Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2014 Politecnico di Milano ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package it.polimi.tower4clouds.rules; import it.polimi.modaclouds.qos_models.ConfigurationException; import it.polimi.modaclouds.qos_models.EnumErrorType; import it.polimi.modaclouds.qos_models.Problem; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.FailedPredicateException; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.InputMismatchException; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.NoViableAltException; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token; import org.apache.commons.lang.NullArgumentException; public class RulesValidator { private Config config; public RulesValidator() throws ConfigurationException { config = Config.getInstance(); } /** * Validate all rules * * @param monitoringRules * @return the set of problems found during validation, or an empty set if * the validation was successful */ public Set<Problem> validateAllRules(MonitoringRules monitoringRules) { if (monitoringRules == null) throw new NullArgumentException("monitoringRules"); Set<Problem> problems = new HashSet<Problem>(); List<MonitoringRule> rules = monitoringRules.getMonitoringRules(); List<MonitoringRule> otherRules = new ArrayList<MonitoringRule>(rules); MonitoringRule previousRule = null; for (MonitoringRule rule : rules) { if (previousRule != null) otherRules.add(previousRule); otherRules.remove(rule); problems.addAll(validateRule(rule, otherRules)); previousRule = rule; } return problems; } public Set<Problem> validateRule(MonitoringRule rule, List<MonitoringRule> otherRules) { Set<Problem> problems = new HashSet<Problem>(); problems.addAll(validateMissingFields(rule)); problems.addAll(validateIds(rule, otherRules)); problems.addAll(validateMonitoredTargets(rule)); problems.addAll(validateCollectedMetric(rule, otherRules)); problems.addAll(validateMetricAggregation(rule)); problems.addAll(validateActions(rule, otherRules)); problems.addAll(validateCondition(rule)); return problems; } private Collection<? extends Problem> validateIds(MonitoringRule rule, List<MonitoringRule> otherRules) { Set<Problem> problems = new HashSet<Problem>(); if (otherRules != null) { for (MonitoringRule otherRule : otherRules) { if (rule.getId() != null && otherRule.getId() != null && rule.getId().equals(otherRule.getId())) { problems.add(new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.ID_ALREADY_EXISTS, "id")); return problems; } } } return problems; } private Set<Problem> validateActions(MonitoringRule rule, List<MonitoringRule> otherRules) { Set<Problem> problems = new HashSet<Problem>(); if (rule.getActions() == null) return problems; if (rule.getActions().getActions().size() != 1) problems.add(new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.INVALID_ACTION, "actions", "Only one action is allowed at the moment")); for (Action action : rule.getActions().getActions()) { AbstractAction actionInstance = AbstractAction.getActionInstance(action); if (actionInstance == null) { problems.add(new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.INVALID_ACTION, action.getName(), "There's no such action")); } else { problems.addAll(actionInstance.validateRule(rule, otherRules)); } } return problems; } private Set<Problem> validateMissingFields(MonitoringRule rule) { Set<Problem> problems = new HashSet<Problem>(); if (rule.getTimeStep() == null) problems.add(new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.MISSING_FIELD, "timeStep")); if (rule.getTimeWindow() == null) problems.add(new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.MISSING_FIELD, "timeWindow")); if (rule.getActions() == null) problems.add(new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.MISSING_FIELD, "actions")); if (rule.getCollectedMetric() == null) problems.add(new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.MISSING_FIELD, "collectedMetric")); else if (rule.getCollectedMetric().getMetricName() == null) { problems.add(new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.MISSING_FIELD, "metricName", "collected metric requires the field metricName")); } if (rule.getId() == null) problems.add(new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.MISSING_FIELD, "id")); if (rule.getMonitoredTargets() == null) problems.add(new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.MISSING_FIELD, "monitoredTargets")); return problems; } private Set<Problem> validateMetricAggregation(MonitoringRule rule) { Set<Problem> problems = new HashSet<Problem>(); if (rule.getMetricAggregation() == null) return problems; boolean found = false; for (AggregateFunction aggregateF : config.getMonitoringAggregateFunctions().getAggregateFunctions()) { if (nullableEquals(aggregateF.getName(), rule.getMetricAggregation().getAggregateFunction())) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { problems.add(new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.INVALID_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION, "aggregateFunction")); return problems; } found = false; if (rule.getMetricAggregation().getGroupingClass() != null) { for (GroupingCategory clazz : config.getGroupingCategories().getGroupingCategories()) { if (nullableEquals(rule.getMetricAggregation().getGroupingClass(), clazz.getName())) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { problems.add(new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.INVALID_CLASS, "groupingClass")); } } List<AggregateFunction.RequiredParameter> requiredParameters = null; if (rule.getMetricAggregation().getAggregateFunction() != null) { for (AggregateFunction function : config.getMonitoringAggregateFunctions().getAggregateFunctions()) { if (nullableEquals(rule.getMetricAggregation().getAggregateFunction(), function.getName())) { requiredParameters = function.getRequiredParameters(); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { problems.add( new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.INVALID_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION, "metricAggregation")); } else { if (requiredParameters != null) { for (AggregateFunction.RequiredParameter reqP : requiredParameters) { found = false; for (Parameter ruleP : rule.getMetricAggregation().getParameters()) { if (nullableEquals(reqP.getValue(), ruleP.getName())) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { problems.add(new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER, "metricAggregation", "Parameter \"" + reqP.getValue() + "\" is missing.")); } } } } } return problems; } private Set<Problem> validateMonitoredTargets(MonitoringRule rule) { Set<Problem> problems = new HashSet<Problem>(); if (rule.getMonitoredTargets() == null) return problems; boolean found; for (MonitoredTarget target : rule.getMonitoredTargets().getMonitoredTargets()) { if (target.getClazz() == null) { problems.add(new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.MISSING_FIELD, "monitoredTargets", "target class is required")); break; } found = false; for (GroupingCategory clazz : config.getGroupingCategories().getGroupingCategories()) { if (nullableEquals(target.getClazz(), clazz.getName())) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { problems.add(new Problem(rule.getId(), EnumErrorType.INVALID_CLASS, "monitoredTargets")); } } return problems; } private Set<Problem> validateCollectedMetric(MonitoringRule rule, List<MonitoringRule> otherRules) { Set<Problem> problems = new HashSet<Problem>(); // TODO anything to check?? return problems; } private Set<Problem> validateCondition(MonitoringRule rule) { Set<Problem> problems = new HashSet<Problem>(); if (rule.getCondition() == null) return problems; String condition = rule.getCondition().getValue(); if (condition != null) { ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(condition); ConditionLexer lexer = new ConditionLexer(input); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); ConditionParser parser = new ConditionParser(tokens); parser.setErrorHandler(new ErrorStrategy()); parser.removeErrorListeners(); lexer.removeErrorListeners(); try { parser.expression(); } catch (Exception e) { Problem problem = new Problem(); problem.setElementId(rule.getId()); problem.setTagName("condition"); problem.setError(EnumErrorType.CONDITION_LEXICAL_ERROR); if (e.getCause().toString().contains("NoViableAltException")) { Token token = ((NoViableAltException) (e.getCause())).getOffendingToken(); problem.setDescription( "Lexical error: '" + condition.substring(0, token.getCharPositionInLine()) + " " + condition.substring(token.getCharPositionInLine()) + "'"); } else if (e instanceof InputMismatchException) { problem.setDescription("Input Mismatch Exception"); } else if (e instanceof FailedPredicateException) { problem.setDescription("Failed Predicate Exception"); } else { problem.setDescription("Unknown recognition error! Exception: " + e.getClass().getName()); } problems.add(problem); } } return problems; } private boolean nullableEquals(String name1, String name2) { if (name1 == null && name2 == null) return true; if (name1 == null || name2 == null) return false; return name1.equals(name2); } }