Java tutorial
/* ************************************************************************* Copyright (c) 2011-2013: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Italy Consorzio COMETA (COMETA), Italy See and and for details on the copyright holders. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. @author <a href="">Giuseppe La Rocca</a> *************************************************************************** */ package it.infn.ct.wrf; // import liferay libraries import; import; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.WebKeys; import com.liferay.portal.model.Company; import com.liferay.portal.model.User; import com.liferay.portal.theme.ThemeDisplay; // import DataEngine libraries import com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil; import it.infn.ct.GridEngine.InformationSystem.BDII; import it.infn.ct.GridEngine.Job.*; // import generic Java libraries import it.infn.ct.GridEngine.UsersTracking.UsersTrackingDBInterface; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import; import; import; // import portlet libraries import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.mail.Message; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.Transport; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.portlet.ActionRequest; import javax.portlet.ActionResponse; import javax.portlet.GenericPortlet; import javax.portlet.PortletException; import javax.portlet.PortletMode; import javax.portlet.PortletPreferences; import javax.portlet.PortletRequestDispatcher; import javax.portlet.RenderRequest; import javax.portlet.RenderResponse; import javax.portlet.ResourceRequest; import javax.portlet.ResourceResponse; // Importing Apache libraries import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.portlet.PortletFileUpload; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; public class Wrf extends GenericPortlet { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Wrf.class); @Override protected void doEdit(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { PortletPreferences portletPreferences = (PortletPreferences) request.getPreferences(); response.setContentType("text/html"); // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the login credential from the portlet preferences for the DIT Infrastrcture String dit_wrf_LOGIN = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_LOGIN", "N/A"); // Get the passwrod credential from the portlet preferences for the DIT Infrastructure String dit_wrf_PASSWD = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_PASSWD", "N/A"); // Get the cluster(s) hostname from the portlet preferences for the DIT Infrastructure String[] dit_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("dit_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the DIT Infrastructure String dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the DIT Infrastructure String dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the DIT Infrastructure String dit_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the DIT Infrastructure String dit_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the DIT Infrastructure String dit_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the DIT Infrastructure String dit_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the DIT Infrastructure String dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPBDII from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String[] garuda_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("garuda_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String[] chain_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("chain_wrf_WMS", new String[10]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String[] fedcloud_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("fedcloud_wrf_WMS", new String[10]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String[] eumed_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("eumed_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the ISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String[] gisela_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("gisela_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String[] sagrid_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("sagrid_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Get the APPID from the portlet preferences String wrf_APPID = portletPreferences.getValue("wrf_APPID", "N/A"); // Get the LOG LEVEL from the portlet preferences String wrf_LOGLEVEL = portletPreferences.getValue("wrf_LOGLEVEL", "INFO"); // Get the OUTPUT from the portlet preferences String wrf_OUTPUT_PATH = portletPreferences.getValue("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", "/tmp"); // Get the SOFTWARE from the portlet preferences String wrf_SOFTWARE = portletPreferences.getValue("wrf_SOFTWARE", "N/A"); // Get the TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME from the portlet preferences String TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME = portletPreferences.getValue("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", "N/A"); // Get the TRACKING_DB_USERNAME from the portlet preferences String TRACKING_DB_USERNAME = portletPreferences.getValue("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", "N/A"); // Get the TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD from the portlet preferences String TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD = portletPreferences.getValue("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", "N/A"); // Get the SMTP_HOST from the portlet preferences String SMTP_HOST = portletPreferences.getValue("SMTP_HOST", "N/A"); // Get the SENDER MAIL from the portlet preferences String SENDER_MAIL = portletPreferences.getValue("SENDER_MAIL", "N/A"); // Get the list of enabled Infrastructures String[] infras = portletPreferences.getValues("wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", new String[7]); // Set the default portlet preferences request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_VONAME", chain_wrf_VONAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_TOPBDII", chain_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_WMS", chain_wrf_WMS); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_PORT", chain_wrf_PORT.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_ROBOTID", chain_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_ROLE", chain_wrf_ROLE.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_RENEWAL", chain_wrf_RENEWAL); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_VONAME", garuda_wrf_VONAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_TOPBDII", garuda_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_WMS", garuda_wrf_WMS); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_PORT", garuda_wrf_PORT.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_ROBOTID", garuda_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_ROLE", garuda_wrf_ROLE.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_RENEWAL", garuda_wrf_RENEWAL); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_LOGIN", dit_wrf_LOGIN.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_PASSWD", dit_wrf_PASSWD.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_WMS", dit_wrf_WMS); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_PORT", dit_wrf_PORT.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_ROBOTID", dit_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_ROLE", dit_wrf_ROLE.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_RENEWAL", dit_wrf_RENEWAL); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_VONAME", fedcloud_wrf_VONAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII", fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_WMS", fedcloud_wrf_WMS); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_PORT", fedcloud_wrf_PORT.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID", fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_ROLE", fedcloud_wrf_ROLE.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL", fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_VONAME", eumed_wrf_VONAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_TOPBDII", eumed_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_WMS", eumed_wrf_WMS); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_PORT", eumed_wrf_PORT.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_ROBOTID", eumed_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_ROLE", eumed_wrf_ROLE.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_RENEWAL", eumed_wrf_RENEWAL); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_VONAME", gisela_wrf_VONAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_TOPBDII", gisela_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_WMS", gisela_wrf_WMS); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_PORT", gisela_wrf_PORT.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_ROBOTID", gisela_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_ROLE", gisela_wrf_ROLE.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_RENEWAL", gisela_wrf_RENEWAL); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_VONAME", sagrid_wrf_VONAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII", sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_WMS", sagrid_wrf_WMS); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_PORT", sagrid_wrf_PORT.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID", sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_ROLE", sagrid_wrf_ROLE.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL", sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); request.setAttribute("wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras); request.setAttribute("wrf_APPID", wrf_APPID.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_LOGLEVEL", wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", wrf_OUTPUT_PATH.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_SOFTWARE", wrf_SOFTWARE.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim()); request.setAttribute("SMTP_HOST", SMTP_HOST.trim()); request.setAttribute("SENDER_MAIL", SENDER_MAIL.trim()); if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE")) {"\nStarting the EDIT mode...with this settings" + "\ndit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\ndit_wrf_LOGIN: " + dit_wrf_LOGIN + "\ndit_wrf_PASSWD: " + dit_wrf_PASSWD + "\ndit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\ndit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\ndit_wrf_PORT: " + dit_wrf_PORT + "\ndit_wrf_ROBOTID: " + dit_wrf_ROBOTID + "\ndit_wrf_ROLE: " + dit_wrf_ROLE + "\ndit_wrf_RENEWAL: " + dit_wrf_RENEWAL + "\ndit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\ngaruda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\ngaruda_wrf_VONAME: " + garuda_wrf_VONAME + "\ngaruda_wrf_TOPBDII: " + garuda_wrf_TOPBDII + "\ngaruda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\ngaruda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\ngaruda_wrf_PORT: " + garuda_wrf_PORT + "\ngaruda_wrf_ROBOTID: " + garuda_wrf_ROBOTID + "\ngaruda_wrf_ROLE: " + garuda_wrf_ROLE + "\ngaruda_wrf_RENEWAL: " + garuda_wrf_RENEWAL + "\ngaruda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nchain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\nchain_wrf_VONAME: " + chain_wrf_VONAME + "\nchain_wrf_TOPBDII: " + chain_wrf_TOPBDII + "\nchain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\nchain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\nchain_wrf_PORT: " + chain_wrf_PORT + "\nchain_wrf_ROBOTID: " + chain_wrf_ROBOTID + "\nchain_wrf_ROLE: " + chain_wrf_ROLE + "\nchain_wrf_RENEWAL: " + chain_wrf_RENEWAL + "\nchain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nfedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\nfedcloud_wrf_VONAME: " + fedcloud_wrf_VONAME + "\nfedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII: " + fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII + "\nfedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\nfedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\nfedcloud_wrf_PORT: " + fedcloud_wrf_PORT + "\nfedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID: " + fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID + "\nfedcloud_wrf_ROLE: " + fedcloud_wrf_ROLE + "\nfedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL: " + fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL + "\nfedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\neumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\neumed_wrf_VONAME: " + eumed_wrf_VONAME + "\neumed_wrf_TOPBDII: " + eumed_wrf_TOPBDII + "\neumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\neumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\neumed_wrf_PORT: " + eumed_wrf_PORT + "\neumed_wrf_ROBOTID: " + eumed_wrf_ROBOTID + "\neumed_wrf_ROLE: " + eumed_wrf_ROLE + "\neumed_wrf_RENEWAL: " + eumed_wrf_RENEWAL + "\neumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\ngisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\ngisela_wrf_VONAME: " + gisela_wrf_VONAME + "\ngisela_wrf_TOPBDII: " + gisela_wrf_TOPBDII + "\ngisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\ngisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\ngisela_wrf_PORT: " + gisela_wrf_PORT + "\ngisela_wrf_ROBOTID: " + gisela_wrf_ROBOTID + "\ngisela_wrf_ROLE: " + gisela_wrf_ROLE + "\ngisela_wrf_RENEWAL: " + gisela_wrf_RENEWAL + "\ngisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nsagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\nsagrid_wrf_VONAME: " + sagrid_wrf_VONAME + "\nsagrid_wrf_TOPBDII: " + sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII + "\nsagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\nsagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\nsagrid_wrf_PORT: " + sagrid_wrf_PORT + "\nsagrid_wrf_ROBOTID: " + sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID + "\nsagrid_wrf_ROLE: " + sagrid_wrf_ROLE + "\nsagrid_wrf_RENEWAL: " + sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL + "\nsagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\nwrf_APPID: " + wrf_APPID + "\nwrf_LOGLEVEL: " + wrf_LOGLEVEL + "\nwrf_OUTPUT_PATH: " + wrf_OUTPUT_PATH + "\nwrf_SOFTWARE: " + wrf_SOFTWARE + "\nTracking_DB_Hostname: " + TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Username: " + TRACKING_DB_USERNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Password: " + TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD + "\nSMTP Server: " + SMTP_HOST + "\nSender: " + SENDER_MAIL); } PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/edit.jsp"); dispatcher.include(request, response); } @Override protected void doHelp(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { //super.doHelp(request, response); response.setContentType("text/html");"\nStarting the HELP mode..."); PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/help.jsp"); dispatcher.include(request, response); } @Override protected void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { PortletPreferences portletPreferences = (PortletPreferences) request.getPreferences(); response.setContentType("text/html"); //java.util.Enumeration listPreferences = portletPreferences.getNames(); PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = null; String dit_wrf_PASSWD = ""; String dit_wrf_LOGIN = ""; String garuda_wrf_TOPBDII = ""; String garuda_wrf_VONAME = ""; String chain_wrf_TOPBDII = ""; String chain_wrf_VONAME = ""; String fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII = ""; String fedcloud_wrf_VONAME = ""; String eumed_wrf_TOPBDII = ""; String eumed_wrf_VONAME = ""; String gisela_wrf_TOPBDII = ""; String gisela_wrf_VONAME = ""; String sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII = ""; String sagrid_wrf_VONAME = ""; String dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = ""; String garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = ""; String chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = ""; String fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = ""; String eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = ""; String gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = ""; String sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = ""; String[] infras = new String[7]; String[] wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES = portletPreferences.getValues("wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", new String[7]); for (int i = 0; i < wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES.length; i++) { if (wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES[i] != null && wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES[i].equals("dit")) { dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "checked";"\n DIT!"); } if (wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES[i] != null && wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES[i].equals("garuda")) { garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "checked";"\n GARUDA!"); } if (wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES[i] != null && wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES[i].equals("chain")) { chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "checked";"\n CHAIN!"); } if (wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES[i] != null && wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES[i].equals("fedcloud")) { fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "checked";"\n FEDCLOUD!"); } if (wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES[i] != null && wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES[i].equals("eumed")) { eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "checked";"\n EUMED!"); } if (wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES[i] != null && wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES[i].equals("gisela")) { gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "checked";"\n GISELA!"); } if (wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES[i] != null && wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES[i].equals("sagrid")) { sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "checked";"\n SAGRID!"); } } // Get the APPID from the portlet preferences String wrf_APPID = portletPreferences.getValue("wrf_APPID", "N/A"); // Get the LOGLEVEL from the portlet preferences String wrf_LOGLEVEL = portletPreferences.getValue("wrf_LOGLEVEL", "INFO"); // Get the APPID from the portlet preferences String wrf_OUTPUT_PATH = portletPreferences.getValue("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", "N/A"); // Get the SOFTWARE from the portlet preferences String wrf_SOFTWARE = portletPreferences.getValue("wrf_SOFTWARE", "N/A"); // Get the TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME from the portlet preferences String TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME = portletPreferences.getValue("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", "N/A"); // Get the TRACKING_DB_USERNAME from the portlet preferences String TRACKING_DB_USERNAME = portletPreferences.getValue("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", "N/A"); // Get the TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD from the portlet preferences String TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD = portletPreferences.getValue("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", "N/A"); // Get the SMTP_HOST from the portlet preferences String SMTP_HOST = portletPreferences.getValue("SMTP_HOST", "N/A"); // Get the SENDER_MAIL from the portlet preferences String SENDER_MAIL = portletPreferences.getValue("SENDER_MAIL", "N/A"); if (dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { infras[0] = "dit"; // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO dit_wrf_LOGIN = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_LOGIN", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO dit_wrf_PASSWD = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_PASSWD", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String[] dit_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("dit_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Fetching all the WMS Endpoints for the DIT VO String dit_WMS = ""; if (dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { if (dit_wrf_WMS != null) { //"length="+dit_wrf_WMS.length); for (int i = 0; i < dit_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (!(dit_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) dit_WMS += dit_wrf_WMS[i] + " "; } else {"WMS not set for DIT!"); dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; } } // Save the portlet preferences request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_LOGIN", dit_wrf_LOGIN.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_PASSWD", dit_wrf_PASSWD.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_WMS", dit_WMS); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_PORT", dit_wrf_PORT.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_ROBOTID", dit_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_ROLE", dit_wrf_ROLE.trim()); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_RENEWAL", dit_wrf_RENEWAL); request.setAttribute("dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); //request.setAttribute("wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras); request.setAttribute("wrf_APPID", wrf_APPID.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_LOGLEVEL", wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", wrf_OUTPUT_PATH.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_SOFTWARE", wrf_SOFTWARE.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim()); request.setAttribute("SMTP_HOST", SMTP_HOST.trim()); request.setAttribute("SENDER_MAIL", SENDER_MAIL.trim()); } if (garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { infras[1] = "garuda"; // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO garuda_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO garuda_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String[] garuda_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("garuda_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Fetching all the WMS Endpoints for the GARUDA VO String garuda_WMS = ""; if (garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { if (garuda_wrf_WMS != null) { //"length="+garuda_wrf_WMS.length); for (int i = 0; i < garuda_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (!(garuda_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) garuda_WMS += garuda_wrf_WMS[i] + " "; } else {"WSGRAM not set for GARUDA!"); garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; } } // Save the portlet preferences request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_VONAME", garuda_wrf_VONAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_TOPBDII", garuda_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_WMS", garuda_WMS); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_PORT", garuda_wrf_PORT.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_ROBOTID", garuda_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_ROLE", garuda_wrf_ROLE.trim()); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_RENEWAL", garuda_wrf_RENEWAL); request.setAttribute("garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); //request.setAttribute("wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras); request.setAttribute("wrf_APPID", wrf_APPID.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_LOGLEVEL", wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", wrf_OUTPUT_PATH.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_SOFTWARE", wrf_SOFTWARE.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim()); request.setAttribute("SMTP_HOST", SMTP_HOST.trim()); request.setAttribute("SENDER_MAIL", SENDER_MAIL.trim()); } if (chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { infras[2] = "chain"; // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO chain_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO chain_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String[] chain_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("chain_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Fetching all the WMS Endpoints for the CHAIN VO String chain_WMS = ""; if (chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { if (chain_wrf_WMS != null) { //"length="+chain_wrf_WMS.length); for (int i = 0; i < chain_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (!(chain_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) chain_WMS += chain_wrf_WMS[i] + " "; } else {"WMS not set for CHAIN!"); chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; } } // Save the portlet preferences request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_VONAME", chain_wrf_VONAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_TOPBDII", chain_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_WMS", chain_WMS); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_PORT", chain_wrf_PORT.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_ROBOTID", chain_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_ROLE", chain_wrf_ROLE.trim()); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_RENEWAL", chain_wrf_RENEWAL); request.setAttribute("chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); //request.setAttribute("wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras); request.setAttribute("wrf_APPID", wrf_APPID.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_LOGLEVEL", wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", wrf_OUTPUT_PATH.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_SOFTWARE", wrf_SOFTWARE.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim()); request.setAttribute("SMTP_HOST", SMTP_HOST.trim()); request.setAttribute("SENDER_MAIL", SENDER_MAIL.trim()); } if (fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { infras[3] = "fedcloud"; // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO fedcloud_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String[] fedcloud_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("fedcloud_wrf_WMS", new String[10]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Fetching all the WMS Endpoints for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_WMS = ""; if (fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { if (fedcloud_wrf_WMS != null) { //"length="+fedcloud_wrf_WMS.length); for (int i = 0; i < fedcloud_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (!(fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) fedcloud_WMS += fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i] + " "; } else {"WMS not set for FEDCLOUD!"); fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; } } // Save the portlet preferences request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_VONAME", fedcloud_wrf_VONAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII", fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_WMS", fedcloud_WMS); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_PORT", fedcloud_wrf_PORT.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID", fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_ROLE", fedcloud_wrf_ROLE.trim()); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL", fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL); request.setAttribute("fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); //request.setAttribute("wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras); request.setAttribute("wrf_APPID", wrf_APPID.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_LOGLEVEL", wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", wrf_OUTPUT_PATH.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_SOFTWARE", wrf_SOFTWARE.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim()); request.setAttribute("SMTP_HOST", SMTP_HOST.trim()); request.setAttribute("SENDER_MAIL", SENDER_MAIL.trim()); } if (eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { infras[4] = "eumed"; // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO eumed_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO eumed_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String[] eumed_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("eumed_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Fetching all the WMS Endpoints for the EUMED VO String eumed_WMS = ""; if (eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { if (eumed_wrf_WMS != null) { //"length="+eumed_wrf_WMS.length); for (int i = 0; i < eumed_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (!(eumed_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) eumed_WMS += eumed_wrf_WMS[i] + " "; } else {"WMS not set for EUMED!"); eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; } } // Save the portlet preferences request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_VONAME", eumed_wrf_VONAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_TOPBDII", eumed_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_WMS", eumed_WMS); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_PORT", eumed_wrf_PORT.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_ROBOTID", eumed_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_ROLE", eumed_wrf_ROLE.trim()); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_RENEWAL", eumed_wrf_RENEWAL); request.setAttribute("eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); //request.setAttribute("wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras); request.setAttribute("wrf_APPID", wrf_APPID.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_LOGLEVEL", wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", wrf_OUTPUT_PATH.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_SOFTWARE", wrf_SOFTWARE.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim()); request.setAttribute("SMTP_HOST", SMTP_HOST.trim()); request.setAttribute("SENDER_MAIL", SENDER_MAIL.trim()); } if (gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { infras[5] = "gisela"; // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO gisela_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO gisela_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String[] gisela_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("gisela_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Fetching all the WMS Endpoints for the GISELA VO String gisela_WMS = ""; if (gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { if (gisela_wrf_WMS != null) { //"length="+gisela_wrf_WMS.length); for (int i = 0; i < gisela_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (!(gisela_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) gisela_WMS += gisela_wrf_WMS[i] + " "; } else {"WMS not set for GISELA!"); gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; } } // Save the portlet preferences request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_VONAME", gisela_wrf_VONAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_TOPBDII", gisela_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_WMS", gisela_WMS); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_PORT", gisela_wrf_PORT.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_ROBOTID", gisela_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_ROLE", gisela_wrf_ROLE.trim()); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_RENEWAL", gisela_wrf_RENEWAL); request.setAttribute("gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); //request.setAttribute("wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras); request.setAttribute("wrf_APPID", wrf_APPID.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_LOGLEVEL", wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", wrf_OUTPUT_PATH.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_SOFTWARE", wrf_SOFTWARE.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim()); request.setAttribute("SMTP_HOST", SMTP_HOST.trim()); request.setAttribute("SENDER_MAIL", SENDER_MAIL.trim()); } if (sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { infras[6] = "sagrid"; // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO sagrid_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String[] sagrid_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("sagrid_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Fetching all the WMS Endpoints for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_WMS = ""; if (sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { if (sagrid_wrf_WMS != null) { //"length="+sagrid_wrf_WMS.length); for (int i = 0; i < sagrid_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (!(sagrid_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) sagrid_WMS += sagrid_wrf_WMS[i] + " "; } else {"WMS not set for SAGRID!"); sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; } } // Save the portlet preferences request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_VONAME", sagrid_wrf_VONAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII", sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_WMS", sagrid_WMS); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_PORT", sagrid_wrf_PORT.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID", sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_ROLE", sagrid_wrf_ROLE.trim()); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL", sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL); request.setAttribute("sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); //request.setAttribute("wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras); request.setAttribute("wrf_APPID", wrf_APPID.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_LOGLEVEL", wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", wrf_OUTPUT_PATH.trim()); request.setAttribute("wrf_SOFTWARE", wrf_SOFTWARE.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim()); request.setAttribute("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim()); request.setAttribute("SMTP_HOST", SMTP_HOST.trim()); request.setAttribute("SENDER_MAIL", SENDER_MAIL.trim()); } // Save in the preferences the list of supported infrastructures request.setAttribute("wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras); HashMap<String, Properties> GPS_table = new HashMap<String, Properties>(); HashMap<String, Properties> GPS_queue = new HashMap<String, Properties>(); // ******************************************************** List<String> CEqueues_dit = null; List<String> CEqueues_garuda = null; List<String> CEqueues_chain = null; List<String> CEqueues_fedcloud = null; List<String> CEqueues_eumed = null; List<String> CEqueues_gisela = null; List<String> CEqueues_sagrid = null; List<String> CEs_list_dit = null; List<String> CEs_list_garuda = null; List<String> CEs_list_chain = null; List<String> CEs_list_fedcloud = null; List<String> CEs_list_eumed = null; List<String> CEs_list_gisela = null; List<String> CEs_list_sagrid = null; BDII bdii = null; if (dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked") && (!dit_wrf_PASSWD.equals("N/A"))) {"-----*FETCHING*THE*<DIT>*CLUSTER*RESOURCES*-----"); CEs_list_dit = new ArrayList(); CEs_list_dit.add(""); CEqueues_dit = new ArrayList(); CEqueues_dit.add("ssh://"); } //========================================================= // IMPORTANT: THIS FIX IS ONLY FOR INSTANCIATE THE // CHAIN INTEROPERABILITY DEMO //========================================================= // ===== ONLY FOR THE CHAIN INTEROPERABILITY DEMO ===== if (garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked") && (!garuda_wrf_TOPBDII.equals("N/A"))) {"-----*FETCHING*THE*<GARUDA>*CLOUD*RESOURCES*-----"); CEs_list_garuda = new ArrayList(); CEs_list_garuda.add(""); CEqueues_garuda = new ArrayList(); CEqueues_garuda.add("wsgram://"); } // ===== ONLY FOR THE CHAIN INTEROPERABILITY DEMO ===== if (chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked") && (!chain_wrf_TOPBDII.equals("N/A"))) {"-----*FETCHING*THE*<CHAIN>*CLOUD*RESOURCES*-----"); CEs_list_chain = new ArrayList(); CEqueues_chain = new ArrayList(); // Get the CR from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String[] chain_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("chain_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); if (chain_wrf_WMS != null) { for (int i = 0; i < chain_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (!(chain_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) { CEqueues_chain.add(chain_wrf_WMS[i].trim()); // Removing "rocci://" prefix from string chain_wrf_WMS[i] = chain_wrf_WMS[i].replace("rocci://", ""); // Removing port from string CEs_list_chain.add(chain_wrf_WMS[i].substring(0, chain_wrf_WMS[i].indexOf(":"))); "Cloud Resource = " + chain_wrf_WMS[i].substring(0, chain_wrf_WMS[i].indexOf(":"))); } else {"Cloud Resource not set for the CHAIN VO!"); dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; } } } if (fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked") && (!fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII.equals("N/A"))) {"-----*FETCHING*THE*<FEDCLOUD>*CLOUD*RESOURCES*-----"); CEs_list_fedcloud = new ArrayList(); CEqueues_fedcloud = new ArrayList(); // Get the CR from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String[] fedcloud_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("fedcloud_wrf_WMS", new String[10]);"TOT Cloud Resource = " + fedcloud_wrf_WMS.length); if (fedcloud_wrf_WMS != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fedcloud_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (!(fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) { CEqueues_fedcloud.add(fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i].trim()); // Removing "rocci://" prefix from string fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i] = fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i].replace("rocci://", ""); // Removing port from string CEs_list_fedcloud.add(fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i].substring(0, fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i].indexOf(":")));"Cloud Resource = " + fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i].substring(0, fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i].indexOf(":"))); } else {"Cloud Resource not set for the FEDCLOUD VO!"); fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; } } } if (eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked") && (!eumed_wrf_TOPBDII.equals("N/A"))) { try {"-----*FETCHING*THE*<EUMED>*RESOURCES*-----"); CEs_list_eumed = new ArrayList(); CEqueues_eumed = new ArrayList(); bdii = new BDII(new URI(eumed_wrf_TOPBDII)); CEs_list_eumed = getListofCEForSoftwareTag(eumed_wrf_VONAME, eumed_wrf_TOPBDII, wrf_SOFTWARE); CEqueues_eumed = bdii.queryCEQueues(eumed_wrf_VONAME); } catch (NamingException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } if (gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked") && (!gisela_wrf_TOPBDII.equals("N/A"))) {"-----*FETCHING*THE*<GISELA>*CLOUD*RESOURCES*-----"); CEs_list_gisela = new ArrayList(); CEqueues_gisela = new ArrayList(); // Get the CR from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String[] gisela_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("gisela_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); if (gisela_wrf_WMS != null) { for (int i = 0; i < gisela_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (!(gisela_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) { CEqueues_gisela.add(gisela_wrf_WMS[i].trim()); // Removing "rocci://" prefix from string gisela_wrf_WMS[i] = gisela_wrf_WMS[i].replace("rocci://", ""); // Removing port from string CEs_list_gisela.add(gisela_wrf_WMS[i].substring(0, gisela_wrf_WMS[i].indexOf(":")));"Cloud Resource = " + gisela_wrf_WMS[i].substring(0, gisela_wrf_WMS[i].indexOf(":"))); } else {"Cloud Resource not set for the GISELA VO!"); fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; } } } if (sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked") && (!sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII.equals("N/A"))) {"-----*FETCHING*THE*<SAGRID>*CLOUD*RESOURCES*-----"); CEs_list_sagrid = new ArrayList(); CEqueues_sagrid = new ArrayList(); // Get the CR from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String[] sagrid_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("sagrid_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); if (sagrid_wrf_WMS != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sagrid_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (!(sagrid_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) { CEqueues_sagrid.add(sagrid_wrf_WMS[i].trim()); // Removing "rocci://" prefix from string sagrid_wrf_WMS[i] = sagrid_wrf_WMS[i].replace("rocci://", ""); // Removing port from string CEs_list_sagrid.add(sagrid_wrf_WMS[i].substring(0, sagrid_wrf_WMS[i].indexOf(":")));"Cloud Resource = " + sagrid_wrf_WMS[i].substring(0, sagrid_wrf_WMS[i].indexOf(":"))); } else {"Cloud Resource not set for the SAGRID VO!"); fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; } } } // Merging the list of CEs and queues List<String> CEs_list_TOT = new ArrayList<String>(); if (dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) CEs_list_TOT.addAll(CEs_list_dit); if (chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) CEs_list_TOT.addAll(CEs_list_chain); // ===== ONLY FOR THE CHAIN INTEROPERABILITY DEMO ===== if (garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) CEs_list_TOT.addAll(CEs_list_garuda); // ===== ONLY FOR THE CHAIN INTEROPERABILITY DEMO ===== if (fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) CEs_list_TOT.addAll(CEs_list_fedcloud); if (eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) CEs_list_TOT.addAll(CEs_list_eumed); if (gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) CEs_list_TOT.addAll(CEs_list_gisela); if (sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) CEs_list_TOT.addAll(CEs_list_sagrid); List<String> CEs_queue_TOT = new ArrayList<String>(); if (dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) CEs_queue_TOT.addAll(CEqueues_dit); if (chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) CEs_queue_TOT.addAll(CEqueues_chain); if (fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) CEs_queue_TOT.addAll(CEqueues_fedcloud); if (eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) CEs_queue_TOT.addAll(CEqueues_eumed); if (gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) CEs_queue_TOT.addAll(CEqueues_gisela); if (sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) CEs_queue_TOT.addAll(CEqueues_sagrid); //========================================================= // IMPORTANT: INSTANCIATE THE UsersTrackingDBInterface // CLASS USING THE EMPTY CONSTRUCTOR WHEN // WHEN THE PORTLET IS DEPLOYED IN PRODUCTION!!! //========================================================= /*UsersTrackingDBInterface DBInterface = new UsersTrackingDBInterface( TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim(), TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim(), TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim());*/ UsersTrackingDBInterface DBInterface = new UsersTrackingDBInterface(); if ((CEs_list_TOT != null) && (!CEs_queue_TOT.isEmpty())) {"NOT EMPTY LIST!"); // Fetching the list of CEs publushing the SW for (String CE : CEs_list_TOT) { //"Fetching the CE="+CE); Properties coordinates = new Properties(); Properties queue = new Properties(); float coords[] = DBInterface.getCECoordinate(CE); String GPS_LAT = Float.toString(coords[0]); String GPS_LNG = Float.toString(coords[1]); coordinates.setProperty("LAT", GPS_LAT); coordinates.setProperty("LNG", GPS_LNG); "Fetching CE settings for [ " + CE + " ] Coordinates [ " + GPS_LAT + ", " + GPS_LNG + " ]"); // Fetching the Queues for (String CEqueue : CEs_queue_TOT) { if (CEqueue.contains(CE)) queue.setProperty("QUEUE", CEqueue); } // Saving the GPS location in a Java HashMap GPS_table.put(CE, coordinates); // Saving the queue in a Java HashMap GPS_queue.put(CE, queue); } } else"EMPTY LIST!"); // Checking the HashMap Set set = GPS_table.entrySet(); Iterator iter = set.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);" - GPS location of the CE " + entry.getKey() + " => " + entry.getValue()); } // Checking the HashMap set = GPS_queue.entrySet(); iter = set.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);" - Queue " + entry.getKey() + " => " + entry.getValue()); } Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create(); request.setAttribute("GPS_table", gson.toJson(GPS_table)); request.setAttribute("GPS_queue", gson.toJson(GPS_queue)); // ******************************************************** dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/view.jsp"); dispatcher.include(request, response); } // The init method will be called when installing for the first time the portlet // This is the right time to setup the default values into the preferences @Override public void init() throws PortletException { super.init(); } @Override public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { try { String action = ""; // Get the action to be processed from the request action = request.getParameter("ActionEvent"); // Determine the username and the email address ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY); User user = themeDisplay.getUser(); String username = user.getScreenName(); String emailAddress = user.getDisplayEmailAddress(); Company company = PortalUtil.getCompany(request); String portal = company.getName(); //String portalURL = themeDisplay.getPortalURL(); PortletPreferences portletPreferences = (PortletPreferences) request.getPreferences(); if (action.equals("CONFIG_WRF_PORTLET")) {"\nPROCESS ACTION => " + action); // Get the APPID from the portlet request String wrf_APPID = request.getParameter("wrf_APPID"); // Get the LOGLEVEL from the portlet request String wrf_LOGLEVEL = request.getParameter("wrf_LOGLEVEL"); // Get the OUTPUT from the portlet request String wrf_OUTPUT_PATH = request.getParameter("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH"); // Get the SOFTWARE from the portlet request String wrf_SOFTWARE = request.getParameter("wrf_SOFTWARE"); // Get the TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME from the portlet request String TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME = request.getParameter("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME"); // Get the TRACKING_DB_USERNAME from the portlet request String TRACKING_DB_USERNAME = request.getParameter("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME"); // Get the TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD from the portlet request String TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD = request.getParameter("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD"); // Get the SMTP_HOST from the portlet request String SMTP_HOST = request.getParameter("SMTP_HOST"); // Get the SENDER_MAIL from the portlet request String SENDER_MAIL = request.getParameter("SENDER_MAIL"); String[] infras = new String[7]; String dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; String garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; String chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; String fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; String eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; String gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; String sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = "unchecked"; String[] wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES = request.getParameterValues("wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURES"); if (wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES != null) { Arrays.sort(wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES); dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = Arrays.binarySearch(wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES, "dit") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = Arrays.binarySearch(wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES, "garuda") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = Arrays.binarySearch(wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES, "chain") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = Arrays.binarySearch(wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES, "fedcloud") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = Arrays.binarySearch(wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES, "eumed") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = Arrays.binarySearch(wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES, "gisela") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = Arrays.binarySearch(wrf_INFRASTRUCTURES, "sagrid") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; } if (dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { infras[0] = "dit"; // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet request for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = request.getParameter("dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet request for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_LOGIN = request.getParameter("dit_wrf_LOGIN"); // Get the TOPBDII from the portlet request for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_PASSWD = request.getParameter("dit_wrf_PASSWD"); // Get the WMS from the portlet request for the DIT VO String[] dit_wrf_WMS = request.getParameterValues("dit_wrf_WMS"); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet request for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = request.getParameter("dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet request for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = request.getParameter("dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER"); // Get the PORT from the portlet request for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_PORT = request.getParameter("dit_wrf_PORT"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet request for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_ROBOTID = request.getParameter("dit_wrf_ROBOTID"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet request for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_ROLE = request.getParameter("dit_wrf_ROLE"); // Get the OPTIONS from the portlet request for the DIT VO String[] dit_wrf_OPTIONS = request.getParameterValues("dit_wrf_OPTIONS"); String dit_wrf_RENEWAL = ""; String dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = ""; if (dit_wrf_OPTIONS == null) { dit_wrf_RENEWAL = "checked"; dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = "unchecked"; } else { Arrays.sort(dit_wrf_OPTIONS); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO dit_wrf_RENEWAL = Arrays.binarySearch(dit_wrf_OPTIONS, "enableRENEWAL") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = Arrays.binarySearch(dit_wrf_OPTIONS, "disableVOMS") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; } int nmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dit_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (dit_wrf_WMS[i] != null && (!dit_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) nmax++;"\n\nLength=" + nmax); String[] dit_wrf_WMS_trimmed = new String[nmax]; for (int i = 0; i < nmax; i++) { dit_wrf_WMS_trimmed[i] = dit_wrf_WMS[i].trim();"\n\nDIT [" + i + "] WMS=[" + dit_wrf_WMS_trimmed[i] + "]"); } // Set the portlet preferences portletPreferences.setValue("dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("dit_wrf_LOGIN", dit_wrf_LOGIN.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("dit_wrf_PASSWD", dit_wrf_PASSWD.trim()); portletPreferences.setValues("dit_wrf_WMS", dit_wrf_WMS_trimmed); portletPreferences.setValue("dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("dit_wrf_PORT", dit_wrf_PORT.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("dit_wrf_ROBOTID", dit_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("dit_wrf_ROLE", dit_wrf_ROLE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("dit_wrf_RENEWAL", dit_wrf_RENEWAL); portletPreferences.setValue("dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_APPID", wrf_APPID.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_LOGLEVEL", wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", wrf_OUTPUT_PATH.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_SOFTWARE", wrf_SOFTWARE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("SMTP_HOST", SMTP_HOST.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("SENDER_MAIL", SENDER_MAIL.trim()); if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE")) {"\n\nPROCESS ACTION => " + action + "\n- Storing the portlet preferences ..." + "\ndit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\ndit_wrf_LOGIN: " + dit_wrf_LOGIN + "\ndit_wrf_PASSWD: " + dit_wrf_PASSWD + "\ndit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\ndit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\ndit_wrf_PORT: " + dit_wrf_PORT + "\ndit_wrf_ROBOTID: " + dit_wrf_ROBOTID + "\ndit_wrf_ROLE: " + dit_wrf_ROLE + "\ndit_wrf_RENEWAL: " + dit_wrf_RENEWAL + "\ndit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nwrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE: " + "dit" + "\nwrf_APPID: " + wrf_APPID + "\nwrf_LOGLEVEL: " + wrf_LOGLEVEL + "\nwrf_OUTPUT_PATH: " + wrf_OUTPUT_PATH + "\nwrf_SOFTWARE: " + wrf_SOFTWARE + "\nTracking_DB_Hostname: " + TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Username: " + TRACKING_DB_USERNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Password: " + TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD + "\nSMTP_HOST: " + SMTP_HOST + "\nSENDER_MAIL: " + SENDER_MAIL); } } if (garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { infras[1] = "garuda"; // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet request for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = request.getParameter("garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet request for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_VONAME = request.getParameter("garuda_wrf_VONAME"); // Get the TOPBDII from the portlet request for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_TOPBDII = request.getParameter("garuda_wrf_TOPBDII"); // Get the WMS from the portlet request for the GARUDA VO String[] garuda_wrf_WMS = request.getParameterValues("garuda_wrf_WMS"); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet request for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = request.getParameter("garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet request for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = request.getParameter("garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER"); // Get the PORT from the portlet request for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_PORT = request.getParameter("garuda_wrf_PORT"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet request for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_ROBOTID = request.getParameter("garuda_wrf_ROBOTID"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet request for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_ROLE = request.getParameter("garuda_wrf_ROLE"); // Get the OPTIONS from the portlet request for the GARUDA VO String[] garuda_wrf_OPTIONS = request.getParameterValues("garuda_wrf_OPTIONS"); String garuda_wrf_RENEWAL = ""; String garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = ""; if (garuda_wrf_OPTIONS == null) { garuda_wrf_RENEWAL = "checked"; garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = "unchecked"; } else { Arrays.sort(garuda_wrf_OPTIONS); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO garuda_wrf_RENEWAL = Arrays.binarySearch(garuda_wrf_OPTIONS, "enableRENEWAL") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = Arrays.binarySearch(garuda_wrf_OPTIONS, "disableVOMS") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; } int nmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < garuda_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (garuda_wrf_WMS[i] != null && (!garuda_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) nmax++;"\n\nLength=" + nmax); String[] garuda_wrf_WMS_trimmed = new String[nmax]; for (int i = 0; i < nmax; i++) { garuda_wrf_WMS_trimmed[i] = garuda_wrf_WMS[i].trim();"\n\nGARUDA [" + i + "] WSGRAM=[" + garuda_wrf_WMS_trimmed[i] + "]"); } // Set the portlet preferences portletPreferences.setValue("garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("garuda_wrf_VONAME", garuda_wrf_VONAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("garuda_wrf_TOPBDII", garuda_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); portletPreferences.setValues("garuda_wrf_WMS", garuda_wrf_WMS_trimmed); portletPreferences.setValue("garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("garuda_wrf_PORT", garuda_wrf_PORT.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("garuda_wrf_ROBOTID", garuda_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("garuda_wrf_ROLE", garuda_wrf_ROLE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("garuda_wrf_RENEWAL", garuda_wrf_RENEWAL); portletPreferences.setValue("garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_APPID", wrf_APPID.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_LOGLEVEL", wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", wrf_OUTPUT_PATH.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_SOFTWARE", wrf_SOFTWARE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("SMTP_HOST", SMTP_HOST.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("SENDER_MAIL", SENDER_MAIL.trim()); if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE")) {"\n\nPROCESS ACTION => " + action + "\n- Storing the portlet preferences ..." + "\ngaruda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\ngaruda_wrf_VONAME: " + garuda_wrf_VONAME + "\ngaruda_wrf_TOPBDII: " + garuda_wrf_TOPBDII + "\ngaruda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\ngaruda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\ngaruda_wrf_PORT: " + garuda_wrf_PORT + "\ngaruda_wrf_ROBOTID: " + garuda_wrf_ROBOTID + "\ngaruda_wrf_ROLE: " + garuda_wrf_ROLE + "\ngaruda_wrf_RENEWAL: " + garuda_wrf_RENEWAL + "\ngaruda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nwrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE: " + "garuda" + "\nwrf_APPID: " + wrf_APPID + "\nwrf_LOGLEVEL: " + wrf_LOGLEVEL + "\nwrf_OUTPUT_PATH: " + wrf_OUTPUT_PATH + "\nwrf_SOFTWARE: " + wrf_SOFTWARE + "\nTracking_DB_Hostname: " + TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Username: " + TRACKING_DB_USERNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Password: " + TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD + "\nSMTP_HOST: " + SMTP_HOST + "\nSENDER_MAIL: " + SENDER_MAIL); } } if (chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { infras[2] = "chain"; // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet request for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = request.getParameter("chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet request for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_VONAME = request.getParameter("chain_wrf_VONAME"); // Get the TOPBDII from the portlet request for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_TOPBDII = request.getParameter("chain_wrf_TOPBDII"); // Get the WMS from the portlet request for the CHAIN VO String[] chain_wrf_WMS = request.getParameterValues("chain_wrf_WMS"); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet request for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = request.getParameter("chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet request for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = request.getParameter("chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER"); // Get the PORT from the portlet request for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_PORT = request.getParameter("chain_wrf_PORT"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet request for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_ROBOTID = request.getParameter("chain_wrf_ROBOTID"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet request for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_ROLE = request.getParameter("chain_wrf_ROLE"); // Get the OPTIONS from the portlet request for the CHAIN VO String[] chain_wrf_OPTIONS = request.getParameterValues("chain_wrf_OPTIONS"); String chain_wrf_RENEWAL = ""; String chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = ""; if (chain_wrf_OPTIONS == null) { chain_wrf_RENEWAL = "checked"; chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = "unchecked"; } else { Arrays.sort(chain_wrf_OPTIONS); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO chain_wrf_RENEWAL = Arrays.binarySearch(chain_wrf_OPTIONS, "enableRENEWAL") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = Arrays.binarySearch(chain_wrf_OPTIONS, "disableVOMS") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; } int nmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < chain_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (chain_wrf_WMS[i] != null && (!chain_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) nmax++;"\n\nLength=" + nmax); String[] chain_wrf_WMS_trimmed = new String[nmax]; for (int i = 0; i < nmax; i++) { chain_wrf_WMS_trimmed[i] = chain_wrf_WMS[i].trim();"\n\nCHAIN [" + i + "] WMS=[" + chain_wrf_WMS_trimmed[i] + "]"); } // Set the portlet preferences portletPreferences.setValue("chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("chain_wrf_VONAME", chain_wrf_VONAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("chain_wrf_TOPBDII", chain_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); portletPreferences.setValues("chain_wrf_WMS", chain_wrf_WMS_trimmed); portletPreferences.setValue("chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("chain_wrf_PORT", chain_wrf_PORT.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("chain_wrf_ROBOTID", chain_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("chain_wrf_ROLE", chain_wrf_ROLE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("chain_wrf_RENEWAL", chain_wrf_RENEWAL); portletPreferences.setValue("chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_APPID", wrf_APPID.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_LOGLEVEL", wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", wrf_OUTPUT_PATH.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_SOFTWARE", wrf_SOFTWARE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("SMTP_HOST", SMTP_HOST.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("SENDER_MAIL", SENDER_MAIL.trim()); if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE")) {"\n\nPROCESS ACTION => " + action + "\n- Storing the portlet preferences ..." + "\nchain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\nchain_wrf_VONAME: " + chain_wrf_VONAME + "\nchain_wrf_TOPBDII: " + chain_wrf_TOPBDII + "\nchain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\nchain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\nchain_wrf_PORT: " + chain_wrf_PORT + "\nchain_wrf_ROBOTID: " + chain_wrf_ROBOTID + "\nchain_wrf_ROLE: " + chain_wrf_ROLE + "\nchain_wrf_RENEWAL: " + chain_wrf_RENEWAL + "\nchain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nwrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE: " + "chain" + "\nwrf_APPID: " + wrf_APPID + "\nwrf_LOGLEVEL: " + wrf_LOGLEVEL + "\nwrf_OUTPUT_PATH: " + wrf_OUTPUT_PATH + "\nwrf_SOFTWARE: " + wrf_SOFTWARE + "\nTracking_DB_Hostname: " + TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Username: " + TRACKING_DB_USERNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Password: " + TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD + "\nSMTP_HOST: " + SMTP_HOST + "\nSENDER_MAIL: " + SENDER_MAIL); } } if (fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { infras[3] = "fedcloud"; // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet request for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = request.getParameter("fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet request for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_VONAME = request.getParameter("fedcloud_wrf_VONAME"); // Get the TOPBDII from the portlet request for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII = request.getParameter("fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII"); // Get the WMS from the portlet request for the FEDCLOUD VO String[] fedcloud_wrf_WMS = request.getParameterValues("fedcloud_wrf_WMS"); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet request for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = request.getParameter("fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet request for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = request.getParameter("fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER"); // Get the PORT from the portlet request for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_PORT = request.getParameter("fedcloud_wrf_PORT"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet request for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID = request.getParameter("fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet request for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_ROLE = request.getParameter("fedcloud_wrf_ROLE"); // Get the OPTIONS from the portlet request for the FEDCLOUD VO String[] fedcloud_wrf_OPTIONS = request.getParameterValues("fedcloud_wrf_OPTIONS"); String fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL = ""; String fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = ""; if (fedcloud_wrf_OPTIONS == null) { fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL = "checked"; fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = "unchecked"; } else { Arrays.sort(fedcloud_wrf_OPTIONS); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL = Arrays.binarySearch(fedcloud_wrf_OPTIONS, "enableRENEWAL") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = Arrays.binarySearch(fedcloud_wrf_OPTIONS, "disableVOMS") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; } int nmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fedcloud_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i] != null && (!fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) nmax++;"\n\nLength=" + nmax); String[] fedcloud_wrf_WMS_trimmed = new String[nmax]; for (int i = 0; i < nmax; i++) { fedcloud_wrf_WMS_trimmed[i] = fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i].trim();"\n\nFEDCLOUD [" + i + "] Cloud Resource=[" + fedcloud_wrf_WMS_trimmed[i] + "]"); } // Set the portlet preferences portletPreferences.setValue("fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("fedcloud_wrf_VONAME", fedcloud_wrf_VONAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII", fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); portletPreferences.setValues("fedcloud_wrf_WMS", fedcloud_wrf_WMS_trimmed); portletPreferences.setValue("fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("fedcloud_wrf_PORT", fedcloud_wrf_PORT.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID", fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("fedcloud_wrf_ROLE", fedcloud_wrf_ROLE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL", fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL); portletPreferences.setValue("fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_APPID", wrf_APPID.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_LOGLEVEL", wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", wrf_OUTPUT_PATH.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_SOFTWARE", wrf_SOFTWARE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("SMTP_HOST", SMTP_HOST.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("SENDER_MAIL", SENDER_MAIL.trim()); if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE")) {"\n\nPROCESS ACTION => " + action + "\n- Storing the portlet preferences ..." + "\n\nfedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\nfedcloud_wrf_VONAME: " + fedcloud_wrf_VONAME + "\nfedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII: " + fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII + "\nfedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\nfedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\nfedcloud_wrf_PORT: " + fedcloud_wrf_PORT + "\nfedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID: " + fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID + "\nfedcloud_wrf_ROLE: " + fedcloud_wrf_ROLE + "\nfedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL: " + fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL + "\nfedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nwrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE: " + "fedcloud" + "\nwrf_APPID: " + wrf_APPID + "\nwrf_LOGLEVEL: " + wrf_LOGLEVEL + "\nwrf_OUTPUT_PATH: " + wrf_OUTPUT_PATH + "\nwrf_SOFTWARE: " + wrf_SOFTWARE + "\nTracking_DB_Hostname: " + TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Username: " + TRACKING_DB_USERNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Password: " + TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD + "\nSMTP_HOST: " + SMTP_HOST + "\nSENDER_MAIL: " + SENDER_MAIL); } } if (eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { infras[4] = "eumed"; // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet request for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = request.getParameter("eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet request for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_VONAME = request.getParameter("eumed_wrf_VONAME"); // Get the TOPBDII from the portlet request for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_TOPBDII = request.getParameter("eumed_wrf_TOPBDII"); // Get the WMS from the portlet request for the EUMED VO String[] eumed_wrf_WMS = request.getParameterValues("eumed_wrf_WMS"); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet request for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = request.getParameter("eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet request for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = request.getParameter("eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER"); // Get the PORT from the portlet request for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_PORT = request.getParameter("eumed_wrf_PORT"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet request for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_ROBOTID = request.getParameter("eumed_wrf_ROBOTID"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet request for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_ROLE = request.getParameter("eumed_wrf_ROLE"); // Get the OPTIONS from the portlet request for the EUMED VO String[] eumed_wrf_OPTIONS = request.getParameterValues("eumed_wrf_OPTIONS"); String eumed_wrf_RENEWAL = ""; String eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = ""; if (eumed_wrf_OPTIONS == null) { eumed_wrf_RENEWAL = "checked"; eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = "unchecked"; } else { Arrays.sort(eumed_wrf_OPTIONS); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO eumed_wrf_RENEWAL = Arrays.binarySearch(eumed_wrf_OPTIONS, "enableRENEWAL") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = Arrays.binarySearch(eumed_wrf_OPTIONS, "disableVOMS") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; } int nmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < eumed_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (eumed_wrf_WMS[i] != null && (!eumed_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) nmax++;"\n\nLength=" + nmax); String[] eumed_wrf_WMS_trimmed = new String[nmax]; for (int i = 0; i < nmax; i++) { eumed_wrf_WMS_trimmed[i] = eumed_wrf_WMS[i].trim();"\n\nEUMED [" + i + "] WMS=[" + eumed_wrf_WMS_trimmed[i] + "]"); } // Set the portlet preferences portletPreferences.setValue("eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("eumed_wrf_VONAME", eumed_wrf_VONAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("eumed_wrf_TOPBDII", eumed_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); portletPreferences.setValues("eumed_wrf_WMS", eumed_wrf_WMS_trimmed); portletPreferences.setValue("eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("eumed_wrf_PORT", eumed_wrf_PORT.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("eumed_wrf_ROBOTID", eumed_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("eumed_wrf_ROLE", eumed_wrf_ROLE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("eumed_wrf_RENEWAL", eumed_wrf_RENEWAL); portletPreferences.setValue("eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_APPID", wrf_APPID.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_LOGLEVEL", wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", wrf_OUTPUT_PATH.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_SOFTWARE", wrf_SOFTWARE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("SMTP_HOST", SMTP_HOST.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("SENDER_MAIL", SENDER_MAIL.trim()); if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE")) {"\n\nPROCESS ACTION => " + action + "\n- Storing the portlet preferences ..." + "\n\neumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\neumed_wrf_VONAME: " + eumed_wrf_VONAME + "\neumed_wrf_TOPBDII: " + eumed_wrf_TOPBDII + "\neumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\neumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\neumed_wrf_PORT: " + eumed_wrf_PORT + "\neumed_wrf_ROBOTID: " + eumed_wrf_ROBOTID + "\neumed_wrf_ROLE: " + eumed_wrf_ROLE + "\neumed_wrf_RENEWAL: " + eumed_wrf_RENEWAL + "\neumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nwrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE: " + "eumed" + "\nwrf_APPID: " + wrf_APPID + "\nwrf_LOGLEVEL: " + wrf_LOGLEVEL + "\nwrf_OUTPUT_PATH: " + wrf_OUTPUT_PATH + "\nwrf_SOFTWARE: " + wrf_SOFTWARE + "\nTracking_DB_Hostname: " + TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Username: " + TRACKING_DB_USERNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Password: " + TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD + "\nSMTP_HOST: " + SMTP_HOST + "\nSENDER_MAIL: " + SENDER_MAIL); } } if (gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { infras[5] = "gisela"; // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet request for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = request.getParameter("gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet request for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_VONAME = request.getParameter("gisela_wrf_VONAME"); // Get the TOPBDII from the portlet request for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_TOPBDII = request.getParameter("gisela_wrf_TOPBDII"); // Get the WMS from the portlet request for the GISELA VO String[] gisela_wrf_WMS = request.getParameterValues("gisela_wrf_WMS"); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet request for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = request.getParameter("gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet request for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = request.getParameter("gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER"); // Get the PORT from the portlet request for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_PORT = request.getParameter("gisela_wrf_PORT"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet request for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_ROBOTID = request.getParameter("gisela_wrf_ROBOTID"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet request for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_ROLE = request.getParameter("gisela_wrf_ROLE"); // Get the OPTIONS from the portlet request for the GISELA VO String[] gisela_wrf_OPTIONS = request.getParameterValues("gisela_wrf_OPTIONS"); String gisela_wrf_RENEWAL = ""; String gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = ""; if (gisela_wrf_OPTIONS == null) { gisela_wrf_RENEWAL = "checked"; gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = "unchecked"; } else { Arrays.sort(gisela_wrf_OPTIONS); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO gisela_wrf_RENEWAL = Arrays.binarySearch(gisela_wrf_OPTIONS, "enableRENEWAL") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = Arrays.binarySearch(gisela_wrf_OPTIONS, "disableVOMS") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; } int nmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gisela_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (gisela_wrf_WMS[i] != null && (!gisela_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) nmax++;"\n\nLength=" + nmax); String[] gisela_wrf_WMS_trimmed = new String[nmax]; for (int i = 0; i < nmax; i++) { gisela_wrf_WMS_trimmed[i] = gisela_wrf_WMS[i].trim();"\n\nGISELA [" + i + "] WMS=[" + gisela_wrf_WMS_trimmed[i] + "]"); } // Set the portlet preferences portletPreferences.setValue("gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("gisela_wrf_VONAME", gisela_wrf_VONAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("gisela_wrf_TOPBDII", gisela_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); portletPreferences.setValues("gisela_wrf_WMS", gisela_wrf_WMS_trimmed); portletPreferences.setValue("gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("gisela_wrf_PORT", gisela_wrf_PORT.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("gisela_wrf_ROBOTID", gisela_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("gisela_wrf_ROLE", gisela_wrf_ROLE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("gisela_wrf_RENEWAL", gisela_wrf_RENEWAL); portletPreferences.setValue("gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_APPID", wrf_APPID.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_LOGLEVEL", wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", wrf_OUTPUT_PATH.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_SOFTWARE", wrf_SOFTWARE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("SMTP_HOST", SMTP_HOST.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("SENDER_MAIL", SENDER_MAIL.trim()); if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE")) {"\n\nPROCESS ACTION => " + action + "\n- Storing the portlet preferences ..." + "\n\ngisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\ngisela_wrf_VONAME: " + gisela_wrf_VONAME + "\ngisela_wrf_TOPBDII: " + gisela_wrf_TOPBDII + "\ngisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\ngisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\ngisela_wrf_PORT: " + gisela_wrf_PORT + "\ngisela_wrf_ROBOTID: " + gisela_wrf_ROBOTID + "\ngisela_wrf_ROLE: " + gisela_wrf_ROLE + "\ngisela_wrf_RENEWAL: " + gisela_wrf_RENEWAL + "\ngisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nwrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE: " + "gisela" + "\nwrf_APPID: " + wrf_APPID + "\nwrf_LOGLEVEL: " + wrf_LOGLEVEL + "\nwrf_OUTPUT_PATH: " + wrf_OUTPUT_PATH + "\nwrf_SOFTWARE: " + wrf_SOFTWARE + "\nTracking_DB_Hostname: " + TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Username: " + TRACKING_DB_USERNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Password: " + TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD + "\nSMTP_HOST: " + SMTP_HOST + "\nSENDER_MAIL: " + SENDER_MAIL); } } if (sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("checked")) { infras[6] = "sagrid"; // Get the INFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet request for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = request.getParameter("sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet request for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_VONAME = request.getParameter("sagrid_wrf_VONAME"); // Get the TOPBDII from the portlet request for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII = request.getParameter("sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII"); // Get the WMS from the portlet request for the SAGRID VO String[] sagrid_wrf_WMS = request.getParameterValues("sagrid_wrf_WMS"); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet request for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = request.getParameter("sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet request for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = request.getParameter("sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER"); // Get the PORT from the portlet request for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_PORT = request.getParameter("sagrid_wrf_PORT"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet request for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID = request.getParameter("sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet request for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_ROLE = request.getParameter("sagrid_wrf_ROLE"); // Get the OPTIONS from the portlet request for the SAGRID VO String[] sagrid_wrf_OPTIONS = request.getParameterValues("sagrid_wrf_OPTIONS"); String sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL = ""; String sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = ""; if (sagrid_wrf_OPTIONS == null) { sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL = "checked"; sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = "unchecked"; } else { Arrays.sort(sagrid_wrf_OPTIONS); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL = Arrays.binarySearch(sagrid_wrf_OPTIONS, "enableRENEWAL") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = Arrays.binarySearch(sagrid_wrf_OPTIONS, "disableVOMS") >= 0 ? "checked" : "unchecked"; } int nmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sagrid_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if (sagrid_wrf_WMS[i] != null && (!sagrid_wrf_WMS[i].trim().equals("N/A"))) nmax++;"\n\nLength=" + nmax); String[] sagrid_wrf_WMS_trimmed = new String[nmax]; for (int i = 0; i < nmax; i++) { sagrid_wrf_WMS_trimmed[i] = sagrid_wrf_WMS[i].trim();"\n\nSAGRID [" + i + "] WMS=[" + sagrid_wrf_WMS_trimmed[i] + "]"); } // Set the portlet preferences portletPreferences.setValue("sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("sagrid_wrf_VONAME", sagrid_wrf_VONAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII", sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII.trim()); portletPreferences.setValues("sagrid_wrf_WMS", sagrid_wrf_WMS_trimmed); portletPreferences.setValue("sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("sagrid_wrf_PORT", sagrid_wrf_PORT.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID", sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("sagrid_wrf_ROLE", sagrid_wrf_ROLE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL", sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL); portletPreferences.setValue("sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_APPID", wrf_APPID.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_LOGLEVEL", wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", wrf_OUTPUT_PATH.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("wrf_SOFTWARE", wrf_SOFTWARE.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", TRACKING_DB_USERNAME.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("SMTP_HOST", SMTP_HOST.trim()); portletPreferences.setValue("SENDER_MAIL", SENDER_MAIL.trim()); if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE")) {"\n\nPROCESS ACTION => " + action + "\n- Storing the portlet preferences ..." + "\n\nsagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\nsagrid_wrf_VONAME: " + sagrid_wrf_VONAME + "\nsagrid_wrf_TOPBDII: " + sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII + "\nsagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\nsagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\nsagrid_wrf_PORT: " + sagrid_wrf_PORT + "\nsagrid_wrf_ROBOTID: " + sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID + "\nsagrid_wrf_ROLE: " + sagrid_wrf_ROLE + "\nsagrid_wrf_RENEWAL: " + sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL + "\nsagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nwrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE: " + "sagrid" + "\nwrf_APPID: " + wrf_APPID + "\nwrf_LEVEL: " + wrf_LOGLEVEL + "\nwrf_OUTPUT_PATH: " + wrf_OUTPUT_PATH + "\nwrf_SOFTWARE: " + wrf_SOFTWARE + "\nTracking_DB_Hostname: " + TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Username: " + TRACKING_DB_USERNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Password: " + TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD + "\nSMTP_HOST: " + SMTP_HOST + "\nSENDER_MAIL: " + SENDER_MAIL); } } for (int i = 0; i < infras.length; i++) if (infras[i] != null)"\n - Infrastructure Enabled = " + infras[i]); portletPreferences.setValues("wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras); portletPreferences.setValue("dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras[0]); portletPreferences.setValue("garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras[1]); portletPreferences.setValue("chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras[2]); portletPreferences.setValue("fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras[3]); portletPreferences.setValue("eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras[4]); portletPreferences.setValue("gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras[5]); portletPreferences.setValue("sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", infras[6]);; response.setPortletMode(PortletMode.VIEW); } // end PROCESS ACTION [ CONFIG_WRF_PORTLET ] if (action.equals("SUBMIT_WRF_PORTLET")) {"\nPROCESS ACTION => " + action); InfrastructureInfo infrastructures[] = new InfrastructureInfo[7]; int NMAX = 0; String wmsList[] = new String[10]; String _wmsListFedCloud[] = new String[10]; String fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = ""; String fedcloud_wrf_PORT = ""; String fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID = ""; String fedcloud_wrf_VONAME = ""; String fedcloud_wrf_ROLE = ""; String _wmsListChainCloud[] = new String[10]; String chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = ""; String chain_wrf_PORT = ""; String chain_wrf_ROBOTID = ""; String chain_wrf_VONAME = ""; String chain_wrf_ROLE = ""; // Get the APPID from the portlet preferences String wrf_APPID = portletPreferences.getValue("wrf_APPID", "N/A"); // Get the LOGLEVEL from the portlet preferences String wrf_LOGLEVEL = portletPreferences.getValue("wrf_LOGLEVEL", "INFO"); // Get the APPID from the portlet preferences String wrf_OUTPUT_PATH = portletPreferences.getValue("wrf_OUTPUT_PATH", "/tmp"); // Get the SOFTWARE from the portlet preferences String wrf_SOFTWARE = portletPreferences.getValue("wrf_SOFTWARE", "N/A"); // Get the TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME from the portlet request String TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME = portletPreferences.getValue("TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME", "N/A"); // Get the TRACKING_DB_USERNAME from the portlet request String TRACKING_DB_USERNAME = portletPreferences.getValue("TRACKING_DB_USERNAME", "N/A"); // Get the TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD from the portlet request String TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD = portletPreferences.getValue("TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD", "N/A"); // Get the SMTP_HOST from the portlet request String SMTP_HOST = portletPreferences.getValue("SMTP_HOST", "N/A"); // Get the SENDER_MAIL from the portlet request String SENDER_MAIL = portletPreferences.getValue("SENDER_MAIL", "N/A"); String dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", "null"); String garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences .getValue("garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", "null"); String chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences .getValue("chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", "null"); String fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences .getValue("fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", "null"); String eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences .getValue("eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", "null"); String gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences .getValue("gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", "null"); String sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences .getValue("sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", "null"); if (dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE != null && dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("dit")) { NMAX++; // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_LOGIN = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_LOGIN", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_PASSWD = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_PASSWD", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String[] dit_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("dit_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the DIT VO String dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Get the random CE for the Sonification portlet //RANDOM_CE = getRandomCE(dit_wrf_LOGIN, dit_wrf_PASSWD, wrf_SOFTWARE); if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE")) {"\n- Getting the portlet preferences ..." + "\ndit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + dit_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\ndit_wrf_LOGIN: " + dit_wrf_LOGIN + "\ndit_wrf_PASSWD: " + dit_wrf_PASSWD + "\ndit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + dit_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\ndit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + dit_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\ndit_wrf_PORT: " + dit_wrf_PORT + "\ndit_wrf_ROBOTID: " + dit_wrf_ROBOTID + "\ndit_wrf_ROLE: " + dit_wrf_ROLE + "\ndit_wrf_RENEWAL: " + dit_wrf_RENEWAL + "\ndit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + dit_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nwrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE: " + dit_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE + "\nwrf_APPID: " + wrf_APPID + "\nwrf_LOGLEVEL: " + wrf_LOGLEVEL + "\nwrf_OUTPUT_PATH: " + wrf_OUTPUT_PATH + "\nwrf_SOFTWARE: " + wrf_SOFTWARE + "\nTracking_DB_Hostname: " + TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Username: " + TRACKING_DB_USERNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Password: " + TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD + "\nSMTP_HOST: " + SMTP_HOST + "\nSENDER_MAIL: " + SENDER_MAIL); } // Defining the WMS list for the "DIT" Infrastructure int nmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dit_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if ((dit_wrf_WMS[i] != null) && (!dit_wrf_WMS[i].equals("N/A"))) nmax++; String dit_wmsList[] = new String[nmax]; for (int i = 0; i < nmax; i++) { if (dit_wrf_WMS[i] != null) { dit_wmsList[i] = dit_wrf_WMS[i].trim();"\n\n[" + nmax + "] Submitting to DIT [" + i + "] using WMS=[" + dit_wmsList[i] + "]"); } } infrastructures[0] = new InfrastructureInfo("SSH", "ssh", dit_wrf_LOGIN, dit_wrf_PASSWD, dit_wmsList); } if (garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE != null && garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("garuda")) { NMAX++; // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String[] garuda_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("garuda_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the GARUDA VO String garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE")) {"\n- Getting the portlet preferences ..." + "\ngaruda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + garuda_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\ngaruda_wrf_VONAME: " + garuda_wrf_VONAME + "\ngaruda_wrf_TOPBDII: " + garuda_wrf_TOPBDII + "\ngaruda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\ngaruda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + garuda_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\ngaruda_wrf_PORT: " + garuda_wrf_PORT + "\ngaruda_wrf_ROBOTID: " + garuda_wrf_ROBOTID + "\ngaruda_wrf_ROLE: " + garuda_wrf_ROLE + "\ngaruda_wrf_RENEWAL: " + garuda_wrf_RENEWAL + "\ngaruda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + garuda_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nwrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE: " + garuda_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE + "\nwrf_APPID: " + wrf_APPID + "\nwrf_LOGLEVEL: " + wrf_LOGLEVEL + "\nwrf_OUTPUT_PATH: " + wrf_OUTPUT_PATH + "\nwrf_SOFTWARE: " + wrf_SOFTWARE + "\nTracking_DB_Hostname: " + TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Username: " + TRACKING_DB_USERNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Password: " + TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD + "\nSMTP_HOST: " + SMTP_HOST + "\nSENDER_MAIL: " + SENDER_MAIL); } // Defining the WMS list for the "GARUDA" Infrastructure int nmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < garuda_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if ((garuda_wrf_WMS[i] != null) && (!garuda_wrf_WMS[i].equals("N/A"))) nmax++; //String wmsList[] = new String [nmax]; for (int i = 0; i < nmax; i++) { if (garuda_wrf_WMS[i] != null) { wmsList[i] = garuda_wrf_WMS[i].trim();"\n\n[" + nmax + "] Submitting to GARUDA [" + i + "] using WSGRAM=[" + wmsList[i] + "]"); } } infrastructures[1] = new InfrastructureInfo("GARUDA", "wsgram", "", wmsList, garuda_wrf_ETOKENSERVER, garuda_wrf_PORT, garuda_wrf_ROBOTID, garuda_wrf_VONAME, garuda_wrf_ROLE); } if (chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE != null && chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("chain")) { String OCCI_AUTH = "x509"; // Possible RESOURCE values: 'os_tpl', 'resource_tpl', 'compute' String OCCI_RESOURCE = "compute"; // Possible ACTION values: 'list', 'describe', 'create' and 'delete' String OCCI_ACTION = "create"; NMAX++; // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO chain_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String[] chain_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("chain_wrf_WMS", new String[10]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO chain_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO chain_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO chain_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the CHAIN VO String chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Get the random CE for the Sonification portlet //RANDOM_CE = getRandomCE(chain_wrf_VONAME, chain_wrf_TOPBDII, wrf_SOFTWARE); if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE")) {"\n- Getting the portlet preferences ..." + "\nchain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + chain_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\nchain_wrf_VONAME: " + chain_wrf_VONAME + "\nchain_wrf_TOPBDII: " + chain_wrf_TOPBDII + "\nchain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\nchain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + chain_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\nchain_wrf_PORT: " + chain_wrf_PORT + "\nchain_wrf_ROBOTID: " + chain_wrf_ROBOTID + "\nchain_wrf_ROLE: " + chain_wrf_ROLE + "\nchain_wrf_RENEWAL: " + chain_wrf_RENEWAL + "\nchain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + chain_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nwrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE: " + chain_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE + "\nwrf_APPID: " + wrf_APPID + "\nwrf_LOGLEVEL: " + wrf_LOGLEVEL + "\nwrf_OUTPUT_PATH: " + wrf_OUTPUT_PATH + "\nwrf_SOFTWARE: " + wrf_SOFTWARE + "\nTracking_DB_Hostname: " + TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Username: " + TRACKING_DB_USERNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Password: " + TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD + "\nSMTP_HOST: " + SMTP_HOST + "\nSENDER_MAIL: " + SENDER_MAIL);"\n- Creating a proxy ..."); getRobotProxy(chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER, chain_wrf_PORT, chain_wrf_ROBOTID, chain_wrf_VONAME, chain_wrf_ROLE, chain_wrf_RENEWAL); } // Defining the rOCCIResource list for the "CHAIN-REDS" Infrastructure int nmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < chain_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if ((chain_wrf_WMS[i] != null) && (!chain_wrf_WMS[i].equals("N/A"))) nmax++; //String wmsList[] = new String [nmax]; for (int i = 0; i < nmax; i++) { if (chain_wrf_WMS[i] != null) { _wmsListChainCloud[i] = chain_wrf_WMS[i].trim() + "?" + "action=" + OCCI_ACTION + "&resource=" + OCCI_RESOURCE + "&attributes_title=OCCI_VM_TITLE" + "&mixin_os_tpl=OCCI_OS" + "&mixin_resource_tpl=OCCI_FLAVOUR" + "&auth=" + OCCI_AUTH;"\n\n[" + nmax + "] CHAIN-REDS [" + i + "] rOCCIResourceID=[" + _wmsListChainCloud[i] + "]"); } } infrastructures[2] = new InfrastructureInfo("CHAIN-REDS", "rocci", "", _wmsListChainCloud, chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER, chain_wrf_PORT, chain_wrf_ROBOTID, chain_wrf_VONAME, chain_wrf_ROLE, true); } if (fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE != null && fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("fedcloud")) { String OCCI_AUTH = "x509"; // Possible RESOURCE values: 'os_tpl', 'resource_tpl', 'compute' String OCCI_RESOURCE = "compute"; //String OCCI_VM_TITLE = "MyROCCITest"; //String OCCI_FLAVOUR = "small"; // Possible ACTION values: 'list', 'describe', 'create' and 'delete' String OCCI_ACTION = "create"; NMAX++; // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO fedcloud_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String[] fedcloud_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("fedcloud_wrf_WMS", new String[10]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO fedcloud_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO fedcloud_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the FEDCLOUD VO String fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Get the random CE for the Sonification portlet //RANDOM_CE = getRandomCE(fedcloud_wrf_VONAME, fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII, wrf_SOFTWARE); if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE")) {"\n- Getting the portlet preferences ..." + "\n\nfedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + fedcloud_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\nfedcloud_wrf_VONAME: " + fedcloud_wrf_VONAME + "\nfedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII: " + fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII + "\nfedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\nfedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + fedcloud_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\nfedcloud_wrf_PORT: " + fedcloud_wrf_PORT + "\nfedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID: " + fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID + "\nfedcloud_wrf_ROLE: " + fedcloud_wrf_ROLE + "\nfedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL: " + fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL + "\nfedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + fedcloud_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nwrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE: " + fedcloud_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE + "\nwrf_APPID: " + wrf_APPID + "\nwrf_LOGLEVEL: " + wrf_LOGLEVEL + "\nwrf_OUTPUT_PATH: " + wrf_OUTPUT_PATH + "\nwrf_SOFTWARE: " + wrf_SOFTWARE + "\nTracking_DB_Hostname: " + TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Username: " + TRACKING_DB_USERNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Password: " + TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD + "\nSMTP_HOST: " + SMTP_HOST + "\nSENDER_MAIL: " + SENDER_MAIL); //"\n- Creating a proxy ..."); getRobotProxy(fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER, fedcloud_wrf_PORT, fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID, fedcloud_wrf_VONAME, fedcloud_wrf_ROLE, fedcloud_wrf_RENEWAL); } // Defining the rOCCIResource list for the "FEDCLOUD" Infrastructure int nmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fedcloud_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if ((fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i] != null) && (!fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i].equals("N/A"))) nmax++; //String wmsList[] = new String [nmax]; for (int i = 0; i < nmax; i++) { if (fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i] != null) { _wmsListFedCloud[i] = fedcloud_wrf_WMS[i].trim() + "?" + "action=" + OCCI_ACTION + "&resource=" + OCCI_RESOURCE + "&attributes_title=OCCI_VM_TITLE" + "&mixin_os_tpl=OCCI_OS" + "&mixin_resource_tpl=OCCI_FLAVOUR" + "&auth=" + OCCI_AUTH;"\n\n[" + nmax + "] FEDCLOUD [" + i + "] rOCCIResourceID=[" + _wmsListFedCloud[i] + "]"); } } infrastructures[3] = new InfrastructureInfo("EGI-FEDCLOUD", "rocci", "", _wmsListFedCloud, fedcloud_wrf_ETOKENSERVER, fedcloud_wrf_PORT, fedcloud_wrf_ROBOTID, fedcloud_wrf_VONAME, fedcloud_wrf_ROLE, true); } if (eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE != null && eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("eumed")) { NMAX++; // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String[] eumed_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("eumed_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the EUMED VO String eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Get the random CE for the Sonification portlet //RANDOM_CE = getRandomCE(eumed_wrf_VONAME, eumed_wrf_TOPBDII, wrf_SOFTWARE); if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE")) {"\n- Getting the portlet preferences ..." + "\n\neumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + eumed_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\neumed_wrf_VONAME: " + eumed_wrf_VONAME + "\neumed_wrf_TOPBDII: " + eumed_wrf_TOPBDII + "\neumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\neumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + eumed_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\neumed_wrf_PORT: " + eumed_wrf_PORT + "\neumed_wrf_ROBOTID: " + eumed_wrf_ROBOTID + "\neumed_wrf_ROLE: " + eumed_wrf_ROLE + "\neumed_wrf_RENEWAL: " + eumed_wrf_RENEWAL + "\neumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + eumed_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nwrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE: " + eumed_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE + "\nwrf_APPID: " + wrf_APPID + "\nwrf_LOGLEVEL: " + wrf_LOGLEVEL + "\nwrf_OUTPUT_PATH: " + wrf_OUTPUT_PATH + "\nwrf_SOFTWARE: " + wrf_SOFTWARE + "\nTracking_DB_Hostname: " + TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Username: " + TRACKING_DB_USERNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Password: " + TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD + "\nSMTP_HOST: " + SMTP_HOST + "\nSENDER_MAIL: " + SENDER_MAIL); } // Defining the WMS list for the "EUMED" Infrastructure int nmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < eumed_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if ((eumed_wrf_WMS[i] != null) && (!eumed_wrf_WMS[i].equals("N/A"))) nmax++; String eumed_wmsList[] = new String[nmax]; for (int i = 0; i < nmax; i++) { if (eumed_wrf_WMS[i] != null) { eumed_wmsList[i] = eumed_wrf_WMS[i].trim();"\n\n[" + nmax + "] Submitting to EUMED [" + i + "] using WMS=[" + eumed_wmsList[i] + "]"); } } infrastructures[4] = new InfrastructureInfo(eumed_wrf_VONAME, eumed_wrf_TOPBDII, eumed_wmsList, eumed_wrf_ETOKENSERVER, eumed_wrf_PORT, eumed_wrf_ROBOTID, eumed_wrf_VONAME, eumed_wrf_ROLE, "VO-" + eumed_wrf_VONAME + "-" + wrf_SOFTWARE); } if (gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE != null && gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("gisela")) { NMAX++; // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String[] gisela_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("gisela_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the GISELA VO String gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Get the random CE for the Sonification portlet //RANDOM_CE = getRandomCE(gisela_wrf_VONAME, gisela_wrf_TOPBDII, wrf_SOFTWARE); if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE")) {"\n- Getting the portlet preferences ..." + "\n\ngisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + gisela_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\ngisela_wrf_VONAME: " + gisela_wrf_VONAME + "\ngisela_wrf_TOPBDII: " + gisela_wrf_TOPBDII + "\ngisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\ngisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + gisela_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\ngisela_wrf_PORT: " + gisela_wrf_PORT + "\ngisela_wrf_ROBOTID: " + gisela_wrf_ROBOTID + "\ngisela_wrf_ROLE: " + gisela_wrf_ROLE + "\ngisela_wrf_RENEWAL: " + gisela_wrf_RENEWAL + "\ngisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + gisela_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nwrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE: " + gisela_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE + "\nwrf_APPID: " + wrf_APPID + "\nwrf_LOGLEVEL: " + wrf_LOGLEVEL + "\nwrf_OUTPUT_PATH: " + wrf_OUTPUT_PATH + "\nwrf_SOFTWARE: " + wrf_SOFTWARE + "\nTracking_DB_Hostname: " + TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Username: " + TRACKING_DB_USERNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Password: " + TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD + "\nSMTP_HOST: " + SMTP_HOST + "\nSENDER_MAIL: " + SENDER_MAIL); } // Defining the WMS list for the "GISELA" Infrastructure int nmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gisela_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if ((gisela_wrf_WMS[i] != null) && (!gisela_wrf_WMS[i].equals("N/A"))) nmax++; //String wmsList[] = new String [gisela_wrf_WMS.length]; for (int i = 0; i < gisela_wrf_WMS.length; i++) { if (gisela_wrf_WMS[i] != null) { wmsList[i] = gisela_wrf_WMS[i].trim();"\n\nSubmitting for GISELA [" + i + "] using WMS=[" + wmsList[i] + "]"); } } infrastructures[5] = new InfrastructureInfo(gisela_wrf_VONAME, gisela_wrf_TOPBDII, wmsList, gisela_wrf_ETOKENSERVER, gisela_wrf_PORT, gisela_wrf_ROBOTID, gisela_wrf_VONAME, gisela_wrf_ROLE, "VO-" + gisela_wrf_VONAME + "-" + wrf_SOFTWARE); } if (sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE != null && sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("sagrid")) { NMAX++; // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); // Get the VONAME from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_VONAME = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_VONAME", "N/A"); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the WMS from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String[] sagrid_wrf_WMS = portletPreferences.getValues("sagrid_wrf_WMS", new String[5]); // Get the ETOKENSERVER from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the MYPROXYSERVER from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER", "N/A"); // Get the PORT from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_PORT = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_PORT", "N/A"); // Get the ROBOTID from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID", "N/A"); // Get the ROLE from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_ROLE = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_ROLE", "N/A"); // Get the RENEWAL from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL", "checked"); // Get the DISABLEVOMS from the portlet preferences for the SAGRID VO String sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS", "unchecked"); // Get the random CE for the Sonification portlet //RANDOM_CE = getRandomCE(sagrid_wrf_VONAME, sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII, wrf_SOFTWARE); if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE")) {"\n- Getting the portlet preferences ..." + "\n\nsagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE: " + sagrid_wrf_INFRASTRUCTURE + "\nsagrid_wrf_VONAME: " + sagrid_wrf_VONAME + "\nsagrid_wrf_TOPBDII: " + sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII + "\nsagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER: " + sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER + "\nsagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER: " + sagrid_wrf_MYPROXYSERVER + "\nsagrid_wrf_PORT: " + sagrid_wrf_PORT + "\nsagrid_wrf_ROBOTID: " + sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID + "\nsagrid_wrf_ROLE: " + sagrid_wrf_ROLE + "\nsagrid_wrf_RENEWAL: " + sagrid_wrf_RENEWAL + "\nsagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS: " + sagrid_wrf_DISABLEVOMS + "\n\nwrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE: " + sagrid_wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE + "\nwrf_APPID: " + wrf_APPID + "\nwrf_LOGLEVEL: " + wrf_LOGLEVEL + "\nwrf_OUTPUT_PATH: " + wrf_OUTPUT_PATH + "\nwrf_SOFTWARE: " + wrf_SOFTWARE + "\nTracking_DB_Hostname: " + TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Username: " + TRACKING_DB_USERNAME + "\nTracking_DB_Password: " + TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD + "\nSMTP_HOST: " + SMTP_HOST + "\nSENDER_MAIL: " + SENDER_MAIL); } // Defining the WMS list for the "SAGRID" Infrastructure int nmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sagrid_wrf_WMS.length; i++) if ((sagrid_wrf_WMS[i] != null) && (!sagrid_wrf_WMS[i].equals("N/A"))) nmax++; for (int i = 0; i < sagrid_wrf_WMS.length; i++) { if (sagrid_wrf_WMS[i] != null) { wmsList[i] = sagrid_wrf_WMS[i].trim();"\n\nSubmitting for SAGRID [" + i + "] using WMS=[" + wmsList[i] + "]"); } } infrastructures[6] = new InfrastructureInfo(sagrid_wrf_VONAME, sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII, wmsList, sagrid_wrf_ETOKENSERVER, sagrid_wrf_PORT, sagrid_wrf_ROBOTID, sagrid_wrf_VONAME, sagrid_wrf_ROLE, "VO-" + sagrid_wrf_VONAME + "-" + wrf_SOFTWARE); } String[] _Parameters = new String[7]; String[] _Settings = new String[4]; // Upload the input settings for the application _Parameters = uploadSettings(request, response, username); _Settings[0] = _Parameters[6]; _Settings[1] = username; _Settings[2] = portal; _Settings[3] = emailAddress;"\n- Input Parameters: "); //"\n- ASCII or Text = " + _Parameters[0]);"\n- VM Profile Type = " + _Parameters[1]);"\n- VM Template = " + _Parameters[5]);"\n- VM Name = " + _Parameters[6]);"\n- Cloud Resource = " + _Parameters[2]);"\n- Enable Notification = " + _Parameters[3]);"\n- Description = " + _Parameters[4]);"\n- Username = " + _Settings[1]);"\n- E-mail = " + _Settings[2]);"\n- Portal = " + _Settings[3]); // Preparing to submit applications in different infrastructures.. //============================================================= // IMPORTANT: INSTANCIATE THE MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission // CLASS USING THE EMPTY CONSTRUCTOR WHEN // WHEN THE PORTLET IS DEPLOYED IN PRODUCTION!!! //============================================================= /*MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission CloudMultiJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission(TRACKING_DB_HOSTNAME, TRACKING_DB_USERNAME, TRACKING_DB_PASSWORD);*/ MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission CloudMultiJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission(); if (infrastructures[0] != null) { if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE"))"\n- Adding the DIT Cluster Infrastructure."); CloudMultiJobSubmission.addInfrastructure(infrastructures[0]); } if (infrastructures[2] != null) { if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE"))"\n- Adding the CHAIN-REDS Cloud Testbed."); for (int i = 0; i < _wmsListChainCloud.length; i++) { if ((_wmsListChainCloud[i] != null) && (!_wmsListChainCloud[i].equals("N/A"))) { // A.) WRFTYPE = [ wrf ] if (_Parameters[1].equals("appwrf")) { // === SETTINGS for the INFN-STACK CLOUD RESOURCE === // if ((_wmsListChainCloud[i].indexOf("")) != -1) {"\n- Adding some customizations for the INFN-STACK Cloud Provider."); _wmsListChainCloud[i] = (_wmsListChainCloud[i].trim()).replace("OCCI_FLAVOUR", "m1-medium"); _wmsListChainCloud[i] = (_wmsListChainCloud[i].trim()).replace("OCCI_VM_TITLE", _Parameters[6]); _wmsListChainCloud[i] = (_wmsListChainCloud[i].trim()).replace("OCCI_OS", "6ee0e31b-e066-4d39-86fd-059b1de8c52f"); } // === SETTINGS for the INFN-NEBULA CLOUD RESOURCE === // if ((_wmsListChainCloud[i].indexOf("")) != -1) {"\n- Adding some customizations for the INFN-NEBULA Cloud Provider."); _wmsListChainCloud[i] = (_wmsListChainCloud[i].trim()).replace("OCCI_OS", "uuid_appwrf_51"); _wmsListChainCloud[i] = (_wmsListChainCloud[i].trim()).replace("OCCI_FLAVOUR", _Parameters[5]); _wmsListChainCloud[i] = (_wmsListChainCloud[i].trim()).replace("OCCI_VM_TITLE", _Parameters[6]); } } } } // Defining the list of providers for the "CHAIN-REDS" Infrastructure int nmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _wmsListChainCloud.length; i++) if ((_wmsListChainCloud[i] != null) && (!_wmsListChainCloud[i].equals("N/A"))) nmax++; String chaincloudwmsList[] = new String[nmax]; for (int i = 0; i < _wmsListChainCloud.length; i++) { if (_wmsListChainCloud[i] != null) { chaincloudwmsList[i] = _wmsListChainCloud[i].trim();"\n\nCloud ResourceID = [" + chaincloudwmsList[i] + "]"); } } infrastructures[2] = new InfrastructureInfo("CHAIN-REDS", "rocci", "", chaincloudwmsList, chain_wrf_ETOKENSERVER, chain_wrf_PORT, chain_wrf_ROBOTID, chain_wrf_VONAME, chain_wrf_ROLE, true); CloudMultiJobSubmission.addInfrastructure(infrastructures[2]); } if (infrastructures[4] != null) { if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE"))"\n- Adding the EUMED Grid Infrastructure."); CloudMultiJobSubmission.addInfrastructure(infrastructures[4]); } // A.) WRFTYPE = [ wrf ] if (_Parameters[1].equals("appwrf")) { if (wrf_LOGLEVEL.trim().equals("VERBOSE"))"\n\nPreparing to launch an i686 VM with [ WRF-3.5 ]"); String CloudFilesPath = getPortletContext().getRealPath("/") + "WEB-INF/config"; // Set the Output path for results CloudMultiJobSubmission.setOutputPath(wrf_OUTPUT_PATH); // Set the StandardOutput for CloudMultiJobSubmission.setJobOutput("std.out"); // Set the StandardError for CloudMultiJobSubmission.setJobError("std.err"); // OutputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names) String CloudFiles = "wrf_output.tar.gz, README.txt"; // Set the OutputSandbox files (string with comma separated list of file names) CloudMultiJobSubmission.setOutputFiles(CloudFiles); // Store the list of Argument(s) in a file File WRF_Repository = new File("/tmp"); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); String timeStamp = dateFormat.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); String Arguments_File = WRF_Repository + "/" + timeStamp + "_" + username + "_patterns.txt"; storeFile(Arguments_File, _Settings); // Set the Executable CloudMultiJobSubmission.setExecutable("/bin/bash"); String Arguments = ""; // Set the list of Arguments CloudMultiJobSubmission.setArguments(Arguments); String InputSandbox = CloudFilesPath + "/" + "," + CloudFilesPath + "/all_wrf_inputs.tar.gz" + "," + Arguments_File; // Set InputSandbox files (string with comma separated list of file names) CloudMultiJobSubmission.setInputFiles(InputSandbox); } // Get the infra InfrastructureInfo infrastructure = CloudMultiJobSubmission.getInfrastructure(); if (infrastructure.getMiddleware().equals("glite")) {"\n- Selected Middleware = glite "); // Set the queue if it's defined // This option is not supported in multi-infrastructures mode if (!_Parameters[2].isEmpty()) CloudMultiJobSubmission.setJobQueue(_Parameters[2]); } if (infrastructure.getMiddleware().equals("occi"))"\n- Selected Cloud Middleware = rocci "); if (infrastructure.getMiddleware().equals("ssh"))"\n- Selected Infrastructure = ssh "); InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); try { company = PortalUtil.getCompany(request); String gateway = company.getName(); // Send a notification email to the user if enabled. if (_Parameters[3] != null) if ((SMTP_HOST == null) || (SMTP_HOST.trim().equals("")) || (SMTP_HOST.trim().equals("N/A")) || (SENDER_MAIL == null) || (SENDER_MAIL.trim().equals("")) || (SENDER_MAIL.trim().equals("N/A")))"\nThe Notification Service is not properly configured!!"); else { // Enabling Job's notification via email CloudMultiJobSubmission.setUserEmail(emailAddress); sendHTMLEmail(username, emailAddress, SENDER_MAIL, SMTP_HOST, _Parameters[1], gateway); } // Submitting in progress ..."\n- Job submittion in progress using JSAGA JobEngine"); CloudMultiJobSubmission.submitJobAsync(infrastructure, username, addr.getHostAddress() + ":8162", Integer.valueOf(wrf_APPID), _Parameters[4]); } catch (PortalException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (SystemException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } // end PROCESS ACTION [ SUBMIT_WRF_PORTLET ] } catch (PortalException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (SystemException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } @Override public void serveResource(ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { //super.serveResource(request, response); PortletPreferences portletPreferences = (PortletPreferences) request.getPreferences(); final String action = (String) request.getParameter("action"); if (action.equals("get-ratings")) { //Get CE Ratings from the portlet preferences String wrf_CR = (String) request.getParameter("wrf_CR"); String json = "{ \"avg\":\"" + portletPreferences.getValue(wrf_CR + "_avg", "0.0") + "\", \"cnt\":\"" + portletPreferences.getValue(wrf_CR + "_cnt", "0") + "\"}"; response.setContentType("application/json"); response.getPortletOutputStream().write(json.getBytes()); } else if (action.equals("set-ratings")) { String wrf_CR = (String) request.getParameter("wrf_CR"); int vote = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("vote")); double avg = Double.parseDouble(portletPreferences.getValue(wrf_CR + "_avg", "0.0")); long cnt = Long.parseLong(portletPreferences.getValue(wrf_CR + "_cnt", "0")); portletPreferences.setValue(wrf_CR + "_avg", Double.toString(((avg * cnt) + vote) / (cnt + 1))); portletPreferences.setValue(wrf_CR + "_cnt", Long.toString(cnt + 1));; } } // Upload input files public String[] uploadSettings(ActionRequest actionRequest, ActionResponse actionResponse, String username) { String[] _Parameters = new String[7]; boolean status; // Check that we have a file upload request boolean isMultipart = PortletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(actionRequest); if (isMultipart) { // Create a factory for disk-based file items. DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory(); // Set factory constrains File _Repository = new File("/tmp"); if (!_Repository.exists()) status = _Repository.mkdirs(); factory.setRepository(_Repository); // Create a new file upload handler. PortletFileUpload upload = new PortletFileUpload(factory); try { // Parse the request List items = upload.parseRequest(actionRequest); // Processing items Iterator iter = items.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { FileItem item = (FileItem); String fieldName = item.getFieldName(); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); String timeStamp = dateFormat.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); // Processing a regular form field if (item.isFormField()) { if (fieldName.equals("wrf_textarea_OCTAVE")) { _Parameters[0] = _Repository + "/" + timeStamp + "_" + username + ".m"; // Store the textarea in a ASCII file storeString(_Parameters[0], item.getString()); } if (fieldName.equals("wrf_textarea_R")) { _Parameters[0] = _Repository + "/" + timeStamp + "_" + username + ".r"; // Store the textarea in a ASCII file storeString(_Parameters[0], item.getString()); } if (fieldName.equals("wrftype")) _Parameters[1] = item.getString(); if (fieldName.equals("wrf_CR")) _Parameters[2] = item.getString(); if (fieldName.equals("wrfvmtemplate")) _Parameters[5] = item.getString(); if (fieldName.equals("wrf_vmname")) _Parameters[6] = item.getString(); } else { // Processing a file upload if (fieldName.equals("wrf_file_OCTAVE") || fieldName.equals("wrf_file_R")) {"\n- Uploading the following user's file: " + "\n[ " + item.getName() + " ]" + "\n[ " + item.getContentType() + " ]" + "\n[ " + item.getSize() + "KBytes ]"); // Writing the file to disk String uploadFile = _Repository + "/" + timeStamp + "_" + username + "_" + item.getName();"\n- Writing the user's file: [ " + uploadFile.toString() + " ] to disk"); item.write(new File(uploadFile)); _Parameters[0] = uploadFile; } } if (fieldName.equals("EnableNotification")) _Parameters[3] = item.getString(); if (fieldName.equals("wrf_desc")) if (item.getString().equals("Please, insert here a description for your run")) _Parameters[4] = "Cloud Simulation Started"; else _Parameters[4] = item.getString(); } // end while } catch (FileUploadException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return _Parameters; } // Retrieve a random Computing Element // matching the Software Tag for the application public String getRandomCE(String wrf_VONAME, String wrf_TOPBDII, String wrf_SOFTWARE) throws PortletException, IOException { String randomCE = null; BDII bdii = null; List<String> CEqueues = null;"\n- Querying the Information System [ " + wrf_TOPBDII + " ] and retrieving a random CE matching the SW tag [ VO-" + wrf_VONAME + "-" + wrf_SOFTWARE + " ]"); try { bdii = new BDII(new URI(wrf_TOPBDII)); // Get the list of the available queues CEqueues = bdii.queryCEQueues(wrf_VONAME); // Get the list of the Computing Elements for the given SW tag randomCE = bdii.getRandomCEForSWTag("VO-" + wrf_VONAME + "-" + wrf_SOFTWARE); // Fetching the Queues for (String CEqueue : CEqueues) { if (CEqueue.contains(randomCE)) randomCE = CEqueue; } } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return randomCE; } // Retrieve the list of Computing Elements // matching the Software Tag for the application public List<String> getListofCEForSoftwareTag(String wrf_VONAME, String wrf_TOPBDII, String wrf_SOFTWARE) throws PortletException, IOException { List<String> CEs_list = null; BDII bdii = null;"\n- Querying the Information System [ " + wrf_TOPBDII + " ] and looking for CEs matching the SW tag [ VO-" + wrf_VONAME + "-" + wrf_SOFTWARE + " ]"); try { bdii = new BDII(new URI(wrf_TOPBDII)); if (!wrf_SOFTWARE.trim().isEmpty()) CEs_list = bdii.queryCEForSWTag("VO-" + wrf_VONAME + "-" + wrf_SOFTWARE); /*else CEs_list = bdii.queryCEQueues(wrf_VONAME);*/ // Fetching the CE hostnames for (String CE : CEs_list)"\n- CE host found = " + CE); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return CEs_list; } // Get the GPS location of the given grid resource public String[] getCECoordinate(RenderRequest request, String CE) throws PortletException, IOException { String[] GPS_locations = null; BDII bdii = null; PortletPreferences portletPreferences = (PortletPreferences) request.getPreferences(); // Get the TOPPBDII from the portlet preferences String chain_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("chain_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); String fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); String eumed_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("eumed_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); String gisela_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("gisela_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); String sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII = portletPreferences.getValue("sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII", "N/A"); // Get the ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE from the portlet preferences String wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE = portletPreferences.getValue("wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE", "N/A"); try { if (wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("chain")) bdii = new BDII(new URI(chain_wrf_TOPBDII)); if (wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("fedcloud")) bdii = new BDII(new URI(fedcloud_wrf_TOPBDII)); if (wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("eumed")) bdii = new BDII(new URI(eumed_wrf_TOPBDII)); if (wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("gisela")) bdii = new BDII(new URI(gisela_wrf_TOPBDII)); if (wrf_ENABLEINFRASTRUCTURE.equals("sagrid")) bdii = new BDII(new URI(sagrid_wrf_TOPBDII)); GPS_locations = bdii.queryCECoordinate("ldap://" + CE + ":2170"); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return GPS_locations; } private void storeString(String fileName, String fileContent) throws IOException {"\n- Writing textarea in a ASCII file [ " + fileName + " ]"); // Removing the Carriage Return (^M) from text String pattern = "[\r]"; String stripped = fileContent.replaceAll(pattern, ""); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName)); writer.write(stripped); writer.write("\n"); writer.close(); } private void sendHTMLEmail(String USERNAME, String TO, String FROM, String SMTP_HOST, String ApplicationAcronym, String GATEWAY) {"\n- Sending email notification to the user " + USERNAME + " [ " + TO + " ]");"\n- SMTP Server = " + SMTP_HOST);"\n- Sender = " + FROM);"\n- Receiver = " + TO);"\n- Application = " + ApplicationAcronym);"\n- Gateway = " + GATEWAY); // Assuming you are sending email from localhost String HOST = "localhost"; // Get system properties Properties properties = System.getProperties(); properties.setProperty(SMTP_HOST, HOST); // Get the default Session object. Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties); try { // Create a default MimeMessage object. MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session); // Set From: header field of the header. message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(FROM)); // Set To: header field of the header. message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(TO)); //message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, new InternetAddress(FROM)); // Set Subject: header field message.setSubject(" [liferay-sg-gateway] - [ " + GATEWAY + " ] "); Date currentDate = new Date(); currentDate.setTime(currentDate.getTime()); // Send the actual HTML message, as big as you like message.setContent("<br/><H4>" + "<img src=\"\" width=\"100\">Science Gateway Notification" + "</H4><hr><br/>" + "<b>Description:</b> Notification for the application <b>[ " + ApplicationAcronym + " ]</b><br/><br/>" + "<i>The application has been successfully submitted from the [ " + GATEWAY + " ]</i><br/><br/>" + "<b>TimeStamp:</b> " + currentDate + "<br/><br/>" + "<b>Disclaimer:</b><br/>" + "<i>This is an automatic message sent by the Science Gateway based on Liferay technology.<br/>" + "If you did not submit any jobs through the Science Gateway, please " + "<a href=\"mailto:" + FROM + "\">contact us</a></i>", "text/html"); // Send message Transport.send(message); } catch (MessagingException mex) { mex.printStackTrace(); } } private Integer getUID() { Integer result = null; try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("id -u"); BufferedReader is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); result = Integer.parseInt(is.readLine()); } catch ( e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); } return result; } private void storeFile(String fileName, String[] fileContent) throws IOException {"\n- Writing ASCII file [ " + fileName + " ]"); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName)); writer.write("SIMTYPE=" + fileContent[0] + "\n"); writer.write("USERNAME=" + fileContent[1] + "\n"); writer.write("PORTAL=" + fileContent[2] + "\n"); writer.write("EMAIL=" + fileContent[3] + "\n"); writer.close(); } private void getRobotProxy(String eTokenServer, String eTokenServerPort, String proxyId, String VO, String FQAN, String proxyRenewal) { File proxyFile; Integer UID = getUID(); proxyFile = new File("/tmp/x509up_u" + UID); String proxyContent = ""; try { URL proxyURL = new URL("http://" + eTokenServer + ":" + eTokenServerPort + "/eTokenServer/eToken/" + proxyId + "?voms=" + VO + ":/" + VO + "&proxy-renewal=" + proxyRenewal + "&disable-voms-proxy=false&rfc-proxy=true&cn-label=Empty"); URLConnection proxyConnection = proxyURL.openConnection(); proxyConnection.setDoInput(true); InputStream proxyStream = proxyConnection.getInputStream(); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proxyStream)); String line = ""; while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) proxyContent += line + "\n"; FileUtils.writeStringToFile(proxyFile, proxyContent); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }