Java tutorial
/* * GovPay - Porta di Accesso al Nodo dei Pagamenti SPC * * * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 srl ( * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by * the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package it.govpay.web.utils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.openspcoop2.utils.resources.GestoreRisorseJMX; import; import; import; import it.govpay.model.Acl; import it.govpay.model.Acl.Servizio; import it.govpay.model.Acl.Tipo; import it.govpay.model.Applicazione; import it.govpay.model.Connettore; import it.govpay.model.Intermediario; import; import; import; import; import; /*** * * Utils Fornisce una serie di utilities. * * @author Pintori Giuliano ( */ public class Utils { public static final String MISSING_RESOURCE_END_PLACEHOLDER = " not found ??"; public static final String MISSING_RESOURCE_START_PLACEHOLDER = "?? key "; public static final String PREFIX_LABEL_CONSOLE = "console.label."; public static final String PREFIX_LABEL_CON_PARAMETRI_CONSOLE = "console.labelConParametri."; public static final String LIST_LABEL_CONSOLE = "console.label.list"; private static Map<String, Utils> instance = null; public Utils() { this.locale = Locale.ITALIAN; } public Utils(Locale locale) { this.locale = locale; } private Locale locale = null; public static Utils getInstance() { if (Utils.instance == null) init(); return Utils.instance.get(Locale.ITALIAN.getLanguage()); } public static Utils getInstance(Locale locale) { if (Utils.instance == null) init(); if (locale == null) locale = Locale.ITALIAN; Utils utils = Utils.instance.get(locale.getLanguage()); return utils != null ? utils : getInstance(); } public static Utils getInstance(String locale) { if (Utils.instance == null) init(); if (locale == null) locale = Locale.ITALIAN.getLanguage(); Utils utils = Utils.instance.get(locale); return utils != null ? utils : getInstance(); } private synchronized static void init() { if (Utils.instance == null) { List<Locale> listaLingueDisponibili = Utils.getListaLingueDisponibili(); Utils.instance = new HashMap<String, Utils>(); if (listaLingueDisponibili != null && listaLingueDisponibili.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < listaLingueDisponibili.size(); i++) { Locale locale = listaLingueDisponibili.get(i); Utils.instance.put(locale.getLanguage(), new Utils(locale)); } } else { // italiano sempre presente Utils.instance.put(Locale.ITALIAN.getLanguage(), new Utils(Locale.ITALIAN)); } } } public static List<Locale> getListaLingueDisponibili() { List<Locale> lst = new ArrayList<Locale>(); List<String> listaLingueAbilitate = ConsoleProperties.getInstance().getLocaleAbilitati(); for (String lingua : listaLingueAbilitate) { lst.add(new Locale(lingua)); } if (lst.size() == 0) lst.add(Locale.ITALY); return lst; } public Map<String, Map<String, String>> getMapLingue() { Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); for (Locale locale : Utils.getListaLingueDisponibili()) { Map<String, String> etichetteLingua = this.getEtichetteLingua(locale); map.put(locale.getLanguage(), etichetteLingua); } return map; } public List<Lingua> getLingue() { List<Lingua> lst = new ArrayList<Lingua>(); for (Locale locale : Utils.getListaLingueDisponibili()) { lst.add(this.getLabelLingua(locale)); } return lst; } public Lingua getLabelLingua(Locale locale) { Map<String, String> etichette = getEtichetteLingua(locale); Lingua lingua = new Lingua(locale.getLanguage(), etichette); return lingua; } private Map<String, String> getEtichetteLingua(Locale locale) { Map<String, String> etichette = this.getMessagesFromResourceBundle(PREFIX_LABEL_CONSOLE, locale); int numeroMassimoElementiExport = ConsoleProperties.getInstance().getNumeroMassimoElementiExport(); etichette.put("exportSogliaSuperata", this.getMessageWithParamsFromResourceBundle( PREFIX_LABEL_CON_PARAMETRI_CONSOLE + "exportSogliaSuperata", locale, numeroMassimoElementiExport)); etichette.put("cancellazioneSogliaSuperata", this.getMessageWithParamsFromResourceBundle( PREFIX_LABEL_CON_PARAMETRI_CONSOLE + "cancellazioneSogliaSuperata", locale, numeroMassimoElementiExport)); return etichette; } // public List<String> getElencoKeyLabelConsole(){ // List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); // // String listL = this.getMessageFromResourceBundle(LIST_LABEL_CONSOLE); // // if(listL != null){ // String[] split = listL.split(","); // if(split != null && split.length > 0){ // for (String string : split) { // list.add(string); // } // } // } // // return list; // } public String getConsoleLabel(String key) { Locale locale = this.getLocale(); return getConsoleLabel(key, locale); } public String getConsoleLabel(String key, Locale locale) { return getMessageFromResourceBundle(PREFIX_LABEL_CONSOLE + key, locale); } public String getMessageFromResourceBundle(String key) { Locale locale = this.getLocale(); return this.getMessageFromResourceBundle("messages", key, null, locale); } public String getMessageWithParamsFromResourceBundle(String key, Object... params) { Locale locale = this.getLocale(); return this.getMessageFromResourceBundle("messages", key, params, locale); } public String getMessageWithParamsFromResourceBundle(String key, Locale locale, Object... params) { return this.getMessageFromResourceBundle("messages", key, params, locale); } public String getMessageFromResourceBundle(String key, Locale locale) { return this.getMessageFromResourceBundle("messages", key, null, locale); } public String getMessageFromResourceBundle(String key, String bundleName) { Locale locale = this.getLocale(); if (bundleName == null) bundleName = "messages"; return this.getMessageFromResourceBundle(bundleName, key, null, locale); } public String getMessageFromResourceBundle(String key, String bundleName, Locale locale) { if (locale == null) { locale = this.getLocale(); } if (bundleName == null) bundleName = "messages"; return this.getMessageFromResourceBundle(bundleName, key, null, locale); } public String getMessageFromResourceBundle(String bundleName, String key, Object params[], Locale locale) { String text = null; try { ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName, locale, this.getCurrentClassLoader(params)); text = bundle.getString(key); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { text = MISSING_RESOURCE_START_PLACEHOLDER + key + MISSING_RESOURCE_END_PLACEHOLDER; } if (params != null) { MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(text, locale); text = mf.format(params, new StringBuffer(), null).toString(); } return text; } public Map<String, String> getMessagesFromResourceBundle(String keyPrefix, Locale locale) { return this.getMessagesFromResourceBundle("messages", keyPrefix, null, locale); } public Map<String, String> getMessagesWithParamsFromResourceBundle(String keyPrefix, Locale locale, Object... params) { return this.getMessagesFromResourceBundle("messages", keyPrefix, params, locale); } public Map<String, String> getMessagesFromResourceBundle(String keyPrefix, String bundleName, Locale locale) { if (locale == null) { locale = this.getLocale(); } if (bundleName == null) bundleName = "messages"; return this.getMessagesFromResourceBundle(bundleName, keyPrefix, null, locale); } public Map<String, String> getMessagesFromResourceBundle(String bundleName, String keyPrefix, Object params[], Locale locale) { Map<String, String> toRet = new HashMap<String, String>(); String text = null; ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName, locale, this.getCurrentClassLoader(params)); Enumeration<String> keys = bundle.getKeys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) keys.nextElement(); if (key.startsWith(keyPrefix)) { try { text = bundle.getString(key); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { text = MISSING_RESOURCE_START_PLACEHOLDER + key + MISSING_RESOURCE_END_PLACEHOLDER; } if (params != null) { MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(text, locale); text = mf.format(params, new StringBuffer(), null).toString(); } toRet.put(key.substring(keyPrefix.length()), text); } } return toRet; } // copy method from From E.R. Harold's book "Java I/O" public static void copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { // do not allow other threads to read from the // input or write to the output while copying is // taking place synchronized (in) { synchronized (out) { byte[] buffer = new byte[256]; while (true) { int bytesRead =; if (bytesRead == -1) break; out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } } } } public static void copy2(Reader in, Writer out) throws IOException { // do not allow other threads to read from the // input or write to the output while copying is // taking place synchronized (in) { synchronized (out) { char[] buffer = new char[256]; while (true) { int bytesRead =; if (bytesRead == -1) break; out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } } } } public static String getProperty(Properties reader, String name, boolean required) throws Exception { String tmp = null; tmp = reader.getProperty(name); if (tmp == null) { if (required) { throw new Exception("Property [" + name + "] not found"); } } if (tmp != null) { return tmp.trim(); } else { return null; } } public static Boolean getBooleanProperty(Properties reader, String name, boolean required) throws Exception { String propAsString = getProperty(reader, name, required); if (propAsString != null) { Boolean b = new Boolean(propAsString.equalsIgnoreCase("true")); return b; } return null; } public ClassLoader getCurrentClassLoader(Object defaultObject) { ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (loader == null) { loader = defaultObject.getClass().getClassLoader(); } return loader; } public Locale getLocale() { return this.locale; } public static String getAbilitatoAsLabel(boolean abilitato) { return getBooleanAsLabel(abilitato, "commons.label.abilitato", "commons.label.nonAbilitato"); } public static String getAbilitataAsLabel(boolean abilitata) { return getBooleanAsLabel(abilitata, "commons.label.abilitata", "commons.label.nonAbilitata"); } public static String getSiNoAsLabel(boolean abilitato) { return getBooleanAsLabel(abilitato, "", ""); } public static String getBooleanAsLabel(boolean flag, String yesPropertyName, String noPropertyName) { if (flag) return getInstance().getMessageFromResourceBundle(yesPropertyName); else return getInstance().getMessageFromResourceBundle(noPropertyName); } public static String getValue(List<RawParamValue> values, String parameterName) { String toReturn = null; for (RawParamValue paramValue : values) { if (paramValue.getId().equals(parameterName)) { return paramValue.getValue(); } } return toReturn; } public static boolean containsParameter(List<RawParamValue> values, String parameterName) { boolean toReturn = false; for (RawParamValue paramValue : values) { if (paramValue.getId().equals(parameterName)) return true; } return toReturn; } public static boolean isEmpty(List<?> lista) { if (lista == null) return true; return lista.isEmpty(); } public static Voce<Long> getVoceTutti() { return getVoce(getInstance().getMessageFromResourceBundle("commons.label.tutti"), -1L); } public static <T> Voce<T> getVoce(String label, T valore) { Voce<T> v = new Voce<T>(label, valore); return v; } public static List<Long> getIdsFromAcls(List<Acl> listaAcl, Tipo tipo, Servizio servizio) { List<Long> lst = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Acl acl : listaAcl) { if (acl.getServizio().equals(servizio) && acl.getTipo().equals(tipo)) { if (tipo.equals(Tipo.DOMINIO)) { if (acl.getIdDominio() == null) { lst.clear(); lst.add(-1L); break; } else lst.add(acl.getIdDominio()); } else { if (acl.getIdTributo() == null) { lst.clear(); lst.add(-1L); break; } else lst.add(acl.getIdTributo()); } } } return lst; } public static List<Acl> getAcls(List<Acl> listaAcl, Tipo tipo, Servizio servizio) { List<Acl> lst = new ArrayList<Acl>(); for (Acl acl : listaAcl) { if (acl.getServizio().equals(servizio) && acl.getTipo().equals(tipo)) { lst.add(acl); } } return lst; } public static String getFileName(MultivaluedMap<String, String> header) { String[] contentDisposition = header.getFirst("Content-Disposition").split(";"); for (String filename : contentDisposition) { if ((filename.trim().startsWith("filename"))) { String[] name = filename.split("="); String finalFileName = name[1].trim().replaceAll("\"", ""); return finalFileName; } } return "unknown"; } public static Connettore getConnettore(String ownerId, String nomeConnettore, BasicBD bd) { Connettore c = null; try { long id = Long.parseLong(ownerId); // connettore pdd, cerco l'intermediario if (ConnettoreHandler.CONNETTORE_PDD.equals(nomeConnettore)) { IntermediariBD intermediariBD = new IntermediariBD(bd); Intermediario intermediario = intermediariBD.getIntermediario(id); c = intermediario.getConnettorePdd(); } // connettore notifica, cerco l'applicazione if (ConnettoreHandler.CONNETTORE_NOTIFICA.equals(nomeConnettore)) { ApplicazioniBD applicazioniBD = new ApplicazioniBD(bd); Applicazione applicazione = applicazioniBD.getApplicazione(id); c = applicazione.getConnettoreNotifica(); } // connettore verifica, cerco l'applicazione if (ConnettoreHandler.CONNETTORE_VERIFICA.equals(nomeConnettore)) { ApplicazioniBD applicazioniBD = new ApplicazioniBD(bd); Applicazione applicazione = applicazioniBD.getApplicazione(id); c = applicazione.getConnettoreVerifica(); } } catch (Exception e) { LogManager.getLogger().error(e); } return c; } public static String getSigla(String nome) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int init = 0; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nome)) { String[] split = nome.split(" "); if (split != null && split.length > 0) { for (String string : split) { sb.append(string.charAt(0)); init++; } } else { sb.append(nome.charAt(0)); init++; } } return sb.toString().substring(0, Math.min(2, init)); } public static URI creaUriConParametri(String pathServizio, Map<String, String> parameters) throws ConsoleException { try { URI uri = null; if (parameters != null && parameters.size() > 0) { try { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(pathServizio); int i = 0; for (String parameterId : parameters.keySet()) { if (i == 0) sb.append("?"); else sb.append("&"); sb.append(parameterId).append("=").append(parameters.get(parameterId)); i++; } uri = new URI(sb.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConsoleException(e); } } else { uri = new URI(pathServizio); } return uri; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConsoleException(e); } } public static URI creaUriConPath(String pathServizio, String... paths) throws ConsoleException { try { URI ricerca = null; if (paths != null && paths.length > 0) { try { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(pathServizio); for (String parameterId : paths) { if (sb.toString().endsWith("/")) sb.append(parameterId); else sb.append("/").append(parameterId); } ricerca = new URI(sb.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConsoleException(e); } } else { ricerca = new URI(pathServizio); } return ricerca; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConsoleException(e); } } public static URI creaUriConPathEParametri(String pathServizio, Map<String, String> parameters, String... paths) throws ConsoleException { try { URI ricerca = null; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (paths != null && paths.length > 0) { try { sb.append(pathServizio); for (String parameterId : paths) { if (sb.toString().endsWith("/")) sb.append(parameterId); else sb.append("/").append(parameterId); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConsoleException(e); } } else { sb.append(pathServizio); } if (parameters != null && parameters.size() > 0) { try { // gia aggiunto su //sb.append(pathServizio); int i = 0; for (String parameterId : parameters.keySet()) { if (i == 0) sb.append("?"); else sb.append("&"); sb.append(parameterId).append("=").append(parameters.get(parameterId)); i++; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConsoleException(e); } } ricerca = new URI(sb.toString()); return ricerca; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConsoleException(e); } } public static String fileSizeConverter(Number bytes) { MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("{0,number,#.##}"); Double len = null; String res = ""; // il valore e' in byte len = bytes.doubleValue(); long d = Math.round(len / 1024); //Originale e funzionante :) // if (d <= 1) { // // byte // Object[] objs = { len }; // res = mf.format(objs); // res += " B"; // } else if (d > 1 && d < 1000) { // // kilo byte // Object[] objs = { len / 1024 }; // res = mf.format(objs); // res += " KB"; // } else { // // mega byte // Object[] objs = { len / 1048576 }; // res = mf.format(objs); // res += " MB"; // } if (d <= 1) { // byte Object[] objs = { len }; res = mf.format(objs); res += " B"; } else if (d > 1 && d < 1000) { // kilo byte Object[] objs = { len / 1024 }; res = mf.format(objs); res += " KB"; } else if (d >= 1000 && d < 1000000) { // mega byte Object[] objs = { len / 1048576 }; res = mf.format(objs); res += " MB"; } else { // giga byte Object[] objs = { len / 1073741824 }; res = mf.format(objs); res += " GB"; } return res; } public static GestoreRisorseJMX getGestoreJMX(String url, org.apache.log4j.Logger log) throws Exception { // String dominio= ConsoleProperties.getInstance().getDominioOperazioniJMX(); // String tipo = ConsoleProperties.getInstance().getTipoOperazioniJMX(); // String nomeRisorsa = ConsoleProperties.getInstance().getNomeRisorsaOperazioniJMX(); String as = ConsoleProperties.getInstance().getAsJMX(); String factory = ConsoleProperties.getInstance().getFactoryJMX(); String username = ConsoleProperties.getInstance().getUsernameJMX(); String password = ConsoleProperties.getInstance().getPasswordJMX(); GestoreRisorseJMX gestoreJMX = null; if (url.equals("locale")) gestoreJMX = new GestoreRisorseJMX(log); else gestoreJMX = new GestoreRisorseJMX(as, factory, url, username, password, log); return gestoreJMX; } public static Object invocaOperazioneJMX(String nomeMetodo, String url, org.apache.log4j.Logger log) throws Exception { String dominio = ConsoleProperties.getInstance().getDominioOperazioniJMX(); String tipo = ConsoleProperties.getInstance().getTipoOperazioniJMX(); String nomeRisorsa = ConsoleProperties.getInstance().getNomeRisorsaOperazioniJMX(); GestoreRisorseJMX gestoreJMX = getGestoreJMX(url, log); return gestoreJMX.invoke(dominio, tipo, nomeRisorsa, nomeMetodo, null, null); } }