Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 Marco Scavuzzo * Contact: Marco Scavuzzo <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package it.polimi.hegira.adapters.datastore; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.thrift.TDeserializer; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.TSerializer; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.rabbitmq.client.ConsumerCancelledException; import com.rabbitmq.client.QueueingConsumer.Delivery; import com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalException; import it.polimi.hegira.adapters.AbstractDatabase; import it.polimi.hegira.exceptions.ConnectException; import it.polimi.hegira.exceptions.QueueException; import it.polimi.hegira.models.DatastoreModel; import it.polimi.hegira.models.Metamodel; import it.polimi.hegira.queue.TaskQueue; import it.polimi.hegira.transformers.DatastoreTransformer; import it.polimi.hegira.utils.Constants; import it.polimi.hegira.utils.DefaultErrors; import it.polimi.hegira.utils.PropertiesManager; import it.polimi.hegira.vdp.VdpUtils; import it.polimi.hegira.zkWrapper.MigrationStatus.VDPstatus; import it.polimi.hegira.zkWrapper.ZKclient; import it.polimi.hegira.zkWrapper.ZKserver; import it.polimi.hegira.zkWrapper.statemachine.State; public class Datastore extends AbstractDatabase { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Datastore.class); //private RemoteApiInstaller installer; //private DatastoreService ds; private class ConnectionObject { public ConnectionObject() { } public ConnectionObject(RemoteApiInstaller installer, DatastoreService ds) { this.installer = installer; this.ds = ds; } protected RemoteApiInstaller installer; protected DatastoreService ds; } public Datastore(Map<String, String> options) { super(options); if (TWTs_NO > 0) { connectionList = new ArrayList<ConnectionObject>(TWTs_NO); for (int i = 0; i < TWTs_NO; i++) connectionList.add(new ConnectionObject()); } else { connectionList = new ArrayList<ConnectionObject>(1); connectionList.add(new ConnectionObject()); } } private ArrayList<ConnectionObject> connectionList; @Override protected AbstractDatabase fromMyModel(Metamodel mm) { // TWC //log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" Hi I'm the GAE consumer!"); List<Entity> batch = new ArrayList<Entity>(); TDeserializer deserializer = new TDeserializer(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory()); long k = 0; int thread_id = 0; if (TWTs_NO != 0) thread_id = (int) (Thread.currentThread().getId() % TWTs_NO); while (true) { log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Extracting from the taskQueue" + thread_id + " TWTs_NO: " + TWTs_NO); try { Delivery delivery = taskQueues.get(thread_id).getConsumer().nextDelivery(2000); if (delivery != null) { Metamodel myModel = new Metamodel(); deserializer.deserialize(myModel, delivery.getBody()); DatastoreTransformer dt = new DatastoreTransformer(connectionList.get(thread_id).ds); DatastoreModel fromMyModel = dt.fromMyModel(myModel); batch.add(fromMyModel.getEntity()); batch.add(fromMyModel.getFictitiousEntity()); taskQueues.get(thread_id).sendAck(delivery.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag()); k++; if (k % 100 == 0) { putBatch(batch); log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " ===>100 entities. putting normal batch"); batch = new ArrayList<Entity>(); } else { if (k > 0) { //log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" ===>Nothing in the queue for me!"); putBatch(batch); log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " ===>less than 100 entities. putting short batch"); batch = new ArrayList<Entity>(); k = 0; } } } } catch (ShutdownSignalException | ConsumerCancelledException | InterruptedException e) { log.error("Error consuming from the queue " + TaskQueue.getDefaultTaskQueueName(), e); } catch (TException e) { log.error("Errore deserializing", e); } catch (QueueException e) { log.error("Couldn't send the ack to the queue " + TaskQueue.getDefaultTaskQueueName(), e); } } } @Override protected Metamodel toMyModel(AbstractDatabase db) { Datastore datastore = (Datastore) db; List<String> kinds = datastore.getAllKinds(); int thread_id = 0; for (String kind : kinds) { long i = 0, previousQueueCheckTime = 0; int queueElements = 0; //Create a new instance of the Thrift Serializer TSerializer serializer = new TSerializer(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory()); //Datastore cursor to scan a kind Cursor cursor = null; while (true) { QueryResultList<Entity> results = datastore.getEntitiesByKind_withCursor(kind, cursor, 300); //CURSOR CODE Cursor newcursor = getNextCursor(results); /** * newcursor is null if the query result cannot be resumed; * newcursor is equal to cursor if all entities have been read. */ if (newcursor == null || newcursor.equals(cursor)) break; else cursor = newcursor; //PRODUCTION CODE for (Entity entity : results) { DatastoreModel dsModel = new DatastoreModel(entity); dsModel.setAncestorString(entity.getKey().toString()); DatastoreTransformer dt = new DatastoreTransformer(); Metamodel myModel = dt.toMyModel(dsModel); if (myModel != null) { try { taskQueues.get(thread_id).publish(serializer.serialize(myModel)); i++; } catch (QueueException | TException e) { log.error("Serialization Error: ", e); } } } log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Produced: " + i + " entities"); if (i % 5000 == 0) taskQueues.get(0).slowDownProduction(); } log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " ==> Transferred " + i + " entities of kind " + kind); } return null; } /** * Returns the next cursor relative to the given list of entities. * @param results The list of entities. * @return The next cursor. <code>null</code> if the query result cannot be resumed; */ private Cursor getNextCursor(QueryResultList<Entity> results) { //trying to minimize undocumented errors from the Datastore boolean proofCursor = true; int timeout_ms = 100, retries = 10; Cursor newcursor = null; while (proofCursor && retries > 0) { try { newcursor = results.getCursor(); proofCursor = false; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("\n\n\n\n\t\tUndocumented Error !!! " + e.getMessage() + "\n\n\n"); try { Thread.sleep(timeout_ms); if (timeout_ms < 5000) timeout_ms *= 2; } catch (InterruptedException e1) { proofCursor = false; } retries--; } } return newcursor; } @Override public void connect() throws ConnectException { int thread_id = 0; if (TWTs_NO != 0) thread_id = (int) (Thread.currentThread().getId() % TWTs_NO); if (!isConnected()) { String username = PropertiesManager.getCredentials(Constants.DATASTORE_USERNAME); String password = PropertiesManager.getCredentials(Constants.DATASTORE_PASSWORD); String server = PropertiesManager.getCredentials(Constants.DATASTORE_SERVER); RemoteApiOptions options = new RemoteApiOptions().server(server, 443).credentials(username, password); try { log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " - Logging into " + server); RemoteApiInstaller installer = new RemoteApiInstaller(); installer.install(options); DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); ConnectionObject co = new ConnectionObject(installer, ds); connectionList.add(thread_id, co); log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " - Added connection object at " + "position: " + connectionList.indexOf(co) + " ThreadId%THREAD_NO=" + thread_id); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(DefaultErrors.connectionError + "\nStackTrace:\n" + e.getStackTrace()); throw new ConnectException(DefaultErrors.connectionError); } } else { log.warn(DefaultErrors.alreadyConnected); throw new ConnectException(DefaultErrors.alreadyConnected); } } /** * Checks if a connection has already been established * @return true if connected, false if not. */ public boolean isConnected() { int thread_id = 0; if (TWTs_NO != 0) thread_id = (int) (Thread.currentThread().getId() % TWTs_NO); try { return (connectionList.get(thread_id).installer == null || connectionList.get(thread_id).ds == null) ? false : true; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return false; } } @Override public void disconnect() { int thread_id = 0; if (TWTs_NO != 0) thread_id = (int) (Thread.currentThread().getId() % TWTs_NO); if (isConnected()) { if (connectionList.get(thread_id).installer != null) connectionList.get(thread_id).installer.uninstall(); connectionList.get(thread_id).installer = null; connectionList.get(thread_id).ds = null; log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Disconnected"); } else { log.warn(DefaultErrors.notConnected); } } /** * Stores a List of {@link} in batch * @param batch */ private void putBatch(List<Entity> batch) { int thread_id = 0; if (TWTs_NO != 0) thread_id = (int) (Thread.currentThread().getId() % TWTs_NO); boolean proof = true; while (proof) { try { connectionList.get(thread_id).ds.put(batch); proof = false; } catch (ConcurrentModificationException ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage() + "...retry"); } } } private Map<Key, Entity> getEntitiesByKeys(List<Integer> keys, String kind) { int thread_id = 0; if (TWTs_NO != 0) thread_id = (int) (Thread.currentThread().getId() % TWTs_NO); //building Datastore keys ArrayList<Key> dKeys = new ArrayList<Key>(keys.size()); for (Integer ik : keys) { Key dk = KeyFactory.createKey(kind, ik.toString()); Key dkl = KeyFactory.createKey(kind, ik.longValue()); dKeys.add(dk); dKeys.add(dkl); } //querying for the given keys return connectionList.get(thread_id).ds.get(dKeys); } /** * Uses Datastore SDK's KeyRange class to efficiently get a range of entities. * @param start The id of the first entity in the range. * @param end The id of the last entity in the range. * @param kind The kind of the entities to retrieve. * @return The query result, i.e. the entities associated with the KeyRange. */ private Map<Key, Entity> getEntitiesByKeyRange(long start, long end, String kind) { int thread_id = 0; if (TWTs_NO != 0) thread_id = (int) (Thread.currentThread().getId() % TWTs_NO); //building Datastore keys KeyRange dKeys = new KeyRange(null, kind, start, end); //querying for the given keys return connectionList.get(thread_id).ds.get(dKeys); } /** * Query for a given entity type * @param ds The datastore object to connect to the actual datastore * @param kind The kind used for the retrieval * @return An iterable containing all the entities */ private Iterable<Entity> getEntitiesByKind(String kind) { int thread_id = 0; if (TWTs_NO != 0) thread_id = (int) (Thread.currentThread().getId() % TWTs_NO); Query q = new Query(kind); PreparedQuery pq = connectionList.get(thread_id).ds.prepare(q); return pq.asIterable(); } /** * Gets a batch of entities of a given kind * @param kind The Entity Kind * @param cursor The point where to start fetching entities (<code>null</code> if entities should be fetched). Could be extracted from the returned object. * @param pageSize The number of entities to be retrieved in each batch (maximum 300). * @return An object containing the entities, the cursor and other stuff. */ private QueryResultList<Entity> getEntitiesByKind_withCursor(String kind, Cursor cursor, int pageSize) { int thread_id = 0; if (TWTs_NO != 0) thread_id = (int) (Thread.currentThread().getId() % TWTs_NO); boolean proof = true; QueryResultList<Entity> results = null; /** * Bullet proof reads from the Datastore. */ while (proof) { try { FetchOptions fetchOptions = FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(pageSize); if (cursor != null) fetchOptions.startCursor(cursor); Query q = new Query(kind); PreparedQuery pq = connectionList.get(thread_id).ds.prepare(q); results = pq.asQueryResultList(fetchOptions); proof = false; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "ERROR: getEntitiesByKind_withCursor -> " + e.getMessage()); } } return results; } /** * Gets all the entities descending (even not directly connected) from the given key * @param ds the Datastore object * @param ancestorKey get descendents of this key * @return */ private Iterable<Entity> getDescentents(Key ancestorKey) { int thread_id = 0; if (TWTs_NO != 0) thread_id = (int) (Thread.currentThread().getId() % TWTs_NO); Query q = new Query().setAncestor(ancestorKey); PreparedQuery pq = connectionList.get(thread_id).ds.prepare(q); return pq.asIterable(); } /** * All entities kinds contained in the Datastore, excluding statistic ones. * @return A list containing all the kinds */ public List<String> getAllKinds() { int thread_id = 0; if (TWTs_NO != 0) thread_id = (int) (Thread.currentThread().getId() % TWTs_NO); Iterable<Entity> results = connectionList.get(thread_id).ds.prepare(new Query(Entities.KIND_METADATA_KIND)) .asIterable(); //list containing kinds of the root entities ArrayList<String> kinds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Entity globalStat : results) { Key key2 = globalStat.getKey(); String name = key2.getName(); if (name.indexOf("_") != 0) { kinds.add(name); } } return kinds; } /** * Checks if an entity is root (i.e. it hasn't any parent) * @param e The entity to be checked * @return <code>true</code> if the given entity is root, <code>false</code> otherwise; */ private boolean isRoot(Entity e) { Key key = e.getKey(); Key parentKey = key.getParent(); return (parentKey == null) ? true : false; } @Override protected Metamodel toMyModelPartitioned(AbstractDatabase db) { Datastore datastore = (Datastore) db; //List<String> kinds = datastore.getAllKinds(); Set<String> kinds = snapshot.keySet(); //TODO: removing Fabio test kind. Remeber to remove in final version kinds.remove("usertable"); int thread_id = 0; for (String kind : kinds) { long i = 0; //Create a new instance of the Thrift Serializer TSerializer serializer = new TSerializer(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory()); //retrieving the total number of entities written so far for this kind. int maxSeq = snapshot.get(kind).getLastSeqNr(); //calculating the total number of VDPs for this kind int totalVDPs = snapshot.get(kind).getTotalVDPs(vdpSize); //extracting entities per each VDP for (int VDPid = 0; VDPid < totalVDPs; VDPid++) { //announcing the migration status for the new VDP try { //Trying to reduce concurrency on ZooKeeper, better having it on local snapshot if (snapshot.get(kind).getVDPstatus(VDPid).getCurrentState().equals(State.NOT_MIGRATED)) { if (canMigrate(kind, VDPid)) { //generating ids from the VDP /*ArrayList<Integer> ids = VdpUtils.getElements(VDPid, maxSeq, vdpSize); if(VDPid == 0){ if(ids.get(0) == 0) ids.remove(0); }*/ int[] vdpExtremes = VdpUtils.getVdpExtremes(VDPid, maxSeq, vdpSize); long start = vdpExtremes[0]; long end = vdpExtremes[1]; if (VDPid == 0) { if (start == 0) start = 1; } log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Getting entities for VDP: " + kind + "/" + VDPid); //getting entities from the Datastore //Map<Key, Entity> result = datastore.getEntitiesByKeys(ids, kind); Map<Key, Entity> result; if (end > 0) result = datastore.getEntitiesByKeyRange(start, end, kind); else result = new HashMap<Key, Entity>(); //getting the effective #entities to be piggybacked with every Metamodel entity int actualEntitiesNumber = result.size(); //Mapping entities to the Metamodel and sending it to the queue. for (Entity entity : result.values()) { DatastoreModel dsModel = new DatastoreModel(entity); dsModel.setAncestorString(entity.getKey().toString()); DatastoreTransformer dt = new DatastoreTransformer(); Metamodel myModel = dt.toMyModel(dsModel); //Piggybacking the actual number of entities the TWC should expect. HashMap<String, Integer> counters = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); counters.put(entity.getKind(), actualEntitiesNumber); myModel.setActualVdpSize(counters); if (myModel != null) { try { taskQueues.get(thread_id).publish(serializer.serialize(myModel)); i++; } catch (QueueException | TException e) { log.error(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Serialization Error: ", e); } } } log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Total Produced entities: " + i + ". Entities from VDPid " + VDPid + ": " + actualEntitiesNumber); //in the event that the client application requested too many ids, so that an entire VDP is empty, //or in the case the client application has removed all entities in a VDP... //there's no reason why that VDP should figure as "NOT_MIGRATED" if (actualEntitiesNumber == 0) { try { while (!notifyFinishedMigration(kind, VDPid)) { log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " I currently can't set VDP " + VDPid + " to migrated"); Thread.sleep(300); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Error setting the final migration status for kind: " + kind + " VDP: " + VDPid, e); return null; } } if (i % 5000 == 0) taskQueues.get(0).slowDownProduction(); } else { //log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName()+ // " Skipping VDP with id "+VDPid); } } else { //log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName()+ // " Pre-Skipping VDP with id "+VDPid); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Error setting the initial migration status for kind: " + kind, e); return null; } } //Finish all assigned vdps for this kind log.debug(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " ==> Transferred " + i + " entities of kind " + kind); } return null; } @Override public List<String> getTableList() { return getAllKinds(); } @Override protected AbstractDatabase fromMyModelPartitioned(Metamodel mm) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }