Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Luca Baggi, Marco Mezzanotte * * This file is part of ADPF. * * ADPF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * ADPF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ADPF. If not, see <>. */ package it.polimi.geinterface; import it.polimi.geinterface.SubscriptionCallback.EntityEvent; import it.polimi.geinterface.SubscriptionCallback.ErrorEvent; import it.polimi.geinterface.SubscriptionCallback.GroupEvent; import it.polimi.geinterface.DAO.Entity; import it.polimi.geinterface.DAO.Entity.Builder; import it.polimi.geinterface.DAO.Entity.Type; import it.polimi.geinterface.DAO.Group; import it.polimi.geinterface.DAO.JsonStrings; import it.polimi.geinterface.DAO.POI; import it.polimi.geinterface.DAO.Subscription; import it.polimi.geinterface.concurrency.Scheduler; import it.polimi.geinterface.filter.PropertiesFilter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import it.polimi.geinterface.service.ProximityService; import it.polimi.logging.LogMessageUtils; import it.polimi.logging.LoggerService; import it.polimi.logging.LoggerService.LogMod; import it.polimi.proximityapi.TechnologyManager; import it.polimi.proximityapi.DAO.ProximityData; import it.polimi.proximityapi.DAO.ProximityResult; import it.polimi.proximityapi.interfaces.ActionOutcomeCallback; import it.polimi.proximityapi.interfaces.ProximityListener; import it.polimi.proximityapi.jsonLogic.POIJsonParser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import org.altbeacon.beacon.Beacon; import org.altbeacon.beacon.Identifier; import org.altbeacon.beacon.Region; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.util.Log; public class GroupEntityManager implements ClientProximityAPI { /* * INTENT KEYS * */ /** * Key for the {@link Parcelable} object selfEntity set by client app */ public static final String SELF_ENTITY_INTENT_KEY = "SELF_ENTITY_INTENT_KEY"; /** * Key for the {@link POI} object related to the event of {@link POI} entry/exit */ public static final String POI_OBJ_INTENT_KEY = "POI_OBJ_INTENT_KEY"; /** * Key for the boolean value used to determine if the event is a {@link POI} entry or exit */ public static final String ENTERED_INTENT_KEY = "ENTERED_INTENT_KEY"; private static GroupEntityManager _instance; private static final String TAG = "GroupEntityManager"; private Context appCtx; private TechnologyManager techManager; /** * {@link Entity} representing the device on which che framework is running. */ private Entity selfEntity; private ConnectionStateCallback connStateCallback; /** * {@link ArrayList} containing beacons detected in the last BLE scan */ protected ArrayList<Entity> lastSeenBeacons; protected MQTTPahoClient networkClient; protected Scheduler scheduler; /** * This is the {@link Timer} used to wait for a time equal to {@link #CHECK_IN_AFTER_PROP_UPDATE_DELAY} * the {@link MessageType#PROPERTIES_UPDATE} corresponding to a {@link MessageType#CHECK_OUT} false. When * {@link Timer} fires, a {@link GroupEvent#ENTITY_CHECK_OUT} is fired. */ protected Timer checkInTimer; /** * {@link HashMap} where {@link TimerTask} waiting for a {@link MessageType#PROPERTIES_UPDATE} are stored */ protected Map<String, TimerTask> waitingForCheckInTasks; /** * Delay to wait before firing a {@link GroupEvent#ENTITY_CHECK_OUT}, after a {@link MessageType#CHECK_OUT} * with valid equal to <code>false</code> is received * */ protected final long CHECK_IN_AFTER_PROP_UPDATE_DELAY = 30000; private SubscriptionCallback subscriptionCallback; /** * {@link Subscription} list for proximity events */ private ArrayList<Subscription> proximitySubscriptionList; /** * {@link Subscription} list for group events */ private ArrayList<Subscription> groupSubscriptionList; /** * {@link Subscription} list for geofence events */ private ArrayList<Subscription> geofenceSubscriptionList; /** * {@link ArrayList} of {@link ProximityData} created starting from {@link POI} */ private ArrayList<ProximityData> proximityDataList; /** * {@link ArrayList} of {@link POI}s that have to be monitored */ public ArrayList<POI> poiList; /** * {@link ArrayList} of {@link Entity} containing the set of {@link Entity} responding to a * {@link MessageType#SYNC_REQ} message */ protected ArrayList<Entity> syncRespEntityList; /** * Object used in syncResp to handle the {@link Timer} timeout */ private Object syncObj = new Object(); private MessageHandler msgHandler; private SecurityManager securityManager; /** * Maximum number of geofence subscriptions. */ private int GEOFENCE_SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT = 5; /** * Number of BLE scans to wait before sending a {@link MessageType#PROX_BEACONS} message */ private final static int DEFAULT_BLE_SCAN_COUNTER = 6; /** * Counter incremented at each BLE scan. When it reaches the default value * ( {@link GroupEntityManager#DEFAULT_BLE_SCAN_COUNTER} ), a {@link MessageType#PROX_BEACONS} * message is sent. */ private int bleScanCounter = 0; public static GroupEntityManager getInstance() { return _instance; } public static void init(Context ctx, Entity self, SecurityManager secureMgr, final ConnectionStateCallback connCallback) { _instance = new GroupEntityManager(ctx, self, secureMgr, connCallback); Log.d(TAG, "NEW GROUPENTITYMANAGER INSTANCE"); } /** * * @param ctx - {@link Context} of the application using the framework. * @param self - {@link Entity} representing selfEntity * @param secureMgr - {@link SecurityManager} used to set security policies. * @param connCallback - {@link ConnectionStateCallback} used to set callback functions for * network events (disconnection, connection failed, successful connection) */ private GroupEntityManager(Context ctx, Entity self, SecurityManager secureMgr, final ConnectionStateCallback connCallback) { _instance = this; appCtx = ctx; selfEntity = self; LoggerService.changeMode(ctx, LogMod.silent); Log.e(TAG, ctx.getPackageName()); if (secureMgr == null) //set default security configuration securityManager = new SecurityManager.Builder(ctx).build(); else securityManager = secureMgr; techManager = new TechnologyManager(appCtx); techManager.startProximiyUpdates(); proximityDataList = new ArrayList<ProximityData>(); proximitySubscriptionList = new ArrayList<Subscription>(); groupSubscriptionList = new ArrayList<Subscription>(); geofenceSubscriptionList = new ArrayList<Subscription>(); lastSeenBeacons = new ArrayList<Entity>(); waitingForCheckInTasks = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, TimerTask>()); msgHandler = new MessageHandler(); checkInTimer = new Timer(true); this.connStateCallback = connCallback; networkClient = new MQTTPahoClient(appCtx, self, securityManager, connCallback); networkClient.setMessageArrivedCallback(new MessageCallback() { @Override public void onMessageReceived(String m) { //timestamp used for logging long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + LoggerService.NTP_DELAY; String senderID = MessageUtils.getSenderID(m); MessageType type = MessageUtils.getMsgType(m); //skip messages from myself if (senderID.equalsIgnoreCase(selfEntity.getEntityID())) return; Log.i(TAG, "Message received from " + senderID); /* * * The following line of codes are used only for logging * */ String log, topicReply, logId; JSONObject status = LogMessageUtils.buildStatus(proximitySubscriptionList.size(), groupSubscriptionList.size(), geofenceSubscriptionList.size()); if (type.equals(MessageType.SYNC_RESP)) topicReply = MessageUtils.getRequestTopicFromMessage(m); else { topicReply = null; } if (type.equals(MessageType.CHECK_OUT)) { if (MessageUtils.getValidBitFromMessage(m)) logId = selfEntity.getEntityID() + timestamp; else { logId = MessageUtils.getSenderID(m); } log = LogMessageUtils.buildMessageReceivedLog(logId, selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE, type, topicReply, status, timestamp); m = MessageUtils.addLogField(m, logId); } else { log = LogMessageUtils.buildMessageReceivedLog(MessageUtils.getLogIdFromMessage(m), selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE, type, topicReply, status, timestamp); } if (!senderID.equals(selfEntity.getEntityID())) LoggerService.writeToFile(appCtx, log); /* * * End of logging code * */ msgHandler.messageConsumer(m); } }); scheduler = new Scheduler(); scheduler.resume(); } /** * Method that has to be called in order to connect to the network. * * @param host_url - IP address of the PubSub broker */ public void connect(String host_url) { networkClient.connect(host_url, new ActionOutcomeCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted() { if (securityManager.check_group_changes_enabled()) { long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + LoggerService.NTP_DELAY; String logId = selfEntity.getEntityID() + timestamp; networkClient.publishMessage(, MessageUtils.buildCheckInMessage(selfEntity, logId)); //logging String log = LogMessageUtils.buildMessageSentLog(logId, selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE, MessageType.CHECK_IN, null, false, timestamp); LoggerService.writeToFile(appCtx, log); } networkClient.susbcribe(; networkClient.susbcribe(; networkClient.susbcribe(; networkClient.susbcribe(selfEntity.getEntityID()); if (connStateCallback != null) connStateCallback.onConnected(); } }); } /** * Method that has to be called in order to add {@link POI}. * * @param jsonStr - {@link String} (in JSON format) containing the list of {@link POI} */ public void addPOI(String jsonStr) { ArrayList<POI> newPois = POIJsonParser.parsePOIFile(jsonStr); if (poiList == null) poiList = newPois; else poiList.addAll(newPois); Log.d(TAG, "Registered POI number: " + poiList.size()); createProximityData(newPois); } /** * Method that create a {@link ProximityData} for each {@link POI} added. * * @param toAdd - list of {@link POI} from which {@link ProximityData} have to be created */ private void createProximityData(ArrayList<POI> toAdd) { ProximityData help; for (final POI p : toAdd) { help = new ProximityData(p.getName()); help.setBLERegion(new Region(p.getName(), Identifier.parse(p.getBeaconUuid()), null, null)) .setUse_ble(true).setLatitude(p.getLatitude()).setLongitude(p.getLongitude()) .setRadius(p.getRadius()).setNeed_geofence(true).setProxListener(new ProximityListener() { @Override public void onProximityChanged(ProximityResult result) { if (!result.isBle || result.visibleBeacons == null || result.visibleBeacons.size() == 0) return; ArrayList<Beacon> beacons = new ArrayList<Beacon>(result.visibleBeacons); ArrayList<Entity> beaconEntities = new ArrayList<Entity>(); Entity temp; Log.i(TAG, "Beacon found with BLE scan: " + beacons.size()); for (Beacon b : beacons) { temp = new Entity.Builder(b.getId1() + ":" + b.getId2() + ":" + b.getId3(), Entity.Type.BLE_BEACON) .setDistance(getDistanceRangeFromBeacon(b.getDistance())).build(); beaconEntities.add(temp); //Check if there is some proximity subscription matching with the beacon evaluateProximity(selfEntity, temp, getDistanceRangeFromBeacon(b.getDistance()), ""); } //Check if one of the beacons matches a geofence subscription evaluateGeofence(selfEntity, beaconEntities, ""); if (securityManager.check_proximity_changes_enabled()) { bleScanCounter++; if (bleScanCounter == DEFAULT_BLE_SCAN_COUNTER) { long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + LoggerService.NTP_DELAY; String logId = selfEntity.getEntityID() + timestamp; networkClient.publishMessage(, MessageUtils .buildProxBeaconsMessage(beaconEntities, selfEntity, logId)); bleScanCounter = 0; //logging String log = LogMessageUtils.buildMessageSentLog(logId, selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE, MessageType.PROX_BEACONS, null, false, timestamp); LoggerService.writeToFile(appCtx, log); } } //Storing of the last detected beacons saveLastSeenBeacons(beacons); } @Override public void onExitGeofenceArea(ProximityResult result) { Intent poiExitIntent = new Intent(getPOIEventBroadcastAction()); poiExitIntent.putExtra(SELF_ENTITY_INTENT_KEY, selfEntity); poiExitIntent.putExtra(POI_OBJ_INTENT_KEY, p); poiExitIntent.putExtra(ENTERED_INTENT_KEY, false); appCtx.sendBroadcast(poiExitIntent); } @Override public void onEnterGeofenceArea(ProximityResult result) { Intent poiEntryIntent = new Intent(getPOIEventBroadcastAction()); poiEntryIntent.putExtra(SELF_ENTITY_INTENT_KEY, selfEntity); poiEntryIntent.putExtra(POI_OBJ_INTENT_KEY, p); poiEntryIntent.putExtra(ENTERED_INTENT_KEY, true); appCtx.sendBroadcast(poiEntryIntent); } }); techManager.registerProximityData(help, new ActionOutcomeCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted() { Log.d(TAG, "Proximity data registered!"); } }); proximityDataList.add(help); } } /** * Method used to store last detected beacons. The maximum number of beacons that can be stored is 3: the * nearest two, and the furthest one. * @param visibleBeacons - List of {@link Beacon} detected in the last BLE scan. */ protected void saveLastSeenBeacons(final ArrayList<Beacon> visibleBeacons) { if (visibleBeacons.size() == 0) { synchronized (lastSeenBeacons) { lastSeenBeacons.clear(); } return; } scheduler.schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (visibleBeacons.size() < 4) synchronized (lastSeenBeacons) { lastSeenBeacons.clear(); for (Beacon e : visibleBeacons) { Entity be = new Entity.Builder(e.getId1() + ":" + e.getId2() + ":" + e.getId3(), Type.BLE_BEACON) .setDistance( GroupEntityManager.getDistanceRangeFromBeacon(e.getDistance())) .build(); lastSeenBeacons.add(be); } } else { //sort by distance Collections.sort(visibleBeacons, new Comparator<Beacon>() { @Override public int compare(Beacon lhs, Beacon rhs) { return, rhs.getDistance()); } }); Beacon b1 = visibleBeacons.get(0); Beacon b2 = visibleBeacons.get(1); Beacon b3 = visibleBeacons.get(visibleBeacons.size() - 1); Entity e1 = new Entity.Builder(b1.getId1() + ":" + b1.getId2() + ":" + b1.getId3(), Type.BLE_BEACON) .setDistance(GroupEntityManager.getDistanceRangeFromBeacon(b1.getDistance())) .build(); Entity e2 = new Entity.Builder(b2.getId1() + ":" + b2.getId2() + ":" + b2.getId3(), Type.BLE_BEACON) .setDistance(GroupEntityManager.getDistanceRangeFromBeacon(b2.getDistance())) .build(); Entity e3 = new Entity.Builder(b3.getId1() + ":" + b3.getId2() + ":" + b3.getId3(), Type.BLE_BEACON) .setDistance(GroupEntityManager.getDistanceRangeFromBeacon(b3.getDistance())) .build(); synchronized (lastSeenBeacons) { lastSeenBeacons.add(e1); lastSeenBeacons.add(e2); lastSeenBeacons.add(e3); } } } }); } /* * * PUBLISH MESSAGES * */ /** * Method that sends a {@link MessageType#PROXIMITY_UPDATE} on the network * @param e1 * @param e2 * @param distance - {@link DistanceRange} between <code>e1</code> and <code>e2</code> */ private void sendProximityUpdateMessage(Entity e1, Entity e2, DistanceRange distance) { long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + LoggerService.NTP_DELAY; String logId = selfEntity.getEntityID() + timestamp; /** * The message is sent on <code>e2</code> topic */ networkClient.publishMessage(e2.getEntityID(), MessageUtils.buildProximityMessage(selfEntity.getEntityID(), MessageType.PROXIMITY_UPDATE, e1, e2, distance, logId)); //logging String log = LogMessageUtils.buildMessageSentLog(logId, selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE, MessageType.PROXIMITY_UPDATE, null, false, timestamp); LoggerService.writeToFile(appCtx, log); } /* * * END - PUBLISH MESSAGES * */ /** * Method that has to be called in order to change selfEntity properties ( {@link Entity#getProperties()} ). * <b>IT IS NOT ALLOWED TO MODIFY ENTITY_ID</b> * @param newSelfEntity - {@link Entity} with new properties * @throws Exception - Exception raised when entityId is modified */ public void updateSelfEntity(final Entity newSelfEntity, final boolean fromGhost_toVisible) throws Exception { if (!newSelfEntity.getEntityID().equals(selfEntity.getEntityID())) { throw new Exception("Self Entity ID modified!"); } Log.w(TAG, "waiting scheduler pause"); scheduler.pause(); Log.w(TAG, "Modifying entity"); final Entity oldEntity = selfEntity; networkClient.onSelfEntityUpdate(oldEntity, newSelfEntity, fromGhost_toVisible, new ActionOutcomeCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted() { if (securityManager.check_group_changes_enabled() && !fromGhost_toVisible) { long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + LoggerService.NTP_DELAY; String logId = selfEntity.getEntityID(); networkClient.publishMessage( MessageUtils.getMsgTopic(MessageType.PROPERTIES_UPDATE).name(), MessageUtils.buildGroupMessage(newSelfEntity.getEntityID(), newSelfEntity, oldEntity.getProperties(), logId)); //logging String log = LogMessageUtils.buildMessageSentLog(logId, selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE, MessageType.PROPERTIES_UPDATE, null, false, timestamp); LoggerService.writeToFile(appCtx, log); } networkClient.susbcribe(; networkClient.susbcribe(; networkClient.susbcribe(; networkClient.susbcribe(selfEntity.getEntityID()); } }); selfEntity = newSelfEntity; scheduler.resume(); } /** * Method that permits the start of {@link POI} monitoring added with the {@link #addPOI(String)} method. */ public void startPOIMonitoring() { if (poiList == null || poiList.size() == 0) { Log.e(TAG, "POI Monitoring FAIL: no POI added!"); return; } techManager.startProximiyUpdates(); } @Override public Subscription subscribeEntityDistanceTracking(Entity e1, Group g2) { //group corresponding to entity e1 passed as parameter Group g1 = new Group.Builder(e1.getEntityID()).setEntityID(e1.getEntityID()).build(); Subscription ret = new Subscription(g1, g2, DistanceRange.UNKNOWN); //if e1 is not selfEntity or a beacon, an ErrorEvent is notified if (!e1.getEntityType().equals(Type.BLE_BEACON) && !selfEntity.equals(e1)) { getSubscriptionCallback().handleSubscriptionError(ret, ErrorEvent.ERROR_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_VALID); return null; } scheduler.pause(); proximitySubscriptionList.add(ret); scheduler.resume(); Log.d(TAG, "Proximity subs size: " + proximitySubscriptionList.size()); return ret; } @Override public Subscription subscribeEntityGeoFenceTracking(Entity e1, Group g2, DistanceRange distance) { Subscription ret = new Subscription(e1, g2, distance); //boolean value used to determine if an EventError has to be notified, after the Scheduler is resumed boolean handleError = false; //if e1 is not selfEntity or a beacon, an ErrorEvent is notified if (!e1.getEntityType().equals(Type.BLE_BEACON) && !selfEntity.equals(e1)) { getSubscriptionCallback().handleSubscriptionError(ret, ErrorEvent.ERROR_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_VALID); return null; } scheduler.pause(); /* * if the limit on geofence subscription is reached, an ErrorEvent has to be fired on Scheduler resume, * otherwise the subscription is added to the geofenceSubscriptionList */ if (geofenceSubscriptionList.size() >= GEOFENCE_SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT) handleError = true; else geofenceSubscriptionList.add(ret); scheduler.resume(); if (handleError) { getSubscriptionCallback().handleSubscriptionError(ret, ErrorEvent.ERROR_SUBSCRIPTION_NUMBER_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); return null; } return ret; } @Override public Subscription subscribeGroupChanges(Group g) { //Group g2 set to null as is not needed in group subscriptions Subscription ret = new Subscription(g, null, DistanceRange.UNKNOWN); scheduler.pause(); groupSubscriptionList.add(ret); scheduler.resume(); return ret; } @Override public boolean unsubscribe(final Subscription sub) { scheduler.pause(); boolean found = false; for (Subscription s : groupSubscriptionList) if (s.equals(sub)) { groupSubscriptionList.remove(s); found = true; break; } if (!found) for (Subscription s : proximitySubscriptionList) if (s.equals(sub)) { proximitySubscriptionList.remove(s); found = true; break; } if (!found) for (Subscription s : geofenceSubscriptionList) if (s.equals(sub)) { geofenceSubscriptionList.remove(s); found = true; break; } if (found) Log.i(TAG, "Subscription removed correctly!"); else Log.w(TAG, "Subscription does not exists!"); scheduler.resume(); return found; } @Override public void getAllEntitiesInProximity(final DistanceRange distance, Group g, final ActionOutcomeCallback callback, long millisec, final ArrayList<Entity> result) { //In this case, it means that a syncRequest is already running if (syncRespEntityList != null) return; syncRespEntityList = result; //Creation of a unique topic where receive syncResp messages final String newTopic = new Random().nextInt(10000) + "-reqTopic"; networkClient.susbcribe(newTopic); ArrayList<Entity> lastBeacons; synchronized (lastSeenBeacons) { lastBeacons = new ArrayList<>(lastSeenBeacons); } long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + LoggerService.NTP_DELAY; String logId = selfEntity.getEntityID() + timestamp; networkClient.publishMessage(, MessageUtils .buildSyncReqMessage(selfEntity.getEntityID(), newTopic, lastBeacons, g, distance, logId)); //logging String log = LogMessageUtils.buildMessageSentLog(logId, selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE, MessageType.SYNC_REQ, newTopic, false, timestamp); LoggerService.writeToFile(appCtx, log); if (checkInTimer == null) checkInTimer = new Timer(true); checkInTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { networkClient.unsusbcribe(newTopic); synchronized (syncObj) { syncRespEntityList = null; } ArrayList<Entity> lastBeacons; synchronized (lastSeenBeacons) { lastBeacons = new ArrayList<>(lastSeenBeacons); } //Beacons in proximity added to result list ArrayList<Entity> beacons = lastBeacons; for (Entity e : beacons) if (e.getDistanceRange().ordinal() <= distance.ordinal()) result.add(e); callback.onCompleted(); } }, millisec); } /** * Method used to stop the {@link GroupEntityManager} */ public void stop() { techManager.stop(); scheduler.stop(); networkClient.disconnect(); _instance = null; } public