Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* Copyright (c) 2011 GeoSolutions -  All rights reserved.
 * This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, available at the root
 * application directory.
package it.geosolutions.geoserver.jms.impl.handlers.catalog;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.NullArgumentException;
import org.geoserver.catalog.Catalog;
import org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogBuilder;
import org.geoserver.catalog.CoverageInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.CoverageStoreInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.DataStoreInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.FeatureTypeInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.LayerGroupInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.LayerInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.MapInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.NamespaceInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.PublishedInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.ResourceInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.StoreInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.StyleInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.WMSLayerInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.WMSStoreInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.WorkspaceInfo;
import org.geotools.util.logging.Logging;

 * @author Carlo Cancellieri -
public abstract class CatalogUtils {
    public final static java.util.logging.Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger(CatalogUtils.class);

     * @param info
     * @param catalog
     * @return the local workspace if found or the passed one (localized)
    public static WorkspaceInfo localizeWorkspace(final WorkspaceInfo info, final Catalog catalog) {
        if (info == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");

        final WorkspaceInfo localObject = catalog.getWorkspaceByName(info.getName());
        if (localObject != null) {
            return localObject;

        final CatalogBuilder builder = new CatalogBuilder(catalog);

        return info;


    public static NamespaceInfo localizeNamespace(final NamespaceInfo info, final Catalog catalog) {
        if (info == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");

        final NamespaceInfo localObject = catalog.getNamespaceByURI(info.getURI());
        if (localObject != null) {
            return localObject;

        final CatalogBuilder builder = new CatalogBuilder(catalog);
        return info;

     * @param info
     * @param catalog
     * @return the local style or the passed one (if not exists locally)
    public static StyleInfo localizeStyle(final StyleInfo info, final Catalog catalog) {
        if (info == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");

        final StyleInfo localObject = catalog.getStyleByName(info.getName());
        if (localObject != null) {
            return localObject;
        } else {
            if (LOGGER.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.INFO)) {
      "No such style called \'" + info.getName() + "\' can be found: LOCALIZATION");
            final CatalogBuilder builder = new CatalogBuilder(catalog);
            return info;

    public static Set<StyleInfo> localizeStyles(final Set<StyleInfo> stileSet, final Catalog catalog) {
        if (stileSet == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");
        final Set<StyleInfo> localStileSet = new HashSet<StyleInfo>();
        final Iterator<StyleInfo> deserStyleSetIterator = stileSet.iterator();
        while (deserStyleSetIterator.hasNext()) {
            final StyleInfo deserStyle =;
            final StyleInfo localStyle = localizeStyle(deserStyle, catalog);
            if (localStyle != null) {
        return localStileSet;

    public static <T extends PublishedInfo> List<LayerInfo> localizeLayers(final List<T> info,
            final Catalog catalog) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
        if (info == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");
        final List<LayerInfo> localLayerList = new ArrayList<LayerInfo>(info.size());
        final Iterator<LayerInfo> it = localLayerList.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            final LayerInfo layer =;
            final LayerInfo localLayer = localizeLayer(layer, catalog);
            if (localLayer != null) {
            } else {
                if (LOGGER.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.WARNING)) {
                    LOGGER.warning("No such layer called \'" + layer.getName() + "\' can be found: SKIPPING");
        return localLayerList;

    public static LayerInfo localizeLayer(final LayerInfo info, final Catalog catalog)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
        if (info == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");

        final LayerInfo localObject = catalog.getLayerByName(info.getName());

        if (localObject != null) {
            return localObject;
        final LayerInfo createdObject = catalog.getFactory().createLayer();

        // RESOURCE
        ResourceInfo resource = info.getResource();
        if (resource != null) {
            resource = localizeResource(resource, catalog);
        } else {
            throw new NullPointerException("No resource found !!!");

        // we have to set the resource before [and after] calling copyProperties
        // it is needed to call setName(String)

        // let's use the newly created object
        BeanUtils.copyProperties(createdObject, info);

        // we have to set the resource before [and after] calling copyProperties
        // it is overwritten (set to null) by the copyProperties function

        final StyleInfo deserDefaultStyle = info.getDefaultStyle();
        if (deserDefaultStyle != null) {
            final StyleInfo localDefaultStyle = localizeStyle(deserDefaultStyle, catalog);
            if (localDefaultStyle == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException(
                        "No matching style called \'" + deserDefaultStyle.getName() + "\'found locally.");
        } else {

            // the default style is set by the builder 

            // TODO: check: this happens when configuring a layer using GeoServer REST manager (see ImageMosaicTest)

        // STYLES
        createdObject.getStyles().addAll(localizeStyles(createdObject.getStyles(), catalog));

        final CatalogBuilder builder = new CatalogBuilder(catalog);
        return createdObject;

    public static MapInfo localizeMapInfo(final MapInfo info, final Catalog catalog)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
        if (info == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");

        final MapInfo localObject = catalog.getMapByName(info.getName());
        if (localObject != null) {
            return localObject;
            // else object is modified: continue with localization  

        info.getLayers().addAll(localizeLayers(info.getLayers(), catalog));

        final CatalogBuilder builder = new CatalogBuilder(catalog);
        return info;

    public static LayerGroupInfo localizeLayerGroup(final LayerGroupInfo info, final Catalog catalog)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
        if (info == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");

        final LayerGroupInfo localObject = catalog.getLayerGroupByName(info.getName());

        if (localObject != null) {
            return localObject;

        try {
            info.getLayers().addAll(localizeLayers(info.getLayers(), catalog));
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            if (LOGGER.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE))
            throw e;
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            if (LOGGER.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE))
            throw e;

