Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). 2006-2010. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package it.grid.storm.namespace.config.xml; import it.grid.storm.balancer.BalancingStrategyType; import it.grid.storm.check.sanity.filesystem.SupportedFSType; import it.grid.storm.namespace.CapabilityInterface; import it.grid.storm.namespace.DefaultValuesInterface; import it.grid.storm.namespace.NamespaceDirector; import it.grid.storm.namespace.NamespaceException; import it.grid.storm.namespace.PropertyInterface; import it.grid.storm.namespace.VirtualFSInterface; import it.grid.storm.namespace.config.NamespaceCheck; import it.grid.storm.namespace.config.NamespaceLoader; import it.grid.storm.namespace.config.NamespaceParser; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.ACLEntry; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.ApproachableRule; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.Authority; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.Capability; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.DefaultValues; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.MappingRule; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.PermissionException; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.PoolMember; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.Property; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.Property.SizeUnitType; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.Protocol; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.ProtocolPool; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.Quota; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.QuotaType; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.SAAuthzType; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.StorageClassType; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.SubjectRules; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.TransportProtocol; import it.grid.storm.namespace.model.VirtualFS; import; import; import; import it.grid.storm.srm.types.TSizeInBytes; import it.grid.storm.srm.types.TSpaceToken; import it.grid.storm.util.GPFSSizeHelper; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Observer; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration; import org.slf4j.Logger; /** * <p> * Title: * </p> * * <p> * Description: * </p> * * <p> * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2006 * </p> * * <p> * Company: INFN-CNAF and ICTP/eGrid project * </p> * * @author Riccardo Zappi * @version 1.0 */ public class XMLNamespaceParser implements NamespaceParser, Observer { private final Logger log = NamespaceDirector.getLogger(); private String version; private Hashtable<String, VirtualFSInterface> vfss; private Hashtable<String, MappingRule> maprules; private Hashtable<String, ApproachableRule> apprules; // private ReservedSpaceCatalog spaceCatalog; private XMLParserUtil parserUtil; private final XMLConfiguration configuration; private XMLNamespaceLoader xmlLoader; private final Lock refreshing = new ReentrantLock(); // For debug purpose only private final boolean internalLog; private final boolean testingMode; /** * Constructor * * @param loader * NamespaceLoader */ public XMLNamespaceParser(NamespaceLoader loader, boolean verboseLogging, boolean testingMode) { configuration = (XMLConfiguration) loader.getConfiguration(); if (loader instanceof XMLNamespaceLoader) { xmlLoader = (XMLNamespaceLoader) loader; xmlLoader.setObserver(this); } else { log.error("XMLParser initialized with a non-XML Loader"); } // this.internalLog = verboseLogging; // TOREMOVE internalLog = true; this.testingMode = testingMode; parserUtil = new XMLParserUtil(configuration); for (Iterator iter = parserUtil.getKeys(); iter.hasNext();) { Object item =; verboseLog(item.toString()); } vfss = new Hashtable<String, VirtualFSInterface>(); maprules = new Hashtable<String, MappingRule>(); apprules = new Hashtable<String, ApproachableRule>(); boolean validNamespaceConfiguration = refreshCachedData(); if (!(validNamespaceConfiguration)) { log.error(" ???????????????????????????????????? "); log.error(" ???? NAMESPACE does not VALID ???? "); log.error(" ???????????????????????????????????? "); log.error(" Please see the log. "); System.exit(0); } } public Map<String, VirtualFSInterface> getVFSs() { return vfss; } public Map<String, ApproachableRule> getApproachableRules() { return apprules; } public Map<String, MappingRule> getMappingRules() { return maprules; } public long getLastUpdateTime() { return 0L; } public void update(Observable observed, Object arg) { log.debug(arg + " Refreshing Namespace Memory Cache .. "); XMLNamespaceLoader loader = (XMLNamespaceLoader) observed; parserUtil = new XMLParserUtil(loader.getConfiguration()); if (loader.schemaValidity) { refreshCachedData(); } loader.setNotifyManaged(); log.debug(" ... Cache Refreshing ended"); } /**************************************************************** * PRIVATE METHODs *****************************************************************/ private boolean refreshCachedData() { boolean result = false; try { refreshing.lock(); configuration.clear(); configuration.clearTree("filesystems"); configuration.clearTree("mapping-rules"); configuration.clearTree("approachable-rules"); try { configuration.load(); log.debug(" ... reading and parsing the namespace configuration from file!"); } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } log.debug("REFRESHING CACHE.."); // Save the cache content log.debug(" the cache content before semantic check"); Hashtable<String, VirtualFSInterface> vfssSAVED = vfss; Hashtable<String, MappingRule> maprulesSAVED = maprules; Hashtable<String, ApproachableRule> apprulesSAVED = apprules; // Refresh the cache content with new values log.debug(" ..refresh the cache"); refreshCache(); // Do the checking on Namespace log.debug(" ..semantic check of namespace"); NamespaceCheck checker = new NamespaceCheck(vfss, maprules, apprules); boolean semanticCheck = checker.check(); // If there is an error restore old cache content log.debug("REFRESHING ENDED."); if (semanticCheck) { log.debug("Namespace is semantically valid"); result = true; } else { log.warn("Namespace does not semantically valid!, so no load performed!"); vfss = vfssSAVED; maprules = maprulesSAVED; apprules = apprulesSAVED; result = false; } } finally { refreshing.unlock(); } return result; } private void verboseLog(String msg) { if (internalLog) { log.debug(msg); } } private void refreshCache() {" ############## REFRESHING NAMESPACE CONFIGURATION CACHE : start ###############"); /************************** * Retrieve Version Number *************************/ try { retrieveVersion(); } catch (NamespaceException ex1) { log.warn("Namespace configuration does not contain a valid version number.", ex1); /** * @todo Manage this exceptional status! */ } /************************** * Building VIRTUAL FS *************************/ try { buildVFSs(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { log.error("Namespace Configuration ERROR in VFS-DRIVER specification", ex); /** * @todo Manage this exceptional status! */ } catch (NamespaceException ex) { log.error("Namespace Configuration ERROR in VFS definition, please check it.", ex); /** * @todo Manage this exceptional status! */ } /************************** * Building MAPPING RULES *************************/ try { buildMapRules(); } catch (NamespaceException ex1) { log.error("Namespace Configuration ERROR in MAPPING RULES definition, please check it.", ex1); /** * @todo Manage this exceptional status! */ } /************************** * Building APPROACHABLE RULES *************************/ try { buildAppRules(); } catch (NamespaceException ex2) { log.error("Namespace Configuration ERROR in APPROACHABLE RULES definition, please check it.", ex2); /** * @todo Manage this exceptional status! */ }" ############## REFRESHING NAMESPACE CONFIGURATION CACHE : end ###############"); handleTotalOnlineSizeFromGPFSQuota(); // Update SA within Reserved Space Catalog updateSA(); } private void handleTotalOnlineSizeFromGPFSQuota() { for (Entry<String, VirtualFSInterface> entry : vfss.entrySet()) { String storageAreaName = entry.getKey(); VirtualFSInterface storageArea = entry.getValue(); if (SupportedFSType.parseFS(storageArea.getFSType()) == SupportedFSType.GPFS) { Quota quota = storageArea.getCapabilities().getQuota(); if (quota != null && quota.getEnabled()) { GPFSFilesetQuotaInfo quotaInfo = getGPFSQuotaInfo(storageArea); if (quotaInfo != null) { updateTotalOnlineSizeFromGPFSQuota(storageAreaName, storageArea, quotaInfo); } } } } } private GPFSFilesetQuotaInfo getGPFSQuotaInfo(VirtualFSInterface storageArea) { GetGPFSFilesetQuotaInfoCommand cmd = new GetGPFSFilesetQuotaInfoCommand(storageArea); try { return; } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Cannot get quota information out of GPFS. Using the TotalOnlineSize in namespace.xml " + "for Storage Area {}. Reason: {}", storageArea.getAliasName(), t.getMessage()); return null; } } private void updateTotalOnlineSizeFromGPFSQuota(String storageAreaName, VirtualFSInterface storageArea, GPFSFilesetQuotaInfo quotaInfo) { long gpfsTotalOnlineSize = GPFSSizeHelper.getBytesFromKIB(quotaInfo.getBlockSoftLimit()); Property newProperties = Property.from(storageArea.getProperties()); try { newProperties.setTotalOnlineSize(SizeUnitType.BYTE.getTypeName(), gpfsTotalOnlineSize); storageArea.setProperties(newProperties); log.warn("TotalOnlineSize as specified in namespace.xml will be ignored " + "since quota is enabled on the GPFS {} Storage Area.", storageAreaName); } catch (NamespaceException e) { log.warn("Cannot get quota information out of GPFS. Using the TotalOnlineSize in namespace.xml " + "for Storage Area {}.", storageAreaName, e); } } // ******************* Update SA Catalog *************************** private void updateSA() { TSpaceToken spaceToken = null; // ReservedSpaceCatalog spaceCatalog = new ReservedSpaceCatalog(); SpaceHelper spaceHelp = new SpaceHelper(); log.debug("Updating Space Catalog with Storage Area defined within NAMESPACE"); VirtualFS vfs = null; Enumeration<VirtualFSInterface> scan = vfss.elements(); while (scan.hasMoreElements()) { vfs = (VirtualFS) scan.nextElement(); String vfsAliasName = vfs.getAliasName(); verboseLog(" Considering VFS : " + vfsAliasName); String aliasName = vfs.getSpaceTokenDescription(); if (aliasName == null) { // Found a VFS without the optional element Space Token Description log.debug("XMLNamespaceParser.UpdateSA() : Found a VFS ('" + vfsAliasName + "') without space-token-description. Skipping the Update of SA"); } else { TSizeInBytes onlineSize = vfs.getProperties().getTotalOnlineSize(); String spaceFileName = vfs.getRootPath(); spaceToken = spaceHelp.createVOSA_Token(aliasName, onlineSize, spaceFileName); vfs.setSpaceToken(spaceToken); verboseLog(" Updating SA ('" + aliasName + "'), token:'" + spaceToken + "', onlineSize:'" + onlineSize + "', spaceFileName:'" + spaceFileName); } } spaceHelp.purgeOldVOSA_token(); log.debug("Updating Space Catalog... DONE!!"); } // ******************* VERSION NUMBER *************************** private void retrieveVersion() throws NamespaceException { version = parserUtil.getNamespaceVersion(); verboseLog(" ==== NAMESPACE VERSION : '" + version + "' ===="); } // ******************* VIRTUAL FS *************************** private void buildVFSs() throws ClassNotFoundException, NamespaceException { int nrOfVFS = 0; nrOfVFS = parserUtil.getNumberOfFS(); // For each VFS within configuration build VFS class istance VirtualFS vfs; String spaceTokenDescription = null; StorageClassType storageClass = StorageClassType.UNKNOWN; String root = null; String name; String fsType; Class driver; String storageAreaAuthz; PropertyInterface prop; CapabilityInterface cap; DefaultValuesInterface defValues; SAAuthzType saAuthzType = SAAuthzType.UNKNOWN; for (int i = 0; i < nrOfVFS; i++) { // Building VFS vfs = new VirtualFS(testingMode); name = parserUtil.getFSName(i); vfs.setAliasName(name); verboseLog("VFS(" + i + ").name = '" + name + "'"); fsType = parserUtil.getFSType(name); vfs.setFSType(fsType); verboseLog("VFS(" + name + ").fs_type = '" + fsType + "'"); spaceTokenDescription = parserUtil.getFSSpaceTokenDescription(name); vfs.setSpaceTokenDescription(spaceTokenDescription); verboseLog("VFS(" + name + ").space-token-description = '" + spaceTokenDescription + "'"); storageClass = StorageClassType.getStorageClassType(parserUtil.getStorageClass(name)); vfs.setStorageClassType(storageClass); verboseLog("VFS(" + name + ").storage-class = '" + storageClass + "'"); root = parserUtil.getFSRoot(name); vfs.setRoot(root); verboseLog("VFS(" + name + ").root = '" + root + "'"); driver = Class.forName(parserUtil.getFSDriver(name)); vfs.setFSDriver(driver); verboseLog("VFS(" + name + ").fsDriver [CLASS Name] = '" + driver.getName() + "'"); driver = Class.forName(parserUtil.getSpaceDriver(name)); vfs.setSpaceSystemDriver(driver); verboseLog("VFS(" + name + ").spaceDriver [CLASS Name] = '" + driver.getName() + "'"); saAuthzType = parserUtil.getStorageAreaAuthzType(name); vfs.setSAAuthzType(saAuthzType); verboseLog("VFS(" + name + ").storage-area-authz.TYPE = '" + saAuthzType + "'"); storageAreaAuthz = parserUtil.getStorageAreaAuthz(name, saAuthzType); vfs.setSAAuthzSource(storageAreaAuthz); verboseLog("VFS(" + name + ").storage-area-authz = '" + storageAreaAuthz + "'"); prop = buildProperties(name); vfs.setProperties(prop); cap = buildCapabilities(name); vfs.setCapabilities(cap); defValues = buildDefaultValues(name); vfs.setDefaultValues(defValues); // Adding VFS synchronized (this) { vfss.remove(name); vfss.put(name, vfs); } } } // ******************* PROPERTY *************************** private PropertyInterface buildProperties(String fsName) throws NamespaceException { Property prop = new Property(); String accessLatency = parserUtil.getAccessLatencyType(fsName); prop.setAccessLatency(accessLatency); verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ").Properties.AccessLatency = '" + accessLatency + "'"); String expirationMode = parserUtil.getExpirationModeType(fsName); prop.setExpirationMode(expirationMode); verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ").Properties.ExpirationMode = '" + expirationMode + "'"); String retentionPolicy = parserUtil.getRetentionPolicyType(fsName); prop.setRetentionPolicy(retentionPolicy); verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ").Properties.RetentionPolicy = '" + retentionPolicy + "'"); String unitType = parserUtil.getNearlineSpaceUnitType(fsName); long nearLineSize = parserUtil.getNearlineSpaceSize(fsName); prop.setTotalNearlineSize(unitType, nearLineSize); verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ").Properties.NearlineSpaceSize = '" + nearLineSize + " " + unitType + "'"); unitType = parserUtil.getOnlineSpaceUnitType(fsName); long onlineSize = parserUtil.getOnlineSpaceSize(fsName); prop.setTotalOnlineSize(unitType, onlineSize); verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ").Properties.OnlineSpaceSize = '" + onlineSize + " " + unitType + "'"); boolean hasLimitedSize = parserUtil.getOnlineSpaceLimitedSize(fsName); prop.setLimitedSize(hasLimitedSize); verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ").Properties.OnlineSpaceLimitedSize = '" + hasLimitedSize + "'"); return prop; } // ******************* CAPABILITY *************************** private CapabilityInterface buildCapabilities(String fsName) throws NamespaceException { /** * String[] fileType = parserUtil.getFileType(fsName); for (int j = 0; j < * fileType.length; j++) { verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + * ").Capabilities.file.types(" + j + ") = '" + fileType[j] + "'"); } * String[] spaceType = parserUtil.getSpaceType(fsName); for (int j = 0; j < * spaceType.length; j++) { verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + * ")" + j + ") = '" + spaceType[j] + "'"); } **/ /** * ACL MODE ELEMENT */ String aclMode = parserUtil.getACLMode(fsName); Capability cap = new Capability(aclMode); verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ").Capabilities.aclMode = '" + aclMode + "'"); /** * DEFAULT ACL */ boolean defaultACLDefined = parserUtil.getDefaultACLDefined(fsName); verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ").Capabilities.defaultACL [Defined?] =" + defaultACLDefined); if (defaultACLDefined) { int nrACLEntries = parserUtil.getNumberOfACL(fsName); String groupName = null; String filePermString = null; ACLEntry aclEntry = null; for (int entryNumber = 0; entryNumber < nrACLEntries; entryNumber++) { groupName = parserUtil.getGroupName(fsName, entryNumber); filePermString = parserUtil.getPermissionString(fsName, entryNumber); try { aclEntry = new ACLEntry(groupName, filePermString); cap.addACLEntry(aclEntry); } catch (PermissionException permEx) { log.error("Namespace XML Parser -- ERROR -- : " + permEx.getMessage()); } } verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ").Capabilities.defaultACL = " + cap.getDefaultACL()); } /** * QUOTA ELEMENT */ boolean quotaDefined = parserUtil.getQuotaDefined(fsName); Quota quota = null; if (quotaDefined) { boolean quotaEnabled = parserUtil.getQuotaEnabled(fsName); String device = parserUtil.getQuotaDevice(fsName); QuotaType quotaType; String quotaValue = null; if (parserUtil.getQuotaFilesetDefined(fsName)) { quotaType = QuotaType.buildQuotaType(QuotaType.FILESET); quotaValue = parserUtil.getQuotaFileset(fsName); } else { if (parserUtil.getQuotaGroupIDDefined(fsName)) { quotaType = QuotaType.buildQuotaType(QuotaType.GRP); quotaValue = parserUtil.getQuotaGroupID(fsName); } else { if (parserUtil.getQuotaUserIDDefined(fsName)) { quotaType = QuotaType.buildQuotaType(QuotaType.USR); quotaValue = parserUtil.getQuotaUserID(fsName); } else { quotaType = QuotaType.buildQuotaType(QuotaType.UNKNOWN); quotaValue = "unknown"; } } } quotaType.setValue(quotaValue); quota = new Quota(quotaEnabled, device, quotaType); } else { quota = new Quota(); } cap.setQuota(quota); verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ").Capabilities.quota = '" + quota + "'"); log.debug("VFS(" + fsName + ").Capabilities.quota = '" + quota + "'"); /** * TRANSFER PROTOCOL */ int nrProtocols = parserUtil.getNumberOfProt(fsName); Protocol protocol; Authority service; TransportProtocol transportProt; int protocolIndex; String serviceHostName; String servicePortValue; String schema; String name; for (int protCounter = 0; protCounter < nrProtocols; protCounter++) { protocolIndex = parserUtil.getProtId(fsName, protCounter); // 1.4.0 // (Return -1 // if ID is // not // present) name = parserUtil.getProtName(fsName, protCounter); schema = parserUtil.getProtSchema(fsName, protCounter); protocol = Protocol.getProtocol(schema); protocol.setProtocolServiceName(name); serviceHostName = parserUtil.getProtHost(fsName, protCounter); servicePortValue = parserUtil.getProtPort(fsName, protCounter); int portIntValue = -1; service = null; if (servicePortValue != null) { try { portIntValue = Integer.parseInt(servicePortValue); service = new Authority(serviceHostName, portIntValue); // log.debug("SERVICE PORT: "+service); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { log.warn("to evaluate the environmental variable " + servicePortValue); } } else { service = new Authority(serviceHostName); // log.debug("SERVICE : "+service); } transportProt = new TransportProtocol(protocol, service); transportProt.setProtocolID(protocolIndex); // 1.4.0 verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ").Capabilities.protocol(" + protCounter + ") = '" + transportProt + "'"); cap.addTransportProtocolByScheme(protocol, transportProt); cap.addTransportProtocol(transportProt); if (protocolIndex != -1) { cap.addTransportProtocolByID(protocolIndex, transportProt); } } /** * PROTOCOL POOL */ int nrPools = parserUtil.getNumberOfPool(fsName); if (nrPools > 0) { for (int