Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). 2006-2010. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package it.grid.storm.config; import it.grid.storm.https.impl.DefaultHTTPPlugin; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Singleton holding all configuration values that any other object in the StoRM * backend reads from configuration files, databases, etc. Implements a * 'get<something>' method for each value that should be looked up this way. In * fact, this is a "read-only" class. If no value is specified in the * configuration medium, a default one is used instead; some properties may hold * several comma separated values without any white spaces in-between; the name * of the property in the configuration medium, default values, as well as the * option of holding multiple values, is specified in each method comment. */ public class Configuration { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Configuration.class); private ConfigReader cr = new ConfigReader(); // set an empty ConfigReader // as default static Configuration instance = new Configuration(); // only // instance of this configuration class private static final String MANAGED_SURLS_KEY = "storm.service.SURL.endpoint"; private static final String MANAGED_SURL_DEFAULT_PORTS_KEY = "storm.service.SURL.default-ports"; private static final String SERVICE_HOSTNAME_KEY = "storm.service.FE-public.hostname"; private static final String SERVICE_PORT_KEY = "storm.service.port"; private static final String LIST_OF_MACHINE_NAMES_KEY = "storm.service.FE-list.hostnames"; private static final String LIST_OF_MACHINE_IPS_KEY = "storm.service.FE-list.IPs"; private static final String DB_DRIVER_KEY = "storm.service.request-db.dbms-vendor"; private static final String DB_URL_1KEY = "storm.service.request-db.protocol"; private static final String DB_URL_2KEY = ""; private static final String DB_URL_3KEY = "storm.service.request-db.db-name"; private static final String DB_USER_NAME_KEY = "storm.service.request-db.username"; private static final String DB_PASSWORD_KEY = "storm.service.request-db.passwd"; private static final String DB_RECONNECT_PERIOD_KEY = "asynch.db.ReconnectPeriod"; private static final String DB_RECONNECT_DELAY_KEY = "asynch.db.DelayPeriod"; private static final String CLEANING_INITIAL_DELAY_KEY = ""; private static final String CLEANING_TIME_INTERVAL_KEY = ""; private static final String FILE_DEFAULT_SIZE_KEY = "fileSize.default"; private static final String FILE_LIFETIME_DEFAULT_KEY = "fileLifetime.default"; private static final String PIN_LIFETIME_DEFAULT_KEY = "pinLifetime.default"; private static final String PIN_LIFETIME_MAXIMUM_KEY = "pinLifetime.maximum"; private static final String TRANSIT_INITIAL_DELAY_KEY = "transit.delay"; private static final String TRANSIT_TIME_INTERVAL_KEY = "transit.interval"; private static final String PICKING_INITIAL_DELAY_KEY = "asynch.PickingInitialDelay"; private static final String PICKING_TIME_INTERVAL_KEY = "asynch.PickingTimeInterval"; private static final String PICKING_MAX_BATCH_SIZE_KEY = "asynch.PickingMaxBatchSize"; private static final String SRMCLIENT_PUT_TOTAL_RETRY_TIME_KEY = "asynch.srmclient.retrytime"; private static final String SRMCLIENT_PUT_TIME_OUT_KEY = "asynch.srmclient.timeout"; private static final String SRMCLIENT_PUT_SLEEP_TIME_KEY = "asynch.srmclient.sleeptime"; private static final String SRMCLIENT_PUT_DONE_SLEEP_TIME_KEY = "asynch.srmclient.putdone.sleeptime"; private static final String SRMCLIENT_PUT_DONE_TIME_OUT_KEY = "asynch.srmclient.putdone.timeout"; private static final String MAX_XMLRPC_THREAD_KEY = "synchcall.xmlrpc.maxthread"; private static final String LIST_OF_DEFAULT_SPACE_TOKEN_KEY = "storm.service.defaultSpaceTokens"; private static final String GRIDFTP_TRANSFER_CLIENT_KEY = "asynch.gridftpclient"; private static final String SRMCLIENT_KEY = "asynch.srmclient"; private static final String COMMAND_SERVER_BINDING_PORT_KEY = "storm.commandserver.port"; private static final String SERIAL_SCHEDULER_KEY = "scheduler.serial"; private static final String BE_PERSISTENCE_DB_VENDOR_KEY = "persistence.internal-db.dbms-vendor"; private static final String BE_PERSISTENCE_DBMS_URL_1KEY = ""; private static final String BE_PERSISTENCE_DBMS_URL_2KEY = "" + DB_URL_2KEY; private static final String BE_PERSISTENCE_DB_NAME_KEY = "persistence.internal-db.db-name"; private static final String BE_PERSISTENCEDB_USER_NAME_1KEY = "persistence.internal-db.username"; private static final String BE_PERSISTENCEDB_USER_NAME_2KEY = "" + DB_USER_NAME_KEY; private static final String BE_PERSISTENCE_DB_PASSWORD_1KEY = "persistence.internal-db.passwd"; private static final String BE_PERSISTENCE_DB_PASSWORD_2KEY = "" + DB_PASSWORD_KEY; private static final String BE_PERSISTENCE_POOL_DB_KEY = "persistence.internal-db.connection-pool"; private static final String BE_PERSISTENCE_POOL_DB_MAX_ACTIVE_KEY = "persistence.internal-db.connection-pool.maxActive"; private static final String BE_PERSISTENCE_POOL_DB_MAX_WAIT_KEY = "persistence.internal-db.connection-pool.maxWait"; private static final String XMLRPC_SERVER_PORT_KEY = "synchcall.xmlrpc.unsecureServerPort"; private static final String LS_MAX_NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_KEY = "synchcall.directoryManager.maxLsEntry"; private static final String LS_ALL_LEVEL_RECURSIVE_KEY = "synchcall.directoryManager.default.AllLevelRecursive"; private static final String LS_NUM_OF_LEVELS_KEY = "synchcall.directoryManager.default.Levels"; private static final String LS_OFFSET_KEY = "synchcall.directoryManager.default.Offset"; private static final String PTP_CORE_POOL_SIZE_KEY = "scheduler.chunksched.ptp.workerCorePoolSize"; private static final String PTP_MAX_POOL_SIZE_KEY = "scheduler.chunksched.ptp.workerMaxPoolSize"; private static final String PTP_QUEUE_SIZE_KEY = "scheduler.chunksched.ptp.queueSize"; private static final String PTG_CORE_POOL_SIZE_KEY = "scheduler.chunksched.ptg.workerCorePoolSize"; private static final String PTG_MAX_POOL_SIZE_KEY = "scheduler.chunksched.ptg.workerMaxPoolSize"; private static final String PTG_QUEUE_SIZE_KEY = "scheduler.chunksched.ptg.queueSize"; private static final String COPY_CORE_POOL_SIZE_KEY = "scheduler.chunksched.copy.workerCorePoolSize"; private static final String COPY_MAX_POOL_SIZE_KEY = "scheduler.chunksched.copy.workerMaxPoolSize"; private static final String COPY_QUEUE_SIZE_KEY = "scheduler.chunksched.copy.queueSize"; private static final String BOL_CORE_POOL_SIZE_KEY = "scheduler.chunksched.bol.workerCorePoolSize"; private static final String BOL_MAX_POOL_SIZE_KEY = "scheduler.chunksched.bol.workerMaxPoolSize"; private static final String BOL_QUEUE_SIZE_KEY = "scheduler.chunksched.bol.queueSize"; private static final String CORE_POOL_SIZE_KEY = "scheduler.crusher.workerCorePoolSize"; private static final String MAX_POOL_SIZE_KEY = "scheduler.crusher.workerMaxPoolSize"; private static final String QUEUE_SIZE_KEY = "scheduler.crusher.queueSize"; private static final String NAMESPACE_CONFIG_FILENAME_KEY = "namespace.filename"; private static final String NAMESPACE_SCHEMA_FILENAME_KEY = "namespace.schema.filename"; private static final String NAMESPACE_CONFIG_REFRESH_RATE_IN_SECONDS_KEY = "namespace.refreshrate"; private static final String NAMESPACE_AUTOMATIC_RELOADING_KEY = "namespace.automatic-config-reload"; private static final String GRIDFTP_TIME_OUT_KEY = "asynch.srmcopy.gridftp.timeout"; private static final String SRM22CLIENT_PIN_LIFE_TIME_KEY = "SRM22Client.PinLifeTime"; private static final String PROXY_HOME_KEY = "proxy.home"; private static final String AUTOMATIC_DIRECTORY_CREATION_KEY = "directory.automatic-creation"; private static final String DEFAULT_OVERWRITE_MODE_KEY = "default.overwrite"; private static final String DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE_TYPE_KEY = "default.storagetype"; private static final String PURGE_BATCH_SIZE_KEY = "purge.size"; private static final String EXPIRED_REQUEST_TIME_KEY = "expired.request.time"; private static final String REQUEST_PURGER_DELAY_KEY = "purge.delay"; private static final String REQUEST_PURGER_PERIOD_KEY = "purge.interval"; private static final String EXPIRED_REQUEST_PURGING_KEY = "purging"; private static final String EXTRA_SLASHES_FOR_FILE_TURL_KEY = "extraslashes.file"; private static final String EXTRA_SLASHES_FOR_RFIO_TURL_KEY = "extraslashes.rfio"; private static final String EXTRA_SLASHES_FOR_GSIFTP_TURL_KEY = "extraslashes.gsiftp"; private static final String EXTRA_SLASHES_FOR_ROOT_TURL_KEY = "extraslashes.root"; private static final String PING_VALUES_PROPERTIES_FILENAME_KEY = "ping-properties.filename"; private static final String HEARTHBEAT_PERIOD_KEY = "health.electrocardiogram.period"; private static final String PERFORMANCE_GLANCE_TIME_INTERVAL_KEY = "health.performance.glance.timeInterval"; private static final String PERFORMANCE_LOGBOOK_TIME_INTERVAL_KEY = "health.performance.logbook.timeInterval"; private static final String PERFORMANCE_MEASURING_KEY = "health.performance.mesauring.enabled"; private static final String BOOK_KEEPING_ENABLED_KEY = "health.bookkeeping.enabled"; private static final String ENABLE_WRITE_PERM_ON_DIRECTORY_KEY = "directory.writeperm"; private static final String MAX_LOOP_KEY = "abort.maxloop"; private static final String GRID_USER_MAPPER_CLASSNAME_KEY = "griduser.mapper.classname"; private static final String AUTHZ_DB_PATH_KEY = "authzdb.path"; private static final String REFRESH_RATE_AUTHZDB_FILES_IN_SECONDS_KEY = "authzdb.refreshrate"; private static final String RECALL_TABLE_TESTING_MODE_KEY = "tape.recalltable.service.test-mode"; private static final String REST_SERVICES_PORT_KEY = ""; private static final String RETRY_VALUE_KEY_KEY = "tape.recalltable.service.param.retry-value"; private static final String STATUS_KEY_KEY = "tape.recalltable.service.param.status"; private static final String TASKOVER_KEY_KEY = "tape.recalltable.service.param.takeover"; private static final String GRIDHTTPS_ENABLED_KEY = "gridhttps.enabled"; private static final String GRIDHTTPS_PLUGIN_CLASSNAME_KEY = "gridhttps.plugin.classname"; private static final String STORM_PROPERTIES_VERSION_KEY = ""; private static final String GROUP_TAPE_READ_BUFFER_KEY = ""; private static final String GROUP_TAPE_WRITE_BUFFER_KEY = ""; private static final String TAPE_SUPPORT_ENABLED_KEY = ""; private static final String SYNCHRONOUS_QUOTA_CHECK_ENABLED_KEY = "info.quota-check.enabled"; private static final String GPFS_QUOTA_REFRESH_PERIOD_KEY = "info.quota.refresh.period"; private static final String FAST_BOOTSTRAP_ENABLED_KEY = ""; private static final String SERVER_POOL_STATUS_CHECK_TIMEOUT_KEY = "server-pool.status-check.timeout"; private static final String SANITY_CHECK_ENABLED_KEY = "sanity-check.enabled"; private static final String XMLRPC_SECURITY_ENABLED_KEY = ""; private static final String XMLRPC_SECURITY_TOKEN_KEY = ""; private static final String PTG_SKIP_ACL_SETUP = "ptg.skip-acl-setup"; private static final String HTTP_TURL_PREFIX = "http.turl_prefix"; private Configuration() { } /** * Returns the sole instance of the Configuration class. */ public static Configuration getInstance() { return Configuration.instance; } /** * Method used to set the config reader: if a null is supplied then a default * empty ConfigReader is used instead. */ public void setConfigReader(ConfigReader cr) { if (cr != null) { = cr; } } /** * Method that returns the directory holding the configuration file. The * methods that make use of it are uncertain... must be found soon!!! Beware * that the configuration directory is implicit in the complete pathname to * the configuration file supplied in the command line when starting StoRM BE. */ public String configurationDir() { return cr.configurationDirectory(); } /** * getNamespaceConfigPath * * @return String */ public String namespaceConfigPath() { String storm_home = System.getProperty("user.dir"); String configDir = storm_home + File.separator + "etc"; return configDir; } /** * MANDATORY CONFIGURATION PARAMETER! Define the SURL endpoints. * * @return String[] */ public String[] getManagedSURLs() { String[] defaultValue = { "UNDEFINED_SERVICE_ENDPOINT" }; if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(MANAGED_SURLS_KEY)) { return defaultValue; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getStringArray(MANAGED_SURLS_KEY); } } /** * @return */ public Integer[] getManagedSurlDefaultPorts() { Integer[] portsArray; if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(MANAGED_SURL_DEFAULT_PORTS_KEY)) { portsArray = new Integer[] { 8444 }; } else { // load from external source String[] portString = cr.getConfiguration().getStringArray(MANAGED_SURL_DEFAULT_PORTS_KEY); ArrayList<Integer> ports = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (String port : portString) { ports.add(Integer.parseInt(port.trim())); } portsArray = ports.toArray(new Integer[0]); } return portsArray; } /** * @return String */ public String getServiceHostname() { String defaultValue = "UNDEFINED_STORM_HOSTNAME"; if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(SERVICE_HOSTNAME_KEY)) { return defaultValue; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(SERVICE_HOSTNAME_KEY); } } /** * Method used by SFN to establish the FE binding port. If no value is found * in the configuration medium, then the default one is used instead. * key="storm.service.port"; default value="8444" */ public int getServicePort() { int defaultValue = 8444; if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(SERVICE_PORT_KEY)) { return defaultValue; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(SERVICE_PORT_KEY); } } /** * Method used to get a List of Strings of the names of the machine hosting * the FE for _this_ StoRM instance! Used in srmCopy to understand if the * fromSURL/toSURL refer to the server itself or to some other foreign server! * The List contains Strings in _lower_case_!!! If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key="storm.machinenames"; default value={""}; */ public List<String> getListOfMachineNames() { if (cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(LIST_OF_MACHINE_NAMES_KEY)) { String[] names = cr.getConfiguration().getStringArray(LIST_OF_MACHINE_NAMES_KEY); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { names[i] = names[i].trim().toLowerCase(); } return Arrays.asList(names); } else { return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "localhost" }); } } /** * Method used to get a List of Strings of the IPs of the machine hosting the * FE for _this_ StoRM instance! Used in the xmlrcp server configuration, to * allow request coming from the specified IP. (Into the xmlrpc server the * filter is done by IP, not hostname.) This paramter is mandatory when a * distribuited FE-BE installation of StoRM is used togheter with a dynamic * DNS on the FE hostname. In that case the properties storm.machinenames is * not enough meaningfull. If no value is found in the configuration medium, * then the default value is returned instead. key="storm.machineIPs"; default * value={""}; */ public List<String> getListOfMachineIPs() { if (cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(LIST_OF_MACHINE_IPS_KEY)) { String[] names = cr.getConfiguration().getString(LIST_OF_MACHINE_IPS_KEY).split(";"); // split for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { names[i] = names[i].trim().toLowerCase(); // for each bit remove } return Arrays.asList(names); } else { return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "" }); } } /** * Method used by all DAO Objects to get the DataBase Driver. If no value is * found in the configuration medium, then the default value is returned * instead. key="asynch.picker.db.driver"; default * value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; */ public String getDBDriver() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(DB_DRIVER_KEY)) { // return default return "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; } else { String vendor = cr.getConfiguration().getString(DB_DRIVER_KEY); String driver = ""; if (vendor.toLowerCase().equals("mysql")) { driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; } else { log.error("CONFIG ERROR 'RDBMS Vendor ('{}') unknown.'", vendor); } return driver; } } /** * Method used by all DAO Objects to get DB URL. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key1="asynch.picker.db.protocol"; default value="jdbc:mysql://"; * key2=""; default value="localhost"; * key3=""; default value="storm_db"; The returned value * is made up of the above default values and whatever is read from the * configuration medium, combined in the following way: protocol + host + "/" * + name */ public String getDBURL() { String prefix = ""; String host = ""; String name = ""; // get prefix... if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(DB_URL_1KEY)) { // use default prefix = "jdbc:mysql://"; } else { // load from external source prefix = cr.getConfiguration().getString(DB_URL_1KEY); } // get host... if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(DB_URL_2KEY)) { // use default host = "localhost"; } else { // load from external source host = cr.getConfiguration().getString(DB_URL_2KEY); } // get db name... if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(DB_URL_3KEY)) { // use default name = "storm_db"; } else { // load from external source name = cr.getConfiguration().getString(DB_URL_3KEY); } // return value... return prefix + host + "/" + name; } /** * Method used by all DAO Objects to get the DB username. If no value is found * in the configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * Default value = "storm"; key searched in medium = * "asynch.picker.db.username". */ public String getDBUserName() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(DB_USER_NAME_KEY)) { // return default return "storm"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(DB_USER_NAME_KEY); } } /** * Method used by all DAO Objects to get the DB password. If no value is found * in the configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * Deafult value = "storm"; key searched in medium = * "asynch.picker.db.passwd". */ public String getDBPassword() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(DB_PASSWORD_KEY)) { // return default return "storm"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(DB_PASSWORD_KEY); } } /* * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ## ## END * definition of MANDATORY PROPERTIESs ## * ############################################################ */ /** * Method used by all DAOs to establish the reconnection period in _seconds_: * after such period the DB connection will be closed and re-opened. Beware * that after such time expires, the connection is _not_ automatically closed * and reopened; rather, it acts as a flag that is considered by the main code * and when the most appropriate time comes, the connection is closed and * reopened. This is because of MySQL bug that does not allow a connection to * remain open for an arbitrary amount of time! Else an Unexpected EOF * Exception gets thrown by the JDBC driver! If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key="asynch.db.ReconnectPeriod"; default value=18000; Keep in mind that * 18000 seconds = 5 hours. */ public long getDBReconnectPeriod() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(DB_RECONNECT_PERIOD_KEY)) { // return default return 18000; // 18000 sec = 5 hours } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(DB_RECONNECT_PERIOD_KEY); } } /** * Method used by all DAOs to establish the reconnection delay in _seconds_: * when StoRM is first launched it will wait for this amount of time before * starting the timer. This is because of MySQL bug that does not allow a * connection to remain open for an arbitrary amount of time! Else an * Unexpected EOF Exception gets thrown by the JDBC driver! If no value is * found in the configuration medium, then the default value is returned * instead. key="asynch.db.ReconnectDelay"; default value=30; */ public long getDBReconnectDelay() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(DB_RECONNECT_DELAY_KEY)) { // return default return 30; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(DB_RECONNECT_DELAY_KEY); } } /** * Method used by PinnedFilesCatalog to get the initial delay in _seconds_ * before starting the cleaning thread. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key=""; default value=10; */ public long getCleaningInitialDelay() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(CLEANING_INITIAL_DELAY_KEY)) { // return default return 10; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(CLEANING_INITIAL_DELAY_KEY); } } /** * Method used by PinnedFilesCatalog to get the cleaning time interval, in * _seconds_. If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the * default value is returned instead. key=""; * default value=300; Keep in mind that 300 seconds = 5 minutes. */ public long getCleaningTimeInterval() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(CLEANING_TIME_INTERVAL_KEY)) { // return default return 300; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(CLEANING_TIME_INTERVAL_KEY); } } /** * Get the default file size * * @return */ public long getFileDefaultSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(FILE_DEFAULT_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return (1000000); // 1 MB } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(FILE_DEFAULT_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by VolatileAndJiTCatalog to get the default fileLifetime to use * when a volatile entry is being added/updated, but the user specified a non * positive value. Measured in _seconds_. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key="fileLifetime.default"; default value=3600; */ public long getFileLifetimeDefault() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(FILE_LIFETIME_DEFAULT_KEY)) { // return default return 3600; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(FILE_LIFETIME_DEFAULT_KEY); } } /** * Method used by VolatileAndJiTCatalog to get the minimum pinLifetime * allowed, when a jit is being added/updated, but the user specified a lower * one. This method is also used by the PinLifetimeConverter to translate a * NULL/0/negative value to a default one. Measured in _seconds_. If no value * is found in the configuration medium, then the default value is returned * instead. key="pinLifetime.minimum"; default value=30; */ public long getPinLifetimeDefault() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PIN_LIFETIME_DEFAULT_KEY)) { // return default return 259200; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(PIN_LIFETIME_DEFAULT_KEY); } } /** * Method used by VolatileAndJiTCatalog to get the maximum pinLifetime * allowed, when a jit is being added/updated, but the user specified a higher * one. Measured in _seconds_. If no value is found in the configuration * medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key="pinLifetime.maximum"; default value=144000 (40 hours); */ public long getPinLifetimeMaximum() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PIN_LIFETIME_MAXIMUM_KEY)) { // return default return 1814400; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(PIN_LIFETIME_MAXIMUM_KEY); } } /** * Method used by PtPChunkCatalog to get the initial delay in _seconds_ before * starting the transiting thread. If no value is found in the configuration * medium, then the default value is returned instead. key="transit.delay"; * default value=10; */ public long getTransitInitialDelay() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(TRANSIT_INITIAL_DELAY_KEY)) { // return default return 10; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(TRANSIT_INITIAL_DELAY_KEY); } } /** * Method used by PtPChunkCatalog to get the transiting time interval, in * _seconds_. If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the * default value is returned instead. key="transit.interval"; default * value=300; Keep in mind that 300 seconds = 5 minutes. */ public long getTransitTimeInterval() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(TRANSIT_TIME_INTERVAL_KEY)) { // return default return 300; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(TRANSIT_TIME_INTERVAL_KEY); } } /** * Method used by AdvancedPicker to get the initial delay before starting to * pick data from the DB, in _seconds_. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key="asynch.PickingInitialDelay"; default value=5; */ public long getPickingInitialDelay() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PICKING_INITIAL_DELAY_KEY)) { // return default return 1; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(PICKING_INITIAL_DELAY_KEY); } } /** * Method used by AdvancedPicker to get the time interval of successive * pickings, in _seconds_. If no value is found in the configuration medium, * then the default value is returned instead. * key="asynch.PickingTimeInterval"; default value=15; */ public long getPickingTimeInterval() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PICKING_TIME_INTERVAL_KEY)) { // return default return 2; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(PICKING_TIME_INTERVAL_KEY); } } /** * Method used by RequestSummaryDAO to establish the maximum number of * requests to retrieve with each polling. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key="asynch.PickingMaxBatchSize"; default value=30; */ public int getPickingMaxBatchSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PICKING_MAX_BATCH_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 100; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(PICKING_MAX_BATCH_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by CopyChunk when making a remote srmPrepareToPut (Push Mode). * It needs it to estalish the totalRetryTime in seconds to supply to the * internal SRMClient. The parameter is passed to the prepareToPut * functionality. If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the * default value is returned instead. key="asynch.srmclient.retrytime"; * default value=60; */ public long getSRMClientPutTotalRetryTime() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(SRMCLIENT_PUT_TOTAL_RETRY_TIME_KEY)) { // return default return 60; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(SRMCLIENT_PUT_TOTAL_RETRY_TIME_KEY); } } /** * Method used by CopyChunk when making a remote srmPrepareToPut (Push Mode). * The CopyChunk will periodically invoke the statusOfPutRequest functionality * of the internal SRMClient, for at most the time out interval in seconds * returned by this method. If no value is found in the configuration medium, * then the default value is returned instead. key="asynch.srmclient.timeout"; * default value=180; */ public long getSRMClientPutTimeOut() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(SRMCLIENT_PUT_TIME_OUT_KEY)) { // return default return 180; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(SRMCLIENT_PUT_TIME_OUT_KEY); } } /** * Method used by CopyChunk when making a remote srmPrepareToPut (Push Mode). * The CopyChunk will wait the amount of time in seconds returned by this * method, before invoking again the statusOfPutRequest functionality of the * internal SRMClient. That is, it tells the polling interval. If no value is * found in the configuration medium, then the default value is returned * instead. key="asynch.srmclient.sleeptime"; default value=5; */ public long getSRMClientPutSleepTime() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(SRMCLIENT_PUT_SLEEP_TIME_KEY)) { // return default return 5; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(SRMCLIENT_PUT_SLEEP_TIME_KEY); } } /** * Method used by CopyChunk when making the FileTransfer and finally invoking * a remote srmPutDone. The CopyChunk will wait the amount of time in seconds * returned by this method, before invoking again the srmPutDone functionality * of the internal SRMClient. That is, it tells the time interval between * successive invocations: they are necessary when the returned status is * SRM_INTERNAL_ERROR which denotes a transient error situation. If no value * is found in the configuration medium, then the default value is returned * instead. key="asynch.srmclient.putdone.sleeptime"; default value=2; */ public long getSRMClientPutDoneSleepTime() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(SRMCLIENT_PUT_DONE_SLEEP_TIME_KEY)) { // return default return 1; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(SRMCLIENT_PUT_DONE_SLEEP_TIME_KEY); } } /** * Method used by CopyChunk when making the FileTransfer and finally invoking * a remote srmPutDone. The CopyChunk may have to periodically invoke * srmPutDone functionality of the internal SRMClient if the web service * returns SRM_INTERNAL_ERROR; in that case invocations will be attempted for * at most the time out interval in seconds returned by this method. If no * value is found in the configuration medium, then the default value is * returned instead. key="asynch.srmclient.putdone.timeout"; default value=60; */ public long getSRMClientPutDoneTimeOut() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(SRMCLIENT_PUT_DONE_TIME_OUT_KEY)) { // return default return 60; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getLong(SRMCLIENT_PUT_DONE_TIME_OUT_KEY); } } /** * Get max number of xmlrpc threads into for the XMLRPC server. */ public int getMaxXMLRPCThread() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(MAX_XMLRPC_THREAD_KEY)) { // return default return 100; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(MAX_XMLRPC_THREAD_KEY); } } /** * Get Default Space Tokens * * @return */ public List<String> getListOfDefaultSpaceToken() { if (cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(LIST_OF_DEFAULT_SPACE_TOKEN_KEY)) { String[] namesArray = cr.getConfiguration().getStringArray(LIST_OF_DEFAULT_SPACE_TOKEN_KEY); if (namesArray == null) { return new ArrayList<String>(); } return Arrays.asList(namesArray); } else { return new ArrayList<String>(); } } /** * Method used by Factory invoked in CopyChunk subclasses, to instantiate a * GridFTPTransferClient. The String returned specifies the name of the class * to instantiate; for now, there are two classes: NaiveGridFTPTransferClient * and StubGridFTPTransferClient. If no value is found in the configuration * medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key="asynch.gridftpclient"; default * value="it.grid.storm.asynch.NaiveGridFTPTransferClient"; */ public String getGridFTPTransferClient() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(GRIDFTP_TRANSFER_CLIENT_KEY)) { // return default return "it.grid.storm.asynch.NaiveGridFTPTransferClient"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(GRIDFTP_TRANSFER_CLIENT_KEY); } } /** * Method used by Factory invoked in CopyChunk subclasses, to instantiate an * SRMClient. The String returned specifies the name of the class to * instantiate; for now, there are two classes: NaiveSRMClient and * StubSRMClient. If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the * default value is returned instead. key="asynch.srmclient"; default * value="it.grid.storm.asynch.SRM22Client"; */ public String getSRMClient() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(SRMCLIENT_KEY)) { // return default return "it.grid.storm.asynch.SRM22Client"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(SRMCLIENT_KEY); } } /** * Method used by StoRMCommandServer to establish the listening port to which * it should bind. If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the * default value is returned instead. key="storm.commandserver.port"; default * value=4444; */ public int getCommandServerBindingPort() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(COMMAND_SERVER_BINDING_PORT_KEY)) { // return default return 4444; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(COMMAND_SERVER_BINDING_PORT_KEY); } } /** * Method used by Dispatcher and Feeder objects to check if a serial scheduler * must be used, or not. If no value is found in the configuration medium, * then the default value is returned instead. key="scheduler.serial"; default * value=false; */ public boolean getSerialScheduler() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(SERIAL_SCHEDULER_KEY)) { // return default return false; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(SERIAL_SCHEDULER_KEY); } } /** * Method used in Persistence Component It returns the DB vendor name. If no * value is found in the configuration medium, then the default value is * returned instead. key="persistence.db.vendor"; default value="mysql"; */ public String getBEPersistenceDBVendor() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(BE_PERSISTENCE_DB_VENDOR_KEY)) { // return default return "mysql"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(BE_PERSISTENCE_DB_VENDOR_KEY); } } /** * Method used in Persistence Component: it returns the host where the DB * resides. If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the default * value is returned instead. key=""; default * value="localhost"; */ public String getBEPersistenceDBMSUrl() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(BE_PERSISTENCE_DBMS_URL_1KEY)) { // Try with the alternative key if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(BE_PERSISTENCE_DBMS_URL_2KEY)) { // return default return "localhost"; } else { return cr.getConfiguration().getString(BE_PERSISTENCE_DBMS_URL_2KEY); } } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(BE_PERSISTENCE_DBMS_URL_1KEY); } } /** * Method used in Persistence Component it returns the name of the DB to use. * If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the default value is * returned instead. key=""; default value="storm_be_ISAM"; */ public String getBEPersistenceDBName() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(BE_PERSISTENCE_DB_NAME_KEY)) { // return default return "storm_be_ISAM"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(BE_PERSISTENCE_DB_NAME_KEY); } } /** * Method used in Persistence Component it returns the name of the DB user * that must be used. If no value is found in the configuration medium, then * the default value is returned instead. key="persistence.db.username"; * default value="storm"; */ public String getBEPersistenceDBUserName() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(BE_PERSISTENCEDB_USER_NAME_1KEY)) { // Try with the alternative key if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(BE_PERSISTENCEDB_USER_NAME_2KEY)) { // return default return "storm"; } else { return cr.getConfiguration().getString(BE_PERSISTENCEDB_USER_NAME_2KEY); } } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(BE_PERSISTENCEDB_USER_NAME_1KEY); } } /** * Method used in Persistence Component it returns the password for the DB * user that must be used. If no value is found in the configuration medium, * then the default value is returned instead. key="persistence.db.passwd"; * default value="storm"; */ public String getBEPersistenceDBPassword() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(BE_PERSISTENCE_DB_PASSWORD_1KEY)) { // Try with the alternative key if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(BE_PERSISTENCE_DB_PASSWORD_2KEY)) { // return default return "storm"; } else { return cr.getConfiguration().getString(BE_PERSISTENCE_DB_PASSWORD_2KEY); } } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(BE_PERSISTENCE_DB_PASSWORD_1KEY); } } /** * Method used in Persistence Component it returns a boolean indicating * whether to use connection pooling or not. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key="persistence.db.pool"; default value=false; */ public boolean getBEPersistencePoolDB() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(BE_PERSISTENCE_POOL_DB_KEY)) { // return default return false; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(BE_PERSISTENCE_POOL_DB_KEY); } } /** * Method used in Persistence Component it returns an int indicating the * maximum number of active connections in the connection pool. It is the * maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool * at the same time... 0 (zero) for no limit. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key="persistence.db.pool.maxActive"; default value=10; */ public int getBEPersistencePoolDBMaxActive() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(BE_PERSISTENCE_POOL_DB_MAX_ACTIVE_KEY)) { // return default return 10; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(BE_PERSISTENCE_POOL_DB_MAX_ACTIVE_KEY); } } /** * Method used in Persistence Component it returns an int indicating the * maximum waiting time in _milliseconds_ for the connection in the pool. It * represents the time that the pool will wait (when there are no available * connections) for a connection to be returned before throwing an * exception... a value of -1 to wait indefinitely. If no value is found in * the configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key="persistence.db.pool.maxWait"; default value=50; */ public int getBEPersistencePoolDBMaxWait() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(BE_PERSISTENCE_POOL_DB_MAX_WAIT_KEY)) { // return default return 50; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(BE_PERSISTENCE_POOL_DB_MAX_WAIT_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Synch Component to set the binding port for the * _unsecure_ xmlrpc server in the BE. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key="synchcall.xmlrpc.unsecureServerPort"; default value=8080; */ public int getXmlRpcServerPort() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(XMLRPC_SERVER_PORT_KEY)) { // return default return 8080; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(XMLRPC_SERVER_PORT_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Synch Component to set the maximum number of entries to * return for the srmLs functionality. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key="synchcall.directoryManager.maxLsEntry"; default value=500; * * @return int */ public int getLSMaxNumberOfEntry() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(LS_MAX_NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_KEY)) { // return default return 500; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(LS_MAX_NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_KEY); } } /** * Default value for the parameter "allLevelRecursive" of the LS request. * * @return boolean */ public boolean getLSallLevelRecursive() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(LS_ALL_LEVEL_RECURSIVE_KEY)) { // return default return false; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(LS_ALL_LEVEL_RECURSIVE_KEY); } } /** * Default value for the parameter "numOfLevels" of the LS request. * * @return int */ public int getLSnumOfLevels() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(LS_NUM_OF_LEVELS_KEY)) { // return default return 1; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(LS_NUM_OF_LEVELS_KEY); } } /** * Default value for the parameter "offset" of the LS request. * * @return int */ public int getLSoffset() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(LS_OFFSET_KEY)) { // return default return 0; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(LS_OFFSET_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Scheduler Component to get the QuotaJobResultsHandler * Core Poolsize for the srmPrepareToPut management. Scheduler component uses * a thread pool. Scheduler pool will automatically adjust the pool size * according to the bounds set by corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize. When a new * task is submitted in method execute, and fewer than corePoolSize threads * are running, a new thread is created to handle the request, even if other * worker threads are idle. If there are more than corePoolSize but less than * maximumPoolSize threads running, a new thread will be created only if the * queue is full. By setting corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize the same, you * create a fixed-size thread pool. corePoolSize - the number of threads to * keep in the pool, even if they are idle. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key="scheduler.chunksched.ptp.workerCorePoolSize"; default value=10; */ public int getPtPCorePoolSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PTP_CORE_POOL_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 50; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(PTP_CORE_POOL_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Scheduler Component to get the QuotaJobResultsHandler * Max Pool Size for the srmPrepareToPut management. Scheduler component uses * a thread pool. Scheduler pool will automatically adjust the pool size * according to the bounds set by corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize. When a new * task is submitted in method execute, and fewer than corePoolSize threads * are running, a new thread is created to handle the request, even if other * worker threads are idle. If there are more than corePoolSize but less than * maximumPoolSize threads running, a new thread will be created only if the * queue is full. By setting corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize the same, you * create a fixed-size thread pool. maxPoolSize - the maximum number of * threads to allow in the pool. If no value is found in the configuration * medium, then the default value is returned instead. * key="scheduler.chunksched.ptp.workerMaxPoolSize"; default value=100; */ public int getPtPMaxPoolSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PTP_MAX_POOL_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 200; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(PTP_MAX_POOL_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Scheduler Component to get the Queue Size for the * srmPrepareToPut management. If no value is found in the configuration * medium, then the default value is returned instead. Scheduler hold a * blocking priority queue used to transfer and hols submitted tasks. The use * of this queue interacts with pool sizing: - If fewer than corePoolSize * threads are running, the Scheduler always prefers adding a new thread * rather than queuing. - If corePoolSize or more threads are running, the * Scheduler always prefers queuing a request rather than adding a new thread. * - If a request cannot be queued, a new thread is created unless this would * exceed maxPoolSize, in which case, the task will be rejected. QueueSize - * The initial capacity for this priority queue used for holding tasks before * they are executed. The queue will hold only the Runnable tasks submitted by * the execute method. key="scheduler.chunksched.ptp.queueSize"; default * value=100; */ public int getPtPQueueSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PTP_QUEUE_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 1000; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(PTP_QUEUE_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Scheduler Component to get the QuotaJobResultsHandler * Core Pool Size for the srmPrepareToGet management. If no value is found in * the configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * Scheduler component uses a thread pool. Scheduler pool will automatically * adjust the pool size according to the bounds set by corePoolSize and * maximumPoolSize. When a new task is submitted in method execute, and fewer * than corePoolSize threads are running, a new thread is created to handle * the request, even if other worker threads are idle. If there are more than * corePoolSize but less than maximumPoolSize threads running, a new thread * will be created only if the queue is full. By setting corePoolSize and * maximumPoolSize the same, you create a fixed-size thread pool. corePoolSize * - the number of threads to keep in the pool, even if they are idle. * key="scheduler.chunksched.ptg.workerCorePoolSize"; default value=10; */ public int getPtGCorePoolSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PTG_CORE_POOL_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 50; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(PTG_CORE_POOL_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Scheduler Component to get the QuotaJobResultsHandler * Max Pool Size for the srmPrepareToGet management. If no value is found in * the configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. * Scheduler component uses a thread pool. Scheduler pool will automatically * adjust the pool size according to the bounds set by corePoolSize and * maximumPoolSize. When a new task is submitted in method execute, and fewer * than corePoolSize threads are running, a new thread is created to handle * the request, even if other worker threads are idle. If there are more than * corePoolSize but less than maximumPoolSize threads running, a new thread * will be created only if the queue is full. By setting corePoolSize and * maximumPoolSize the same, you create a fixed-size thread pool. maxPoolSize * - the maximum number of threads to allow in the pool. * key="scheduler.chunksched.ptg.workerMaxPoolSize"; default value=100; */ public int getPtGMaxPoolSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PTG_MAX_POOL_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 200; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(PTG_MAX_POOL_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Scheduler Component to get the Queue Size for the * srmPrepareToGet management. If no value is found in the configuration * medium, then the default value is returned instead. Scheduler hold a * blocking priority queue used to transfer and hols submitted tasks. The use * of this queue interacts with pool sizing: - If fewer than corePoolSize * threads are running, the Scheduler always prefers adding a new thread * rather than queuing. - If corePoolSize or more threads are running, the * Scheduler always prefers queuing a request rather than adding a new thread. * - If a request cannot be queued, a new thread is created unless this would * exceed maxPoolSize, in which case, the task will be rejected. QueueSize - * The initial capacity for this priority queue used for holding tasks before * they are executed. The queue will hold only the Runnable tasks submitted by * the execute method. key="scheduler.chunksched.ptg.queueSize"; default * value=100; */ public int getPtGQueueSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PTG_QUEUE_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 2000; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(PTG_QUEUE_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Scheduler Component to get the QuotaJobResultsHandler * Core Pool Size for the srmCopy management. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. Scheduler * component uses a thread pool. Scheduler pool will automatically adjust the * pool size according to the bounds set by corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize. * When a new task is submitted in method execute, and fewer than corePoolSize * threads are running, a new thread is created to handle the request, even if * other worker threads are idle. If there are more than corePoolSize but less * than maximumPoolSize threads running, a new thread will be created only if * the queue is full. By setting corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize the same, * you create a fixed-size thread pool. corePoolSize - the number of threads * to keep in the pool, even if they are idle. * key="scheduler.chunksched.copy.workerCorePoolSize"; default value=10; */ public int getCopyCorePoolSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(COPY_CORE_POOL_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 10; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(COPY_CORE_POOL_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Scheduler Component to get the QuotaJobResultsHandler * Max Pool Size for the srmCopy management. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. Scheduler * component uses a thread pool. Scheduler pool will automatically adjust the * pool size according to the bounds set by corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize. * When a new task is submitted in method execute, and fewer than corePoolSize * threads are running, a new thread is created to handle the request, even if * other worker threads are idle. If there are more than corePoolSize but less * than maximumPoolSize threads running, a new thread will be created only if * the queue is full. By setting corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize the same, * you create a fixed-size thread pool. maxPoolSize - the maximum number of * threads to allow in the pool. * key="scheduler.chunksched.copy.workerMaxPoolSize"; default value=100; */ public int getCopyMaxPoolSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(COPY_MAX_POOL_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 50; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(COPY_MAX_POOL_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Scheduler Component to get the Queue Size for the * srmCopy management. If no value is found in the configuration medium, then * the default value is returned instead. Scheduler hold a blocking priority * queue used to transfer and hols submitted tasks. The use of this queue * interacts with pool sizing: - If fewer than corePoolSize threads are * running, the Scheduler always prefers adding a new thread rather than * queuing. - If corePoolSize or more threads are running, the Scheduler * always prefers queuing a request rather than adding a new thread. - If a * request cannot be queued, a new thread is created unless this would exceed * maxPoolSize, in which case, the task will be rejected. QueueSize - The * initial capacity for this priority queue used for holding tasks before they * are executed. The queue will hold only the Runnable tasks submitted by the * execute method. key="scheduler.chunksched.copy.queueSize"; default * value=100; */ public int getCopyQueueSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(COPY_QUEUE_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 500; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(COPY_QUEUE_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Scheduler Component to get the QuotaJobResultsHandler * Core Pool Size for the srmBoL management. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. Scheduler * component uses a thread pool. Scheduler pool will automatically adjust the * pool size according to the bounds set by corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize. * When a new task is submitted in method execute, and fewer than corePoolSize * threads are running, a new thread is created to handle the request, even if * other worker threads are idle. If there are more than corePoolSize but less * than maximumPoolSize threads running, a new thread will be created only if * the queue is full. By setting corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize the same, * you create a fixed-size thread pool. corePoolSize - the number of threads * to keep in the pool, even if they are idle. * key="scheduler.chunksched.bol.workerCorePoolSize"; default value=10; */ public int getBoLCorePoolSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(BOL_CORE_POOL_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 50; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(BOL_CORE_POOL_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Scheduler Component to get the QuotaJobResultsHandler * Max Pool Size for the srmBoL management. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default value is returned instead. Scheduler * component uses a thread pool. Scheduler pool will automatically adjust the * pool size according to the bounds set by corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize. * When a new task is submitted in method execute, and fewer than corePoolSize * threads are running, a new thread is created to handle the request, even if * other worker threads are idle. If there are more than corePoolSize but less * than maximumPoolSize threads running, a new thread will be created only if * the queue is full. By setting corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize the same, * you create a fixed-size thread pool. maxPoolSize - the maximum number of * threads to allow in the pool. * key="scheduler.chunksched.bol.workerMaxPoolSize"; default value=100; */ public int getBoLMaxPoolSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(BOL_MAX_POOL_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 200; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(BOL_MAX_POOL_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Scheduler Component to get the Queue Size for the srmBoL * management. If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the * default value is returned instead. Scheduler hold a blocking priority queue * used to transfer and hols submitted tasks. The use of this queue interacts * with pool sizing: - If fewer than corePoolSize threads are running, the * Scheduler always prefers adding a new thread rather than queuing. - If * corePoolSize or more threads are running, the Scheduler always prefers * queuing a request rather than adding a new thread. - If a request cannot be * queued, a new thread is created unless this would exceed maxPoolSize, in * which case, the task will be rejected. QueueSize - The initial capacity for * this priority queue used for holding tasks before they are executed. The * queue will hold only the Runnable tasks submitted by the execute method. * key="scheduler.chunksched.bol.queueSize"; default value=100; */ public int getBoLQueueSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(BOL_QUEUE_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 2000; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(BOL_QUEUE_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Scheduler Component to get the QuotaJobResultsHandler * Core Pool Size for the Crusher. If no value is found in the configuration * medium, then the default value is returned instead. Scheduler component * uses a thread pool. Scheduler pool will automatically adjust the pool size * according to the bounds set by corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize. When a new * task is submitted in method execute, and fewer than corePoolSize threads * are running, a new thread is created to handle the request, even if other * worker threads are idle. If there are more than corePoolSize but less than * maximumPoolSize threads running, a new thread will be created only if the * queue is full. By setting corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize the same, you * create a fixed-size thread pool. corePoolSize - the number of threads to * keep in the pool, even if they are idle. * key="scheduler.crusher.workerCorePoolSize"; default value=10; */ public int getCorePoolSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(CORE_POOL_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 10; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(CORE_POOL_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Scheduler Component to get the QuotaJobResultsHandler * Max Pool Size for the Crisher. If no value is found in the configuration * medium, then the default value is returned instead. Scheduler component * uses a thread pool. Scheduler pool will automatically adjust the pool size * according to the bounds set by corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize. When a new * task is submitted in method execute, and fewer than corePoolSize threads * are running, a new thread is created to handle the request, even if other * worker threads are idle. If there are more than corePoolSize but less than * maximumPoolSize threads running, a new thread will be created only if the * queue is full. By setting corePoolSize and maximumPoolSize the same, you * create a fixed-size thread pool. maxPoolSize - the maximum number of * threads to allow in the pool. key="scheduler.crusher.workerMaxPoolSize"; * default value=100; */ public int getMaxPoolSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(MAX_POOL_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 50; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(MAX_POOL_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by the Scheduler Component to get the Queue Size for the * Crusher. If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the default * value is returned instead. Scheduler hold a blocking priority queue used to * transfer and hols submitted tasks. The use of this queue interacts with * pool sizing: - If fewer than corePoolSize threads are running, the * Scheduler always prefers adding a new thread rather than queuing. - If * corePoolSize or more threads are running, the Scheduler always prefers * queuing a request rather than adding a new thread. - If a request cannot be * queued, a new thread is created unless this would exceed maxPoolSize, in * which case, the task will be rejected. QueueSize - The initial capacity for * this priority queue used for holding tasks before they are executed. The * queue will hold only the Runnable tasks submitted by the execute method. * key="scheduler.crusher.queueSize"; default value=100; */ public int getQueueSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(QUEUE_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 2000; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(QUEUE_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * getNamespaceConfigFilename * * @return String */ public String getNamespaceConfigFilename() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(NAMESPACE_CONFIG_FILENAME_KEY)) { // return default return "namespace.xml"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(NAMESPACE_CONFIG_FILENAME_KEY); } } /** * Retrieve the namespace schema file name from the first line (attribute) of * namespace.xml. * * @return String */ public String getNamespaceSchemaFilename() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(NAMESPACE_SCHEMA_FILENAME_KEY)) { return "Schema UNKNOWN!"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(NAMESPACE_SCHEMA_FILENAME_KEY); } } public int getNamespaceConfigRefreshRateInSeconds() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(NAMESPACE_CONFIG_REFRESH_RATE_IN_SECONDS_KEY)) { // return default return 3; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(NAMESPACE_CONFIG_REFRESH_RATE_IN_SECONDS_KEY); } } /** * getNamespaceAutomaticReloading * * @return boolean Method used by Namespace Configuration Reloading Strategy * (Peeper). If "peeper" found namespace.xml config file changed it * checks if it can perform an automatic reload. If no value is found * in the configuration medium, then the default one is used instead. * key="namespace.automatic-config-reload"; default value=false */ public boolean getNamespaceAutomaticReloading() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(NAMESPACE_AUTOMATIC_RELOADING_KEY)) { // return default return false; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(NAMESPACE_AUTOMATIC_RELOADING_KEY); } } /** * Method used by NaiveGridFTP internal client in srmCopy to establish the * time out in milliseconds for a reply from the server. If no value is found * in the configuration medium, then the default one is used instead. * key="NaiveGridFTP.TimeOut"; default value="15000" */ public int getGridFTPTimeOut() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(GRIDFTP_TIME_OUT_KEY)) { // return default return 15000; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(GRIDFTP_TIME_OUT_KEY); } } /** * Method used by SRM22Client in srmCopy to establish the PinLifeTime in * seconds when issuing srmPtP. If no value is found in the configuration * medium, then the default one is used instead. * key="SRM22Client.PinLifeTime"; default value="300" */ public int getSRM22ClientPinLifeTime() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(SRM22CLIENT_PIN_LIFE_TIME_KEY)) { // return default return 259200; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(SRM22CLIENT_PIN_LIFE_TIME_KEY); } } /** * Method used by RequestCredentialsDAO to establish the directory that holds * the proxy file. If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the * default one is used instead. key="proxy.home"; default * value="/opt/storm/var/proxies" */ public String getProxyHome() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PROXY_HOME_KEY)) { // return default return "/opt/storm/var/proxies"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(PROXY_HOME_KEY); } } /** * Method used by PtPChunk to find out if missing local directories should be * created automatically or not. SRM 2.2 specification forbids automatic * creation. If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the * default one is used instead. key=""; default * value=false */ public boolean getAutomaticDirectoryCreation() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(AUTOMATIC_DIRECTORY_CREATION_KEY)) { // return default return false; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(AUTOMATIC_DIRECTORY_CREATION_KEY); } } /** * Method used by TOverwriteModeConverter to establish the default * OverwriteMode to use. If no value is found in the configuration medium, * then the default one is used instead. key="default.overwrite"; default * value="A" */ public String getDefaultOverwriteMode() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(DEFAULT_OVERWRITE_MODE_KEY)) { // return default return "N"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(DEFAULT_OVERWRITE_MODE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by FileStorageTypeConverter to establish the default * TFileStorageType to use. If no value is found in the configuration medium, * then the default one is used instead. key="default.storagetype"; default * value="V" */ public String getDefaultFileStorageType() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE_TYPE_KEY)) { // return default as specified in SRMv2.2 specification return "V"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE_TYPE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by RequestSummaryDAO to establish the batch size for removing * expired requests. If no value is found in the configuration medium, then * the default one is used instead. key="purge.size"; default value=800 */ public int getPurgeBatchSize() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PURGE_BATCH_SIZE_KEY)) { // return default return 800; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(PURGE_BATCH_SIZE_KEY); } } /** * Method used by RequestSummaryDAO to establish the time that must be elapsed * for considering a request expired. The time measure specified in the * configuration medium is in _days_. The value returned by this method, is * expressed in _seconds_ If no value is found in the configuration medium, * then the default one is used instead. key="expired.request.time"; default * value=7 (days - which correspond to 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 seconds) */ public long getExpiredRequestTime() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(EXPIRED_REQUEST_TIME_KEY)) { // 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 return 604800; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(EXPIRED_REQUEST_TIME_KEY); } } /** * Method used by RequestSummaryCatalog to establish the initial delay before * starting the purging thread, in _seconds_. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default one is used instead. * key="purge.delay"; default value=10 */ public int getRequestPurgerDelay() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(REQUEST_PURGER_DELAY_KEY)) { // return default return 10; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(REQUEST_PURGER_DELAY_KEY); } } /** * Method used by RequestSummaryCatalog to establish the time interval in * _seconds_ between successive purging checks. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default one is used instead. * key="purge.interval"; default value=600 (1o minutes) */ public int getRequestPurgerPeriod() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(REQUEST_PURGER_PERIOD_KEY)) { // return default return 600; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(REQUEST_PURGER_PERIOD_KEY); } } /** * Method used by RequestSummaryCatalog to establish if the purging of expired * requests should be enabled or not. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default one is used instead. key="purging"; * default value=true */ public boolean getExpiredRequestPurging() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(EXPIRED_REQUEST_PURGING_KEY)) { // return default return true; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(EXPIRED_REQUEST_PURGING_KEY); } } /** * Method used by TURLBuilder to adding (in case) extra slashes after the * "authority" part of a TURL If no value is found in the configuration * medium, then the default one is used instead. key="extraslashes.file"; * default value="" (that is 'file:///) value = "/" ==> file://// */ public String getExtraSlashesForFileTURL() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(EXTRA_SLASHES_FOR_FILE_TURL_KEY)) { // return default return ""; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(EXTRA_SLASHES_FOR_FILE_TURL_KEY); } } /** * Method used by TURLBuilder to adding (in case) extra slashes after the * "authority" part of a TURL If no value is found in the configuration * medium, then the default one is used instead. key="extraslashes.rfio"; * default value="" (that is 'rfio://<hostname>:port<PhysicalFN>')) value = * "/" ==> 'rfio://<hostname>:port/<PhysicalFN>' */ public String getExtraSlashesForRFIOTURL() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(EXTRA_SLASHES_FOR_RFIO_TURL_KEY)) { // return default return ""; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(EXTRA_SLASHES_FOR_RFIO_TURL_KEY); } } /** * Method used by TURLBuilder to adding (in case) extra slashes after the * "authority" part of a TURL If no value is found in the configuration * medium, then the default one is used instead. key="extraslashes.gsiftp"; * default value="" (that is 'gsiftp://<hostname>:port<PhysicalFN>')) value = * "/" ==> 'gsiftp://<hostname>:port/<PhysicalFN>' */ public String getExtraSlashesForGsiFTPTURL() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(EXTRA_SLASHES_FOR_GSIFTP_TURL_KEY)) { // return default return ""; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(EXTRA_SLASHES_FOR_GSIFTP_TURL_KEY); } } /** * Method used by TURLBuilder to adding (in case) extra slashes after the * "authority" part of a TURL If no value is found in the configuration * medium, then the default one is used instead. key="extraslashes.root"; * default value="/" (that is 'root://<hostname>:port<PhysicalFN>')) value = * "" ==> 'root://<hostname>:port<PhysicalFN>' */ public String getExtraSlashesForROOTTURL() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(EXTRA_SLASHES_FOR_ROOT_TURL_KEY)) { // return default return "/"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(EXTRA_SLASHES_FOR_ROOT_TURL_KEY); } } /** * Method used by Ping Executor to retrieve the Properties File Name where the * properties <key,value> are stored. If no value is found in the * configuration medium, then the default one is used instead. * key="ping-properties.filename"; default value="" (that is * 'gsiftp://<hostname>:port<PhysicalFN>')) value = "/" ==> * 'gsiftp://<hostname>:port/<PhysicalFN>' */ public String getPingValuesPropertiesFilename() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PING_VALUES_PROPERTIES_FILENAME_KEY)) { // return default return ""; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(PING_VALUES_PROPERTIES_FILENAME_KEY); } } /** * If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the default one is * used instead. key="health.electrocardiogram.period"; default value=60 (1 * min) */ public int getHearthbeatPeriod() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(HEARTHBEAT_PERIOD_KEY)) { // return default return 60; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(HEARTHBEAT_PERIOD_KEY); } } /** * getPerformanceGlancePeriod * * @return int If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the * default one is used instead. * key="health.performance.glance.timeInterval"; default value=15 (15 * sec) */ public int getPerformanceGlanceTimeInterval() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PERFORMANCE_GLANCE_TIME_INTERVAL_KEY)) { // return default return 15; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(PERFORMANCE_GLANCE_TIME_INTERVAL_KEY); } } /** * getPerformanceGlancePeriod * * @return int If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the * default one is used instead. * key="health.performance.logbook.timeInterval"; default value=20 (20 * sec) */ public int getPerformanceLogbookTimeInterval() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PERFORMANCE_LOGBOOK_TIME_INTERVAL_KEY)) { // return default return 15; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(PERFORMANCE_LOGBOOK_TIME_INTERVAL_KEY); } } /** * getPerformanceMeasuring * * @return boolean If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the * default one is used instead. * key="health.performance.mesauring.enabled"; default value=false */ public boolean getPerformanceMeasuring() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(PERFORMANCE_MEASURING_KEY)) { // return default return false; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(PERFORMANCE_MEASURING_KEY); } } /** * getBookKeppeingEnabled * * @return boolean Method used by Namespace Configuration Reloading Strategy * (Peeper). If "peeper" found namespace.xml config file changed it * checks if it can perform an automatic reload. If no value is found * in the configuration medium, then the default one is used instead. * key="health.bookkeeping.enabled"; default value=false */ public boolean getBookKeepingEnabled() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(BOOK_KEEPING_ENABLED_KEY)) { // return default return false; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(BOOK_KEEPING_ENABLED_KEY); } } /** * Enable write permission on new created directory for * LocalAuthorizationSource usage. * * @return false by default, otherwise what is specified in the properties */ public boolean getEnableWritePermOnDirectory() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(ENABLE_WRITE_PERM_ON_DIRECTORY_KEY)) { // return default return false; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(ENABLE_WRITE_PERM_ON_DIRECTORY_KEY, false); } } public int getMaxLoop() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(MAX_LOOP_KEY)) { // return default return 10; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(MAX_LOOP_KEY); } } /** * Method used to retrieve the ClassName for the User Mapper Class If no value * is found in the configuration medium, then the default one is used instead, * that is "it.grid.storm.griduser.LcmapsJNAMapper" * key="griduser.mapper.classname"; */ public String getGridUserMapperClassname() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(GRID_USER_MAPPER_CLASSNAME_KEY)) { // return default return "it.grid.storm.griduser.StormLcmapsJNAMapper"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(GRID_USER_MAPPER_CLASSNAME_KEY); } } /** * Method used to retrieve the default path where the AuthzDB file are stored * If no value is found in the configuration medium, then the default one is * used instead, that is the "configuration directory" key="authzdb.path"; */ public String getAuthzDBPath() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(AUTHZ_DB_PATH_KEY)) { // return default return cr.configurationDirectory(); } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(AUTHZ_DB_PATH_KEY); } } /** * Method used to retrieve the default refresh rate of the AuthzDB files If no * value is found in the configuration medium, then the default one is used * instead, that is the "5 sec" key="authzdb.refreshrate"; */ public int getRefreshRateAuthzDBfilesInSeconds() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(REFRESH_RATE_AUTHZDB_FILES_IN_SECONDS_KEY)) { // return default return 5; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(REFRESH_RATE_AUTHZDB_FILES_IN_SECONDS_KEY); } } public boolean getRecallTableTestingMode() { if (cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(RECALL_TABLE_TESTING_MODE_KEY)) { return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(RECALL_TABLE_TESTING_MODE_KEY); } return false; } /** * Method used to retrieve the PORT where RESTful services listen (like the * Recall Table service) If no value is found in the configuration medium, * then the default one is used instead, that is the "9998" * key="tape.recalltable.service.port"; */ public int getRestServicesPort() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(REST_SERVICES_PORT_KEY)) { // return default return 9998; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(REST_SERVICES_PORT_KEY); } } /** * Method used to retrieve the key string used to pass RETRY-VALUE parameter * to Recall Table service key="tape.recalltable.service.param.retry-value"; */ public String getRetryValueKey() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(RETRY_VALUE_KEY_KEY)) { // return default return "retry-value"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(RETRY_VALUE_KEY_KEY); } } /** * Method used to retrieve the key string used to pass RETRY-VALUE parameter * to Recall Table service key="tape.recalltable.service.param.status"; */ public String getStatusKey() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(STATUS_KEY_KEY)) { // return default return "status"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(STATUS_KEY_KEY); } } /** * Method used to retrieve the key string used to pass RETRY-VALUE parameter * to Recall Table service key="tape.recalltable.service.param.takeover"; */ public String getTaskoverKey() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(TASKOVER_KEY_KEY)) { // return default return "first"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(TASKOVER_KEY_KEY); } } /** * This is the FLAG to support or not the http(s) protocol. Default is false. * * @return */ public boolean getGridhttpsEnabled() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(GRIDHTTPS_ENABLED_KEY)) { // return default return false; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(GRIDHTTPS_ENABLED_KEY); } } public String getStoRMPropertiesVersion() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(STORM_PROPERTIES_VERSION_KEY)) { // return default return "No version specified"; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getString(STORM_PROPERTIES_VERSION_KEY); } } /** * Flag to support or not the TAPE integration. Default value is false. * * @return */ public boolean getTapeSupportEnabled() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(TAPE_SUPPORT_ENABLED_KEY)) { // return default return false; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(TAPE_SUPPORT_ENABLED_KEY); } } /** * @return */ public String getGRIDHTTPSPluginClassName() { return DefaultHTTPPlugin.class.getName(); } /** * @return */ public boolean getSynchronousQuotaCheckEnabled() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(SYNCHRONOUS_QUOTA_CHECK_ENABLED_KEY)) { // return default return false; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(SYNCHRONOUS_QUOTA_CHECK_ENABLED_KEY); } } /** * * @return the refresh period in seconds */ public int getGPFSQuotaRefreshPeriod() { // GPFS_QUOTA_REFRESH_PERIOD_KEY if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(GPFS_QUOTA_REFRESH_PERIOD_KEY)) { // return default return 900; // 15 minutes } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getInt(GPFS_QUOTA_REFRESH_PERIOD_KEY); } } /** * @return */ public boolean getFastBootstrapEnabled() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(FAST_BOOTSTRAP_ENABLED_KEY)) { // return default return true; } else { // load from external source return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(FAST_BOOTSTRAP_ENABLED_KEY); } } /** * @return */ public Long getServerPoolStatusCheckTimeout() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(SERVER_POOL_STATUS_CHECK_TIMEOUT_KEY)) { // return default return new Long(20000); // 20 seconds } else { // load from external source return new Long(cr.getConfiguration().getLong(SERVER_POOL_STATUS_CHECK_TIMEOUT_KEY)); } } public boolean getSanityCheckEnabled() { if (!cr.getConfiguration().containsKey(SANITY_CHECK_ENABLED_KEY)) { // return default return true; } else { // load from external source return new Boolean(cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(SANITY_CHECK_ENABLED_KEY)); } } public Boolean getXmlRpcTokenEnabled() { return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(XMLRPC_SECURITY_ENABLED_KEY, false); } public String getXmlRpcToken() { return cr.getConfiguration().getString(XMLRPC_SECURITY_TOKEN_KEY); } public Boolean getPTGSkipACLSetup() { return cr.getConfiguration().getBoolean(PTG_SKIP_ACL_SETUP, false); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder configurationStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); try { // This class methods Method methods[] = Configuration.instance.getClass().getDeclaredMethods(); // This class fields Field[] fields = Configuration.instance.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); HashMap<String, String> methodKeyMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Field field : fields) { String fieldName = field.getName(); if (fieldName.endsWith("KEY") && field.getType().equals(String.class)) { // from a field like GROUP_TAPE_WRITE_BUFFER_KEY = // "" // puts in the map the pair // <getgrouptapewritebuffer,> String mapKey = "get" + fieldName.substring(0, fieldName.lastIndexOf("_")).replaceAll("_", "").toLowerCase(); if (methodKeyMap.containsKey(mapKey)) { String value = methodKeyMap.get(mapKey); methodKeyMap.put(mapKey, value + " , " + (String) field.get(Configuration.instance)); } else { methodKeyMap.put(mapKey, (String) field.get(Configuration.instance)); } } } Object field = null; Object[] dummyArray = new Object[0]; for (Method method : methods) { /* * with method.getModifiers() == 1 we check that the method is public * (otherwise he can request real parameters) */ if (method.getName().substring(0, 3).equals("get") && (!method.getName().equals("getInstance")) && method.getModifiers() == 1) { field = method.invoke(Configuration.instance, dummyArray); if (field.getClass().isArray()) { field = ArrayUtils.toString(field); } String value = methodKeyMap.get(method.getName().toLowerCase()); if (value == null) { configurationStringBuilder.insert(0, "!! Unable to find method " + method.getName() + " in methode key map!"); } else { configurationStringBuilder.append("Property " + value + " : "); } if (field.getClass().equals(String.class)) { field = '\'' + ((String) field) + '\''; } configurationStringBuilder.append(method.getName() + "() == " + field.toString() + "\n"); } } return configurationStringBuilder.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getClass().isAssignableFrom(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException.class)) { configurationStringBuilder.insert(0, "!!! Cannot do toString! Got an Exception: " + e.getCause() + "\n"); } else { configurationStringBuilder.insert(0, "!!! Cannot do toString! Got an Exception: " + e + "\n"); } return configurationStringBuilder.toString(); } } public String getHTTPTURLPrefix() { return cr.getConfiguration().getString(HTTP_TURL_PREFIX, "/fileTransfer"); } }