Java tutorial
/** * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package it.nibbles.javacoin; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import it.nibbles.javacoin.block.BitcoinFactory; import it.nibbles.javacoin.block.BlockChainImpl; import it.nibbles.javacoin.block.BlockChainLink; import it.nibbles.javacoin.block.BlockChainLinkStorage; import it.nibbles.javacoin.block.BlockImpl; import it.nibbles.javacoin.block.ProdnetBitcoinFactory; import it.nibbles.javacoin.block.Testnet2BitcoinFactory; import it.nibbles.javacoin.block.Testnet3BitcoinFactory; import it.nibbles.javacoin.block.TransactionImpl; import it.nibbles.javacoin.block.TransactionInputImpl; import it.nibbles.javacoin.block.TransactionOutputImpl; import; import it.nibbles.javacoin.keyfactory.ecc.KeyFactoryImpl; import it.nibbles.javacoin.script.ScriptFactoryImpl; import it.nibbles.javacoin.utils.BtcUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import joptsimple.OptionParser; import joptsimple.OptionSet; import joptsimple.OptionSpec; /** * Simple class to work on blockchain blocks, for testing purposes * * @author Alessandro Polverini */ public class BlockTool { private static final String STORAGE_BDB = "bdb"; private static final String STORAGE_JDBC = "jdbc"; private static final String STORAGE_MEMORY = "memory"; private static BlockChainLinkStorage storage; private static ScriptFactoryImpl scriptFactory; private static BitcoinFactory bitcoinFactory; private static BlockChain blockChain; private static final String HELP_TEXT = "BlockTool: Dump local BlockChain blocks for testint purposes\n\n" + "Usage:\n" + " commands:\n" + " --import Read blocks from inputfile and store them to storage.\n" + " --export Read blocks from storage and write them to the specified outputfile.\n" + " general options:\n" + " --hash=n Hash of block to operate.\n" + " --first=n First block to operate.\n" + " --last=n Last block to operate.\n" + " --testnet Connect to Bitcoin test network.\n" + " --prodnet Connect to Bitcoin production network (default).\n" + " --port=<port> Listen for incoming connection on the provided port instead of the default.\n" + " --inputfile=<file> Name of the file used to read from.\n" + " --outputfile=<file> Name of the file used to write to.\n" + " storage options:\n" + " --storage=<engine> Available storage engines: bdb, jdbc, memory.\n" + " --bdb-path=path Path to BDB storage files.\n" + " --url=<url> Specifies JDBC url.\n" + " --driver=<class> Specifies the class name of the JDBC driver. Defaults to 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'\n" + " --dbuser=<username> Specify database username. Defaults to 'bitcoinj'\n" + " --dbpass=<password> Specify database password to use for the connection.\n"; private static int firstBlock, lastBlock; private static String blockHash; private static String storageType = STORAGE_BDB; private static boolean isProdnet = false; private static boolean isTestNet2 = false; private static boolean isTestNet3 = false; private static OptionSpec<String> optBdbPath; private static OptionSpec<String> optJdbcUrl; private static OptionSpec<String> optJdbcUser; private static OptionSpec<String> optJdbcPassword; private static OptionSpec<String> inputfile; private static OptionSpec<String> outputfile; private static OptionSpec<String> revalidateOption; private static boolean cmdExportBlockchain = false; private static boolean cmdImportBlockchain = false; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { OptionParser parser = new OptionParser(); parser.accepts("help"); parser.accepts("import"); parser.accepts("export"); parser.accepts("testnet2"); parser.accepts("testnet3"); parser.accepts("prodnet"); parser.accepts("first").withRequiredArg().ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts("last").withRequiredArg().ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts("hash").withRequiredArg(); parser.accepts("port").withRequiredArg().ofType(Integer.class); optBdbPath = parser.accepts("bdbPath").withRequiredArg().defaultsTo("data"); //optJdbcDriver = parser.accepts("driver").withRequiredArg().defaultsTo("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); optJdbcUrl = parser.accepts("url").withRequiredArg().defaultsTo("jdbc:mysql://localhost/javacoin_testnet3"); optJdbcUser = parser.accepts("dbuser").withRequiredArg().defaultsTo("javacoin"); optJdbcPassword = parser.accepts("dbpass").withRequiredArg().defaultsTo("pw"); inputfile = parser.accepts("inputfile").withRequiredArg(); outputfile = parser.accepts("outputfile").withRequiredArg(); // String[] args = { // "--inputfile", "blocks-0-100000.txt", "--prodnet", "--load", "--url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost/javacoin_test" // }; OptionSet options = parser.parse(args); if (args.length == 0 || options.hasArgument("help") || options.nonOptionArguments().size() > 0 || (options.has("export") && options.has("import")) || (options.has("export") && !options.has("outputfile")) || (options.has("import") && !options.has("inputfile")) || (options.has("testnet2") && options.has("testnet3")) || (options.has("testnet2") && options.has("prodnet")) || (options.has("testnet3") && options.has("prodnet"))) { println(HELP_TEXT); return; } if (options.hasArgument("port")) { //listenPort = ((Integer) options.valueOf("port")).intValue(); } cmdExportBlockchain = options.has("export"); cmdImportBlockchain = options.has("import"); isProdnet = options.has("prodnet"); isTestNet2 = options.has("testnet2"); isTestNet3 = options.has("testnet3"); if (!isProdnet && !isTestNet2 && !isTestNet3) isTestNet3 = true; if (options.hasArgument("first")) { firstBlock = ((Integer) options.valueOf("first")).intValue(); if (!options.hasArgument("last")) lastBlock = firstBlock; } if (options.hasArgument("last")) { lastBlock = ((Integer) options.valueOf("last")).intValue(); if (!options.hasArgument("first")) firstBlock = lastBlock; } if (options.hasArgument("hash")) blockHash = (String) options.valueOf("hash"); if (cmdExportBlockchain && blockHash == null && firstBlock == 0 && lastBlock == 0) { println("To save blocks you have to specify a range or an hash"); return; } //println("save: " + cmdSaveBlockchain + " load: " + cmdLoadBlockchain + " prodnet: " + isProdnet + " testnet2: " + isTestNet2 + " testnet3: " + isTestNet3); //println("FirstBlock: " + firstBlock + " lastBlock: " + lastBlock + " inputfile: " + inputfile.value(options) + " outputfile: " + outputfile.value(options)); BlockTool app = new BlockTool(); app.init(options); if (cmdImportBlockchain) { //System.out.println("Press return to start import blocks to blockchain"); //; BufferedReader reader; if ("-".equals(inputfile.value(options))) reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; else reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputfile.value(options))); int numBlocks = 0; Block block = app.readBlock(reader, false); while (block != null) { numBlocks++; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); blockChain.addBlock(block); long insertTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; System.out.printf( "%6d Block " + BtcUtil.hexOut(block.getHash()) + " #txs: %4d insertTime(ms): %d%n", block.getTransactions().size(), insertTime); block = app.readBlock(reader, false); } System.out.println("Numero blocchi letti: " + numBlocks); } else if (cmdExportBlockchain) { BlockChainLink blockLink; try (PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new File(outputfile.value(options)))) { if (blockHash != null) { blockLink = storage.getLink(BtcUtil.hexIn(blockHash)); app.writeBlock(writer, blockLink.getBlock()); } else { for (int i = firstBlock; i <= lastBlock; i++) { blockLink = storage.getLinkAtHeight(i); app.writeBlock(writer, blockLink.getBlock()); } } } } app.close(); } /** * Initialize and bind components together. */ public void init(OptionSet options) throws BitcoinException, ClassNotFoundException { scriptFactory = new ScriptFactoryImpl(new KeyFactoryImpl(null)); bitcoinFactory = isTestNet3 ? new Testnet3BitcoinFactory(scriptFactory) : isTestNet2 ? new Testnet2BitcoinFactory(scriptFactory) : new ProdnetBitcoinFactory(scriptFactory); // Initialize the correct storage engine if (STORAGE_BDB.equalsIgnoreCase(storageType)) { BDBStorage engine = new BDBStorage(bitcoinFactory); String bdbPath = (isProdnet ? "prodnet" : isTestNet2 ? "testnet2" : "testnet3") + "-db"; if (options.has(optBdbPath)) bdbPath = optBdbPath.value(options); engine.setDbPath(bdbPath); engine.setUseExplicitTransactions(false); engine.setCachePercent(90); engine.setDeferredWrite(true); engine.init(); println("BDB Storage initialized with path: " + bdbPath); storage = engine; } else if (STORAGE_JDBC.equalsIgnoreCase(storageType)) { MysqlStorage engine = new MysqlStorage(bitcoinFactory); engine.setDataSource(DatasourceUtils.getMysqlDatasource(optJdbcUrl.value(options), optJdbcUser.value(options), optJdbcPassword.value(options))); engine.init(); storage = engine; } blockChain = new BlockChainImpl(bitcoinFactory, storage, false); println("Storage initialized, last link height: " + (storage.getLastLink() == null ? 0 : storage.getLastLink().getHeight())); } /** * Free used resources. */ public void close() { if (storage instanceof BDBStorage) { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); ((BDBStorage) storage).close(); println("Time to flush BDB database: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)); } } public void testBdb(OptionSet options) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, BitcoinException, SQLException { scriptFactory = new ScriptFactoryImpl(new KeyFactoryImpl(null)); bitcoinFactory = new ProdnetBitcoinFactory(scriptFactory); BDBStorage bdb = new BDBStorage(bitcoinFactory); bdb.setDbPath(optBdbPath.value(options)); bdb.setUseExplicitTransactions(true); bdb.init(); bdb.printBlockHeaders(); String filename = (String) options.valueOf("inputfile"); BufferedReader reader; if ("-".equals(filename)) reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; else reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); int numBlocks = 0; System.out.println("Infile: " + filename); Block block = readBlock(reader, true); while (block != null) { numBlocks++; //System.out.println("Letto blocco con hash: " + BtcUtil.hexOut(block.getHash())); BlockChainLink chainLink = new BlockChainLink(block, bitcoinFactory.newDifficulty(new BigDecimal(numBlocks * 253)), numBlocks); //bdb.storeBlockLink(null, chainLink); // BlockChainLink storedBlock = bdb.getLink(block.getHash()); // System.out.println("[reread] block: " + storedBlock+" with "+storedBlock.getBlock().getTransactions().size()+" txs"); // // for (Transaction tx : block.getTransactions()) { // Transaction storedTx = bdb.getTransaction(tx.getHash()); // System.out.println("[reread] tx: " + storedTx); // } block = readBlock(reader, true); } // System.out.println("Rileggo tutti i blocchi"); // for (int i = 1; i <= numBlocks; i++) { // List<SimplifiedStoredBlock> l = bdb.getBlocksAtHeight(null, i); // for (SimplifiedStoredBlock b : l) { // System.out.println("HEIGHT " + i + ": " + b); // } // } // bdb.printClaims(); // bdb.printPrevHashes(); // bdb.printDifficulty(); //bdb.printTxBlockIndex(); bdb.close(); } public Block readBlock(BufferedReader reader, boolean doHashCheck) throws IOException, BitcoinException { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { return null; } if (line.startsWith("block ")) { String[] tokens = line.split("\\s"); byte[] hash = BtcUtil.hexIn(tokens[1]); byte[] previousHash = BtcUtil.hexIn(tokens[2]); byte[] merkleRoot = BtcUtil.hexIn(tokens[3]); long compressedTarget = Long.parseLong(tokens[4]); long creationTime = Long.parseLong(tokens[5]); long nonce = Long.parseLong(tokens[6]); long version = Long.parseLong(tokens[7]); int numTransactions = Integer.parseInt(tokens[8]); //System.out.println("Input block " + BtcUtil.hexOut(hash) + " nonce: " + nonce + " numTxs: " + numTransactions); List<TransactionImpl> txs = new ArrayList<>(numTransactions); for (int i = 0; i < numTransactions; i++) { txs.add(readTransaction(reader, doHashCheck)); } if (doHashCheck) { Block block = new BlockImpl(txs, creationTime, nonce, compressedTarget, previousHash, merkleRoot, null, version); if (!Arrays.equals(hash, block.getHash())) { System.out.println("Error: invalid input block hash: " + BtcUtil.hexOut(hash) + " vs " + BtcUtil.hexOut(block.getHash()) + " (calculated)"); return null; } return block; } else { return new BlockImpl(txs, creationTime, nonce, compressedTarget, previousHash, merkleRoot, hash, version); } } else return null; } public TransactionImpl readTransaction(BufferedReader reader, boolean doHashCheck) throws IOException, BitcoinException { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null || !line.startsWith(" tx ")) { System.out.println("Error: expecting TX and got: " + line); return null; } String[] tokens = line.substring(4).split("\\s"); byte[] hash = BtcUtil.hexIn(tokens[0]); long lockTime = Long.parseLong(tokens[1]); long version = Long.parseLong(tokens[2]); int numInputs = Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]); int numOutputs = Integer.parseInt(tokens[4]); List<TransactionInputImpl> inputs = new ArrayList<>(numInputs); for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) { String l = reader.readLine(); if (l == null || !l.startsWith(" in ")) { System.out.println("Error: expecting TX IN and got: " + l); return null; } String[] tk = l.substring(5).split("\\s"); byte[] refHash = BtcUtil.hexIn(tk[0]); int refIndex = Integer.parseInt(tk[1]); long sequence = Long.parseLong(tk[2]); byte[] sig = BtcUtil.hexIn(tk[3]); inputs.add(new TransactionInputImpl(refHash, refIndex, bitcoinFactory.getScriptFactory().createFragment(sig), sequence)); } List<TransactionOutputImpl> outputs = new ArrayList<>(numOutputs); for (int i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++) { String l = reader.readLine(); if (!l.startsWith(" out ")) { System.out.println("Error: expecting TX OUT and got: " + l); return null; } String[] tk = l.substring(7).split("\\s"); long value = Long.parseLong(tk[0]); byte[] script = BtcUtil.hexIn(tk[1]); outputs.add(new TransactionOutputImpl(value, bitcoinFactory.getScriptFactory().createFragment(script))); } if (doHashCheck) { TransactionImpl tx = new TransactionImpl(inputs, outputs, lockTime, version); if (!Arrays.equals(hash, tx.getHash())) { System.out.println("Error: invalid input TX hash: " + BtcUtil.hexOut(hash) + " vs " + BtcUtil.hexOut(tx.getHash()) + " (calculated)"); return null; } return tx; } else { return new TransactionImpl(inputs, outputs, lockTime, hash, version); } } public void writeBlock(PrintWriter writer, Block block) throws IOException { writer.println("block " + BtcUtil.hexOut(block.getHash()) + " " + BtcUtil.hexOut(block.getPreviousBlockHash()) + " " + BtcUtil.hexOut(block.getMerkleRoot()) + " " //+ Long.toHexString(block.getCompressedTarget()) + " " + block.getCompressedTarget() + " " + block.getCreationTime() + " " + block.getNonce() + " " + block.getVersion() + " " + block.getTransactions().size()); for (Transaction t : block.getTransactions()) { writeTransaction(writer, t); } } public void writeTransaction(PrintWriter writer, Transaction t) { List<TransactionInput> inputs = t.getInputs(); List<TransactionOutput> outputs = t.getOutputs(); writer.println(" tx " + BtcUtil.hexOut(t.getHash()) + " " + t.getLockTime() + " " + t.getVersion() + " " + inputs.size() + " " + outputs.size()); for (TransactionInput input : inputs) { writer.println(" in " + BtcUtil.hexOut(input.getClaimedTransactionHash()) + " " + input.getClaimedOutputIndex() + " " + input.getSequence() + " " + BtcUtil.hexOut(input.getSignatureScript().toByteArray())); } for (TransactionOutput output : outputs) { writer.println(" out " + output.getValue() + " " + BtcUtil.hexOut(output.getScript().toByteArray())); } } public static void println(String s) { System.out.println(s); } // TEST -- not used public void readJsonBlock(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); Map jsonObj = (Map) mapper.readValue(new File(fileName), Object.class); String hash = (String) jsonObj.get("hash"); ArrayList<Map> txs = (ArrayList<Map>) jsonObj.get("tx"); for (Map tx : txs) { println("Processing tx: " + tx.get("hash")); ArrayList<Map> inputs = (ArrayList<Map>) tx.get("inputs"); ArrayList<Map> outs = (ArrayList<Map>) tx.get("out"); for (Map input : inputs) println(" Input: " + input.get("prev_out")); for (Map output : outs) { long value = ((Long) output.get("value")).longValue(); int type = ((Integer) output.get("type")).intValue(); println(" Out -- addr: " + output.get("addr") + " value: " + value + " type: " + type); TransactionOutputImpl tout = new TransactionOutputImpl(value, scriptFactory.createFragment(null)); println(" Tout: " + tout); } } println("Lettura da " + fileName + " hash: " + hash + " txs: " + txs); } }