Java tutorial
package it.isislab.sof.client.application.ui; import it.isislab.sof.client.application.SOFShellClient; import it.isislab.sof.core.engine.hadoop.sshclient.connection.HadoopFileSystemManager; import it.isislab.sof.core.engine.hadoop.sshclient.connection.SofManager; import it.isislab.sof.core.engine.hadoop.sshclient.utils.environment.EnvironmentSession; import it.isislab.sof.core.engine.hadoop.sshclient.utils.simulation.Loop; import it.isislab.sof.core.engine.hadoop.sshclient.utils.simulation.Simulation; import it.isislab.sof.core.engine.hadoop.sshclient.utils.simulation.Simulations; import it.isislab.sof.core.exception.ParameterException; import it.isislab.sof.core.model.parameters.xsd.elements.Parameter; import it.isislab.sof.core.model.parameters.xsd.elements.ParameterDouble; import it.isislab.sof.core.model.parameters.xsd.elements.ParameterLong; import it.isislab.sof.core.model.parameters.xsd.elements.ParameterString; import it.isislab.sof.core.model.parameters.xsd.input.Input; import it.isislab.sof.core.model.parameters.xsd.message.Message; import it.isislab.sof.core.model.parameters.xsd.output.Output; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException; public class Controller { private static Controller instance = null; /*public String host_address= "172."; public String pstring="cloud"; public String port="22"; public String bindir="/home/hadoop/hadoop-2.4.0"; public String homedir="/home/hadoop/"; public String javabindir ="/usr/bin/"; public String user_name="hadoop"; public String sofhomedir="/";*/ /*public String host_address= ""; public String pstring=""; public String port=""; public String bindir=""; public String homedir=""; public String javabindir =""; public String user_name=""; public String sofhomedir=""; public String sofjarpath=""; public String sofjarrunnerpath=""; */ public String host_address = ""; public String pstring = "pippo"; public String port = "22"; public String bindir = "/isis/hadoop-2.4.0"; public String homedir = "/isis/"; public String javabindir = "/usr/local/java/bin"; public String user_name = "isis"; public String sofhomedir = "/"; public String sofjarpath = "sof-resources/SOF.jar"; public String sofjarrunnerpath = "sof-resources/SOF-RUNNER.jar"; public static Controller getInstance(String host_address, String user_name, String pstring, String port, String bindir, String homedir, String javabindir, String sofhomedir, String sofjarpath, String sofrunnerjarpath) { if (instance == null) { instance = new Controller(); instance.host_address = host_address; instance.pstring = pstring; instance.port = port; instance.bindir = bindir; instance.homedir = homedir; instance.javabindir = javabindir; instance.user_name = user_name; instance.sofjarpath = sofjarpath; instance.sofjarrunnerpath = sofrunnerjarpath; return instance.login() ? instance : null; } return instance; } private EnvironmentSession session; public void exit() { // c.printf("Disconnect from "".\n"); SofManager.disconnect(session); System.exit(0); } public void license() { // c.printf("SOF is a tool utility powerd by ISISLab, 2014.\n"); } public void help() { // c.printf("**************************************ISISLab******************************************************\n*"); // c.printf("***************************************************************************************************\n*"); // c.printf("* help |print commands list. *\n*"); // //c.printf("* usage |print commands usage, usage <command, >. *\n*"); // c.printf("* submit |exec the simulation corresponding to the given id. *\n*"); // c.printf("* createsimulation |create new simulation execution. *\n*"); // c.printf("* getsimulations |print all simulations created by the user. *\n*"); // c.printf("* getsimulation |print status of the simulation corresponding to the given id. *\n*"); // //c.printf(" printresult |print metrics on the results of the simulation corresponding to the given id.\n"); // c.printf("* getresult |download the results of the simulation corresponding to the given id. *\n*"); // c.printf("* list |show the simulation list. *\n*"); // c.printf("* kill |kill the simulation corresponding to the given id. *\n*"); // c.printf("* makexml |generate the xml file corresponding to the given input. *\n*"); // c.printf("* exit |disconnect user . *\n*"); // c.printf("***************************************************************************************************\n"); } public void start(String... params) { /** * Simulation s = getSimulationDatabyId(session, username, simID); */ if (params == null || params.length < 1) { // c.printf("usage of submit command : submit ID [ID:intger ID of simulation execution environment]\n"); } else { //int simID = Integer.parseInt(params[0])-1; Simulations sims = SofManager.getSimulationsData(session); if (sims == null) { // c.printf("No such simulation"); } Simulation sim = null; for (Simulation s : sims.getSimulations()) if (s.getId().equals(params[0])) { sim = s; break; } //sim = sofManager.getSimulationDatabyId(session, session.getUsername(), simID); SofManager.runAsynchronousSimulation(session, sim); //sofManager.runSimulation(session, session.getUsername(), simID, s.getLoop()); } } public void stop(String... params) { Simulations listSim = SofManager.getSimulationsData(session); if (listSim == null) { } Simulation sim = null; for (Simulation s : listSim.getSimulations()) if (s.getId().equals(params[0])) { sim = s; break; } if (sim.getState().equals(Simulation.RUNNING)) { Message stop = new Message(); stop.setId(SofManager.getMexID()); stop.setMessage(Message.STOP_MESSAGE); SofManager.sendMessage(session, sim, stop); return; } } public void createsimulation(String... params) { String parsedParams[] = SofManager.parseParamenters(params, 4); if (parsedParams.length == 6) { try { SofManager.checkParamMakeSimulationFolder(parsedParams); } catch (ParameterException e1) { System.out.print(e1.getMessage()); } try { SofManager.makeSimulationFolder(session, parsedParams[0], //MODEL TYPE MASON - NETLOGO -GENERIC parsedParams[1], //SIM NAME parsedParams[2], //INPUT.XML PATH parsedParams[3], //OUTPUT.XML PATH parsedParams[4], //DESCRIPTION SIM parsedParams[5], //SIMULATION EXEC PATH "");//only generic } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print("Error in making execution environment!\n"); } } else if (parsedParams.length == 7) { try { SofManager.checkParamMakeSimulationFolder(parsedParams); } catch (ParameterException e1) { System.out.print(e1.getMessage()); } try { SofManager.makeSimulationFolder(SOFShellClient.session, parsedParams[0], //MODEL TYPE MASON - NETLOGO -GENERIC parsedParams[1], //SIM NAME parsedParams[2], //INPUT.XML PATH parsedParams[3], //OUTPUT.XML PATH parsedParams[4], //DESCRIPTION SIM parsedParams[5], //SIMULATION EXEC PATH parsedParams[6]); //intepretergenericpath } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print("Error in making execution environment!\n"); } } else { System.out.print("Error " + (parsedParams.length < 6 ? "few" : "much more") + " parameters.:\n"); System.out.print("usage: MODEL[MASON-NETLOGO-GENERIC] SIM-NAME[String]INPUT.xml[String absolutely]" + " Output.xml[String absolutely path] DESCRIPTION-SIM[String] SIMULATION-EXECUTABLE-MODEL[String absolutely path]\n"); } } public void createsimulationloop(String... params) { String parsedParams[] = SofManager.parseParamenters(params, 8); if (parsedParams.length == 10) { try { SofManager.checkParamMakeSimulationFolder(parsedParams); } catch (ParameterException e1) { System.out.print(e1.getMessage()); } try { SofManager.makeSimulationFolderForLoop(session, parsedParams[0]/*MODEL TYPE MASON - NETLOGO -GENERIC*/, parsedParams[1], /*SIM NAME*/ parsedParams[2], /*domain_pathname*/ parsedParams[3], /*bashCommandForRunnableFunctionSelection */ parsedParams[4], /*bashCommandForRunnableFunctionEvaluate*/ parsedParams[5], /*output_description_filename*/ parsedParams[6], /*executable_selection_function_filename*/ parsedParams[7], /*executable_rating_function_filename*/ parsedParams[8], /*description_simulation*/ parsedParams[9], "");/*executable_simulation_filename*/ } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print("Error in making execution environment!\n"); System.out.print(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (parsedParams.length == 11) { try { SofManager.checkParamMakeSimulationFolder(parsedParams); } catch (ParameterException e1) { System.out.print(e1.getMessage()); e1.printStackTrace(); } try { SofManager.makeSimulationFolderForLoop(session, parsedParams[0]/*MODEL TYPE MASON - NETLOGO -GENERIC*/, parsedParams[1], /*SIM NAME*/ parsedParams[2], /*domain_pathname*/ parsedParams[3], /*bashCommandForRunnableFunctionSelection */ parsedParams[4], /*bashCommandForRunnableFunctionEvaluate*/ parsedParams[5], /*output_description_filename*/ parsedParams[6], /*executable_selection_function_filename*/ parsedParams[7], /*executable_rating_function_filename*/ parsedParams[8], /*description_simulation*/ parsedParams[9], /*executable_simulation_filename*/ parsedParams[10]);//interpreter generic } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print("Error in making execution environment!\n"); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { System.out.print("Error " + (parsedParams.length < 9 ? "few" : "much more") + " parameters.:\n"); System.out.print("usage: MODEL[MASON-NETLOGO-GENERIC] SIM-NAME[String] " + "DOMAIN.xml[String absolutely]" + "bash command[for function selection example /usr/bin/sh]" + " Output.xml[String absolutely path] " + "function selection absolutly path" + "rating selection absolutly path" + "DESCRIPTION-SIM[String] SIMULATION-EXECUTABLE-MODEL[String absolutely path]\n"); } } public Simulations getsimulations(String... params) { return SofManager.getSimulationsData(session); } public void getsimulation(String... params) { if (params == null || params.length < 1) { // c.printf("few parameters!\n Usage: getsimuation #IDSIM"); } else { int simID = Integer.parseInt(params[0]) - 1; Simulations listSim = SofManager.getSimulationsData(session); if (listSim == null) { // c.printf("No such simulation"); } Simulation sim = listSim.getSimulations().get(simID); try { if (!HadoopFileSystemManager.ifExists(session, SofManager.fs.getHdfsUserPathSimulationByID(sim.getId()))) { } // c.printf("Simulation SIM"+simID+" not exists\n"); // c.printf(sim+"\n"); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JSchException e) { // c.printf("Error during resource creating\n"+e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // c.printf("Error during resource creating\n"+e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void getresult(String... params) { if (params == null) { // c.printf("Error few parameters!\n Usage: getresult simID [destinationDirPath]"); } else { Simulations sims = SofManager.getSimulationsData(session); if (sims == null) { // c.printf("No such simulation"); } Simulation sim = null; try { for (Simulation s : sims.getSimulations()) if (s.getId().equals(params[0])) { sim = s; break; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // c.printf("No such simulation"); } //if no path is specified, saves in current directory String path = (params.length < 2) ? System.getProperty("user.dir") : params[1]; // c.printf("Simulation will download in: "+path); SofManager.downloadSimulation(session, sim.getId(), path); } } public void getresultExcel(String... params) { if (params == null) { // c.printf("Error few parameters!\n Usage: getresult simID [destinationDirPath]"); } else { Simulations sims = SofManager.getSimulationsData(session); if (sims == null) { // c.printf("No such simulation"); } Simulation sim = null; try { for (Simulation s : sims.getSimulations()) if (s.getId().equals(params[0])) { sim = s; break; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // c.printf("No such simulation"); } //if no path is specified, saves in current directory String path = (params.length < 2) ? System.getProperty("user.dir") : params[1]; path += File.separator + "SIM-" + sim.getId() + ".xls"; SXSSFWorkbook workbook = new SXSSFWorkbook(); Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Simulation ID " + sim.getId()); int row_num = 0; if (sim.getLoop()) { List<Loop> loops = sim.getRuns().getLoops(); Collections.sort(loops, new Comparator<Loop>() { @Override public int compare(Loop o1, Loop o2) { return, o2.getId()); } }); for (Loop l : loops) { Row row_loop = sheet.createRow(++row_num); Cell c_loop_id = row_loop.createCell(0); c_loop_id.setCellValue("Loop ID " + l.getId()); class PointTree { public Input getI() { return i; } public void setI(Input i) { this.i = i; } public Output getO() { return o; } public void setO(Output o) { this.o = o; } private Input i; private Output o; } HashMap<Integer, PointTree> mapio = new HashMap<Integer, PointTree>(); if (l.getInputs() != null) { for (Input i : l.getInputs().getinput_list()) { PointTree p = new PointTree(); p.setI(i); mapio.put(, p); } if (l.getOutputs() != null && l.getOutputs().getOutput_list() != null) for (Output i : l.getOutputs().getOutput_list()) { mapio.get(i.getIdInput()).setO(i); } else { System.out.println("No output found."); } for (Integer pt : mapio.keySet()) { Row row_input_id = sheet.createRow(++row_num); Cell c_input_id = row_input_id.createCell(1); c_input_id.setCellValue("Input ID " + pt); Row row_input_names = sheet.createRow(++row_num); Row row_input_values = sheet.createRow(++row_num); Row row_output_id = sheet.createRow(++row_num); Cell c_output_id = row_output_id.createCell(1); c_output_id.setCellValue("Output ID " + pt); Row row_output_names = sheet.createRow(++row_num); Row row_output_values = sheet.createRow(++row_num); int cell_input = 1, cell_output = 1; for (Parameter p : mapio.get(pt).getI().param_element) { Cell c_input_name = row_input_names.createCell(cell_input); Cell c_input_value = row_input_values.createCell(cell_input); cell_input++; c_input_name.setCellValue(p.getvariable_name()); if (p.getparam() instanceof ParameterDouble) c_input_value.setCellValue(((ParameterDouble) p.getparam()).getvalue()); else if (p.getparam() instanceof ParameterString) c_input_value.setCellValue(((ParameterString) p.getparam()).getvalue()); else if (p.getparam() instanceof ParameterLong) c_input_value.setCellValue(((ParameterLong) p.getparam()).getvalue()); } if (mapio.get(pt).getO() != null) for (Parameter p : mapio.get(pt).getO().output_params) { Cell c_output_name = row_output_names.createCell(cell_output); Cell c_output_value = row_output_values.createCell(cell_output); cell_output++; c_output_name.setCellValue(p.getvariable_name()); if (p.getparam() instanceof ParameterDouble) c_output_value.setCellValue(((ParameterDouble) p.getparam()).getvalue()); else if (p.getparam() instanceof ParameterString) c_output_value.setCellValue(((ParameterString) p.getparam()).getvalue()); else if (p.getparam() instanceof ParameterLong) c_output_value.setCellValue(((ParameterLong) p.getparam()).getvalue()); } } } } } try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File(path)); workbook.write(out); out.close(); System.out.println("Excel written successfully.."); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void list(String... params) { Simulations sims = SofManager.getSimulationsData(session); if (sims == null) { // c.printf("No such simulation"); } for (int i = 1; i <= sims.getSimulations().size(); i++) { int simID = i - 1; Simulation s = sims.getSimulations().get(simID); // c.printf("*****************************************************************************************************************\n"); // c.printf("sim-id: "+i+" name: "+s.getName()+" state: "+s.getState()+" time: "+s.getCreationTime()+" hdfsId: "+s.getId()+" *\n"); // c.printf("*****************************************************************************************************************\n"); } } public void kill(int simID, String... params) { if (params == null || params.length < 1) { // c.printf("Error few parameters!\n Usage: kill simID"); } else { // int simID = Integer.parseInt(params[0])-1; Simulations listSim = SofManager.getSimulationsData(session); if (listSim == null) { // c.printf("No such simulation"); } if (listSim.getSimulations().size() - 1 < simID) { // c.printf("Simulation not exists"); } Simulation sim = listSim.getSimulations().get(simID); String cmd = "pkill -f \"" + sim.getProcessName() + "\""; String bash = "if " + cmd + " ; then echo 0; else echo -1; fi"; System.err.println(bash); try { HadoopFileSystemManager.exec(session, bash); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private boolean login() { EnvironmentSession session = null; boolean accessGranted = false; int attempts = 0; while (!accessGranted && attempts < 5) { try { //-h -bindir /isis/hadoop-2.4.0 -homedir /isis/ -javabindir /usr/local/java/bin/ if (bindir.endsWith("/")) bindir = bindir.substring(0, bindir.indexOf("/") - 1); if (!homedir.endsWith("/")) { homedir += "/"; } if (!javabindir.endsWith("/")) javabindir += "/"; if (!sofhomedir.endsWith("/")) sofhomedir += "/"; SofManager.setFileSystem(bindir, System.getProperty("user.dir"), sofhomedir, homedir, javabindir, user_name); if ((session = SofManager.connect(user_name, host_address, pstring, bindir, Integer.parseInt(port), new FileInputStream(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "sof-resources" + File.separator + "SOF.jar"), new FileInputStream(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "sof-resources" + File.separator + "SOF-RUNNER.jar"))) != null) { // System.out.println("Connected. Type \"help\", \"usage <command>\" or \"license\" for more information."); attempts = 0; accessGranted = true; break; } else { // System.err.println("Login Correct but there are several problems in the hadoop environment, please contact your hadoop admin."); System.exit(-1); } } catch (Exception e) { // System.err.println("Login Error. Check your credentials and ip:port of your server and try again .. "); e.printStackTrace(); } } this.session = session; return session != null; } }