poolCounter = 0; poolCounter < nrPools; poolCounter++) { BalancingStrategyType balanceStrategy = BalancingStrategyType .getByValue(parserUtil.getBalancerStrategy(fsName, poolCounter)); // 1.4.0 // (Return // -1 // if // ID // is // not // present) ArrayList<PoolMember> poolMembers = new ArrayList<PoolMember>(); int nrMembers = parserUtil.getNumberOfPoolMembers(fsName, poolCounter); for (int i = 0; i < nrMembers; i++) { int protIndex = parserUtil.getMemberID(fsName, poolCounter, i); TransportProtocol tProtMember = cap.getProtocolByID(protIndex); // search // for // the // member // with // specified // ID if (tProtMember != null) { // member found! PoolMember poolMember; if (balanceStrategy.requireWeight()) { // Check for the weight int memberWeight = parserUtil.getMemberWeight(fsName, poolCounter, i); poolMember = new PoolMember(protIndex, tProtMember, memberWeight); } else { poolMember = new PoolMember(protIndex, tProtMember); } poolMembers.add(poolMember); } else { // member pointed out doesn't exist!! log.error("POOL Building: Protocol with index " + protIndex + " does not exists in the VFS :" + fsName); throw new NamespaceException("POOL Building: Protocol with index " + protIndex + " does not exists in the VFS :" + fsName); } } Protocol pooProtocol = poolMembers.get(0).getMemberProtocol().getProtocol(); verifyPoolIsValid(poolMembers); log.debug( "Defined pool for protocol " + pooProtocol.toString() + " with size " + poolMembers.size()); cap.addProtocolPoolBySchema(pooProtocol, new ProtocolPool(balanceStrategy, poolMembers)); log.debug("PROTOCOL POOL: " + cap.getPoolByScheme(pooProtocol)); } } else { log.debug("Pool is not defined in VFS " + fsName); } return cap; } /** * @param poolMembers * @throws NamespaceException */ private void verifyPoolIsValid(ArrayList<PoolMember> poolMembers) throws NamespaceException { if (poolMembers.isEmpty()) { throw new NamespaceException("POOL Defined is EMPTY!"); } Protocol prot = poolMembers.get(0).getMemberProtocol().getProtocol(); for (PoolMember member : poolMembers) { if (!(member.getMemberProtocol().getProtocol().equals(prot))) { throw new NamespaceException("Defined Pool is NOT HOMOGENEOUS! Protocols " + prot.toString() + " and " + member.toString() + " differs"); } } } // ******************* DEFAULT VALUES *************************** private DefaultValuesInterface buildDefaultValues(String fsName) throws NamespaceException { DefaultValues def = new DefaultValues(); if (parserUtil.isDefaultElementPresent(fsName)) { setSpaceDef(fsName, def); setFileDef(fsName, def); } else { // Produce Default Values with default values :o ! verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ").DefaultValues is ABSENT. Using DEFAULT values."); } return def; } private void setSpaceDef(String fsName, DefaultValues def) throws NamespaceException { String spaceType = parserUtil.getDefaultSpaceType(fsName); verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ") = '" + spaceType + "'"); long lifeTime = parserUtil.getDefaultSpaceLifeTime(fsName); verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ") = '" + lifeTime + "'"); long guarSize = parserUtil.getDefaultSpaceGuarSize(fsName); verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ") = '" + guarSize + "'"); long totSize = parserUtil.getDefaultSpaceTotSize(fsName); verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ") = '" + totSize + "'"); def.setSpaceDefaults(spaceType, lifeTime, guarSize, totSize); } private void setFileDef(String fsName, DefaultValues def) throws NamespaceException { String fileType = parserUtil.getDefaultFileType(fsName); verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ").DefaultValues.file.type = '" + fileType + "'"); long lifeTime = parserUtil.getDefaultFileLifeTime(fsName); verboseLog("VFS(" + fsName + ").DefaultValues.file.lifeTime = '" + lifeTime + "'"); def.setFileDefaults(fileType, lifeTime); } // ******************* MAPPING RULE *************************** private void buildMapRules() throws NamespaceException { int numOfMapRules = parserUtil.getNumberOfMappingRule(); String ruleName, stfnRoot, mappedFS; MappingRule mapRule; for (int i = 0; i < numOfMapRules; i++) { ruleName = parserUtil.getMapRuleName(i); mappedFS = parserUtil.getMapRule_mappedFS(ruleName); // Adding mapping rule to VFS within vfss; if (vfss.containsKey(mappedFS)) { verboseLog("VFS '" + mappedFS + "' pointed by RULE : '" + ruleName + "' exists."); stfnRoot = parserUtil.getMapRule_StFNRoot(ruleName); VirtualFSInterface vfs = (VirtualFSInterface) vfss.get(mappedFS); mapRule = new MappingRule(ruleName, stfnRoot, vfs/* , mappedFS */); ((VirtualFS) vfs).addMappingRule(mapRule); maprules.put(ruleName, mapRule); } else { log.error("VFS '" + mappedFS + "' pointed by RULE : '" + ruleName + "' DOES NOT EXISTS."); } } } // ******************* APPROACHABLE RULE *************************** private void buildAppRules() throws NamespaceException { int numOfAppRules = parserUtil.getNumberOfApproachRule(); verboseLog("Number of APP Rule : " + numOfAppRules); String ruleName, dn, vo_name, relPath, anonymousHttpReadString; List<String> appFSList; ApproachableRule appRule; for (int i = 0; i < numOfAppRules; i++) { ruleName = parserUtil.getApproachRuleName(i); verboseLog(" APP rule nr:" + i + " is named : " + ruleName); dn = parserUtil.getAppRule_SubjectDN(ruleName); vo_name = parserUtil.getAppRule_SubjectVO(ruleName); SubjectRules subjectRules = new SubjectRules(dn, vo_name); relPath = parserUtil.getAppRule_RelativePath(ruleName); anonymousHttpReadString = parserUtil.getAppRule_AnonymousHttpRead(ruleName); if (anonymousHttpReadString != null && !anonymousHttpReadString.trim().isEmpty()) { appRule = new ApproachableRule(ruleName, subjectRules, relPath, Boolean.parseBoolean(anonymousHttpReadString)); } else { appRule = new ApproachableRule(ruleName, subjectRules, relPath); } appFSList = parserUtil.getAppRule_AppFS(ruleName); for (String appFS : appFSList) { if (vfss.containsKey(appFS)) { verboseLog("VFS '" + appFS + "' pointed by RULE : '" + ruleName + "' exists."); VirtualFSInterface vfs = vfss.get(appFS); ((VirtualFS) vfs).addApproachableRule(appRule); appRule.addApproachableVFS(vfs); } else { log.error("VFS '" + appFS + "' pointed by RULE : '" + ruleName + "' DOES NOT EXISTS."); } } apprules.put(ruleName, appRule); } } /***************************************************************************** * BUSINESS METHODs ****************************************************************************/ public String getNamespaceVersion() { return version; } public List<String> getAllVFS_Roots() { Collection<VirtualFSInterface> elem = vfss.values(); Vector<String> roots = new Vector<String>(vfss.size()); Iterator<VirtualFSInterface> scan = elem.iterator(); while (scan.hasNext()) { String root = null; root =; roots.add(root); } return roots; } public Map<String, VirtualFSInterface> getMapVFS_Root() { Hashtable<String, VirtualFSInterface> result = new Hashtable<String, VirtualFSInterface>(); Collection<VirtualFSInterface> elem = vfss.values(); Iterator<VirtualFSInterface> scan = elem.iterator(); while (scan.hasNext()) { String root = null; VirtualFSInterface vfs =; root = vfs.getRootPath(); result.put(root, vfs); } return result; } public List<String> getAllMappingRule_StFNRoots() { Collection<MappingRule> elem = maprules.values(); Vector<String> roots = new Vector<String>(maprules.size()); Iterator<MappingRule> scan = elem.iterator(); String root = null; while (scan.hasNext()) { root =; roots.add(root); } return roots; } public Map<String, String> getMappingRuleMAP() { HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); Collection<MappingRule> elem = maprules.values(); Iterator<MappingRule> scan = elem.iterator(); String root = null; String name = null; MappingRule rule; while (scan.hasNext()) { rule =; root = rule.getStFNRoot(); name = rule.getRuleName(); map.put(name, root); } return map; } public VirtualFSInterface getVFS(String vfsName) { return vfss.get(vfsName); } }