Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). 2006-2010. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package it.grid.storm.namespace.config.xml; import it.grid.storm.namespace.NamespaceException; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.SAAuthzType; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConversionException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * <p> * Title: * </p> * * <p> * Description: * </p> * * <p> * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2006 * </p> * * <p> * Company: INFN-CNAF and ICTP/eGrid project * </p> * * @author Riccardo Zappi * @version 1.0 */ public class XMLParserUtil implements XMLConst { private final HierarchicalConfiguration configuration; private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XMLParserUtil.class); public XMLParserUtil(Configuration config) { configuration = (HierarchicalConfiguration) config; } /***************************************************************************** * GENERICS METHODS */ public boolean validateXML() { return true; } public boolean areThereSustitutionCharInside(String element) { boolean result = false; result = (element.indexOf(XMLConst.PROT_SUB_PATTERN) != -1) || (element.indexOf(XMLConst.FS_SUB_PATTERN) != -1) || (element.indexOf(XMLConst.APPRULE_SUB_PATTERN) != -1) || (element.indexOf(XMLConst.MAP_SUB_PATTERN) != -1) || (element.indexOf(XMLConst.ACL_ENTRY_SUB_PATTERN) != -1); return result; } public char whicSubstitutionChar(String element) { if (element.indexOf(XMLConst.PROT_SUB_PATTERN) != -1) { return XMLConst.PROT_SUB_PATTERN; } else if (element.indexOf(XMLConst.FS_SUB_PATTERN) != -1) { return XMLConst.FS_SUB_PATTERN; } else if (element.indexOf(XMLConst.APPRULE_SUB_PATTERN) != -1) { return APPRULE_SUB_PATTERN; } else if (element.indexOf(XMLConst.MAP_SUB_PATTERN) != -1) { return XMLConst.MAP_SUB_PATTERN; } else if (element.indexOf(XMLConst.ACL_ENTRY_SUB_PATTERN) != -1) { return XMLConst.ACL_ENTRY_SUB_PATTERN; } else if (element.indexOf(XMLConst.MEMBER_SUB_PATTERN) != -1) { return XMLConst.MEMBER_SUB_PATTERN; } return ' '; } /***************************************************************************** * FILESYSTEMS METHODS */ public String getNamespaceVersion() throws NamespaceException { String result = null; result = getStringProperty(XMLConst.NAMESPACE_VERSION); return result; } public String getFSSpaceTokenDescription(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); String result = getStringProperty( substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.FS_SPACE_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION)); return result; } /** * public String getAuthorizationSource(String nameOfFS) throws * NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, * XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); String result = null; //Optional element if * (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.FS_AUTHZ))) { * result = getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, * XMLConst.FS_AUTHZ)); } else { //Default value needed. result = * XMLConst.DEFAULT_AUTHZ_SOURCE; * log.debug("AuthZ source for VFS(+'"+nameOfFS+ * "') is absent. Default value ('"+result+"') will be used."); } return * result; } **/ /** * public boolean getQuotaCheck(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { * int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); boolean * result = false; //Optional element if * (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.QUOTA_CHECK))) { * result = getBooleanProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, * XMLConst.QUOTA_CHECK)); } else { //Default value needed. result = * XMLConst.DEFAULT_CHECKING_QUOTA; * log.debug("Checking quota flag in VFS(+'"+nameOfFS * +"') is absent. Default value ('"+result+"') will be used."); } return * result; } **/ public String getRetentionPolicyType(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); String result = getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.RETENTION_POLICY)); return result; } public String getAccessLatencyType(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); String result = getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.ACCESS_LATENCY)); return result; } public String getExpirationModeType(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); String result = getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.EXPIRATION_MODE)); return result; } public String getOnlineSpaceUnitType(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); String result = null; // Optional element if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.ONLINE_SIZE_UNIT))) { result = getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.ONLINE_SIZE_UNIT)); } else { // Default value needed. result = XMLConst.DEFAULT_UNIT_TYPE; log.debug("Online Space Unit type for VFS(+'" + nameOfFS + "') is absent. Default value ('" + result + "') will be used"); } return result; } public long getOnlineSpaceSize(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); long result = getLongProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.ONLINE_SIZE)); return result; } public String getNearlineSpaceUnitType(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); String result = null; // Optional element if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.NEARLINE_SIZE_UNIT))) { result = getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.NEARLINE_SIZE_UNIT)); } else { // Default value needed. result = XMLConst.DEFAULT_UNIT_TYPE; log.debug("Online Space Unit type for VFS(+'" + nameOfFS + "') is absent. Default value ('" + result + "') will be used"); } return result; } public long getNearlineSpaceSize(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); long result = getLongProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.NEARLINE_SIZE)); return result; } public int getNumberOfFS() throws NamespaceException { return getPropertyNumber(XMLConst.FS_COUNTING); } public String getFSName(int numOfFS) throws NamespaceException { return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.FILESYSTEM_NAME)); } public int getFSNumber(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { return retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); } public String getFSType(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { // log.debug("-----FSTYPE------START"); int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); // log.debug("-----FSTYPE------END"); return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.FILESYSTEM_TYPE)); } public String getFSRoot(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); String result = getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.FS_ROOT)); // log.debug("VFS ROOT = "+result); return result; } public String getFSDriver(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.FS_DRIVER)); } public String getSpaceDriver(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.FS_SPACE_DRIVER)); } public boolean isDefaultElementPresent(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); boolean result = false; // FS_DEFAULTVALUES result = isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.FS_DEFAULTVALUES)); return result; } public String getDefaultSpaceType(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.DEF_SPACE_TYPE)); } public long getDefaultSpaceLifeTime(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); return getLongProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.DEF_SPACE_LT)); } public long getDefaultSpaceGuarSize(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); return getLongProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.DEF_SPACE_GUARSIZE)); } public long getDefaultSpaceTotSize(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); return getLongProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.DEF_SPACE_TOTSIZE)); } public String getDefaultFileType(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.DEF_FILE_TYPE)); } public long getDefaultFileLifeTime(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); return getLongProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.DEF_FILE_LT)); } public String getACLMode(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.ACL_MODE)); } public int getNumberOfProt(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); if (numOfFS == -1) { throw new NamespaceException("FS named '" + nameOfFS + "' does not exist in config"); } String protCount = substitutionNumber(XMLConst.PROTOCOL_COUNTING, XMLConst.FS_SUB_PATTERN, numOfFS); // log.debug( configuration.getString(protCount)); return getPropertyNumber(protCount); } public String getProtName(String nameOfFS, int numOfProt) throws NamespaceException { return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInProtocolElement(nameOfFS, numOfProt, XMLConst.PROTOCOL_NAME)); } public int getProtNumberByName(String nameOfFS, String nameOfProt) throws NamespaceException { int numFS = getFSNumber(nameOfFS); String collElem = substituteNumberInFSElement(numFS, XMLConst.PROTOCOL_BY_NAME); // log.debug("COLLECTION = "+collElem); return retrieveNumberByName(nameOfProt, collElem); } public String getProtSchema(String nameOfFS, int numOfProt) throws NamespaceException { return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInProtocolElement(nameOfFS, numOfProt, XMLConst.PROT_SCHEMA)); } public String getProtHost(String nameOfFS, int numOfProt) throws NamespaceException { return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInProtocolElement(nameOfFS, numOfProt, XMLConst.PROT_HOST)); } public String getProtPort(String nameOfFS, int numOfProt) throws NamespaceException { return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInProtocolElement(nameOfFS, numOfProt, XMLConst.PROT_PORT)); } /***************************************************************************** * MAPPING RULES METHODS */ public int getNumberOfMappingRule() throws NamespaceException { return getPropertyNumber(XMLConst.MAP_RULE_COUNTING); } public String getMapRuleName(int numOfMapRule) throws NamespaceException { return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInMAPElement(numOfMapRule, XMLConst.MAP_RULE_NAME)); } public String getMapRule_StFNRoot(String nameOfMapRule) throws NamespaceException { int numOfMapRule = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfMapRule, XMLConst.MAP_RULE_BY_NAME); return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInMAPElement(numOfMapRule, XMLConst.MAP_RULE_STFNROOT)); } public String getMapRule_mappedFS(String nameOfMapRule) throws NamespaceException { int numOfMapRule = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfMapRule, XMLConst.MAP_RULE_BY_NAME); return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInMAPElement(numOfMapRule, XMLConst.MAP_RULE_MAPPED_FS)); } /***************************************************************************** * APPROACHING METHODS */ public int getNumberOfApproachRule() throws NamespaceException { return getPropertyNumber(XMLConst.APP_RULE_COUNTING); } public String getApproachRuleName(int numOfAppRule) throws NamespaceException { return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInAPPElement(numOfAppRule, XMLConst.APP_RULE_NAME)); } public String getAppRule_SubjectDN(String nameOfAppRule) throws NamespaceException { int numOfAppRule = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfAppRule, XMLConst.APP_RULE_BY_NAME); return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInAPPElement(numOfAppRule, XMLConst.APP_DN)); } public String getAppRule_SubjectVO(String nameOfAppRule) throws NamespaceException { int numOfAppRule = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfAppRule, XMLConst.APP_RULE_BY_NAME); return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInAPPElement(numOfAppRule, XMLConst.APP_VO_NAME)); } public List getAppRule_AppFS(String nameOfAppRule) throws NamespaceException { int numOfAppRule = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfAppRule, XMLConst.APP_RULE_BY_NAME); return getListValue(substituteNumberInAPPElement(numOfAppRule, XMLConst.APPROACHABLE_FS)); } public String getAppRule_RelativePath(String nameOfAppRule) throws NamespaceException { int numOfAppRule = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfAppRule, XMLConst.APP_RULE_BY_NAME); return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInAPPElement(numOfAppRule, XMLConst.APP_SPACE_REL_PATH)); } public String getAppRule_AnonymousHttpRead(String nameOfAppRule) throws NamespaceException { int numOfAppRule = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfAppRule, XMLConst.APP_RULE_BY_NAME); return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInAPPElement(numOfAppRule, XMLConst.APP_ANONYMOUS_HTTP_READ)); } /***************************************************************************** * QUOTA METHODS */ public boolean getQuotaDefined(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); boolean result = false; if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.QUOTA_ENABLED))) { result = true; } return result; } public boolean getQuotaEnabled(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); boolean result = false; result = getBooleanProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.QUOTA_ENABLED)); return result; } public boolean getQuotaDeviceDefined(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); boolean result = false; if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.QUOTA_DEVICE))) { result = true; } return result; } public String getQuotaDevice(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { String result = null; int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.QUOTA_DEVICE))) { result = getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.QUOTA_DEVICE)); } else { throw new NamespaceException( "Unable to find the element '" + XMLConst.QUOTA_DEVICE + "' for the VFS:'" + nameOfFS + "'"); } return result; } public boolean getQuotaFilesetDefined(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); boolean result = false; if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.QUOTA_FILE_SET_NAME))) { result = true; } return result; } public String getQuotaFileset(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { String result = null; int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.QUOTA_FILE_SET_NAME))) { result = getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.QUOTA_FILE_SET_NAME)); } else { throw new NamespaceException("Unable to find the element '" + XMLConst.QUOTA_FILE_SET_NAME + "' for the VFS:'" + nameOfFS + "'"); } return result; } public boolean getQuotaGroupIDDefined(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); boolean result = false; if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.QUOTA_GROUP_NAME))) { result = true; } return result; } public String getQuotaGroupID(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { String result = null; int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.QUOTA_GROUP_NAME))) { result = getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.QUOTA_GROUP_NAME)); } else { throw new NamespaceException("Unable to find the element '" + XMLConst.QUOTA_GROUP_NAME + "' for the VFS:'" + nameOfFS + "'"); } return result; } public boolean getQuotaUserIDDefined(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); boolean result = false; if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.QUOTA_USER_NAME))) { result = true; } return result; } public String getQuotaUserID(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { String result = null; int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.QUOTA_USER_NAME))) { result = getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.QUOTA_USER_NAME)); } else { throw new NamespaceException( "Unable to find the element '" + XMLConst.QUOTA_USER_NAME + "' for the VFS:'" + nameOfFS + "'"); } return result; } /***************************************************************************** * STORAGE CLASS METHODs */ public String getStorageClass(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { String result = XMLConst.DEFAULT_STORAGE_CLASS; int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.FS_STORAGE_CLASS))) { result = getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.FS_STORAGE_CLASS)); } else { log.debug("Storage Class for VFS(+'" + nameOfFS + "') is absent. Default value ('" + result + "') will be used."); } return result; } /***************************************************************************** * PRIVATE METHOD *****************************************************************************/ private String substitutionNumber(String xpath, char patternChar, int number) { int startIndex = 0; int pos = 0; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); pos = xpath.indexOf(patternChar, startIndex); String numStr = Integer.toString(number); result.append(xpath.substring(startIndex, pos)); result.append(numStr); result.append(xpath.substring(pos + 1)); return result.toString(); } private String substituteNumberInFSElement(int numberOfFS, String element) throws NamespaceException { int numFS = getNumberOfFS(); if (numberOfFS > numFS) { throw new NamespaceException("Invalid pointing of Virtual File system"); } String new_element = substitutionNumber(element, XMLConst.FS_SUB_PATTERN, numberOfFS); return new_element; } private String substituteNumberInACLEntryElement(String nameOfFS, int numberOfACLEntry, String element) throws NamespaceException { int numFS = getFSNumber(nameOfFS); if (numFS == -1) { throw new NamespaceException("Virtual File system (" + nameOfFS + ") does not exists"); } int numACL = getNumberOfACL(nameOfFS); if (numberOfACLEntry > numACL) { throw new NamespaceException("Invalid pointing of ACL Entry within VFS"); } String new_element = substitutionNumber(element, XMLConst.FS_SUB_PATTERN, numFS); new_element = substitutionNumber(new_element, XMLConst.ACL_ENTRY_SUB_PATTERN, numberOfACLEntry); return new_element; } private String substituteNumberInProtocolElement(String nameOfFS, int numberOfProtocol, String element) throws NamespaceException { int numFS = getFSNumber(nameOfFS); if (numFS == -1) { throw new NamespaceException("Virtual File system (" + nameOfFS + ") does not exists"); } int numProt = getNumberOfProt(nameOfFS); if (numberOfProtocol > numProt) { throw new NamespaceException("Invalid pointing of Protocol within VFS"); } String new_element = substitutionNumber(element, XMLConst.FS_SUB_PATTERN, numFS); new_element = substitutionNumber(new_element, XMLConst.PROT_SUB_PATTERN, numberOfProtocol); return new_element; } private String substituteNumberInPoolElement(String nameOfFS, int numberOfPool, String element) throws NamespaceException { int numFS = getFSNumber(nameOfFS); if (numFS == -1) { throw new NamespaceException("Virtual File system (" + nameOfFS + ") does not exists"); } int numPool = getNumberOfPool(nameOfFS); if (numberOfPool > numPool) { throw new NamespaceException("Invalid pointing of Pool within VFS"); } String new_element = substitutionNumber(element, XMLConst.FS_SUB_PATTERN, numFS); new_element = substitutionNumber(new_element, XMLConst.POOL_SUB_PATTERN, numberOfPool); return new_element; } private String substituteNumberInMembersElement(String nameOfFS, int numOfPool, int numberOfMember, String element) throws NamespaceException { int numFS = getFSNumber(nameOfFS); if (numFS == -1) { throw new NamespaceException("Virtual File system (" + nameOfFS + ") does not exists"); } int numMembers = getNumberOfPoolMembers(nameOfFS, numOfPool); if (numberOfMember > numMembers) { throw new NamespaceException("Invalid pointing of Member within VFS"); } String new_element = substitutionNumber(element, XMLConst.FS_SUB_PATTERN, numFS); new_element = substitutionNumber(new_element, XMLConst.POOL_SUB_PATTERN, numOfPool); new_element = substitutionNumber(new_element, XMLConst.MEMBER_SUB_PATTERN, numberOfMember); return new_element; } private String substituteNumberInMAPElement(int numberOfMapRule, String element) throws NamespaceException { int numMapRule = getNumberOfMappingRule(); if (numberOfMapRule > numMapRule) { throw new NamespaceException("Invalid pointing of Mapping Rule"); } String new_element = substitutionNumber(element, XMLConst.MAP_SUB_PATTERN, numberOfMapRule); return new_element; } private String substituteNumberInAPPElement(int numberOfAppRule, String element) throws NamespaceException { int numAppRule = getNumberOfApproachRule(); if (numberOfAppRule > numAppRule) { throw new NamespaceException("Invalid pointing of Approachable Rule"); } String new_element = substitutionNumber(element, XMLConst.APPRULE_SUB_PATTERN, numberOfAppRule); return new_element; } private int retrieveNumberByName(String name, String collectionElement, boolean logging) { int result = -1; int size = -1; // log.debug(" NAME : "+name+" | Collection Element :"+collectionElement); List prop = configuration.getList(collectionElement); if (prop != null) { size = prop.size(); // log.debug("Size = "+size); if (logging) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { log.debug(prop.get(i).toString()); } } result = prop.indexOf(name); } else { log.warn("[retrieveNumberByName_3] Element <" + collectionElement + "> does not exists in namespace configuration file"); } return result; } private int retrieveNumberByName(String name, String collectionElement) { int result = -1; int size = -1; // log.debug(" NAME : "+name+" | Collection Element :"+collectionElement); List prop = configuration.getList(collectionElement); if (prop != null) { size = prop.size(); result = prop.indexOf(name); } else { log.warn("[retrieveNumberByName_2] Element <" + collectionElement + "> does not exists in namespace configuration file"); } return result; } public Iterator getKeys() { return configuration.getKeys(); } /** * * @param element * String * @return int */ private int getPropertyNumber(String element) { int result = -1; Object prop = configuration.getProperty(element); if (prop != null) { result = 1; // If it is not null its value is atleast '1'! if (prop instanceof Collection) { result = ((Collection) prop).size(); } } else { log.warn("[getPropertyNumber] Element <" + element + "> does not exists in namespace configuration file"); } return result; } private boolean isPresent(String element) { boolean result = false; result = configuration.containsKey(element); // log.debug("XMLPArserUtil: isPresent('"+element+"')="+result); return result; } /** * * @param element * String * @return int */ private String getStringProperty(String element) throws NamespaceException { String prop = null; try { prop = configuration.getString(element); // log.debug("ELEMENT = "+element+" VALUE = "+prop); } catch (ConversionException ce) { log.warn("[getStringProperty] Element <" + element + "> does not contains a String value"); } catch (NoSuchElementException note) { log.warn("[getStringProperty] Element <" + element + "> does not exists in namespace configuration file"); } return prop; } /** * * @param element * String * @return boolean */ private boolean getBooleanProperty(String element) throws NamespaceException { boolean result = false; try { result = configuration.getBoolean(element); } catch (ConversionException ce) { log.warn("[getLongProperty] Element <" + element + "> does not contains a String value"); } catch (NoSuchElementException note) { log.warn("[getLongProperty] Element <" + element + "> does not exists in namespace configuration file"); } return result; } /** * * @param element * String * @return int */ private long getLongProperty(String element) throws NamespaceException { long prop = -1L; try { prop = configuration.getLong(element); } catch (ConversionException ce) { log.warn("[getLongProperty] Element <" + element + "> does not contains a String value"); } catch (NoSuchElementException note) { log.warn("[getLongProperty] Element <" + element + "> does not exists in namespace configuration file"); } return prop; } /** * * @param element * String * @return int */ private int getIntProperty(String element) { int prop = -1; try { prop = configuration.getInt(element); } catch (ConversionException ce) { log.warn("[getIntProperty] Element <" + element + "> does not contains a String value"); } catch (NoSuchElementException note) { log.warn("[getIntProperty] Element <" + element + "> does not exists in namespace configuration file"); } return prop; } /** * * @param element * String * @return int */ private String[] getListProperty(String element) throws NamespaceException { String prop = null; try { prop = configuration.getString(element); } catch (ConversionException ce) { log.warn("[getListProperty] Element <" + element + "> does not contains a String value"); } catch (NoSuchElementException note) { log.warn("[getListProperty] Element <" + element + "> does not exists in namespace configuration file"); } // log.debug("LIST : "+prop); String[] result = prop.split(","); // log.debug(" LIST lenght :"+result.length); return result; } private List getListValue(String collectionElement) { List<String> propList = configuration.getList(collectionElement); List<String> prop = new ArrayList(); // For a set or list for (Object element2 : propList) { String element = (String) element2; prop.add(element.trim()); } log.debug("LIST - prop : " + prop); log.debug("Nr. of elements : " + prop.size()); if (prop.size() == 0) { log.warn("[retrieveNumberByName_2] Element <" + collectionElement + "> does not exists in namespace configuration file"); } return prop; } public boolean getDefaultACLDefined(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); boolean result = false; if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.GROUP_NAME))) { result = true; } return result; } public int getNumberOfACL(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); if (numOfFS == -1) { throw new NamespaceException("FS named '" + nameOfFS + "' does not exist in config"); } String aclCount = substitutionNumber(XMLConst.ACL_ENTRY_COUNTING, XMLConst.FS_SUB_PATTERN, numOfFS); log.debug("ACL Count = " + aclCount); return getPropertyNumber(aclCount); } public String getGroupName(String nameOfFS, int aclEntryNumber) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); String aclCount = substitutionNumber(XMLConst.GROUP_NAME, XMLConst.FS_SUB_PATTERN, numOfFS); String result = null; Object prop = configuration.getProperty(aclCount); if (prop != null) { if (prop instanceof Collection) { ArrayList<String> propList = new ArrayList<String>((Collection) prop); if (propList.size() > aclEntryNumber) { result = propList.get(aclEntryNumber); } } else { if (prop instanceof String) { result = ((String) prop); } } } else { log.warn("[getPropertyNumber] Element <" + aclCount + "> does not exists in namespace configuration file"); } return result; // return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInACLEntryElement(nameOfFS, // aclEntryNumber, XMLConst.GROUP_NAME)); } public String getPermissionString(String nameOfFS, int aclEntryNumber) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); String aclCount = substitutionNumber(XMLConst.PERMISSIONS, XMLConst.FS_SUB_PATTERN, numOfFS); String result = null; Object prop = configuration.getProperty(aclCount); if (prop != null) { if (prop instanceof Collection) { ArrayList<String> propList = new ArrayList<String>((Collection) prop); if (propList.size() > aclEntryNumber) { result = propList.get(aclEntryNumber); } } else { if (prop instanceof String) { result = ((String) prop); } } } else { log.warn("[getPropertyNumber] Element <" + aclCount + "> does not exists in namespace configuration file"); } return result; // return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInACLEntryElement(nameOfFS, // aclEntryNumber, XMLConst.PERMISSIONS)); } /** * ********************************** VERSION 