void setConnStateCallback(ConnectionStateCallback connStateCallback) { this.connStateCallback = connStateCallback; } /** * This method permits the {@link GroupEntityManager} to call {@link Subscription} callback functions * on the app also in case of {@link ProximityService} "rebind" * @param sub */ public void setSubscriptionCallback(SubscriptionCallback sub) { scheduler.pause(); this.subscriptionCallback = sub; scheduler.resume(); } public SubscriptionCallback getSubscriptionCallback() { return this.subscriptionCallback; } /** * Method that computes the {@link DistanceRange} corresponding to the distance (in meters) * received from BLE scan * * @param distance - distance in meters obtained from a BLE scan * @return the corresponding {@link DistanceRange} */ public static DistanceRange getDistanceRangeFromBeacon(double distance) { if (distance < 0.6) return DistanceRange.IMMEDIATE; if (distance < 2.1) return DistanceRange.NEXT_TO; if (distance < 4.1) return DistanceRange.NEAR; return DistanceRange.FAR; } /** * Class used to handle received messages * */ private class MessageHandler { public void messageConsumer(String message) { MessageType msgType = MessageUtils.getMsgType(message); //used for logging String logId; Log.d(TAG, "Message received: " + message); switch (msgType) { case PROXIMITY_UPDATE: Entity e1 = MessageUtils.getEntityFromMessage(1, message); Entity e2 = MessageUtils.getEntityFromMessage(2, message); DistanceRange distance = MessageUtils.getDistanceRangeFromMessage(message); logId = MessageUtils.getLogIdFromMessage(message); evaluateProximity(e1, e2, distance, logId); evaluateGeofenceD2D(e1, e2, distance, logId); break; case PROX_BEACONS: Entity e = MessageUtils.getEntityFromMessage(1, message); ArrayList<Entity> beacons = MessageUtils.getBeaconsFromMsg(message); logId = MessageUtils.getLogIdFromMessage(message); evaluateGeofence(e, beacons, logId); if (beacons.size() == 0) return; for (Entity b : beacons) evaluateProximity(e, b, b.getDistanceRange(), logId); synchronized (lastSeenBeacons) { //storing in beacons the intersection between lastSeenBeacons and beacons beacons.retainAll(lastSeenBeacons); } evaluateProximityD2D(beacons, e, logId); break; case PROPERTIES_UPDATE: long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + LoggerService.NTP_DELAY; logId = MessageUtils.getLogIdFromMessage(message) + timestamp; JSONObject status = LogMessageUtils.buildStatus(proximitySubscriptionList.size(), groupSubscriptionList.size(), geofenceSubscriptionList.size()); /* * logging */ String log = LogMessageUtils.buildMessageReceivedLog(logId, selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE, MessageType.PROPERTIES_UPDATE, null, status, timestamp); LoggerService.writeToFile(appCtx, log); final Entity updatingEntity = MessageUtils.getEntityFromMessage(1, message); JSONObject oldProperties = MessageUtils.getOldPropertiesFromMessage(message); scheduler.schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { TimerTask toCancel = waitingForCheckInTasks.remove(updatingEntity.getEntityID()); if (toCancel != null) { toCancel.cancel(); Log.i(TAG, "TimerTask for " + updatingEntity.getEntityID() + " stopped"); } } }); evaluateGroup(updatingEntity, oldProperties, logId); break; case SYNC_REQ: if (!securityManager.check_proximity_changes_enabled()) return; String topic = MessageUtils.getRequestTopicFromMessage(message); ArrayList<Entity> bcns = MessageUtils.getBeaconsFromMsg(message); String senderID = MessageUtils.getSenderID(message); //skip message from myself if (selfEntity.getEntityID().equalsIgnoreCase(senderID)) return; DistanceRange distanceRange = MessageUtils.getDistanceRangeFromMessage(message); JSONObject group = MessageUtils.getGroupFromMessage(message); handleSyncReq(topic, bcns, group, distanceRange); break; case SYNC_RESP: Entity respondingEntity = MessageUtils.getEntityFromMessage(1, message); handleSyncResp(respondingEntity); break; case CHECK_IN: Entity checkInEntity = MessageUtils.getEntityFromMessage(1, message); logId = MessageUtils.getLogIdFromMessage(message); Log.d(TAG, message); /* * if checkInEntity matches a proximity subscription, an ENTITY_PROXIMITY_UPDATE * with distance SAME_WIFI is fired */ evaluateProximity(selfEntity, checkInEntity, DistanceRange.SAME_WIFI, logId); evaluateCheckIn(checkInEntity, logId); break; case CHECK_OUT: Entity checkOutEntity = MessageUtils.getEntityFromMessage(1, message); logId = MessageUtils.getLogIdFromMessage(message); evaluateCheckOut(checkOutEntity, MessageUtils.getValidBitFromMessage(message), logId); break; default: break; } } } /* * * * * * * METHODS USED TO DETERMINE EVENTS FIRING * * * * * */ /** * Method that evaluate if one or more proximity subscriptions are matched and relative * proximity events have to be fired * @param e1 - first {@link Entity} involved in proximity evaluation * @param e2 - second {@link Entity} involved in proximity evaluation * @param distance - {@link DistanceRange} between the two {@link Entity} */ private void evaluateProximity(final Entity e1, final Entity e2, final DistanceRange distance, final String logId) { if (proximitySubscriptionList.size() == 0 || e1.getEntityID().equalsIgnoreCase(e2.getEntityID())) return; scheduler.schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (Subscription s : proximitySubscriptionList) { //if e1 belongs to g1 and e2 belongs to g2, or vice versa if ((s.getG1().evaluate(e1) && s.getG2().evaluate(e2)) || (s.getG1().evaluate(e2) && s.getG2().evaluate(e1))) { //timestamp used for logging long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + LoggerService.NTP_DELAY; getSubscriptionCallback().handleEvent(s, EntityEvent.ENTITY_PROXIMITY_UPDATE, e1, e2, distance); //Logging if (!logId.equals("")) { JSONObject status = LogMessageUtils.buildStatus(proximitySubscriptionList.size(), groupSubscriptionList.size(), geofenceSubscriptionList.size()); String log = LogMessageUtils.buildEventLog(logId, selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE,, status, timestamp); LoggerService.writeToFile(appCtx, log); } } } } }); } /** * Method that computes the distance between selfEntity and another device, receiving the intersection * between beacons contained in device's {@link MessageType#PROX_BEACONS} message and selfEntity * lastSeenBeacons * @param beacons - intersection between selfEntity lastSeenBeacons and beacons contained in the * {@link MessageType#PROX_BEACONS} received * @param sender - {@link Entity} which sent the {@link MessageType#PROX_BEACONS} message * @param logId - Parameter used only for logging */ private void evaluateProximityD2D(final ArrayList<Entity> beacons, final Entity sender, final String logId) { if (beacons.isEmpty() || sender.getEntityID().equalsIgnoreCase(selfEntity.getEntityID())) return; scheduler.schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { DistanceRange bestDistance = DistanceRange.SAME_BEACON; ArrayList<Entity> queue; synchronized (lastSeenBeacons) { queue = new ArrayList<>(lastSeenBeacons); } for (Entity common : beacons) for (Entity mine : queue) if (common.equals(mine)) switch (common.getDistanceRange()) { case IMMEDIATE: case NEXT_TO: bestDistance = (mine.getDistanceRange().ordinal() < bestDistance.ordinal()) ? ((mine.getDistanceRange().ordinal() < common.getDistanceRange().ordinal()) ? common.getDistanceRange() : mine.getDistanceRange()) : bestDistance; break; default: bestDistance = (mine.getDistanceRange().ordinal() <= DistanceRange.NEXT_TO.ordinal() && common.getDistanceRange().ordinal() < bestDistance.ordinal()) ? common.getDistanceRange() : bestDistance; break; } /* * if security configuration allows sending of proximity messages, a PROXIMITY_UPDATE * message is sent; otherwise, a call to evaluateProximity is performed in order to * verify if a proximity event has to be fired (in fact it is not allowed to send * PROX_BEACONS messages, so it is impossible to receive PROXIMITY_UPDATE messages from * other devices). * */ if (securityManager.check_proximity_changes_enabled()) sendProximityUpdateMessage(selfEntity, sender, bestDistance); else evaluateProximity(selfEntity, sender, bestDistance, logId); evaluateGeofenceD2D(selfEntity, sender, bestDistance, logId); } }); } /** * Method that checks if there is some geofence subscription matching with one or more * beacons contained in the {@link MessageType#PROX_BEACONS} message received. * @param e - {@link Entity} which has received the {@link MessageType#PROX_BEACONS} message * @param beacons - List of {@link Entity} of type {@link Type#BLE_BEACON} contained in the message */ private void evaluateGeofence(final Entity e, final ArrayList<Entity> beacons, final String logId) { if (geofenceSubscriptionList.size() == 0) return; scheduler.schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (Subscription s : geofenceSubscriptionList) { Group g = s.getG2(); Entity eSub = s.getE1(); if (e.equals(eSub)) { for (Entity beacon : beacons) if (g.evaluate(beacon)) evaluateGeofenceEventFiring(s, beacon, beacon.getDistanceRange(), logId); } else { if (g.evaluate(e)) { if (beacons.size() == 0) //if no beacons are detected in BLE scan, is verified if a geofence exit happened evaluateGeofenceEventFiring(s, e, DistanceRange.SAME_WIFI, logId); else for (Entity beacon : beacons) if (beacon.equals(eSub)) evaluateGeofenceEventFiring(s, e, beacon.getDistanceRange(), logId); } } } } }); } /** * Method that checks if some geofence subscription is matched by two entities of type {@link Type#DEVICE} * @param e1 - first {@link Entity} to be checked * @param e2 - second {@link Entity} to be checked * @param distance - {@link DistanceRange} the two entities are one respect the other * @param logId - used only for logging */ private void evaluateGeofenceD2D(final Entity e1, final Entity e2, final DistanceRange distance, final String logId) { if (geofenceSubscriptionList.size() == 0) { Log.i(TAG, "Nessuna geofenceSubscription presente"); return; } scheduler.schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (Subscription s : geofenceSubscriptionList) { Entity subEntity = s.getE1(); Group subGroup = s.getG2(); if (e1.equals(subEntity)) { Log.i(TAG, e1.getEntityID() + " geofence ENTITY matching"); if (subGroup.evaluate(e2)) { Log.i(TAG, e1.getEntityID() + " geofence ENTITY matching AND " + e2.getEntityID() + " gefence GROUP matching"); evaluateGeofenceEventFiring(s, e2, distance, logId); } } else { if (e2.equals(subEntity)) { Log.i(TAG, e2.getEntityID() + " geofence ENTITY matching"); if (subGroup.evaluate(e1)) { Log.i(TAG, e2.getEntityID() + " geofence ENTITY matching AND " + e1.getEntityID() + " gefence GROUP matching"); evaluateGeofenceEventFiring(s, e1, distance, logId); } } } } } }); } /** * Method called by {@link #evaluateGeofence(Entity, ArrayList, String)} and * {@link #evaluateGeofenceD2D(Entity, Entity, DistanceRange, String)} in order to verify if a matched * geofence subscription has to fire a geofence entry/exit event. * * @param s - the matching {@link Subscription} * @param e2 - the {@link Entity} that could have caused the event * @param distanceRange - the {@link DistanceRange} <code>e2</code> is from geofence center * @param logId - used only for logging */ protected void evaluateGeofenceEventFiring(Subscription s, Entity e2, DistanceRange distanceRange, String logId) { String ret = s.getAlreadyDetected(e2.getEntityID()); if (ret != null) { if (distanceRange.ordinal() > s.getDistance().ordinal()) { long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + LoggerService.NTP_DELAY; getSubscriptionCallback().handleEvent(s, EntityEvent.ENTITY_GEOFENCE_EXIT, s.getE1(), e2, distanceRange); s.removeAlreadyDetected(ret); //logging if (!logId.equals("")) { JSONObject status = LogMessageUtils.buildStatus(proximitySubscriptionList.size(), groupSubscriptionList.size(), geofenceSubscriptionList.size()); String log = LogMessageUtils.buildEventLog(logId, selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE,, status, timestamp); LoggerService.writeToFile(appCtx, log); } } } else { if (distanceRange.ordinal() <= s.getDistance().ordinal()) { if (!s.addDetectedEntity(e2.getEntityID())) { getSubscriptionCallback().handleSubscriptionError(s, ErrorEvent.ERROR_SUBSCRIPTION_ENTITY_SIZE_EXCEEDED); return; } long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + LoggerService.NTP_DELAY; getSubscriptionCallback().handleEvent(s, EntityEvent.ENTITY_GEOFENCE_ENTRY, s.getE1(), e2, distanceRange); //logging if (!logId.equals("")) { JSONObject status = LogMessageUtils.buildStatus(proximitySubscriptionList.size(), groupSubscriptionList.size(), geofenceSubscriptionList.size()); String log = LogMessageUtils.buildEventLog(logId, selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE,, status, timestamp); LoggerService.writeToFile(appCtx, log); } } } } /** * Method that checks if some group event has to be fired as a result of a PROPERTIES_UPDATE message * @param e - the {@link Entity} that updated properties * @param oldProperties - properties of {@link Entity} <code>e</code> before updating * @param logId - used only for logging */ private void evaluateGroup(final Entity e, final JSONObject oldProperties, final String logId) { if (groupSubscriptionList.size() == 0) return; scheduler.schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Builder builder = new Builder(e.getEntityID(), e.getEntityType()); builder.addProperties(oldProperties); Entity oldEntity =; for (Subscription s : groupSubscriptionList) { /* * if new entity matches the subscription group AND old entity doesn't match it, it is * a ENTITY_GROUP_JOIN */ if (!s.getG1().evaluate(oldEntity) && s.getG1().evaluate(e)) { long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + LoggerService.NTP_DELAY; getSubscriptionCallback().handleGroupEvent(s, GroupEvent.ENTITY_GROUP_JOIN, e, s.getG1()); //logging JSONObject status = LogMessageUtils.buildStatus(proximitySubscriptionList.size(), groupSubscriptionList.size(), geofenceSubscriptionList.size()); String log = LogMessageUtils.buildEventLog(logId, selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE,, status, timestamp); LoggerService.writeToFile(appCtx, log); } /* * if old entity matches the subscription group AND new entity doesn't match it, it is * a ENTITY_GROUP_LEAVE */ if (!s.getG1().evaluate(e) && s.getG1().evaluate(oldEntity)) { long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + LoggerService.NTP_DELAY; getSubscriptionCallback().handleGroupEvent(s, GroupEvent.ENTITY_GROUP_LEAVE, e, s.getG1()); JSONObject status = LogMessageUtils.buildStatus(proximitySubscriptionList.size(), groupSubscriptionList.size(), geofenceSubscriptionList.size()); String log = LogMessageUtils.buildEventLog(logId, selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE,, status, timestamp); LoggerService.writeToFile(appCtx, log); } } } }); } /** * Method used to evaluate a {@link MessageType#CHECK_OUT} message received. If its valid bit is set to * <code>true</code>, method checks for a possible {@link GroupEvent#ENTITY_CHECK_OUT} event; if it is * <code>false</code>, it sets the {@link Timer} to wait for the corresponding * {@link MessageType#PROPERTIES_UPDATE} message. * @param e - {@link Entity} that sent the {@link MessageType#CHECK_OUT} message * @param valid_bit - valid boolean field of the message * @param logId - used only for logging */ private void evaluateCheckOut(final Entity e, final boolean valid_bit, final String logId) { if (groupSubscriptionList.size() == 0) return; scheduler.schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (Subscription s : groupSubscriptionList) { if (s.getG1().evaluate(e)) { if (!valid_bit) { if (waitingForCheckInTasks.containsKey(e.getEntityID())) return; TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { Log.w(TAG, "Timeout CheckIn per " + e.getEntityID()); waitingForCheckInTasks.remove(e.getEntityID()); evaluateCheckOut(e, true, ""); } }; waitingForCheckInTasks.put(e.getEntityID(), task); checkInTimer.schedule(task, CHECK_IN_AFTER_PROP_UPDATE_DELAY); Log.d(TAG, "Timeout checkIn registrato per " + e.getEntityID()); return; } else { long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + LoggerService.NTP_DELAY; getSubscriptionCallback().handleGroupEvent(s, GroupEvent.ENTITY_CHECK_OUT, e, s.getG1()); //logging if (!logId.equals("")) { JSONObject status = LogMessageUtils.buildStatus(proximitySubscriptionList.size(), groupSubscriptionList.size(), geofenceSubscriptionList.size()); String log = LogMessageUtils.buildEventLog(logId, selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE,, status, timestamp); LoggerService.writeToFile(appCtx, log); } } } } } }); } /** * Method used to evaluate if a {@link MessageType#CHECK_IN} message is firing a proximity or a group * event * @param e - {@link Entity} that sent the message * @param logId - used only for logging */ private void evaluateCheckIn(final Entity e, final String logId) { if (groupSubscriptionList.size() == 0 || e.getEntityID().equalsIgnoreCase(selfEntity.getEntityID())) return; scheduler.schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (Subscription s : groupSubscriptionList) { if (s.getG1().evaluate(e)) { long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + LoggerService.NTP_DELAY; getSubscriptionCallback().handleGroupEvent(s, GroupEvent.ENTITY_CHECK_IN, e, s.getG1()); //logging JSONObject status = LogMessageUtils.buildStatus(proximitySubscriptionList.size(), groupSubscriptionList.size(), geofenceSubscriptionList.size()); String log = LogMessageUtils.buildEventLog(logId, selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE,, status, timestamp); LoggerService.writeToFile(appCtx, log); } } } }); } /** * Method used to handle an {@link Entity} responding to a {@link MessageType#SYNC_REQ} message * @param sender - the responding {@link Entity} */ private void handleSyncResp(final Entity sender) { synchronized (syncObj) { if (syncRespEntityList == null) return; syncRespEntityList.add(sender); } } /** * Method used to handle a {@link MessageType#SYNC_REQ} message: if the <code>group</code> is matched * and the computed {@link DistanceRange} is less or equal than <code>distanceRange</code>, a * {@link MessageType#SYNC_RESP} message is sent on the topic <code>topic</code> * @param topic - the topic where the {@link MessageType#SYNC_RESP} has to be sent * @param beacons - beacons contained in the {@link MessageType#SYNC_REQ} message * @param group - the {@link Group} that has to be matched * @param distanceRange - the {@link DistanceRange} that has to be matched */ private void handleSyncReq(final String topic, final ArrayList<Entity> beacons, final JSONObject group, final DistanceRange distanceRange) { scheduler.schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { PropertiesFilter filter = null; DistanceRange maxDistance = distanceRange; if (!((String) group.get(JsonStrings.FILTER)).equals("")) try { filter = PropertiesFilter.parseFromString((String) group.get(JsonStrings.FILTER)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String entityId = (String) group.get(JsonStrings.ENTITY_ID); Type entityType = Type.valueOf((String) group.get(JsonStrings.ENTITY_TYPE)); String groupDesc = (String) group.get(JsonStrings.GROUP_DESCRIPTOR); Group g = new Group.Builder(groupDesc).setEntityID(entityId).setEntityType(entityType) .setFilter(filter).build(); if (!g.evaluate(selfEntity)) return; DistanceRange bestDistance = DistanceRange.SAME_WIFI; ArrayList<Entity> queue; synchronized (lastSeenBeacons) { queue = new ArrayList<>(lastSeenBeacons); //intersection to obtain common beacons beacons.retainAll(lastSeenBeacons); } Builder builder = new Builder(selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE); JSONObject selfProps = selfEntity.getProperties(); builder.addProperties(selfProps); if (beacons.size() == 0) { if (DistanceRange.SAME_WIFI.ordinal() <= maxDistance.ordinal()) { builder.setDistance(DistanceRange.SAME_WIFI); networkClient.publishMessage(topic, MessageUtils.buildSyncRespMessage(, topic)); } return; } for (Entity common : beacons) for (Entity mine : queue) if (common.equals(mine)) switch (common.getDistanceRange()) { case IMMEDIATE: case NEXT_TO: bestDistance = (mine.getDistanceRange().ordinal() < bestDistance.ordinal()) ? ((mine.getDistanceRange().ordinal() < common.getDistanceRange().ordinal()) ? common.getDistanceRange() : mine.getDistanceRange()) : bestDistance; break; default: bestDistance = (mine.getDistanceRange().ordinal() <= DistanceRange.NEXT_TO.ordinal() && common.getDistanceRange().ordinal() < bestDistance.ordinal()) ? common.getDistanceRange() : bestDistance; break; } if (bestDistance.ordinal() <= maxDistance.ordinal()) { builder.setDistance(bestDistance); networkClient.publishMessage(topic, MessageUtils.buildSyncRespMessage(, topic)); } } }); } /** * Method that has to be called in order to enable Ghost Mode */ public void enableGhostMode() { if (securityManager.check_old_group_settings()) networkClient.publishMessage(, MessageUtils.buildCheckOutMessage(selfEntity, true)); securityManager.enableGhostMode(); this.sendFakeUpdateProp(); } /** * Method that has to be called in order to disable Ghost Mode */ public void disableGhostMode() { if (securityManager.check_old_group_settings()) { long timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + LoggerService.NTP_DELAY; String logId = selfEntity.getEntityID() + timestamp; networkClient.publishMessage(, MessageUtils.buildCheckInMessage(selfEntity, logId)); //logging String log = LogMessageUtils.buildMessageSentLog(logId, selfEntity.getEntityID(), Type.DEVICE, MessageType.CHECK_IN, null, false, timestamp); LoggerService.writeToFile(appCtx, log); } securityManager.disableGhostMode(); this.sendFakeUpdateProp(); } public String getPOIEventBroadcastAction() { return appCtx.getPackageName() + ".POI_EVENT"; } private void sendFakeUpdateProp() { try { updateSelfEntity(selfEntity, true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }