties oidcProperties; protected InfrastructureManager getClient(DeploymentMessage dm) { IaaSType iaasType = dm.getChosenCloudProviderEndpoint().getIaasType(); String authString = null; try { LOG.debug("Load {} credentials with: {}", iaasType, dm.getChosenCloudProviderEndpoint()); switch (iaasType) { case OPENSTACK: // FIXME remove hardcoded string if (dm.getChosenCloudProviderEndpoint().getCpEndpoint().contains("") || !oidcProperties.isEnabled()) { try (InputStream is = ctx.getResource(openstackAuthFilePath).getInputStream()) { authString = IOUtils.toString(is); } if (oidcProperties.isEnabled()) { authString = authString.replaceAll("InfrastructureManager; username = .+; password = .+", "InfrastructureManager; token = " + dm.getOauth2Token()); } authString = authString.replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n"); } else { String endpoint = dm.getChosenCloudProviderEndpoint().getCpEndpoint(); OpenstackAuthVersion authVersion = OpenstackAuthVersion.PASSWORD_2_0; Matcher matcher = OS_ENDPOINT_PATTERN.matcher(endpoint); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new DeploymentException("Wrong OS endpoint format: " + endpoint); } else { endpoint =; if (matcher.groupCount() > 1 &&"v3")) { authVersion = OpenstackAuthVersion.PASSWORD_3_X; } } AuthorizationHeader ah = new AuthorizationHeader(); Credentials cred = ImCredentials.buildCredentials().withToken(dm.getOauth2Token()); ah.addCredential(cred); cred = OpenStackCredentials.buildCredentials().withTenant("oidc").withUsername("indigo-dc") .withPassword(dm.getOauth2Token()).withHost(endpoint).withAuthVersion(authVersion); ah.addCredential(cred); InfrastructureManager im = new InfrastructureManager(imUrl, ah); return im; } break; case OPENNEBULA: if (oidcProperties.isEnabled()) { AuthorizationHeader ah = new AuthorizationHeader(); Credentials cred = ImCredentials.buildCredentials().withToken(dm.getOauth2Token()); ah.addCredential(cred); cred = OpenNebulaCredentials.buildCredentials() .withHost(dm.getChosenCloudProviderEndpoint().getCpEndpoint()) .withToken(dm.getOauth2Token()); ah.addCredential(cred); InfrastructureManager im = new InfrastructureManager(imUrl, ah); return im; } else { // read onedock auth file try (InputStream in = ctx.getResource(opennebulaAuthFilePath).getInputStream()) { authString = IOUtils.toString(in, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString()); } authString = authString.replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n"); } break; // inputStream = ctx.getResource(opennebulaAuthFilePath).getInputStream(); // break; case AWS: AuthorizationHeader ah = new AuthorizationHeader(); Credentials cred = ImCredentials.buildCredentials().withToken(dm.getOauth2Token()); ah.addCredential(cred); cred = AmazonEc2Credentials.buildCredentials() .withUsername(dm.getChosenCloudProviderEndpoint().getUsername()) .withPassword(dm.getChosenCloudProviderEndpoint().getPassword()); ah.addCredential(cred); InfrastructureManager im = new InfrastructureManager(imUrl, ah); return im; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unsupported provider type <%s>", iaasType)); } InfrastructureManager im = new InfrastructureManager(imUrl, authString); return im; } catch (IOException | ImClientException ex) { throw new OrchestratorException("Cannot load IM auth file", ex); } } @Override public boolean doDeploy(DeploymentMessage deploymentMessage) { Deployment deployment = deploymentMessage.getDeployment(); String deploymentUuid = deployment.getId(); try { // Update status of the deployment deployment.setTask(Task.DEPLOYER); deployment.setDeploymentProvider(DeploymentProvider.IM); deployment =; ArchiveRoot ar = toscaService.prepareTemplate(deployment.getTemplate(), deployment.getParameters()); toscaService.addElasticClusterParameters(ar, deploymentUuid, deploymentMessage.getOauth2Token()); toscaService.contextualizeImages(DeploymentProvider.IM, ar, deploymentMessage.getChosenCloudProvider(), deploymentMessage.getChosenCloudProviderEndpoint().getCpComputeServiceId()); String imCustomizedTemplate = toscaService.getTemplateFromTopology(ar); // Generate IM Client InfrastructureManager im = getClient(deploymentMessage); // Deploy on IM InfrastructureUri infrastructureUri = im.createInfrastructure(imCustomizedTemplate, BodyContentType.TOSCA); String infrastructureId = infrastructureUri.getInfrastructureId(); if (infrastructureId != null) { deployment.setEndpoint(infrastructureId); deployment =; deploymentMessage.setCreateComplete(true); return true; } else { updateOnError(deploymentUuid, String.format( "Creation of deployment <%s>: Couldn't extract infrastructureId from IM endpoint." + "\nIM endpoint was %s.", deploymentUuid, infrastructureUri.getUri())); return false; } // Exception generated when the im produces an error message } catch (ImClientErrorException exception) { logImErrorResponse(exception); ResponseError responseError = getImResponseError(exception); updateOnError(deploymentUuid, responseError.getFormattedErrorMessage()); return false; } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error deploying", ex); updateOnError(deploymentUuid, ex); return false; } } @Override public boolean isDeployed(DeploymentMessage deploymentMessage) throws DeploymentException { Deployment deployment = deploymentMessage.getDeployment(); InfrastructureManager im = null; try { // Generate IM Client im = getClient(deploymentMessage); InfrastructureState infrastructureState = im.getInfrastructureState(deployment.getEndpoint()); LOG.debug(infrastructureState.toString()); States enumState = infrastructureState.getEnumState(); switch (enumState) { case CONFIGURED: deploymentMessage.setPollComplete(true); return true; case FAILED: case UNCONFIGURED: StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder().append("Fail to deploy deployment <") .append(deployment.getId()).append(">\nIM id is: <").append(deployment.getEndpoint()) .append(">\nIM response is: <") .append(infrastructureState.getFormattedInfrastructureStateString()).append(">"); try { // Try to get the logs of the virtual infrastructure for debug // purpose. Property contMsg = im.getInfrastructureContMsg(deployment.getEndpoint()); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(contMsg.getValue())) { errorMsg.append("\nIM contMsg is: ").append(contMsg.getValue()); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Do nothing } DeploymentException ex = new DeploymentException(errorMsg.toString()); updateOnError(deployment.getId(), ex); // Set failure information in the deployment LOG.error(errorMsg.toString()); throw ex; default: return false; } } catch (ImClientException exception) { String errorResponse = exception.getMessage(); if (exception instanceof ImClientErrorException) { ImClientErrorException ex = (ImClientErrorException) exception; errorResponse = ex.getResponseError().getFormattedErrorMessage(); } String errorMsg = String.format( "Fail to deploy deployment <%s>." + "\nIM id is: <%s>" + "\nIM error is: <%s>", deployment.getId(), deployment.getEndpoint(), errorResponse); try { // Try to get the logs of the virtual infrastructure for debug // purpose. Property contMsg = im.getInfrastructureContMsg(deployment.getEndpoint()); errorMsg = errorMsg.concat("\nIM contMsg is: " + contMsg.getValue()); } catch (Exception ex) { // Do nothing } // TODO: refactor this code and use a shared implementation for error handling and logging DeploymentException ex = new DeploymentException(errorMsg); updateOnError(deployment.getId(), ex); // Set failure information in the deployment LOG.error(errorMsg); throw ex; } } @Override public void finalizeDeploy(DeploymentMessage deploymentMessage, boolean deployed) { Deployment deployment = deploymentMessage.getDeployment(); if (deployed) { try { // Generate IM Client InfrastructureManager im = getClient(deploymentMessage); if (deployment.getOutputs().isEmpty()) { InfOutputValues outputValues = im.getInfrastructureOutputs(deployment.getEndpoint()); Map<String, String> outputs = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : outputValues.getOutputs().entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() != null) { outputs.put(entry.getKey(), JsonUtility.serializeJson(entry.getValue())); } else { outputs.put(entry.getKey(), ""); } } deployment.setOutputs(outputs); } bindResources(deployment, deployment.getEndpoint(), im); updateOnSuccess(deployment.getId()); } catch (ImClientErrorException exception) { logImErrorResponse(exception); updateOnError(deployment.getId(), exception); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error finalizing deployment", ex); updateOnError(deployment.getId(), ex); } } else { updateOnError(deployment.getId()); } } @Override public boolean doUpdate(DeploymentMessage deploymentMessage, String template) { Deployment deployment = deploymentMessage.getDeployment(); // Check if count is increased or if there is a removal list, other kinds of update are // discarded ArchiveRoot oldAr; ArchiveRoot newAr; try { // FIXME Fugly // Get TOSCA in-memory repr. of current template oldAr = toscaService.prepareTemplate(deployment.getTemplate(), deployment.getParameters()); // Get TOSCA in-memory repr. of new template newAr = toscaService.prepareTemplate(template, deployment.getParameters()); toscaService.addElasticClusterParameters(newAr, deployment.getId(), deploymentMessage.getOauth2Token()); toscaService.contextualizeImages(DeploymentProvider.IM, newAr, deploymentMessage.getChosenCloudProvider(), deploymentMessage.getChosenCloudProviderEndpoint().getCpComputeServiceId()); } catch (ParsingException | IOException | ToscaException | ParseException ex) { throw new OrchestratorException(ex); } // find Count nodes into new and old template Map<String, NodeTemplate> oldNodes = toscaService.getCountNodes(oldAr); Map<String, NodeTemplate> newNodes = toscaService.getCountNodes(newAr); try { // Create the new template with the nodes to be added ArchiveRoot root = newAr; Map<String, NodeTemplate> nodes = new HashMap<>(); // List of vmIds to be removed List<String> vmIds = new ArrayList<String>(); // Find difference between the old template and the new for (Map.Entry<String, NodeTemplate> entry : oldNodes.entrySet()) { if (newNodes.