        // localize layers
        info.getStyles().addAll(localizeStyles(new HashSet<StyleInfo>(info.getStyles()), catalog));

        // attach to the catalog
        final CatalogBuilder builder = new CatalogBuilder(catalog);
        return info;


    public static StoreInfo localizeStore(final StoreInfo info, final Catalog catalog)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
        if (info == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");

        if (info instanceof CoverageStoreInfo) {
            return localizeCoverageStore((CoverageStoreInfo) info, catalog);
        } else if (info instanceof DataStoreInfo) {
            return localizeDataStore((DataStoreInfo) info, catalog);
        } else if (info instanceof WMSStoreInfo) {
            return localizeWMSStore((WMSStoreInfo) info, catalog);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to provide localization for the passed instance");

    public static DataStoreInfo localizeDataStore(final DataStoreInfo info, final Catalog catalog)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
        if (info == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");

        final DataStoreInfo localObject = catalog.getDataStoreByName(info.getWorkspace(), info.getName());

        final CatalogBuilder builder = new CatalogBuilder(catalog);

        if (localObject != null) {
            return localObject;

        final DataStoreInfo createdObject = catalog.getFactory().createDataStore();

        // let's using the created object (see getGridCoverageReader)
        BeanUtils.copyProperties(createdObject, info);

        createdObject.setWorkspace(localizeWorkspace(info.getWorkspace(), catalog));

        return createdObject;

    public static WMSStoreInfo localizeWMSStore(final WMSStoreInfo info, final Catalog catalog)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
        if (info == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");

        final WMSStoreInfo localObject = catalog.getStoreByName(info.getWorkspace(), info.getName(),

        final CatalogBuilder builder = new CatalogBuilder(catalog);

        if (localObject != null) {
            return localObject;

        final WMSStoreInfo createdObject = catalog.getFactory().createWebMapServer();

        // let's using the created object (see getGridCoverageReader)
        BeanUtils.copyProperties(createdObject, info);

        createdObject.setWorkspace(localizeWorkspace(info.getWorkspace(), catalog));

        return createdObject;

    public static CoverageStoreInfo localizeCoverageStore(final CoverageStoreInfo info, final Catalog catalog)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
        if (info == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");

        final CoverageStoreInfo localObject = catalog.getCoverageStoreByName(info.getWorkspace(), info.getName());

        final CatalogBuilder builder = new CatalogBuilder(catalog);

        if (localObject != null) {
            return localObject;

        final CoverageStoreInfo createdObject = catalog.getFactory().createCoverageStore();

        // let's using the created object (see getGridCoverageReader)
        BeanUtils.copyProperties(createdObject, info);

        createdObject.setWorkspace(localizeWorkspace(info.getWorkspace(), catalog));

        return createdObject;

    public static ResourceInfo localizeResource(final ResourceInfo info, final Catalog catalog)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
        if (info == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");

        if (info instanceof CoverageInfo) {
            // coverage
            return localizeCoverage((CoverageInfo) info, catalog);

        } else if (info instanceof FeatureTypeInfo) {
            // feature
            return localizeFeatureType((FeatureTypeInfo) info, catalog);

        } else if (info instanceof WMSLayerInfo) {
            // wmslayer
            return localizeWMSLayer((WMSLayerInfo) info, catalog);

        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to provide localization for the passed instance");

    public static WMSLayerInfo localizeWMSLayer(final WMSLayerInfo info, final Catalog catalog)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
        if (info == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");

        final WMSLayerInfo localObject = catalog.getResourceByName(info.getNamespace(), info.getName(),
        if (localObject != null) {
            return localObject;

        final WMSLayerInfo createdObject = catalog.getFactory().createWMSLayer();

        // let's using the created object (see getGridCoverageReader)
        BeanUtils.copyProperties(createdObject, info);

        createdObject.setNamespace(localizeNamespace(info.getNamespace(), catalog));

        final StoreInfo store = localizeStore(info.getStore(), catalog);

        //      WMSLayerObject.setAttributes(localizeAttributes(...)); TODO(should be already serialized)

        final CatalogBuilder builder = new CatalogBuilder(catalog);
        return createdObject;

    public static FeatureTypeInfo localizeFeatureType(final FeatureTypeInfo info, final Catalog catalog)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
        if (info == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");

        final FeatureTypeInfo localObject = catalog.getFeatureTypeByName(info.getNamespace(), info.getName());

        if (localObject != null) {
            return localObject;

        final FeatureTypeInfo createdObject = catalog.getFactory().createFeatureType();

        // let's using the created object (see getGridCoverageReader)
        BeanUtils.copyProperties(createdObject, info);

        createdObject.setNamespace(localizeNamespace(info.getNamespace(), catalog));

        final StoreInfo store = localizeStore(info.getStore(), catalog);

        final CatalogBuilder builder = new CatalogBuilder(catalog);
        return createdObject;

    public static CoverageInfo localizeCoverage(final CoverageInfo info, final Catalog catalog)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
        if (info == null || catalog == null)
            throw new NullArgumentException("Arguments may never be null");

        final CoverageInfo localObject = catalog.getCoverageByName(info.getNamespace(), info.getName());
        if (localObject != null) {
            return localObject;

        final CoverageInfo createdObject = catalog.getFactory().createCoverage();

        // let's using the created object (see getGridCoverageReader)
        BeanUtils.copyProperties(createdObject, info);

        createdObject.setNamespace(localizeNamespace(info.getNamespace(), catalog));

        createdObject.setStore(localizeCoverageStore(info.getStore(), catalog));

        final CatalogBuilder builder = new CatalogBuilder(catalog);
        return createdObject;