1.4.0 ***************************************/ public String getStorageAreaAuthz(String nameOfFS, SAAuthzType type) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); if (type.equals(SAAuthzType.FIXED)) { return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.SA_AUTHZ_FIXED)); } else { return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.SA_AUTHZ_DB)); } } public SAAuthzType getStorageAreaAuthzType(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { if (getStorageAreaAuthzFixedDefined(nameOfFS)) { return SAAuthzType.FIXED; } if (getStorageAreaAuthzDBDefined(nameOfFS)) { return SAAuthzType.AUTHZDB; } throw new NamespaceException("Unable to find the SAAuthzType in " + nameOfFS); } public boolean getStorageAreaAuthzFixedDefined(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); boolean result = false; if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.SA_AUTHZ_FIXED))) { result = true; } return result; } public boolean getStorageAreaAuthzDBDefined(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); boolean result = false; if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.SA_AUTHZ_DB))) { result = true; } return result; } public int getProtId(String nameOfFS, int numOfProt) throws NamespaceException { // int numOfProt = getProtNumberByName(nameOfFS, protName); String protId = substituteNumberInProtocolElement(nameOfFS, numOfProt, XMLConst.PROT_ID); // log.debug("ProtID : "+protId); if (isPresent(protId)) { return getIntProperty(substituteNumberInProtocolElement(nameOfFS, numOfProt, XMLConst.PROT_ID)); } else { return -1; } } public boolean getOnlineSpaceLimitedSize(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); boolean result = false; result = getBooleanProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.LIMITED_SIZE)); return result; } public int getNumberOfPool(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); if (numOfFS == -1) { throw new NamespaceException("FS named '" + nameOfFS + "' does not exist in config"); } if (!getPoolDefined(nameOfFS)) return 0; String protCount = substitutionNumber(XMLConst.POOL_COUNTING, XMLConst.FS_SUB_PATTERN, numOfFS); return getPropertyNumber(protCount); } public boolean getPoolDefined(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); boolean result = false; if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.POOL_COUNTING))) { result = true; } return result; } public String getBalancerStrategy(String nameOfFS) throws NamespaceException { String result = null; int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); if (isPresent(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.BALANCE_STRATEGY))) { result = getStringProperty(substituteNumberInFSElement(numOfFS, XMLConst.BALANCE_STRATEGY)); } else { throw new NamespaceException("Unable to find the element '" + XMLConst.BALANCE_STRATEGY + "' for the VFS:'" + nameOfFS + "'"); } return result; } public int getNumberOfPoolMembers(String nameOfFS, int poolCounter) throws NamespaceException { int numOfFS = retrieveNumberByName(nameOfFS, XMLConst.FS_BY_NAME); if (numOfFS == -1) { throw new NamespaceException("FS named '" + nameOfFS + "' does not exist in config"); } String subTree = substituteNumberInPoolElement(nameOfFS, poolCounter, XMLConst.POOL); HierarchicalConfiguration sub = configuration.configurationAt(subTree); Object members = sub.getProperty("members.member[@member-id]"); int numOfMembers = -1; if (members != null) { if (members instanceof Collection) { numOfMembers = ((Collection) members).size(); } else { numOfMembers = 1; } } else { log.error("Error during the retrieve of the number of pool member of " + nameOfFS); } return numOfMembers; } public int getMemberID(String nameOfFS, int numOfPool, int memberNr) throws NamespaceException { return getIntProperty( substituteNumberInMembersElement(nameOfFS, numOfPool, memberNr, XMLConst.POOL_MEMBER_ID)); } public int getMemberWeight(String nameOfFS, int numOfPool, int memberNr) throws NamespaceException { return getIntProperty( substituteNumberInMembersElement(nameOfFS, numOfPool, memberNr, XMLConst.POOL_MEMBER_WEIGHT)); } public String getBalancerStrategy(String fsName, int poolCounter) throws NamespaceException { String poolId = substituteNumberInPoolElement(fsName, poolCounter, XMLConst.BALANCE_STRATEGY); if (isPresent(poolId)) { return getStringProperty(substituteNumberInPoolElement(fsName, poolCounter, XMLConst.BALANCE_STRATEGY)); } else { throw new NamespaceException( "Unable to find the element '" + XMLConst.BALANCE_STRATEGY + "' for the VFS:'" + fsName + "'"); } } }