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { int oldCount = toscaService.getCount(entry.getValue()); int newCount = toscaService.getCount(newNodes.get(entry.getKey())); List<String> removalList = toscaService.getRemovalList(newNodes.get(entry.getKey())); if (newCount > oldCount && removalList.size() == 0) { Resource resource; for (int i = 0; i < (newCount - oldCount); i++) { resource = new Resource(); resource.setDeployment(deployment); resource.setState(NodeStates.CREATING); resource.setToscaNodeName(entry.getKey()); resource.setToscaNodeType(entry.getValue().getType());; } nodes.put(entry.getKey(), newNodes.get(entry.getKey())); } else if (newCount < oldCount && removalList.size() == (oldCount - newCount)) { // delete a WN. // Find the nodes to be removed. for (String resourceId : removalList) { Resource resource = resourceRepository.findOne(resourceId); resource.setState(NodeStates.DELETING); resource =; vmIds.add(resource.getIaasId()); } } else if (newCount == oldCount && removalList.size() == 0) { // do nothing } else { throw new DeploymentException("An error occur during the update. Count is <" + newCount + "> but removal_list contains <" + removalList.size() + "> elements in the node: " + entry.getKey()); } } } // Find if there is a new TOSCA node for (Map.Entry<String, NodeTemplate> entry : newNodes.entrySet()) { if (!oldNodes.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { int count = toscaService.getCount(newNodes.get(entry.getKey())); Resource resource; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { resource = new Resource(); resource.setDeployment(deployment); resource.setState(NodeStates.CREATING); resource.setToscaNodeName(entry.getKey()); resource.setToscaNodeType(entry.getValue().getType());; } nodes.put(entry.getKey(), newNodes.get(entry.getKey())); } } // Generate IM Client InfrastructureManager im = getClient(deploymentMessage); // Pulisco gli output e aggiungo i nodi da creare root.getTopology().setOutputs(null); root.getTopology().setNodeTemplates(nodes); if (!root.getTopology().isEmpty()) { try { im.addResource(deployment.getEndpoint(), toscaService.getTemplateFromTopology(root), BodyContentType.TOSCA); } catch (ImClientErrorException exception) { throw new DeploymentException("An error occur during the update: fail to add new resources.", exception); } } // DELETE if (vmIds.size() > 0) { try { im.removeResource(deployment.getEndpoint(), vmIds); } catch (ImClientErrorException exception) { throw new DeploymentException("An error occur during the update: fail to delete resources.", exception); } } // FIXME: There's not check if the Template actually changed! deployment.setTemplate(toscaService.updateTemplate(template)); return true; } catch (ImClientException | IOException | DeploymentException ex) { updateOnError(deployment.getId(), ex); return false; } } @Override public boolean doUndeploy(DeploymentMessage deploymentMessage) { Deployment deployment = deploymentMessage.getDeployment(); String deploymentUuid = deployment.getId(); try { // Update status of the deployment deployment.setTask(Task.DEPLOYER); deployment =; if (deployment.getEndpoint() == null) { // updateOnSuccess(deploymentUuid); deploymentMessage.setDeleteComplete(true); return true; } // Generate IM Client InfrastructureManager im = getClient(deploymentMessage); im.destroyInfrastructure(deployment.getEndpoint()); deploymentMessage.setDeleteComplete(true); return true; } catch (ImClientErrorException exception) { logImErrorResponse(exception); ResponseError error = getImResponseError(exception); if (error.is404Error()) { // updateOnSuccess(deploymentUuid); return true; } else { updateOnError(deploymentUuid, error.getFormattedErrorMessage()); return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error undeploying", ex); updateOnError(deploymentUuid, ex); return false; } } @Override public boolean isUndeployed(DeploymentMessage deploymentMessage) { Deployment deployment = deploymentMessage.getDeployment(); try { // Generate IM Client InfrastructureManager im = getClient(deploymentMessage); // TODO verificare if (deployment.getEndpoint() == null) { return true; } im.getInfrastructureState(deployment.getEndpoint()); // If IM throws 404 the undeploy is complete // It is not, otherwise return false; } catch (ImClientErrorException exception) { ResponseError error = getImResponseError(exception); return error.is404Error(); } catch (ImClientException ex) { // TODO improve exception handling LOG.error("Error checking for undeployment", ex); return false; } } /** * Check if a resource is deleted. */ @Override public void finalizeUndeploy(DeploymentMessage deploymentMessage, boolean undeployed) { if (undeployed) { updateOnSuccess(deploymentMessage.getDeploymentId()); } else { updateOnError(deploymentMessage.getDeploymentId()); } } // private boolean isResourceDeleted(Resource resource) { // try { // Deployment deployment = resource.getDeployment(); // // Generate IM Client // InfrastructureManager im = getClient(deploymentMessage); // // im.getVmInfo(deployment.getEndpoint(), resource.getIaasId()); // return false; // // } catch (ImClientErrorException exception) { // ResponseError error = getImResponseError(exception); // return error.is404Error(); // // } catch (ImClientException ex) { // // TODO improve exception handling // LOG.error(ex); // return false; // } // } /** * Match the {@link Resource} to IM vms. * */ private void bindResources(Deployment deployment, String infrastructureId, InfrastructureManager im) throws ImClientException { // Get the URLs of the VMs composing the virtual infrastructure // TODO test in case of errors InfrastructureUris vmUrls = im.getInfrastructureInfo(infrastructureId); // for each URL get the information about the VM Map<String, VirtualMachineInfo> vmMap = new HashMap<String, VirtualMachineInfo>(); for (InfrastructureUri vmUri : vmUrls.getUris()) { String vmId = extractVmId(vmUri); VirtualMachineInfo vmInfo = im.getVmInfo(infrastructureId, vmId); vmMap.put(vmId, vmInfo); } // Find the Resource from the DB and bind it with the corresponding VM Page<Resource> resources = resourceRepository.findByDeployment_id(deployment.getId(), null); // Remove from vmMap all the resources already binded for (Resource r : resources) { if (r.getIaasId() != null) { vmMap.remove(r.getIaasId()); } } Set<String> insered = new HashSet<String>(); for (Resource r : resources) { if (r.getState() == NodeStates.CREATING || r.getState() == NodeStates.CONFIGURING || r.getState() == NodeStates.ERROR) { for (Map.Entry<String, VirtualMachineInfo> entry : vmMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().toString().contains(r.getToscaNodeName()) && !insered.contains(entry.getKey())) { r.setIaasId(entry.getKey()); insered.add(entry.getKey()); break; } } } else if (r.getState() == NodeStates.DELETING) { deployment.getResources().remove(r); } } } private String extractVmId(InfrastructureUri vmUri) { Matcher matcher = VM_ID_PATTERN.matcher(vmUri.getUri()); if (matcher.find()) { return; } return ""; } private ResponseError getImResponseError(ImClientErrorException exception) { return exception.getResponseError(); } private void logImErrorResponse(ImClientErrorException exception) { LOG.error(exception.getResponseError().getFormattedErrorMessage()); } // FIXME Remove once IM handles single nodes state update /** * Update the status of the deployment with an error message. * * @param deploymentUuid * the deployment id * @param message * the error message */ @Override public void updateOnError(String deploymentUuid, String message) { // WARNING: In IM we don't have the resource mapping yet, so we update all the resources // FIXME Remove once IM handles single nodes state update!!!! And pay attention to the // AbstractDeploymentProviderService.updateOnError method! Deployment deployment = deploymentRepository.findOne(deploymentUuid); switch (deployment.getStatus()) { case CREATE_FAILED: case UPDATE_FAILED: case DELETE_FAILED: LOG.warn("Deployment < {} > was already in {} state.", deploymentUuid, deployment.getStatus()); break; case CREATE_IN_PROGRESS: deployment.setStatus(Status.CREATE_FAILED); updateResources(deployment, Status.CREATE_FAILED); break; case DELETE_IN_PROGRESS: deployment.setStatus(Status.DELETE_FAILED); updateResources(deployment, Status.DELETE_FAILED); break; case UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS: deployment.setStatus(Status.UPDATE_FAILED); updateResources(deployment, Status.UPDATE_FAILED); break; default: LOG.error("updateOnError: unsupported deployment status: {}. Setting status to {}", deployment.getStatus(), Status.UNKNOWN.toString()); deployment.setStatus(Status.UNKNOWN); updateResources(deployment, Status.UNKNOWN); break; } deployment.setTask(Task.NONE); // Do not delete a previous statusReason if there's no explicit value! (used when isDeploy // reports an error and then the PollDeploy task calls the finalizeDeploy, which also uses this // method but does not have any newer statusReason) if (message != null) { deployment.setStatusReason(message); }; } }