Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2012 Universita' degli Studi di Salerno Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package it.isislab.dmason.util.SystemManagement.Worker.thrower; import it.isislab.dmason.exception.NoDigestFoundException; import it.isislab.dmason.util.SystemManagement.DigestAlgorithm; import it.isislab.dmason.util.SystemManagement.Release; import it.isislab.dmason.util.SystemManagement.Worker.Digester; import it.isislab.dmason.util.SystemManagement.Worker.PeerDaemonStarter; import it.isislab.dmason.util.SystemManagement.Worker.StartWorkerInterface; import it.isislab.dmason.util.connection.Address; import it.isislab.dmason.util.connection.jms.BeaconMessageListener; import it.isislab.dmason.util.connection.jms.activemq.ConnectionNFieldsWithActiveMQAPI; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Observer; import java.util.Scanner; import javax.swing.GroupLayout; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.LayoutStyle; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * Executable, GUI version worker. * * @author Michele Carillo * @author Ada Mancuso * @author Dario Mazzeo * @author Francesco Milone * @author Francesco Raia * @author Flavio Serrapica * @author Carmine Spagnuolo * @author Mario Fiore Vitale (reconnection,reset simulation, update) * @author Luca Vicidomini */ public class DMasonWorkerWithGui extends JFrame implements StartWorkerInterface, Observer { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final String VERSION = "1.0"; public boolean START = false; //private static final long SCHEDULE_INTERVAL = 10+1000L;//2 * 60 * 1000L; //private static final long SCHEDULE_DELAY = 10 * 1000L; //private java.util.Timer timer = new java.util.Timer(); /** * Connection with the provider. */ private ConnectionNFieldsWithActiveMQAPI connection; // JFormDesigner - Variables declaration - DO NOT MODIFY //GEN-BEGIN:variables // Generated using JFormDesigner Evaluation license - aaaa aaaa private JScrollPane scrollPane1; public JTextArea textArea; private JButton btnConnect; private JLabel label1; private JLabel label2; private JComboBox cmbPort; private JLabel label3; public JLabel labelnumber; private JLabel lblLogo; private JComboBox cmbIp; private static boolean updated; private static boolean autoStart; private static String myTopic; private static String ip; private static String port; private static Logger logger; private static boolean isBatch; private static String topicPrefix; private String digest; private BeaconMessageListener beaconListener; public DMasonWorkerWithGui(boolean start, boolean up, boolean batch, String topic, String ipCS, String portCS) { initComponents(); beaconListener = new BeaconMessageListener(); beaconListener.addObserver(this); new Thread(beaconListener).start(); connection = new ConnectionNFieldsWithActiveMQAPI(); connection.addObserver(this); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setVisible(true); // Get the path from which worker was started String path; try { path = URLDecoder.decode( DMasonWorkerWithGui.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getFile(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); path = ""; } logger.debug("Path: " + path); if (path.contains(".jar")) //from jar { File jarfile = new File(path); Digester dg = new Digester(DigestAlgorithm.MD5); try { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(path); digest = dg.getDigest(in); String fileName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(jarfile.getName()); //save properties to project root folder dg.storeToPropFile(fileName + ".hash"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoDigestFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // not from jar digest = null; } autoStart = start; updated = up; myTopic = topic; isBatch = batch; ip = ipCS; port = portCS; if (autoStart) connect(); //initSchedule(); } public static void main(String[] args) { RuntimeMXBean bean = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean(); // // Get name representing the running Java virtual machine. // It returns something like 6460@AURORA. Where the value // before the @ symbol is the PID. // String jvmName = bean.getName(); //Used for log4j properties System.setProperty("", "worker" + jvmName); //Used for log4j properties System.setProperty("", "workerStep" + jvmName); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm_ss_SS"); Date date = new Date(); dateFormat.format(date); System.setProperty("timestamp", date.toLocaleString()); System.setProperty("", "params"); try { File logPath = new File("Logs/workers"); if (logPath.exists()) FileUtils.cleanDirectory(logPath); } catch (IOException e) { //not a problem } logger = Logger.getLogger(DMasonWorker.class.getCanonicalName()); logger.debug("StartWorker " + VERSION); autoStart = false; String ip = null; String port = null; String topic = ""; updated = false; isBatch = false; topicPrefix = ""; // ip, post, autoconnect if (args.length == 3) { ip = args[0]; port = args[1]; if (args[2].equals("autoconnect")) { autoStart = true; } } // ip, post, topic, event if (args.length == 4) { autoStart = true; if (args[3].equals("update")) { updated = true; } if (args[3].equals("reset")) { updated = false; isBatch = false; } if (args[3].contains("Batch")) { updated = false; isBatch = true; topicPrefix = args[3]; } ip = args[0]; port = args[1]; topic = args[2]; } /*if(args.length == 2 && args[0].equals("auto")) { autoStart = true; updated = true; topic = args[1]; } if(args.length == 1 && args[0].equals("auto")) { autoStart = true; }*/ new DMasonWorkerWithGui(autoStart, updated, isBatch, topic, ip, port); } public static DMasonWorkerWithGui newInstance(String args[]) { RuntimeMXBean bean = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean(); // // Get name representing the running Java virtual machine. // It returns something like 6460@AURORA. Where the value // before the @ symbol is the PID. // String jvmName = bean.getName(); //Used for log4j properties System.setProperty("", "worker" + jvmName); //Used for log4j properties System.setProperty("", "workerStep" + jvmName); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm_ss_SS"); Date date = new Date(); dateFormat.format(date); System.setProperty("timestamp", date.toLocaleString()); System.setProperty("", "params"); try { File logPath = new File("Logs/workers"); if (logPath.exists()) FileUtils.cleanDirectory(logPath); } catch (IOException e) { //not a problem } logger = Logger.getLogger(DMasonWorker.class.getCanonicalName()); logger.debug("StartWorker " + VERSION); autoStart = false; String ip = null; String port = null; String topic = ""; updated = false; isBatch = false; topicPrefix = ""; // ip, post, autoconnect if (args.length == 3) { ip = args[0]; port = args[1]; if (args[2].equals("autoconnect")) { autoStart = true; } } // ip, post, topic, event if (args.length == 4) { autoStart = true; if (args[3].equals("update")) { updated = true; } if (args[3].equals("reset")) { updated = false; isBatch = false; } if (args[3].contains("Batch")) { updated = false; isBatch = true; topicPrefix = args[3]; } ip = args[0]; port = args[1]; topic = args[2]; } /*if(args.length == 2 && args[0].equals("auto")) { autoStart = true; updated = true; topic = args[1]; } if(args.length == 1 && args[0].equals("auto")) { autoStart = true; }*/ return new DMasonWorkerWithGui(autoStart, updated, isBatch, topic, ip, port); } private void initComponents() { scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(); textArea = new JTextArea(); textArea.setEditable(false); btnConnect = new JButton(); label1 = new JLabel(); label2 = new JLabel(); cmbPort = new JComboBox(); label3 = new JLabel(); labelnumber = new JLabel(); lblLogo = new JLabel(); cmbIp = new JComboBox(); //======== this ======== setTitle(Release.PRODUCT_RELEASE + " Worker " + VERSION); Container contentPane = getContentPane(); //======== scrollPane1 ======== { scrollPane1.setViewportView(textArea); } //---- btnConnect ---- btnConnect.setText("Connect"); btnConnect.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { btnConnectOnClick(e); } }); //---- label1 ---- label1.setText("Server IP:"); //---- label2 ---- label2.setText("Server port:"); //---- label3 ---- label3.setText(""); //---- labelnumber ---- labelnumber.setText(""); //---- label4 ---- lblLogo.setText("Distributed Mason 'failed to load image'"); lblLogo.setIcon(new ImageIcon("resources/image/carmineworker.png")); //---- comboBox ---- cmbIp.setEditable(true); cmbPort.setEditable(true); try { Scanner in = new Scanner(new FileInputStream("resources/files/urlworker")); while (in.hasNext()) { String line = in.nextLine(); String[] args = line.split(":"); cmbIp.addItem(args[0]); cmbPort.addItem(args[1]); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("No worker story found!"); } cmbIp.setSelectedIndex(0); cmbPort.setSelectedIndex(0); GroupLayout contentPaneLayout = new GroupLayout(contentPane); contentPane.setLayout(contentPaneLayout); contentPaneLayout.setHorizontalGroup(contentPaneLayout.createParallelGroup().addGroup(contentPaneLayout .createSequentialGroup().addContainerGap() .addGroup(contentPaneLayout.createParallelGroup() .addComponent(lblLogo, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 400, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addGroup(contentPaneLayout.createParallelGroup() .addGroup(contentPaneLayout.createSequentialGroup() .addGroup(contentPaneLayout.createParallelGroup().addComponent(label2) .addComponent(label1)) .addPreferredGap(LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.UNRELATED) .addGroup(contentPaneLayout .createParallelGroup(GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING, false) .addComponent(cmbPort).addComponent(cmbIp, 0, 119, Short.MAX_VALUE)) .addPreferredGap(LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addGroup(contentPaneLayout.createParallelGroup() .addGroup(contentPaneLayout.createSequentialGroup() .addGap(78, 78, 78).addComponent(btnConnect)) .addGroup(contentPaneLayout.createSequentialGroup() .addGap(46, 46, 46).addComponent(label3) .addPreferredGap(LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addComponent(labelnumber, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 69, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)))) .addGroup(GroupLayout.Alignment.TRAILING, contentPaneLayout.createSequentialGroup().addGap(9, 9, 9) .addComponent(scrollPane1, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 366, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addGap(462, 462, 462)))) .addGap(20, 20, 20))); contentPaneLayout.setVerticalGroup(contentPaneLayout.createParallelGroup() .addGroup(contentPaneLayout.createSequentialGroup().addContainerGap(21, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addComponent(lblLogo, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 102, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addGap(18, 18, 18) .addGroup(contentPaneLayout.createParallelGroup().addComponent(label1) .addGroup(contentPaneLayout.createParallelGroup(GroupLayout.Alignment.BASELINE) .addComponent(btnConnect).addComponent(cmbIp, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE))) .addPreferredGap(LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addGroup(contentPaneLayout.createParallelGroup(GroupLayout.Alignment.TRAILING) .addGroup(contentPaneLayout.createParallelGroup(GroupLayout.Alignment.BASELINE) .addComponent(label2).addComponent(cmbPort, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)) .addGroup(contentPaneLayout.createParallelGroup(GroupLayout.Alignment.BASELINE) .addComponent(label3).addComponent(labelnumber))) .addPreferredGap(LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.UNRELATED) .addComponent(scrollPane1, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 238, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addGap(16, 16, 16))); setSize(410, 495); setLocationRelativeTo(getOwner()); } /*private void initSchedule() { timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { if(!connection.isConnected()) System.out.println("not connected"); else System.out.println("Connected"); } }, SCHEDULE_DELAY, SCHEDULE_INTERVAL); }*/ private void btnConnectOnClick(ActionEvent e) { connect(); } private void connect() { System.out.println("CONNECT: autoStart " + autoStart + ", updated " + updated + ", batch " + isBatch); try { if (autoStart) { connection.setupConnection(new Address(ip, port)); // The worker could be launched with 'autoconnect' option of being restarted after an action on the master if (updated || isBatch) { new PeerDaemonStarter(connection, this, myTopic, VERSION, digest, updated, isBatch, topicPrefix); } else { new PeerDaemonStarter(connection, this, VERSION, digest); } } else { connection.setupConnection( new Address((String) cmbIp.getSelectedItem(), (String) cmbPort.getSelectedItem())); new PeerDaemonStarter(connection, this, VERSION, digest); } } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } ; cmbIp.setEnabled(false); cmbPort.setEnabled(false); btnConnect.setEnabled(false); } @Override public void writeMessage(String message) { textArea.append(message);; } // used for show change about connection reconnection // Observable is: ConnectionNFieldsWithActiveMQAPI @Override public void update(Observable arg0, Object arg1) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (arg1.equals("Beacon")) { cmbIp.addItem(beaconListener.getIp()); cmbPort.addItem(beaconListener.getPort()); System.out.println("Ip: " + beaconListener.getIp() + " Port: " + beaconListener.getPort()); } else { if (connection.isConnected()) textArea.append("Connection restabilished\n"); else textArea.append("Connection refused\n"); } } @Override public void exit() { System.out.println("Quitting"); System.exit(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } }